LA4111 ch25 new Page 479 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM CHAPTER 25 Radiation Risk Assessment Nava C Garisto and Donald R Hart CONTENTS I II III IV Introduction .479 Radiation Types and Sources .480 A Types of Radiation 480 B Radiation Units .481 C Radiation Sources 482 Risk Assessment for Radioactive Substances 482 A The Risk Assessment Process 482 B Problem Formulation 483 C Radiation Exposure Analysis 483 Source Term Development 485 Radionuclide Transport Analysis .486 Food Chain Pathways Analysis 486 Dose Rate Estimation 489 Radiation Response Analysis 490 Risk Characterization 492 Conclusion 494 References 494 I INTRODUCTION* Risk assessment for radioactive substances is a quantitative process that estimates the probability for an adverse response by humans and other biota to radiation * The authors wish to thank Dr D Lush, Dr F Garisto, Ms K Fisher, and Mr M Walsh for critically reviewing early drafts of this manuscript The graphics support of M Green is greatly appreciated 479 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 480 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM 480 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT REPORTS exposure It has been used for a variety of regulatory purposes such as the derivation of site-specific radionuclide release limits, or the determination of the acceptability of proposed undertakings that may release radionuclides Radioactive substances, as compared to other chemical substances, have a long history of risk-based regulations These regulations developed in reaction to early mismanagement of radiation risks Today, the concept of site-specific risk assessment is fundamental to the regulation of radioactive substances and serves as a model for risk-based regulation of other chemicals The unique properties of radioactive substances, associated with their emissions of ionizing radiation, require specialized approaches to assessment of exposure, dose, and risk For example, since a radiation dose can be received without physical contact with the radioactive substance, this external exposure, as well as internal exposure from radionuclides taken into the body, must be considered Moreover, since radiation is the common agent of hazard for all radioactive substances, concentration and dose are usually expressed in radiation units (see below), and doses are additive across radionuclides, in contrast to the situation with chemical toxicants Whereas the fundamental concepts of risk assessment are the same for radioactive and other chemical substances, the unique properties of and approaches to radioactive substances must be understood in order to critically evaluate a consultant’s work and integrate it into an overall risk assessment The purpose of this chapter is to outline these unique properties and approaches to risk assessment of radioactive substances to better enable project managers to work with consultants in this technical area II RADIATION TYPES AND SOURCES A Types of Radiation Radiation consists of energetic particles or waves that travel through space The less energetic wave types are said to be nonionizing because they not cause atoms in biological tissue to become electrically charged Familiar examples of nonionizing radiation are the visible light and heat that reach the earth from the sun The more energetic wave types, such as ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma rays, are said to be ionizing, because they have enough energy to make electrons in biological tissues completely escape their atomic orbitals, forming electrically charged ions In addition to wave energy, radioactive substances may emit sub-atomic particles such as beta or alpha particles These particles also have sufficient energy to ionize biological tissues All types of ionizing radiation (both waves and particles) can produce damage to the biological tissues that they contact Wave types can easily penetrate biological tissue Some of the X or gamma rays that are directed towards the body will pass right through without being absorbed (i.e., without transferring energy to cause ionization) Others will be absorbed when they strike atoms in the tissue, forming charged ions The charged ions are chemically reactive, and often react inappropri- © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 481 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM RADIATION RISK ASSESSMENT 481 ately When this happens in the genetic material (DNA) that controls cell function, there is a chance that cell growth may eventually go out of control, causing cancer If there is sufficient genetic damage in a reproductive tissue, there may also be some loss of reproductive function Particle radiations, because of their mass and electric charge, are less able to penetrate biological tissue Their energy is absorbed and damage is concentrated closer to the point of biological contact For example, if the radiation source is outside the body, most of the beta and alpha radiation will be absorbed in the skin On the other hand, if the source is a radionuclide that has been incorporated into an internal tissue, most of the beta and alpha radiation will be absorbed inside that tissue Alpha particles, because of their large mass, high charge, and high energy, produce more localized and intensive ionization effects than either waves or beta particles, and therefore tend to produce a greater amount of genetic damage They also tend to produce a different spectrum of genetic damage (i.e., a higher proportion of chromosome breaks as opposed to point mutations) which makes accurate repair less likely Differences in the biological effectiveness of various radiation types are described by “quality factors” (QF) Gamma and beta radiations have quality factors of one (QF = 1), while alpha radiation has a much higher quality factor (QF = 20) based on its greater effectiveness in human cancer induction Quality factors based on reproductive impairment have not been well defined, particularly for nonhuman species This is a major source of uncertainty in assessment of ecological risks from alpha-emitting radionuclides B Radiation Units A radionuclide is designated by its atomic mass (isotope) number and its chemical element name As it decays by atomic disintegration, its mass may change and it is transformed to a new element or a series of different “daughter” elements (a decay series) Alpha, beta, or gamma radiation is released with each disintegration over the course of this transition Under secular equilibrium (i.e., undisturbed) conditions, each element in a decay series has the same activity Activity is a measure of radiation quantity in terms of atomic disintegration frequency It is directly related to the amount of a radionuclide and its radiological half-life Activity is expressed in becquerels (1 Bq = 2.7 × 10-11 Ci = one disintegration per second) Activity concentration in any medium is expressed in Bq per unit of mass, volume, or surface area The radiation energy absorbed by an organism is expressed as a dose in grays (1 Gy = 100 rad) The rate of energy absorption is expressed as a dose rate in Gy per unit of time These units represent absorbed energy without regard to the radiation type or the effectiveness of the absorbed dose (1 Gy of alpha radiation is capable of causing more biological damage than Gy of gamma radiation) Effective dose rates for humans are expressed as gamma dose equivalents in sieverts (Sv) per unit of time (1 Sv = 100 rem) after application of appropriate quality factors to account for radiation type © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 482 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM 482 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT REPORTS C Radiation Sources All of us are exposed to ionizing radiation every day The earth is continually bombarded by protons, X-rays, gamma rays, and ultraviolet radiation from cosmic sources Approximately 67% of this radiation is absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere and never reaches the earth’s surface Atmospheric gases such as ozone are particularly important in absorption of ultraviolet energy In addition to the cosmic sources of ionizing radiation, humans and other biota on earth are exposed to ionizing radiation from the decay of radioactive substances on earth Ionizing radiation comes from such diverse sources as building materials in houses, glass and ceramics, water and food, tobacco, highway and road construction materials, combustible fuels, airport scanning systems, the uranium in dental porcelain used in dentures and crowns, diagnostic X-ray sources, and many others Most of these substances contain radionuclides that are naturally present in the earth, although human activity has increased their production and/or the potential for human exposure Other radionuclides, which are produced in nuclear reactors or accelerators, are geologically unknown or extremely rare The background radiation dose rate received by the average person from natural sources is approximately mSv/a (UNSCEAR, 1988) Typical dose rates and doses from anthropogenic sources are as follows: • • • • • • Medical, average of all procedures = 1.0 mSv/a Fallout from nuclear weapons testing = 0.01 mSv/a Chernobyl accident, average first year commitment* in Bulgaria = 0.75 mSv Chest X-ray (one) = 0.1 mSv Dental X-ray (one) = 0.03 mSv Barium enema (one) = mSv Natural background varies geographically with altitude, latitude, and local geology It is higher at high altitudes where the atmosphere is thinner and there is less atmospheric absorption of cosmic radiation Fallout from long-range atmospheric transport varies mainly with latitude, due to global air circulation patterns, peaking at 40 – 70° north latitude III RISK ASSESSMENT FOR RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES A The Risk Assessment Process Risk assessment of radioactive substances should be conducted whenever radioactive substances are identified as contaminants of potential concern at a site The process that is recommended by international agencies for risk assessment of radioactive substances (IAEA, 1989, 1992a) is consistent with the more recent U.S EPA (1989, 1992) paradigms for human health risk assessment (HHRA) and ecological risk assessment (ERA) although there are minor variations in terminology While the * 50-year dose commitment from exposures over the first year © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 483 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM RADIATION RISK ASSESSMENT 483 process has historically been focused on the human receptor, there is increasing attention to nonhuman dose and risk estimation The radiological risk assessment process is outlined in Figures and The process is iterative as shown in Figure 1, with updating of methodology, models, and data between iterations The risk assessment process includes the following basic components: • Identification of events and processes which could lead to a release of radionuclides or affect the rates at which they are released and transported through the environment • Estimation of the probabilities of occurrence of these release scenarios • Calculation of the radiological consequences of each release (i.e., doses to individuals and populations and associated human cancer risks or ecological effects) • Integration of probability and consequence over all scenarios to define the overall risk of human cancer or ecological effects • Comparison of maximum doses and/or risks with current regulatory criteria Deterministic estimates of maximum dose from each scenario are often made initially to evaluate whether further analyses are required Probabilistic estimates are appropriate whenever maximum doses approach effect thresholds or acceptability criteria (IAEA, 1992a) The probabilistic methods explicitly consider the uncertainties in key parameters, but use best estimates as central values for each one This produces a more realistic statement of risk B Problem Formulation Problem formulation is the scoping exercise which identifies the radionuclide sources, release scenarios, human and ecological receptors, exposure pathways, and response endpoints to be considered in the subsequent risk assessment The spatial and temporal scales of analysis must also be defined Collectively, these elements constitute a conceptual model of the system to be studied They are included in the first two boxes on the main axis of Figure It is important to ensure, at this stage, that all major stakeholder concerns are represented in the conceptual model There are few aspects of problem formulation that are unique to radioactive substances, although the gap between realistic concern and public perception is often particularly large for these substances The scope of an assessment can easily escalate from local site-specific risk issues to encompass national energy policy issues Without minimizing these public participation challenges, or the importance of problem formulation, this chapter focuses mainly on the subsequent stages of consequence analysis and risk characterization C Radiation Exposure Analysis Humans and other biota can be exposed to radiation by multiple routes All environmental media must be considered as potential routes of exposure For example, radionuclides may be carried into the atmosphere as aerosols or gases (e.g., radon), © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 484 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM 484 Figure A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT REPORTS Overall process of radiological risk assessment and may fall onto the land and/or be leached into surrounding water bodies As they disperse from the area of release, in either air or water, they are generally diluted and concentrations tend to decrease with distance from the source Humans and biota near the source may take in larger quantities of radioactivity in the air they breathe, the water they drink, and the food they eat than organisms farther away Figure illustrates the major steps in exposure estimation within the overall risk assessment framework These steps include source-term development, radionuclide transport analysis, food chain pathways analysis, and dose-rate estimation © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 485 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM RADIATION RISK ASSESSMENT Figure 485 Major steps in radiological risk assessment as related to the framework for ecological risk assessment Source Term Development The source term development will determine, through measurement or theoretical calculation, the type and quantity of radionuclides released in terms of activity per unit time The chemical and physical form of the released radionuclides must also be considered In the past, little emphasis was placed on accurately estimating source terms and considerable uncertainty still exists in this area for many assessments Source term models that have been developed specifically for radioactive waste management applications include, e.g., the AREST model (Liebetrau et al., 1987), © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 486 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM 486 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT REPORTS the VAULT model (Johnson et al., 1994), and the RAMSIM model (BEAK, 1996a) These models take into account the evolution of geochemical and hydrological conditions in the source matrix, and the corresponding changes in radionuclide release rates over time Radionuclide Transport Analysis The radionuclide transport calculations trace radionuclide movements through air, surface water, and groundwater The objective here is to predict the activity concentrations of radionuclides to which humans and other biota are exposed The contaminant transport models simulate physical transport due to processes such as advection and dispersion The mechanisms of radionuclide movement through the natural environment are not dependent on the activity level of the radionuclide, except in a few cases (e.g., radiolysis of groundwater, the decomposition of groundwater caused by high levels of radiation, affects the oxidation states of radionuclides in groundwater and thereby affects radionuclide mobility) Since radioisotopes have chemical properties identical to those of their stable homologs, their movements will parallel those of stable elements From the point of view of release and mobility, therefore, the important parameters are the physical state, the type of aggregation if any (e.g., colloidal), the chemical form, solubility, oxidation states, sorption properties, and volatility The key product of a transport model is an estimate of radionuclide activity per unit volume of air, water, or soil as a function of time Processes that affect radionuclide transport through the atmosphere are shown schematically in Figure In addition to the conventional dispersion processes, which are considered for all contaminants, radioactive decay and buildup have to be taken into account for radionuclides For example, in modeling the transport of radon gas, it is important in some cases to consider its radioactive decay products and their deposition, especially within confined environments The transformations that occur with degradation of some organic compounds add a similar level of complexity to their transport analyses Atmospheric transport models include a whole range of models, from screening-level analytical (Gaussian plume) models to sophisticated numerical models that can take into account complex terrain, shoreline effects, building wake effects, and long-range transport The more sophisticated models require more extensive input data This often limits their usefulness Processes that affect contaminant transport through surface waters and groundwater are shown schematically in Figure As with atmospheric transport, radioactive decay and buildup have to be taken explicitly into account Numerous mathematical models, from simple to complex, have been developed to simulate the flow of water and the transport of radionuclides in surface waters and groundwater It is important to understand the simplifying assumptions inherent in the simple models, in order to recognize the complex situations in which they are not applicable Food Chain Pathways Analysis The food chain analysis traces radionuclide movements from surface water, soil, and atmosphere through a variety of internal exposure pathways to humans and other © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 487 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM RADIATION RISK ASSESSMENT Figure Atmospheric processes that affect radionuclide transport Figure 487 Radionuclide transport processes in surface waters and groundwater biota, in order to calculate radiation doses due to inhalation of air and ingestion of food, drinking water, and soil Processes typically considered in food chain models include: atmospheric deposition to vegetation and soil, bioaccumulation from water © 2001 by CRC Press LLC A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT REPORTS © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 488 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM 488 Example of food chain pathways in the IMPACT model Figure LA4111 ch25 new Page 489 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM RADIATION RISK ASSESSMENT 489 to fish and soil to vegetation, animal feed or forage ingestion, human and animal drinking water ingestion, and human ingestion of plant and animal food types (vegetables, fish, and meat) An example of a food chain is shown in Figure Models such as RESRAD (Yu et al., 1993) and IMPACT* (BEAK, 1996b) have been designed for analysis of radionuclide transport and food chain exposure The IAEA (1994) has tabulated food chain parameter values For human receptors, a “critical group” of individuals is identified as a defined group of people likely to receive the greatest radiation dose, based on location and lifestyle factors Radionuclide incorporation into body tissues is usually represented either as a simple bioaccumulation factor (for fish and plants) or more explicitly in terms of food intakes and assimilation or transfer factors (for terrestrial vertebrates) Both approaches rely on steady-state assumptions Detailed biokinetic models are available for use in short-term exposure situations where environmental concentrations change more rapidly than the time to achieve steady-state The long time frames that are often imposed on radionuclide risk assessments (e.g., 10,000 years) represent a particular challenge with respect to both exposure and response modeling The environmental features that influence radionuclide transport, as well as the distributions, food chains, and radiosensitivities of receptor species, may well change with natural succession and radioadaptation However, forecasting of these evolutionary processes involves large uncertainties Certain radionuclides, because of their ubiquitous nature, rapid biological exchange, or regulation in the body, may require alternate approaches to transport and food chain modeling Radionuclides such as 3H, 14C, and 129I require unique specific activity models Till and Meyer (1983) discuss modeling approaches for these special cases Dose Rate Estimation Calculation of radiation dose rates and cumulative doses to people and biota follow from measured or estimated activities of each radionuclide in each environmental medium, and from measured or estimated activities in the organisms themselves The radiation dose is integrated over all contributing radionuclides and exposure pathways Once in the body, radionuclides continue to emit radiation, and even short-range emissions such as alpha and beta radiation can interact with body tissues Radionuclides outside the body also emit radiation; however, for most large organisms, only the external gamma emissions have sufficient range to penetrate the body to a biologically significant depth For humans, the external beta emissions of some radionuclides can be important, but their effects are confined to the skin, where effects other than cancer are limiting In these cases, a separate skin dose is usually calculated External doses arise mainly from air immersion, water immersion (swimming or bathing), and groundshine Groundshine is the external gamma contribution * IMPACT is a multiple source, multiple contaminant, multiple receptor risk assessment model which considers contaminant exposure through air, surface waters, and groundwater pathways It estimates dose and risk for both radioactive and nonradioactive contaminants © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 490 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM 490 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT REPORTS from radionuclides which have been deposited on the ground or otherwise incorporated into the soil The computation of radiation doses to various organisms from the radionuclide activities in their environment and their tissues, requires the use of a dosimetry model for each organism Radiation dosimetry in human beings is well understood, resulting in a complex model of radionuclide distribution in the body, and integration of organ doses and radiosensitivities into a whole-body gamma-equivalent dose (i.e., sieverts) Dosimetry models for other organisms are less sophisticated and predict doses in terms of absorbed energy only (i.e., grays) Quality factors for integration of effective doses in nonhuman biota are lacking Standard human dose conversion factors (DCFs) are used to calculate the external radiation dose from radionuclide activities in the environment, and the internal radiation dose from radionuclide intake by inhalation and ingestion (ICRP, 1996) These DCFs incorporate all the complexities of human physiology and geometry, as represented by the ICRP (1975) reference man They are generally greater for children than adults, although this can be offset to some extent by greater adult consumption rates Dose conversion factors for nonhuman biota are less standardized Radiation Response Analysis Radiation response analysis has a different focus in HHRA than in ERA For humans, it is focused on protecting the individual For other biota, it is focused on protection of populations and communities Certain value judgements are involved in determining the significance of a radiation dose Generally, we consider stochastic effects, such as increased probability of cancer or hereditary disease, to be important to humans because of the value placed on quality of life for the individual We assume that these effects may be produced at low-dose rates, based on linear extrapolation from high-dose rate data, but they tend to occur late in life or in the progeny of exposed individuals In other animal populations, stochastic effects are more accepted by society The maintenance of animal population size or community diversity is usually our primary consideration Stochastic effects may have little impact on such population and community endpoints Higher dose rates are generally required to produce the nonstochastic (threshold) effects on survival and/or reproduction that are needed to impair a population or community Based on extrapolation from high-dose events, such as the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic explosions, we assume a risk factor of approximately 0.04 induced premature fatal cancers per Sv of radiation dose, and 0.01 induced hereditary effects Thus, 30 years of exposure to mSv/a (the ICRP [1991]) public dose limit) would produce a cumulative cancer risk of approximately × 10-3 The ALARA* policy * ALARA Policy: compliance with dose limits ensures that working in a radiation laboratory is as safe as working in any other safe occupation The goal of the radiation safety program is to ensure that radiation dose to workers, members of the public, and to the environment is as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) below the limits established by regulatory agencies The program also ensures that individual users conduct their work in accordance with university, state, and federal requirements © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 491 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM RADIATION RISK ASSESSMENT Figure 491 Example dose response curve for subsequent use in stressed population analysis in radiation protection states that public dose rates should be “as low as reasonably achievable” below this limit Threshold dose rates for survival and reproductive responses to radiation stress in nonhuman biota have been reviewed by many authors and several international agencies (e.g., IAEA, 1992b) Based on these documents, no-effect thresholds of approximately mGy/day for mammals and 10 mGy/day for fish are defensible Logistic (sigmoidal) response vs dose relationships are usually assumed, although hormetic (stimulatory) responses to low doses are well known In general, younger age classes and reproductive functions are most sensitive (see Figure 6) When noeffect threshold dose rates are exceeded, the possibility of population and/or community responses should be considered Population and community responses may be considered empirically by reference to relevant field studies of ecosystem exposure to radiation However, since there are few such studies, empirical data relevant to the species and dose rates of © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 492 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM 492 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT REPORTS interest are often lacking The alternative is to model the population or community response Population models can be used to translate survival and reproductive response functions (e.g., Figure 6) into a population response function (e.g., density reduction vs dose rate) or a population response at a given dose rate Risk Characterization Risk is the probability of a defined adverse effect arising from a defined set of chemical, physical, or biological stressors Risk characterization is an integration of exposure and response analyses to provide a risk estimate We are primarily concerned with cancer risks for humans and risks of radiotoxic (threshold) effects for other biota An estimate of cancer risk to humans can be derived directly from the estimated radiation dose rate However, such a risk estimate is highly conditional on the accuracy of the estimated dose A more meaningful risk estimate is one which incorporates all the uncertainties in both dose and response analyses Radiotoxicity risks to nonhuman organisms are sometimes expressed in terms of a hazard quotient (HQ = estimated dose rate/no-effect threshold dose rate) However, the HQ is not a probability and, therefore, not a true risk estimate The risk of radiotoxicity (e.g., HQ >1), or of population reduction to x% of baseline, can only be determined by incorporation of uncertainties in exposure and response analyses Uncertainty analysis uses Monte Carlo or Latin hypercube methods to integrate the uncertainties in key exposure and response model parameters This approach is illustrated in Figure Distributions for each uncertain parameter are sampled repeatedly, and with each sampling the entire system of models is run to predict an effect After many runs, a probability (risk) distribution for the effect is obtained Sensitivity analysis is usually performed prior to uncertainty analysis to identify the key model parameters that most influence the effect prediction These are the parameters for which uncertainty distributions must be defined Often the entire risk assessment is performed for a defined radionuclide release scenario, such as a waste container breach or a uranium tailings dam failure It is important to realize that resulting risk estimates are conditional on scenario occurrence When nonconditional (integrated) risk estimates are required (e.g., risk associated with a waste repository), it is critical to assign probabilities to all possible release scenarios, and to weight the risk for each scenario according to its probability of occurrence Integrated risk estimates can then be generated by calculating a weighted sum across all scenarios Finally, it is important to realize that fundamental process uncertainty is not easily captured in any risk estimate For example, if a population model incorrectly represents the mechanism of population regulation, the resulting risk estimate will be inaccurate, even when uncertainties in model parameters are fairly represented Model validation and intercomparison exercises (e.g., BIOMOVS, 1995) can be used to test and build confidence in the tools of risk assessment © 2001 by CRC Press LLC 493 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 493 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM RADIATION RISK ASSESSMENT Examples of an uncertainty analysis Figure LA4111 ch25 new Page 494 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM 494 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT REPORTS IV CONCLUSION Compared to other chemical substances, radioactive substances have a long history of risk-based regulation Risk assessment for radioactive substances is used to derive site-specific radionuclide release limits, for example, and to determine the acceptability of proposed undertakings that may release radionuclides Although fundamental concepts common to all risk assessments apply also to radioactive substances, the unique physical properties of radioactive substances, and corresponding technical approaches, must be recognized Such awareness will enable project managers to work with consultants and other professionals in this technical area REFERENCES Amiro, B.D and MacDonald, Dose Conversion Factors for Non-Human Biota for Uranium Series Radionuclides, Environmental Science Branch AECL Research, Whiteshell Laboratories, Pinawa, Manitoba, 1993 Anspaugh, L.R., Catlin, R.J., and Goldman, M., The global impact of the Chernobyl reactor accident, Science, 242, 1513–1519, 1988 Barnthouse, L.W., Suter, G.W., and Rosen, A.E., Risks of toxic contaminants to exploited fish populations: influence of life history, data uncertainty and exploitation intensity, Environ Toxicol Chem., 9, 297, 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Press LLC LA4111 ch25 new Page 484 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM 484 Figure A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT REPORTS Overall process of radiological risk assessment and may... LA4111 ch25 new Page 485 Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:51 PM RADIATION RISK ASSESSMENT Figure 485 Major steps in radiological risk assessment as related to the framework for ecological risk assessment. .. have a long history of risk- based regulations These regulations developed in reaction to early mismanagement of radiation risks Today, the concept of site-specific risk assessment is fundamental