RESEA R C H Open Access Expression of a protein involved in bone resorption, Dkk1, is activated by HTLV-1 bZIP factor through its activation domain Nicholas Polakowski 1* , Heather Gregory 1 , Jean-Michel Mesnard 2 , Isabelle Lemasson 1* Abstract Background: Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is the etiologic agent of adult T-cell leukemia, a malignancy characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of virally-infected CD4+ T-cells. Hypercalcemia and bone lesions due to osteoclast-mediated bone resorption are frequently associated with more aggressive forms of the disease. The HTLV-1 provirus contains a unique antisense gene that expresses HTLV-1 basic leucine zipper (bZIP) factor (HBZ). HBZ is localized to the nucleus where it regulates levels of transcription by binding to certain cellular transcriptional regulators. Among its protein targe ts, HBZ forms a stable complex with the homologous cellular coactivators, p300 and CBP, which is modulated through two N-terminal LXXLL motifs in the viral protein and the conserved KIX domain in the coactivators. Results: To determine the effects of these interactions on transcription, we performed a preliminary microarray analysis, comparing levels of gene expression in cells with wild-type HBZ versus cells with HBZ mutated in its LXXLL motifs. DKK1, which encodes the secreted Wnt signaling inhibitor, Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1), was confirmed to be transcriptionally activated by HBZ, but not its mutant. Dkk1 plays a major role in the development of bone lesions caused by multiple myeloma. In parallel with the initial findings, activation of Dkk1 expression by HBZ was abrogated by siRNA-mediated knockdown of p300/CBP or by a truncated form of p300 containing the KIX domain. Among HTLV-1-infected T-cell lines tested, the detection of Dkk1 mRNA partially correlated with a threshold level of HBZ mRNA. In addition, an uninfected and an HTLV-1-infected T-cell line transfected with an HBZ expression vector exhibited de novo and increased DKK1 transcription, respectively. In contrast to HBZ, The HTLV-1 Tax protein repressed Dkk1 expression. Conclusions: These data indicate that HBZ activates Dkk1 expression through its interaction with p300/CBP. However, this effect is limited in HTLV-1-infected T-cell lines, which in part, may be due to suppression of Dkk1 expression by Tax. Consequently, the ability of HBZ to regulate expression of Dkk1 and possibly other cellular genes may only be significant during late stages of ATL, when Tax expression is repressed. Background Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 is the etiologic agent of adult T-cell leukemia (ATL) [1-3]. ATL is char- acterized by uncontrolled proliferation of virally-infected CD4 + T-cells that are capab le of invading the skin and otherorgans[4].Patientsdiagnosedwiththemost severe forms of ATL, the acute and lymphoma subtypes, exhibit a mean survival time of less than one year and are ultimately unresponsive to chemotherapy [5]. These late stages of ATL are often associated with elevated serum calcium concentrations and sometimes w ith the development of lytic bone lesions, with the former con- dition frequently serving as the underlying cause of patient mortality [6-9]. Bone involvement of ATL is linked to a marked increase in the population of active osteoclasts [7,9]. This change is believed to shift the bal- ance between bone resorption by these cells and matrix formation by osteoblasts in favor of overall bone loss. ATL cells from patients and HTLV-1-infected T-cells maintained in culture have been reported to overexpress and secrete specific cytokines and other effectors that * Correspondence:; 1 East Carolina University, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Brody School of Medicine, Greenville, NC, 27834, USA Polakowski et al. Retrovirology 2010, 7:61 © 2010 Polakowski et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrest ricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, pr ovided the original work is properly cited. stimulate the proliferation of osteoclast precursors and/ or promote osteoclast differentiation, such as IL-1, IL-6, TGF-b,TNF-a and PTH-rP [10-15]. In addition, ATL cells from patients with hypercalcemia have been found to overexpress RANKL on their membrane surface potentially through increased paracrine signaling by MIP-1a, which is also highly expressed by these cells [16,17]. Normal expression of RA NKL on the surfac e of osteoblasts plays an essential positive role in multiple transition stage s of osteoclast differentiation [18]. Possi- bly supporting the role of RANKL in ATL, HTLV-1- infected T-cells were recently reported to downregulate the expression of osteoprotegrin (OPG) in co-cultured osteoblast precursors [19]. OPG is secreted by osteo- blasts and serves as a decoy receptor for RANKL and competitively inhibits RANKL-mediated osteoc lastogen- esis [20,21]. OPG may also be neutralized by cross-reac- tive antibodies produced against the viral envelop glycoprotein, gp46 [22]. Certain cytokines implicated in promoting hypercalce- mia and lytic bone lesions in ATL patients are believed to contribute to similar pathological effects associated with another hematological malignancy, multiple mye- loma (MM; [23]). In addition to these cytokines, accu- mulating evidence indicates that the secreted inhibitor of the Wnt signaling pathway, Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1), may represent one of the central mediators of bone resorp- tion due to MM [24]. The canonical Wnt signaling pathway is activated by the association of secreted Wnt proteins with certain receptors within the Frizzled (Fz) family [25]. Once associated with an Fz receptor, the Wnt protein forms an additional interaction with the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 or 6 (LPR5/6) co-receptor [25]. Formation of this complex induces an intracellular signaling pathway that promotes the stabilization and nuclear translocation of the tran- scriptional regulator, b-catenin. Within the nucleus b- catenin activates gene expression through the TCF/LEF transcription f actors [25]. In mesenchymal stem cells and other osteoblast precursors, this pathway activates the expression of genes involved in osteoblast differen- tiati on and activation [24]. Dkk1 inhibi ts this process by binding to LRP5/6, which competitively inhibits binding by Wnt proteins [ 24]. Additionally, Dkk1 bound to LRP5/6 associates with the transmembrane protein Kre- men 1 or Kremen 2, inducing internalization and degra- dation of LPR5/6 [24]. With respect to ATL, there is a limited understanding of the mechanisms responsible for inducing expression of cytokines associated with bone loss. The viral protein Tax has been implicated in some of these processes. Tax activates transcription from the HTLV-1 promoter and also deregulates expression of numerous cellular genes [26,27]. This viral protein has been reported to activate expression of IL-1a,IL-6andPTH-rP[28-30], and certain transgenic mice expressing Tax develop hype rcalcemia [31]. However, Tax is dispensable for the overexpression of IL-1b in ATL cells freshly isolated from patients and for PTH-rP expression in certain model systems [10,32,33]. Furthermore, expression of Tax is frequently abolished during late stages of ATL by deletions in the provi ral genome or reversible modifica- tions such as DNA methylation [34,35]. Therefore, although Tax may facilitate the development of hyper- calcemia, it is not the singular viral factor involved in this process. Unlike Tax, the expression of the HTLV-1 basic leu- cine zipper factor (HBZ) is consistently detected in ATL cells [36]. This property is due to the unique location of the HBZ gene on the negative strand of the provirus [37]. Therefore, HBZ transcription is regulated by a pro- moter within the 3′ long terminal repeat (LTR) r ather than by the 5′ LTR promoter that is responsible for transcription of all other HTLV-1 genes [38,39]. Accu- mulating evidence indicates that HBZ plays a role in the development of ATL (reviewed in [40]). HBZ has been shown to repress viral transcription as well as to deregu- late the expression of cellular genes [36,37,41-43]. Although the viral protein mediates many of these pro- cesses, including repression of HTLV-1 transcription, the HBZ mRNA has a lso been reported to alter cellular gene expression [36,44]. The effects of the RNA were localized to a specific hairpin secondary structure in the 5′ portion of the molecule [36]. The repression of HTLV-1 transcription by HBZ stems from two distinct domains in the viral protein. The C-terminal region of HBZ contains a leucine zipper (ZIP) domain that mediates dimerization with certain basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factors [37]. Some of these cellular factors, including CREB, CREB-2, CREM, ATF1 and c-Jun, are involved i n HTLV-1 tran- scriptional regulation. When bound by HBZ, these fac- tors are unable to associate with the viral promoter to activate transcription [37,45,46]. This effect is due to the divergent basic region of the bZIP domain in HBZ that is not known to target a specific DNA sequence. In addition to the bZIP domain, HBZ harbors an N-term- inal activation domain that contains two LXXLL motifs. These motifs mediate direct binding of HBZ to the homologous cellular coactivators CBP and p300, which specifically occurs through the KIX domain that is con- served between the coactivators [47,48]. CBP and p300 play central roles in the activation of HTLV-1 as well as cellular transcription by serving as scaffolds for other transcriptional regulators to associate with promoters and through their histone acetyltransfer ase activity [48]. In the context of HTLV-1 transcrip tion, HBZ effectively displaces p300/CBP from the viral promoter [47]. This Polakowski et al. Retrovirology 2010, 7:61 Page 2 of 16 mechanism appears to be more potent than that of the bZIP domain in mediating repression of viral transcription. To identify alterations in cellular gene expression caused by the HBZ-p300/CBP interaction, we estab- lished HeLa cell lines stably expressing HBZ or HBZ mutated in both LXXLL motifs. A preliminary compari- son of the gene expression profiles between these cell lines identified DKK1 as a gene poten tially upregulated by wild-type HBZ, but not by its mutant. We confirmed that the levels of the Dkk1 glycoprotein were higher in the culture medium from cells expressing wild-type HBZ compared to medium from cells expressing the mutant. This effect was attributed to the LXXLL motifs in HBZ, as mutations disrupting the leucine zipper and the RNA hairpin structure did not abrogate the activa- tion of DKK1 transcription. Knock-down of p300/CBP by siRNA and expression of a p300 deletion mutant dra- matically reduced Dkk1 levels, suggesting that the coac- tivators participate in this activation. In HTLV-1- infected T-cell line s, little or no Dkk1 mRNA was detected. Supplemental experiments revealed that Tax represses Dkk1 expressio n, which may partially account for the limited DKK1 expression in infected cells. Indeed, ectopic expression of HBZ was sufficient to acti- vate DKK1 tr anscription in an HTLV-1-infected, as wel l as an uninfected T-cell line. Based on these observa- tions, it is possible that HBZ activates Dkk1 at some stage of ATL. Such an event would likely contribute to the accelerated bone resorption associated with this disease. Methods Plasmids pMACS K k .II and pMACS 4.1 are from Miltenyi Biotec, pcDNA3.1(-)/Myc-His is from Invitrogen, and pSG5 and pCMV-3Tag-8 are from Agilent Technologies. pcDNA- HBZ-SP1-Myc, pcDNA-HBZ-MutAD, pSG-Tax, pSG- M47 and pSG-M2 2 have been described [ 47,49,50]. pSG-K88A was constructed by PCR, amplifying Tax- K88A from CMV-K88A [51] and inserting the fragment into the EcoRI and BamHI sites of the pSG5 vector. pSG-HBZ-Myc was constr ucted by PCR, amplifying HBZ from pcDNA-HBZ-SP1-Myc [49] and inserting the fragment into the EcoRI site of the pSG5 vector. pcDNA-HBZ-MutZIP and pcDNA-HBZ-MutHP were constructed using the QuikChange II site-directed muta- genesis kit (Agilent Technologies) as described by the manufacturer to produce L168A/L182A amino acid, and C9G/T10A/C11G/A12T/G15T nucleotide substitutio ns, respectively. pCMV-p300 1-300 -Flag and pCMV-p300 1- 700 -Flag were constructed by PCR, amplifying p300 fr ag- ments from pCMVb-p300-HA (Addgene, plasmid 10718) and cloning the fragments into pCMV-3Tag-8 at the BamHI site. pSG5-THU was constructed by insert- ing fragments of the HBZ and UBE2D2 genes into the BglII and XbaI sites, respectively, of pSG-Tax. Primers 5′-GAAGATCTCATCGCCTCCAGCCTCCCCT and 5′- GAAGATCTGAGCAGGAGCGCCGTGAGCGCAAG, with inserted 5′ BglII sites were used to PCR amplify the HBZ fragment from pcDNA-HBZ-SP1-Myc [49]. Pri- mers GCTCTAGATGCCTGAGATTGCTCGGATC- TACA and GCTCTAGACGTGGGCTCATAGAAAGCA GTCAA with inserted 5′ XbaI sites were used to amplify the UBE2D2 fragment from cDNA. Cell culture and transfection HeLa cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’ s medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin, and 50 μg/ml streptomycin. T-cell lines were cultured in Iscove’s modified Dulbecco medium (IMDM) supple- mented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 2 mM L- glutamine, and penicillin-streptomycin. IL2 (50 U/ml, Roche) was added to the culture medium f or 1185 and SP cells. HBZ-expressing cell lines were established by transfecting HeLa cells with pcDNA-HBZ-SP1-Myc or MutAD [47], or pcDNA3.1 using Lipofectamine (Invi- trogen), followe d by selection with 0.5 mg/mL G418 beginning 48 h post-transfection. Clonal cell lines were obtained by expansion of individual cell colonies. Trans- fection o f protein expression vectors into HeLa cells or thestablecelllineswasdonebyelectroporationwith cotransfection of pMACS 4.1 and purification of trans- fected cells using the MACSelect system (Miltenyi Bio- tec) as described [52]. Transfection of Jurkat and MT-2 cells was done using a Gene Pulser X cell (Bio-Rad) to electroporate 1.3 × 10 7 cells in 600-750 uL RPMI/ 10 mM dextrose/0.1 mM dithiothreitol and 20 u g plas- mid DNA (3:1 stiochiometric ratio of the expression vector of inter est to pMACS K k .II) per 0.4 cm cuvette. Each cell suspension was subjected to a single exponen- tial decay pulse of 250 V/950 μF . Four cuvettes (pulses) were used per vector. Electroporated cells were cultured 48 h. Live cells were harvested by centrifugation on Ficoll-Paque PLUS (GE Healthcare) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Positively transfected cells were then purified using the MACSelect system. Small RNA interference The siGENOME SMART pool M-003486 -04-0005 and M-003477-02-0005 were used to knock-down p300 and CBP respectively, while the siGENOME Non-Targeting siRNA pool#1 D-001206-13-05 was used as a control (Thermo Scientific). Cells were seeded to re ach ~50% confluence on the day of transfection. Cells were trans- fected with 25 nM of siRNA using DharmaFECT 1 siRNA transfection reagent (Thermo Scientific) Polakowski et al. Retrovirology 2010, 7:61 Page 3 of 16 according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The med- ium was change d 24 h after transfection, and cells were cultured for an additional 48 h in serum-free medium prior to collection of the media (for Dkk1 expression) and the cells (for checking siRNA efficiency). Reverse transcriptase PCR RNA was extracted from cells using TRIzol Reagent (Invi- trogen) as described by the manufacturer. cDNA was synthesized using the iScript Kit (Bio-Rad) as described by the manufacturer. The DKK1a-R primer was used for cDNA synthesis with RNA from T-cell lines; random pri- mers were used for all other RNA samples. Real-time PCR was performed using the iQ5 Multicolor Real-Time PCR System (Bio-Rad). Standard curves were generated from each PCR plate for all primer pairs on the plate using a serial dilution of an appropriate experimental sample. Samples were amplified in triplicate on each plate in 15 uL reactions containing 7.5 uL 2× M axima SYBR Green/ Fluorescein qPCR Master Mix (Fermentas) and 1 uL cDNA diluted 1:20. Data were analyzed using iQ5 Optical System Software (Bio-Rad). PCR efficiencies ranged from 83% to 120% with correlation coefficients of 0.95 to 1.0. Primers used were as follows: DKK1a-F, 5′-AGACCATT- GACAACTACCAGCCGT; DKK1a-R, 5′-TCTGGAA- TACCCATCCAAGGTGCT; DKK1b-F, 5′-ATGCGT CACGCTATGTGCT; DKK1b-R, 5′ -TTTCCTCAATT TCTCCTCGG; UBE2D2-F, 5′-TGCCTGAGATTGCTCG- GATCTACA; UBE2D2-R, 5′ -ACTTCTGAGTC- CATTCCCGAGCTA; Tax-F, 5′ -ATGGCCCACTTC CCAGGGTTTGGA; Tax-R, 5′-ACCAGTCGCCTTGTA- CACAGTCTC; HBZ-S1-F, 5′ - TTAAACTTACCTA- GACGGCGGACG; HBZ-S1-R, 5′-GCATGACACAGG CAAGCATCGAAA; ACTB-F, 5′-ACCAACTGGGACGA- CATGGAGAAA; ACTBR, 5′ -TAGCACAGCCTGGA- TAGCAACGTA. The DKK1b primer pair was used for standard PCR amplification of cDNA prepared with the DKK1a-R primer. Forty and twenty nine amplif ication cycles for primer pairs DKK1b and UBE2D2, respectively, were used to achieve product amounts close to a linear range of amplification according to real-time PCR analysis. Relative mRNA levels of DKK1 and ACTB among experi- mental samples were determined using the 2 -ΔΔCT method [53], using UBE2D2 as the reference housekeeping gene. Relative copy numbers for UBE2D2, HBZ and Tax mRNA among HTLV-1-infected cell lines were determined by amplification of all samples with all three primer sets and a serial dilution of pSG-THU on the same plate and subse- quent calculation of the mRNA copy number according to the pSG-THU standard curve. Detection of proteins from cellular lysates Cellular lysates were prepared as described [54]. Amounts of total protein from lysates indicated in the figure legends were resolved by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by Western blot as described [54]. Primary antibodies used for protein detection were as follows: mouse anti- Myc (05-724) purchased from Millipore, mouse anti-actin (MAB1501R) purchased from Chemicon International, mouse anti-Flag M2 (F3165) purchased from Sigma- Aldrich, and rabbit anti-p300 (sc-584) and anti-CBP (sc-369) purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. The Tax monoclonal antibody (hybridoma 168B17-46-92) was obtained from the NIH AIDS Research and Reference Reagent Program. Detection of Dkk1 in culture medium Equal quantities of HeLa cells stably expressing wild-type HBZ or HBZ-MutAD, or carrying pcDNA3.1 were cul- tured for 24 h in serum-free medium prio r to collection of the media. For Figure 1D serum-free medium was sup- plemented with tunicamycin (T7765, Sigma Aldrich) at a final concentration of 0.1 ug/mL. Transfected cells were cultured for 24 h in supplemented medium, purified using the MACS elect system (Miltenyi Biotec) according to the manufa cturer’s instructions, and equal cell quanti- ties from each transfection group were cultured in serum-free medium for an additional 24 h prior to collec- tion of the media. Cells and cellula r debris were re moved from media by centrifugation. Proteins from 0.9-1.5 mL of medium were precipitated on ice for 30 minutes in a final concentration of 10% trichloroacetic acid. Protein pellet s were washed twice with ice-cold acetone and sub- jected to SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. A rabbit anti-Dkk1 (sc-25516) antibody was purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. ELISAs were performed using the hDkk-1 DuoSet (R & D Systems) as described by the manufacturer. The cleared culture media were collected from transfected cells as described above, except trans- fected cells were not cultured in serum-free medium. Analysis of Dkk1 mRNA stability Clonal cells, o r cells transfected and enriched using the MACSelect system (see transfection section), were plated (1.6 × 10 6 ) on 6 cm plates and were cultured overnight prior to replacing normal medium with medium contain- ing a final concentration of 0.2 ug/mL actinomycin D (A9415, Sigma Aldrich). Cells were harvested at post- treatment times indicated in Figures 2A and 2D, and pro- cessed for reverse transcriptase PCR analysis as described above. Data analysis was done as described [55]. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and real-time PCR analysis of ChIP DNA Clonal cells, or cells transfected and enriched using the MACSelect system (see transfection section), were used. For each antibody, 250 μg of formaldehyde-crosslinked chromatin was diluted to 1 mL with ChIP dilution Polakowski et al. Retrovirology 2010, 7:61 Page 4 of 16 buffer [56] and then divid ed into 10 and 990 μLforthe input and immunoprecipitation, respectively. Other than this step, ChIP assays were performed as described [56]. Antibodies against acetyl-H3 (06-559) and RNA poly- merase II (sc-9001) were purchased from Millipore and Santa Cruz, respectiv ely. Purified input and ChIP DNA samples were suspended in 66 μL water. Real-time PCR amplification of ChIP samples was performed using the same system described above with 2.5 μL sample DNA per 15 μL reaction. PCR efficiencies and correlation coefficients ranged from 85%-110% and 0.99-1.0, respec- tively.Primersusedwereasfollows:DKK1-1853F,5′ - TGGAATTTGGGATGGGAAGGACAC; DKK1-1854R, 5′-CACC ACCAAGTAAAGCCAGTGACA; DKK1-991F, 5′-CATTCGGAAGCGTTGC GATGTGAT; DKK1-991R, 5′-ACTTGATTAGGCAGACGCGTGAGA; DKK1-331F, 5′-ACTTGTGTGCACAGTCAGCGAGTA; DKK1-331R, 5′ -TTAATAA ATGCAGGCGGCAGCAGG; DKK1 + 33F, 5′-AAATCCCATCCCGGCTTTGT TGTC; DKK1 + 33R, 5′ -TCTCAGAAGGACTCAAGAGGGAGA. Figure 1 Increased expression of Dkk1 by HBZ. (A) Expression of HBZ wt and HBZ-MutAD in the stable cell lines. Total cellular lysates (50 μg) were subjected to Western blot analysis using antibodies directed against Myc (C-terminal epitope tag on HBZ) and b actin, as indicated. (B) Levels of Dkk1 mRNA in cells expressing HBZ wt, HBZ-MutAD, or carrying the empty vector. Levels of Dkk1 mRNA were normalized to UBE2D2 mRNA following quantitative real-time PCR of reverse transcribed total cellular RNA. The graph shows data from three independent RNA extractions, with Dkk1 mRNA levels shown relative to values obtained from cells containing the pcDNA3.1 empty vector (set to 1). (C) Levels of Dkk1 protein in the culture medium from cells expressing HBZ wt, HBZ-MutAD, or carrying the empty vector. Acid-precipitated proteins from culture media of indicated cell lines were resolved by SDS-PAGE and subjected to Western blot analysis using an antibody directed against Dkk1 (upper panel) or stained with Coomassie blue (lower panel). (D) Inhibition of Dkk1 glycosylation in cells expressing HBZ wt, HBZ-MutAD, or carrying the empty vector. The indicated cell lines were treated with DMSO (vehicle) or tunicamycin, as denoted, and acid-precipitated proteins from the culture media were analyzed by Western blot using an antibody directed against Dkk1. Polakowski et al. Retrovirology 2010, 7:61 Page 5 of 16 Protein- and modification-enrichment with each ampli- con was quantified relative to the input as described [57]. Results Wild-type HBZ, but not HBZ-MutAD, increases the level of Dkk1 expression We previously characterized an interaction between HBZ and the cellular coactivators p 300 and CBP that contributes to HBZ-mediated repression of HTLV-1 transcription [47]. In that study, binding of HBZ to p300/CBP was substantially diminished by LL to AA amino acid substitutions in two LXXLL motifs located within the activation domain of the viral protein. Based on this defect of the HBZ mutant, designated HBZ- MutAD (schematically shown in Figure 3A), we were interested in determining whether the HBZ-p300/CBP interaction also affected expression of cellular genes. To begin to test this premise, HeLa cells were used to establish cell lines stably expressing wild-type HBZ (HBZ wt) or HBZ-MutAD, or cell lines carrying the empty pcDNA expression vector. HBZ wt and HBZ- MutAD, as well as other HBZ mutants used in this study are derived from the splice 1 variant of the viral protein, which is the major HBZ isoform [36,58,59]. These proteins were expressed with C-terminal Myc epi- tope tags to analyze their expression by Western blot (Figure 1A). Figure 2 HBZ activates Dkk1 expression at the level of transcription. (A) Dkk1 mRNA stability in cells expressing HBZ wt or carrying the empty vector. Levels of Dkk1 mRNA were normalized to UBE2D2 mRNA following quantitative real-time PCR of reverse transcribed total cellular RNA. The graph shows relative Dkk1 mRNA levels from cells harvested at the indicated times following treatment with actinomycin D. Dkk1 mRNA levels were set to 100% at time 0 hours for both cell lines. The graph shows data averaged from two independent experiments. (B) Levels of histone H3 acetylation (acH3) at the DKK1 promoter in cells expressing HBZ wt or carrying the empty vector. ChIP assays were performed using an antibody directed against acH3, and relative levels of acH3 at indicated sites with respect to the mRNA start site (+ 1) were normalized to 1% of the input DNA following quantitative real-time PCR. The graph shows data averaged from three independent ChIP assays. (C) Levels of RNA polymerase II (Pol. II) enrichment at the DKK1 promoter in cells expression HBZ wt or carrying the empty vector, with data averaged from three independent ChIP assays. (D) Dkk1 mRNA stability in cells transiently transfected with HBZ wt or the empty vector, with data averaged from two independent transfection experiments. (E) Levels of Pol. II enrichment at the DKK1 promoter in cells transiently transfected with HBZ wt or the empty vector, with data averaged from two independent ChIP assays. (F) Western blot analysis of HBZ wt expression after transfection. Polakowski et al. Retrovirology 2010, 7:61 Page 6 of 16 Comparison of these cells lines by preliminary gene expression microarray analysis identified DKK1 as a can- didate gene whose expression is upregulated by HBZ wt, but unaffected by HBZ-MutAD. To corroborate a role for HBZ in regulating Dkk1 expression, we first evalu- ated Dkk1 mRNA levels among the cell lines using quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR). For this analysis, UBE2D2 was used as the housekeeping gene. Compared to cells containing the empty expres- sion vector, Dkk1 mR NA was elevated more tha n eight- fold in HBZ wt-expressing cells, but only slightly ele- vated in cells expressing HBZ-MutAD (Figure 1B). Given that Dkk1 is a secreted protein, we analyzed its levels in the culture medium from each of the three cell lines by Western blot. In agreement with the observed changes in mRNA levels, Dkk1 was found to be more abundant in the medium from cells expressing HBZ wt than in media from the other cell lines (Figure 1C, upper panel). Comparative levels of total protein secreted from the cells are shown by a Coomassie-stained protein gel Figure 3 The two LXXLL motifs in the N-terminal activation domain of HBZ are required for activation of Dkk1 expression.(A)A schematic representation of domains in HBZ and locations of mutations that were tested. AD denotes activation domain. BR1, 2 and 3 denote basic region 1, 2 and 3, respectively. ZIP denotes leucine zipper. (B) Levels of Dkk1 mRNA in cells transfected with the indicated expression vectors. Levels of Dkk1 mRNA were normalized to UBE2D2 mRNA following quantitative real-time PCR of reverse transcribed total cellular RNA. The graph shows data from three or more independent transfections, with Dkk1 mRNA levels shown relative to values obtained from cells transfected with the pcDNA3.1 empty vector (set to 1). Lower panels show a Western blot analysis of cellular lysates (40 μg) prepared from one set of transfected cells. The membrane was probed with antibodies against Myc and b actin, as indicated. Polakowski et al. Retrovirology 2010, 7:61 Page 7 of 16 (Figu re 1C, lower panel). Because Dkk1 is glycosylated, it was detected as a double t, and treatment of cells with the glycosylation inhibitor, tunicamycin, reduced the detec- tion of the upper band (Figure 1D). HBZ regulates Dkk1 expression at the level of transcription HBZ is known to localize to the nucleus and directly affect activities of multiple transcriptional regulators, suggest ing that it regulates Dkk1 express ion at the level of transcription. However, in reporter assays we found that HBZ did not affect transcription from a region of the DKK1 promoter extending from -1037 to + 163 with respect to the transcription start site (data not show)[60]. This result was obtained using the reporter plasmid in a transiently transfected or a chromosomally integrated context. Similar negative results were obt ained when the DKK1 promoter region under analy- sis was extended to -2034 (data not shown). Based on these data, it was possible that the HBZ-mediated increase in Dkk1 was due to stabilization of the mRNA. To test this hypothesis, we treated HeLa cells stably expressing HBZ wt or cells carrying the empty vector with the transcriptional inhibitor, acti nomycin D. Rela- tive Dkk1 mRNA levels from these cells were then eval- uated by qRT-PCR at various time-points following the addition of the drug. The decrease in Dkk1 mRNA over time was plotted on a semi-log graph to calculate the mRNA half-life in each cell line (Figure 2A). We deter- mined the half-lives to be 2.3 hours and 2.0 hours for cells carrying the empty vector versus cells expressing HBZ wt, respectively, suggesting that HBZ does not induce stabilization of the mRNA. We additionally performed chromatin immunoprecipi- tation (ChIP) assays to test for protein marks at the DKK1 promoter that are frequently associated with tran- scriptional activation. We specifically evaluated re lative levels of acetylated histone H3 (acH3) and RNA poly- merase II across the promoter. Real-time PCR analysis of ChIP samples revealed that levels of acH3 and the polymerase were significantly higher at all of the promo- ter regions tested in cells expressing HBZ wt compared to cells with the em pty vector (Figures 2B and 2C). The highest levels of enrichment for both protein marks were obtained in proximity to the transcription start site with amplicons centered at -331 a nd + 33 with respect to the transcription start site. These data and the mRNA stability data suggest that HBZ regulates Dkk1 expression at the level of transcription. It was possible that increased Dkk1 expression in cells stably expressing HBZ may have arisen from the genomic integration of the expression vector or nonspecific cellu- lar events occurr ing during development of th e cell lines. To test this premise, we compared Dkk1 mRNA stability and RNA polymerase II-enrichm ent in HeLa cells transi- ently transfected with either the empty or HBZ wt expression ve ctor (Figures 2D and 2E, respectively). Results from these experiments paralleled those obtained using the stable cell lines. The DKK1 mRNA half-life was estimated at 2.4 hours for each set of transfected cells. Figure 2F shows expression of HBZ in transiently tran- fected cells. These data further support a role for HBZ in activating Dkk1 expression at the level of transcription. Activation of Dkk1 expression requires the LXXLL motifs in the activation domain of HBZ The N-terminal activation domain encompassing the LXXLL motifs and the C-terminal bZIP domain in HBZ target separate sets of transcriptional regulators. While the activation domai n interacts with p3 00/CBP [47], the bZIP domain interacts w ith a subset of cellular bZIP transcription factors [37,45,46,61,62]. Consequently, thesedomainsmaydifferentiallyaffectexpressionofa given cellular gene. To test whether activation of DKK1 gene transcription was specifically mediated through the LXXLL motifs, we compared Dkk1 mRNA levels in HeLa cells transiently transfected with individual expres- sion vectors for HBZ wt or the HBZ mutants denoted in Figure 3A. HBZ-MutZIP contains point mutations in the first leucine of the second and fourth heptad repeats of the leucine zipper domain, which renders the mutant defective for binding to c-Jun and CREB (data not shown). HBZ-MutHP contains five 5′ nucleotide substi- tutions that disrupt the hairpin structure of the HBZ mRNA without altering the amino acid sequence. It was important to evaluate this mutant due to evidence that the RNA hairpin enhances T-cell proliferation [36]. Using qRT-PCR we found that only mutations in the LXXLL motifs abrogated activation of DKK1 transcrip- tion by HBZ (Figure 3B, upper panel). Expression of HBZ wt and all mutants was detectable by Western blot (Figure 3B, lower panel). These results suggest that acti- vation of Dkk1 expression by HBZ involves p300/CBP. siRNA-mediated knockdown of p300/CBP inhibits Dkk1 expression A previous study demonstrated that p300 enhances transcriptional activation from the DKK1 promoter [63]. To evaluate this effect in the context of activation of Dkk1 expr ession by HBZ, we used siRNA to knock- down p300 and CBP expression in the cell lines carry- ing the empty vector or expressing HBZ wt. Western blot analysis re vealed that cells transfected with siRNA molecules targeting p300 and CBP con tained reduced levels of these c oactivator s, which was correlated with adecreaseinsecretedDkk1(Figure 4A, compare lanes 1 and 2, and lanes 4 and 5). Although apparent in both cell lines, this effect was more pronounced in Polakowski et al. Retrovirology 2010, 7:61 Page 8 of 16 cells expressing HBZ wt. No significant change in levels of Dkk1 or the coactivators was observed from cells transfected with siRNA containing scrambled sequences (Figure 4, lanes 3 and 6). It is important to note that cells remained viable over the 72 h course of this experiment [64]. WehaveshownthattheLXXLLmotifsinHBZspe- cifically target the KIX domain that is conserved between p300 and CBP [47]. Therefore, we expected ectopic expression of a p300 fragment containing the KIX domain to sequester HBZ from the endogenous coactivators. Such competitive interactions would be expected to abrogate HBZ-mediated activation of Dkk1 expression in a similar manner as knockdown of the coactivators. To test this hypothesis, we transfected cells stably expressing HBZ wt with an expression vector for an N-terminal fragment of p300 (aa 1-700) that contains the KIX domain (aa 56 6-652 for p300 [65]; pCMV-p300 1-700 -Flag). We separately transfected these cells with a shorter fragment of p300 (aa 1-300) that lacks the KIX domain. These constructs are schematically shown in Figure 4B. Western blot analysis of culture media showed that less Dkk1 was secreted from cells expressing p300 1- 700 compared to cells transfected with the empty expression vector or cells expressing p300 1-300 (Figure 4B, upper panel). The p300 deletion mutants each contained an N-terminal Flag epitope tag for Western blot analysis of their expression (Figure 4B, middle panel). Comparative levels of total protein secreted from the cells are shown by a Coomassie-stained pro- tein gel (Figure 4B, lower panel). These results corro- borate a positive role for p300/CBP in regulating DKK1 gene expression and suggest that the HBZ-KIX domain interaction is important for transcriptional activation of this gene. Figure 4 p300/CBP function in HBZ-mediated activation of Dkk1 expression. (A) Levels of Dkk1 in culture media following siRNA-mediated knockdown of p300/CBP. Acid-precipitated proteins from culture media (upper panel) and 25 μg of cellular lysates (lower panels) from the indicated cell lines were subjected to Western blot analysis using antibodies directed against Dkk1, p300, CBP and b actin, as indicated. (B) Levels of Dkk1 in culture media of cells co-expressing HBZ and p300 polypeptide fragments. A schematic representation of p300 domains and the fragments transfected into HBZ-expressing cells. Domains are denoted according to reference [48]. Acid-precipitated proteins from culture media (upper panel) and 20 μg of cellular lysates (middle panel) were subjected to Western blot analysis using an antibody directed against Dkk1 or the Flag epitope on transfected p300 fragments, as indicated. Acid-precipitated proteins from culture media were also resolved by SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue (lower panel). Polakowski et al. Retrovirology 2010, 7:61 Page 9 of 16 Tax opposes HBZ-mediated activation of Dkk1 expression Dkk1 is not normally expressed in T-cells [66]. To test for its expression in HTLV-1-infected T-cells, we per- formed a standard RT-PCR analysis using a panel of HTLV-1-infected T-cell lines. To detect low levels of Dkk1 mRNA, we prepared cDNA using a Dkk1 mRNA-specific primer. Unlike HeLa cells, little to no Dkk1 mRNA was detected in the infected cells (Figure 5A). Weak expression was observed in the HTLV-1- infected T-cell lines 1185, SP, MT-2 and SLB-1. Weak expression was also observed in the ATL cell line, ATL- 2. No Dkk1 mRNA was detected from the HTLV-1- infected cell lines C10MJ and C8 166, from the ATL cell lines MT-1 and TL-OmI, or from uninfected Jurkat T- cells. Because Dkk1 mRNA levels were below the quan- titative range of real-time PCR, qRT-PCR was not used for this analysis. In addition to HBZ, the viral transcription factor Ta x functions to deregulate c ellular gene expression and is strongly expressed in most HTLV-1-infected cell lines. Tax has specifically been sh own to upregulate transcrip- tion through b-catenin, a pathway inhibited by Dkk1 [67]. Consequently, we tested whether T ax repressed DKK1 gene expression in HeLa cells transfected with an expression vector for wild-type Tax or individual Tax mutant expression vectors, including M47, M22 and K88A. M47 is defective for Tax-mediated transcriptional activation through CREB and SRF [ 68,69], M22 is Figure 5 Tax opposes HBZ- mediated activation of Dkk1 expression. (A) Dk k1 expression in uninfected and HT LV- 1-infec ted T-cell lines. Levels of Dkk1 and UBE2D2 mRNA from indicated cell lines were analyzed by RT-PCR. + RT and -RT denote cDNA synthesis with and without reverse transcriptase, respectively. (B) Levels of Dkk1 mRNA in cells transfected with the indicated expression vectors. Values were determined as described in the legend of Figure 1B, using data from at least three independent transfections. Lower panels show a Western blot analysis of Tax and b actin from cellular lysates (40 μg) prepared from one set of transfected cells. (C) Levels of Dkk1 in culture media from cells transfected with pSG5 or Tax. Acid-precipitated proteins from culture media (upper panel) and 30 μg of cellular lysates (lower panels) were subjected to western blot analysis. (D) Levels of HBZ and Tax expression in HTLV-1-infected T-cell lines. HBZ and Tax mRNA copy numbers were normalized to the number of UBE2D2 mRNA copies following quantitative real-time PCR and construction of a standard curve for mRNA copy number determined by amplification of 10-fold serial dilutions of the pSG-THU plasmid that contains the Tax, HBZ and UBE2D2 amplification targets. The graph shows data from at least two independent RNA extractions from each cell line. The average mRNA copy numbers for Tax and HBZ relative to UBE2D2 are indicated below each cell line. Polakowski et al. Retrovirology 2010, 7:61 Page 10 of 16 [...]... 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Retrovirology 2006, 3:15. 59. Murata K, Hayashibara T, Sugahara K, Uemura A, Yamaguchi T, Harasawa H, Hasegawa H, Tsuruda K, Okazaki T, Koji T, Miyanishi T, Yamada. 5′-GCATGACACAGG CAAGCATCGAAA; ACTB-F, 5′-ACCAACTGGGACGA- CATGGAGAAA; ACTBR, 5′ -TAGCACAGCCTGGA- TAGCAACGTA. The DKK1b primer pair was used for standard PCR amplification of cDNA prepared with the DKK 1a- R. - TGGAATTTGGGATGGGAAGGACAC; DKK1-1854R, 5′-CACC ACCAAGTAAAGCCAGTGACA; DKK1-991F, 5′-CATTCGGAAGCGTTGC GATGTGAT; DKK1-991R, 5′-ACTTGATTAGGCAGACGCGTGAGA; DKK1-331F, 5′-ACTTGTGTGCACAGTCAGCGAGTA; DKK1-331R, 5′