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  • Table of Contents

  • Chapter 17: Real-Time Online Processing of Hyperspectral Imagery for Target Detection and Discrimination

    • Contents

    • 17.1 Introduction

    • 17.2 Real-Time Implementation

      • 17.2.1 BIP Format

      • 17.2.2 BIL Format

      • 17.2.3 BSQ Format

    • 17.3 Computer Simulation

    • 17.4 Practical Considerations

      • 17.4.1 Algorithm Simplification Using R–1

      • 17.4.2 Algorithm Implementation with Matrix Inversion

      • 17.4.3 Unsupervised Processing

    • 17.5 Application to Other Techniques

    • 17.6 Summary

    • Acknowledgment

    • References

Nội dung

Chapter 17 Real-Time Online Processing of Hyperspectral Imagery for Target Detection and Discrimination Qian Du, Missisipi State University Contents 17.1 Introduction 398 17.2 Real-Time Implementation 399 17.2.1 BIP Format 399 17.2.2 BIL Format 401 17.2.3 BSQ Format 401 17.3 Computer Simulation 402 17.4 Practical Considerations 404 17.4.1 Algorithm Simplification Using R −1 404 17.4.2 Algorithm Implementation with Matrix Inversion 405 17.4.3 Unsupervised Processing 405 17.5 Application to Other Techniques 407 17.6 Summary 407 Acknowledgment 408 References 408 Hyperspectral imaging is a new technology in remote sensing. It acquires hundreds of images in very narrow spectral bands (normally 10nm wide) for the same area on the Earth. Because of higher spectral resolutions and the resultant contiguous spectral signatures, hyperspectral image data are capable of providing more accurate identification ofsurfacematerials than multispectral data,and areparticularly usefulin national defense related applications. The major challenge of hyperspectral imaging is how to take full advantage of the plenty spectral information while efficiently handling the data with vast volume. In some cases, such as national disaster assessment, law enforcement activities, and military applications, real-time data processing is inevitable to quickly process data and provide the information for immediate response. In this chapter, we present a real- time online processing technique using hyperspectral imagery forthe purpose oftarget 397 © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 398 High-Performance Computing in Remote Sensing detection and discrimination. This technique is developed for our proposed algorithm, called the constrained linear discriminant analysis (CLDA) approach. However, it is applicable to quite a few target detection algorithms employing matched filters. The implementation scheme is also developed for different remote sensing data formats, such as band interleaved by pixel (BIP), band interleaved by line (BIL), and band sequential (BSQ). 17.1 Introduction We have developed the constrained linear discriminant analysis (CLDA) algorithm for hyperspectral image classification [1, 2]. In CLDA, the original high-dimensional data are projectedonto a low-dimensional space as done by Fisher’s LDA, but different classes are forced to be along different directions in this low-dimensional space. Thus all classes are expected to be better separated and the classification is achieved simul- taneously with the CLDA transform. The transformation matrix in CLDA maximizes the ratio of interclass distance to intraclass distance while satisfying the constraint that the means of different classes are aligned with different directions, which can be constructed by using an orthogonal subspace projection (OSP) method [3] coupled with a data whitening process. The experimental results in [1],[2] demonstrated that the CLDA algorithm could provide more accurate classification results than other popular methods in hyperspectral image processing, such as the OSP classifier [3] and the constrained energy minimization (CEM) operator [4]. It is particularly useful to detect and discriminate small man-made targets with similar spectral signatures. Assume that there are c classes and the k-th class contains N k patterns. Let N = N 1 + N 2 +···N c be the number of pixels. The j-th pattern in the k-th class, denoted by x k j = [x k 1 j , x k 2 j , ···, x k Lj ] T ,isanL-dimensional pixel vector (L is the number of spectral bands, i.e., data dimensionality). Let μ k = 1 N k  N k j=1 x k j be the mean of the k-th class. Define J (F) to be the ratio of the interclass distance to the intraclass distance after a linear transformation F, which is given by J(F) = 2 c(c−1)  c−1 i=1  c j=i+1 F(μ i ) − F(μ j ) 2 1 CN  c k=1 [  N k j=1 F(x N k j ) − F(μ k ) 2 ] (17.1) and F(x) = (W L×c ) T ; x = [w 1 , w 2 , ···, w c ] T x (17.2) The optimal linear transformation F ∗ is the one that maximizes J(F) subject to t k = F(μ k ) for all k, where t k = (0 ···01 ···0) T is a c × 1 unit column vector with one in the k-th component and zeros elsewhere. F ∗ can be determined by w ∗ i = ˆμ i T P ⊥ ˆ U i (17.3) © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Real-Time Online Processing of Hyperspectral Imagery for Target Detection 399 where P ⊥ ˆ U i = I − ˆ U i ( ˆ U T i ˆ U i ) −1 ˆ U T i (17.4) with ˆ U i = [ˆμ 1 ··· ˆμ j ··· ˆμ c ] j=i and I the identity matrix. The ‘hat’ operator specifies the whitened data, i.e., ˆ x = P T w x, where P w is the data whitening operator. Let S denote the entire class signature matrix, i.e., c class means. It was proved in [2] that the CLDA-based classifier using Eqs. (17.4)–(17.5) can be equivalently expressed as P T k = [0 ···010 ···0]  S T  −1 S  −1 S T  −1 (17.5) for classifying the k-th class in S, where  is the sample covariance matrix. 17.2 Real-Time Implementation In our research, we assume that an image is acquired from left to right and from top to bottom. Three real-time processing fashions will be discussed to fit the three remote sensing data formats: pixel-by-pixel processing for BIP formats, line-by-line processing for BIL formats, and band-by-band processing for BSQ formants. In the pixel-by-pixel fashion, a pixel vector is processed right after it is received and the analysis result is generated within an acceptable delay; in the line-by-line fashion, a line of pixel vectors is processed after the entire line is received; in the band-by-band fashion, a band is processed after it is received. In order to implement the CLDA algorithm in real time, Eq. (17.6) is used. The major advantage of using Eq. (17.6) instead of Eqs. (17.4) and (17.5) is the simplicity of real-time implementation since the data whitening process is avoided. So the key becomes the adaptation of  −1 , the inverse sample covariance matrix. In other words,  −1 at time t can be quickly calculated by updating the previous  −1 at t −1 using the data received at time t, without recalculating the  and  −1 completely. As a result, the intermediate data analysis result (e.g., target detection) is available in support of decision-making even when the entire data set is not received; and when the entire data set is received, the final data analysis result is completed (within a reasonable delay). 17.2.1 BIP Format This format is easy to handle because a pixel vector of size L ×1 is received contin- uously. It fits well a spectral-analysis based algorithm, such as CLDA. © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 400 High-Performance Computing in Remote Sensing Let the sample correlation matrix R be defined as R = 1 N  N i=1 x i ·x T i , which can be related to  and sample mean μ by  = R − μ · μ T (17.6) Using the data matrix X, Eq. (17.7) can be written as N ·  = X · X T − N ·μ ·μ T . If ˜  denotes N ·  , ˜ R denotes N · R, and ˜μ denotes N · ˜μ, then ˜  = ˜ R − 1 N t · ˜μ · ˜μ T (17.7) Suppose that at time t we receive the pixel vector x t . The data matrix X t including all the pixels received up to time t is X t = [x 1 , x 2 , ···, x t ] with N t pixel vectors. The sample mean, sample correlation, and covariance matrices at time t are denoted as μ t , R t , and  t , respectively. Then Eq. (17.8) becomes ˜  t = ˜ R t − 1 N t · ˜μ t · ˜μ T t (17.8) The following Woodbury’s formula can be used to update ˜  −1 t : (A + BCD) −1 = A −1 − A −1 B(C −1 + DA −1 B) −1 DA −1 (17.9) where A and C are two positive-definite matrices, and the sizes of matrices A, B, C, and D allow the operation (A + BCD). It should be noted that Eq. (17.10) is for the most general case. Actually, A, B, C, and D can be reduced to vector or scalar as long as Eq. (17.10) is applicable. Comparing Eq. (17.9) with Eq. (17.10), A = ˜ R t , B = ˜μ t , C =− 1 N t , D = ˜μ T t , ˜  −1 t can be calculated using the variables at time (t − 1) as ˜  −1 t = ˜ R −1 t + ˜ R −1 t ˜ u t (N t − ˜ u T t ˜ R −1 t ˜ u t ) −1 ˜ u T t ˜ R −1 t (17.10) The ˜μ t can be updated by ˜μ t = ˜μ t−1 + x t (17.11) Since ˜ R t and ˜ R t−1 can be related as ˜ R t = ˜ R t−1 + x t · x T t (17.12) ˜ R −1 t in Eq. (17.12) can be updated by using the Woodbury’s formula again: ˜ R −1 t = ˜ R −1 t−1 − ˜ R −1 t−1 x t (1 + x T t ˜ R −1 t−1 x t ) −1 x T t ˜ R −1 t−1 (17.13) Note that (1+x T t ˜ R −1 t−1 x t ) in Eq. (17.14) and (N t − ˜ u T t ˜ R −1 t ˜ u t ) in Eq. (17.11) are scalars. This means no matrix inversion is involved in each adaptation. © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Real-Time Online Processing of Hyperspectral Imagery for Target Detection 401 In summary, the real-time CLDA algorithm includes the following steps: r Use Eq. (17.14) to update the inverse sample correlation matrix ˜ R −1 t at time t. r Use Eq. (17.12) to update the sample mean μ t+1 at time t +1. r Use Eq. (17.11) to update the inverse sample covariance matrix ˜  −1 t+1 at time t +1. r Use Eq. (17.6) to generate the CLDA result. 17.2.2 BIL Format If the data are in BIL format, we can simply wait for all the pixels in a line to be received. Let M be the total number of pixels in each line. M pixel vectors can be constructed by sorting the received data. Assume the data processing is carried out line-by-line from left to right and top to bottom in an image, the line received at time t forms a data matrix Y t = [x t1 x t2 ···x tM ]. Assume that the number of lines received up to time t is K t , then Eq. (17.10) remains almost the same as ˜  −1 t = ˜ R −1 t−1 − ˜ R −1 t−1 ˜ u t (K t M − ˜ u T t ˜ R −1 t ˜ u t ) −1 ˜ u T t ˜ R −1 t (17.14) Eq. (17.11) becomes ˜μ t = ˜μ t−1 + M  i=1 x ti (17.15) and Eq. (17.12) becomes ˜ R −1 t = ˜ R −1 t−1 − ˜ R −1 t−1 Y t (I M×M + Y T t ˜ R −1 t−1 Y t ) −1 Y T t ˜ R −1 t−1 (17.16) where I M×M is an M × M identity matrix. Note that  I M×M + Y T t ˜ R −1 t−1 Y t  in Eq. (17.16) is a matrix. This means the matrix inversion is involved in each adaptation. 17.2.3 BSQ Format If the data format is BSQ, the sample covariance matrix  and its inverse  −1 have to be updated in a different way, because no single completed pixel vector is available until all of the data are received. Let  1 denote the covariance matrix when Band 1 is received, which actually is a scalar, calculated by the average of pixel squared values in Band 1. Then  1 can be related to  2 as  2 =   1  12  21  22  , where  22 is the average of pixel squared values in Band 2,  12 =  21 is the average of the products of corresponding pixel © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 402 High-Performance Computing in Remote Sensing values in Band 1 and 2. Therefore,  t can be related to  t−1 as  t =   t−1  t−1,t  T t−1,t  t,t  (17.17) where  t,t is the average of pixel squared values in Band t and  t−1,t = [  1,t , ···,  j,t ···,  t−1,t ] T is a (t −1)×1 vector with  j,t being the average of the products of corresponding pixel values in Band j and t. Equation (17.17) shows that the dimension of  is increased as more bands are received. When  −1 t−1 is available, it is more cost-effective to calculate  −1 t by modifying  −1 t−1 with  t,t and  t−1,t . The following partitioned matrix inversion formula can be used for  −1 adaptation. Let a matrix A be partitioned as A = [ A 11 A 12 A 21 A 22 ]. Then its inverse matrix A −1 can be calculated as   A 11 − A12A −1 22 A 21  −1 −  A 11 − A12A −1 22 A 21  −1 A 12 A −1 22 −  A 22 − A21A −1 11 A 12  −1 A 21 A −1 11  A 22 − A21A −1 22 A 12  −1  (17.18) Let A 11 =  t−1 , A 22 =  t,t , A 12 =  t−1,t , and A 21 =  T t−1,t . All these elements can be generated by simple matrix multiplication. Actually, in this case, no operation of matrix inversion is used when reaching the final  −1 . The intermediate result still can be generated by applying the  −1 t to the first t bands. This means the spectral features in these t bands are used for target detection and discrimination. This may help to find targets at early processing stages. 17.3 Computer Simulation The HYDICE image scene shown in Figure 17.1 was collected in Maryland in 1995 from a flight altitude of 10,000 feet with approximately 1.5m spatial resolution in 0.4–2.5 μm spectral region. The atmospheric water bands with low signal-to-noise ratio were removed, reducing the data dimensionality from 210 to 169. The image scene has 128 lines and the number of pixels in each line M is 64, so the total number of pixel vectors is 128 × 64 = 4096. This scene includes 15 panels arranged in a 15 × 3 matrix. Each element in this matrix is denoted by p ij with rows indexed by i = 1, ···, 5 and columns indexed by i = a, b, c. The three panels in the same row p ia , p ib , p ic were made from the same material of size 3m ×3m, 2m ×2m, 1m ×1m, respectively, which could be considered as one class, p i . As shown in Figure 17.1(c), these ten classes have very similar spectral signatures. In the computer simulation, we simulated the three cases when data were received pixel-by-pixel, line-by-line, © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Real-Time Online Processing of Hyperspectral Imagery for Target Detection 403 P1a, P1b, P1c P2a, P2b, P2c P3a, P3b, P3c P4a, P4b, P4c P5a, P5b, P5c P6a, P6b, P6c P7a, P7b, P7c P8a, P8b, P8c P9a, P9b, P9c P10a, P10b, P10c (b)(a) 180160140120100806040200 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Radiance 6000 7000 8000 Band Number (c) P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 Figure 17.1 (a) A HYDICE image scene that contains 30 panels. (b) Spatial loca- tions of 30 panels provided by ground truth. (c) Spectra from P1 to P10. © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 404 High-Performance Computing in Remote Sensing TABLE 17.1 Classification Accuracy N D Using the CLDA Algorithm (in Al Cases, The Number of False Alarm Pixels N F = 0). Panel Pure Offline Online Online Online # Pixels Proc. Proc. (BIP) Proc. (BIL) Proc. (BSQ) P1 3 2 2 2 2 P2 3 2 2 2 2 P3 4 3 3 3 3 P4 3 2 2 2 2 P5 6 5 6 6 6 P6 3 2 2 2 2 P7 4 3 3 3 3 P8 4 3 3 3 3 P9 4 3 3 3 3 P10 4 3 3 3 3 Total 38 28 29 29 29 and band-by-band. Then the CLDA results were compared with the result from the off-line processing. In order to compare with the pixel-level ground truth, the generated gray-scale classification maps were normalized into [0,1] dynamic range and converted into binary images using a threshold 0.5. The numbers of correctly classified pure panel pixels N D in thedifferentcases werecounted andlisted inTable 17.1. Here the number of false alarm pixels is N F = 0 in all the cases, which means the ten panel classes were well separated. As shown in Table 17.1, all three cases of online processing can correctly classify 29 out of 38 panel pixels, while the offline CLDA algorithm can correctly classify 28 out of 38 panel pixels. We can see that these performances are comparable. 17.4 Practical Considerations 17.4.1 Algorithm Simplification Using R −1 According to Section 17.2, R −1 update only includes one step, while  −1 update has three steps. The number of multiplications saved by using R −1 is 5 ×L 2 for each update. Obviously, using R −1 instead of  −1 can also reduce the number of modules in the chip. Then Eq. (17.6) will be changed to P T k =  0 ···010 ···0  S T R −1 S  −1 S T R −1 (17.19) for classifying the k-th class in S. From the image processing point of view, the functions of R −1 and  −1 in the operator are both for suppressing the undesired © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Real-Time Online Processing of Hyperspectral Imagery for Target Detection 405 background pixels before applying the match filter S T . Based on our experience on different hyperspectral/multispectral image scenes, using R −1 generates very close results to using  −1 . Detailed performance comparisons can be found in [5]. 17.4.2 Algorithm Implementation with Matrix Inversion The major difficulty in hardware implementation is the expensiveness of a matrix inversion module, in particular, when the dimension of R or  (i.e., the number of bands L) is large. A possible way to tackle this problem is to partition a large matrix into four smaller matrices and derive the original inverse matrix by using the partitioned matrix inversion formula in Eq. (17.19). 17.4.3 Unsupervised Processing The CLDA is a supervised approach, i.e., the class spectral signatures need to be known a priori. But in practice, this information may be difficult or even impossible to obtain, in particular, when dealing with remote sensing images. This is due to the facts that: 1) any atmospheric, background, and environmental factors may have an impact on the spectral signature of the same material, which makes the in-field spectral signature of a material or object not be well correlated to the one defined in a spectral library; 2) a hyperspectral sensor may extract many unknown signal sources because of its very high spectral resolution, whose spectral signatures are difficult to be pre-determined; and 3) an airborne or spaceborne hyperspectral sensor can take images from anywhere, whose prior background information may be unknown and difficult to obtain. The target and background signatures in S can be generated from the image scene directly in an unsupervised fashion [6]. In this section, we present an unsupervised class signature generation algorithm based on constrained least squares linear unmix- ing error and quadratic programming. After the class signatures in S are determined, Eq. (17.6) or Eq. (17.21) can be applied directly. Because of the relatively rough spatial resolution, it is generally assumed that the reflectance of a pixel in a remotely sensed image is the linear mixture of reflectances of all the materials in the area covered by this pixel. According to the linear mixture model, a pixel vector x can be represented as x = Sα +n (17.20) where S =  s 1 , s 2 , ···, s p  is an L × p signature matrix with p linearly independent endmembers (including desired targets, undesired targets, and background objects) and s i is the i-th endmember signature; α = (α 1 α 2 ···α p ) T is a p × 1 abundance fraction vector, where the i-th element α i represents the abundance fraction of s i present in that pixel; n is an L ×1 vector that can be interpreted as a noise term or © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 406 High-Performance Computing in Remote Sensing model error. Abundances of all the endmembers in a pixel are related as p  i=1 α i = 1, 0 ≤ α i ≤ 1, for any i (17.21) which are referred to as sum-to-one and non-negativity constraints. Nowour taskis toestimate α with Eq. (17.22) being satisfied for a pixel. It should be noted that S is the same for all the pixels in the image scene, while α varies from pixel to pixel. Therefore, when S is known, there are p unknown variables to be estimated with L equations and L >> p . This means the problem is overdetermined, and no solution exists. However, we can formulate a least squares problem to estimate the optimal ˆα such that the estimation error defined as below is minimized: e =x − S ˆα 2 = x T x − 2ˆα T M T x + ˆα T M T Mˆα (17.22) When the constraints in Eq. (17.22) are to be relaxed simultaneously, there is no closed form solution. Fortunately, if S is known, this constrained optimization problem defined by Eqs. (17.22) and (17.23)can be formulated into a typical quadratic programming problem: Minimize f (α) = r T r − 2r T Mα +α T M T Mα (17.23) subject to α 1 +α 2 +···+α p = 1 and 0 ≤ α i ≤ 1, for 1 ≤ p. Quadratic programming (QP) refers to an optimization problem with a quadratic objective function and linear constraints (including equality and inequality constraints). It can be solved using nonlinear optimization techniques. But we prefer to use linear optimization based techniques in our research since they are simpler and faster [7]. When S is unknown, endmembers can be generated using the algorithm based on linear unmixing error [8] and quadratic programming. Initially, a pixel vector is selected as an initial signature denoted by s 0 . Then it is assumed that all other pixel vectors in the image scene are made up of s 0 with 100 percent abundance. This assumption certainly creates estimation errors. The pixel vector that has the largest least squares error (LSE) between itself and s 0 is selected as a first endmember signature denoted by s 1 . Because the LSE between s 0 and s 1 is the largest, it can be expected that s 1 is most distinct from s 0 . The signature matrix S =  s 0 s 1  is then formed to estimate the abundance fractions for s 0 and s 1 , denoted by ˆα 0 (x) and ˆα 1 (x) for pixel x, respectively, by using the QP-based constrained linear unmixing technique in Section 17.3.1. Now the optimal constrained linear mixture of s 0 and s 1 , ˆα 0 (x)s 0 + ˆα 1 (x)s 1 , is used to approximate the x. The LSE between r and its estimated linear mixture ˆα 0 (x)s 0 + ˆα 1 (x)s 1 is calculated for all pixel vectors. Once again, a pixel vector that yields the largest LSE between itself and its estimated linear mixture will be selected to be a second endmember signature s 2 . As expected, the pixel that yields the largest LSE is the most dissimilar to s 0 and s 1 , and most likely to be an endmember pixel yet to be found. The same procedure with S =  s 0 s 1 s 2  is repeated until the resulting LSE is below a prescribed error threshold η. © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC [...]... is included in the denominator Some quantitative performance comparisons between these algorithms can be found in [14] 17. 6 Summary In this chapter, we discussed the constrained linear discriminant analysis (CLDA) algorithm and its real-time implementation This is to meet the need in practical applications of remote sensing image analysis when the immediate data analysis result is desired for real-time... of mine tailing in the coeur d’Alene river valley, Idaho through the use of constrained energy minimization technique, Remote Sensing of Environment, vol 59, pp 64–76, 1997 [5] Q Du and R Nekovei Implementation of real-time constrained linear discriminant analysis to remote sensing image classification, Pattern Recognition, vol 38, pp 459–471, 2005 © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Real-Time Online... Francis Group, LLC 408 High- Performance Computing in Remote Sensing reasonable delay) when the entire data set is received Several practical implementation issues are discussed The computer simulation shows the online results are similar to the offline results But its performance when onboard actual platforms needs further investigation Although the real-time implementation scheme is originally developed... real-time or near-real-time decision-making The strategy is developed for each data format, i.e., BIP, BIL, and BSQ The basic concept is to real-time update the inverse covariance matrix −1 or inverse correlation matrix R−1 in the CLDA algorithm as the data; (i.e., a pixel vector, or a line of pixel vectors, or a spectral band) coming in, then the intermediate target detection and discrimination result... 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Real-time constrained linear discriminant analysis to target detection and classification in hyperspectral imagery, Pattern Recognition, vol 36, pp 1–12, 2003 [3] J.C Harsanyi and C.-I Chang Hyperspectral image classification and dimensionality reduction: an orthogonal subspace projection, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol 32, pp 779–785, 1994 [4] W.H Farrand and J.C Harsanyi Mapping... onboard, the developed algorithm can be used to generate the intermediate and quick final products onboard Acknowledgment The author would like to thank Professor Chein-I Chang at the University of Maryland Baltimore County for providing the data used in the experiment References [1] Q Du and C.-I Chang Linear constrained distance-based discriminant analysis for hyperspectral image classification, Pattern... targets, but the CLDA algorithm can detect targets and discriminate different targets from each other r r r RX algorithm [9]: The well-known RX algorithm is an anomaly detector, which does not require any target spectral information The original formula is w R X = ˜ xT −1 x, which was simplified as w R X = xT R−1 x [10] Constrained energy minimization (CEM) [4]: The CEM detector can be written R−1 d... 208–216, 1992 [13] S Kraut and L L Sharf The CFAR adaptive subspace detector is a scaleinvariant GLRT, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol 47, pp 2538– 2541, 1999 [14] Q Du On the performance of target detection algorithms for hyperspectral imagery analysis, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 5995, pp 59950 5-1 –59950 5-8 , 2005 © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC . the three remote sensing data formats: pixel-by-pixel processing for BIP formats, line-by-line processing for BIL formats, and band-by-band processing for BSQ formants. In the pixel-by-pixel fashion,. LLC 404 High- Performance Computing in Remote Sensing TABLE 17. 1 Classification Accuracy N D Using the CLDA Algorithm (in Al Cases, The Number of False Alarm Pixels N F = 0). Panel Pure Offline Online. Group, LLC 398 High- Performance Computing in Remote Sensing detection and discrimination. This technique is developed for our proposed algorithm, called the constrained linear discriminant analysis

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