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ColdFusion Developer’s Guide phần 10 ppsx

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Cấu trúc

  • Chapter 56: Using Event Gateways

    • About event gateways

      • Using event gateways

      • Event gateway terms and concepts

      • How event gateway applications work

      • About developing event gateway applications

    • Event gateway facilities and tools

      • Standard event gateways

      • Development tools and example code

      • The ColdFusion gateway directory

      • The eventgateway.log file

      • ColdFusion Administrator event gateway pages

    • Structure of an event gateway application

      • The role of the listener CFC

      • The role of ColdFusion pages

      • The role of the ColdFusion Administrator

      • The role of the GatewayHelper object

    • Configuring an event gateway instance

    • Developing an event gateway application

      • Event gateway application models

      • Sending information to the event gateway

      • Developing event gateway listener CFCs

      • Sending a message using the SendGatewayMessage function

      • Using the GatewayHelper object

      • Using the event gateway error log file

    • Deploying event gateways and applications

    • Using the CFML event gateway for asynchronous CFCs

      • CFML event gateway data structure

      • Using the CFML gateway

      • Example: logging messages

    • Using the example event gateways and gateway applications

      • Example event gateways

      • Menu example application

  • Chapter 57: Using the Instant Messaging Event Gateways

    • About ColdFusion and instant messages

      • About XMPP

      • About IBM Lotus Instant Messaging (Sametime)

      • About IM application development and deployment

      • How the IM event gateway and provider interact

        • Incoming message handling

    • Configuring an IM event gateway

    • Handling incoming messages

    • Sending outgoing messages

    • Sample IM message handling application

      • Phone directory lookup CFC

      • Status and request-handling CFC

    • Using the GatewayHelper object

      • Gateway configuration information and statistics methods

      • Gateway online status methods

      • Gateway buddy management methods

      • Gateway permission management methods

      • GatewayHelper example

  • Chapter 58: Using the SMS Event Gateway

    • About SMS and ColdFusion

      • About SMS

      • About SMS application development and deployment

      • How the SMS event gateway and provider SMSC interact

    • Configuring an SMS event gateway

    • Handling incoming messages

      • CFEvent.Data.esmClass field

      • CFEvent.Data.registeredDelivery field

      • Incoming message handling example

    • Sending outgoing messages

      • The submit command

      • The submitMulti command

      • The data command

      • Controlling SMS message sending and response

    • ColdFusion SMS development tools

      • SMS test server

      • SMS client simulator

    • Sample SMS application

  • Chapter 59: Using the FMS event gateway

    • About Flash Media Server

    • How ColdFusion and Flash Media Server interact through the FMS gateway

      • Modifying data in the Flash client

      • Modifying data in a ColdFusion application

    • Application development and deployment process

      • Configuring an FMS event gateway

      • FMS event gateway GatewayHelper class methods

      • Data translation

  • Chapter 60: Using the Data Services Messaging Event Gateway

    • About Flex and ColdFusion

      • How ColdFusion and Flex interact

      • Application development and deployment process

    • Configuring a Data Services Messaging event gateway

    • Sending outgoing messages

      • Sending outgoing message example

    • Handling incoming messages

    • Data translation

  • Chapter 61: Using the Data Management Event Gateway

    • About ColdFusion and Flex

      • How ColdFusion and Flex interact

      • Application development and deployment process

    • Configuring a Data Management event gateway

    • Sending messages

      • Example

    • Data translation

  • Chapter 62: Creating Custom Event Gateways

    • Event gateway architecture

    • Event gateway elements

      • Gateway interface

      • GatewayServices class

      • CFEvent class

      • GatewayHelper class

      • Gateway configuration file

      • Gateway development classes

    • Building an event gateway

      • Class constructor

      • Providing Gateway class service and information routines

      • Starting, stopping, and restarting the event gateway

      • Responding to incoming messages

      • Responding to a ColdFusion function or listener CFC

      • Logging events and using log files

    • Deploying an event gateway

  • Chapter 63: Using the ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse

    • About the ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse

    • Eclipse RDS Support

      • Configuring RDS

      • Using the RDS Fileview

      • Using the RDS Dataview

      • Using Visual Query Builder

    • ColdFusion/Flex Application wizard

      • Designing your application

      • Specifying form layout

      • Tips for creating applications with the ColdFusion/Flex Application wizard

    • ColdFusion/Ajax Application wizard

    • ActionScript to CFC wizard

    • CFC to ActionScript wizard

    • RDS CRUD wizard

    • Services Browser

      • Browsing components

      • Managing web services

    • Symbols

      • .NET

        • and ColdFusion 950

        • example applications 966

        • how access works 950

      • .NET assemblies

        • local 953

        • remote 953

      • .NET classes 957

      • .NET system

        • configuring 956

    • A

      • access

        • client variables 280, 286

        • generated content 199

      • access security, component 185

      • accordion, Flash form cfformgroup element 581

      • action pages 514

      • ActionScript to CFC wizard 1149

      • ActionScript, in Flash forms 590

      • Active Server Pages 891

      • addBuddy IM GatewayHelper method 1094

      • addDeny IM GatewayHelper method 1094

      • addEvent GatewayServices method

        • responding to messages 1137

        • signature and description 1130

      • adding

        • data elements to structures 82

        • elements to an array 73

      • addPermit IM GatewayHelper method 1094

      • AddSOAPRequestHeader CFML function 919

      • AddSOAPResponseHeader CFML function 919

      • administrator, event gateway pages 1066

      • Adobe Dreamweaver. See Dreamweaver

      • Ajax

        • application wizard 1149

        • applications, debugging 669

        • autosuggest text input fields 644

        • binding data to form fields 649

        • CFC functions 667

        • CFC proxies 656

        • client-side support files 666

        • ColdFusion data and development features, and 613

        • ColdFusion functions 648

        • ColdFusion tags 648

        • ColdFusion tags and attributes 614

        • ColdFusion user interface features 615

        • ColdFusion user interface features, and 613, 614

        • controlling UI layout 615

        • data interchange formats 667

        • datefield input control 643

        • debugging applications 669

        • errors, preventing 671

        • HTML controls 648

        • HTML format grids 630

        • HTML format trees 635

        • HTML pop-up windows 619

        • JSON format 668

        • layout tags 615

        • logging information 670

        • logging window 648

        • managing client-server interaction 656

        • menus and toolbars 623

        • pods 618

        • programming rules 671

        • programming techniques 673

        • rich text editor 640

        • security 672

        • widget, FCKeditor 640

      • alignment palette, Report Builder 821

      • ancestor tags

        • data access 203

        • defined 201

      • AND operator, SQL, defined 383

      • application events

        • about 220

        • example 232

        • handler for 227

        • onError example 231

        • order of processing 227

      • application framework

        • about 274

        • approaches to 224

        • custom error pages 254

        • mapping 222

      • application pages

        • errors 254

        • variables 16

      • Application scope 16, 42, 220, 273

        • for COM objects 982

        • in event gateway listener CFCs 1071

        • sharing with JSP pages, servlets 932

      • application security. See security, application; authentication

      • application servers, data exchange across 891

      • application variables

        • configuring 287

        • description 220, 273

        • listing 288

        • usage tips 288

        • using 287

      • Application.cfc file

        • about 220

        • defining an application with 218

        • defining applications with 224

        • generated by Dreamweaver Login Wizard 325

        • handling errors 231

        • how ColdFusion locates 222

        • managing applications with 228

        • migrating from Application.cfm 235

        • request management 229

        • session management 229

      • Application.cfm file

        • application-level settings 235

        • creating 235

        • example 236

        • how ColdFusion locates 222

        • migrating to Application.cfc 235

        • user-defined functions in 153

      • application-defined exception 249

      • application-level settings 221

      • applications

        • authentication 316

        • caching 239

        • ColdFusion and J2EE 218

        • default variables 228

        • defaults 236

        • defined 218

        • defining utility functions 228

        • defining with Application.cfc 224

        • definition pages 222

        • directory structure 222, 223

        • elements of 219

        • ending 218

        • error handling 231, 236

        • framework 219

        • globalization 336

        • in ColdFusion 218

        • internationalization 337

        • JSP tags 931

        • localization 337

        • login 230, 236

        • managing with Application.cfc 228

        • migrating to application.cfc 235

        • naming 225, 235

        • OnRequestEnd.cfm 223

        • optimizing 238

        • optimizing database access 242

        • page settings 226, 236

        • persistent scope variables 273

        • reusable elements 219

        • security 222, 311

        • servlets in 931

        • shared variables 220

        • specifying client variable storage 279

        • stored procedures in 242

        • storing variables in 287

        • unnamed 933

        • user security 324, 328

        • variable options, setting 235

        • See also application events

      • events

        • See also application events

      • applicationToken 319

      • area chart, example 802

      • arguments

        • optional 136, 145

        • passing 140

        • user-defined functions 140

        • using function names 155

      • arguments. See parameters

      • Arguments scope

        • as array 143

        • as structure 144

        • in components 181

        • user-defined functions and 142

        • variables 16, 42

      • arithmetic operators 51

      • ArrayAppend CFML function 74

      • ArrayDeleteAt CFML function 74

      • ArrayInsertAt CFML function 74

      • ArrayNew CFML function 72

      • ArrayPrepend CFML function 74

      • arrays

        • 2-dimensional 69

        • 3-dimensional 69

        • adding data to 71

        • adding elements to 71, 73

        • as variables 31

        • copying 75

        • creating 71

        • description 68

        • elements 68

        • elements, adding 73

        • elements, deleting 74

        • functions 78

        • in dynamic expressions 60

        • index 68

        • multidimensional 72

        • passing to functions 141

        • populating 75

        • referencing elements in 70

        • resizing 74

        • user-defined functions and 141

        • validating 558

        • variables 31

      • ArraySet CFML function 76

      • ArraySort CFML function 84

      • ASCII 339

      • assignment, CFScript statements 97

      • associative array notation 79

      • asynchronous CFC proxy, example 658

      • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. SeeAjax

      • asynchronous mode

        • defined 1103

        • sending SMS messages using 1110

      • attachments

        • getting 1020

      • attachments, e-mail 1008

      • attributecollection reserved attribute 196

      • attributeName value 651

      • attributes

        • for custom tags 194

        • passed from forms to XML 610

        • passing values 193, 194

      • Attributes scope 16, 42

      • authenticating, users 230

      • authentication

        • application-based example 328, 329

        • application-based scenario 322

        • cookies and 317

        • defined 313

        • digest 315

        • HTTP, basic 315

        • LDAP example 333

        • logout 321

        • Microsoft NTLM 315

        • persistence of 317

        • persistence of information 321

        • Session scope and 317

        • storing login information 317

        • types 315

        • user 315

        • using a database 326

        • web server 315

        • web server scenario 322

        • web server-based example 326

        • web servers and 315

      • authorization

        • defined 313

        • described 314

        • web servers and 315

      • autosuggest, Ajax 644

      • AVG SQL function 791

    • B

      • backreferences

        • about 115

        • case conversions with 116

        • in regular expressions 564

        • in replacement strings 116

        • omitting from 117

      • banded reports

        • defined 818

        • sample 818

      • base tags 201

      • Base64 variables 31

      • basic authentication

        • HTTP 315

        • web services and 917

      • basic exception types 249

      • best practices, Flash forms 592

      • BETWEEN SQL operator 383

      • BigDecimal numbers 27

      • binary data

        • validating 558

      • binary data type 26

      • binary files, saving 1038

      • binary variables 31

      • bind expression function 652

      • bind expressions, for Ajax 650

      • binding

        • data, in Flash forms 586

        • SMS gateway 1102

      • binding, in control attributes 653

      • BOM 342

      • Boolean

        • operators 51

        • values, validating 557

        • variables 29

      • break, CFScript statement 103

      • breakpoints

        • setting 374

      • browser, ColdFusion component 187

      • browsers

        • cfform considerations 532

        • displaying e-mail in 1005

        • requesting component pages with 187

        • transferring data to a server 896

      • browsing

        • web services 1152

      • buddies

        • adding instant messaging 1088

        • IM GatewayHelper management methods 1093

        • management example 1090

        • methods for managing 1087

      • build

        • components 161

        • drop-down list boxes 539

        • queries 394

        • search interfaces 520

        • slider bar controls 540

        • tree controls 532

      • built-in variables

        • client 280

        • custom tags 198

        • server 288

        • session 284

      • Byte Order Mark (BOM) 342

    • C

      • C++ CFX tags

        • implementing 214

        • LD_LIBRARY_PATH 214

        • registering 215

        • SHLIB_PATH 214

      • C++ development environment 213

      • cacerts file 458

      • caching

        • applications 239

        • attributes 239

        • Flash data 593

        • flushing pages 239

        • locations of 239

        • page areas 240

        • pages 239

        • to variables 240

      • caching connections 1045

      • calculated field

        • calculation options 826

        • defining 826

        • Report Builder 825

      • calendar 1030

      • Caller scope 16, 42

      • calling

        • CFX tags 207

        • COM objects 974

        • CORBA objects 986

        • Java objects 936

        • nested objects 938, 974

        • object methods 937, 974

        • user-defined functions 137

      • cascading style sheets. See CSS

      • case sensitivity

        • assigning XML document object data 873

        • referencing XML document object data 872

        • specifying XML document object 876

      • case sensitivity, of CFML 21

      • cellular phone, simulator for SMS 1112

      • cfabort tag

        • about 20

        • OnRequestEnd.cfm 223

      • cfajaximport tag 648

      • cfajaxproxy tag 648

      • cfapplet tag

        • description 531

        • using 551

      • cfapplication tag 276

        • defining an application with 218

        • relation to application definition pages 223

      • cfargument tag

        • and validation 555

        • handling invalid data 561

        • validation considerations 556

      • cfassociate tag 202

      • cfbreak tag 19

      • CFC functions in bind expressions 652

      • CFC functions, Ajax 667

      • CFC proxies, Ajax 656

      • cfcache tag

        • about 239

      • cfcache tag, location of tag 239

      • cfcalendar tag, masking input of 562

      • cfcase tag 18

      • cfcatch tag 258

        • example 262

        • using 259

        • variables 260

      • cfchart tag

        • charting queries 788

        • introduced 785

      • cfchartdata tag 788

      • cfcollection tag 466

      • cfcompile utility 197

      • cfcomponent tag

        • attributes for document-literal web services 912

        • basic usage 161

        • web services, publishing 911

      • cfcontent tag

        • about 343

        • Excel spreadsheet 1058

        • using 1043, 1056

      • CFCs

        • calling asynchronuously 1075

      • cfdefaultcase tag 18

      • cfdirectory tag

        • about 1054

        • for file operations 1043

        • queries and 413

      • cfdiv tag, Ajax 616

      • cfdocument tag

        • about 811

        • cfdocument scope 813

        • unsupported tags 811

        • with cfhttp 814

      • cfdocumentitem tag 812

      • cfdocumentsection tag 812

      • cfdump tag

        • for COM objects 975

        • for debugging 362

        • for multidimensional array 72

        • with query of queries 418

      • cfelse tag 18

      • cfelseif tag 18

      • cferror page 254

      • cferror tag 254

      • CFEvent class 1130

        • about 1130

        • constructor 1131

        • responding to incoming messages 1137

        • responding to outgoing messages 1139

      • CFEvent object

        • for SMS gateway messages 1105

      • CFEvent structure 1070

      • cfexit tag

        • about 20

        • behavior of 200

        • OnRequestEnd.cfm and 223

      • cffile tag 1047

      • cfflush tag

        • HTML headers and 523

        • SetLocale and 341

        • using 245, 523

      • cffont.properties file 823

      • cfform controls, described 531

      • cfform tag

        • and XML skinnable forms 595

        • usage notes 532

        • XML generated by, example 608

      • cfformgroup

        • accordion and tabnavigator attributes 584

        • in Flash forms 581

        • repeater attribute 583

      • cfformgroup tag

        • example 581

        • extending in XML forms 612

        • in XML skinnable forms 597

        • XML structure for 608

      • cfformitem tag

        • extending in XML forms 612

        • in Flash forms 578

        • in XML skinnable forms 597

        • XML structure for 608

      • cfftp tag

        • attributes 1045

        • connection actions 1045

        • using 1042

      • cffunction tag

        • attributes 137

        • creating user-defined functions 137

        • security and 318

        • web services, publishing 911

      • cfgrid tag

        • controlling cell contents 544

        • editing data in 545

        • handling failed validation 571

        • returning user edits 544

        • using 541

        • validating with JavaScript 569

        • XML structure for 605

      • cfhttp tag

        • creating queries 1039

        • Get method 717, 1036, 1037

        • Post method 719, 1040

        • queries and 413

        • use in Report Builder advanced query mode 835

        • using 1036

        • with cfdocument tag 814

      • cfhttpparam tag 1040

      • CFID

        • cookie 275

        • server-side variable 278

      • cfif tag 18

      • cfimport tag

        • about 192

        • calling custom tags 192

      • cfinclude tag

        • about 127

        • recommendations for 128

        • using 127

      • cfindex tag

        • queries and 413

      • cfinput control, Ajax 643

      • cfinput tag

        • bind attribute 586

        • handling failed validation 571

        • validating with JavaScript 569

        • XML structure for 604

      • cfinsert tag

        • creating action pages 403

        • form considerations 403

        • inserting data 401

      • cfinvoke tag

        • example 906

        • invoking component methods 172

        • passing parameters with 177

        • web services, consuming 904, 906

        • within a component definition 173

      • cfinvokeargument tag

        • basic usage 178

        • omit attribute 906

        • web services invocation 906

      • cflayout tags, Ajax 616

      • cfldap tag

        • about 438

        • indexing queries 480, 481

        • output 453

        • queries and 413, 453

        • Verity and 453

      • cflocation tag 282

      • cflock tag

        • controlling time-outs 293

        • examples 296

        • for file access 298

        • name attribute 293

        • nesting 294

        • scope attribute 292

        • throwOnTimeout attribute 293

        • time-out attribute 293

        • using 289, 291

      • cflog tag 256

      • cflogin tag

        • structure 319

        • using 318

      • cfloginuser tag 318

      • cflogout tag

        • about 318

        • and user sessions 321

      • cfloop tag

        • about 19

        • emulating in custom tags 200

        • nested 76

      • cfmail tag

        • attributes 998

        • sample uses 999

        • sending mail as HTML 999

      • cfmailparam tag 1002

      • cfmailpart tag, multipart e-mail 999

      • CFML

        • case sensitivity 21

        • CFScript 22

        • Code Compatibility Analyzer 367

        • code validation 367

        • comments 10

        • components 15

        • constants 15

        • converting data to JavaScript 895

        • data types 17

        • debugging 361

        • description 5

        • development tools 6

        • elements 10

        • expressions 17, 50

        • extending 205

        • extensions 6

        • flow control 18

        • functions 6, 14

        • in Report Builder 834

        • reserved words 21

        • special characters 21

        • syntax errors 368

        • tags 6, 11

        • variables 15

      • CFML event gateway 1075

      • CFML functions

        • ArrayAppend 74

        • ArrayDeleteAt 74

        • ArrayInsertAt 74

        • ArrayNew 72

        • ArrayPrepend 74

        • ArraySet 76

        • ArraySort 84

        • CreateObject 904

        • CreateTimeSpan 244, 284, 415

        • DateFormat 569

        • DeleteClientVariablesList 281

        • DollarFormat 569

        • dynamic evaluation 60

        • evaluating 61

        • Expression Builder 837

        • for arrays 78

        • for globalization 344

        • for queries 413

        • for security 318

        • for structures 90

        • formatting data 518

        • GetAuthUser 318

        • GetClientVariablesList 281

        • GetLocale 341

        • GetLocaleDisplayName 341

        • HTMLEditFormat 898, 1007

        • IIF 63

        • IsCustomFunction 156

        • IsDefined 47, 83, 517, 567

        • IsStruct 83

        • IsUserInRole 318

        • IsWDDX 871

        • IsXML 871

        • IsXmlAttribute 871

        • IsXmlDoc 871

        • IsXmlElem 871

        • IsXmlNode 871

        • IsXmlRoot 871

        • JavaCast 942

        • ListQualify 528, 529

        • ListSort 84

        • MonthAsString 76

        • Rand 524

        • RandRange 524

        • REFind 117, 118

        • REFindNoCase

        • Report Builder 837

        • Report Builder report functions 835

        • SetEncoding 348

        • SetLocale 341

        • SetVariable 63

        • StructClear 86

        • StructCount 83

        • StructDelete 86

        • StructIsEmpty 83

        • StructKeyArray 84

        • StructKeyExists 83

        • StructKeyList 83

        • StructNew 81

        • syntax 54

        • ToString 871

        • URLEncodedFormat 369

        • XmlChildPos 871

        • XmlElemNew 870

        • XmlFormat 871

        • XmlGetNodeType 871

        • XmlNew 870, 875

        • XMLParse 870

        • XmlParse 876

        • XmlSearch 871

        • XmlTransform 870

        • XmlValidate 871

        • See also individual function names

      • CFML syntax, Code Compatibility Analyzer 367

      • CFML tags, for globalization 344

      • cfmodule tag, calling custom tags 191

      • cfNTauthenticate tag 318

      • cfobject tag

        • instantiating components 171

        • invoking component methods 174

      • cfoutput tag

        • data-type conversions 38

        • populating list boxes 524

        • using with component objects 936, 973

      • cfparam tag

        • about 47, 280

        • and validation 555

        • handling invalid data 561

        • testing and setting variables 47

        • using for validation 572

        • validation considerations 556

      • cfpop tag

        • deleting e-mail 1009

        • queries and 413

        • query results 486

        • query variables 1005

        • retrieving attachments 1008

        • retrieving headers 1006

        • retrieving messages 1007

        • using 1004

        • using cfindex with 480, 481

      • cfprocessingdirective tag 343

      • cfquery tag

        • cachedWithin attribute 244

        • creating action pages 404, 410

        • debugging with 361

        • populating list boxes 524

        • syntax 393

        • using 393

        • using cfindex with 480, 481

      • CFR file

        • displaying in a browser 833

        • displaying using cfreport 833

      • cfreport tag

        • saving to a file 834

      • cfreportparam tag

        • input parameters 822

        • using 834

      • cfrethrow tag

        • nesting 267

        • syntax 267

        • using 260, 267

      • cfsavecontent tag 240

      • CFScript

        • comments 95

        • conditional processing 97

        • creating user-defined functions 135

        • description 6

        • differences from JavaScript 96

        • example 93, 104

        • exception handling 103

        • expressions 94

        • introduction 22

        • language 93

        • looping 99

        • reserved words 95

        • return statement 136

        • statements 94

        • syntax, for user-defined functions 135

        • using 92

        • var statement 136

        • variables 94

        • web services, consuming 906

      • cfsearch tag

        • about 460

        • properties 471

      • cfselect tag

        • handling failed validation 571

        • populating list boxes 539

        • XML structure for 604

      • cfset tag

        • component objects and 936, 973

        • description 6

        • tag syntax 11

      • cfsetting tag, debugging with 361

      • cfslider tag

        • description 531

        • handling failed validation 571

        • validating with JavaScript 569

      • cfsprydataset tag 648

      • cfstat utility

        • enabling 352

        • Windows NT and 352

      • cfstoredproc tag 242

      • cfswitch tag 18

      • cftextarea tag, bind attribute 586

      • cftextinput tag

        • handling failed validation 571

        • validating with JavaScript 569

      • cfthrow tag

        • nesting 267

        • using 266

      • cftimer tag 366

      • CFToken

        • cookie 276

        • server-side variable 278

      • cftrace tag

        • attributes 365

        • using 362

      • cftree tag

        • description 531

        • form variables 535

        • handling failed validation 571

        • image names 537

        • in cfform tag 531

        • URLs in 538

        • validating with JavaScript 569

        • XML structure for 607

      • cftry tag 258

        • example 262

        • nesting 267

      • cfupdate tag

        • creating action pages 408

        • using 408

      • CFX tags

        • calling 132, 207

        • compiling 214

        • creating in Java 207

        • debugging in C++ 214

        • debugging in Java 211

        • description 205

        • developing in C++ 213

        • Java 206

        • LD_LIBRARY_PATH 214

        • locking access to 289, 293, 298

        • recommendations for 132

        • registering 215

        • sample C++ 213

        • sample Java 206

        • scopes and 46

        • SHLIB_PATH 214

        • testing Java 208

        • using 131

      • cfxml tag 870

      • CGI

        • cfhttp Post method and 717, 1036

        • returning results to 1042

        • scope 16, 42

      • character classes 114

      • character encodings

        • about 338

        • conversion issues 340

        • defined 337

        • determining page 342

        • files 348

        • forms and 347, 348

        • processing data from various sources 349, 350

        • searching and indexing 350

        • Unicode 339

      • character sets

        • defined 337

        • See also character encodings

      • Chart Wizard, Report Builder 837

      • charting

        • about 788

        • individual data points 788

        • Report Builder 837

      • charts

        • 3D 797

        • administering 804

        • area 802

        • background color 795

        • border 795

        • caching 804

        • curve chart considerations 804

        • data markers 798

        • dimensions 795

        • drill-down 806

        • embedding URLs 806

        • example 800

        • file type 795

        • foreground 795

        • labels 795, 796

        • linking from 806

        • markers 796

        • multiple series 797

        • paint 797

        • referencing JavaScript 806

        • threads 804

        • tips 797

      • check boxes

        • errors 516

        • lists of values 526

        • multiple 526

      • child tags 201

      • class loading, mechanism 929

      • classes

        • .NET 957

        • constructors 958

      • classes, debugging 212

      • classpath

        • configuring 206

        • Java objects and 929

      • client cookies 275

      • Client scope 220

        • about 16, 42, 273

        • in event gateway listener CFCs 1071

      • client state management

        • clustering 277

        • described 274

      • client variable storage, specifying 279

      • client variables

        • built-in 280

        • caching 282

        • cflocation tag and 282

        • characteristics of 220, 273

        • configuring 278

        • creating 280

        • deleting 281

        • description 275

        • exporting from Registry 282

        • listing 281

        • periods, using 37

        • setting options for 278

        • storage method 278

        • using 280, 286

      • client-server interaction, managing with Ajax tags 656

      • client-side support files 665

      • clustering

        • and persistent variables 274

        • client state management 277

      • code

        • locking 289

        • reusing 126

        • structuring components 182

      • Code Compatibility Analyzer, using 367

      • ColdFusion

        • action pages, extension for 514

        • applications 218

        • CFML 5

        • CFScript 92

        • component browser 187

        • CORBA type support 988

        • development tools 6

        • dynamic evaluation 60

        • EJBs and 944

        • error handling 250

        • error types 247

        • functions 6

        • integrating e-mail with 996

        • J2EE and 7

        • Java objects and 928

        • JSP and 928

        • logout 321

        • scripting environment 5

        • searching 459

        • security 311

        • servlets and 928

        • standard event gateways 1064

        • support for globalization 337

        • support for LDAP 437

        • tags 6

        • using for instant messages 1083

        • using for SMS 1099

        • variables 24

        • Verity Search Server 7

        • XML and 865

      • ColdFusion Administrator

        • creating collections 465

        • debugging settings 351

        • event gateway pages 1066

        • options 7

        • web services, consuming 908

      • ColdFusion Ajax UI features 615

      • ColdFusion pages

        • browsing 5

        • described 4

        • saving 5

      • ColdFusion server

        • HTTPS access 1013

      • ColdFusion/Ajax Application wizard 1149

      • ColdFusion/Flex Application wizard 1146

      • collections

        • creating 465

        • creating with cfcollection tag 466

        • defined 459

        • indexing 465, 469, 470

        • populating 465

        • searching 460

      • color format, Flash styles 588

      • column aliases, SQL 386

      • columns 378

      • COM

        • arguments 979

        • calling objects 974

        • character encodings 350

        • component ProgID and methods 975

        • connecting to objects 977

        • creating objects 977

        • description 972

        • displaying object with cfdump 975

        • error messages 980

        • getting started 974

        • requirements 975

        • setting properties 978

        • threading 979

        • using properties and methods 978

        • viewing objects 976

        • WDDX and 891

      • COM objects

        • Application scope, using 982

        • calling 974

        • connecting to 977

        • creating 977

        • displaying with cfdump 975

        • improving performance of 980, 982

        • Java proxies for 980

        • releasing 978

        • viewing 976

      • commas, in search expressions 496

      • comments

        • CFScript 95

        • in CFML 10

      • commits 381

      • Common Object Request Broker Architecture. See CORBA

      • compiler exceptions

        • about 248

        • errors 250

      • compiling, C++ CFX tags 214

      • complex data types

        • about 26

        • returning 922

        • web services and 920

      • complex variables 31

      • Component Object Model. See COM

      • component objects

        • about 972

        • cfset tag and 973

        • invoking 973

      • components

        • accessing remotely 176

        • building 161

        • building secure 185

        • defining methods 161

        • displaying output 168

        • documenting 168

        • elements of 160

        • finding ProgID and methods 975

        • for application utility functions 228

        • for web services 911, 915

        • function local variables 181

        • getting information about 186

        • in persistent scopes 185

        • inheritance 182

        • initializing instance data 163

        • instantiating 171

        • introductions 15

        • introspecting 186

        • invocation techniques 171

        • invoking directly 174

        • invoking methods dynamically 173

        • invoking methods transiently 173

        • invoking with forms 175

        • invoking with URLs 175

        • metadata 187

        • method parameters 164

        • naming 170

        • packages 184

        • programmatic security 186

        • recommendations for 129

        • requesting from the browser 187

        • requirements for web services 911

        • returning method results 168

        • reusing code 182

        • saving 170

        • specifying location of 176

        • tags and functions for 160

        • using multiple files for 162

        • variables 179

        • web services and 911

        • when to use 159

      • concatenation operators

        • & 17, 53

        • string (QofQ) 430

      • configurations 7

      • configuring

        • .NET system 956

        • event gateway instances 1141

        • event gateways 1132

        • IM gateways 1085

        • SMS gateways 1103

      • configuring Debugger 370

      • connections, caching FTP 1045

      • constants 15

      • constants, for applications 228

      • constructors

        • CFC 163

        • using alternate 940

      • containers

        • controlling contents 622

      • continue, CFScript statement 103

      • control attributes, binding 653

      • controlName value 651

      • Cookie scope 16

        • about 42

        • catching errors 523

        • variables 37

      • cookies

        • authentication and 317

        • client 275

        • client state management 274

        • for storing client variables 278

        • security without using 317

        • sending with cfhttp 719, 1040

      • copying, server files 1052

      • CORBA

        • calling objects 988

        • case considerations 987

        • character encodings 350

        • description 973

        • double-byte characters 991

        • example 991

        • exception handling 991

        • getting started 985

        • interface 973

        • interface methods 987

        • naming services 986

        • parameter passing 987

      • CreateObject CFML function

        • about 906

        • example 907

        • web services, consuming 904, 907

      • CreateTimeSpan CFML function 244, 284, 415

      • creating

        • action pages 515

        • action pages to insert data 403

        • action pages to update data 408

        • Application.cfm 235

        • arrays 70, 71

        • basic charts 786

        • client variables 280

        • collections 465, 466

        • data grids 541

        • dynamic form elements 526

        • error application pages 255

        • Exchange items 1016

        • forms with cfform 530

        • HTML insert forms 401

        • insert action pages 403, 404

        • Java CFX tags 207

        • multidimensional arrays 72

        • queries from text files 1039

        • queries of queries 413

        • slide presentations 855

        • structures 81

        • update action pages 408, 410

        • update forms 406

        • updateable grids 543

      • credit card numbers, validating 557

      • criteria, multiple search 520

      • cross-site scripting, protecting from 557

      • Crystal Reports 816

      • CSS location, specifying 666

      • CSS, styling XML forms using

      • currency, globalization functions 344

      • currentpagenumber, cfdocument scope 813

      • currentsectionpagenumber, cfdocument scope 813

      • curve charts 804

      • custom exception types 249

      • custom functions. See user-defined functions

      • custom tags

        • ancestor 201

        • attributes 194

        • base 201

        • built-in variables 198

        • calling 130, 191, 197

        • calling with cfimport 192

        • calling with cfmodule 191

        • CFX 205

        • children 201

        • compiling 197

        • data access example 203

        • data accessibility 201

        • data exchange 202

        • descendants 201

        • downloading 193

        • encoding 197

        • example 195

        • execution modes 199

        • filename conflicts 193, 197

        • instance data 198

        • location of 191

        • managing 197

        • naming 191

        • nesting 201

        • parent 201

        • passing attributes 193, 194

        • passing data 201

        • path settings 191

        • recommendations for 131

        • restricting access to 193, 197

        • terminating execution 200

        • types 13

        • using 130, 193

    • D

      • data

        • accessibility with custom tags 201

        • binding in Flash forms 586

        • caching in Flash forms 593

        • component instance 163

        • converting to JavaScript object 895

        • exchanging across application servers 891

        • exchanging with WDDX 892

        • graphing 787

        • passing between nested tags 201

        • transferring from browser to server 896

      • data binding error, Report Builder 835

      • data binding, with Ajax 648

      • data command, SMS 1109

      • data interchange formats 667

      • data model, XML skinnable forms 600

      • data sharing, JSP pages 932

      • data sources

        • configuration problems 369

        • storing client variables in 278

        • troubleshooting 369

        • types of 392, 712

      • data types

        • .NET 959

        • about 15

        • binary 17, 26

        • complex 17, 26

        • complex .NET 962

        • considerations 26

        • conversions 37

        • default conversion 941

        • in CFML 17

        • Java 959

        • object 17, 26

        • resolving ambiguous 942

        • simple 17, 26

        • validating 48, 558

        • variables 26

        • See also complex data types

      • data validation

        • about 553

        • considerations for forms 559

        • handling invalid data 560

        • security considerations 556

        • selecting techniques 555

        • techniques 554

        • with cfparam tag 572

        • with IsValid function 572

      • data, charting data from query 787

      • database

        • exceptions 261

        • failures 249

      • Database Management System. See DBMS

      • databases

        • authenticating users with 326

        • building queries 394

        • character encodings 349

        • columns 378

        • commits 381

        • controlling access to 289

        • debug output 357

        • deleting data 411

        • deleting records 411, 412

        • deleting rows 388

        • elements of 378

        • fields 378

        • forms for updating 401

        • insert form 403

        • inserting data 387, 403

        • inserting records 401

        • introduction 378

        • locking 289

        • modifying 387

        • multiple tables 379

        • optimizing access 242

        • permissions 381

        • reading 384

        • record delete 411

        • record sets 385

        • records 378

        • retrieving data from 392

        • rollbacks 381

        • rows 378

        • SQL 382

        • stored procedures 242

        • stored procedures, debugging 358

        • tables 378

        • transactions 381

        • update form 406

        • updating 387, 401, 405

      • data-type conversions

        • ambiguous types 40

        • case sensitivity 38

        • cfoutput tag and 38

        • considerations 38

        • date-time values 40

        • date-time variables 38

        • default Java 941

        • example 41

        • issues in 39

        • Java and 41

        • JavaCast and 41

        • numeric values 39

        • process 37

        • Query of Queries CAST function 426

        • quotation marks 41

        • types 37

        • web services and 909

      • date fields, masking input in Flash 562

      • DateFormat CFML function 569

      • dates

        • globalization functions 344

        • masking input 562

        • Query of Queries 432

        • validating 557

      • date-time format 29

      • date-time values, conversions 40

      • date-time variables

        • about 29

        • conversions 38

        • format 29

        • locale specific 30

        • representation of 30

      • DBCS 338

      • DBMS 382

      • DCOM

        • description 972

        • getting started 974

        • See also COM

      • deadlocks 294

      • debug information

        • for a query 361

        • outputting 211

      • debug pane 360

      • Debug perspective 372

      • Debugger

        • configuring 370

        • installing 370

      • debugging

        • browser output 353

        • C++ CFX tags 214

        • cftimer tag 366

        • ColdFusion Administrator and 351

        • configuring 351

        • custom pages and tags 254

        • Dreamweaver 351

        • enabling 351

        • event gateway listener CFCs 1071

        • Java CFX tags 211

        • Java classes for 212

        • output 352

        • output format 352

        • programmatic control of 361

        • SQL queries 357

        • stepping through 375

        • stored procedures 358

        • variables 375

      • debugging Ajax applications 669

      • debugging output

        • cfquery tag 361

        • cfsetting tag 361

        • cftimer 366

        • classic 352

        • database activity 357

        • dockable 352, 360

        • exceptions 358

        • execution time 355

        • format 352

        • general 354

        • in browsers 353

        • IP address for 353

        • IsDebugMode function 361

        • programmatic control 361

        • queries 357

        • sample 352

        • scopes 359

        • SQL queries 357

        • trace 359, 362

      • debugging output, dockable

        • about 352

        • application page 360

        • debug pane 360

        • format 360

      • decision, or comparison, operators 52

      • declaring

        • arrays 71

        • structures and sequences 986

      • default values

        • of application variables 228

        • of variables 48

      • delegated accounts 1015

      • DELETE SQL statement 383, 388, 411

      • DeleteClientVariablesList CFML function 281

      • deleting

        • client variables 281

        • data 411

        • database records 411, 412

        • e-mail 1009

        • Exchange items 1027

        • server files 1052

        • structures 86

      • delimiters

        • search expression 497

        • text file 1039

      • deploying

        • event gateway applications 1075

        • event gateways 1140

      • descendant tags 201

      • destinations

        • configuring 694

      • development environment

        • C++ 213

        • Java 206

      • digest authentication 315

      • directories

        • indexing 459

        • information about 1055

        • securing access to 313

        • watching changes to 1078

      • directory operations 1054, 1056

      • directory structure, application 222, 223

      • DirectoryWatcher example gateway 1078

      • displaying

        • COM objects with cfdump 975

        • query results 395

        • query results, in tables 518

      • displaying, component output 168

      • distinguished name 437

      • Distributed Component Object Model. See DCOM

      • distributing CFX tags 215

      • do while loop, CFScript 101

      • document type definitions, validating XML with 876

      • document-literal web services

        • consuming 907

        • publishing 916

      • DollarFormat function 569

      • DOM node structure

        • XmlName 869

        • XmlType 869

        • XmlValue 869

      • DOM node view

        • node types 867

        • XML 867

      • dot notation

        • accessing structures in web services 924

        • calling helper class methods 1131

        • case-sensitive XML restriction 871

        • CFCs 163

        • evaluating file upload status 1051

        • Query of Queries 420

        • restriction with structures 79

        • structures 79

        • using CFScript to invoke web services 906

      • double-byte character set 338

      • Dreamweaver

        • BOM 343

        • debugging and 351

        • web services and 903

        • WSDL files and 903

      • Dreamweaver Login Wizard

        • about 324

        • generated code 324

        • modifying 325

      • Dreamweaver MX

        • getting component information 187

        • SQL editor 389

      • drop-down list boxes. See list boxes

      • DTD. See document type definitions

      • duration, Flash time style format 588

      • dynamic evaluation

        • about 58

        • example 64

        • functions 60, 61

        • steps to 58

      • dynamic expressions

        • about 58

        • string expressions 58

      • dynamic variable names

        • about 58

        • arrays and 60

        • example 64

        • limitations 59

        • number signs in 59

        • selecting 58

        • structures and 60

        • using 60

    • E

      • Eclipse

        • Debug perspective 372

      • Eclipse RDS support 1143

      • editing, data in cfgrid 545

      • EJB

        • calling 944

        • requirements for 944

        • using 944

      • elements

        • of CFML 10

        • of components 160

      • e-mail

        • adding custom header 1003

        • attachments 1002

        • character encodings 349

        • ColdFusion and 996

        • customizing 1001

        • deleting 1009

        • displaying images in 1022

        • error logging 997

        • form-based 1000

        • including images in 1003

        • indexing 460, 486

        • moving 1026

        • multiple recipients 1001

        • query-based 1000

        • receiving 1004

        • retrieving attachments 1008

        • retrieving headers 1006

        • searching 486

        • sending 996, 997

        • sending as HTML 999

        • sending multipart 999

        • setting attributes 1026

        • undelivered 997

        • using POP 1005

      • e-mail addresses, validating 557

      • e-mail messages, retrieving 1007

      • embedding

        • fonts 823

        • Java applets 551

        • URLs in a cftree tag 538

      • Empty example gateway 1077

      • enabling, session variables 284

      • encoding

        • custom tags 197

        • See also character encodings

      • encodingStyle, consuming web services 907

      • encryption, PDF 815

      • Enterprise Java Beans. See EJB

      • error handling

        • about ColdFusion 246

        • custom 222

        • in user-defined functions 147

        • strategies 252

      • error messages

        • Administrator settings 251

        • COM 980

        • for validation 560

        • generating with cferror 254

      • error pages

        • custom 254

        • example 255

        • rules for 255

        • specifying 254

        • variables 255

      • errors

        • application events 220, 227

        • categories 247

        • causes 247

        • ColdFusion types 247

        • creating application pages 255

        • custom pages 254

        • form field validation 248

        • handling in Application.cfc 231

        • input validation 256

        • logging 256

        • logging event gateway 1074

        • missing template 248

        • recovery 247

        • See also exception

        • sending email 997

        • web services and 908

      • EUC-KR 339

      • euro, supporting 347

      • Evaluate CFML function 61

      • evaluating

        • CFML functions 61

        • file upload results 1051

        • strings in functions 156

      • event gateway

        • Gateway interface 1129

      • event gateway application, defined 1062

      • event gateway applications

        • configuring in administrator 1067

        • debugging 1071, 1074

        • deploying 1075

        • developing 1063

        • example 1072

        • listener CFCs 1066

        • Menu example 1081

        • models for 1068

        • sending information 1068

        • structure of 1066

        • using example 1077

        • See also listener CFCs

      • event gateway instances

        • configuring 1067

        • defined 1062

      • event gateway listener, defined 1062

      • event gateway type, defined 1062

      • event gateways

        • about 1060, 1130

        • architecture of 1128

        • building 1133

        • CFEvent structure 1070

        • CFML 1075

        • configuration file 1132

        • configuring 1066

        • configuring for IM 1085

        • configuring for SMS 1103

        • defined 1062

        • deploying 1140

        • development classes 1132

        • development tools 1064

        • DirectoryWatcher example 1078

        • Empty example 1077

        • error log file 1074

        • Flex Data Services 1124

        • Flex Messaging 1119

        • GatewayHelper class 1131

        • GatewayServices class 1130

        • JMS example 1080

        • log file 1066

        • sample gateways and applications 1064

        • SocketGateway example 1078

        • standard 1064

        • structure of 1063

        • synchronizing messages 1139

        • use examples 1061

        • using example 1077

        • See also Gateway classes

      • event value 652

      • event, defined 1061

      • EventGateway, event gateway development class 1133

      • eventgateway.log file 1066

      • events, application 220

      • examples

        • ancestor data access 203

        • Application.cfc 232

        • Application.cfm 236

        • Application.cfm file 236

        • application-based security 328

        • caching a connection 1045

        • CFML Java exception handling 943

        • CFScript 104

        • cftry/cfcatch 262

        • declaring CORBA structures 991

        • exception-throwing class 943

        • Java objects 938

        • JSP pages 933

        • JSP tags 930

        • LDAP security 333

        • locking CFX tags 298

        • onError method 231

        • regular expressions 564

        • request error page 255

        • setting default values 48

        • synchronizing file system access 298

        • testing for variables 48

        • user-defined functions 152

        • using cftry, cfthrow, and cfrethrow 267

        • using Java objects 938, 939

        • using StructInsert 87

        • using structures 89

        • validating an e-mail address 570

        • validation error page 256

        • variable locking 296

        • web server-based authentication 326

        • web services, consuming 906

        • web services, publishing 914

      • Excel spreadsheet, from cfcontent tag 1058

      • exception handling

        • cfcatch tag 258

        • cftry tag 258

        • CORBA objects 991

        • error handler page 254

        • example 262, 267

        • in CFScript 103

        • Java and 942

        • nesting cftry tags 267

        • rules 259

        • tags 258

      • exception types 248

        • advanced 250

        • basic 249

        • custom 249

        • Java 250

        • missing include file 249

      • exceptions

        • about 248

        • application events 220, 227

        • ColdFusion error type 248

        • compiler 248

        • database 261

        • debugging output 358

        • expressions 261

        • handling 252

        • handling in Application.cfc 231

        • in user-defined functions 150

        • information returned 260

        • Java 942

        • locking 261

        • missing files 261

        • naming custom 266

        • runtime 248

        • types 248

      • Exchange

        • meetings 1028

        • recurrence in calendar 1030

      • Exchange items

        • calendar 1030

        • creating 1016

        • deleting 1027

        • getting 1017

        • meetings 1030

        • modifying 1024

      • Exchange server

        • configuring IIS 1012

        • enabling SSL 1013

        • HTTPS access 1013

        • managing connections to 1012

        • persistent connections 1014

        • transient connections 1014

      • exclusive locks

        • about 292

        • avoiding deadlocks 294

      • execution time 355

        • format 355

        • of ColdFusion pages 355

        • tree format 356

        • using 356

      • explicit queries 490, 491, 492

      • exporting client variable database 282

      • Expression Builder, in Report Builder 837

      • expression exceptions 249, 261

      • expressions 17

        • CFScript 94

        • dynamic 58

        • number signs in 57

        • operands 17

        • operator types 50

        • operators 17, 50

      • extending CFML 205

      • Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol. See XMPP

    • F

      • FCKeditor 640

      • fields

        • database 378

        • searches 506

      • Fields and parameters panel, Report Builder 821

      • file operations

        • cfftp actions 1045

        • using cffile 1047

        • using cfftp 1042

      • file scope 198

      • file types, supported for searching 460

      • files 1078

        • appending 1054

        • character encodings 348

        • controlling type uploaded 1049

        • copying 1052

        • deleting 1052

        • downloading 1056

        • locking access to 293, 298

        • moving 1052

        • name conflicts 1049

        • on server 1047

        • reading 1052

        • renaming 1052

        • securing access to 313

        • updating 289

        • uploading 1047

        • writing 1053, 1054

      • Find CFML function 107

      • finding

        • a structure key 83

        • component ProgID and methods 975

        • with regular expressions 107

      • Flash client

        • modifying data 1116

      • Flash forms

        • about 576

        • accordions and tabbed navigators in 584

        • ActionScript 590

        • best practices for 592

        • controlling appearance 587

        • data binding 586

        • example 589

        • grouping elements of 581

        • img tag 579

        • setting field values 586

        • sizing 582

        • style syntax 588

        • using HTML in text 579

        • using query data in 583

        • See also skins 587

        • See also styles 587

      • Flash Media Server 1115

      • Flash Remoting

        • ColdFusion Java objects 685

        • web services and 908

      • Flash Remoting service

        • arrays and structures 680

        • components 684

        • data types 679

        • Flash variable scope 679

        • handling errors 686

        • returning records in increments 682

        • separating display code from business logic 675

        • using with ColdFusion 674

      • Flash Remoting Update 688

      • Flash Remoting, logging users in with 321

      • Flash scope 16, 42

      • FlashPaper

        • cfdocument tag 811

        • displaying external web pages 814

      • Flex

        • application wizard 1146

      • Flex applications 1119

      • Flex Data Services 1124

      • Flex Messaging event gateway 1119

      • flow control, tags 18

      • FMS Gateway 1115

      • font management 822

      • fonts, embedding 823

      • fontSize style 588

      • for loop, CFScript 99

      • for-in loop, CFScript 102

      • form controls, cfform 531

      • form fields

        • required 567

        • validation errors 248, 250

      • Form scope

        • about 16, 42

        • not shared using getPageContext method 932

      • form variables

        • considerations 517

        • in queries 515

        • naming 514

        • processing 514

        • referring to 514

        • scope of 517

      • formatting

        • data items 519

        • query results 519

      • forms

        • accordions and tabbed navigators in 584

        • action pages 514

        • caching Flash data 593

        • character encodings 348

        • check boxes 526

        • considerations for 514

        • creating with cfform 530

        • creating XSLT skins 610

        • data encoding 347

        • deleting data 411

        • designing 511

        • drop-down list boxes 539

        • dynamically populating 524

        • hidden field validation 565

        • inserting data 401

        • invoking components with 175

        • Java applets in 551

        • limiting data length 558

        • login 319

        • mapping CFML tags to XML 603

        • preserving data 531

        • preventing blank input 558

        • preventing multiple submissions 558

        • requiring entries 517

        • slider bars 540

        • tree controls 532

        • updating data 406

        • using ActionScript 590

        • validating field contents 558

        • XML skinnable, 594

        • See also XML skinnable forms

        • See also Flash forms

      • FROM SQL clause, description 383

      • FTP 1036

        • actions and attributes 1045

        • caching connections 1045

        • using cfftp 1043

      • function local scope 16

      • function local variables, in components 181

      • function variable, defined 136

      • function-only variables 146

      • functions

        • ActionScript 591

        • application utility 228

        • built in 14

        • calling 137

        • example custom 152

        • for arrays 78

        • for components 160

        • for XML 870

        • GetMetaData 187

        • introduction 14

        • IsValid 555, 560

        • isvalid 556

        • JavaScript, for validation 569

        • securing access to 313

        • SendGatewayMessage 1073

        • structures 90

        • syntax 54

        • user-defined 14

        • See also ColdFusion functions, user-defined functions

    • G

      • gateway applications

        • DirectoryWatcher example 1079

        • sending messages 1073

      • Gateway classes

        • constructor 1133

        • logging events 1140

        • responding to incoming messages 1137

        • responding to messages from ColdFusion 1139

        • service and information routines 1135

        • start, stop, and restart methods 1135

      • gateway directory 1065

      • Gateway interface 1129

      • gateway services, defined 1062

      • GatewayHelper

        • example using IM 1094

        • methods. See individual method names

        • using IM 1093

      • GatewayHelper class 1131

      • GatewayHelper objects

        • role of 1067

        • sending information 1069

        • using 1074

      • GatewayHelpers

        • SocketHelper example 1078

      • gateways. See event gateways

      • GatewayServices class 1130

      • generated content 199

      • GenericGateway, event gateway development class 1132

      • Get method, cfhttp 717, 1036

      • GetAuthUser CFML function 318

      • getBuddyInfo IM GatewayHelper method 1094

      • getBuddyList IM GatewayHelper method 1094

      • getCFCMethod, CFEvent class method 1131

      • getCFCPath, CFEvent class method 1131

      • getCFCTimeout. CFEvent class method 1131

      • GetClientVariablesList CFML function 281

      • getCustomAwayMessage IM GatewayHelper method 1093

      • getData, CFEvent class method 1131

      • getDenyList IM GatewayHelper method 1094

      • getGatewayID CFEvent class method 1131

      • getGatewayID Gateway interface method

        • implementing 1135

        • signature and description 1129

      • getGatewayServices, GatewayServices class method 1130

      • getHelper Gateway interface method

        • implementing 1135

        • signature and description 1129

      • GetLocale CFML function 341

      • GetLocaleDisplayName CFML function 341

      • getLogger GatewayServices method

        • signature and description 1130

        • using 1140

      • getMaxQueueSize, GatewayServices class method 1130

      • GetMetaData function 187

      • getName IM GatewayHelper method 1093

      • getNickName IM GatewayHelper method 1093

      • getOriginatorID, CFEvent class method 1131

      • GetPageContext 929

      • getPermitList IM GatewayHelper method 1094

      • getPermitMode IM GatewayHelper method 1094

      • getProtocolName IM GatewayHelper method 1093

      • getQueueSize, GatewayServices class method 1130

      • getSOAPRequest CFML function 924

      • GetSOAPRequestHeader CFML function 919

      • getSOAPResponse CFML function 924

      • GetSOAPResponseHeader CFML function 919

      • getStatus Gateway interface method

        • implementing in a Gateway class 1135

        • signature and description 1129

      • getStatusAsString IM GatewayHelper method 1093

      • getStatusTimeStamp IM GatewayHelper method 1093

      • getting

        • attachments 1020

        • Exchange items 1017

      • globalization 336

        • applications 336

        • character encodings 338, 340

        • character sets 337

        • euro currency 347

        • input data 347

        • Java and 337

        • locales 337

        • multi-locale content 347

        • request processing 342

        • tags and functions 344

        • See also character encodings

        • See also locales

      • graphing

        • queries 788

        • See also charts

      • grids

        • navigating 541

        • See also cfgrid tag

      • GROUP BY, SQL clause 383

      • grouping, Report Builder 824

      • GSM, and SMS 1100

      • GUIDs, validating 557

    • H

      • handling

        • applet form variables 552

        • exceptions 258

        • failed validation 571

      • hbox, Flash form cfformgroup element 581

      • hdividedbox, Flash form cfformgroup element 581

      • headers, customizing e-mail 1003

      • headers, retrieving e-mail 1006

      • hidden field validation

        • described 554

      • hidden fields, for validation 565

      • hidden form fields

        • specifying error messages 560

        • validation, considerations 556

      • HomeSite+, SQL editor 390

      • horizontal, Flash form cfformgroup element 581

      • HTML

        • using in Flash forms 579

        • using tables 518

      • HTML format grids, Ajax 630

      • HTML format trees, Ajax 635

      • HTML pop-up windows, Ajax 619

      • HTMLEditFormat CFML function 898, 1007

      • HTTP

        • about 1036

        • authentication 315

        • character encodings 349

        • headers, viewing 925

        • requests, viewing headers 925

        • responses, viewing 925

      • http

        • //ns.adobe.com/DDX/DocText/1. 0 756

      • HTTP/URL problems 369

      • HTTPS access

        • ColdFusion server 1013

      • HttpServletResponse, viewing headers 925

      • hyperlinks, Report Builder 831

    • I

      • IBM Lotus Instant Messaging. See Sametime

      • if-else, CFScript statements 97

      • IIF CFML function 63

      • IIS

        • configuring for Exchange server 1012

      • IM. See instant messages

      • images

        • adding to Flash forms 578

        • displaying in e-mail 1022

        • including in e-mail 1003

        • Report Builder 827

        • using in Flash form text 579

      • img tag, in Flash forms 579

      • implementing

        • C++ CFX tags 214

        • Java CFX tags 208

      • IN SQL operator 383

      • including ColdFusion pages 127

      • index.cfm or mm_wizard_index.cfm file 325

      • indexing

        • cfldap query results 485

        • database query results 480

        • directories 459

        • e-mail 460, 486

        • LDAP query results 485

        • query results 460

        • updating 466

        • websites 459

      • indexing collections

        • about 465

        • defined 459

        • with Administrator 470

        • with cfindex tag 469

      • infix notation, search string 496

      • inheritance

        • of components 182

      • initiator applications, event gateway 1068

      • inout parameters 908

      • input parameters

        • defining 826

        • passing at runtime 834

        • Report Builder 825

      • input validation

        • cftree tag 536

        • with JavaScript 569

      • INSERT SQL statement 383, 387

      • inserting data

        • description 401

        • with cfinsert 403

        • with cfquery 404

      • installing

        • proxy JAR 954

      • instance data, custom tag 198

      • instance data, of components 163

      • instance, invoking methods of a component 172

      • instant messages

        • buddy and permission management methods 1093

        • configuration and status helper methods 1093

        • configuring the event gateway 1085

        • development and deployment process 1084

        • example application 1088

        • example using GatewayHelper 1094

        • GatewayHelper object 1093

        • handling incoming 1085, 1087

        • handling status and request messages 1090

        • sending 1085, 1087

        • using ColdFusion for 1083

      • instantiating, components 171

      • integer variables 27

      • Intermediate Deliver Notification, described 1106

      • international languages, search support 463

      • internationalization

        • about 337

        • See also globalization

      • Internet

        • applications 3

        • ColdFusion and 3

        • domain and security 319

        • dynamic applications 3

        • HTML and 3

      • introspection, of components 186

      • invalid data, handling 560

      • invoking

        • COM methods 978

        • component methods 172

        • component objects 973

        • components directly 174

        • methods in cfobject 978

        • methods using dynamic names 173

        • objects 936

        • web services 906

      • IP address, debugging and 353

      • IsCustomFunction CFML function 156

      • IsDebugMode CFML function, debugging with 361

      • IsDefined CFML function 47, 83, 517, 567

      • isOnline IM GatewayHelper method 1093

      • IsSOAPRequest CFML function 919

      • IsStruct CFML function 83

      • IsUserInRole CFML function 318

      • IsValid function

        • described 555

        • handling invalid data 560

        • using 572

        • validation considerations 556

      • IsWDDX CFML function 871

      • IsXML CFML function 871

      • IsXmlAttribute CFML function 871

      • IsXmlDoc CFML function 871

      • IsXmlElem CFML function 871

      • IsXmlNode CFML function 871

      • IsXmlRoot CFML function 871

    • J

      • J2EE application server

        • benefits 7

        • ColdFusion and 7

        • GetPageContext 929

        • infrastructure 7

        • introduction 7

        • PageContext 929

        • Session management, Sessions

      • J2EE configuration 7

      • J2EE session management

        • about 283

      • J2EE, applications and ColdFusion 218

      • Jabber. See XMPP

      • Java

        • alternate constructor 940

        • class loading mechanism 929

        • ColdFusion data and 940

        • considerations 940

        • custom class 946

        • customizing and configuring 207

        • data-type conversions with 41

        • development environment 206

        • EJB 944

        • exception classes 250

        • exceptions 942

        • getting started 938

        • globalization and 337

        • JavaCast function 942

        • objects 928

        • proxies for COM objects 980

        • user-defined functions 943

        • variables and CFML 929

        • WDDX and 891

      • Java applets

        • embedding 551

        • form variables 552

        • overriding default values 552

        • registering 551

      • Java CFX tags

        • debugging 211, 212

        • example 210

        • life cycle of 209

        • registering 207

        • writing 207

      • Java classes

        • custom 946

        • loading 929

      • Java exceptions 250

        • handling 943

        • tags for 942

      • Java logical fonts, in printable output 823

      • Java Messaging Service, event gateway for 1080

      • Java objects 928

        • calling 935

        • considerations 940

        • example 938

        • exception handling 942

        • invoking 936

        • methods, calling 937

        • properties 937

        • using 936

      • JavaCast CFML function 41, 942

      • JavaScript

        • considerations for validation 556

        • differences from CFScript 96

        • for validation 554

        • in charts 809

        • validating with 569

      • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), Ajax controls and 668

      • JavaScript, bindable attribute values in 656

      • JMS example gateway 1080

      • joins, queries of queries 421

      • JSP pages

        • accessing 931

        • calling from ColdFusion 935

        • example 933

        • sharing data with 932

        • sharing scopes with 932

      • JSP tags

        • ColdFusion and 928

        • example 930, 931

        • in ColdFusion applications 931

        • standard 930

        • tag libraries 930

        • using 930

      • JSP, variables and CFML 929

      • JVM locale 341

    • K

      • keys, listing structure 83

      • keystore 458

      • keytool utility 458

      • keywords

        • Super, components and 182

        • Var, in functions 181

    • L

      • language, and locales 340

      • Latin-1 339

      • layered controls, Report Builder 831


        • about 214

        • C++ CFX tags 214

      • LDAP

        • adding attributes 451

        • asymmetric directory structure 435

        • attribute values 452

        • attributes 436, 452

        • character encodings 349

        • deleting attributes 451

        • deleting entries 449

        • description of 434

        • directory attributes 451

        • directory DN 452

        • distinguished name 437

        • DN 452

        • entry 436

        • for authentication 333

        • object classes 437

        • querying directories 439

        • referrals 457

        • schema 437

        • schema attribute type 438

        • scope 439

        • search filters 439

        • symmetrical directory structure 434

        • updating directories 444, 450

      • LDAP query results

        • indexing 485

        • searching 485

      • length format, Flash styles 588

      • LIKE SQL operator 383

      • linking from charts 806

      • links, Report Builder 831

      • list boxes

        • populating 539

        • populating dynamically 524

      • list variables 28

      • listener CFCs

        • debugging 1071

        • defined 1062

        • example 1072

        • listener methods 1069

        • role of 1066

        • using persistent scopes in 1070

      • listing

        • Application variables 288

        • client variables 281

      • ListQualify CFML function 528, 529

      • ListSort CFML function 84

      • LiveCycle Data Services ES 1119

      • locales

        • about 340

        • and JVM 341

        • defined 337

        • functions for 344

        • generating multi-locale content 347

        • SetLocale function 341

        • specifying names 340

        • supported 340

      • localization

        • applications 337

        • dates 30

        • See also globalization

      • lock management 294

      • locking

        • about 274

        • Application scope 229

        • avoiding deadlocks 294

        • CFX tags 298

        • exceptions 261

        • file access 298

        • granularity 294

        • scopes 292

        • with cflock 289

        • write-once variables 291

      • locking exceptions 249

      • locks

        • controlling time-outs 293

        • exclusive 292

        • naming 293

        • read-only 292

        • scopes and names 292

        • types 292

      • log files

        • example 256

        • using 256

        • viewing 375

      • Logger class, using 1140

      • logging

        • e-mail errors 997

        • errors 256

        • gateway events 1066

        • in event gateway applications 1074

        • using the CFML gateway 1076

      • logging window, for Ajax information 648

      • logical fonts, mapping to physical 823

      • login

        • applicationToken 319

        • browser support for 320

        • getting User ID and password 319

        • Internet domains 319

        • logging out users 321

        • persistence of information 321

        • scope of 319

        • using Flash remoting 321

        • using forms for 319

      • logout, performing 321

      • looping through structures 86

      • Lotus Instant Messaging. See Sametime

    • M

      • mail servers, and ColdFusion 996

      • managing

        • custom tags 197

      • mapping, application framework 222

      • mask validation

        • considerations 556

        • described 554

      • masking, text input 561

      • matched subexpressions

        • len array 118

        • minimal matching 120

        • pos array 118

        • result arrays 118

      • matches, pattern 564

      • MBCS 338

      • meetings

        • responding to requests 1028

      • Menu example gateway application 1081

      • message channels

        • configuring 694

      • message disposition, SMS 1106

      • message, defined 1061

      • messages

        • handling in Gateway classes 1137, 1139

        • logging 1076

        • retrieving e-mail 1007

        • See also SMS

      • messges

        • See also instant messages

      • metadata, component 187

      • metadata, Query of Queries 425

      • method attribute, cfhttp tag 719, 1037, 1040

      • methods

        • defining in components 161

        • invoking using dynamic names 173

        • parameters of in components 164

        • returning, component results 168

        • using multiple files for 162

      • migrating

        • to Application.cfc 235

      • migration, Code Compatibility Analyzer 367

      • MIME type 1056

      • minoccurs, web services 906

      • missing files, exceptions 261

      • missing template errors 248, 250

      • mm_wizard_application_include.cf m file 325

      • mm_wizard_authenticate.cfc file 325

      • mm_wizard_login.cfm file 325

      • mobile phone, simulator for SMS 1112

      • modifiers

        • explicit queries 490

        • searching 504

      • modifying

        • Exchange items 1024

      • MonthAsString CFML function 76

      • moving, data across the web 891

      • multicharacter regular expressions

        • for searching 110

        • for validation 563

      • multipart e-mail 999

      • multiple selection lists 528

      • multiple-byte character set 338

      • multiserver configuration 7

    • N

      • naming

        • applications 225, 235

        • components 170

        • conventions, for custom exceptions 266

        • methods dynamically 173

        • variables 194

      • navigating grids 541

      • nested number signs in expressions 57

      • nested objects, calling 974

      • nesting

        • cflock tags 294

        • cfloops for arrays 76

        • custom tags 201

        • object calls 938

        • tags, using Request scope 202

      • nillable argument, web services 906

      • NOT SQL operator 383

      • notification, of SMS message disposition 1111

      • NT authentication 318

      • NTLM authentication 315

      • number signs

        • in cfoutput tags 56

        • in general expressions 57

        • inside strings 56

        • inside tag attributes 55

        • nested 57

        • using 55

      • numberOf MessagesReceived IM GatewayHelper method 1093

      • numberOfMessagesSent IM GatewayHelper method 1093

      • numbers

        • globalization functions 344

        • large decimal 27

        • validating 557

      • numeric variables

        • about 27

        • converting 39

    • O

      • object data type 26

      • object exceptions 249

      • object-oriented programming, and components 158

      • objects

        • calling methods 937, 974

        • calling nested 938, 974

        • COM 972

        • CORBA 973

        • DCOM 972

        • invoking 936

        • Java 928, 936

        • Java case considerations 929

        • nesting object calls 974

        • query 209

        • Request 208

        • Response 208

        • using properties 937, 973

      • OLE/COM Object Viewer 976

      • onAddBuddyRequest method

        • described 1087

        • example 1090

      • onAddBuddyResponse method, example 1090

      • onApplicationEnd event handler 227

      • onapplicationEnd method, using 229

      • onApplicationStart event handler 227

      • onBlur validation

        • considerations 556

        • described 554

      • onBuddyStatus method

        • described 1087

        • example 1090

      • onError event handler 227

      • onError method

        • using 231

      • onIMServerMessage method

        • described 1087

        • example 1090

      • onIncomingMessage method, for instant messages 1087

      • onIncomingMessage method, of listener CFCs 1069

      • onRequest event handler 227

      • onRequest method, using 230

      • onRequestEnd event handler 227

      • onRequestEnd method, using 230

      • onRequestStart event handlerrequests

        • application events 227

      • onRequestStart method, using 230

      • onServer validation

        • considerations 556

        • described 554

      • onSessionEnd method

        • using 229

      • onSessionStart method

        • locking Session scope 229

        • using 229

      • onSubmit validation

        • considerations 556

        • described 554

      • opening, SQL Builder 390

      • operands 17

      • operators 17

        • arithmetic 51

        • Boolean 51

        • comparison 52

        • concatenation 53

        • concept 498

        • decision, or comparison 52

        • evidence 501

        • explicit queries 490

        • precedence 53

        • proximity 502

        • relational 499

        • score 503

        • search 497

        • SQL 383

        • string operators 53

        • types 50

      • optimizing

        • applications 238

        • caching 238

        • database access 242

      • optional arguments

        • about 136, 145

        • in functions 54

      • OR SQL operator 383

      • ORDER BY SQL clause 383, 385

      • out parameters 908

      • outgoingMessage Gateway interface method

        • example 1139

        • signature and description 1130

      • outgoingMessage method, implementing gateways with 1139

      • output, displaying in components 168

      • outputting

        • debug information 211

        • query data 395

      • overriding default Java applet values 552

    • P

      • packages, component 184

      • page character encoding, determining 343

      • page execution time

        • about 355

        • tree format 356

      • page numbers, Report Builder 830

      • page processing settings 226

      • page settings 236

      • page, Flash form cfformgroup element 581

      • PageContext 929

      • pages

        • cache flushing 239

        • caching 239

      • panel, Flash form cfformgroup element 581

      • parameters

        • of component methods 164

        • passing in direct method invocations 178

        • passing using cfinvoke 177

      • parent tags 201

      • passing

        • arguments 140

        • arrays to user-defined functions 141

        • custom tag attributes 193, 194

        • custom tag data 201

        • parameters to a report 834

        • queries to user-defined functions 155

      • password

        • getting 319

        • PDF 815

      • paths, custom tags 191

      • PDF

        • advanced security options 815

        • cfdocument tag 811

        • cfreport tag 833

        • displaying external web pages 814

      • PDU

        • defined 1100

        • SMS gateway handling of 1102

      • perform a query on a query 415

      • performance, improving COM object 980, 982

      • Perl

        • regular expression compliance 122

        • WDDX and 891

      • permissions, IM GatewayManager management methods 1094

      • persistent connections

        • Exchange server 1014

      • persistent scope variables 272

      • persistent scopes

        • components in 185

        • in event gateway listener CFCs 1070

      • persistent variables

        • in clustered system 274

        • issues 273

        • scopes 273

        • using 273

      • phone directory lookup, example CFC 1089

      • physical fonts, mapping from logical 823

      • pods, Ajax 618

      • POP, getting e-mail with 1005

      • populating

        • arrays from queries 77

        • arrays with ArraySet 76

        • arrays with cfloop 76

        • arrays with nested loops 76

      • ports

        • securing access to 313

      • Post method, cfhttp 717, 719, 1036, 1040

      • pound signs. See number signs

      • precedence rules, search 497

      • precedence, operator 53

      • prefix notation, search strings 496

      • preservedata cfform attribute 531

      • preview, Report Builder 830

      • printable output

        • about 810

        • cfdocument tag 811

        • cfreport tag 818

        • font management 822

        • saving to a file 816

      • PrintWhen expression, Report Builder 831

      • problems, troubleshooting 368

      • processing

        • form variables on action pages 514

        • Java CFX requests 208

      • profiling, cftimer tag 366

      • programming techniques

        • Ajax 671

      • protecting data 289

      • proxies, for COM objects 980

      • proximity operators 502

      • proxy JAR

        • installing 954

      • punctuation, searching 492

      • Python, WDDX and 891

    • Q

      • queries

        • about 788

        • as function parameters 155

        • as objects 413

        • as variables 33

        • building 382, 394

        • charting 788

        • converting to XML 884

        • creating from text files 1039

        • defining query fields in Report Builder 825

        • graphing 788

        • grouping output 534

        • guidelines for outputting 396

        • outputting 395

        • referencing 33

        • scopes 34

        • syntax 393

        • troubleshooting 369

        • using form variables 515

        • validating 558

        • web services, consuming 910

        • web services, publishing 923, 924

        • XML and 884

      • queries of queries

        • aggregate functions 427

        • aliases 422

        • benefits 415

        • case sensitivity 425

        • cfdump tag and 418

        • combining record sets 419

        • displaying record sets 417

        • escaping wildcards 425

        • evaluation order 422

        • example 415

        • joins 421

        • non-SQL record sets and 418

        • performing 415

        • unions 421

        • user guide 420

        • using 413

      • Query Builder

        • advanced query mode 835

      • Query CFX object 209

      • query columns 34

      • query fields, defining in Report Builder 825

      • query functions 413

      • Query object 209

      • query objects 33, 413

      • Query of Queries

        • column comparison 433

        • data types for columns 425

        • dates 432

        • performance 432

        • string concatenation operators 430

      • query properties, guidelines for 398

      • query results

        • about 397

        • cfpop 486

        • columns in 397

        • displaying 395

        • indexing 460

        • LDAP 485

        • no records 521

        • records returned 397

        • returning 521

        • returning incrementally 523

        • variables 397

      • query variables 33

      • QueryAddColumn() CFML function 426

      • querying, LDAP directories 439

      • queryNew() CFML function 414, 426

      • quotation marks

        • for IsDefined CFML function 47

        • using 47, 393

    • R

      • Rand CFML function 524

      • RandRange CFML function 524

      • RDN (Relative Distinguished Names) 437

      • RDS

        • configuring for Report Builder 820

        • NTLM security 316

        • Report Builder installation 820

      • RDS CRUD wizard 1150

      • RDS support

        • Eclipse 1143

        • Flex Builder 1143

      • reading, a text file 1052

      • read-only locks 292

      • real number variables 27

      • receiving e-mail 1004

      • record sets 385

        • combining 419

        • creating 413

        • displaying 417

        • example 414

        • queries of queries 413

        • searching 480

        • with functions 414

      • records 378

      • recoverable expressions 248

      • recurrence of appointments 1030

      • recursion, with user-defined functions 157

      • referencing array elements 70

      • referrals, LDAP 457

      • REFind CFML function 117, 118

      • REFindNoCase CFML function 117, 118

      • registering

        • CFX tags 215

        • COM objects 975

        • CORBA objects 986

        • Java applets 551

      • regular expressions

        • backreferences 115, 564

        • basic syntax 108

        • case sensitivity 110

        • character classes 114

        • character sets 109

        • common uses 122

        • escape sequences 113

        • examples 121, 122, 564

        • for form validation 562

        • for searching and replacing text 107

        • for validating 557

        • hyphens in 113

        • minimal matching 120

        • partial matches 564

        • Perl compliance 122

        • repeating characters 110

        • replacing with 107

        • returning matched subexpressions 117

        • single-character 109, 563

        • special characters 109

        • technologies 122

        • validating data with 562

      • relational operators 499

      • release, COM objects 978

      • ReleaseCOMObject function 978

      • remote component access 176

      • remote servers 1036

      • removeBuddy IM GatewayHelper method 1094

      • removeDeny IM GatewayHelper method 1094

      • removePermit IM GatewayHelper method 1094

      • renaming server files 1052

      • Replace CFML function 107

      • replacing using regular expressions 107

      • report bands

        • adding fields 827

        • placing toolbox elements 827

      • Report Builder

        • advanced query mode 835

        • alignment 828

        • calculated fields 825

        • CFML 834

        • charting 837

        • common tasks 823

        • configuration 820

        • definition guidelines 822

        • displaying CFRs in a browser 833

        • displaying reports 833

        • expressions 837

        • fields 825

        • grouping 824

        • hyperlinks 831

        • input parameters 825

        • layered controls 831

        • page numbers 830

        • passing variables to a report 834

        • preview 830

        • Properties sheet 832

        • RDS configuration 820

        • Setup Wizard 820

        • styles 829

        • subreports 838

        • text styles 821

        • user interface 821

      • Report Function Editor 835

      • report functions, Report Builder 835

      • report styles, Report Builder 821

      • reporting

        • cfdocument 811

        • cfreport 818

      • request headers, web services 919

      • Request object

        • about 208

        • Java CFX 208

        • viewing headers for web services 925

      • Request scope

        • about 16, 43, 202

        • Java case considerations 929

        • sharing with JSP pages, servlets 932

        • user-defined functions and 154

      • request, error handler page 254

      • requests

        • application events 220

        • managing with Application.cfc 229

      • requests, globalization and 342

      • requiring form entries 517

      • reserved words

        • CFScript 95

        • in CFML 21

        • list of 21

      • reset buttons 513

      • resolving

        • ambiguous data types 942

        • custom tag file conflicts 193, 197

        • filename conflicts 1049

      • resource security

        • about 312

        • resources 312

        • sandbox security and 312

      • resources, regular expressions 565

      • resources, securing access to 312

      • responder applications, event gateway 1068

      • response headers, web services 919

      • Response object 208, 209

      • restart

        • Gateway interface method

      • restart Gateway interface method

        • implementing 1137

      • results

        • providing from components 167

        • returning from components 168

        • returning incrementally 523

      • retrieving

        • binary files 1037

        • files 1043

        • query data 392

        • text 1037

      • retrieving, e-mail messages 1007

      • return CFScript statement 136

      • returning

        • file information 1054

        • query results 521

        • results incrementally 523

        • subexpressions 117

      • reusing code

        • cfinclude 190

        • custom tags 190

        • method comparison 132

        • methods 126

        • options 126

        • techniques 126

        • with components 182

      • rich text editor, Ajax 640

      • role-based security, in components 186

      • roles

        • about 314

        • checking 323

        • described 314

        • obtaining 314

        • setting 323

      • rollbacks 381

      • rows in tables 378

      • rpc web services, consuming 907

      • runtime exceptions 248

    • S

      • Sametime, about 1084

      • SAMETIMEGateway class

        • defined 1084

      • sample CFX tags

        • C++ 213

        • Java 206

      • sandbox security

        • about 312

        • applications and 313

        • resources 312

        • using 313

      • saving

        • binary files 1038

        • components 170

        • web pages 1037

      • SBCS 338

      • schema, LDAP directory 453

      • schemas, validating XML with 876

      • scope precendence 305

      • scopes

        • about 42

        • Application 42, 220, 273, 287

        • Arguments 42

        • as structures 46

        • Attributes 42

        • Caller 42

        • CFX tags 46

        • CGI 42

        • Client 42, 220, 273, 275, 278

        • Cookie 42

        • debug output 359

        • evaluating 45

        • File 198

        • Flash 42

        • Form 42

        • function local 42, 43

        • LDAP 439

        • locking 292

        • managing locking of 294

        • of Form variables 517

        • persistent components 185

        • persistent variables 272

        • Request 43, 202

        • Server 43, 220, 273, 288

        • Session 43, 220, 273, 275, 282

        • This 43

        • This, in components 179

        • ThisTag 43

        • types 42

        • URL 43

        • user-defined functions and 146

        • using 45

        • variables 34, 43

        • Variables, in components 179

      • score search operators 503

      • scriptprotect, cfapplication attributes. 557

      • search criteria, multiple 520

      • search expressions

        • case sensitivity 496

        • commas in 496, 497

        • composing 496

        • delimiters 497

        • operators 497

        • with wildcards 491

      • searching

        • case sensitivity 496

        • cfsearch tag 471

        • character encodings 350

        • collections 460

        • collections, creating 465

        • database records 480

        • fields 505

        • file types 460

        • for special characters 492

        • full-text 459

        • index summaries, creating 473

        • international languages 463

        • LDAP query results 485

        • modifiers 504

        • numeric values 526, 528

        • operators 497

        • performing 471

        • prefix and infix notation 496

        • punctuation 492

        • query results 485

        • record sets 480

        • refining 505

        • results of 471

        • search expressions 496

        • special characters 492

        • string values 527, 528

        • wildcards for 491

        • zones 505

      • searching e-mail 486

      • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

        • keytool utility 458

        • LDAP server security 458

        • web server authentication 316

      • securing, custom tags 193, 197

      • security

        • and components 185

        • and data validation 556

        • application 222

        • authentication 315

        • authentication storage and persistence 317

        • ColdFusion features 311

        • ColdFusion features for 311

        • cross site-scripting 557

        • Flash form data 593

        • flow of control 314

        • functions 318

        • implementing application- based 328

        • implementing web server- based 324

        • LDAP and 333

        • logout 321

        • of sessions 283

        • of validation techniques 555

        • resource and sandbox 312

        • resources 312

        • role-based, in components 186

        • roles 314

        • scenarios 322

        • scope of login 319

        • specifying resources 312

        • tags 318

        • types of 311

        • user security 313

        • web servers and 315, 917

        • web services 917, 918

        • without cookies 317

        • See also authentication

        • See also login

        • See also resource security

        • See also sandbox security

        • See also user security

      • security exceptions 249

      • security, Ajax 672

      • SELECT SQL statement 383, 384

      • selection lists, multiple 528

      • SendGatewayMessage function

        • about 1073

        • for sending instant messages 1088

      • sending

        • e-mail 996, 998, 1001

        • form-based e-mail 1000

        • mail as HTML

        • multipart e-mail 999

        • query-based e-mail 1000

      • server configuration 7

      • Server scope 16, 43, 220, 273

      • server variables

        • about 220, 273

        • built-in 288

        • using 288

      • servers

        • remote 1036, 1042

        • retrieving files from 1037

        • securing access to 313

        • uploading files 1047

      • Services Browser 1152

      • servlets

        • ColdFusion and 928

        • in ColdFusion applications 931

        • variables and CFML 929

      • Session scope

        • about 16, 43, 220, 273

        • for authentication information 317

        • in event gateway listener CFCs 1071

        • sharing with JSP pages, servlets 932

      • Session variables

        • about 16, 43, 220, 273, 275, 284

        • built-in 284

        • enabling 284

        • using 282

      • sessions

        • and applications 218

        • application events 220, 227

        • defined 282

        • Java case considerations for unnamed 929

        • managing with Application.cfc 229

      • SessionStart event handler 227

      • setCFCListeners Gateway interface method

        • implementing in a gateway class 1135

        • signature and description 1129

      • setCFCMethod, CFEvent class method 1131

      • setCFCPath, CFEvent class method 1131

      • setCFCTimeout, CFEvent class method 1131

      • setData, CFEvent class method 1131

      • SetEncoding CFML function 348

      • setGateway Gateway interface method

        • signature and description 1129

      • setGatewayID Gateway interface method

        • implementing in a gateway class 1135

      • SetLocale CFML function 341

      • setNickName IM GatewayHelper method 1093

      • setOriginatorID, CFEvent class method 1131

      • setPermitMode IM GatewayHelper method 1094

      • setStatus IM GatewayHelper method 1093

      • setting

        • application defaults 228, 236

        • file and directory attributes 1050

      • setting breakpoints 374

      • setting up

        • C++ development environment 213

        • Java development environment 206

        • Report Builder setup wizard 820

      • settings, application-level 221

      • Setup Wizard, Report Builder 820

      • SetVariable CFML functions 63

      • Shift-JIS 339

      • SHLIB_PATH

        • about 214

        • C++ CFX tags 214

      • shopping cart, example 64

      • Short Message Service. See SMS

      • simple queries 489

      • simple variables 26

      • simultaneous actions 300

      • single-byte character set 338

      • single-character regular expressions 109, 563

      • single-quotation marks, in SQL 393

      • size, setting Flash form 582

      • skins

        • extending ColdFusion 611

        • Flash attributes 587

        • role of XSLT 594

        • setting in Flash forms 587

        • XSLT types 595

      • slide presentations

        • adding presenters 856

        • adding slides 857

        • creating 855

      • slider bar controls 540

      • SME Delivery Acknowledgment, described 1106

      • SME Manual/User Acknowledgment, described 1106

      • SMPP, defined 1100

      • asynchronous mode

      • SMS

        • about 1100

        • client simulator 1112

        • ColdFusion application tools 1101

        • configuring the event gateway 1103

        • determining message type 1106

        • development and deployment process 1101, 1120, 1125

        • handling incoming messages 1105

        • interaction between gateway and SMSC 1102

        • message disposition notification 1111

        • message validity period 1111

        • providers 1102

        • purpose of synchronous mode 1110

        • requesting message disposition information 1106

        • sample application 1113

        • See also synchronous mode

        • sending messages 1103, 1107

        • test SMSC server 1111

        • uses of 1099

        • using ColdFusion for 1099

      • SMSC

        • ColdFusion simulator 1111

        • defined 1100

        • interaction with SMS event gateway 1102

      • SMSC Delivery Receipt, described 1106

      • SMTP 997

      • SOAP

        • about 901

        • defined 902

        • headers 919

        • troubleshooting 924

        • web services and 902

      • Social Security Numbers, validating 557

      • SocketGateway class

        • listener code 1138

      • SocketGateway example gateway 1078

      • SocketHelper GatewayHelper example class 1078

      • special characters 492, 562

        • entering 21

        • explicit queries 492

        • in regular expressions 562

        • list 21

      • specifying, tree items in URLs 539

      • Spry

        • about 661

        • data set 661

      • SQL

        • AVG function 791

        • column aliases 386

        • debugging output 357

        • DELETE statement 388, 411

        • Dreamweaver MX for 389

        • example 382

        • filtering 385

        • generating dynamically 515

        • guidelines 384

        • INSERT statement 387, 404

        • introduction 378, 382

        • nonstandard 384

        • operators 383

        • ORDER BY clause 385

        • ordering results 385

        • query editors 389

        • Query of Queries 420

        • record sets 385

        • results 385

        • SELECT statement 384

        • single quotation marks in 393

        • sorting 385

        • statement clauses 383

        • statements 383

        • SUM function 802

        • syntax 383

        • text literals in 393

        • UPDATE statement 387, 406

        • use in cfquery 393

        • WHERE clause 385, 515

        • writing 382

      • SSL

        • Exchange server 1013

      • standard variables. See built-in variables

      • start Gateway interface method

        • implementing 1135

        • signature and description 1129

      • startGateway, GenericGateway class method 1133

      • statement clauses, SQL 383

      • statements

        • CFScript 94

        • SQL 383

      • status output, with user-defined functions 148

      • stemming

        • preventing 490

        • simple queries 489

      • stepping through code 375

      • stop Gateway interface method

        • implementing 1136

        • signature and description 1130

      • stopGateway, GenericGateway class method 1133

      • stored procedures 242

      • string concatenation operators, Query of Queries 430

      • string operators 53

      • string variables 27

      • strings

        • empty 27

        • escaping 27

        • evaluating in functions 156

        • quoting 27

        • storing complex data in 898

        • validating 558

        • variables 27

      • StructClear CFML function 86

      • StructCount CFML function 83

      • StructDelete CFML function 86

      • StructIsEmpty CFML function 83

      • StructKeyArray CFML function 84

      • StructKeyExists CFML function 83

      • StructKeyList CFML function 83

      • StructNew CFML function 81

      • structures

        • about 78

        • adding data to 82

        • as variables 32

        • associative array notation 79

        • copying 84

        • creating 81

        • custom tag 194

        • declaring 986

        • deleting 86

        • dot notation 79

        • example 87

        • finding keys 83

        • functions 90

        • getting information on 83

        • in dynamic expressions 60

        • listing keys in 83

        • looping through 86

        • notation for 79

        • passing tag arguments 196

        • referencing 33

        • scopes and 34, 46

        • sorting keys 84

        • updating 82

        • validating 558

        • web services, consuming 921

        • web services, publishing 923

      • structuring, component code 182

      • styles

        • Flash syntax for 588

        • inheritance in Flash 589

        • setting in Flash forms 587

        • value formats in Flash 588

      • sub tags, defined 201

      • submit buttons 513

      • submit command, SMS 1107

      • submitMulti command, SMS 1108

      • subreports

        • about 838

        • adding new 839

        • defining 838

        • modifying 839

        • parameters, with input parameters 834

        • using existing 838

      • SUM SQL function 802

      • summaries, search 473

      • switch-case, CFScript 98

      • synchronization, SMS message sending 1110

      • synchronous mode

        • defined 1103

        • example 1110

        • purpose of 1110

        • sending SMS messages using 1110

      • syntax

        • errors in CFML 368

        • for Flash styles 588

    • T

      • tables

        • about 378

        • displaying queries 518

        • using HTML 518

      • tabnavigator

        • example 584

        • Flash form cfformgroup element 581

      • tag libraries 930

      • tags

        • built in 12

        • cfargument 555, 556, 561

        • cfformgroup in Flash forms 581

        • cffunction 318

        • cflogin 318

        • cfloginuser 318

        • cflogout 318

        • cfNTauthenticate 318

        • cfparam 555, 556, 561

        • custom 13

        • for components 160

        • for security 318

        • securing access to 313

        • syntax 11

      • TCP network directory services 438

      • TCPMonitor 925

      • telephone numbers, validating 557

      • TemperatureService web service 905

      • template errors 249

      • testing, a variable’s existence 517

      • text box, Report Builder 827

      • text control 513

      • text files

        • column headings 1039

        • creating queries from 1039

        • delimiters 1039

      • text styles, Report Builder 829

      • text, adding to Flash forms 578

      • textformat tag, in Flash forms 579

      • The 616, 643

      • This scope

        • about 16, 43

        • in components 179

      • ThisTag scope 16, 43

      • threads

        • database actions 308

        • definition 300

        • ending 302

        • errors in 308

        • in loops 307

        • joining 303

        • locking 306

        • managing 300

        • multiple 300

        • number 309

        • scopes 303

        • starting 301

        • suspending 301

        • viewing 303, 309

      • throwOnTimeout, cflock attribute 293

      • tile, Flash form cfformgroup element 581

      • time

        • globalization functions 344

        • validating 557

      • time zone processing, WDDX 894

      • time-out attribute, cflock 293

      • timing, cftimer tag 366

      • toolbox, Report Builder 821

      • tools

        • for developing event gateways 1064

        • SMS application development 1101

      • ToString CFML function 871

      • totalpagecount, cfdocument scope variable 813

      • totalsectionpagecount, cfdocument scope 813

      • tracing

        • cftrace tag 362, 375

        • considerations for 364

        • enabling 352

        • format 363

        • messages 363

        • options 362

        • output 359, 362

      • transactions 381

      • transferring data, from browser to server 896

      • transient connections

        • Exchange server 1014

      • tree controls, structuring 536

      • troubleshooting

        • CFML syntax 368

        • character encoding issues 340

        • common problems 368

        • data sources 369

        • HTTP 369

        • SOAP headers 924

    • U

      • UCS-2 339

      • UDDI

        • about 901

        • defined 902

      • UDF. See user-defined functions

      • UIDs, validating 557

      • Unicode

        • character encoding 339

        • ColdFusion and 339

      • unions, queries of queries 421

      • Universal Description, Discovery and Integration 902

      • UNIX

        • permissions 1050

      • UPDATE SQL statement 387

      • updating

        • data using forms 405

        • database with cfgridupdate 547

        • database with cfquery 548

        • files 289

        • values in structures 82

      • uploading files

        • about 1047

        • controlling file type 1049

      • URL scope 16, 43

      • URLEncodedFormat CFML function 369

      • URLs

        • character sets 347

        • encoding 347

        • invoking components with 175

        • validating 557

      • user authentication, login forms 319

      • user edits, returning 544

      • user ID, getting 319, 323

      • user roles 314

      • user security

        • about 313

        • application-based authentication example 328

        • authenticating users 315

        • defined 312

        • Dreamweaver login wizard 324

        • LDAP authentication example 333

        • RDS and NTLM 316

        • web server authentication example 326

        • See also authentication

        • See also security

      • user-defined functions

        • argument naming 140

        • arguments 140, 155

        • Arguments scope and 142, 143

        • array arguments 141

        • calling 128, 137, 139

        • CFML tags in 139

        • CFScript syntax 135

        • creating 135, 137

        • creation rules 139

        • defining 135

        • description 134

        • effective use of 153

        • error handling 147

        • evaluating strings 156

        • example 137, 152

        • exception handling 150

        • function-only variables 145

        • generating exceptions 151

        • identifying 156

        • in Application.cfm 153

        • Java and 943

        • passing arrays 141

        • queries as arguments 155

        • recommendations for 128

        • recursion 157

        • report functions in Report Builder 835

        • Request scope and 154

        • status output 148

        • using with queries 153

        • variables 146

      • users

        • authenticating 230

        • keeping track of 274

      • UTF-8 339

      • utility functions, for applications. 228

    • V

      • validating

        • data types 48

        • form field data types 565

        • form input 536

        • JavaScript functions 569

        • using regular expressions 562

        • XML text 876

      • validation

        • about 553

        • error handler page 254

        • security considerations 556

        • techniques 554

      • validation, error handling 571

      • validity period, of SMS messages 1111

      • var keyword 180, 181

      • var, CFScript statement 136

      • variable names, periods in 35, 36

      • variable naming 25

      • variable scopes

        • about 15

        • Application 16

        • Arguments 16

        • Attributes 16

        • Caller 16

        • CGI 16

        • Client 16

        • Cookie 16

        • Flash 16

        • Form 16

        • function local scope 16

        • Request 16

        • Server 16

        • Sessions 16

        • This 16

        • ThisTag 16

        • URL 16

        • Variables 16

      • variables

        • Application 287

        • Application scope 220, 273, 287

        • array 31

        • Base64 31

        • binary 26, 31

        • Boolean 29

        • caching 282

        • CFScript 94

        • client 37

        • Client scope 220, 273, 275

        • complex 31

        • complex data type 26

        • component 179

        • configuring client 278

        • cookie 37

        • creating 24

        • data types 15, 17

        • date-time 29

        • debugging 375

        • default 47, 48, 236

        • dynamic naming 58

        • ensuring existence of 46

        • evaluating 37

        • formatting 519

        • forms 514

        • function local in components 181

        • getting 35

        • in user-defined functions 146

        • integer 27

        • kinds of 16

        • lists 28

        • locking example 296

        • naming 194

        • naming rules 25

        • numeric 27

        • objects 26

        • passing 717, 1036

        • persistent 272

        • queries 33

        • real numbers 27

        • Request scope 202

        • scopes 15, 34, 43

        • scopes for custom pages 202

        • sending 719, 1040

        • Server 288

        • Server scope 220, 273

        • Session scope 220, 273, 275, 282, 284

        • setting 36

        • setting default values 48

        • shared 220

        • simple 26

        • string 27

        • structures 32

        • testing for existence 47, 48, 517

        • using CFML with Java and JSP 929

        • validating names 558

        • See also built-in variables

      • Variables scope

        • about 16, 43

        • and onRequestStart 230

        • in components 179

      • vbox, Flash form cfformgroup element 581

      • vdividedbox, Flash form cfformgroup element 581

      • verbs, SQL 383

      • Verity

        • case sensitivity 496

        • explicit queries 490

        • query types 488

        • refining search 505

        • searching with 460

        • simple queries 489

        • zone filter 505

      • Verity Search engine exception 249

      • vertical, Flash form cfformgroup element 581

      • Visual Query Builder 1145

    • W

      • watching changes to 1078

      • WDDX

        • character encodings 350

        • components 891

        • converting CFML to JavaScript 895

        • exchanging data 891

        • operation of 892

        • purpose of 891

        • storing data in strings 898

        • time zone processing 894

        • transferring data 896

      • web

        • accessing with cfhttp 891, 1036

        • application framework 274

      • web application servers

        • request handling 4

        • tasks 4

        • web servers and 4

      • web applications, and ColdFusion applications 219

      • web pages

        • dynamic 392

        • saving 1037

        • static 392

      • web server-based authentication

        • example 326

        • scenario 322

      • web servers

        • about 3

        • Apache 3

        • basic authorization 315

        • IIS 3

        • security 315

        • user authentication 315

      • web services

        • accessing 900

        • basic authentication and 917

        • browsing 1152

        • CFScript and 906

        • ColdFusion Administrator 908

        • complex data types 920

        • components for 911

        • concepts 901

        • consuming 900, 904

        • document-literal, consuming 907

        • document-literal, publishing 916

        • Dreamweaver and 903

        • error handling 908

        • Flash Remoting and 908

        • introduction 900

        • omitting an attribute 906

        • parameter passing 905

        • publishing 900, 911

        • request headers 919

        • response headers 919

        • return values 905

        • rpc-encoded, consuming 907

        • securing 917

        • SOAP and 901

        • TemperatureService 905

        • type conversions 909

        • UDDI and 901

        • WSDL file

      • Web Services Description Language file

        • about 900

        • See also WSDL

      • web services, consuming

        • about 900

        • cfinvoke tag 904, 906

        • CFScript for 906

        • ColdFusion 910

        • ColdFusion Administrator 908

        • complex data types 920

        • CreateObject function 906, 907

        • error handling 908

        • example 906

        • inout parameters 908

        • methods for 904

        • not ColdFusion 907

        • out parameters 908

        • parameter passing 905

        • queries 910

        • return values 905

        • structures 910, 921

        • type conversions 909

      • web services, publishing

        • about 900, 911

        • best practices for 918

        • complex data types 923

        • components and 911

        • components as data types 915

        • data types for 911

        • example 914

        • queries 923

        • requirements 911

        • securing 917

        • structures 923

        • WSDL files 912

      • web services, security

        • about 917

        • example 918

        • in ColdFusion 918

        • programmatic 186

        • using web servers 917

      • websites, indexing 459

      • WHERE SQL clause

        • about 385

        • comparing with 515

        • description 383

      • while loop, CFScript 101

      • wildcards, in searches 491

      • Windows file attributes 1050

      • Windows NT, debugging C++ CFX tags 214

      • wizards

        • ActionScript to CFC 1149

        • ColdFusion/Ajax Application 1149

        • ColdFusion/Flex Application 1146

        • RDS CRUD 1150

        • Services Browser 1152

      • writing SQL statements 391

      • WSDL files

        • components 904

        • creating 902

        • defined

        • described 902

        • reading 903

        • viewing in Dreamweaver 903

        • web services, publishing 912

    • X

      • XForms, and ColdFusion forms 594

      • XML

        • basic document view 866

        • bind elements for skinnable forms 601

        • converting to query 884

        • data model for skinnable forms 600

        • DOM node view 867

        • elements, locating 879

        • example 886

        • example from CFML form 608

        • form control element structure 604

        • format for skinnable forms 599

        • functions 870

        • mapping CFML tags to 603

        • queries and 884

        • structure for cfform, example 608

        • using 865

        • validating 876

        • xf:submission element for forms 600

        • XML document object 866

        • See also XML skinnable forms

      • XML document object

        • assigning data to 873

        • basic view 866

        • changing 879

        • converting to query 884

        • creating 875, 876

        • defined 866

        • deleting 878

        • DOM node view 867

        • example 886

        • exporting 876

        • extracting data with XPath 886

        • modifying 876

        • reference syntax 873

        • referencing case-sensitive objects 872

        • referencing summary 878

        • saving 875

        • structure 867, 868

        • syntax for referencing 872

        • transforming, XSLT 885

        • using 871

        • XmlComment 868

        • XmlDocType 868

        • XmlRoot 868

        • XSLT 885

      • XML elements

        • accessing using an array 878

        • adding 880

        • attributes 883

        • child elements 879

        • copying 882

        • counting 879

        • deleting 882

        • finding 879

        • properties, modifying 883

        • replacing 883

        • XmlAttributes 869

        • XmlChildren 869

        • XmlComment 869

        • XmlName 868

        • XmlNodes 869

        • XmlNsPrefix 868

        • XmlNsURI 868

        • XmlParent 869

        • XmlText 869

      • XML instance element for skinnable forms 600

      • XML schemas, validating with 876

      • XML skinnable forms

        • about 594

        • attribute passthrough to XML 610

        • building 596

        • creating skins 610

        • example 598

        • extending ColdFusion skins 611

        • generated XML example 608

        • styling with CSS files

        • validating data 559

        • XML format 599

        • XML structure for CFML tags 604

        • See also XML

      • XmlAttributes 869

      • XmlChildPos CFML function 871

      • XmlChildren 869

      • XmlComment 868, 869

      • XmlDocType 868

      • XmlElemNew CFML function 870

      • XmlFormat CFML function 871

      • XmlGetNodeType CFML function 871

      • XmlName 868

      • XmlNew CFML function 870

      • XmlNew function 875

      • XmlNodes 869

      • XmlNsPrefix 868

      • XmlNsURI 868

      • XmlParent 869

      • XmlParse CFML function 870

      • XmlParse function 876

      • XmlRoot 868

      • XmlSearch CFML function 871

      • XmlText 869

      • XmlTransform CFML function 870

      • XmlType 869

      • XmlValidate CFML function 871

      • XmlValue 869

      • XMPP, about 1083

      • XMPPGateway class, defined 1084

      • XPath

        • extracting XML data 886

        • XSL transformation with 886

      • XSLT

        • and ColdFusion forms 594

        • example 885

        • transforming XML documents 885

      • XSLT skins, creating 610

    • Z

      • ZIP codes, validating 557

      • zone searches 505

Nội dung

106 Chapter 56: Using Event Gateways Adobe ColdFusion provides event gateways, which you can use when writing applications. You configure an event gateway for an application and deploy the application. To use event gateways, you should have a thorough knowledge of ColdFusion development concepts and practices, including ColdFusion components (CFCs). To write applications for custom gateways that are not provided in ColdFusion, you must also know the details of the event gateway you are using, including its requirements. Contents About event gateways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1060 Event gateway facilities and tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1064 Structure of an event gateway application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1066 Configuring an event gateway instance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067 Developing an event gateway application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068 Deploying event gateways and applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075 Using the CFML event gateway for asynchronous CFCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075 Using the example event gateways and gateway applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077 About event gateways ColdFusion event gateways are ColdFusion elements that let ColdFusion react to or generate external events or messages in an asynchronous manner. Event gateways let a ColdFusion application handle information that does not come through an HTTP request. For example, you can use event gateways to handle instant messages, short messages from mobile devices, or messages sent to a TCP/IP port. The event gateway mechanism has the following major features: • ColdFusion event gateways do not require HTTP requests. ColdFusion developers can write ColdFusion gateway applications without using any CFM pages (just CFCs). • ColdFusion CFCs can use event gateways to listen for and respond directly to external events. • Event gateways operate asynchronously. A gateway typically gets a message and dispatches it for processing, without requiring or waiting for a response. • ColdFusion developers can create event gateways to handle any kind of event that a Java application can receive. ColdFusion includes several product-level event gateways, such as a gateway for the XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) instant messaging protocol. Adobe also provides the source for several example gateways, such as a generalized socket gateway, that you can extend to handle your specific needs. You can also write your own gateways in Java to handle other event or messaging technologies supported by the Java runtime or by third-party providers, such as gateways for additional instant messaging protocols, gateways for specific ERP systems, or other protocols, such as NNTP. ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide 106 Using event gateways Because event gateways provide a generalized asynchronous messaging mechanism, you can use them with many kinds of event or messaging resources. For example, ColdFusion includes gateways (either product quality, or lighter weight example gateways) for communicating between ColdFusion applications and the following types of resources: • Mobile phones and other devices that support short messaging services (SMS) • XMPP or IBM Sametime Instant message clients • Java Sockets (which let your ColdFusion application communicate with TCP/IP-based devices and programs, such as Telnet terminal clients). • Java Messaging Service (JMS) resources, such as storefront sales order handling systems. Event gateways are not limited to sending or receiving information using communications protocols. For example, ColdFusion includes an example event gateway that monitors changes to a directory and invokes a CFC method whenever the directory changes. ColdFusion also includes an event gateway that lets a CFML application “call” a CFC asynchronously and continue processing without getting a response from the CFC. Just as you can create event gateways that serve many different event or messaging based technologies, you can write many kinds of applications that use them. Just a few examples of possible gateway uses include the following. Server to client push examples • An application that sends an instant message (IM) or SMS text message to a person who can approve a purchase order, get a response, and mark the purchase order as approved or denied. • A bot that notifies users through their preferred messaging method (cell phone, instant messaging, or even e- mail) when watch list stock goes up, and offers to buy or sell the stock immediately. • An application that authenticates web users by sending them an SMS message that includes code that they must to enter into the browser in order to proceed. Client to server examples • A menu-based SMS application that lets users get information from any of several web service data providers. ColdFusion includes a SMS menuing example int the gateways/cfc directory. • A instant messaging application that takes messages from users to technical support and assigns and directs the messages to the most available support staff member. The application could also log the user ID and session, and you could use ColdFusion to generate usage reports. • A directory lookup robot IM "buddy" that responds to messages chat contain an employee’s name with the employee’s phone number or buddy ID. Server to serve examples • A JMS subsystem that publishes status updates that are consumed by business intelligence systems. • A system that monitors and publishes download events from a website. Event gateway terms and concepts This document uses the following terms when referring to event gateways: Event: A trigger that ColdFusion can receive from an external source. ColdFusion event gateways receive events. Message: The information provided by an event. In ColdFusion, a message is the data structure that the event gateway receives when an event is triggered. ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide 106 Event gateway: Java code that receives events and sends them to and from ColdFusion application code. This document uses the term event gateway, without the word type or instance, to refer to the general concept of a ColdFusion event gateway. Where the context makes the meaning obvious, the term can also refer to event gateway type or event gateway instance. Event gateway type: A specific event gateway implementation, represented by a Java class. Each event gateway type handles messages belonging to a particular a communications method or protocol, such as short message service (SMS), an instant messaging protocol, or Sockets. You generally have one event gateway type per communication protocol. You configure each event gateway type on the Gateway Types page in the Event Gateways area in the ColdFusion Administrator. Event gateway instance: A specific instance of an event gateway type class. You configure each event gateway instance on the ColdFusion Gateways page by specifying the event gateway type, an ID, the path to the event gateway application CFC that uses this instance, and a configuration file (if needed for the selected event gateway type). You can have multiple event gateway instances per event gateway type, for example, for different event gateway applica- tions. Event gateway application: One or more CFCs and any supporting CFM pages that handle events from an event gateway instance and send messages using the event gateway instance. The event gateway application is not part of an event gateway instance, but the code that is responsible for processing event messages to and from the instance. Event gateway listener: Code in an event gateway that receives events from an event source and passes them to the ColdFusion gateway service for delivery to a CFML listener CFC. Listener CFC: A CFC that contains one or more methods that respond to incoming messages from one or more event gateway instances. Part of an event gateway application. ColdFusion gateway service: The part of ColdFusion that provides underlying support for event gateways, including a path between an event gateway instance and listener CFCs. How event gateway applications work The following diagram shows the architecture of ColdFusion event gateway applications: How event gateways interact Typically, a ColdFusion event gateway instance, a Java object, listens for events coming from an external provider. For example, a general socket event gateway listens for messages on an IP socket, and an SMS event gateway receives messages from an SMSC server. Event Gateway Instance SMSC server (for SMS messages) Instant messaging provider Other message generator/receiver Event Gateway Instance Event Gateway Instance ColdFusion Event Gateway Service Java Event Event Event Event Event Event CFEvent CFEvent CFEvent CFEvent CFEvent CFEvent ColdFusion Event Gateway Application Event Gateway Application CFML Listener CFC CFEvent Message Event Gateway Application Listener CFC CFEvent Message CFEvent Message Listener CFC CFM Page . . . . . . . . . ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide 106 Each event gateway instance communicates with one or more listener CFCs through the ColdFusion event gateway service. The listener CFCs receive CFEvent object instances that contain the messages, process them, and can send responses back to the event gateway, which can send the messages to the external resources. Alternatively, a ColdFusion application can initiate a message by calling a ColdFusion function that sends the message to the event gateway. The event gateway then forwards the message to an external resource, such as an instant messaging server. A CFC in the application listens for any responses to the sent message. Some event gateways can be one-way: they listen for a specific event and send it to a CFC, or they get messages from a ColdFusion function and dispatch it, but they do not do both. The example DirectoryWatcherGateway listens for events only, and the asynchronous CFML event gateway receives messages from CFML only. (You could even say that the directory watcher gateway doesn’t listen for events; it creates its own events internally by periodically checking the directory state.) For information on the asynchronous CFML event gateway, see “Using the CFML event gateway for asynchronous CFCs” on page 1075. Event gateway structure Java programmers develop ColdFusion event gateways by writing Java classes that implement the coldfusion.event- gateway.Gateway interface. ColdFusion event gateways normally consist of one or more threads that listen for events from an event provider, such as a Socket, an SMSC server, or some other source. The event gateway sends event messages to the ColdFusion event gateway service message queue, and provides a method that gets called when an event gateway application CFC or CFM page sends an outgoing message. The event gateway class can also do the following: • Provide the ColdFusion application with access to a helper class that provides event gateway-specific services, such as buddy-list management or connection management. • Use a file that specifies configuration information, such as IP addresses and ports, passwords, and other ID infor- mation, internal time-out values, and so on. About developing event gateway applications ColdFusion application developers write applications that use event gateways. The person or company that provides the event gateway supplies gateway-specific information to the ColdFusion developer. This information must include the structure and contents of the messages that the ColdFusion application receives and sends to the event gateway, plus any information about configuration files or helper methods that the ColdFusion application might use. The ColdFusion developer writes a CFC that listens for messages. Many event gateway types send messages to a listener CFC method named onIncomingMessage. A minimal event gateway application might implement only this single method. More complex event gateway types can require multiple CFC listener methods. For example, the ColdFusion XMPP IM event gateway sends user messages to the onIncomingMessage CFC method, but sends requests to add buddies to the onAddBuddyRequest CFC method. Depending on the event gateway and application types, the event gateway application might include CFM pages or CFC methods to initiate outgoing messages. The application also might use an event gateway-specific Gateway- Helper object to do tasks such as getting buddy lists in IM applications or getting a messaging server’s status. The ColdFusion application developer also configures an event gateway instance in the ColdFusion Administrator, and possibly in a configuration file. The ColdFusion Administrator configuration information specifies the listener CFC that handles the messages from the event gateway and other standard event gateway configuration details. The configuration file, if required, contains event gateway type-specific configuration information. ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide 106 Event gateway facilities and tools ColdFusion provides a number of features and tools for developing and deploying event-handling applications, these including the following: • Standard event gateways. • Development tools and example code. • A gateway directory structure configured for use by custom event gateways and event gateway applications. This directory also contains the example code. • An event gateway-specific log file • Three pages in the ColdFusion Administrator for managing event gateways. Standard event gateways Adobe provides several event gateways as part of ColdFusion. These event gateways support the following messaging protocols: • SMS (Short Message Service): A system designed for exchanging short, often text, messages with wireless devices, such as mobile phones or pagers. For detailed information on using the SMS event gateway, see “Using the SMS Event Gateway” on page 1099. • XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol): An open, XML-based protocol for instant messaging. For detailed information on using the XMPP event gateway, see “Using the Instant Messaging Event Gateways” on page 1083. • IBM Lotus Instant Messaging: (commonly referred to as Lotus Sametime) The IBM product for real-time collaboration. For detailed information on using the Lotus Sametime event gateway, see “Using the Instant Messaging Event Gateways” on page 1083. ColdFusion also provides an event gateway, the CFML asynchronous event gateway, that lets a CFML application invoke a CFC method asynchronously. This event gateway does not follow the model of providing a mechanism for exchanging messages with resources outside of ColdFusion. Instead, it provides a one-way path for invoking CFCs when an application does not require (indeed, cannot receive) a return value from the CFC. For detailed information on using the CFML asynchronous event gateway, see “Using the CFML event gateway for asynchronous CFCs” on page 1075. Development tools and example code ColdFusion provides the following tools and example code for developing your own event gateways and event gateway applications: • An SMS client (phone simulator) and a short message service center (SMSC) server simulator, for developing SMS applications without requiring an external SMS provider. • Four sample event gateways with source code: • A template for an empty event gateway that contains a skeleton on which you can build your own event gateways • A TCP/IP socket event gateway that listens on a TCP/IP port • A directory watcher event gateway that monitors changes to the contents of a directory • A Java Messaging Service (JMS) gateway that acts as a JMS consumer or producer. ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide 106 • Several sample applications, including the following: • A menu application that uses an inquiry-response drill-down menu to provide services such as weather reports and stock quotes. • A simple echo application that sends back the messages that it receives. • A temperature converter, an asynchronous logging application. • An application that returns employee phone number and other information. The chapters in this manual use these example applications. • Javadoc documentation for the Java interfaces and classes that you use to create gateways. For more information on these examples, see “Using the example event gateways and gateway applications” on page 1077. The ColdFusion gateway directory The ColdFusion installation includes a cf_root\WEB-INF\cfusion\gateway directory on J2EE configurations, or cf_root\gateway directory on server configurations. This directory contains all the code for ColdFusion example event gateways and example event gateway applications, and example configuration files for use by standard ColdFusion event gateways. You do not have to put your event gateways, event gateway application CFCs, or event gateway configuration files in this directory, but ColdFusion is configured to find event gateways and CFCs that you put there. The following table lists the event gateway directory subdirectories, their purpose, and their initial contents. For more information on using the example event gateways and applications, see “Using the example event gateways and gateway applications” on page 1077. Directory Purpose cfc Event gateway application CFCs. ColdFusion is installed with an Administrator Mapping between /gateway and this cfc directory. cfc/examples Code for the ColdFusion sample applications. config Configuration files for all ColdFusion event gateways, including standard ColdFusion event gateways, such as SMS, and example event gateways, such as the directory watcher event gateway. doc/api Javadoc for the Gateway, and GatewayHelper interfaces, and the CFEvent, GatewayServices, and GenericGateway classes that gateway developer use when writing gateways. This documentation is a subset of the information in “Gateway development interfaces and classes” on page 1325 in the CFML Reference. lib Executable code for example and user-developed event gateway classes. The ColdFusion class loader includes this directory on its classpath and includes any JAR files that are in that directory on the class path. The examples.jar file in this directory contains the class files for the DirectoryWatcherGateway, EmptyGateway, and SocketGateway classes. src/examples Source code for the example event gateway classes that Adobe provides. Includes the EmptyGateway.java file and the following subdirectories: • socket: Socket gateway source files • watcher: directory watcher gateway source files • JMS: JMS gateway source files ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide 106 The eventgateway.log file Event gateways provided with ColdFusion log event gateway errors and events to the cf_root\WEB- INF\cfusion\logs\eventgateway.log file on J2EE configurations, or the cf_root\logs\eventgateway.log file on server configurations. ColdFusion includes methods that let any event gateway use this file. This log file can be very useful in debugging event gateways and event gateway applications. ColdFusion Administrator event gateway pages The ColdFusion Administrator includes a Gateways section with three pages for managing event gateways: • Settings • Gateway types • Gateways The Settings page lets you enable and disable support for event gateways, specify the number of threads that ColdFusion can devote to processing events, specify the maximum number events that ColdFusion can hold in its event queue (which holds events that are waiting to be processed) and start the SMS test server. The Gateway Types page lets you add, remove, and configure event gateway types by specifying a name, a Java class, and startup time-out behavior. Note: The gateway type name in the ColdFusion Administrator does not have to be the same as the gateway type that is used in the gateway Java code and the CFEvent data structure; however, you should use the same name in both places for consistency. The Gateways page lets you add, remove, configure, start, and stop individual event gateway instances. You configure an event gateway instance by specifying a unique ID, the gateway type, one or more listener CFC paths, a configu- ration file (not required for all gateway types), and a startup mode (manual, automatic, or disabled). Structure of an event gateway application To develop an event gateway application, you create and use some or all of the following elements: • One or more listener CFCs that handle any incoming messages and send any necessary responses. • In some applications, ColdFusion pages that generate outgoing messages directly. • An event gateway instance configuration in the ColdFusion Administrator. This configuration might require a separate event gateway configuration file. • In some applications, a GatewayHelper object to provide access to additional features of the protocol or technology; for example, to manage instant messaging buddy lists. The role of the listener CFC All incoming event messages must be handled by one or more listener CFCs. You specify the listener CFCs when you configure an event gateway in the ColdFusion Administrator. You must specify at least one CFC in the administrator. Some gateway types can use more than one CFC. By default, the ColdFusion event gateway service delivers events by calling the CFC’s onIncomingMessage method. ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide 106 The event gateway developer must inform the event gateway application developer of methods that the listener CFC must implement (may be only the onIncomingMessage method) and of the structure and contents of the event message data, contained in the CFEvent instance, that the listener CFC must handle. Outgoing messages have the same event message data structure as incoming messages. Many gateways let the listener CFCs send a response by calling the cfreturn function, but ColdFusion does not require a return value. Listener CFCs can also use the SendGatewayMessage function, which provides more flexi- bility than the cfreturn tag. The role of ColdFusion pages ColdFusion CFM pages cannot receive event messages. However, they can send messages using an event gateway. Therefore, an event gateway application that initiates outgoing messages might use one or more SendGatewayMessage functions to send the messages. An application that sends an SMS message to notify users when a package ships, for example, could use the SendGatewayMessage function to send the notification. The role of the ColdFusion Administrator The Gateways page in the ColdFusion Administrator associates a specific event gateway instance with one or more listener CFCs that processes messages from the event gateway. It tells the ColdFusion event gateway service to send messages received by the event gateway to the listener CFC. It also lets you specify a configuration file for the event gateway instance and whether to start the event gateway instance (and therefore any responder application) when ColdFusion starts. For more information on using the Administrator, see the ColdFusion Administrator online Help. The role of the GatewayHelper object A ColdFusion event gateway provides an information conduit: at its most basic, it receives and dispatches event messages. In some cases, however, an event gateway must provide additional functionality. An instant messaging event gateway, for example, needs to provide such services as managing buddies and providing status information. To support such use, an event gateway can enable access to a GatewayHelper object. The event gateway developer writes a Java class that provides the necessary utility routines as Java methods, and ColdFusion application devel- opers can get an instance of the class by calling the CFML GetGatewayHelper method. The application calls the GatewayHelper object’s methods using normal ColdFusion object access techniques. The ColdFusion instant messaging event gateways and the example socket event gateway provide GatewayHelper objects. Configuring an event gateway instance Before you develop or deploy an event gateway application, you must use the ColdFusion Administrator to configure an event gateway instance that will handle the event messages. You specify the following information: • An event gateway ID to identify the specific event gateway instance. You use this value in the CFML GetGatewayHelper and SendGatewayMessage functions. • The event gateway type, which you select from the available event gateway types, such as SMS or Socket. • The absolute path to the listener CFC or CFCs that will handle incoming messages. If you have multiple listener CFCs, enter the paths separated by commas. You must specify absolute file paths, even if you put the CFCs in the ColdFusion gateway\cfc directory. • A configuration file, if required for this event gateway type or instance. ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide 106 • The event gateway start-up status; one of the following: Automatic: Start the event gateway when ColdFusion starts. Manual: Do not start the event gateway with ColdFusion, but allow starting it from the ColdFusion Adminis- trator Event Gateways list. Disabled: Do not allow the event gateway to start. Developing an event gateway application All event gateway applications handle information. They exchange event messages, and possibly other types of infor- mation, with other resources. Event gateway applications require a listener CFC to handle events that are sent to the event gateway. Event gateway applications can also use the following code elements: • SendGatewayMessage CFML functions to send messages from outside the listener CFC (or, optionally, from the CFC) • GatewayHelper objects • The eventgateway log file Event gateway application models Event gateway applications follow one or both of the following models: • Responder applications: Where event messages from external sources initiate a response from a ColdFusion listener CFC • Initiator applications: Where a ColdFusion application generates event messages to send out using the event gateway Unlike other ColdFusion applications, responder applications are request-free. They do not have CFM pages, just CFCs, and they do not respond to HTTP requests. Instead, ColdFusion the event gateway service deliver the event messages directly to the listener CFC, and the CFC listener method returns any response directly to the event gateway service. Applications that allow mobile phone owners to get a news feed, check for text messages, or request other forms of information follow this model. Initiator applications are similar to most ColdFusion applications. At some point, ColdFusion executes a CFM page in response to a request. (The request could be initiated by the ColdFusion Administrator Scheduled Tasks page.) ColdFusion sends a message to the event gateway when the application calls a CFML SendGatewayMessage function. An application that uses SMS to notify customers when orders have been shipped follows this model. Sending information to the event gateway A ColdFusion application can send an outgoing message to the event gateway in either of the following ways: • In a cfreturn tag in the listener CFC’s listener method • By calling the ColdFusion SendGatewayMessage function The first method is useful to automatically respond to incoming messages. Some complex applications that respond to incoming messages might use the SendGatewayMessage function either in place or in addition to the return value. ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide 106 Some event gateway types also use a GatewayHelper object to send information to external resources. For example, the ColdFusion XMPP and Lotus Sametime instant messaging event gateways provide a GatewayHelper object that can manage buddy lists, and set configuration and status information on the instant messaging server. For more information on the GatewayHelper object, see “Using the GatewayHelper object” on page 1074. For more infor- mation on the instant messaging GatewayHelper object, see “Sample IM message handling application” on page 1088. The example code in “Example event gateway CFC” on page 1072 shows the use of a listener return value, and indicates how event gateways can require different data in the return structure to send equivalent messages. Developing event gateway listener CFCs The listener CFC responds to event gateway messages. The listener CFC uses, at a minimum, the following basic software elements: • One or more listener methods • CFEvent structures that contain the messages Listener CFCs can use ColdFusion persistent scopes to store data that needs to be preserved over multiple CFC invocations or shared with other CFML elements. Listener methods The ColdFusion event gateway service calls one or more listener methods in the CFC to process incoming messages. The number of listener methods that you must write and their names depends on the event gateway. For example, the ColdFusion SMS event gateway requires a single listener method, which is typically named onIncomingMessage. (You can change the SMS event gateway listener method name in the event gateway configu- ration file.) The ColdFusion XMPP IM event gateway expects the listener CFC to have five methods: onIncomingMessage, onAddBuddyRequest, onAddBuddyResponse, onBuddyStatus, and onIMServerMessage. By default, if the event gateway does not specify the method name, ColdFusion calls the listener CFC’s onIncomingMessage method. For the sake of consistency, Adobe recommends that any event gateway with a single listener method use the onIncomingMessage method. The listener method does the following: 1 Takes a single parameter, a CFEvent structure, described in the following section. 2 Processes the contents of the instance as required by the application. 3 Optionally, returns an outgoing message to the event gateway in a cfreturn tag. It can also send a message back to the event gateway by calling the ColdFusion SendGatewayMessage function. The following code shows a listener CFC with an onIncomingMessage method that echoes a message back to the Socket event gateway that sent it. It contains the minimum code required to process an incoming message and respond to the sender using the socket gateway. <cfcomponent displayname="echo" hint="echo messages from the event gateway"> <cffunction name="onIncomingMessage" output="no"> <cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="yes"> <! Create a return structure that contains the message. > <cfset retValue = structNew()> <cfset retValue.DestinationID = arguments.CFEvent.OriginatorID> <cfset retValue.MESSAGE = "Echo: " & arguments.CFEvent.Data.MESSAGE> <! Send the return message back. > <cfreturn retValue> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> [...]... ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 107 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide Field Use cfcpath Overrides the CFC path specified in the ColdFusion Administrator This field lets you use a single gateway configuration in the ColdFusion Administrator multiple CFCs method Sets the name of the method to invoke in the CFC The default method is onIncomingMessage This field lets you use a single gateway configuration in the ColdFusion. .. same application name as your CFC ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 107 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide • Use cflog tags to help you trace any errors by logging significant events to a file Also, carefully inspect the eventgateway.log and exceptions.log files that ColdFusion maintains For more information on using the eventgateway.log file, see “The eventgateway.log file” on page 106 6 • You can simulate responses from... The gatewayID value is the event gateway ID that you set in the ColdFusion Administrator, and gatewayType and originatorID are the values that the event gateway sets in the CFEvent instance for an incoming message ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 107 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide Application scope The Application scope lets the CFC share data with any ColdFusion page or CFC that uses the same application name This... application, such as the weather report or dictionary lookup (definition.cfc) ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 108 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide Use the menu application with the Socket event gateway 1 On the Gateway Settings page in the ColdFusion Administrator, click the Start SMS Test Server button 2 On the Gateways page in the ColdFusion Administrator, start the SMS Menu App - 5551212 event gateway by clicking... configure the gateway instance in the ColdFusion Administrator The gateway passes outgoing messages from this CFC and from other CFML code to the IM server The IM event gateway also provides a number of helper methods for managing the gateway and its configuration information ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 108 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide Incoming message handling You write the following ColdFusion CFC methods to handle... handling application” on page 108 8 Sending outgoing messages You use the SendGatewayMessage CFML function or the return value of a CFC listener method to send outgoing messages The ColdFusion IM gateway accepts the following outgoing message commands: Command Description submit (Default) Sends a normal message to another IM user ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 108 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide Command Description accept... configure a gateway to use both CFCs by entering the paths to the two CFCs, separated by a comma, in the CFC Path field of the Add/Edit ColdFusion Event Gateways form on the Gateways page in the ColdFusion Administrator ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 108 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide Phone directory lookup CFC The following CFC implements a simple employee phone directory lookup application The user sends an instant... cflog tag to log a message to a file in the ColdFusion logs directory The CFC takes a message with the following fields: • file The name of the file in which to put the message The default value is defaultEventLog • type The cflog type attribute to use The default value is info • message The message text ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 107 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide . receives when an event is triggered. ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide 106 Event gateway: Java code that receives events and sends them to and from ColdFusion application code. This document. CFC CFM Page . . . . . . . . . ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide 106 Each event gateway instance communicates with one or more listener CFCs through the ColdFusion event gateway service gateway type-specific configuration information. ADOBE COLDFUSION 8 ColdFusion Developer’s Guide 106 Event gateway facilities and tools ColdFusion provides a number of features and tools for

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