ANSYS CFX-Mesh Tutorials ANSYS Workbench Release 9.0 November 2004 ANSYS, Inc. is a UL registered ISO 9001: 2000 Company [...]... in the ANSYS, Inc license agreement and as provided in DFARS 227.7202 -1( a) and 227.7202-3(a) (19 95), DFARS 252.227-7 013 (c) (1) (ii) (OCT 19 88), FAR 12 . 212 (a) (19 95), FAR 52.227 -19 , or FAR 52.227 -14 (ALT III), as applicable CFX-Mesh Tutorials © SAS IP, Inc 7 8 Tutorial 1: Static Mixer This example shows geometry creation and meshing for a simple static mixer It assumes that you have never used ANSYS. .. in Introduction to the CFX-Mesh Tutorials However, even if you are not going to work through the geometry creation section, it may be worth reading through it if you have not used ANSYS Workbench before, since it contains some background information which is also applicable to CFX-Mesh 1 Introduction to CFX-Mesh In order to create a mesh using CFX-Mesh, the steps are as follows 1 Create the Geometry... The first step for any new case is to create the project 1 Open ANSYS Workbench On Windows, this can be done by going to the Start Menu>Programs section and selecting ANSYS 9.0 >ANSYS Workbench On UNIX, this can be done by running /ansys_ inc/v90/aisol/startpage if your installation used the default settings Otherwise, you should run install_dir /ansys_ inc/v90/aisol/startpage 2 Start a new project from... any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior written permission of ANSYS, Inc This document has been reviewed and approved in accordance with ANSYS, Inc Documentation Review and Approval Procedures This ANSYS, Inc software product and program documentation are furnished by ANSYS, Inc under an ANSYS software license agreement that contains provisions concerning non-disclosure, copying,... geometry either in ANSYS Workbench or by importing it from a CAD package The geometry creation tool in ANSYS Workbench is DesignModeler, a parametric feature-based solid modeler Most of the CFXMesh Tutorial Examples include instructions on creating geometry in DesignModeler, although for full documentation you should consult the DesignModeler Help CFX-Mesh Tutorials © SAS IP, Inc Tutorial 1: Static Mixer... the e-porting company, and Visual MainWin are trademarks or registered trademarks of Mainsoft Corporation in the United States and/or foreign countries ZLIB 1. 1.3 Copyright (C) 19 95 -19 98 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler Meschach Library Copyright (C) 19 93 David E Steward & Zbigniew Leyk, all rights reserved DesignSpace contains Simulation Wizard, Patent Pending Disclaimer Notice Information in this Information... remaining four steps are all carried out within CFX-Mesh The creation of the surface mesh is optional; if it is not created explicitly, then it will be generated as part of the creation of the volume mesh ANSYS Workbench helps you to manage all of the files created by DesignModeler and CFX-Mesh by the use of the Project Page Your first step after opening ANSYS Workbench will be to create a new project,... open DesignModeler in order to start creating the geometry 1 At the left side of the Project Page, click on metry) 2 New geometry (under Create DesignModeler Geo- In the popup window, select Meter as the desired length unit Overview of DesignModeler Once DesignModeler opens up, you will be able to see four main areas to the window 10 CFX-Mesh Tutorials © SAS IP, Inc Section 2: Geometry Creation •... geometry operations such as Extrude and Revolve are applied from the top of the tree downwards For example, in the tree shown below, Extrude2 was the first operation, followed by Revolve2 CFX-Mesh Tutorials © SAS IP, Inc 11 ... Project Page Your first step after opening ANSYS Workbench will be to create a new project, and by returning to the Project Page (which is available at any point during your ANSYS Workbench session) you can switch between DesignModeler and CFX-Mesh, add new files to the project, and so on We recommend that you create each new project in a new directory so that all the files for each project are kept separate . 11 3 1. Geometry Creation 11 3 2. Mesh Generation 11 8 Tutorial 13 : Can Combustor 12 1 1. Geometry Import 12 2 2. Mesh Generation 12 2 Tutorial 14 : CAD Cleanup and Meshing 12 7 1. Mesh Generation 12 8 CFX-Mesh. 89 Tutorial 10 : Heating Coil 93 1. Geometry Creation 93 2. Mesh Generation 98 Tutorial 11 : Airlift Reactor 10 3 1. Geometry Creation 10 4 2. Mesh Generation 10 9 Tutorial 12 : Room with Air Conditioning 11 3 1. . features are covered in which tutorial. Introduction to the CFX-Mesh Tutorials CFX-Mesh Tutorials . . © SAS IP, Inc. 4 14 1 312 111 09876543 21 ••••••••••••••2D Region Groups ••••• Face Spacing a ••Curvature-Sensitive