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SharePoint 2007 User’s Guide Learning Microsoft’s Collaboration and Productivity Platform phần 6 ppt

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Table 5-25. Attendees List Columns Column Type Notes Name Single line of text C omment Multiple lines of text Response Choice Options include None, Accepted, Tentative, and Declined. The Attendees list does not allow you to change these o ptions. Attendance Choice Options include Required, Optional, and Organizer. The Attendees list does not allow you to change these options. ■Note There can only be one attendees list in a meeting workspace. The attendees list is created automatically when you create a meeting workspace, and it does not appear as an available list template on the Create page when creating a new list in a meeting workspace Managing the Attendees List The attendees list’s default Attendees view does not display an Add Item link on the list screen like most other lists. There also is no context menu for any columns, preventing you from editing any of the attendees. To add, edit, or delete attendees, you must first select the Manage Attendees view from the View options on the toolbar, as shown in Figure 5-15. The list will then display a view that includes a New link on the toolbar and a context menu on the Name column. This context menu provides the View Item, Edit Item, and Delete Item options found in all other lists. Figure 5-15. The attendees list scr een ■Caution Adding people directly to the a ttendees list does not automa tically give them access to the meeting workspace. Make sure you add them as users of the workspace to provide them with the proper access. CHAPTER 5 ■ LISTS 200 8296Ch05.qxp 2/2/07 2:17 PM Page 200 To add an attendee directly to the attendees list: 1. Navigate to the meeting workspace. 2. On the meeting workspace’s screen, click the Manage Attendees link on the Attendees list. 3. On the Attendees screen, click the New link on the toolbar. 4. On the New Item screen, enter the e-mail address or user name for the new attendee. 5 . I f you do not know the exact e-mail address or user name of the person you want to add, you can click the Browse icon. This icon will open the people search window where you can search for the desired user account in your environment. When you have found a user you wish to grant access to for the list, select that user in the list and click the OK button. 6. Set the attendance type of required, optional, or organizer for the new attendee. 7. Click the OK button. ■Tip You cannot delete the attendees list from a meeting workspace. If you do not want the attendees list to dis- play, you can hide the web part on the workspace’s web part page. See Chapter 8 for further information on managing web parts and web part pages. Additional Lists with SharePoint Server 2007 When SharePoint Server 2007 is installed in your environment, there are two additional list tem- plates that appear on the Create page. They are displayed in the Custom Lists section: • KPI List • Languages and Translators KPI List Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measurements that determine the success in achieving business goals. Maintaining and displaying KPIs to users in terms of a KPI allows them to be informed of current business conditions when making key decisions in the organization. An example of a KPI is a monthly sales amount. Graphically showing the current monthly sales amount with respect to the monthly sales amount goal gives sales managers information they need to make str ategic business decisions . ■Note The Office ShareP oint Server Enterprise Site Features site feature must be activated for the KPI List tem- plate to be available. KPI lists are often displayed on the home page of a site using the Key Performance Indicators and KPI Details web parts. These, and other web parts, will be explained in Chapter 8. The KPI List template is different from other list templates, as it comes with the management of content types enabled. C ontent types w er e discussed in Chapter 4 and allo w the list to stor e mul- tiple list items with different column structures in the same list. The KPI List contains the following four content types: CHAPTER 5 ■ LISTS 201 8296Ch05.qxp 2/2/07 2:17 PM Page 201 • Indicator using data in SharePoint list • Indicator using data in Excel workbook • Indicator using data in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services • Indicator using manually entered information Data in a SharePoint List The KPI list can retrieve KPI values from other lists in your SharePoint environment. This allows you to display KPIs based on data you are already managing and using elsewhere, rather than recreating that data in the KPI list. This is the first of three ways that a KPI list can consume data from an external source. To create a KPI list by retrieving data from another SharePoint list, perform the following steps: 1. On the KPI list’s page, click the “Indicator using data in SharePoint list” link in the New menu on the toolbar. 2. On the New I tem scr een, enter the following information: a. In the Name and Description section, enter a name for the KPI. You can also add a description to help explain the purpose of the KPI to users. b. In the Comments section, you can enter an explanation for the KPI’s current value. c. In the Indicator Value section, enter the URL of the list containing the data for con- sumption by the KPI list and tab away from the field. d. Select the desired view from the drop-down containing the views from the source list. e. Determine the calculation by selecting from the available options. f. In the Status Icon section, select whether a higher or lower number signifies a better value. Enter the goal value in the box next to the OK icon, which is a green circle, and the warning value in the box next to the warning icon, which is an orange triangle. g. In the Details Link section, you can enter the URL that will be used as the View Properties link when displaying the KPI in the list. Leave this blank to use the default View Item page. h. In the Update Rules section, determine if the calculations should be updated each time a user views the list or if the user needs to manually refresh the data by clicking an Update link on the item’s context menu. 3. Click the OK button. There are three calculations that can be used to determine the KPI value when consuming the data from a SharePoint list. These calculations are shown in Table 5-26. Table 5-26. SharePoint list KPI calculation options Option Description T otal Number of List Items Calculates the value as the total number of list items in the list view. Percentage of List Items Calculates the percentage of list items in the list that meet the specified condition. To create the condition, select one or more sets of columns, operators, and values similar to the way you create filters in views. List Item Calculation Calculates the value by using a mathematical operation on a column for all list items in the view. Available operations include sum, av er age , maximum and minimum. CHAPTER 5 ■ LISTS 202 8296Ch05.qxp 2/2/07 2:17 PM Page 202 ■Note Only lists that exist in the same SharePoint environment as the KPI list can be used to retrieve KPI infor- mation. The KPI list cannot retrieve the data for lists on other SharePoint servers. Data in an Excel Workbook The KPI list can also retrieve Key Performance Indicator values from Excel 2007 workbooks that have been uploaded into SharePoint document libraries (libraries are discussed in Chapter 6). This allows you to display KPIs based on the data that has been compiled into spreadsheets rather than recreating that data in the KPI list. For this type of KPI to be used, SharePoint Server 2007’s Excel Services must be properly configured by your SharePoint technical administrator. The ability to retrieve not only the KPI value but also the goal and warning values from the Excel workbook makes this a powerful tool for displaying data that exists in a format commonly used in many organizations. To create a KPI by retrieving data from an Excel 2007 workbook, per- form the following steps: 1. On the KPI list’s page, click the “Indicator using data in Excel workbook” link in the New menu on the toolbar. 2. On the New Item screen, enter the following information: a. In the Name and Description section, enter a name for the KPI. You can also add a description to help explain the purpose of the KPI to users. b. In the Comments section, you can enter an explanation for the KPI’s current value. c. In the Indicator Value section, enter the URL of the workbook file in SharePoint and tab away from the field. Clicking the icon allows you to browse for Excel files in the site. d. Enter a cell address from which the KPI data should be retrieved. This can include sheet names with specific cell coordinates or names of specific cells. Clicking the Cell Picker icon allows you to visually select cells from the file. e. In the Status Icon section, select whether a higher number or lower number signifies a bet- ter value. Enter the goal value in the box next to the OK icon, which is a green circle, and the warning value in the box next to the warning icon, which is an orange triangle. These values can either be numbers or cell addresses for a specific cell within the workbook. f. In the Details Link section, you can enter the URL that will be used as the View Proper- ties link when displaying the KPI in the list. Leave this blank to use the default View Item page. g. In the Update Rules section, determine if the calculations should be updated each time a user views the list or if the user needs to manually refresh the data by clicking an U pdate link on the item ’ s context menu. 3. Click the OK button. Data in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services A more advanced method for retrieving KPI data, and the last KPI list content type that retrieves data from an external source, is the SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services content type. This KPI uses a data connection stor ed in a data connection library, described in Chapter 6, to connect to a SQL Server 2005 instance to display data in the KPI list. SharePoint is tightly integrated with SQL Server 2005, allo wing for KP I data defined in Analysis Services to be displayed to the users of the list. CHAPTER 5 ■ LISTS 203 8296Ch05.qxp 2/2/07 2:17 PM Page 203 To create a KPI by retrieving data from SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services, perform the follow- ing steps: 1. On the KPI list’s page, click the “Indicator using data in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services” link in the New menu on the toolbar. 2. On the New Item screen, enter the following information: a. In the Data Connection section, enter the URL of the data connection file stored within a data connection library in SharePoint, and tab away from the field. b. In the SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services KPI section, select the folder that contains the KPI you want to display. c. Select the KPI from the list of KPIs that are displayed. d. Check the Include Child Indicators if you want the child KPIs that exist in Analysis Ser- vices to be displayed. e. In the Name section, enter a name for the KPI. f. In the Comments section, you can enter an explanation for the KPI’s current value. g. In the Details Link section, you can enter the URL that will be used as the View Proper- ties link when displaying the KPI in the list. Leave this blank to use the default View Item page. h. In the Update Rules section, determine if the calculations should be updated each time a user views the list or if the user needs to manually refresh the data by clicking an Update link on the item’s context menu. 3. Click the OK button. Manually Entered Information The last way to enter KPIs into the KPI list is to manually enter the information instead of retrieving it from an external data source, like in the previous methods. To create a KPI by manually entering the information, perform the following steps: 1. On the KPI list’s page, click the “Indicator using manually entered information” link in the New menu on the toolbar. 2. On the N ew I tem screen, shown in Figure 5-16, enter the following information: a. In the Name and Description section, enter a name for the KPI. You can also add a description, to help explain the purpose of the KPI to users. b. In the Comments section, you can enter an explanation for the KPI’s current value. c. In the Indicator Value section, enter a number for the current value of the KPI. This number can include decimals if necessary. d. In the Status Icon section, select whether a higher number or lower number signifies a better value. Enter the goal value in the box next to the OK icon, which is a green circle, and the warning value in the box next to the warning icon, which is an orange triangle. e. In the Details Link section, you can enter the URL that will be used as the View Proper- ties link when displaying the KPI in the list. Leave this blank to use the default View I tem page. 3. Click the OK button. CHAPTER 5 ■ LISTS 204 8296Ch05.qxp 2/2/07 2:17 PM Page 204 Figure 5-16. A manually enter ed KP I KPI List Views The KPI List template contains two views including the standard All Items view that most list templates use to display all list items to the user. The other view is the KPI List view, which shows a graphical display of measur es against goals to easily communicate KP I status to users . These views ar e described in Table 5-27. Table 5-27. KPI List Views View Description All Items This view displays the title, KPI description, KPI value, KPI goal threshold, KPI warning threshold, and content type for all items in the list. KPI List This is the default view; it displays the title, KPI goal threshold, KPI value, and status icon for all items in the list as shown in Figure 5-17. CHAPTER 5 ■ LISTS 205 8296Ch05.qxp 2/2/07 2:17 PM Page 205 Figure 5-17. The KPI List view Languages and Translators Available only when SharePoint Server 2007 is installed in your environment, the Languages and Translators list template creates a list that is used to manage language translation responsibilities within a site. ■Note The Translation Management Library site feature must be activated for the Languages and Translators list template to be available. The main purpose of a languages and translators list is to be used by the Translation Manage- ment workflow when creating tasks for users. When this wor kflo w determines to whom to assign tasks for performing translation, this list determines the users who will perform the translations and which languages they will be using. The Translation Management workflow is described in more detail in Chapter 7. The columns in the Languages and Translators list template are shown in Table 5-28. Table 5-28. Languages and Translators List Columns Column Type Note Translating From Choice The current language of the document needing tr anslation. Ther e ar e do z ens of options including Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, J apanese , and Spanish. Users can enter their own values if they do not exist in the list. Translating To Choice The language of the document that is created as a result of the translation. There are dozens of options, including those mentioned for the Translating From column. Users can enter their own values if they do not exist in the list. Translator Person or Group Determines who is responsible for performing the tr anslation. This person is assigned the task that is generated by the Translation Management wor kflo w. CHAPTER 5 ■ LISTS 206 8296Ch05.qxp 2/2/07 2:17 PM Page 206 The languages and translators list contains two different views in which users can display translation list items, including one that displays the items in groups. These views are described in Table 5-29. Table 5-29. Languages and Translators List Views View Description All Items This is the default view; it displays all items in the list. Languages This view displays the translated from, translated to, and translator information for all items in the list. The view groups the items based on the Translated From column. Advanced Office Integration Throughout this chapter, we have discussed various ways in which template SharePoint lists integrate with Office applications. In addition to importing contacts, exporting events , and linking contacts and calendar lists with Outlook, lists created from SharePoint list templates provide some additional inte- gration with Office 2003 or later that we explored in our discussion of list concepts in Chapter 4. Exporting SharePoint Lists to Excel The exporting of list information into Excel discussed in Chapter 4 also applies to template Share- Point lists. Exporting lists provides you with an easier interface with which to modify large amounts of data in the list. Once in Excel, you can make numerous changes to the information and then com- mit all of the changes to the SharePoint list at the same time. This allows you to make updates while ensuring that SharePoint users are viewing a complete list of updated information rather than a par- tially completed list that would be shown if you were editing items individually within SharePoint. To export a list to Excel, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the SharePoint list you want to export. 2. On the list page, click the Export to Spreadsheet link in the Actions menu on the toolbar. 3. If you are prompted about opening or saving the Microsoft Office Excel Web Query File, click the Open button. a. On the Opening Query dialog box in Excel 2003, click the Open button to confirm that you want to run the query to export the information into the Excel spreadsheet. b. On the Microsoft Office Excel Security Notice dialog box in Excel 2007, click the Enable button to confir m that y ou want Excel to read a data connection to the SharePoint list. 4. If you already have Excel open, the Import Data dialog box will appear. Choose where to put the list. Options include a region on the current worksheet, a new worksheet, or a new workbook. If you did not have Excel running, the data will be put into a new workbook. ■Note When exporting list information to Excel, all list items displayed by the current view are exported. Items removed from the view by its filter setting are not included, but setting the temporary filter on the list screen has no effect on the da ta exported. CHAPTER 5 ■ LISTS 207 8296Ch05.qxp 2/2/07 2:17 PM Page 207 The Excel List After performing the preceding steps to export a list to Excel, the data that appears in the Excel s preadsheet is formatted as an Excel List. The cells of an Excel List are denoted by the colored box surrounding the cells, the column headings that act as filters using drop-down menus, and the additional list actions available in the Excel 2003 menu under the Data option or the Design menu displayed in Excel 2007 when the list is selected. The context menu, available by right-clicking the list in the spreadsheet, and the List toolbar also provide these actions. The Excel List is what gives you the ability to make changes to the data within Excel 2003 and apply those changes to the SharePoint list. The Excel List can also receive changes that SharePoint users have made to the SharePoint list. The Excel List provides the following actions (shown with 2003/2007 labels) for you to manage the connection between the SharePoint list and Excel List: • View List on Server/Open in Browser: Opens the SharePoint list in your browser • Unlink List/Unlink: Severs the connection between the Excel List and the SharePoint list • Synchronize List/(Not available in Excel 2007): Sends information updates to and from the SharePoint list and provides the ability to resolve data conflicts • Discard Changes and Refresh/Refresh: Cancels data updates made within Excel and retrieves the list information from SharePoint Advanced Datasheet Features In Chapter 4, we described the use of the Datasheet view for editing list data, using custom lists as an example. The Datasheet view is also available for use with lists created from the list templates dis- cussed in this chapter. The Datasheet view contains numerous features that allow for integration with Office 2003 or later applications. Clicking the Task Pane link in the Actions menu on the Datasheet view ’s toolbar will display a list of Office integration features that are described in Table 5-30. Table 5-30. Datasheet Task Pane Office 2007 Links Feature Description Track this List in Access Creates a new Access-linked table in either a new or an existing Access database. The linked table is synchronized with the SharePoint list. Any changes made in Access are also visible in the SharePoint list and vice versa. This link does not appear if you have Office 2003 installed. Export to Access Exports the list information into a new Access table in either a new or an existing Access database. When doing this, the list and Access database are not linked, and the two cannot be synchronized. Report with Access Creates a new Access-linked table in either a new or an existing A ccess database and then gener ates an A ccess r eport based on the information in the linked table as shown in Figure 5-18. Query list with Excel Exports the list information in the same manner as the Export to S preadsheet link on the Actions menu. The lists are linked, allowing you to synchronize data between Excel and SharePoint. If you have Office 2003 installed, this feature will still exist in the task pane, but it will be called Export and Link to Excel. Print with Excel Exports the list information to Excel and displays the Print dialog box, allowing you to quickly print out the list items. CHAPTER 5 ■ LISTS 208 8296Ch05.qxp 2/2/07 2:17 PM Page 208 F eature Description Chart with Excel Exports the list information to Excel and displays the Chart Wizard dialog box, allowing you to create graphs and charts based on the list items. Create Excel Exports the list information to Excel and displays the PivotTable PivotTable Report Field List dialog box and toolbar. The PivotTable allows you to select from the columns in the SharePoint list and create PivotTable reports with the capability to alter rows and columns interactively to display data detail in different ways. Figure 5-18. Using the Report with Access feature to create a contacts list report CHAPTER 5 ■ LISTS 209 8296Ch05.qxp 2/2/07 2:17 PM Page 209 [...]...8296Ch05.qxp 2/2/07 2:17 PM Page 210 8296Ch 06. qxp 2/2/07 2: 16 PM CHAPTER Page 211 6 III Libraries I n the previous two chapters, we discussed lists, which are the main constructs that SharePoint uses to store information As you saw, SharePoint provides a great deal of flexibility in storing and managing raw data using custom and template lists In addition to raw data... to solve these situations is through a control mechanism like the check-in and check-out capabilities of SharePoint 215 8296Ch 06. qxp 2 16 2/2/07 2: 16 PM Page 2 16 CHAPTER 6 I LIBRARIES To edit a document by checking it out, follow these steps: 1 Activate the document’s context menu by hovering over the file name with your mouse and clicking the inverted triangle 2 Click the Check Out link in the context... documents, click the OK button 5 When the document template opens in its native Office application, make the changes you desire 6 Save the document template from the application menu or toolbar, and then close the application 225 8296Ch 06. qxp 2 26 2/2/07 2: 16 PM Page 2 26 CHAPTER 6 I LIBRARIES A document library also allows you to use an existing document as the document template Follow these steps to set... created, it comes with the default views shown in Table 6- 3 8296Ch 06. qxp 2/2/07 2: 16 PM Page 233 CHAPTER 6 I LIBRARIES Table 6- 3 Form Library Views View Description All Documents The default view; it displays the type, file name, and modification information for all items in the library Explorer View Displays an interface that allows you to view and manage forms similar to the way files are managed... columns, the Edit Item screen will not be shown; instead, you will be taken back to the library page 6 Click the OK button 213 8296Ch 06. qxp 214 2/2/07 2: 16 PM Page 214 CHAPTER 6 I LIBRARIES Figure 6- 2 Uploading a document I Caution There are restrictions on the file types that can be uploaded into a SharePoint document library For example, EXE files are not permitted by default Uploading one of these... often needs to store and manage documents, images, and other files Information workers spend countless hours creating, locating, approving, and publishing various documents that are used to directly impact business processes and decisions SharePoint provides most traditional document management capabilities including version control, content approval, searching, and document metadata SharePoint s document... menu, and click OK when prompted for confirmation The Edit Item page also contains a link on the toolbar to delete the folder 219 8296Ch 06. qxp 220 2/2/07 2: 16 PM Page 220 CHAPTER 6 I LIBRARIES I Caution Once you click OK on the confirmation for deleting the folder, the folder and all of the documents within it will be sent to the site’s Recycle Bin After a configurable number of days (the standard... Copy link provides users with this capability directly from SharePoint 8296Ch 06. qxp 2/2/07 2: 16 PM Page 223 CHAPTER 6 I LIBRARIES Figure 6- 8 Copying a document to another library Managing Document Libraries Since libraries are built on the same underlying capabilities as lists, they also give you the power to customize the way they store and present information to the user Many of the management features... that make it easier for other users to understand its purpose as well as provide navigation, versioning, approval, and advanced features The General Settings section is divided into the settings pages for different groups of functionality described in the following sections 223 8296Ch 06. qxp 224 2/2/07 2: 16 PM Page 224 CHAPTER 6 I LIBRARIES Title, Description, and Navigation This group of settings provides... only if you have SharePoint Server 2007 installed, is controlled by the same setting that appears in lists Enabling this setting adds a new column to the 8296Ch 06. qxp 2/2/07 2: 16 PM Page 225 CHAPTER 6 I LIBRARIES library called Target Audiences that is a special Audience Targeting column type giving you the option to allow targeting to audiences, distribution lists, and SharePoint groups When adding or . type, and modification information for each document. Figure 6- 1 shows a library like the one you have just created. Figure 6- 1. A new document library CHAPTER 6 ■ LIBRARIES 212 8296Ch 06. qxp. instead, you will be taken back to the library page. 6. Click the OK button. CHAPTER 6 ■ LIBRARIES 213 8296Ch 06. qxp 2/2/07 2: 16 PM Page 213 Figure 6- 2. Uploading a document ■Caution There are restrictions. you want to upload, and click the OK button to upload all of these files into your document library. CHAPTER 6 ■ LIBRARIES 214 8296Ch 06. qxp 2/2/07 2: 16 PM Page 214 Figure 6- 3. Uploading multiple

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