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Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 7 potx

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for a free vibration with linear damping, and Fig. 2.7b represents a model for a free vibration with torsional damping. The equation of motion for the linear displacement, x,is m  x kx c  xY 2X32 or m  x c  x kx  0X 2X33 The equation of motion for the angular displacement, y,is m  y ky  c  yY 2X34 or m  y  c  y  k  y  0X 2X35 Consider the single degree of freedom model with viscous damping shown in Fig. 2.8. The differential equation of motion is m  x c  x kx  0Y 2X36 or  x  c m  x  k m  0Y 2X37 or  x  2a  x  o 2 x  0Y 2X38 where o   k  am is the undamped natural (angular) frequency, and a  ca2m is the damping ratio. The characteristic equation in r for Eq. (2.38) is r 2  2ar o 2  0Y 2X39 with the solutions r 1Y2 a   a 2  o 2  X 2X40 Figure 2.8 Mechanical model of free damped vibration with viscous damping. 348 Theory of Vibration Vibration Case 1. a 2  o 2 ` 0  the roots r 1 and r 2 are complex conjugate (r 1 Y r 2 , where  is the set of complex numbers). Case 2. a 2  o 2 b 0  the roots r 1 and r 2 are real and distinct (r 1 Y r 2 Y r 1  r 2 , where  is the set of real numbers). Case 3. a 2  o 2  0  the roots r 1 and r 2 are real and identical, r 1  r 2 . In this case, the damping coef®cient is called the critical damping coef®cient, c  c cr , and a  o  c cr 2m   k m r X 2X41 The expression of the critical damping coef®cient is c cr  2  km   2moX 2X42 One can classify the vibrations with respect to critical damping coef®cient as follows: Case 1. c ` c cr  complex conjugate roots (low damping and oscilla- tory motion). Case 2. c b c cr  real and distinct roots (great damping and aperiodic motion). Case 3. c  c cr  real and identical roots (great damping and aperiodic motion). Case 1: Complex Conjugate Roots a 2  o 2 ` 0 The term b   o 2  a 2  2X43 is the quasicircular frequency. The roots of Eq. (2.39) are r 1Y2  a ibX 2X44 The solution of the differential equation is x  e at C 1 sin bt  C 2 cos btY 2X45 or x  Ae at sinbt  jY 2X46 where C 1 , C 2 (A and j) are constants. If we use the initial condition t  0  x  x 0  x  v 0 & 2X47 and the derivative of Eq. (2.45) with respect to time,  x ae at C 1 sin bt  C 2 cos btbe at C 1 cos bt  C 2 sin btY 2X48 2. Linear Systems with One Degree of Freedom 349 Vibration the constants are C 2  x 0 Y C 1  v 0  ax 0 b Y 2X49 or A   C 2 1  C 2 2 q   x 2 0  v 0  ax 0 b  2 s 2X50 tan j  C 2 C 2  bx 0 v 0  ax 0 X 2X51 The solution is x  e at v 0  ax 0 b sin bt  x 0 cos bt  Y 2X52 or x   x 2 0  v 0  ax 0 b  2 s e at sin bt arctan bx 0 v 0  ax 0  X 2X53 The exponential decay, Ae at , decreases in time, so one can obtain a motion that is modulated in amplitude. In Eq. (2.43) the quasicircular (or quasian- gular) frequency b is b   o 2  a 2    k m  c 2m  2 r  o  1  c c cr  2 s X 2X54 The quasiperiod of motion is T b  2p b  2p  o 2  a 2  X 2X55 The diagram of motion for x is shown in Fig. 2.9, for x 0  0m,v 0  0X2mas, a  0X1s 1 , and o  0X8 radas. The rate of decay of oscillation is xt xt  T b   Ae at sinbt  j Ae at T b sinbt T b j  1 e 2paab  e 2paab  constX 2X56 Figure 2.9 Oscillation decay for free damped vibration with viscous damping: x 0  0m, v 0  0X2m, a  0X1s 1 , o  0X8 radas. 350 Theory of Vibration Vibration Equation (2.56) shows that the displacement measured at equal time intervals of one quasiperiod decreases in geometric progression. To characterize this decay, the logarithmic decrement d is introduced d  ln xt xt T b   ln e 2paab  2pa  o 2  a 2   pc mb X 2X57 The manner of oscillation decay can be represented using x and o as axes, (Fig. 2.10). The oscillation continues until the amplitude of motion is so small that the maximum spring force is unable to overcome the friction force. Case 2: Real and Distinct Roots a 2  o 2 b 0 The roots of the characteristic equation are negative r 1 l 1 Y r 2 l 2 Y l 1 and l 2 b 0X 2X58 The solution of Eq. (2.38) in this case is x  C 1 e l 1 t  C 2 e l 2 t X 2X59 The motion is aperiodic and tends asymptotically to the rest position (x  0 when t ). Figure 2.11 shows the diagrams of motion for different initial conditions. Case 3: Real Identical Roots a 2  o 2  0 The roots of the characteristic equation are r 1  r 2 aX 2X60 Figure 2.10 Oscillation decay represented using x and o axes. Figure 2.11 Diagram of damped motion for different initial conditions: (a) x 0 b 0,v 0 b 0; (b) x 0 b 0, v 0 ` 0 (low); (c) x 0 b 0, v 0 ` 0 (great). 2. Linear Systems with One Degree of Freedom 351 Vibration The solution of the differential equation, namely the law of motion, in this case becomes x  e at C 1 t  C 2  C 1 t  C 2 e at 2X61 When t , one obtains the undeterminate x a. The l'Hospital rule is applied in this case: x  lim t C 1 t  C 2 e at  lim t C 1 ae at  C 1   0Y 2X62 namely, the motion stops aperiodically. The diagrams of motion are similar to the previous case, with the same boundary conditions. Critical damping represents the limit of periodic motion; hence, the displaced body is restored to equilibrium in the shortest possible time, and without oscillation. Many devices, particularly electrical instruments, are critically damped to take advantage of this property. 2.4 Forced Undamped Vibrations 2.4.1 RESPONSE OF AN UNDAMPED SYSTEM TO A SIMPLE HARMONIC EXCITING FORCE WITH CONSTANT AMPLITUDE Common sources of harmonic excitation imbalance in rotating machines, the motion of the machine itself, or forces produced by reciprocating machines. These excitations may be undesirable for equipment whose operation may be disturbed or for the safety of the structure if large vibration amplitudes develop. Resonance is to be avoided in most cases, and to prevent large amplitudes from developing, dampers and absorbers are often used. General Case An elastic system is excited by a harmonic force of the form F p  F 0 sin ptY 2X63 where F 0 is the amplitude of the forced vibration and p is the forced angular frequencies. The differential equation of motion for the mechanical model in Fig. 2.12 is m  x  kx  F 0 sin ptY 2X64 or  x  k m x  F 0 m sin ptX 2X65 Figure 2.12 Mechanical model of forced undamped vibrations. 352 Theory of Vibration Vibration The following notation is used: k m  o 2 Y F 0 m  qX 2X66 Equation (2.65) can be written as  x  o 2 x  q sin ptY 2X67 with the solution x  C 1 sin ot  C 2 cos ot  x p X 2X68 The particular solution x p of the nonhomogeneous differential equation is x p  C sin ptY 2X69 and the second derivative with respect to time is  x p Cp 2 sin ptX 2X70 The constant C is determined using Eqs. (2.67), (2.69), and (2.70) for o  p: Cp 2 sin pt  o 2 C sin pt  q sin ptY 2X71 or C o 2  p 2 ÀÁ  q  C  q o 2  p 2  X 2X72 Introducing in Eq. (2.68) the obtained value of C, one can get x  C 1 sin ot  C 2 cos ot  q o 2  p 2 sin ptY 2X73 which may be written as x  A sinot  j q o 2  p 2 sin ptX 2X74 The constants C 1 and C 2 (A and j) are determined from the initial conditions t  0  x  0  x  0 & 2X75 The derivative with respect to time of Eq. (2.73) is  x  C 1 o cos ot  C 2 o sin ot  qp o 2  p 2 cos ptX 2X76 With the help of Eqs. (2.75), (2.73), and (2.76) the constants are C 1  p o q o 2  p 2 C 2  0X The vibration equation is x  q o 2  p 2 sin pt  p o sin ot hi X 2X77 2. Linear Systems with One Degree of Freedom 353 Vibration Equation (2.77) is a combined motion of two vibrations: one with the natural frequency o and one with the forced angular frequency p. The resultant is a nonharmonic vibration (Fig. 2.13), here for o  1 radas, q  1Nakg, p  0X1 radas. The amplitude is A  q o 2  p 2  F 0 m o 2  p 2  F 0 m 1 o 2 1  p 2 o  2  F 0 m m k 1  p o  2  F 0 k 1 1  p o  2  x st 1  p o  2  x st A 0 Y 2X78 Figure 2.13 Combined motion of two vibrations: o  1 radas, q  1Nakg, p  0X1 radas. 354 Theory of Vibration Vibration where x st  F 0 ak is the static deformation of the elastic system, under the maximum value F 0 , and A 0  1     1  p o  2     2X79 is a magni®cation factor. In Fig. 2.14 is shown the magni®cation factor function of pao. From Fig. 2.14 one can notice: j Point a ( p  0, A 0  1) and x  x st . The system vibrates in phase with force. j Point b ( p , A 0  0), which corresponds to great values of angular frequency p. The in¯uence of forced force is practically null. j Point c ( p  o, A 0 ). This phenomenon called resonance and is very important in engineering applications. The curve in Fig. 2.14 is called a curve of resonance. Resonance When the frequency of perturbation p is equal to the natural angular frequency o, the resonance phenomenon appears. The resonance is char- acteristic through increasing amplitude to in®nity. In Eq. (2.77) for o  p, the limit case is obtained, lim po x 0. Using l'Hospital's rule one can calculate the limit: lim po x  q lim po sin pt  p o sin ot o 2  p 2  q lim po t cos pt 2p  q 2o  cos otX 2X80 A diagram of the motion is shown in Fig. 2.15 for q  1Nakg and o  0X2 radas. The amplitude increases linearly according to Eq. (2.80). The Beat Phenomenon The beat phenomenon appears in the case of two combined parallel vibrations with similar angular frequency (o  p). One can introduce the Figure 2.14 Curve of resonance. 2. Linear Systems with One Degree of Freedom 355 Vibration factor e  o  p, and in this case pao  1 and p  o  2o. The vibration becomes x  q o 2  p 2 sin pt  sin ot  q o  po  p 2 sin p  ot 2 cos p  ot 2  2q 2oe sin et 2 cos 2ot 2  q oe sin e 2 t  cos otX 2X81 The amplitude is in this case is ft q oe sin e 2 t  X 2X82 The vibration diagram is shown in Fig. 2.16 for q  2Nakg, e  0X12 radas and o  0X8 radas. 2.4.2 RESPONSE OF AN UNDAMPED SYSTEM TO A CENTRIFUGAL EXCITING FORCE Unbalance in rotating machines is a common source of vibration excitation. Frequently, the excited (perturbation) harmonic force came from an Figure 2.15 Diagram of resonance phenomenon: q  1Nakg, o  0X2 radas. Figure 2.16 Diagram of beat phenomenon: q  2Nakg, E  0X12 : radas, o  0X8 radas. 356 Theory of Vibration Vibration unbalanced mass that is in a rotating motion that generates a centrifugal force. For this case the model is depicted in Fig. 2.17. The unbalanced mass m 0 is connected to the mass m 1 with a massless crank of lengths r. The crank and the mass m 0 rotate with a constant angular frequency p. The centrifugal force is F 0  m 0 rp 2 Y 2X83 and represents the amplitude of the forced vibration (F p  F 0 sin pt). The amplitude of the combined vibration is A   q o 2  p 2  F 0 k 1 1  P o  2  m 0 rp 2 k 1 1  p o  2  m 0 m rp 2 k m 1 1  p o  2  m 0 m r p o  2 1  p o  2  m 0 r m A  0 Y 2X84 where A  0 is a magni®cation factor, and m  m 1  m 0 . The magni®cation factor A  0 is A  0  p o  2 1  p o  2  p o  2 A 0 X 2X85 The variation of the magni®cation factor is shown in Fig. 2.18 where the representative points are a, b, and c. Figure 2.17 Mechanical model of undamped system with centrifugal exciting force. Figure 2.18 Variation of the magni®cation factor. 2. Linear Systems with One Degree of Freedom 357 Vibration [...]... the elementary mechanical work of the perturbation force is denoted by …2X206† Because the mechanical work of the perturbation force is an active mechanical work, it results in dEmec b 0, that is, the mechanical energy of the system increases because of the perturbation force The equation of motion is   q p …2X2 07 sin pt À sin ot X xˆ 2 o À p2 o 2.8.5 DAMPED FORCED VIBRATION The mechanical model... …2X 173 † …2X 174 † or v v  2 2 u u u u a2 p 2 c p u u 1‡4 2 2 1‡4 u u o o ccr o2 u ˆ u 2 2  2 2 X u u t p2 a2 p 2 t p2 c p 1À 2 ‡4 2 2 1À 2 ‡4 ccr o2 o o o o …2X 176 † From Eq (2. 175 ) one can observe that the transmissibility coef®cient t does not depend on the amplitude of perturbation force Equation (2. 175 )... force is not in the same phase with Figure 2.33 Mechanical model of transmissibility in the case of a machine on a foundation with an elastic element and a damper 373 2 Linear Systems with One Degree of Freedom the perturbation force In this case, the transmitted force is • Ftrmax ˆ ‰kx ‡ c x Šmax X …2X 170 † x ˆ A sin…pt À f†Y …2X 171 † • x ˆ Ap cos…pt À f†X …2X 172 † The exciting vibration is and Therefore,... elastic force of a linear spring is is Fe ˆ Àkx Y …2X 179 † where x is the linear displacement The elementary mechanical work of an elastic force is dL ˆ Fe dx ˆ Àkxdx Y and the mechanical work for a displacement from 0 to x is …x …x x2 L ˆ dL ˆ Àk xdx ˆ Àk X 2 0 0 …2X180† …2X181† The elastic force is a conservative force and 1 U ˆ À kx 2 ‡ C X 2 …2X182† 375 2 Linear Systems with One Degree of Freedom One... is the same as Eq (2.112) In the case of n mechanical impedances Z1 , Z2 Y F F F , Zn in parallel, one can write Z ˆ Z1 ‡ Z2 ‡ Á Á Á ‡ Zn Y …2X159† or Zˆ n € Zi X iˆ1 …2X160† For mechanical impedances in series the total impedance is Zˆ 1 Y 1 1 1 ‡ ‡ ÁÁÁ ‡ Z1 Z2 Zn …2X161† or Zˆ 1 X n € 1 iˆ1 Zi …2X162† Vibration 2 .7 Vibration Isolation: Transmissibility 2 .7. 1 FUNDAMENTALS A machine with mass m excited... Rayleigh method is an approximative method used to compute the circular frequency of conservative mechanical systems with one or more DOF One may consider a conservative mechanical system with one DOF The kinetic energy T and the potential energy V were shown in Fig 2.35 Hence, Emax ˆ Vmax X …2X2 27 With Eq (2.2 27) one can compute the approximative circular frequency Vibration From Eqs (2.222) and (2.224)... plane of the wheel at O, (Fig 2.37a), and the shaft center is de¯ected with r ˆ OA The lateral view of a general position of the rotating wheel of mass m is shown in Fig 2.37b A particular case is shown in Fig 2.37b: OA and AG are in extension The elastic force and the centrifugal force are in relative equilibrium, kr ˆ m…r ‡ e†p 2 ˆ mrp 2 ‡ mep 2 Y …2X31† Figure 2. 37 (a) Shaft with a wheel in rotational... is  • m x ‡ c x ‡ kx ˆ 0Y …2X190† 376 Theory of Vibration or  • m x ‡ kx ˆ Àc x X Multiplying by x gives d dt   1 1 2 2 • • m x ‡ kx ˆ Àc x 2 2 2 …2X191† …2X192† or d dx • …E ‡ V † ˆ Àc x X dt dt …2X193† • dEmec ˆ Àc x dx ˆ dLdamp Y …2X194† Therefore, • where Àc x dx ˆ dLdamp is the elementary mechanical work of the viscous damped force, which is the resistant mechanical work The solution of the... ‰Àa sin…bt ‡ j† ‡ cos…bt ‡ j†ŠX …2X196† Hence, The quasiperiod is given by Tb ˆ 2pab In considering instances when the displacement x ˆ 0, the mechanical energy of system is equal to the maximum kinetic energy, • Emech ˆ Emax ˆ 1 m x 2 X 2 …2X1 97 With Eq (2.1 97) , this gives the following results: Vibration For t ˆ 0 A E0 ˆ 1 mA 2 ‰Àa sin j ‡ b cos jŠ2 Y 2 …2X198† For t ˆ Tb ˆ 2pab A ETb    !2 1... cos b ‡ j 2 b b 1 ˆ mA 2 e À8apab ‰Àa sin j ‡ b cos jŠ2 X …2X200† 2 377 2 Linear Systems with One Degree of Freedom For comparison one can use the ratio ETb aE0 ˆ e À4apab and E2Tb aETb ˆ e À4apab and the same values are obtained With the logarithmic decrement one can get Et ‡Tb ˆ Et e À2d X …2X201† 2.8.4 UNDAMPED FORCED VIBRATION The mechanical model was shown in Fig 2.12 The differential equation of . ptX 2X70 The constant C is determined using Eqs. (2. 67) , (2.69), and (2 .70 ) for o  p: Cp 2 sin pt  o 2 C sin pt  q sin ptY 2X71 or C o 2  p 2 ÀÁ  q  C  q o 2  p 2  X 2X72 Introducing. derivative with respect to time of Eq. (2 .73 ) is  x  C 1 o cos ot  C 2 o sin ot  qp o 2  p 2 cos ptX 2X76 With the help of Eqs. (2 .75 ), (2 .73 ), and (2 .76 ) the constants are C 1  p o q o 2 . vibration equation is x  q o 2  p 2 sin pt  p o sin ot hi X 2X 77 2. Linear Systems with One Degree of Freedom 353 Vibration Equation (2 .77 ) is a combined motion of two vibrations: one with the natural frequency

Ngày đăng: 13/08/2014, 16:21