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Thumb for Mechanical Engineers 2011 Part 2 pdf

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20 Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers Figure 2. Conduction through a cylinder. The equation for cylindrical coordinates is slightly dif- ferent because the area changes as you move radially out- ward. As Figure 3 shows, the temperature profde will be a straight line for a flat wall. The profile for the pipe will flatten as it moves radially outward. Because area increases with radius, conduction will increase, which reduces the thermal gradient. If the thickness of the cylinder is small, relative to the radius, the Cartesian coordinate equation will give an adequate answer. Thermal conductivity is a ma- terial property, with units of Btu FLAT WALL CYLINDER Temp. X Radius Figure 3. Temperature profile for flat wall and cylinder. Tables 3 and 4 show conductivities for metals and com- mon building materials. Note that the materials that are good electrical conductors (silver, capper, and aluminum), are also good conductors of heat. Increased conduction will tend to equalize temperatures within a component. Example. Consider a flat wall with: Thickness = 1 foot Table 3 Thermal Conductivity of Various Materials at 0°C Metals: silver (pure) copper (pure) Aluminum (pure) NiCkel(pure) 0 Carbon steel, 1 % C Lead (Pure) Chrome-nickd SM (18% a, 8% NO Quartz,polralleltOaxis wte Marble sandstone Glass, window Maple or oak sawdust Glasswool Liquids: Mercury Water Lubricating oil, WE 50 Freon 12, CQzFs Hydrogen Helium Air Water vapor (saturated) Carbon dioxide Nonmetatlic solids: Om: wwc 410 385 93 73 43 35 16.3 202 41.6 4.15 208-2.94 1.83 0.78 0.17 0.059 0.038 8.21 0.5% 0.540 0.147 0.073 0.175 0.141 0.m 0.0206 0.0146 237 223 117 54 42 25 20.3 9.4 24 2.4 1.21.7 1.06 0.45 0.096 0.034 0.022 4.74 0.327 0.312 0.085 0.042 0.101 0.081 0.0139 0.01 19 0.00844 Source: Holman [l]. Reprinted with permission of McGraw-Hill. Area = 1 foot2 Q = 1,000 Btu/hour For aluminum, k = 132, AT = 7.58"F For stainless steel, k = 9, AT = 1 11.1 OF Sources 1. Holman, J. P., Heat Transfez New York: McGraw-Hill, 2. Cheremisinoff, N. P., Heat Transfer Pocket Handbook 1976. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co., 1984. Heat Transfer 21 Table 4 Thermal Conductivities of Typical Insulating and Building Materials Thermal (kcavm-hr- "C) conductivity - Matelial ("0 Asbestos 0 0.13 Glass wool 0 0.03 300 0.09 cork in slabs 0 0.03 50 0.04 Magnesia 50 0.05 slag wool 0 0.05 200 0.M Common brick 25 0.34 pbrcelain 95 0.89 1,100 1.70 CtmCEtL? 0 1.2 Fresh earth 0 2.0 Glass 15 0.60 Rerpencllcular fibers 15 0.13 Parallel fibers u) 0.30 Burnt clay I5 0.80 Car- 600 16.0 Sourn: Chmmisinoff p] Mod -1: Composite Wall Conduction For the multiple wall system in Figure 4, the heat trans- fer rates are: Obviously, Q and Area are the same for both walls. The term thermal resistance is often used: kl (T, - T~) Area Thickness, 41-2 = k2 (T2 -T3) Area Thickness, 42-3 = Q'-2 I thickness k R, = High values of thermal resistance indicate a good insula- tion. For the entire system of walls in Figure 4, the over- all heat transfer becomes: The effective thermal resistance of the entire system is: thicknessi R, =ZR~ =E ki Th ickness=5' I k=. 1 Thickness4 " k=l Figure 4. Conduction through a composite wall. For a cylindrical system, effective thermal resistance is: 22 Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers Note that the temperature difference across each wall is proportional to the thermal effectiveness of each wall. Also note that the overall thermal effectiveness is dominated by the component with the largest thermal effectiveness. Wall 1 Thickness = 1. foot k = 1. Btu/(Hr*Foot*F) R = 1.h. = 1. Wall 2 Thickness = 5. foot k = .1 Btu/(Hr*Foot*F) R = 5J.1 = 50. The overall thermal resistance is 5 1. Because only 2% of the total is contributed by wall 1, its effect could be ignored without a significant loss in ac- curacy. The Combined Heat Transfer Coefficient TI - T3 An overall heat transfer coefficient may be used to ac- count for the combined effects of convection and conduc- tion. Consider the problem shown in Figure 5. Convection = 1 /( hA) + thickness /(kA) Overall heat transfer may be calculated by: 1 (1 / h) + (thickness / k) U= Heat transfer may be calculated by: Q = UA (TI - T3) Although the overall heat transfer coefficient is simpler to use, it does not allow for calculation of TP. This approach is particularly useful when matching test data, because all uncertainties may be rolled into one coefficient instead of adjusting two Figure 5. Combined convection and conduction through a wall. Critical Radius of Insulation Consider the pipe in Figure 6. Here, conduction occurs through a layer of insulation, then convects to the envi- ronment. Maximum heat transfer occurs when: k route., - - h - This is the critical radius of insulation. If the outer radius is less than this critical value, adding insulation will cause an increase in heat transfer. Although the increased insu- lation reduces conduction, it adds surface area, which in- creases convection. This is most likely to occur when con- vection is low (high h), and the insulation is poor (high k). Figure 6. Pipe wrapped with insulation. HeatTransfer 23 While conduction calculations are straightforward, con- vection calculations are much more difficult. Numerous cor- relation types are available, and good judgment must be ex- ercised in selection. Most correlations are valid only for a specific range of Reynolds numbers. Often, different rela- tionships are used for various ranges. The user should note that these may yield discontinuities in the relationship be- tween convection coefficient and Reynolds number. Dimensionless Numbers Many correlations are based on dimensionless numbers, which are used to establish similitude among cases which might seem very different. Four dimensionless numbers are particularly significant: Reynolds Number The Reynolds number is the ratio of flow momentum rate (i.e., inertia force) to viscous force. The Reynolds number is used to determine whether flow is laminar or turbulent. Below a critical Reynolds number, flow will be laminar. Above a critical Reynolds number, flow will be turbulent. Generally, different correlations will be used to determine the convection coefficient in the laminar and turbulent regimes. The convection coefficients are usu- ally significantly higher in the turbulent regime. Nusselt Number The Nusselt number characterizes the similarity of heat transfer at the interface between wall and fluid in different systems. It is basically a ratio of convection to conductance: hl N=- k Prandtl Number The Prandtl number is the ratio of momentum diffusiv- ity to thermal diffusivity of a fluid: Pr=- PCP k It is solely dependent upon the fluid properties: For gases, Pr = .7 to 1.0 For water, Pr = 1 to 10 For liquid metals, Pr = .001 to .03 For oils, Pr = 50. to 2000. In most correlations, the Prandtl number is raised to the .333 power. Therefore, it is not a good investment to spend a lot of time determjning Prandtl number for a gas. Just using .85 should be adequate for most analyses. Grashof W umber The Grashof number is used to determine the heat trans- fer coefficient under free convection conditions. It is basi- cally a ratio between the buoyancy forces and viscous forces. Heat transfer reqks circulation, therefore, the Grashof number (and heat transfer coefficient) will rise as the buoy- ancy forces increase and the viscous forces decrease. 24 Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers Correlations Heat transfer correlations are empirical relationships. They are available for a wide range of configurations. This book will address only the most common types: Pipe flow Average flat plate Flat plate at a specific location Free convection *Tubebank Cylinder in cross-flow The last two correlations are particularly important for heat exchangers. Plpe Flow This correlation is used to calculate the convection co- efficient between a fluid flowing through a pipe and the pipe wall [l]. For turbulent flow (Re > 10,000): h = .023KRe.8 x FY n = .3 if surface is hotter than the fluid = .4 if fluid is hotter than the surface This correlation [ 11 is valid for 0.6 I P, I 160 and L/D 2 10. For laminar flow [2]: N = 4.36 NxK h=- Dh Average Flat Plate This correlation is used to calculate an average convec- tion coefficient for a fluid flowing across a flat plate [3]. PVL P Re=- For turbulent flow (Re > 50,000): h = .037 me8 x Pr33/L For laminar flow: h = .664KRe5 x Pr33/L Flat Plate at a Specific location This correlation is used to calculate a convection coef- ficient for a fluid flowing across a flat plate at a specified distance (X) from the start [3]. Re=- PVX P For turbulent flow (Re > 50,000): h = .0296KRe.* x Pr33/X For laminar flow: h = .332KRe.5 x Pr33/X Static Free Convection Free convection calculations are based on the product of the Grashof and Prandtl numbers. Based on this product, the Nusselt number can be read from Figure 7 (vertical plates) or Figure 8 (horizontal cylinders) [6]. Tube Bank The following correlation is useful for in-line banks of tubes, such as might occur in a heat exchanger [SI: It is valid for Reynolds numbers between 2,000 and 40,000 through tube banks more than 10 rows deep. For less than 10 rows, a correction factor must be applied (.64 for 1 row, .80 for 2 rows, .90 for 4 rows) to the convection co- efficient. Obtaining C and CEXP from the table (see also Figure 9, in-line tube rows): Heat Transfer 25 H = (CWD) (Re)CEXP (p1Y.7)~~~ SnID 1.25 1.50 2.00 3.00 SplD C CEXP C CEXP C CEXP C CEXP 1.25 .386 592 .305 .608 .111 .704 .0703 .752 1.5 .407 586 .278 .620 .112 .702 .0753 .744 2.0 .464 570 .332 .602 .254 .632 ,220 ,648 3.0 .322 .601 .396 .584 .415 581 ,317 ,608 (a) log IGr, Pr,l Cylinder in Cross-flow 5 -3 1 +l 3 5 7 log (Grt Prfl Figure 8. Free convection heat transfer correlation for horizontal cylinders [6]. (Reprinted with permission of McGra w- Hill.) The following correlation is useful for any case in which a fluid is flowing around a cylinder [6]: Re = pV2r/y Re<4 C = .989 CEXP = .330 CEXP = ,385 c = .911 C = .683 CEXP = .466 CEXP = .618 C = .193 CEXP = .BO5 C = .0266 4 < Re < 40 40 < Re < 4000 4000 < Re < 40,000 40,000 < Re < 400,000 Sources 1. Dittus, E W. and Boelter, L. M. K., University of Cali- fornia Publications on Engineering, Vol. 2, Berkeley. 1930, p. 443. 26 Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers 2. Kays, W. M. and Crawford, M. E., Convective Heat and Mass Transfer. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980. 3. Incmpera, F. P. and Dewitt, D. P., Fundmnentals of Hear mzd Mass Transfer: New York John Wdey and Sons, 1990. 4. McAdams, W. H., Heat Transmission. New York Mc- Graw-Hill, 1954. 5. Grimson, E. D., “Correlation and Utilization of New Data on Flow Resistance and Heat Transfer for Cross Flow of Gases over Tube Banks,” Transactions ASME, 6. Holman, J. P., Heat Transfer: New York McGraw-Hill, Vol. 59, 1937, pp. 583-594. 1976. Typical Convection Coefficient Values After calculating convection coefficients, the analyst Air, free convection 14 should always check the values and make sure they are rea- sonable. This table shows representative values: Water, free convection Air or steam, forced convection Oil or oil mist, forced convection Water, forced convection 50-2,000 Boiling water 500-1 0,000 Condensing water vapor 900-1 00,000 5-20 5-50 10400 RADIATION The radiation heat transfer between two components is calculated by: Q = A1F1- 20 (ElTf - EzV) o is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and has a value of 1.7 14 x lo4 Btu /(hr x ft2 x OR4). Ai is the area of component 1, and F1 - is the view factor (also called a shape factor), which represents the fraction of energy leaving component 1 that strikes component 2. By the reciprocity theorem: El and E2 are the emissivities of surfaces 1 and 2, respec- tively. These values will always be between 1 (perfect ab- sorption) and 0 (perfect reflection). Some materials, such as glass, allow transmission of radiation. In this book, we will neglect this possibility, and assume that all radiation is either reflected or absorbed. Before spending much time contemplating radiation heat transfer, the analyst should first decide whether it is sig- nificant. Since radiation is a function of absolute temper- ature to the fourth power, its significance increases rapid- ly as temperature increases. The following table shows this clearly. Assuming emissivities and view factors of 1, the equivalent h column shows the convection coefficient required to give the same heat transfer. In most cases, ra- diation can be safely ignored at temperatures below 500°F. Above 1,00O”F, radiation must generally be accounted for. Temperatures Equivalent h 2-1 00 1.57 500400 5.1 8 1,000-900 19.24 1,500-1 PO0 47.80 2,000-1,900 96.01 Heathnsfer 27 Emissivity Table 5 shows emissivities of various materials. Esti- mation of emissivity is always difficult, but several gen- eralizations can be made: Highly polished metallic surfaces usually have very low emissivities. Emissivity increases with temperature for all metallic surfaces. Emissivity for nonmetallic surfaces are much higher than for metallic surfaces, and decrease with temperature. Emissivity is very dependent upon surface conditions. The formation of oxide layers and increased surface roughness increases emissivity. Therefore, new com- ponents will generally have lower emissivities than ones that have been in service. Source Cheremisinoff, N. P., Heat Transfer Pocket Handbook. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co., 1984. Table 5 Normal Total Emissivities of Different Surfaces snrfaoe t (OF) Bmissivity Metah3 Alurmioum (highly polished, 98.3% pure) Brass (highly polished) CoPW 440 - 1070 0.039 - 0.057 73.2% Cu, 26.7% Zn 476 - 674 0.028 - 0.031 82.9% Cn, 17.0% Zn 530 0.030 pblished 242 0.023 Plate heated @ lll0"P 390 - 1110 0.57 MOlbl-Stak 1970 - 2330 0.16 - 0.13 aold 440 - 1160 0.018 - 0.035 IrOndsteel: lwidled, electrolytic iron 350 - 440 0.052 - 0.064 pblishediron 800 - 1800 0.144 - 0.377 sheetiron 1650 - 1900 0.55 - 0.60 Cast iron 1620 - 1810 0.60 - 0.70 Lead (unoxidized) 260 - 440 0.057 - 0.075 Menxrry 32 - 212 0.09 - 0.12 Nickel (technically pure, polished) 440 - 710 0.07 - 0.087 Platinum (pure) 440 - 1160 0.054 - 0.104 Silver (pure) 440 - 1160 0.0198 - 0.0324 aefraetor%sdmiscellaneous materials ASbeStOS 74 - 700 0.93-0.96 Brick, red 70 0.93 Carbon Pilament 1900 - 2560 0.526 Candle soot 206 - 520 0.952 Glass 72 0.937 70 0.903 Gypsum Plaster -,glazed 72 0.924 Rubber 75 0.86 - 0.95 Mter 32 - 212 0.95 - 0.963 Lampblack 100 - 700 "01945 50 - 190 0.91 View Factors Exact calculation of view factors is often difficult, but they can often be estimated reasonably well. Concentric Cylinders Neglecting end effects, the view factor from the inner cylinder to the outer cylinder is always 1, regardless of radii (Figure 10). The view factor from the outer cylinder to the inner one is the ratio of the radii rime,./router. The radiation which does not strike the inner cylinder 1 - (rinner/router) strikes the outer cylinder. All radiation from inside cylinder strikes outside cylinder Radiation from outside cylinder strikes inside cylinder and outside cylinder. Figure 10. Radiation view factors for concentric cir- 28 Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers Parallel Rectangles Figure 11 shows the view factors for parallel rectangles. Note that the view factor increases as the size of the rec- tangles increase, and the distance between them decreases. Perpendicular Rectangles Figure 12 shows view factors for perpendicular rectan- gles. Note that the view factor increases as AI becomes long .15 P! and thin (Y/X = .I) and A2 becomes large (Z/X = 10). In this arrangement, the view factor can never exceed .5, be- cause at least half of the radiation leaving A, will go towards the other side, away from A,. Source Holman, J. P., Heat TranTfel: New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976. N &L 0.1 0.01 Figure 1 1. Radiation view factors for 1 .a 10 2o parallel rectangles. (Reprinted with 0.1 permission of McGraw-Hill.) Ratio X/D Figure 12. Radiation view factors for perpendicular rectangles. (Reprinted with permission of McGraw-Hill.) xtangles. (Reprinted with prt t,tloolm of McGraw-Hill.) 0.1 1 .o Ratio Z/X HeatTransfer 29 Radiation Shields In many designs, a radiation shield can be employed to reduce heat transfer. This is typically a thin piece of sheet metal which blocks the radiation path from the hot surface to the cool surface. Of course, the shield will heat up and begin to radiate to the cool surface. If we assume the two surfaces and the shield all have the same emissivity, and all view factors are 1 , the overall heat transfer will be cut in half. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS With today’s computers and software, finite element analysis (FEA) can be used for most heat transfer analysis. Heat transfer generally does not require as fine a model as is required for stress analysis (to obtain stresses, derivatives of deflection must be calculated, which is an inherently in- accurate process). While FEA can accurately analyze com- plex geometries, it can also generate garbage if used im- properly. Care should be exercised in creating the finite el- ement model, and results should be checked thoroughly. ~ Boundary Conditions Convection coefficients must be assigned to all element faces where convection will occur. Temperatures may be as- signed in two ways: Fixed temperature Channels Channels are flowing streams of fluid. As they exchange heat with the component, their temperature will increase or decrease. The channel temperatures will be applied to the element faces exposed to that channel. Conduction prop- erties for all materials must be provided. Material density and specific heats must also be provided for a transient analysis. Precise calculation of radiation with FEA may be difficult, because view factors must be calculated between every set of radiating elements. This can add up quickly, even for a small model. Three options are available: Software is available to automatically calculate view factors for finite element models. Instead of modeling interactive radiation between two surfaces, it may be possible to have each radiate to an environment with a known temperature. Each envi- ronment temperature should be an average temperature of the opposite surface. This may require an iteration or two to get the environment temperature right. This probably is not a good option for transient analysis, be cause the environment temperatures will be constant- ly changing. For problems at low temperatures, or with high con- vection coefficients, radiation may be eliminated from the model with little loss in accuracy. Some problems require modeling internal heat genera- tion. The most common cases are bearing races, which gen- erate heat due to friction, and internal heating due to elec- tric currents. Where two components contact, the conduction across this boundary is dependant upon the contact pressures, and the roughness of the two surfaces. For most finite el- ement analyses, the two components may be joined so that full conduction occurs across the boundary. [...]... 25 .40 25 .40 25 .40 25 .40 38.10 38.10 38.10 Ex&rnal surface Area I.D of n m (m) (-3 O.D of 2. 77 2. 11 1.65 1 .24 3.40 2. 77 2. 11 1.65 3.40 2. 77 2. 11 13.51 14.83 15.75 16.56 18.59 19.86 21 18 22 .10 31 .29 32. 56 33.88 1 Cr-0.5 Mo 2' /4 Cr-0.5 Mo 5 Cr4.5 Mo 12 Cr-1 MO 143.8 1 72. 9 194.8 21 5.5 27 1.6 309.0 3 52. 3 383 .2 769.0 8 32. 9 901.3 WRLength Table 10 Maximum Number of Tube Passes ( 4 0.0598 0.0598 0.0598 0.0598... Cu -28 Zn-1 Sn 17 Cr- 12 Ni -2 Mo 18 Cr-8 Ni 70 Cu-30 Zn 85 Cu-15 Zn 76 Cu -22 Zn -2 Al 90 Cu-10 Ni 70 Cu-30 Ni 67 Ni-30 Cu-1.4 Fe 111 16 16 99 159 1 0 71 29 26 19 20 2 45 43 386 35 62 19 42 38 35 28 Aluminum Carbonsteel Carbon-moly 0.5 Mo copper Lead Nickel Titanium Chrome-moly steel Table 8 Tube Dimensions and Surface Areas Per Unit Length Internal $= =w (-1 19.05 19.05 19.05 19.05 25 .40 25 .40 25 .40 25 .40... segmental Types are illustrated in Figure 22 ,’** c PD ,E I -2 0 SEGMENTAL DISK DONUT) Figure 22 Types of shell baffles [ ] 2 Figure 21 Tube layouts [2] Table 7 Common Tube Pitch Values mbe size Triangular (mm) square (mm) Heaviest Recommended -1 ( 1 19.05 mm O.D 19.05 mm O.D 25 .4 mm O.D 38.1 mm O.D > 38.1 mm 23 .81 25 .40 31.75 47.63 Use 1 .25 25 .40 31.75 47.63 2. 41 2. 77 3.40 4.19 times the outside diameter... sure there is no error in the i p A 20 0 B 190 70°F Alr 70'F Air c 180 D 170 G E 160 F E F 150 G 140 H 130 J I H Directiin of Heal Flow D C B 20 0°F Water 2W"F Water I 120 J * Max2w.o 0 Min 100.0 110 K 100 Figure 10 Finite dement model of a cylinder in 20 0°F water and 70°F air Isotherms are perpendicular to the direction of heat flow 32 Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers I 90 C 80 D 70 E 60 F 50... fluid when the fluid 1 is condensing 2 is a liquid vapor mixture 3 contains abrasive material 4 is entering at high velocity 1 2, 230 kg/m-s 2for noncorrosive, nonabrasive, singlephase fluids 2. 744 kg/m-s 2for all other liquids Also, the minimum bundle enu-ance area should equal or exceed the inlet nozzle area and should not produce a value of pu2greater than 5,950 kg/m-s2,per TEMA.Impingement baffles can... York: McGraw-Hill, 19 72 3 Hewitt, G F and Hall-Taylor, N S.,Annular Two-Phase Flow London: Pergamon Press, 1970 4 Oshinowo, T and Charles, M E., in Can Journ of Chem Engrg., 52: 25 -35, 1974 5 Grant, I D R and Chisholm, D in Trans ASME, JourFigum 29 Flow patterns in a horizontal tube evaporator [ ] 2 nal ofHeat Transfel; 101 (Series C): 3 8 4 2 , 1979 4 6 Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers A flow pattern... RecommendedMaximum NWllb6XOfltlllePaSSeS e250 25 05107601, 020 1 ,27 0- e510 e760 . 8 .21 0.5% 0.540 0.147 0.073 0.175 0.141 0.m 0. 020 6 0.0146 23 7 22 3 117 54 42 25 20 .3 9.4 24 2. 4 1 .21 .7 1.06 0.45 0.096 0.034 0. 022 4.74 0. 327 0.3 12 0.085 0.0 42 0.101. 1 .25 1.50 2. 00 3.00 SplD C CEXP C CEXP C CEXP C CEXP 1 .25 .386 5 92 .305 .608 .111 .704 .0703 .7 52 1.5 .407 586 .27 8 . 620 .1 12 .7 02 .0753 .744 2. 0 .464 570 .3 32 .6 02 .25 4 .6 32 ,22 0. Pilament 1900 - 25 60 0. 526 Candle soot 20 6 - 520 0.9 52 Glass 72 0.937 70 0.903 Gypsum Plaster -,glazed 72 0. 924 Rubber 75 0.86 - 0.95 Mter 32 - 21 2 0.95 - 0.963 Lampblack

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