ASP.NET 2.0 Instant Results phần 2 pptx

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ASP.NET 2.0 Instant Results phần 2 pptx

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It gets its data from the ObjectDataSource control ObjectDataSource1, which in turn connects to the Contact class’s GetContactByFirstLetter() shared method: <asp:ObjectDataSource ID=”ObjectDataSource1” runat=”server” SelectMethod=”GetContactsByFirstLetter” TypeName=”Contact” DeleteMethod=”DeleteContact”> <SelectParameters> <asp:SessionParameter DefaultValue=”6” Name=”DiaryId” SessionField=”DiaryId” Type=”Int32” /> <asp:Parameter Name=”FirstLetterOfSurname” Type=”Char” /> </SelectParameters> <DeleteParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID=”GridView1” Name=”ContactId” PropertyName=”SelectedValue” Type=”Int64” /> </DeleteParameters> </asp:ObjectDataSource> The ObjectDataSource control’s DeleteMethod parameter is also hooked to the Contact class’s DeleteContact. The GridView control has been set to show a link to delete each contact, and it’s this method that does the actual deleting: Public Shared Sub DeleteContact(ByVal ContactId As Long) Dim diaryDBConn As New SqlConnection(conString) Dim sqlString As String = “DeleteContact” Dim sqlCmd As New SqlCommand(sqlString, diaryDBConn) sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@ContactId”, ContactId) diaryDBConn.Open() sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() diaryDBConn.Close() sqlCmd = Nothing diaryDBConn = Nothing End Sub The GridView also includes an Edit link, which when clicked navigates the user to the EditContact.aspx page: <asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFields=”ContactId” DataNavigateUrlFormatString=”~/SecureDiary/EditContact.aspx?ContactId={0}” Text=”Edit” /> The corresponding ContactId is passed in the URL as URL data. Adding a new user involves clicking the Add Contact link on the YourContacts.aspx page. This takes you to a basic form for adding contact information such as name, e-mail, phone number, and so on. This page and the EditContact.aspx page are identical in operation except for one important detail: The EditContact.aspx page retrieves the details of the contact to be edited using the Contact class. This hap- pens in the Page_Load event: 33 The Online Diary and Organizer 04_749516 ch01.qxp 2/10/06 9:11 PM Page 33 Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If IsPostBack Then Dim currentContact As New Contact(CLng(Request.QueryString(“ContactId”))) currentContact.FirstName = firstNameTextBox.Text currentContact.LastName = lastNameTextBox.Text currentContact.AddressLine1 = addressLine1TextBox.Text currentContact.City = cityTextBox.Text currentContact.PostalCode = postalCodeTextBox.Text currentContact.State = stateTextBox.Text currentContact.Telephone = telephoneTextBox.Text currentContact.MobilePhone = mobilePhoneTextBox.Text currentContact.Email = emailTextBox.Text currentContact.SaveContact() currentContact = Nothing Response.Redirect(“YourContacts.aspx”) Else Dim currentContact As New Contact(CLng(Request.QueryString(“ContactId”))) firstNameTextBox.Text = currentContact.FirstName lastNameTextBox.Text = currentContact.LastName addressLine1TextBox.Text = currentContact.AddressLine1 cityTextBox.Text = currentContact.City postalCodeTextBox.Text = currentContact.PostalCode stateTextBox.Text = currentContact.State telephoneTextBox.Text = currentContact.Telephone mobilePhoneTextBox.Text = currentContact.MobilePhone emailTextBox.Text = currentContact.Email currentContact = Nothing End If End Sub The If statement determines whether this is a postback (the form has been submitted to itself) or whether the page has just been loaded. If it’s a postback, you need to save the data and then move back to the main contacts section. If it’s a new page load, it’s necessary to create a new Contact object, and use the data from that to populate the form fields with the contact information. The AddContact.aspx page is identical except there’s no need to populate with existing contact data, because a new contact has no prior data! Setting up the Online Diary One of the great things about ASP.NET 2.0 is how easy it is to set up web applications created on one machine onto another. To install the application on your PC, simply copy the entire directory and files from the accompanying CD-ROM (or download it from onto a directory on your PC (for example, C:\Websites). In VWD, all you have to do is choose File➪Open Web Site and browse to the folder where you copied the files. Then press F5 to run it. 34 Chapter 1 04_749516 ch01.qxp 2/10/06 9:11 PM Page 34 Alternatively, if you have IIS installed make the OnlineDiary directory you copied over a virtual direc- tory and then simply browse to SignOn.aspx. To find out how to modify the Online Diary application, visit and download this chapter’s code, or you can grab it from the companion CD-ROM in the back of the book. Summary In this chapter you’ve seen how to create a fully functioning diary and contacts management system, all with only a little code thanks to ASP.NET 2.0’s new controls and functionality. The new security controls in particular help save a lot of time and coding. In this chapter they’ve been used to create users and login control. However, they can also help provide a lot more functionality like creating different types of user roles, which then allows you to specify what users can and cannot do based on their role. Or you can let users determine the look and feel of their pages using their account details and ASP.NET 2.0’s new login and role controls. Another great control you discovered in this chapter is the ObjectDataSource control. In the past data source controls have made life nice and easy. But they were quick and dirty, which meant poor code design, and you had to wave goodbye to a three-tier architecture. Now with the ObjectDataSource control you can have quick and dirty and three-tier architecture — great news for creating easily main- tainable, well-designed projects. In the next chapter you will be creating a file sharing project and learning some more about ASP.NET 2.0’s great new features. 35 The Online Diary and Organizer 04_749516 ch01.qxp 2/10/06 9:11 PM Page 35 04_749516 ch01.qxp 2/10/06 9:11 PM Page 36 2 Wrox File Share If you have ever tried to send a large e-mail attachment and failed, you’re not alone. The idea that you can attach a file or document to an e-mail message and send it over the Internet is a revolutionary concept in the history of computer technology. But not so fast! In order to send a document over the Internet, your Internet connection has to be fast enough to upload the file. In addition, the file has to be small enough to pass through the Internet connection before a timeout event occurs. If an Internet service provider decides that there is a limit on the size of files that can be transferred over the connection they provide, your e-mail capabilities may be greatly hindered. Furthermore, e-mail attachments can take up space on the server where they reside, and must be treated carefully. Some of the popular e-mail providers have to balance millions of e-mail users, and must create file storage policies that are fair and reasonable. Most of the time, there are limits to the size of e-mail attachments allowed to be sent through the e-mail server. Some providers allow for e-mail attachments up to 10MB; other providers allow for files even larger. This phenomenon has caused problems over the years because users are not able to send large files to their coworkers and friends over an Internet connection. What’s a user to do? A solution to the conundrum of sending large e-mail attachments is to use a go-between web site— commonly known as a file share—that acts as an online file repository. The web site can send out a notification as to the file being sent to the server and provide a clickable link for the user to click and prompt to download the file. In this way, you’re not actually sending an e-mail message, but rather uploading a file tool web site for propagation. This solution has been copied many times over by many different web sites. This chapter, then, uses the file share as an opportunity to demonstrate some of the new and powerful features in ASP.NET 2.0. The essential features of the Wrox File Share include the following: ❑ The capability to upload a file to the web site, specifying which e-mail address to send the file to via an e-mail hyperlink for downloading the file. ❑ Sending an e-mail automatically to the recipient, with the custom message and hyperlink to the download file. ❑ The option to change the text content of the automatically sent e-mail, using specific variables for the values of the sender, recipient, hyperlink, and a custom message to the recipient. 05_749516 ch02.qxp 2/10/06 9:11 PM Page 37 ❑ The capability to specify SMTP server information and e-mail account information as a configu- ration entry rather than a hard-coded value. ❑ The capability to change the look and feel of the entire web site by simply modifying one entry in a configuration file. This chapter also analyzes the various components that make up the web site, including the specific con- trols that ship with the ASP.NET 2.0 development environments. These controls include the following: ❑ Login control ❑ PasswordRecovery control ❑ LoginStatus control ❑ Menu control ❑ SiteMapDataSource control ❑ Themes ❑ FileUpload control The section “File Share Design” explores the design of the application in great detail. This includes the essential elements of involvement with regard to the technology and structure of the web site, as well as the various classes involved, a detailed look at all of the members of each class, and an explanation regarding the database tables and their relationships and values. The section titled “Code and Code Explanation” focuses on the code of each class or module of importance. Some areas of focus include the WebForms used to upload files to the system, inserting data into the database tables. The final section reviews how to extract and customize the Wrox File Share in a development environment, and how to install it to production. Using the Wrox File Share Using the Wrox File Share is extremely easy and naturally intuitive. The web site has only a few functional areas, because its purpose in life is simply to upload files and send e-mails. If the Wrox File Share web site has been successfully installed (refer to the section “Setting up the Project” later in this chapter), you can browse to view the site by going to http://localhost/fileshare. The screen shown in Figure 2-1 appears. At the top of the menu are several links to choose from: ❑ Home ❑ About ❑ Contact Us ❑ Admin 38 Chapter 2 05_749516 ch02.qxp 2/10/06 9:11 PM Page 38 Figure 2-1 On the homepage, a total of three steps are required to send a large file to the site. The steps are to capture the recipient’s e-mail address, the actual file, a comment or message to the recipient, and, optionally, the e-mail address of the sender. Once these fields have been completed, clicking the Send button performs the upload and sends the e-mail. An example of an e-mail sent to a recipient is shown in Figure 2-2. This e-mail contains a hyperlink that streams via HTTP the file originally sent to the recipient. Upon clicking the hyperlink, the dialog box depicted in Figure 2-3 appears. Clicking Save opens the window’s Save As dialog box, prompting you to select a location and filename. This completes the task of sending a very large file to an e-mail recipient through a file share. When you click the Admin link in the main menu, you are brought to the login screen if you have not already logged in to the web site and created a session. This page contains a Login control and a passwordRecovery control for you to use. Enter in Admin for the username and password# for the password, then click the Log In button. 39 Wrox File Share 05_749516 ch02.qxp 2/10/06 9:11 PM Page 39 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Once you log in to the site, you are brought to the administration section landing page, displayed in Figure 2-4. This interface provides a way to customize the e-mails being sent out to file download recipients. The variables in use are the hyperlink, message, sender’s e-mail, and recipient’s e-mail. These variables are replaced as text in the body of the e-mail message, providing a customized e-mail experience. This chapter covers the essential areas of the development that comprise the application. It walks through the class files in detail, explaining the methods and properties they expose. In addition, you will gain insight into the database, data model, and database objects. The next section addresses the design of the Wrox File Share application, walking through the classes and database objects. 40 Chapter 2 05_749516 ch02.qxp 2/10/06 9:11 PM Page 40 Figure 2-4 Wrox File Share Design The Wrox File Share design is based on a few abstractions, including the following: ❑ The file saved to the server is considered as a Resource class. ❑ The methods used to save and get e-mail content are stored within the EmailContent class. ❑ For each business class object there is a data class object that retrieves data from the database or performs inserts into the database. ❑ The design provides visibility to the existence of business and data layers for the logical separation to occur. In the sections that follow, you learn how to upload files and send e-mails; discern the Wrox File Share’s structure; and understand the data model and database objects, site themes, and the security model. You also learn about the classes involved and their scope of impact within the web site’s architecture. Uploading Files The FileUpload control is used to upload a file to the server. It displays a simple TextBox control next to a Browse button, which together allow users to select a file from their local machine to upload to the server. The fileupload1 instance of the FileUpload control exposes properties such as filename or 41 Wrox File Share 05_749516 ch02.qxp 2/10/06 9:11 PM Page 41 filebytes, which prior to ASP.NET 2.0 were very difficult to expose. Also, the FileUpload control does not automatically save a file to the server once the user chooses it and submits the form that contains the control. The logic in the submitted form must explicitly save the specified file to disk. This code to save the file simply called the SaveAs method, which saves the file to a stated path on the local server file system. Sending E-Mails To send e-mails in ASP.NET 2.0, there are numerous areas to consider in the planning and development process. The first area to be certain of is the use of a valid SMTP mail server, with a valid e-mail account. The e-mail account to be used must allow permissions to relay mail. The classes provided by ASP.NET 2.0 are maintained out of the System.Net.Mail class, providing the essential properties and contents of a mail message. The SmtpClient subclass sends the e-mail to the SMTP server that you designate. The Web.config file provides the e-mail settings necessary for the configuration of the SMTP server. These settings are as follows: ❑ EmailFrom ❑ EmailSubject ❑ SmtpServer ❑ MailUser ❑ MailPassword ❑ MailPort ❑ EmailFormatSelected These are accessed from the Utilities class, formulating the contents of a struct variable. This struct variable is declared toward the top of the Utilities class, displayed here: ‘’’ <summary> ‘’’ MailSettings is a struct used to define the mail server information ‘’’ </summary> Public Structure MailSettings Public MailServer As String Public MailPort As Integer Public MailFrom As String Public MailUser As String Public MailPassword As String End Structure The actual sending of the e-mail is performed in the Utilities class, within the following function: ‘’’ <summary> ‘’’ SendEmail is used to send an email, with the established settings ‘’’ </summary> Public Shared Sub SendEmail(ByVal MsgTo As String, ByVal MsgFrom As String, _ 42 Chapter 2 05_749516 ch02.qxp 2/10/06 9:11 PM Page 42 [...]... ‘=============================================================== ‘ NAME: sprocResourceSelectSingleItem ‘ DATE CREATED: October 19, 20 05 ‘ CREATED BY: Shawn Livermore ( ‘ CREATED FOR: ASP.NET 2. 0 - Instant Results ‘ FUNCTION: Gets a specific resource from the DB ‘=============================================================== 45 Chapter 2 */ (@id int) as select * from Resource where id = @id The preceding stored procedure... dbo.sprocEmailInsertUpdateItem /* ‘=============================================================== ‘ NAME: sprocEmailInsertUpdateItem ‘ DATE CREATED: October 21 , 20 05 ‘ CREATED BY: Shawn Livermore ( ‘ CREATED FOR: ASP.NET 2. 0 - Instant Results ‘ FUNCTION: Inserts or Updates the email content to the DB ‘=============================================================== */ (@text varchar(MAX))... new ASP.NET 2. 0 security model implemented via the Role and Membership Providers The configuration is such that the only provision to implement such security is an instance of the ASP.NET Login control: As a practical use, this provides a clear example of a secure web site folder and the use of role-based access to pages within that folder via the ASP.NET 2. 0. .. MailMsg.Subject = MsgSubject MailMsg.Body = MsgText SmptCl.Send(MailMsg) End Sub This concludes the design and usage of the e-mail classes built into ASP.NET 2. 0, and how the Wrox File Share implements the e-mail functionality Structure of the Site The ASP.NET 2. 0 web site file structure has been standardized a bit since its predecessor versions These standardizations have to do with the naming conventions... dbo.sprocResourceInsertUpdateItem /* ‘=============================================================== ‘ NAME: sprocResourceInsertUpdateItem ‘ DATE CREATED: October 19, 20 05 ‘ CREATED BY: Shawn Livermore ( ‘ CREATED FOR: ASP.NET 2. 0 - Instant Results ‘ FUNCTION: Inserts or Updates a resource into the DB ‘=============================================================== */ (@id int, @filename... dbo.sprocEmailSelectSingleItem /* ‘=============================================================== ‘ NAME: sprocEmailSelectSingleItem ‘ DATE CREATED: October 19, 20 05 ‘ CREATED BY: Shawn Livermore ( ‘ CREATED FOR: ASP.NET 2. 0 - Instant Results ‘ FUNCTION: Gets the html and text message body from the DB ‘=============================================================== */ as select top... a brief tutorial on web site hosting 67 Chapter 2 Local Developer Installation This section assumes that the NET Framework 2. 0 is already installed, along with either Visual Studio 20 05 or VWD If you would like to open the project in Visual Studio or VWD, perform the following steps: 1 2 Create a new web site in Visual Web Developer or Visual Studio 20 05 3 Open a Windows Explorer and browse to the... able to log in navigation.ascx The navigation user control is used to provide the reusable menu on each page of the site The Menu control itself is a brand new ASP.NET 2. 0 control that binds to a SiteMapDataSource control, also new in version 2. 0 of the NET Framework The SiteMapDataSource control is used to bind to an XML file, wherein the site files are listed as entries in the XML file The following... ASP.NET 2. 0 Forms Authentication with a SQL Server Security Provider The initial designation to use this provider from within the ASP.NET Security Administration tool generates a new security database, which is included in the project and used to house all of the user account information and security settings This security model implements Forms Authentication intrinsically within the various new ASP.NET. .. . learning some more about ASP. NET 2. 0 s great new features. 35 The Online Diary and Organizer 04 _749516 ch01.qxp 2/ 10/ 06 9:11 PM Page 35 04 _749516 ch01.qxp 2/ 10/ 06 9:11 PM Page 36 2 Wrox File Share If. File Share 05 _749516 ch 02 . qxp 2/ 10/ 06 9:11 PM Page 39 Figure 2- 2 Figure 2- 3 Once you log in to the site, you are brought to the administration section landing page, displayed in Figure 2- 4. This. application, walking through the classes and database objects. 40 Chapter 2 05 _749516 ch 02 . qxp 2/ 10/ 06 9:11 PM Page 40 Figure 2- 4 Wrox File Share Design The Wrox File Share design is based on

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