Today is Monday, October 23, 2006 is Viral Marketing working for you today? NEWS RELEASE: is ranked by Alexa as being in the top 1% of all trafficked websites in the world (and that's out of 40 million sites!) Now you can get in on this incredible traffic explosion, Free! Q: Can I really get over 1,000,000 visitors every month? A: Yes! Guaranteed Visitors, and it's absolutely Free! In less than 5 Minutes you can have your own Free Viral Marketing mini site and then watch your traffic EXPLODE !! "This Free system is like VIAGRA for your website!" -M.S. Blumenthal, eHits This system is FREE Quick and easy sign-up get your own viral webpage in under 5 minutes! This "Viral Marketing" system works for you around-the- clock to bring you traffic! The viral nature of this system ensures that your traffic will exponentially increase! Dear Webmaster, Double a penny every day for a month and what do you get? Over ten million dollars! That's the power of exponential growth, and the Internet is the one medium that can harness that power for FREE! fully exploits this phenomenon to help generate MASSIVE VISITOR TRAFFIC for your website! So how does this system work? Our system is similar to others you may have seen on the Internet with one major difference our system guarantees traffic to your website! The concept is simple; at the bottom of this page you will notice 6 classified ads. When you sign up, you will receive a website just like this one with your classified ad in the #1 position! The ad that was in the #1 position will move down to the #2 position, the 2nd ad to the #3 position, and so on with the last classified ad being taken off of the page. When someone signs up from your website, their classified ad will be placed in the #1 spot with your ad moving to the #2 spot, the 2nd ad moving down to the #3 spot and so on. By the time your classified ad reaches the #6 spot, you will have noticed an amazing amount of FREE traffic! How do I get guaranteed traffic? When someone signs up from your site, they must first click on your classified ad which will open a new window leading to your main website. They will have to wait a few seconds for the code to appear on a separate frame at the top of the screen. While they wait, they will have time to read what you have to offer! This can equate to more sales, downline members, affiliate sign-ups, ezine subscribers, etc.! Each classified ad will have to be clicked on to retrieve a unique code meaning that you will receive FREE Traffic throughout all 6 levels!!! How much FREE traffic can I expect? Lets be extremely conservative and assume that your page and everybody else's pages only get 10 sign-ups: CONSERATIVE EXAMPLE 10 people sign up from you: 1 x 10 = Your ad on 10 new sites 10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 10 = Your ad on 100 new sites 10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 100 = Your ad on 1,000 new sites 10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 1,000 = Your ad on 10,000 new sites 10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 10,000 = Your ad on 100,000 new sites 10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 100,000 = Your ad on 1,000,000 new sites Total: 10+100+1,000+10,000+100,000+1,000,000 = 1,111,110 WEBSITES DISPLAYING YOUR AD! This system works amazingly well on the Internet. There is nothing to slow it down. You can setup your viral webpage today and have 5 or 10 sign-ups within a few days! With it being so easy to join you could literally have over 50,000 sites displaying your ad within a short time! The system works extremely well so be prepared for some massive visitor traffic to your site! Remember, this system doesn't just give you ad exposures, it generates GUARANTEED VISITS to your site, because participants are required to visit your website. And that translates to GUARANTEED MASSIVE VISITOR TRAFFIC TO YOUR SITE !! We also provide FREE Tools to help promote your webpage! Ready to start receiving your FREE TRAFFIC ? Then follow the instructions below! Sign Up Instructions STEP 1: Visit each site below to retrieve the codes. Click on each ad below and a new window will open. You will notice a unique code at the top of each page. Once you retrieve the unique code(s), enter them into the corresponding text boxes below. Once you're done inputting all seven unique codes, please move on to Step #2. Sponsor Ad Who Else Wants to Put their Search Engine Submissions on Autopilot, put their website on TV news, Radio and in Magazines, and use a half dozen proven traffic generators ? Enter the codes in the text boxes below: Sponsor Ad 1st Ad 2nd Ad 3rd Ad 4th Ad 5th Ad 6th Ad To get the "sponsor ad code" click on the sponsor ad above 1. More than 500,000 articles about almost EVERYTHING !! Get Smart at GetPedia 2. Get Your Immediate Access to these $99 eBay Seller Training Videos for Only $19 3. Try these online promotion tools free! 4. Free Clipart resource! 5. Maui oceanfront condos Rent owner-direct and save! 6. GET PAID TO SHOP - EAT FOR FREE - FLY FOR FREE STEP 2: Register Fill out the EZ signup form and your new password will be emailed to you. You'll be able to log into your account anytime to change your ad, change your URL, and check your downline referral stats. YOUR INFO Full Name: Email: IMPORTANT: Your UserID will be emailed to this address. IMPORTANT: No Autoresponders or Junkmail Addresses! You will receive weekly member emails to this address. If any of our emails bounce due to a full mailbox, or if we receive an autoresponder reply, your FreeViral account will be cancelled and your downline will be transferred to another member. YOUR WEBSITE AD Text Ad: IMPORTANT: You can change your Ad any time Website URL: REGISTER NOW! Choose Password: (Maximum 10 characters) I have read and agree to the Terms of Service I understand that I will receive emails from including important member news, tips and special offers for members. I understand will keep my email address and other info confidential, and these will never be shared, or sold. Copyright © 2001-2003 eHits Inc. All Rights Reserved This website including all contents is copyright 2001-2003 eHits Inc., San Diego, California USA. No part of this website may be transmitted, copied, reproduced, or distributed in any form by any means either hardcopy, electronically, orally or otherwise without the express written permission of eHits. If you see this message then you are on the new server Support Our Sponsors http:// Sign Me Up Now! [...]... Directives New to PHP5 PHP Configuration during Runtime Obtaining Current Runtime Settings Changing Configuration Dynamically Automated Version and Feature Checking Summary Chapter 6: Apache Tricks URL Rewriting Enabling mod_rewrite RewriteRule RewriteCond RewriteBase RewriteLog RewriteLogLevel 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 2 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 7 10 8 10 8 11 3 11 6 12 8 12 9 12 9 13 0 13 1 13 9 14 3 14 3 14 4 xiii Contents... Other Considerations Summary Chapter 8: PEAR and PECL What Is PEAR? What Is PECL? Exploring PEAR The PEAR Manager Installing Packages Using Installed Packages Quick and Dirty PEAR Packages What Else Is There? Exploring PECL 15 4 15 8 15 9 16 3 16 4 16 5 16 5 16 5 16 6 17 8 17 8 17 9 18 0 18 1 18 2 18 3 18 3 18 4 18 4 18 4 18 6 18 7 18 7 19 5 19 6 Fileinfo PDO Xdebug 19 6 19 6 19 7 Summary 19 7 xiv Contents Chapter 9: Code Efficiency... Creating a Flash Display SimpleXML Summary 19 9 19 9 200 200 2 01 206 206 207 208 210 211 213 213 223 227 2 31 233 233 234 234 235 235 235 237 237 238 2 41 2 41 245 248 250 254 257 263 263 264 265 269 2 71 xv Contents Chapter 11 : AJAX History The Image Source Trick Hidden Frames Hidden IFRAME XMLHTTP and XMLHttpRequest The Interfaces Working with the Interfaces Handling the Response AJAX Libraries SAJAX CPAINT... Chapter 1: What’s New in PHP5? Object-Oriented Changes Passing Objects Exceptions Interfaces Iterators Constructors and Destructors Access Modifiers The final Keyword The static Keyword The abstract Keyword Built-In Method Overloading Functions ix xix 1 1 1 1 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 New Functions Other Changes to PHP5 9 12 Configuration Changes MySQLi XML Support Tidy Extension SQLite 12 12 16 17 17 Summary... mod_deflate Work? Enabling Compression for PHP Scripts 14 4 14 5 14 6 14 8 14 8 Using MySQL with Apache 14 9 Setting Up the Database Installing the Module Configuration and Usage 14 9 15 0 15 1 Apache and SSL Apache as a File Repository Windows 2000/XP Mac OS X Summary Chapter 7: Site Security Controlling Access Apache-Controlled Authentication PHP-Controlled Authentication Website Attacks Abusing register_globals SQL... 290 2 91 2 91 294 294 294 295 296 296 296 297 300 300 300 3 01 304 304 305 305 Contents Chapter 13 : Content Management Systems Types of CMSs Enterprise CMSs Web CMS/Portals Open Source Web CMS Packages All-Inclusive Web CMSs ExponentCMS XOOPS phpWebsite TikiWiki Others Micro CMSs The Magic of Blogs Wiki Other Micro CMS Packages Other Helpful Resources Summary 307 307 307 308 308 309 309 312 315 318 3 21 322... Tools 347 Index 355 xvii Introduction So what’s all the hubbub surrounding LAMP? What is this LAMP and how do I get one? These questions will be answered within the pages of this book In this case, LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, and has proven to be one of the fastest growing ways to develop enterprise-level web applications All these packages are open source, so you are basically... 2: PHP5 OOP Procedural Programming versus OOP Basic Class Definitions Visibility Constructors and Destructors Static Keyword Class Constants Assignment versus Cloning 17 19 19 20 23 25 27 28 29 Contents Inheritance and Interfaces 30 Inheritance Interfaces 31 35 Magic Methods 37 call get and set sleep wakeup toString Summary 38 38 39 40 43 45 Chapter 3: More Obscure PHP 47 Array Functions and. .. have an expanded knowledge of LAMP and can put it to work for you as you develop your dynamic websites Because this is currently the only advanced level LAMP book available, and a part of Wrox’s Professional Series, you can be assured that the information contained within its pages will help make you a better coder and a step ahead of the rest It should be noted that although the term LAMP can also... specific to P2P and Wrox books To read the FAQs, click the FAQ link on any P2P page xxii Professional LAMP What’s New in PHP5? So what’s the big deal about PHP5? If you’re experienced with PHP4, you probably know about object-oriented programming and the way this was handled with PHP4 If you’re unfamiliar with PHP, but you’re familiar with other programming languages, you’ll probably find PHP5 s implementation . Page iii Professional LAMP 01_ 59723x ffirs.qxd 10 / 31/ 05 6:37 PM Page i 01_ 59723x ffirs.qxd 10 / 31/ 05 6:37 PM Page ii Professional LAMP Linux , Apache, MySQL , and PHP5 Web Development Jason Gerner Elizabeth. w4 h10" alt="" Professional LAMP Linux , Apache, MySQL , and PHP5 Web Development Jason Gerner Elizabeth Naramore Morgan L. Owens Matt Warden 01_ 59723x ffirs.qxd 10 / 31/ 05 6:37 PM Page iii Professional. Data Professional LAMP : Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP Web development / Jason Gerner [et al.]. p. cm. ISBN -13 : 978-0-7645-9723-7 (paper/website) ISBN -10 : 0-7645-9723-X (paper/website) 1. Web