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Programming Java 2 Micro Edition on Symbian OS A developer’s guide to MIDP 2.0 phần 6 pot

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222 JAVA APIs FOR BLUETOOTH WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY 4.3.4 Connecting to a Service Once we have obtained the service record relating to our required service we have everything we need to connect to the service. We use the getConnectionURL() method of the ServiceRecord to obtain a String encapsulating the necessary information (protocol, Bluetooth address of device providing the service, RFCOMM server channel identifier, etc.) to connect to the service. public String getConnectionURL(int requiredSecurity, boolean mustBeMaster) The requiredSecurity argument specifies the level of security for the connection and can have one of three values defined in Ser- viceRecord: public static final int NOAUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT public static final int AUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT public static final int AUTHENTICATE_ENCRYPT The mustBeMaster argument indicates whether the local device must be master in connections to this service. If false the local device is willing to be master or slave in the relationship. The master–slave role relates to the frequency hopping pattern used in RF communications between two Bluetooth devices. The master device initiates the connec- tion and determines the frequency hopping pattern used. The slaves hop in unison to the master’s pattern. The role (master or slave) that a device assumes relates to low-level communication and is generally irrelevant to higher level protocols. The current implementation of JSR 82 on Symbian OS supports only a value of false for the mustBeMaster parameter (true will result in an exception being thrown by the open() method). Once we have the connection URL we use it to open a Connection. In the case of connections using the SPP, the returned object is cast as a StreamConnection, as shown below. String url = serviceRecord.getConnectionURL(ServiceRecord. NOAUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT, false); StreamConnection conn = (StreamConnection)Connector.open(url); OutputStream output = conn.openOutputStream(); 4.3.5 Connecting to a Service: the Quick and Dirty Way In the previous section we described how to access services robustly. We do a device enquiry then search the returned devices for the PROGRAMMING THE BLUETOOTH APIs 223 required services and, if found, open a connection using the returned ServiceRecord. There is an alternative, quicker way of connecting to a service using the selectService() method of the DiscoveryAgent class: public String selectService(UUID uuid, int security, boolean master) This method simply takes the UUID of the service required; an int indicating the level of security for the connection; and the master/slave boolean indicator. The method will search for the service denoted by the UUID on any devices in range. If the service is found, a String representing the URL to be used to connect to the service via the open() method is returned. If no service is found a value of null is returned. Note that when using this method it is not necessary to implement a DiscoveryListener. Nor does it require a RemoteDevice object to be specified. It simply searches all devices in the vicinity and, if one of them offers the required service, returns a connection URL. If there are many devices in the area offering the required service, a connection URL may be returned to any one of them (it is not possible to specify which). For these reasons, plus the fact that this method takes only a single UUID, it is best used to search for specific UUIDs created to denote a specific service (rather than pre-defined UUIDs representing generic services such as the SPP, which may be offered by many devices). 4.3.6 Retrieving a Cached Device Before we leave this section we should discuss one other relevant method provided by the Java APIs for Bluetooth Wireless Technology. This is the retrieveDevices() method of the DiscoveryAgent class: public RemoteDevice[] retrieveDevices(int option) This takes an integer option argument that can have one of two values pre-defined in the DiscoveryAgent class: public static final int CACHED public static final int PREKNOWN • CACHED means that the method will return an array of RemoteDe- vices that have been discovered by previous inquiries and cached by the implementation; if no devices have been cached, a null value will be returned 224 JAVA APIs FOR BLUETOOTH WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY • PREKNOWN indicates a higher level of intimacy, referring to devices that the local device communicates with often (‘‘paired devices’’); the current implementation of JSR 82 on Symbian OS does not support the PREKNOWN option, so a call to retrieveDevices using the PREKNOWN option will return null. The retrieveDevices() method will block the current thread until it returns; it should generally be launched in a new Thread. 4.4 L2CAP Protocol 4.4.1 Introduction The discussion in the previous sections used Serial Port profile connec- tions running over RFCOMM to illustrate opening connections. In this section we shall look at the other connection protocol currently offered by Symbian OS, L2CAP. RFCOMM is a higher-level protocol that runs on top of L2CAP. Unlike SPP over RFCOMM, which is a stream-based protocol, L2CAP is packet-based. This makes it more suitable for certain types of non- stream communication, particularly those that route individual packets to different destinations, methods or classes. In addition, a lower level, datagram-like protocol such as L2CAP can confer performance advan- tages over RFCOMM by avoiding the latency and overheads involved in establishing and maintaining a stream connection. 4.4.2 Maximum Transmission Unit Remember that L2CAP is a packet-based protocol. The maximum trans- mission unit (MTU) is the maximum size of a packet of data that can be sent over the L2CAP link. By default this size is set to 672 bytes. However, the Java API does give us the option to specify different values as part of the connection URL passed into the open() method (as will seen in later sections). MTUs can be specified for transmitting and receiv- ing data. Specifying MTU values when opening a connection does not mean that communication (whether sending or receiving) will take place at that value. Instead, when a connection between a client and server is opened, a negotiation takes place to agree on acceptable MTUs for communications in both directions. The agreed MTU will be the lowest common denominator value that both parties can handle. For instance, if a server can transmit a packet size of 4096 bytes but the client can only L2CAP PROTOCOL 225 receive a maximum packet size of 512 bytes, then the negotiated MTU will be 512 bytes. It is possible to find out the maximum ReceiveMTU that the local device will support using the following code: localDevice.getProperty(“bluetooth.l2cap.receiveMTU.max”); On Symbian OS Version 7.0s, the maximum values for TransmitMTU and ReceiveMTU are both 672 bytes (the default values). We can also find out the negotiated values for ReceiveMTU and TransmitMTU using the following methods of L2CAPConnection: public int getTransmitMTU() public int getReceiveMTU() For a more detailed discussion of MTUs see the JSR 82 specification. 4.4.3 Setting up an L2CAP Server Setting up a server for L2CAP is very similar to our earlier example using the SPP, except that an L2CAPConnection is opened in response to incoming client requests. L2CAPConnectionNotifier notifier = (L2CAPConnectionNotifier)Connector.open(url); L2CAPConnection conn = notifier.acceptAndOpen(); Here url may have the following form: “btl2cap://localhost:00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF;name=l2capServer” The name=l2capServer field is optional. Other optional fields include ReceiveMTU and TransmitMTU (see the JSR 82 specifi- cation for a full list of options). The open() method returns an instance of L2CAPConnectionNotifier. Calling the acceptAndOpen() method on the L2CAPConnectionNotifierobject indicates the server is ready to accept client connections. It also adds the ServiceRecord to the SDDB. The acceptAndOpen() method blocks until the server accepts a connection request, returning an L2CAPConnection object enabling communication to take place. 226 JAVA APIs FOR BLUETOOTH WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY 4.4.4 Establishing a Client Connection To obtain a connection to an L2CAP server, the process is very similar to that presented in earlier discussions using RFCOMM. We can use a ServiceRecord obtained by a service search to get the connection URL via the getConnectionURL() method. We then use this in the open() method to obtain an L2CAPConnection, as shown below. String url = serviceRecord.getConnectionURL(ServiceRecord.NOAUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT, false); L2CAPConnection conn = (L2CAPConnection)Connector.open(url); The url will have the general form: “btl2cap://0050CD00321B:1001;ReceiveMTU=512;TransmitMTU=512” Where 0050CD00321B is the Bluetooth address of the server and 1001 is the Protocol Service Multiplexor value for the service which identifies the L2CAP service running on the device and allows the client to connect to the service. Again, there are various possible options for the url (check out the JSR 82 specification for more details). Note that if we wish to change the ReceiveMTU or TransmitMTU we would have to edit the connection URL before passing it to the open() method. Once we have obtained an L2CAPConnection we send a packet using the send() method, where byte[] data contains the packet to be sent: public void send(byte[] data) The size of data can have any value. However, if it exceeds the value of TransmitMTU, any additional data will be discarded. To read a packet of data from an L2CAPConnection we call: public int receive(byte[] inBuf) The packet will be read into the inBuf byte array. The size of inBuf should at least be equal to ReceiveMTU to avoid loss of data. L2CAPConnection also provides the ready() method: public boolean ready() If ready() returns true, a packet of data is available to be received and we can call receive without blocking. SECURITY 227 4.5 Security Security is an important aspect of Bluetooth communication. JSR 82 provides various security options to prevent unauthorized access to a Bluetooth device and to provide secure communication between devices using data encryption. 4.5.1 Authentication Authentication refers to the process of verifying the identity of a remote device. The authentication mechanism in Bluetooth is based on a PIN number shared between devices. A Bluetooth server can require client authentication by adding the optional authenticate=true parameter to the connection URL, as shown below. String url = “btspp://localhost:00001111222233334444555566667777;authenticate=true” StreamConnectionNotifier service = (StreamConnectionNotifier)Connector.open(url); Similarly, clients can request server authentication in the connec- tion URL. In the absence of the authenticate=true parameter, either client or server can, at any time after establishing an connec- tion, request remote device authentication via the authenticate() method of RemoteDevice. On Symbian OS, if authentication of a remote device is requested the system will display a pop-up dialog on the local device requesting the user to enter a PIN number (see Figure 4.5) that is shared with the Figure 4.5 Bluetooth authentication on the Nokia 6600. 228 JAVA APIs FOR BLUETOOTH WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY user of the remote device. The remote device will prompt its user for the shared PIN, and only if the PIN codes on both devices match will the authentication process succeed. Note that the PIN number itself is not transmitted between devices, instead a 128-bit key derived from the PIN number is used. A device may determine if a remote device has been authenticated by invoking the isAuthenticated() method of RemoteDevice.A return value of true indicates that the remote device has previously been authenticated. Note that authentication is not specific to a particular con- nection. The remote device may have been authenticated by a previous connection or even another application. 4.5.2 Authorization Bluetooth authorization is the process by which a server device grants a specific client access to a specific service it offers. A server can require that clients be authorized by adding the authorize=true parameter to the connection URL. Note that authorization also requires authentication so some parameter combinations (e.g. authenticate=false;autho- rize=true) are forbidden and will result in a BluetoothConnec- tionException. If authorization was not requested in the connection URL, the server can request client authorization via the authorize() method of the RemoteDevice. On Symbian OS, dynamic authorization is granted to a specific remote device by the user for each connection request. A dialog box prompts the user to accept or reject the connection (see Figure 4.6). In addition, current Symbian OS devices allow static authorization by the user of a paired remote device via the system Bluetooth control panel Figure 4.6 Bluetooth authorization on the Nokia 6600. JAVA BLUETOOTH API AND THE MIDP 2.0 SECURITY MODEL 229 (the BCC, in JSR terminology). The remote device becomes trusted and all incoming connections from it are authorized until the static authorization is revoked via the Bluetooth control panel. A server device can determine if a remote device has previously been authorized by invoking the isAuthorized() method of the Re- moteDevice. A return value of true indicates the server side connection to the remote device has been authorized. 4.5.3 Encryption Encryption is used in Bluetooth communication to protect sensitive data from eavesdropping. Either client or server can require that a connection is encrypted by adding the encrypt=true parameter to the connec- tion URL. Note that encryption requires the previous authentication of the remote device so some parameter combinations (e.g. authen- ticate=false;encrypt=true) are forbidden and will result in a BluetoothConnectionException. After establishing an unencrypted connection, it is possible to require further communication to be encrypted by using the encrypt() method of the RemoteDevice. Encryption is performed transparently by the implementation using a symmetric encryption algorithm. A device can determine whether communication with a remote device is currently encrypted by invoking the isEncrypted() method of the RemoteDevice. A return value of true indicates that data exchange with the remote device is encrypted. Note that encryption of the data link with a remote device is not specific to a particular connection and may have enabled by a previous connection or even application. 4.6 Java Bluetooth API and the MIDP 2.0 Security Model A signed MIDlet suite which contains MIDlets that open Bluetooth connections must explicitly request the appropriate permission in its MIDlet-Permissions attribute. To make outgoing (client) connections the MIDlet suite must request the javax.microedition.io.Con- nector.bluetooth.client permission. To accept incoming (server) connections the MIDlet suite must request the javax.microedition. io.Connector.bluetooth.server permission. For example, the MIDlet-Permissions attribute entry in the JAD file may be as follows. MIDlet-Permissions: javax.microedition.io.Connector.bluetooth.client, javax.microedition.io.Connector.bluetooth.server If the protection domain to which the signed MIDlet suite would be bound grants, or potentially grants, the requested permissions, the MIDlet suite can be installed and the MIDlets it contains will be able to open 230 JAVA APIs FOR BLUETOOTH WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY Bluetooth client and server connections, either automatically or with explicit user permission, depending upon the security policy in effect. The Bluetooth protected APIs form part of the Local Connectivity function group as defined in the Recommended Security Policy for GSM/UMTS Compliant Devices addendum to the MIDP 2.0 specification. The Sony Ericsson P900/P908 supports the trusted protection domain (on Organiser firmware versions R2B02 or later). The security policy in effect for MIDlets in MIDlet suites bound to the trusted protection domain on the P900/P908 allows automatic access to the Local Connectivity function group. At the time of writing, the available firmware release (3.42.1) on the Nokia 6600 only supports the untrusted domain, although future releases will add support for trusted protection domains. Whether MIDlets in untrusted MIDlet suites can open Bluetooth con- nections depends on the security policy relating to the Local Connectivity function group for the untrusted domain in force on the device. On the Nokia 6600 and the Sony Ericsson P900/P908, untrusted MIDlets can access these APIs with User permission, the default being session. On the Nokia 6600, the user can change the default setting for this function group to Blanket (every invocation succeeds) or to disallow access altogether. 4.7 Sample Code In this section we shall consider a small peer-to-peer application that transmits an image between two Bluetooth devices using the Serial Port profile over RFCOMM. First we consider a MIDlet that offers a service to receive and display an image. The classes making up the BT Demo Server MIDlet are depicted in Figure 4.7. BTDemoServer ImageCanvas Figure 4.7 A UML class diagram of the BT Demo Server MIDlet. The BTDemoServer code is listed below. import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.io.*; import javax.bluetooth.*; import java.io.*; public class BTDemoServer extends MIDlet implements CommandListener, Runnable { private static final int IMAGE_SIZE = 11222; private ImageCanvas canvas; SAMPLE CODE 231 private Display display; private Form displayForm; private StringItem status = new StringItem("status: ", "Off"); private Command exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1); private Command startCommand = new Command("Start", Command.SCREEN, 1); private Command stopCommand = new Command("Stop", Command.SCREEN, 1); private Command clearCommand = new Command("Clear", Command.SCREEN, 1); private final String uuid = "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF"; private LocalDevice device; private byte[] data; private boolean running = false; private StreamConnection conn; public BTDemoServer() { data = new byte[IMAGE_SIZE]; display = Display.getDisplay(this); } public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == exitCommand) { destroyApp(true); notifyDestroyed(); } else if (c == startCommand) { running = true; startServer(); displayForm.removeCommand(startCommand); displayForm.removeCommand(exitCommand); displayForm.addCommand(stopCommand); status.setText("listening"); } else if (c == stopCommand) { running = false; displayForm.addCommand(exitCommand); displayForm.addCommand(startCommand); displayForm.removeCommand(stopCommand); status.setText("Off"); } else if (c == clearCommand) { display.setCurrent(displayForm); canvas.removeCommand(clearCommand); canvas.setCommandListener(null); canvas = null; } } public void startApp() { displayForm = new Form("Bluetooth Server"); displayForm.setCommandListener(this); displayForm.addCommand(exitCommand); displayForm.addCommand(startCommand); display.setCurrent(displayForm); displayForm.append(status); } public void startServer() { try { device = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); [...]... detection Programming Java 2 Micro Edition on Symbian OS: A developer’s guide to MIDP 2. 0 Martin de Jode  20 04 Symbian Ltd ISBN: 0-470-0 922 3-8 24 8 MIDP 2. 0 CASE STUDIES Case Study 3 This case study demonstrates the application of the Mobile Media API, the RMS and the TiledLayer class from the Game API The Picture Puzzle MIDlet is a variation on the familiar Mix Pix native application that ships on Nokia... is an early prototype of an actual application designed for use by Symbian staff on the move with a Sony Ericsson P900 or Nokia 66 00 Case Study 2 This case study demonstrates how the Game API can be used to develop rich gaming content We take you to the Symbian- sponsored speedway track to learn to manage a complex composite scene of background layers and sprites and to demonstrate the use of collision... improve in the near future as the range of actual Bluetooth hardware supported by SDKs improves 4.9 Java Bluetooth APIs and Symbian OS At the time of writing, the latest release of Symbian OS is Version 7.0s This is the first full release containing JSR 82 as part of Symbian s Java offering, although the UIQ 2. 1 platform also offers the Java Bluetooth API as a backport to Symbian OS Version 7.0 Devices... javax.microedition.midlet.*; javax.microedition.lcdui.*; javax.microedition.io.*; javax.bluetooth.*; java. io.*; class BTDemoClient extends MIDlet implements CommandListener { private static final String IMAGE_NAME = "/image.png"; private static final int IMAGE_SIZE = 1 122 2; private byte[] imageData; private Display display; private Command exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1); private Command... Impronto Simulator integrates with both the Java 2 SE JDK 1.3.1 and the Java 2 ME Sun Wireless Toolkit 1.0.4 and is available for both Windows and Linux (Red Hat) platforms The Impronto Simulator provides a virtual Bluetooth stack that processes JSR 82 API calls and routes the messages between virtual devices (such as instances of the WTK emulator) via localhost socket connections The simulator also... btUI.setStatus("connected"); dataOutputStream.write(imageData); dataOutputStream.flush(); dataOutputStream.close(); 24 0 JAVA APIs FOR BLUETOOTH WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY DataInputStream dataInputStream = conn.openDataInputStream(); int eof = dataInputStream.readInt(); if(eof == -1) { dataInputStream.close(); conn.close(); conn = null; btUI.setStatus("closed connection"); } } catch(IOException ioe) { btUI.setStatus("IOException:... left frame of the Manager console and the control panel in the right hand frame allows the configuration of virtual devices For more information on the Impronto Simulator go to www.rococosoft.com 4.8 .2 Nokia Developer’s Suite for J2ME 2. 0 The Nokia Developer’s Suite for J2ME 2. 0 (NDS 2. 0) is a development environment for Nokia’s range of MIDP- enabled phones, including Series 60 MIDP 2. 0 devices such as... platform; and those that simulate the Bluetooth hardware and interactions entirely in software In this section we will look at tools that adopt both approaches 4.8.1 Rococo Impronto Simulator The Impronto Simulator from Rococo Software is an ideal way for developers new to JSR 82 to explore the APIs and for more experienced developers to produce prototypes of Java Bluetooth applications The Impronto... btUI.setStatus("connected"); dataOutputStream.write(imageData); dataOutputStream.flush(); dataOutputStream.close(); DataInputStream dataInputStream = conn.openDataInputStream(); int eof = dataInputStream.readInt(); if(eof == -1) { dataInputStream.close(); conn.close(); conn = null; btUI.setStatus("closed connection"); } } catch(IOException ioe) { btUI.setStatus("IOException: " + ioe.toString()); } } public void commandAction(Command... Bluetooth APIs and takes a similar approach to Impronto Simulator in providing emulation of Bluetooth devices in software The default settings for Bluetooth emulation allow multiple instances of the emulator running on the same computer to communicate over the loopback address The NDS 2. 0 can also be configured to allow multiple instances of the emulator running on different host machines to communicate . { display = Display.getDisplay(this); imageData = loadImage(IMAGE_NAME, IMAGE_SIZE); Image image = Image.createImage(imageData, 0, imageData.length); imageCanvas = new ImageCanvas(image); imageCanvas.addCommand(startCommand); imageCanvas.setCommandListener(this); btUI. will have the general form: “btl2cap:/ /00 50CD 00 321 B: 100 1;ReceiveMTU=5 12; TransmitMTU=5 12 Where 00 50CD 00 321 B is the Bluetooth address of the server and 100 1 is the Protocol Service Multiplexor value. = “btspp://localhost :00 001 11 122 223 3334444555 566 667 777;authenticate=true” StreamConnectionNotifier service = (StreamConnectionNotifier)Connector.open(url); Similarly, clients can request server authentication

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