Hydronzetallurgical Copper Extraction 297 solvent extraction and electrowinning plants are given in Chapters 18 and 19 Zaldivar (heap leach) 1995 145 000 14 Hellenic Copper 1996 8000 Morenci (mine for leach) 1987 366 000 chalcocite, bronchantite, chrysocolla chalcocite chalcocite, chrysocolla 1% 0.6 0.15 0.261 0.23% in covellite principally fracture filling 78% of leachable 53% of leachable chalcocite disseminated, others on fracture surfaces 75 odoff conveyor stacking I200 90 8 Yes permanent excavator stacking 250 42 no yes (10” m’ airiminutelm’) HDPE HDPE 1.5 mm HDPE over clay Yes belt curing 80%