Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome Michael J. Fraipont, MD, and Gregory J. Adamson, MD Abstract Compartment syndrome is defined as increased pressure within a closed fibro-osseous space, causing reduced blood flow and tissue perfusion in that space, leading to ischemic pain and possible damage to the tissues of the compartment. Compartment syn- drome may be either chronic or acute. Chronic compartment syndrome is often recurrent and is associated with repetitive exertion. It is typically seen in athletes whose exercise level ele- vates the intramuscular pressure to a point that the tissues within the af- fected compartment become tight and painful, thus preventing further ac- tivity. The pain disappears quickly after rest, and there are usually no permanent sequelae in the affected tissue. In 1962, French and Price 1 doc- umented elevated compartment pres- sures as the cause of chronic exertion- al compartment syndrome (CECS) of the tibia. Previously, in 1956, Mavor 2 had successfully treated a CECS by widening the fascia of the anterior compartment of the tibia. The ante- rior and lateral compartments of the leg are most commonly involved in CECS, but it has been described in all compartments of the leg, shoulder, upper arm, forearm, hand, gluteus, thigh, and foot. In contradistinction, acute com- partment syndromes, whether in- duced by trauma or repeated exer- tion, are commonly progressive and require urgent attention to avoid ir- reversible damage to the tissues of the affected compartment. Patients with acute compartment syndrome pre- sent with severe pain that is exacer- bated by passive stretch of the muscles and does not resolve spon- taneously with rest. Development of paresthesia and pallor can be fol- lowed by the loss of pulse in the dis- tal extremity. The typical presentation of an acute compartment syndrome most often occurs after a high-energy trauma with or without fracture or reperfusion of an ischemic limb. In an exercise-induced acute compartment syndrome, symptoms may not devel- op until 24 to 48 hours after the pre- cipitating event. The syndrome has been reported in the hand, forearm, leg, thigh, gluteus, and foot. In the rare untreated case, an acute compart- ment syndrome may result in myo- necrosis, causing release of myoglo- bin into the vascular circulation, which can lead to renal failure. Treat- ment of myonecrosis consists of prompt hydration, restoration of flu- id deficits, and concomitant diuresis (maintained at 100 to 200 mL/h). 3 Anatomy The three areas most commonly af- fected by CECS are the lower leg, thigh, and forearm. The lower leg consists of four compartments: ante- rior, lateral, superficial posterior, and deep posterior (Fig. 1). Each compart- ment contains one major nerve, and two compartments (anterior and deep posterior) house major blood vessels, which may be affected by CECS. The anterior compartment contains the anterior tibial artery and the deep peroneal nerve. The lateral compartment contains the superficial peroneal nerve. The superficial pos- terior compartment contains the sural Dr. Fraipont is Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Southern California, Pasadena, CA. Dr. Adamson is Associate Clinical Professor, Depart- ment of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Southern California. Reprint requests: Dr. Fraipont, Suite 201, 39 Congress Street, Pasadena, CA 91105. Copyright 2003 by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Chronic exertional compartment syndrome is an often overlooked and uncommon cause of pain in the extremities of individuals who engage in repetitive physical ac- tivity. A thorough history, a careful physical examination, and compartment pres- sure testing are essential to establish the diagnosis. Catheter measurements can pro- vide useful information on baseline resting compartment pressures as well as compartment pressures after exercise or trauma. Patients with chronic exertional compartment syndrome usually do not respond to nonsurgical therapy other than completely ceasing the activities that cause the symptoms. Surgical intervention en- tails fasciotomies of the involved compartments. Although obtaining accurate com- partment pressure measurements can be difficult and fascial releases must be done carefully, patients typically have satisfactory functional results and are able to re- turn to their usual physical activities after fasciotomy. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2003;11:268-276 268 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons nerve. The deep posterior compart- ment contains the posterior tibial nerve and both the posterior tibial and peroneal arteries and veins. The thigh consists of three compart- ments that can be affected by CECS: anterior, medial, and posterior (Fig. 2). The anterior compartment contains the femoral nerve. The medial com- partment contains the obturator nerve and both the femoral and femoral pro- fundus arteries. The posterior com- partment contains the sciatic nerve. The forearm consists of three com- partments: volar (superficial and deep) and dorsal, and the mobile wad (Fig. 3). The volar compartment consists of the six muscles responsible for flex- ion, pronation, and supination: flex- or carpi radialis, flexor pollicis lon- gus, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, and flexor digitorum profundus. This com- partment also contains the median and ulnar nerves along with the radial, ul- nar, and anterior interosseous arter- ies. The dorsal compartment contains the extensor pollicis brevis, extensor digitorum communis, and extensor carpi ulnaris muscles, as well as the posterior interosseous nerve and ar- tery and perforators off the anterior interosseous artery. The mobile wad consists of three muscles: the brachio- radialis, extensor carpi radialis lon- gus, and extensor carpi radialis brevis. Pathophysiology During strenuous exercise, muscle fi- bers can swell to up to 20 times their resting size, leading to a 20% increase in the muscle volume and weight. 4 In- creased perfusing blood volume, muscle hypertrophy, and interstitial fluid volume within a nonexpanding compartment increase pressure in ac- cordance with Laplace’s law (a cap- illary membrane subjected to internal and external pressure reaches an equilibrium based on those forces). The blood flow through muscles is chiefly regulated by the resistance of the arteriole, which depends on the tension in the vascular wall. The in- crease in intramuscular pressure causes a decrease in arteriolar blood flow. Even though the circulation may not be totally arrested, venous return is markedly reduced and some cap- illaries may become occluded. When the blood flow is insufficient to meet the requirements of the mus- cle, the patient experiences pain with continued activity. The symptoms of CECS, which result from this is- chemia, are caused by inadequate tis- sue oxygenation from the decreased venous return and insufficient perfu- sion of muscle tissue. Because mus- cles have blood flow only during the Figure 1 Cross section of the lower left leg. Figure 2 Cross section of the left thigh, 10 to 15 cm inferior to the inguinal ligament. Note the intermuscular fascial septa. Michael J. Fraipont, MD, and Gregory J. Adamson, MD Vol 11, No 4, July/August 2003 269 relaxation phase of exercise, increased intracompartmental pressures during the relaxation phase are thought to have the greatest effect on muscle is- chemia. The most critical intracom- partmental pressures are those present when the muscle is not in a contractile state. During this phase, the balance between intramuscular compartment pressure and the mi- crovascular pressure determines the adequacy of perfusion and, hence, the oxygenation of the muscle. These val- ues are best reflected by measuring postexercise pressure. The patient will continue to experience pain in the affected extremity after exercise un- til the total intramuscular pressure decreases to a level at which the blood flow can again meet the muscle’s re- quirements. Of patients with CECS involving the legs, 39% to 46% have fascial de- fects over the anterolateral lower leg compared with asymptomatic indi- viduals, who have <5% incidence. 4,5 These fascial hernias or defects are usually 1 to 2 cm 2 in size and occur near the intermuscular septum be- tween the anterior and lateral com- partments, often at the exit of the su- perficial peroneal nerve. The fascial hernia is approximately at the junc- tion of the middle and distal thirds of the leg. The superficial peroneal nerve can be compressed by either the edge of the fascial defect itself or the muscle bulging through the defect.At rest, no palpable abnormality may be apparent, but with exercise, local ten- derness and swelling may occur. Oc- casionally Tinel’s sign may be found at the site of the hernia. It is not clear why patients with CECS have increased total intramus- cular pressure at rest and higher than normal intramuscular pressure with exercise compared with normal indi- viduals. It is unlikely that a limited osseofascial expansion can be the sole explanation of this increase because, after fasciotomy, the total intramus- cular pressure at rest usually remains higher than that in normal individ- uals. In addition, while fascial herni- as are a contributing anatomic find- ing, fascial hernias are not present in all patients with CECS. Arteriole reg- ulation also may be a factor; howev- er, it is likely that a combination of anatomic limitations contributes to the presence and severity of CECS. 6 Evaluation History During physical exertion, a patient with CECS often notices pain that ini- tially begins as a dull ache. If it is ig- nored and the patient continues to train, the pain increases to the point that the activity must be stopped. The onset and degree of the pain often be- come both predictable and reproduc- ible because the pain begins at about the same time during the exercise ac- tivity. The pain typically is well local- ized to the entire affected compart- ment. Patients experience a feeling of fullness or a cramplike sensation in the affected compartment when they attempt to exercise. They also may complain of transient numbness, tin- gling, or weakness in the motor and sensory distributions of nerves with- in the involved compartments. In some cases, patients may have had a recent increase in training time or in- tensity that now takes them over their threshold level for generating symp- toms. Rest usually relieves the pain, but it takes some time for complete relief to occur, especially as the CECS becomes more severe. Patients typi- cally will not have persistent pain the following day unless they exercise again. Generally, they have no histo- ry of trauma, and if they return to their sport after discontinuing it for some time, the symptoms typically recur. Most patients present with bi- lateral symptoms. 7 Patients with CECS of the fore- arm complain of a feeling of firm- ness or cramping associated with weakness in the hands and wrists during vigorous athletic or repeti- tive grasping activities. In addition, they may experience numbness and tingling. These symptoms can man- ifest in the thenar, interosseous, or hypothenar regions as well as in the forearm. Symptoms resolve quickly when the activity is discontinued but recur with resumption of the ac- tivity. Figure 3 Cross section of the middle of the left forearm distal to the level of the pronator teres insertion. Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome 270 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Physical Examination Results of the physical examina- tion of the lower extremity at rest are usually normal. However, Rowdon et al 8 showed that athletes with CECS demonstrated a contradictory elec- tromyographic finding: decreased postexercise potentiation of the pe- roneal motor amplitude and mild im- pairment in vibratory sensation. Di- rect inspection and circumference measurements are typically normal; however, muscle atrophy may be found if the condition is unilateral. Results of physical examination of the extremity after it has been provoked by exercise may reveal tenderness and increased tension in the involved compartment. In addition, there may be an associated decreased sensation or tingling in the distal region. In the upper extremity, results of physical examination usually reveal neither signs of nerve entrapment (eg, a Tinel sign at the wrist or elbow) nor abnormal two-point discrimination. Results of the neurodiagnostic eval- uation, including nerve-conduction studies and electromyographs of the ulnar and median nerves, also should be normal, although Kutz et al 9 re- ported slowed median nerve conduc- tion in one case. While muscle ten- derness may be noted, symmetrically functioning muscles in the hands and forearms are usually found. Differential Diagnosis A number of different conditions may overlap with the diagnosis of CECS (Table 1). When the patient his- tory, physical examination results, and pressure measurements are not diagnostic for CECS, consideration should be given to further imaging, neurophysiologic testing, and/or lab- oratory studies. Testing Equipment and Criteria Patients with CECS demonstrate increased intracompartmental pres- sures in the affected extremity at rest and during and after exercise. Mea- suring intracompartmental pressures during exercise is difficult and im- practical; resting and postexercise measurements have been shown to be the best method of confirming the di- agnosis of CECS. 4,5,10-12 The type of exercise used during measurement taking can vary, but it must be suf- ficiently provocative to induce symp- toms. The following different com- partment measurement methods show equal effectiveness, assuming correct use: slit catheter, 13 microtip pressure method, 14 wick catheter, 15 microcapillary infusion, 5 and needle manometer. 16 Many authors use the criteria of Pedowitz et al 10 to evaluate patients. These criteria are appropriate for eval- uation of both the upper and lower extremities: a resting pressure mea- surement ≥15 mm Hg, and/or a measurement taken 1 minute after ex- ercise ≥30 mm Hg, and/or a measure- ment taken 5 minutes after exercise ≥20 mm Hg. The criteria of Whitesides and Heckman 17 for acute compartment syndrome have been applied to CECS. Compartment ischemia is considered to occur when a compartment pres- Table 1 Differential Diagnosis for Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome Diagnosis Findings Confirmatory Studies Stress fracture Localized tenderness directly over the tibia; pain with torsional or bending stress Plain radiograph, bone scan, MRI Medial tibial stress syndrome (periostitis at the muscular attachment site along the posteromedial tibia) Manual resistance to active plantarflexion and inversion leading to pain along the distal posteromedial aspect of the tibia; localized to diffuse tibial tenderness Bone scan, MRI Chronic regional pain syndrome (reflex sympathetic dystrophy) Allodynia and trophic skin changes Triple-phase bone scan, thermography, sympathetic block Tenosynovitis of the ankle dorsiflexors or the posterior tibialis tendon Tenderness along the extent of the tendon aggravated by flexion and extension maneuvers MRI Peripheral nerve entrapment syndromes Tingling or numbness associated with a specific location (Tinel’s sign) EMG, nerve conduction study Venous stasis disease Trophic skin changes Duplex ultrasound Deep vein thrombosis Palpable cords or pain with plantarflexion; calf swelling Duplex ultrasound, venogram Radiculopathy Sensory losses, weakness EMG, central nervous system evaluation Arterial vascular disease Pain, paresthesias, and coolness with activities; claudication Ankle-brachial index Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome Pain and coolness; paradoxical claudication Arteriogram EMG = electromyogram; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging Michael J. Fraipont, MD, and Gregory J. Adamson, MD Vol 11, No 4, July/August 2003 271 sure increases to 20 mm Hg below the diastolic pressure. Measurement Limitations Factors that can affect the accura- cy of pressure measurements include proper use of the equipment, correct anatomic placement of the catheter tip, depth of needle insertion, posi- tion of the extremity during pressure measurement, and the contractile force of the muscle. This process can be especially difficult to control and interpret in the clinical setting. There- fore, care must be taken to place the limb in a relaxed and consistent po- sition for accurate, reproducible mea- surements. Although the measurement of in- tracompartmental pressures of the anterior compartment of the leg is rel- atively simple, the same cannot be said for the deep posterior compart- ment or for the so-called fifth com- partment, the tibialis posterior mus- cle. When measuring deep posterior compartment and tibialis posterior muscle pressures, the exact location of the tip of the catheter may vary. Schepsis et al 18 described a method of placing the catheter medially, par- allel to the posterior surface of the tib- ia at the junction of the middle and distal thirds of the leg, into the flexor digitorum longus muscle. Wiley et al 19 proposed using ultrasound as a guide for catheter placement into the deep posterior compartment. Mollica and Duyshart 20 advocated placing in- tracompartmental pressure measure- ment apparatus in the medial foot compartment. Upper extremity cath- eter placement is determined by the affected compartment. 21,22 Other Testing Modalities Alternative methods of testing for elevated compartment pressures are being considered, especially because of the difficulty in measuring the deep compartment pressures. Mohler et al 23 found that patients with CECS of the anterior compartment had greater deoxygenation of the muscle during Figure 4 The single-incision or perifibular approach allows access to all four compartments through a lateral incision. A, The skin incision is made in line with and directly over the fibula. B, Release of the lateral compartment (2) can be done directly after identification of the intermuscular septum. Care must be taken to preserve the superficial peroneal nerve, and the fasciotomy is done 1 cm posterior to the intermuscular septum. C, If the anterior compartment (1) needs to be released, the skin is retracted anteriorly and the fasciotomy is done 1 cm anterior to the intermuscular septum. D, For the fasciotomy of the superficial pos- terior compartment (3), the skin is retracted posteriorly for exposure. E, For fasciotomy of the deep posterior compartment (4), the lateral and superficial posterior compartments are retracted and the compartment is reached by following the interosseous membrane from the posterior aspect of the fibula. (Adapted with permission from Rorabeck CH: A practical ap- proach to compartment syndromes: III. Management. Instr Course Lect 1983;32:102-113.) Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome 272 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons exercise and delayed reoxygenation of the muscle after exercise compared with patients who did not have CECS, as measured by infrared spectrosco- py. A more promising and practical measurement of elevated pressure is by magnetic resonance imaging, which can be used in diagnosing CECS. 24 The affected compartment shows an in- crease in T2-weighted signal intensi- ty during exercise. Although the as- sistance of an experienced radiologist in reviewing these subtle findings can be helpful, the intracompartmental sig- nal intensity can be normalized with the signal intensity from surrounding tissue not affected by CECS. 24 Bone scan technology using thallium Tl 201 single-photon emission computed to- mography (SPECT) has been shown to localize an ischemic compartment. 25 Management CECS occurs when athletes perform an activity above their threshold lev- el. Therefore, nonsurgical treatment of CECS can be successful only when the patient gives up the activity or the activity level that causes the symp- toms. However, it is not unreasonable to offer a treatment plan that includes stopping the activities that provoke the symptoms while introducing a different program of appropriate con- ditioning. Nevertheless, because most patients with CECS who seek med- ical attention are unwilling to mod- ify their exercise programs, subcuta- neous fasciotomy of the involved compartment should be considered. It is the mainstay of treatment and is successful in relieving pain and al- lowing a return to full activities. 12,26 Endoscopically assisted, two- incision fasciotomy is an alternative technique purported to be as safe and effective as single-incision fasciotomy. 27 The advantages of endoscopic release in the lower extremity are access to the entire length of the compartment and visualization of the superficial peroneal nerve and its branches. 27 Surgical Techniques Anterior and Lateral Leg Compartment Fasciotomy Surgical release of the anterior and lateral compartments is done through a 10-cm longitudinal incision over the anterolateral aspect of the leg in its midportion between the tibial crest and the fibula (Fig. 4, A). After iden- tification of the anterior intermuscu- lar septum between the anterior and lateral compartments (Fig. 4, B and C), the fascia is divided proximally Figure 5 Either or both incisions from the two-incision fasciotomy technique can be utilized depending on the number and location of affected compartments. A, Position of two incisions (dotted line = posteromedial incision). B, Cross section of lower leg showing the relationship of the two incisions to the four compartments. 1 = anterior compartment, 2 = lateral compartment, 3 = superficial posterior compartment, 4 = deep posterior compart- ment. C, The anterior intermuscular septum. D, The fascia is divided to separate the anterior and lateral compartments. The superficial peroneal nerve will be visualized. (Adapted with permission from Rorabeck CH: A practical approach to compartment syndromes: III. Man- agement. Instr Course Lect 1983;32:102-113.) Michael J. Fraipont, MD, and Gregory J. Adamson, MD Vol 11, No 4, July/August 2003 273 and distally in both compartments under direct visualization (Fig. 4, D). Care must be taken to identify the su- perficial peroneal nerve before re- lease. Fasciotomy should include in- spection for and release of any fascial hernias. Superficial and Deep Posterior Leg Compartment Fasciotomy The superficial posterior, deep posterior, and tibialis posterior mus- cle compartments can be released through either an extended dissection from the lateral approach (Fig. 4, D and E) or more easily through a sep- arate 10-cm medial incision (Fig. 5 ). Once the muscular fascia is identified, the superficial posterior compartment can be released directly because it lies more posterior to the other compart- ments (Fig. 5, B). To reach the deep posterior compartment, it is necessary to undermine anteriorly to reach the posterior tibial margin, thereby avoiding the saphenous vein and nerve as well as reaching the soleus muscle. The soleus originates from the entire proximal upper half of the tibia and fibula, creating a soleus bridge under which the deep poste- rior compartment resides. The prox- imal soleus attachment to the tibia and fibula must be completely de- tached to visualize the deep posteri- or compartment. In addition to per- forming a fasciotomy of the deep posterior compartment, it is recom- mended that a specific fasciotomy of the tibialis posterior muscle compart- ment be done, as well. 11,12 Release of the deep posterior com- partment of the leg has not been as successful as that of the superficial posterior compartment. The reasons for this are not clear. Published expla- nations 11,12,18 for these reported fail- ures include the fact that the patients did not have CECS; the fasciotomy was incomplete, specifically not iden- tifying and releasing the posterior tib- ialis muscle within the deep compart- ment; and dense scar tissue had formed after surgery. Thigh Compartment Fasciotomy Tarlow et al 28 described a two- incision fasciotomy release in which the lateral incision is through the fas- cia lata and the iliotibial band (Fig. 6, A). Both the anterior and posterior compartments can be addressed by releasing the lateral intermuscular sep- tum (Fig. 6, B). After identification of the lateral intermuscular septum between the lateral and posterior com- partments, the fascia is divided prox- imally and distally in both compart- ments under direct visualization. Care must be taken to identify and palpate the sciatic nerve. A separate medial incision is required to address the vas- tus medialis and the adductor mus- cles. After identification of the medi- al intermuscular septum between the Figure 6 Thigh compartment fasciotomy. A, Lateral incision site. B, Cross section of thigh showing opening ofthe anterior compartment and release of the posterior compartment through the lateral intermuscular septum. C, Lateral view of the thigh showing the two-incision fas- ciotomy release technique. (Panels A and B adapted with permission from Tarlow SD, Achterman CA, Hayhurst J, Ovadia DN: Acute compartment syndrome in the thigh com- plicating fracture of the femur: A report of three cases. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1986;68:1439-1443. Panel C adapted with permission from Azar FM, Pickering RM: Traumatic disorders, in Ca- nale ST [ed]: Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics, ed 9. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 1998, vol 2, p 1408.) Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome 274 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons anterior and posterior compartments, the fascia is divided proximally and distally in both compartments under direct visualization. Care must be tak- en to identify and palpate the femo- ral artery and nerve. Forearm Compartment Fasciotomy In a superficial volar forearm com- partment fasciotomy, the incision be- gins just above the elbow over the me- dial antecubital fossa through the entire length of the volar forearm in a curvilinear fashion to the wrist. It is important to release the lacertus fi- brosus at the elbow and the carpal tunnel at the wrist to decompress the median nerve. The mobile wad com- partment also may be released through this incision and can be ad- dressed as needed. 29 In a dorsal com- partment fasciotomy, a dorsal incision is made in a line with the lateral as- pect of the forearm connecting the lat- eral epicondyle to the distal radioul- nar joint. Postoperative Care Ice and elevation of the extremity are used for 3 to 5 days after surgery to help limit pain and excessive swell- ing. Active range-of-motion exercises should be instituted immediately af- ter surgery. Crutches or an upper- extremity sling may be used as nec- essary for the first few postoperative days, but patients should be encour- aged to walk and perform light ac- tivities without assistance. Weight bear- ing as tolerated may be begun directly after fasciotomies of the lower extrem- ity. Full activities may begin as soon as tolerated, usually 3 to 4 weeks af- ter surgery. Results The results of compartment releases indicate that most patients surgically treated for CECS in the leg experience a high level of pain relief and are sat- isfied with the results of surgery. Re- ports of improvement range from 81% to 100%. 4,11,12,18,26,30-32 However,authors who differentiate the results of ante- rior versus deep posterior compart- ment releases report notably different outcomes for the deep posterior com- partment releases. Success of deep pos- terior compartment release of the lower extremity rangesfrom 50% to 65%. 11,12,32 CECS in the deep posterior compart- ment is multifactorial, and a fasciotomy may not fully alleviate the cause of the pain. 11,12,18 Therefore, these out- comes underscore the need to perform compartment pressure measurements before compartment releases are done so that the correct compartment or compartments can be identified and adequate expectations can be relayed to the patient. Generally, patients have noted a high level of pain relief and satisfac- tion with the results of fasciotomy. In their report on the subjective percent- age of pain relief experienced by pa- tients, Howard et al 32 stated that re- lief may come in increments of improvement from the preoperative level and is dependent on the indi- vidual. Patients can expect to return to light activity by 2 to 4 weeks and to full activity by 4 to 6 weeks. Complications Complications of surgery for CECS include hemorrhage, wound infec- tion, nerve entrapment, swelling, ar- tery injury, hematoma/seroma, lym- phocele, peripheral cutaneous nerve injury, and deep vein thrombosis. Incidence ranges from 4.5% to 13%. 4,11,12,19,31 In addition to postop- erative complications, recurrence of symptoms has been reported in 7% to 17% of patients after surgical com- partment release. 11,12,18 Summary Recurrent CECS is diagnosed with accuracy when there is a history of reproducible exertional pain associ- ated with increased compartment pressure measurements at rest and/ or after exercise. In patients with re- current CECS, fasciotomy is advis- able to allow a return to all activities. At surgery, particular attention should be paid to the careful release of fascial defects anteriorly and lat- erally in the leg and posteriorly in the posterior tibialis muscle. 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Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome 276 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons . treatment of exertional compart- ment syndrome in athletes. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1983;65:1245-1251. 12. Rorabeck CH, Fowler PJ, Nott L: The results of fasciotomy in the manage- ment of chronic exertional. Street, Pasadena, CA 91105. Copyright 2003 by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Chronic exertional compartment syndrome is an often overlooked and uncommon cause of pain in the extremities. compartment pressures as well as compartment pressures after exercise or trauma. Patients with chronic exertional compartment syndrome usually do not respond to nonsurgical therapy other than completely