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Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 9 docx

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Causes of Postoperative Myocardial Dysfunction and Failure Increasing severity of surgical trauma and anesthesia can initiate increasing inflammatory and hypercoagulable states [1]. The inflammatory state involves increases in tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, and C-reactive protein. These factors may have a direct role in initiating plaque fissuring and acute coronary thrombosis. The hypercoagulable state involves increases in plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, factor VIII and platelet reac- tivity, as well as decreases in antithrombin III. All these factors can lead to acute coronary thrombosis. The stress state involves increased levels of cate- cholamines and cortisol. Increased stress hormone levels result in increases in blood pressure, heart rate, coronary artery sheer stress, relative insulin deficiency, and free fatty acid levels. Coronary artery shear stress may trigger plaque fissuring and acute coronary thrombosis. The other factors increase oxygen demand and can result in perioperative myocardial ischemia, which is strongly associated with perioperative myocardial infarction. Factors that can initiate a hypoxic state include anemia, hypothermia (through shiver- ing), and suppression of breathing. Cardiac surgery per se may cause additional myocardial damage by numerous mechanisms such as diffuse ischemia from inadequate myocardial 227 Prevention and Management of Cardiac Dysfunction during and after Cardiac Surgery Fig. 1. Time course of ventricular function after cardiopulmonary bypass. Reproduced with permission from [5] protection and myocardial reperfusion injury, inadequate repair, myocardial infarction, inflammation, coronary spasm, local trauma by surgical manipu- lation, air embolism, or residual hypothermia. Myocardial injury during car- diac surgery can be divided into three phases: prebypass ischemia, including preoperative disease status (unprotected ischemia); protected ischemia, elec- tively initiated by cardioplegia and hypothermic extracorporeal circulation (ECC); and reperfusion injuries after ECC. After brief periods of myocardial ischemia the myocardial depression is usually mild and transient, but it becomes worse as the ischemic episodes that precede it are more severe and longer-lasting. Patients with preexisting severe underlying disease, poor ischemic conditions, and reduced cardiac reserves have limited ability to cope with ischemia-related myocardial dysfunction. Ischemia is more preva- lent postoperatively than preoperatively or before ECC. Prebypass Ischemia Patients with severe coronary artery disease continue to have frequent episodes of silent myocardial ischemia despite intensive medical therapy. Before induction of anesthesia almost half the–mostly silent–ischemic episodes occur randomly as well as in response to hemodynamic abnormali- ties. Myocardial ischemia before the start of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has been observed in 38% of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) patients, and myocardial infarction was three times more frequent than in patients without ischemia (6.9% vs. 2.5%) [11]. Although perioperative myocardial ischemia appears not always to be induced by hemodynamic stress, it has been shown that patients with perioperative myocardial ischemia had previ- ous tachycardia more frequently [12]. A preoperative heart rate above 100 bpm was also associated with increased risk of perioperative myocardial infarction. Preoperative regional wall motion score index and new regional wall motion abnormalities immediately after CPB have been shown to be the most important independent predictor for the use of inotropes after cardiac surgery [13]. Elevated serum troponin I (cTnI) concentrations as sensitive markers of myocardial damage measured 24 h before surgery have been demonstrated to identify patients at high risk for developing perioperative myocardial infarction or low cardiac output syndrome, and at increased risk of in-hospi- tal death. Perioperative myocardial infarction and low cardiac output syn- drome occurred at rates of 5.9% and 1.6% respectively in patients with pre- operative cTnI levels less than 0.1 ng/ml, compared to 17.2% and 10.9% in patients with preoperative cTnI levels greater than 1.5 ng/ml [14]. 228 W.Moosbauer,A.Hofer,H.Gombotz ECC and Cardiac Arrest In most cardiac surgical patients, the use of ECC is a precondition for surgi- cal cardiac repair. However, during ECC the heart is subjected to a number of events that eventually lead to myocardial ischemia: inadequate myocardial perfusion, ventricular distension or collapse, coronary embolism, and ven- tricular fibrillation, as well as aortic cross-clamping and reperfusion. In addition, ECC per se may cause myocardial dysfunction as a result of severe hemodilution and hyperkalemia or as a result of cardioplegia-induced sys- temic hypocalcemia. Thus, the operation originally designed to preserve or improve myocardial function may be associated with deleterious effects. Those adverse effects may be well tolerated in patients with normal ventric- ular function, but may become serious in patients with compromised ven- tricular function. During ECC, perfusion of the coronary arteries may be compromised by perfusion via the aortic route or direct cannulation of the arteries or elevat- ed vascular resistance. In addition, autoregulation may be lost due to hypothermia. Ventricular distension and the use of catecholamines may upset the oxygen supply/demand ratio. Ventricular fibrillation increases myocardial wall tension and oxygen consumption and impairs subendocar- dial blood flow. Aortic cross-clamping per se is potentially a major cause of myocardial injury. The extent of necrosis in unprotected myocardium is directly related to the duration of aortic cross-clamping and cardiac reperfu- sion injury[15]. Increased aortic cross-clamp time and longer duration of CPB are indeed associated with a significant reduction in ventricular func- tion [16]. Inadequate Cardioplegic Arrest Cardioplegic arrest provides protected ischemia by reducing the oxygen demand below 10% of the demand of the working heart and also avoids reperfusion injury by specifically targeting the pathophysiologic mechanism and mediators of postischemic injury. Effective myocardial protection through either cold or warm blood cardioplegia is essential, because late sur- vival is significantly reduced in patients with even nonfatal perioperative car- diac outcomes [17]. Cardioplegic arrest neutralizes some negative aspects of hypothermia including a paradoxical increase in the inotropic state and oxy- gen demands per beat or the induction of ventricular fibrillation [18]. The greatest degree of myocardial protection is achieved by combining (tepid) hypothermia with chemical cardioplegia. Normothermic cardioplegia may be used to overcome some of the disadvantages of hypothermia. 229 Prevention and Management of Cardiac Dysfunction during and after Cardiac Surgery Inability to establish or maintain electromechanical quiescence is a sig- nal that cardioplegic solution does not reach some regions in adequate con- centration. This can be the consequence of the underlying artery disease, inadequate pressure in the aortic root, or even steal phenomena. An insuffi- cient cardioplegic procedure results in anaerobic metabolism during car- diac arrest with subsequent lactate accumulation, which is regarded as a predictor of low cardiac output syndrome. In addition, the type of cardio- plegia and route of administration may play a role in protecting the myocardium. Blood cardioplegia provides a closer approximation to normal physiology and superior myocardial protection compared to crystalloid car- dioplegia, including lower rates of hospital stay and myocardial-bound crea- tine kinase increase, whereas the incidence of myocardial infarction and death is similar [19]. During cardiac surgery the right ventricle is at special risk of inadequate protection by disparate distribution of cardioplegia and cooling. Especially in the presence of a significant stenosis or obstruction of the right coronary artery (RCA), uneven cooling of the right ventricle has been reported [20]. In a group of patients with RCA occlusion the right ventricular ejection frac- tion (RVEF), right ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI) and cardiac index (CI) were significantly reduced after CPB. In patients with severe right coro- nary stenosis, off-pump cardiac surgery seemed to provide better right ven- tricular protection because of the avoidance of cardioplegic arrest. Inadequate cardioplegic protection of the atria, myocardial ischemia, and also atrial cannulation may increase the frequency of postoperative atrial fibrillation. Compared to patients operated on off-pump, the incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation was significantly higher in on-pump patients, and ECG during cardioplegic arrest has been found to be the main indepen- dent predictor of postoperative atrial fibrillation in CABG patients. Hypothermia Hypothermic ECC decreases metabolic rate and oxygen requirements and in consequence increases tolerance of ischemia. Hypothermia also helps to pre- serve high-energy phosphate stores and reduces excitatory neurotransmitter release, which is especially important for protection of the central nervous system. Strict maintenance of normothermia during ECC is in fact associat- ed with increased neurologic risk. However, hypothermia is also associated with several disadvantages for the myocardium. Transient, readily reversible edema of the myocardium after reperfusion may occur. In addition, topical cooling injury of extracardiac structures is a matter of concern. Topical cool- ing yielded no additional benefit but increased the incidence of diaphragm 230 W.Moosbauer,A.Hofer,H.Gombotz paralysis and associated pulmonary edema [21]. Furthermore, citrate toxici- ty may be augmented, leading to additional myocardial depression and thrombocytopenia. Reperfusion Reperfusion injury is defined as additional myocardial injury occurring after restoration of blood flow to ischemic myocardium. It causes inflammatory cell activation from cytokine generation, up-regulation of neutrophil adhe- sion molecules with neutrophil activation, oxygen free radical formation, and lipoperoxidation, and enables important pathways for postoperative myocardial dysfunction. Reperfusion injury has an early phase (< 4 h) based on early neutrophil and adhesion molecule-dependent interaction and a later phase (4–6 h) with still unknown mediators. Reperfusion injuries include structural deterioration (edema, platelet deposition, etc.) and bio- chemical (decreased oxygen utilization, complement activation, acidosis, etc.) and electromechanical pathologies (dysrhythmias, impaired systolic/diastolic function). Experimental studies showed possible preven- tion of myocardial dysfunction by using free radical scavengers. However, whether this protection confers meaningful clinical benefits is uncertain [22]. There is also a time link between cytokine release and the timing of ventricular dysfunction. Cytokines can release nitric oxide from endotheli- um, resulting in myocardial dysfunction. Reperfusion injury can cause atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias, reversible systolic and diastolic dysfunction (stunning), endothelial dysfunc- tion, myocardial necrosis, and apoptosis [23].After short periods of ischemia the negative effect on contractile function is benign but might be injurious to other targets like endothelium or neutrophil accumulation. Long periods of ischemia cause injury of the myocardium, leading to persistent contractile dysfunction. In the absence of morphologic injury, postischemic contractile dysfunction may be reversible within hours (stunned myocardium). Stunning is common after ECC and is defined as prolonged postischemic contractile dysfunction of the myocardium salvaged by reperfusion. In a number of studies increased chamber stiffness and dilatation were found after blood reperfusion following normothermic or hypothermic ischemia [24]. Acute increases in postischemic chamber stiffness are caused by myocardial edema and abnormal calcium handling in the myocardium. A decrease in diastolic relaxation impairs diastolic filling and reduces stroke volume independently of any postischemia or postcardioplegia abnormali- ties in inotropic state or contractility. The question of whether reperfusion causes myocardial necrosis is still a 231 Prevention and Management of Cardiac Dysfunction during and after Cardiac Surgery matter of discussion. However, endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of reperfusion injury is well documented. Endothelial damage occurs during reperfusion rather than after short periods of global and/or regional ischemia, but more prolonged periods of ischemia also cause endothelial damage. Apart from ischemia–reperfusion, inflammatory mediators and gaseous microemboli may also induce endothelial damage during ECC. For example, pulmonary endothelial dysfunction may be impaired until 3–4 days after exposure to ECC [25]. Reperfusion dysrhythmias manifest themselves as premature ventricular contractions and ventricular fibrillation. Poor myocardial protection (global or distal to severe coronary artery occlusions) causes failure to spontaneous- ly resume sinus rhythm or persistence of arrhythmias requiring therapeutic interventions. The incidence and severity of reperfusion arrhythmias is strongly related to the severity of the preceding ischemia. The induction of calcium-dependent arrhythmias by accumulation of intracellular calcium during ischemia is another mechanism. Furthermore, oxygen-derived free radicals may cause reperfusion arrhythmias by altering membrane lipids and various transport proteins. The combination of oxygen-derived free radicals and calcium-related events especially might act as a trigger for reperfusion dysrhythmias. Prevention of Postoperative Myocardial Dysfunction and Failure The healthy heart has enormous functional reserve. However, when ventricu- lar performance is marginally matched to the individual patient’s physiolog- ic needs, even small decrements in myocardial function may cause an increase in morbidity and mortality. Therefore, in addition to the surgical procedure, efficient myocardial protection should to be one of the main goals for all members of the surgical team throughout the perioperative period. Surgical myocardial protection includes optimal surgical technique, adequate performance of ECC and cardioplegic arrest, as well as liberal (pro- phylactic) use of assist devices in patients who are severely hemodynamical- ly unstable. Perioperative stress protection by the anesthesiologist includes preoperative optimization, adequate treatment of pain and anxiety, and pre- cise hemodynamic management including heart rate control and (“early goal”) volume management. Also, additional cardioprotective drugs may be used. However, the best approach to medical protection of patients from car- diovascular complications during surgery is still a matter of discussion. 232 W.Moosbauer,A.Hofer,H.Gombotz Role of the Anesthesiologist in Myocardial Protection Although brief periods of ischemia can contribute to prolonged left ventric- ular dysfunction and even heart failure, they paradoxically play a cardiopro- tective role. Episodes of ischemia as short as 5 min, followed by reperfusion, protect the heart from a subsequent longer coronary artery occlusion by markedly reducing the amount of necrosis that results from the test episode of ischemia. This phenomenon, called ischemic preconditioning, has been observed in virtually every species in which it has been studied and has a powerful cardioprotective effect [23, 26]. Volatile anesthetics appear to be related to better and earlier recovery of myocardial function and lesser myocardial damage manifested as minor elevation in myocardial enzymes. CABG patients on a sevoflurane-based anesthetic regimen demonstrated more preserved cardiac performance, reduced requirement of inotropic sup- port, and lower serum concentrations of cardiac enzymes compared to those on an intravenously based anesthetic regimen [27, 28]. In addition, a decreased inflammatory response to CPB–measured as reduced release of IL- 6, CD11b/CD18, and TNF-α–as well as significant reduction in new regional wall motion abnormalities after sevoflurane anesthesia suggest effective pro- tection against ischemia reperfusion injury [29]. The cardiac protective property of volatile anesthetics may depend on the duration and timing of administration [27]. Increasing evidence shows that perioperative β-blocker treatment signifi- cantly reduces the risk and the incidence of perioperative cardiac complica- tions after cardiac and noncardiac surgery [30]. In noncardiac surgery β-blockers were shown to reduce the number of deaths from cardiac events, as well as nonfatal myocardial infarction but did not have a significant impact on the total number of deaths. β-blockers reduce sympathetic tone, heart rate, and contractility, decrease share stress, and reduce the prothrom- botic effect of sympathetic activation. Despite extensive investigations, important questions such as the ideal target population, ideal dose, route of administration, duration of therapy, or even type of β-blocker remain unre- solved [31]. In addition, the observation that there may be some disadvan- tages associated with β-blocker therapy in low-risk patients has not been fully explained. Furthermore, in patients receiving chronic β-blocker therapy the adequacy of cardiac protection has been questioned. The required dose of isoproterenol needed to increase heart rate by 25 bpm was similar in patients receiving chronic β-blocker treatment compared to those without. It has been suggested that patients undergoing chronic β-blocking therapy 233 Prevention and Management of Cardiac Dysfunction during and after Cardiac Surgery compensate to such a degree that cardiovascular β-receptor function actually becomes normal (receptor up-regulation). As a matter of fact, chronic β- blocker therapy has been shown to be associated with higher risk of myocar- dial infarction, cardiac death, and major cardiac complications in noncardiac surgery [32]. On the other hand, discontinuing β-blocker therapy immedi- ately after surgery may increase the risk of postoperative cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and may be associated with a higher risk of ventric- ular heart failure. Additional perioperative β-blockade and the combination of β-blockers with statin therapy may be beneficial in patients receiving chronic β-blocker therapy and high-risk patients with coronary artery dis- ease. The combined use of β-blocker and simvastatin may prevent the up- regulation of β-adrenoceptors induced by chronic β-blocker therapy and therefore enable better stress protection [33]. In noncardiac surgery benefi- cial effects have been shown to be greatest in patients with higher cardiac risk factors and in those with more wall motion abnormalities. Bisoprolol treatment before noncardiac surgery significantly decreased the rate of car- diac death (3.4% vs. 17%) and nonfatal myocardial infarction (0% vs. 17%). A recent meta-analysis relating to ?-blocker use in noncardiac surgery has demonstrated a 65% reduction in perioperative myocardial ischemia (11.0% vs. 25.6%), a 56% reduction in myocardial infarction (0.5% vs. 3.9%), and a 67% in the composite endpoint of cardiac death and nonfatal myocardial infarction reduction (1.1% vs. 6.1%) [34]. Faster heart rate may be a marker of the under-use of β-blocker therapy. A preinduction heart rate of 80 bpm or higher was indeed associated with increased in-hospital mortality after CABG surgery (Fig. 2) [12]. The delete- rious consequences of tachycardia may be particularly aggravated by sys- temic hypotension and increased ventricular filling pressures. Yet, β-blocker therapy is still titrated to a heart rate of 80 bpm or higher in many patients [35]. In the setting of CABG surgery preoperative β-blocker therapy was asso- ciated with a small but consistent survival benefit for patients, except among those with an LVEF of less than 30% [36]. After coronary surgery chronic preoperative β-blocker therapy reduces 30-day mortality. Death was even more likely after nitrate therapy than after β-blocker therapy [37]. Prophylactic treatment with β-blockers also reduces the incidence of postop- erative atrial fibrillation, particularly in elderly patients. In patients with overt or underlying cardiac disease the actions of α 2 - adrenoceptor agonists, which include maintenance of stable systemic blood pressure and low heart rate and a reduction in overall oxygen consumption, can be expected to reduce the risk of procedure-related cardiac events. This expectation has been corroborated in clinical trials with clonidine, dexmedetomidine, and mivazerol in noncardiac surgery. Large controlled tri- 234 W.Moosbauer,A.Hofer,H.Gombotz als would be instructive in establishing a robust estimate of the benefit. These drugs could be used as an alternative or as second-line agents when β- blocker therapy is contraindicated. Several clinical trials clearly demonstrated that, although inotropic agents like α 2 -agonists and phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors may improve hemodynamic parameters, their use may be associated with increased mor- bidity and mortality [38]. The new calcium-sensitizing agent levosimendan protects against myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury and may serve as a promising alternative to conventional therapy in cardiac surgery. In comparison to dobutamine in patients with low-output heart failure the pri- mary hemodynamic endpoint–defined as an increase of 30% or more in car- diac output and a decrease of 25% or more in pulmonary capillary wedge pressure–was achieved in 28% of patients in the levosimendan group and 15% of those in the dobutamine group [39]. Because levosimendan decreases pulmonary capillary wedge pressure more effectively than dobutamine, the substance may be of value in patients with reversibly increased pulmonary pressures or right ventricular dysfunction (Fig. 3) [39, 40]. When compared to milrinone as well as dobutamine in patients undergoing elective coronary artery surgery, treatment with levosimendan was associated with significant- 235 Prevention and Management of Cardiac Dysfunction during and after Cardiac Surgery Fig. 2. Preinduction heart rate (HR) and in-hospital mortality. Reproduced with permis- sion from [12] ly higher cardiac index and mixed venous oxygen saturation, whereas pul- monary capillary wedge pressure, systemic vascular resistance, and oxygen extraction ratios were significantly higher in the milrinone treatment group [41]. Furthermore, despite improved myocardial performance in patients undergoing CABG, no increase in myocardial oxygen consumption has been observed. Significant cardioprotection by levosimendan may also be provid- ed by the vasodilatory effects as a result of opening ATP-dependent potassi- um channels and reducing the calcium sensitivity of contractile proteins in vascular smooth muscles. Decreases in vascular resistance and augmented blood flow in coronary arteries and internal mammary artery have been demonstrated in cardiac surgery as having a potentially protective effect in patients with compromised coronary blood flow and vasospasm in the arter- ial grafts after coronary bypass grafting. After levosimendan treatment, a reduction of the number of hypokinetic segments and an improvement in left ventricular function without impair- ment of diastolic function have been reported in patients with acute coro- nary syndrome immediately after reperfusion during angioplasty [42]. In the setting of off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery, increases in stroke vol- 236 W.Moosbauer,A.Hofer,H.Gombotz Fig. 3. Comparison of hemodynamic effects of levosimendan and dobuta- mine. Changes in cardiac output and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure were recorded from base- line to 30 h in patients with low-output heart fail- ure. Reproduced with per- mission from [39] [...]... 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Circulation 104: 298 1– 298 9 24. Casthely PA, Shah C, Mekhjian H et al ( 199 7) Left ventricular diastolic function after. Bax JJ et al ( 199 9) The effect of bisoprolol on periopera- tive mortality and myocardial infarction in high-risk patients undergoing vascular surgery. N Engl J Med 341:17 89 1 794 35. Akhtar S,. problem in the perioperative period. In the Unites States nearly 29% of adults in 199 9 and 2000 were affected by hypertension (age-adjusted prevalence of hypertension): 30% of hyperten- sive individuals

Ngày đăng: 14/08/2014, 07:20