DMA ViscoelasticParameters: Damping, tan δ Phase angle δ G* G' G" Dynamic measurement represented as a vector lThe tangent of the phase angle is the ratio of the loss modulus to the storage modulus. tan δ = G"/G' l"TAN DELTA" (tan δ) is a measure of the damping ability of the material. DMA 2980 : Schematic UNIQUE PATENT-PENDING DESIGN SAMPLE BIFILAR-WOUND FURNACE CLAMPS AIR BEARING SLIDE AIR BEARING OPTICAL ENCODER DRIVE MOTOR LOW MASS, HIGH STIFFNESS CLAMPING FIXTURES DMA : Dual Cantilever Mode Sample Stationary Clamp Movable clamp DMA : Single Cantilever Mode Sample Stationary Clamp Movable clamp DMA : 3-Point Bend Mode Moveable Clamp Force Sample Stationary Fulcrum DMA : Tension Mode Movable clamp Sample (film, fiber,orthin sheet) Stationary Clamp DMA : Shear Sandwich Mode Movable Clamp Stationary Clamp Sample DMA : Compression Mode Stationary clamp Sample Movable Clamp PSA: Glass Transition Measurement . G"/G' l"TAN DELTA" (tan δ) is a measure of the damping ability of the material. DMA 298 0 : Schematic UNIQUE PATENT-PENDING DESIGN SAMPLE BIFILAR-WOUND FURNACE CLAMPS AIR BEARING SLIDE AIR BEARING OPTICAL ENCODER DRIVE