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Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 12 pptx

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If the polar plot for Y 1 j o approaches the critical point (À1Y 0), the system is at the limit of stability, the logarithmic magnitude is 0 dB, and the phase angle is p on the Bode diagram. Let us now consider the translational mechanism with electrical drive discussed in the preceding section. From Eq. (9.29) we have Y 1 j o k H jojot 1  1j ot 2  1 X 9X48 We assume k H  1, t 1  0X2, t 2  0X1. The Bode characteristics are presented in Fig 9.7. The critical frequency is o c  1. The gain margin is estimated by the segment AB, d % 20 dB, and the phase margin is evaluated by the segment CD, w %À80  . 10. Design of Closed-Loop Control Systems by Pole-Zero Methods In the preceding sections we analyzed the design and adjustment of the system parameters in order to provide a desirable quality of the control Figure 9.7 Bode characteristics for the translational mechanism with electrical drive. 10. Design of Closed-Loop Control Systems by Pole-Zero Methods 649 Control system. But often it is not simple to adjust a parameter of a technological process that has a complex con®guration. It is preferable to reconsider the structure of the control system and to introduce new structure components that allow a better selection and adjustment of the parameters for the overall system. These new structure components are called controllers. 10.1 Standard Controllers In Fig. 10.1 we present a feedback control system in which a controller ensures the quality of the control system. The adjustment of the controller parameters in order to provide suitable performance is called compensation. The transfer function of the controller is designated as Y c s X c s E s Y 10X1 where Es is the system error and X c s de®nes the output of the controller. This variable acts as the input for the second component, the driving system, which represents an interface between the controller and the mechanical process: Y D s X p s X c s X 10X2 If we suppose that the transfer function of the mechanical system (process) is Y p s, the open-loop system has the transfer function Y 1 sY c sÁY D sÁY p s and the closed-loop control system Y s Y c sÁY D sÁY p s 1  Y c sÁY D sÁY p sÁY T s Y 10X3 where Y T s represents the transfer function of the transducer on the feed- back path. In order to facilitate the selection of the best control structure, several types of standard controllers are used. (a) The P controller (proportional controller) is de®ned by the equation x c tK p Á etX 10X4 Figure 10.1 A feedback control system with controller. 650 Control Control This controller provides a proportional output as a function of the error Y c sK p X 10X5 (b) I controller (integration controller): x c t 1 T i  etdt 10X6 Y c s 1 T i s X 10X7 (c) PI controller (proportional-integration controller): x c tK p et 1 T i  etdt  10X8 Y c sK p 1  1 T i s  X 10X9 (d) PD controller (proportional-derivative controller): x c tK p etT d det dt  10X10 Y c sK p 1  T d sX 10X11 (e) PDD 2 controller (proportional-derivative-derivative controller): x c tK p T d 1 T d 2 d 2 et dt 2 T d 1  T d 2  det dt  et   10X12 Y c sK p 1  T d 1 s1  T d 2 sX 10X13 (f) PID controller (proportional-integration-derivative controller): x c tK p et 1 T i  tdt  T d det dt  10X14 Y c sK p 1  1 T i s  T d s  X 10X15 The design of a control system requires the selection of a type of controller, the arrangement of the system structure, and then the selection and adjustment of the controller parameters in order to obtain a set of desired performances. If the theoretical design of the controller requires a transfer function more complex than those of PID or PDD 2 controllers, it is preferable to connect several types of standard controllers that can achieve the desired performance. 10.2 P-Controller Performance We consider the transfer function of an open-loop system (5.8) rewritten in the form Y 1 s K s l Á Qs Rs Y 10X16 10. Design of Closed-Loop Control Systems by Pole-Zero Methods 651 Control where l  0Y 1Y 2(l b 2 determines the instability of the system) and Qs, Rs are polynomials with coef®cients of s 0 equal to 1: Q0 R0  1X From Eq. (10.16) we obtain K  lim s30 s l Á Y 1 sX 10X17 If we consider the transfer function for l  0 (a type- zero system) in Eq. (5.8), Y 1 s A Á  m i1 s  z i   n j1 s  p j  Y 10X18 where Àz i , Àp j represent the zeros and poles of the open-loop system, respectively, we obtain K  A Á  m i1 z i  n j1 p j X 10X19 For a unit step input, from Eq. (6.6) we get the steady error E s 1 1  A Á  m i1 z i  n j1 p j X 10X20 We will now analyze closed-loop systems. First, we consider the transfer function of a thermal heating system (9.12)±(9.14), Y 1 s k 1 t 1 s  1 Y with the closed-loop transfer function Y s X 0 s X i s  Y 1 s 1  Y 1 s  k 1 * s  p 1 Y 10X21 where p 1 À 1  k 1 t 1 Y k 1 *  k 1 t 1 Y V b b ` b b X 10X22 and k 1 , t 1 are de®ned in Eq. (9.14). 652 Control Control The transient response for a unit step input x i t will be X 0 sY sÁX i s X 0 s k 1 * s  p 1 Á 1 s X 10X23 Expanding Eq. (10.23) in a partial fraction expansion, we obtain X 0 s c 0 s  c 1 s  p 1 Y 10X24 where c 0 s Á X 0 sj s0  k 1 * p 1 10X25 c 1 s  p 1 ÁX 0 sj sÀp 1  Àk 1 * p 1 X 10X26 Then, the relation (10.24) becomes x 0 t k 1 * p 1 À k 1 * p 1 e Àp 1 Át X 10X27 The transient response is presented in Fig. 10.2. It is composed of the steady-state output k 1 *ap 1 and an exponential term k 1 *ap 1 e Àp 1 t . The steady- state error will be E s  1 À x 0 I  1 À k 1 * p 1 X 10X28 We remark that when p 1 approaches the origin (jp 1 j decreases), the time constant 1ap 1 and also the duration of the transient response increase. It is clear that a fast transient response requires a large p 1 that will determine the increase of the steady-state error. As a second case, we consider the closed- loop transfer function for a translational mechanism (Fig. 5.4). The open-loop transfer function is given by Eq. (9.16). The closed-loop transfer function will be Y s o 2 n s 2  2zo n s  o 2 n Y 10X29 Figure 10.2 Transient response for closed-loop control of a thermal system. 10. Design of Closed-Loop Control Systems by Pole-Zero Methods 653 Control where the natural frequency o n and damping ratio z are o 2 n  k 1 t 1 z  1 t 1 o n Y V b b ` b b X 10X30 and k 1 , t 1 are given in Eq. (9.17). The system poles are (Fig. 10.3) p 1Y2 Àzo n Æ  1 À z 2 q X 10X31 In Section 6, we obtained that the steady-state error is E s  0 10X32 for a unit step input (6.8), and E s  2z o n Y 10X33 for a ramp input (6.12). The overshoot of the transient response can be obtained by using the identity s 2  2zo n s  o 2 n s  zo n  2 o n  1 À z 2 q  2 X 10X34 From Eq. (10.29), X 0 sY sÁX i s 1 s À s  2zo n s 2  2zo n s  o 2 n Y 10X35 or X 0 s 1 s À s  zo n s  zo n  2 o n  1 À z 2 p  2 23  z  1 À z 2 p Á o n  1 À z 2 p s  zo n  2 o n  1 À z 2 p  2 23 X 10X36 Figure 10.3 Poles of a closed-loop for a translational mechanism. 654 Control Control The inverse Laplace transform of Eq. (10.36) will give x 0 t1 À e Àzo n t  1 À z 2 p Á sin o n  1 À z 2 q t tan À1  1 À z 2 p z 2323 X 10X37 The transient response is shown in Fig. 10.4. The maximum value of the time response is obtained for dx o t dt  0X 10X38 We obtain the values of time for which x 0 t achieves the extremes [4] t ex  kp o n  1 À z 2 p Y k  0Y 1Y 2Y FFFX 10X39 For k  0 we obtain the absolute minimum value at k  0; for k  1we obtain the peak value time T p  p o n  1 À z 2 p X 10X40 If we substitute T p in Eq. (10.37) we obtain the overshoot s  e Àpza  1Àz 2 p X 10X41 We see that for z  0, the overshoot is 100 (the system is at the limit of stability) and for z b 0X85 the overshoot approaches zero. The settling time (T s ) is de®ned as the time required for the system to settle within a certain percentage d of the input amplitude. From Eq. (10.36) we obtain the condition [4] e Àzo n T s  1 À z 2 p  dY 10X42 Figure 10.4 Transient response of a closed-loop control for a translational mechanism. 10. Design of Closed-Loop Control Systems by Pole-Zero Methods 655 Control and T s  lnd  1 À z 2 p  Àzo n X 10X43 The bandwidth (o B ) was discussed in Section 8. From Eqs. (8.35), (8.40), and (8.29) we obtain o 2 n  o 2 n À o 2 B  2 2zo n o B  2 q   2 p 2 X 10X44 The bandwidth o B will be o B  o n  1 À 2z 2   2 À 4z 2  4z 4 q r X 10X45 For example, for z  0X5, o B  1X27o n Y 10X46 and for z  0X7, o B  o n X 10X47 10.3 Effects of the Supplementary Zero We consider a closed-loop control system as in Fig. 10.1 where the controller is de®ned by a PD transfer function (10.11). We assumed that the controlled process is represented by the translational mechanism (9.16). The closed- loop transfer function will be Y PD s o n z Ás  z  s 2  2zo n s  o 2 n Y 10X48 where z is the zero introduced by the PD controller, z À 1 T D Y 10X49 and o 2 n  k p t z  1  k p T D 2to n X 10X50 The transfer function of the open-loop control system from Fig. 10.5 represents a type-one system, so that the steady-state error will be E s  0Y 10X51 for a unit step input. For a ramp input signal, we obtain from Eq. (6.10) E s  lim s30 1 s Á Y 1 PD s 45 Y 10X52 656 Control Control where Y 1 PD s Y PD s 1 À Y PD s Y Y 1 PD s o 2 n z Ás  z  ss 2zo n À o 2 n z  X 10X53 Substituting Y 1 PD s in Eq. (10.52), we obtain E s PD  2z À o n z o n X 10X54 It is clear that the steady-state error decreases by the value l  o n az .If we cancel the effect of the zero, z 3I, the PD steady-state error approaches the P steady-state error, E s PD 3 E s P  2z o n X From Eq. (10.54) we also have the condition 2z b o n z X 10X55 In order to analyze the transient response, we will rewrite (10.48) as Y PD s 1  s z  Y P sY 10X56 where Y P s represents the closed-loop transfer function with a P controller discussed in the preceding section, Y P s o 2 n s 2  2zo n s  o 2 n X 10X57 For a unit step input, the output x 0 t will be X 0 sY P sÁX i s 1 z sY P sX i sX 10X58 The inverse Laplace transformation of (10.58) will give x 0 PD tx 0 P t 1 z dx 0 P t dt Y 10X59 where x 0 PD , x 0 P denote the output signal for a PD controller or a P controller in the control system, respectively. It is clear that the overshoot of this system will be increased by the term 1az Ádx 0 P tadt (Fig. 10.6). Figure 10.5 A closed-loop control system with PD controller. 10. Design of Closed-Loop Control Systems by Pole-Zero Methods 657 Control From Eqs. (10.37) and (10.59) we obtain x 0 PD t1 À e Àzo n t  l 2 À 2zl  1 p  1 À z 2 p sino n  1 À z 2 q t gY 10X60 where g  tan À1  1 À z 2 p z À l 10X61 l  o n z X 10X62 The maximum value is obtained by dx 0 PD t dt  0Y 10X63 which enables us to calculate the time [4]: T P PD  p Àg À j o n  1 À z 2 p X 10X64 We remark that if z 3I, l 3 0, g  j and the value of (10.64) is the same as that determined for the P-controller (10.40). The overshoot will be s PD   l 2 À 2zl  1 q Á e ÀzÁpÀgÀja  1Àz 2 p X 10X65 The settling time T s PD can be determined by using the condition e Àzo n T s PD Á  l 2 À 2zl  1 p  1 À z 2 p  0X05X 10X66 If we develop Eq. (10.66) and consider the settling time T s P de®ned by (10.42), (10.43), we obtain T s PD  1 zo n Á ln  l 2 À 2zl  1 q  T s P X 10X67 Figure 10.6 Transient response with PD controller. 658 Control Control [...]... obtain the pole phase angle j ˆ cosÀ1 z ˆ 50 30H X …10X126† The condition (10 .123 ) of the ramp steady-state error determines the natural frequency from Eq (10.33), 2z on 0X02X Therefore, we obtain on ! 63X5Y …10X127† oB ˆ 1X1oN Y …10X128† but the relation (10.45) requires and from the condition (10 .124 ), 91X oN …10X129† The inequalities (10 .127 ) and (10 .129 ) de®ne the natural frequency domain on , 6X5 oN... matrix form (12. 3), we will have P Q 0 1 AˆR k kf S À À M M A Bˆ X M …12X11† …12X12† We assume that only the position is measurable, so that we have for the output y ˆ Cx Y …12X13† y ˆ x1 Y C ˆ ‰1 0ŠX …12X14† where The second example is represented by a coupled spring±mass system shown in Fig 12. 2 The dynamic model is described by the differential equations @  m1 z1 ‡ k1 …z1 À z2 † ˆ F …12X15†  • m2... Equation (12. 2) can be rewritten in matrix form, • x ˆ Ax ‡ BuY where P a11 Ta T 21 AˆT F T F R F an1 P …12X3† Q a1n a2n U U U U S a12 a22 ÁÁÁ ÁÁÁ an2 Á Á Á ann b11 T F BˆT F R F ÁÁÁ b1m bn1 ÁÁÁ …12X4† Q bnn U UY S and u ˆ ‰u1 Y u2 Y F F F Y um ŠT …12X5† de®nes the input vector of the system The initial state of the system is de®ned by the vector x0 ˆ ‰x1 …t0 †Y x2 …t0 †Y F F F Y xn …t0 †ŠT X …12X6† The... this system, •  M z ‡ kf z ‡ kz ˆ AP X …12X9† Control 673 12 State Variable Models 674 Control Control Figure 12. 1 The linear spring±mass± damper mechanical system The state variables that can de®ne this system rigorously are the position and the velocity We can write x1 ˆ z • x2 ˆ z Y …12X10† the system state variables The input is pressure p ˆ u Equation (12. 10) can be rewritten as • x1 ˆ x2 • x2... be Y1 …s† ˆ 15kP X s…s ‡ 95† …10X120† The control system requires the following performance: Overshoot: s‰7Š 7X57X …10X121† Steady-state error: Es ˆ 0Y ……10X122† for unit step input, and Es ‰7Š 27 ……10X123† for ramp input Bandwidth: 100X oB …10X124† The last condition of the bandwidth allows the estimation of the damping ratio From Eq (10.41) we obtain z ˆ 0X636X …10X125† If we use the pole representation... m1 U T U R 0 S 0 C ˆ 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Q U U U U 1 U U kf S À m2 0 ! X …12X16† …12X17† The mathematical model offered by the matrix equations (12. 3) and (12. 7) is called in the literature [9, 18] ``the input±state±output'' model In matrix form, the solution of Eq (12. 3) can be written as an exponential function [8, 9, 18]: …t …12X18† x …t † ˆ exp…At †x …0† ‡ exp‰A…t À t†ŠBu…t†d tX 0 The Laplace transform... we consider the input u ˆ 0, we obtain x …t † ˆ f…t †x …0†Y …12X23† X …s† ˆ f…s†x …0†X …12X24† or We can rewrite Eq (12. 23) by components: QP P Q P Q f11 …t † f12 …t † Á Á Á f1n …t † x1 …0† x1 …t † T x2 …t † U T f21 …t † Á Á Á f2n …t † UT x2 …0† U UT T U T U UT F U T F UˆT F SR F S R F S R F F F F xn …t † fn1 …t † fn2 …t † Á Á Á fnn …t † …12X25† xn …0† From this equation we see that the matrix coef®cient... system (Fig 12. 1) described by Eq (12. 11) The signal diagram ¯ow in Laplace variable is shown in Fig 12. 3 We note, therefore, that in order to determine the matrix coef®cients, it is necessary to evaluate the Xi …s†, changing the initial conditions xi …0† Thus, the coef®cient f11 …s† is obtained from the initial conditions x1 …0† ˆ 1; x2 …0† ˆ 0 677 Control 12 State Variable Models Figure 12. 3 The signal-¯ow... diagram for the linear spring± mass±damper mechanical system From Fig 12. 3 we can easily obtain 1 X1 ˆ …1 ‡ X2 † s  kf 1 k À X1 À X2 Y X2 ˆ M s M then s‡ f11 …s† ˆ X1 …s† ˆ s2 kf kf M k ‡ s‡ M M X …12X28† If we repeat this procedure for all matrix coef®cients, we obtain f12 …s† ˆ 1 kf k s2 ‡ s ‡ M M s‡ f21 …s† ˆ kf M kf k ‡ s‡ M M s X f22 …s† ˆ kf k s2 ‡ s ‡ M M s2 …12X29† The transition matrix f…t † is... m2 z2 ‡ kf z2 ‡ k2 z2 À k1 …z1 À z2 † ˆ 0X Figure 12. 2 The coupled spring±mass system 675 12 State Variable Models Control We de®ne the state vector as x ˆ ‰x1 Y x2 Y x3 Y x4 ŠT Y where x 1 ˆ z1 • x 2 ˆ z1 x 3 ˆ z2 • x 4 ˆ z2 Y the input is u ˆ FY and the output variables are represented by positions z1 , z2 y ˆ ‰y1 Y y2 ŠT X Equations (12. 3) and (12. 7) will have the P 0 1 0 k1 T k1 TÀ 0 T m1 m1 AˆT . 10X127 but the relation (10.45) requires o B  1X1o N Y 10X128 and from the condition (10 .124 ), o N 91X 10X129 The inequalities (10 .127 ) and (10 .129 ) de®ne the natural frequency domain o n , 6X5 o N . 95 X 10X120 The control system requires the following performance: Overshoot: s7 7X57X 10X121 Steady-state error: E s  0Y 10X122 for unit step input, and E s 7 27 10X123 for ramp. 50  30 H X 10X126 The condition (10 .123 ) of the ramp steady-state error determines the natural frequency from Eq. (10.33), 2z o n 0X02X Therefore, we obtain o n ! 63X5Y 10X127 but the relation

Ngày đăng: 13/08/2014, 16:21


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