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140 The Coming of Materials Science profound investigation in 1877 of the probabilistic basis of entropy, culminating in the relation S = k log W, where S is entropy and W is the probability of a microstate; this immortal equation is carved on Boltzmann’s tomb. It is Boltzmann’s work which has really made possible the modern flowering of statistical thermo- dynamics of solids. The sequence of events is traced with historical precision in a new biography of Boltzmann (Cercignani 1998). An entire chapter (7) is devoted to the Gibbs/ Boltzmann connection, culminating in a section entitled “Why is statistical mechanics usually attributed to Gibbs and not to Boltzmann?”. Cercignani attributes this to the unfamiliarity of many physicists early in this century with Boltzmann’s papers, partly because of the obscurity of his German style (but Gibbs is not easy to read, either!), and partly because the great opinion-formers of early 20th-century physics, Bohr and Einstein, knew little of Boltzmann’s work and were inclined to decry it. The circumstances exemplify how difficult it can be to allocate credit appropriately in the history of science. 3.3.3 Magnetism The study of the multifarious magnetic properties of solids, followed in due course by the sophisticated control of those properties, has for a century been a central concern both of physicists and of materials scientists. The history of magnetism illustrates several features of modern materials science. That precocious Cambridge engineer, Alfred Ewing, whom we have already met as the adviser of the young Walter Rosenhain, was probably the first to reflect seriously (Ewing 1890) about the origin of ferromagnetism, i.e., the characteristics of strong permanent magnets. He recognised the possibility that the individual magnetic moments presumed to be associated with each constituent atom in a solid somehow kept each other aligned, and he undertook a series of experiments with a lattice of magnetised needles that demonstrated that such an interaction could indeed take place. This must have been one of the first mechanical simulations of a physical process, and these became increasingly popular until eventually they were displaced by computer simulations (Chapter 12). Ewing also did precocious work in the 1880s on the nature of (ferro)magnetic hysteresis, and indeed he invented the term hysteresis, deriving from the Greek for ‘to be late’. The central mystery about lodestones and magnetised needles for compasses was where the strong magnetism (what today we call ferromagnetism) comes from what is the basis for all magnetic behaviour? The first written source about the behaviour of (natural) lodestones was written in 1269, and in 1600 William Gilbert (1544- 1603) published a notable classic, De magnete, magnetisque corporibus, et de magno rnagnete tellure the last phrase referring to ‘the great magnet, the earth’. One Precursors of Materials Science 141 biographer says of this: “It is a remarkably ‘modern’ work - rigorously experimen- tal, emphasising observation, and rejecting as unproved many popular beliefs about magnetism, such as the supposed ability of diamond to magnetise iron. He showed that a compass needle was subject to magnetic dip (pointing downward) and. reasoning from experiments with a spherical lodestone, explained this by concluding that the earth acts as a bar magnet. The book was very influential in the creation of the new mechanical view of science” (Daintith et al. 1994). Ever since, the study of magnetism has acted as a link between sciences. Early in the 20th century, attention was focused on diamagnetic and paramag- netic materials (the great majority of elements and compounds); I do not discuss this here for lack of space. The man who ushered in the modern study of magnetism was Pierre Weiss (1865-1940); he in effect returned to the ideas of Ewing and conceived the notion of a ‘molecular field’ which causes the individual atomic magnets, the existence of which he felt was inescapable, to align with each other and in this way the feeble magnetisation of each atomic magnet is magnified and becomes macroscopically evident (Weiss 1907). The way Weiss’s brilliant idea is put in one excellent historical overview of magnetics research (Keith and Qutdec 1992) is: “The interactions within a ferromagnetic substance combine to give the same effects as a fictional mean field ”; such fictional mean fields subsequently became very common devices in the theory of solids. However. the purely magnetic interaction between neighbouring atomic minimagnets was clearly not large enough to explain the creation of the fictional field. The next crucial step was taken by Heisenberg when he showed in 1928 that the cause of ferromagnetism lies in the quantum-mechanical exchange interaction between electrons imposed by the Pauli exclusion principle; this exchange interaction acts between neighbouring atoms in a crystal lattice. This still left the puzzle of where the individual atoms acquired their magnetic moments, bearing in mind that the crucial component of these moments resides in the unbalanced spins of populations of individual electrons. It is interesting here to cite the words of Hume-Rothery. taken from another of his influential books of popularization. Atomic Theory jbr Students of Metalfurgj (Hume-Rothery 1946): “The electrons at absolute zero occupy the Ni2 lowest energy states, each state containing two electrons of opposite spins. Since each electron state cannot contain more than one electron of a given spin, it is clear that any preponderance of electrons of a given spin must increase the Fermi energy. and ferromagnetism can only exist if some other Factor lowers the energy.” He goes on to emphasize the central role of Heisenberg’s exchange energy, which has the final effect of stabilising energy bands containing unequal numbers of positive and negative spin vectors. In 1946 it was also a sufficient approximation to say that the sign oC the exchange energy dependcd on the separation of neighbouring atoms. and if that separation was too small, ferromagnetism (with parallel atomic 142 The Coming of Materials Science moments) was impossible and, instead, neighbouring atomic moments were aligned antiparallel, creating antiferromagnetism. This phenomenon was predicted for manganese in 1936 by a remarkable physicist, Louis NCel (1904-2000), Pierre Weiss’s star pupil, in spite of his self-confessed neglect of quantum mechanics. (His portrait is shown in Chapter 7, Figure 7.8.) There was then no direct way of proving the reality of such antiparallel arrays of atomic moments, but later it became possible to establish the arrangements of atomic spins by neutron diffraction and many antiferromagnets were then discovered. Nkel went on to become one of the most influential workers in the broad field of magnetism; he ploughed his own idiosyncratic furrow and it became very fertile (see ‘Magnetism as seen by Nkel’ in Keith and Qubdec’s book chapter, p. 394). One proof of the importance of interatomic distance in determining whether atomic moments were aligned parallel or antiparallel was the accidental discovery in 1889 of the Heusler alloy, Cu2MnAl, which was ferromagnetic though none of its constituent elements was thought to be magnetic (the antiferromagnetism of manganese was unknown at the time). This alloy occasioned widespread curiosity long before its behaviour was understood. Thus, the American physicist Robert Wood wrote about it to Lord Rayleigh in 1904: “I secured a small amount in Berlin a few days ago and enclose a sample. Try the filings with a magnet. I suppose the al. and cu. in some way loosen up the manganese molecules so that they can turn around” (Reingold and Reingold 1981); he was not so far out! In 1934 it was found that this phase underwent an order-disorder transition, and that the ordered form was ferromagnetic while the disordered form was apparently non-magnetic (actually, it turned out later, antiferromagnetic). In the ordered form, the distance between nearest-neighbour manganese atoms in the crystal structure was greater than the mean distance was in the disordered form, and this brought about the ferromagnetism. The intriguing story is outlined by Cahn (1998). The inversion from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic interaction between neighbouring atoms is expressed by the “Nkel-Slater curve”, which plots magnitude and sign of interaction against atomic separation. This curve is itself being subjected to criticism as some experimental observations inconsistent with the curve are beginning to be reported (e.g., Schobinger-Papamantellos et al. 1998). In physics and materials science alike, simple concepts tend to be replaced by increasingly complicated ones. The nature of the exchange energy, and just how unbalanced spin systems become stabilised, was studied more deeply after Hume-Rothery had written, and a very clear non-mathematical exposition of the present position can be found in (Cottrell 1988, p. 101). The reader interested in this kind of magnetic theory can find some historical memories in an overview by the American physicist, Anderson (1979). Precursors of’ Materials Science 143 Up to this point, I have treated only the fundamental quantum physics underlying the existence of ferromagnetism. This kind of theory was complemented by the application of statistical mechanics to the understanding of the progressive misalignment of atomic moments as the temperature is raised - a body of theory which led Bragg and Williams to their related mean-field theory of the progressive loss of atomic order in superlattices as they are heated, which we have already met. Indeed, the interconnection between changes in atomic order and magnetic order (i.e., ferromagnetism) is a lively subspeciality in magnetic research; a few permanent magnet materials have superlattices. Quite separate and distinct from this kind of science was the large body of research, both experimental and theoretical, which can be denoted by the term technical magnetism. Indeed, I think it is fair to say that no other major branch of materials science evinces so deep a split between its fundamental and technical branches. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the quantum- and statistical-mechanical aspects have become so ethereal that they are of no real concern even to sophisticated materials scientists, while most fundamental physicists (Ntel is an exception) have little interest in the many technical issues; their response is like Pauli’s. When Weiss dreamt up his molecular-field model of ferromagnetism, he was at once faced by the need to explain why a piece of iron becomes progressively more strongly magnetised when placed in a gradually increasing energising magnetic field. He realized that this could only be explained by two linked hypotheses: first, that the atomic moments line up along specific crystal directions (a link between the lattice and magnetism), and second, that a crystal must be split into domains, each of which is magnetised along a different, crystallographically equivalent, vector e.g., (1 0 0), (0 1 0) or (0 0 l), each in either a positive or negative direction of magnetisation. In the absence of an energising field, these domains cancel each other out macroscop- ically and the crystal has no resultant magnetic moment. The stages of Ewing’s hysteresis cycle involve the migration of domain boundaries so that some domains (magnetised nearly parallel to the external field) grow larger and ‘unfavourable‘ ones disappear. The alternative mechanism, of the bodily rotation of atomic moments as a group, requires much larger energy input and is hard to achieve. Domain theory was the beginning of what I call technical magnetism; it had made some progress by the time domains were actually observed in the laboratory. There was then a long period during which the relation between two-phase microstruc- tures in alloys and the ‘coercive field’ required to destroy macroscopic magnctisation in a material was found to be linked in complex ways to the pinning of domain boundaries by dispersed phases and, more specifically, by local strain fields created by such phases. This was closely linked to the improvement of permanent magnet materials. also known as ‘hard’ magnets. The terms ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ in this context 144 The Coming of Materials Science point up the close parallel between the movement of dislocations and of domain boundaries through local strain fields in crystals. The intimate interplay between the practitioners of microstructural and phase- diagram research on the one hand, and those whose business it was to improve both soft and hard magnetic materials can be illustrated by many case-histories; to pick just one example, some years ago Fe-Cr-Co alloys were being investigated in order to create improved permanent magnet materials which should also be ductile. Thermodynamic computation of the phase diagram uncovered a miscibility gap in the ternary phase diagram and, according to a brief account (Anon. 1982), “Homma et al. experimentally confirmed the existence of a ridge region of the miscibility gap and found that thermomagnetic treatment in thc ridge region is effective in aligning and elongating the ferromagnetic particles parallel to the applied magnetic field direction, resulting in a remarkable improvement of the magnetic properties of the alloys”. This sentence refers to two further themes of research in technical magnetism: the role of the shape and dimensions of a magnetic particle in determining its magnetic properties, and the mastery of heat-treatment of alloys in a magnetic field. A separate study was the improvement of magnetic permeability in ‘soft’ alloys such as are used in transformers and motors by lining up the orientations of individual crystal grains, also known as a preferred orientation; this became an important subspeciality in the design of transformer laminations made of dilute Fe-Si alloys, introduced more than 100 years ago and still widely used. Another recent success story in technical magnetism is the discovery around 1970 that a metallic glass can be ferromagnetic in spite of the absence of a crystal lattice; but that very fact makes a metallic glass a very ‘soft’ magnetic material, easy to magnetise and thus very suitable for transformer laminations. In recent years this has become a major market. Another success story is the discovery and intense development, during the past decade, of compounds involving rare earth metals, especially samarium and neodymium, to make extraordinarily powerful permanent magnets (Kirchmayr 1996). Going further back in time, the discovery during the last War, in the Philips laboratories in the Netherlands, of magnetic ‘ferrites’ (complex oxides including iron), a development especially associated with the name of the Dutch physicist Snoek, has had major industrial consequences, not least for the growth of tape-recorders for sound and vision which use powders of such materials. These materials are ferrimagnetic, an intriguing halfway house between ferromag- netic and antiferromagnetic materials: here, the total magnetic moments of the two families of atoms magnetised in opposing directions are unequal, leaving a macroscopic balance of magnetisation. The ferrites were the first insulating magnetic materials to find major industrial use (see Section 7.3). This last episode points to the major role, for a period, of industrial labora- tories such as the giant Philips (Netherlands), GE (USA) and Siemens (Germany) Precursors of Materials Science 145 laboratories in magnetic research, a role very clearly set out in the book chapter by Keith and QuCdec. GE, for instance, in the 1950s developed a family of permanent magnets exploiting the properties of small, elongated magnetic particles. Probably the first laboratory to become involved in research on the fringes of magnetism was the Imphy laboratory in France at the end of the nineteenth century: a Swiss metallurgist named Charles-Edouard Guillaume (1 861-1 938), working in Paris, had in 1896 discovered an iron-nickel alloy which had effectively zero coefficient of thermal expansion near room temperature, and eventually (with the support of the Imphy organisation) tracked this down to a loss of ferromagnetism near room temperature. which entails a ‘magnetostrictive’ contraction that just compensates the normal thermal expansion. This led to a remarkable programme of development in what came to be known as ‘precision metallurgy’ and products, ‘Invar’ and ‘Elinvar’, which are still manufactured on a large scale today and are, for instance, essential components of colour television tubes. Guillaume won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1920. the only such prize ever to be awarded for a metallurgical achievement. The story is told in full detail in a centenary volume (Bbranger et al. 1996). Most recently, industrial magnetics research has taken an enormous upswing because of the central importance of magnetic recording in computer memories. Audio-recording on coated tape was perfected well before computer memories came on the scene: the first step (1900) was recording on iron wires, while plastic recording tape coated with iron oxide was developed in Germany during the First World War. Magnetic computer memories, old and new, are treated in Section 7.4. Not all the innovations here have been successful: for instance, the introduction of so-called ‘bubble memories’ (with isolated domains which could be nudged from one site to a neighbouring one to denote a bit of memory) (Wernick and Chin 1992) failed because they were too expensive. However, a remarkable success story, to balance this, is the magnetoresistant multilayer thin film. This apparently emerged from work done in Neel‘s Grenoble laboratory in the 1960s: thin films of a ferromagnet and an antiferromagnet in contact acquire a new kind of magnetic anisotropy from exchange coupling (a la Heisenberg) and this in turn was found to cause an unusually large change of electrical resistivity when a magnetic field is applied normal to the film (a phenomenon known as magnetoresistivity). This change in resistivity can be used to embody an electronic signal to be recorded. The matter languished for a number of years and around 1978 was taken up again. Multilayers such as Co-Pt are now used on a huge scale as magnetoresistive memories, as is outlined in a survey by Simonds (1995). (See also Section 7.4.) It could be said that this kind of development has once again brought about a rapprochement between the quantum theorists and the hard- headed practical scientist. Not only information technology has benefited from research in technical magnetism. Both permanent magnets and electromagnets have acquired manifold 146 The Coming of Materials Science uses in industry; thus automotive engines nowadays incorporate ever more numerous permanent magnets. An unexpected application of magnets of both kinds is to magnetic bearings, in which a rotating component is levitated out of contact with an array of magnets under automatic control, so that friction-free operation is achieved. As I write this, the seventh international symposium on magnetic bearings is being planned in Zurich. The ultracentrifuges which played such an important part in determining molecular weights of polymers (see Chapter 8, Section 8.7) rely on such magnetic bearings. Magnetism intrudes in the most unexpected places. A very recent innovation is the use of ‘magnetorheological finishing’. An American company, QED Technologies in Rochester, NY, has developed a polishing agent, a slurry of carbonyl iron, cerium oxide (a hard abrasive) and other materials. A magnetic field converts this slurry from a mobile liquid to a rigid solid. Thus a coating of the slurry can take up the shape of a rough object to be polished and then ‘solidified’ to accelerate polishing without use of a countershape. This is useful, for instance, in polishing aspheric lenses. The literature of magnetics research, both in journals and in books, is huge, and a number of important titles help in gaining a historical perspective. A major classic is the large book (Bozorth 1951), simply called Ferromagnetism, by Richard Bozorth (1 896-198 1). An English book, more angled towards fundamental themes, is by Bates (1961). An excellent perspective on the links between metallurgy and magnetism is offered by an expert on permanent magnets, Kurt Hoselitz (1952), also by one of the seminar volumes formerly published by the American Society for Metals (ASM 1959), a volume which goes in depth into such arcane matters as the theory of the effects caused by annealing alloys in a magnetic field. An early, famous book which, precociously, strikes a judicious balance between fundamental physics and technical considerations, is by Becker and Doring (1939), also simply called Ferromagnetismus. An excellent perspective on the gradually developing ideas of technological (mostly industrial) research on ferromagnetic materials can be garnered from two survey papers by Jacobs (1969, 1979), the second one being subtitled “a quarter-century overview”. An early overview of research in technical magnetism, with a British slant, is by Sucksmith (1949). REFERENCES Aaronson, H.I., Lee, J.K. and Russell, K.C. 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[...]... examined the development of this parepisteme (Keith 1998), complete with the stops and starts caused by fierce competition between individuals and the discouragement of some of them, while a shorter account of the evolution of crystal-growing skill can be found in the first The Virtues of Subsidiarity 161 chapter of a book by one of the early participants (Elam 19 35) There are two approaches to the problem:... however, that they are not disciplines in the sense that I have analysed these 159 160 The Coming of Materials Science in Chapter 2: although they all form components of degree courses, none of the parepistemes in materials science that I exemplify below are degree subjects at universities - not even crystallography, huge field though it is The essence of the concept of a parepisteme, to me, is that parepistemic... 1989) 166 The Coming of Materials Science 4.2.2 Diflusion The migration of one atomic species in another, in the solid state, is the archetype of a materials- science parepisteme From small beginnings, just over a century ago, the topic has become central to many aspects of solid-state science, with a huge dedicated literature of its own and specialised conferences attended by several hundred participants... William Hume-Rothery: his life and science, in The Science of' Allo-ys for the 2lst Century: A Hume-Rothery S-vmposium Celebration, eds Turchi, P et al ( T M S Warrendale) Pettifor D.G and Cottrell, A.H (1992) Electron Theory in AI@ Design (The Institute of Materials, London) Petzow, G and Henig, E.-T (1977) 2 Metallkde 68, 51 5 Pippard, A.B (1 957 ) Phil Trans R Soc A 250 , 3 25 Pippard B (19 95) in ed Brown... to the firm recognition of the crucial role of crystal vacancies in diffusion, and Tuijn’s brief overview should be consulted for the key events A key constituent in these debates was the observation in 1947 of the Kirkendall effect - the motion of an inert marker, inserted between two metals welded together before a diffusion anneal, relative to the location of the (now diffuse) interface after the. .. as the random-walk The Virtues of Subsidiarity 171 model for the migration of vacancies, modified by non-random aspects expressed by the ‘correlation coefficient’, emerged from this work; the mathematics of the random walk find applications in far-distant fields, such as the curling-up of long polymer chains and the elastic behaviour of rubber (Indeed, the random walk concept has recently been made the. .. clearly showing the cubic symmetry of the crystal Such patterns were used to study the oxidation kinetics on different crystal faces, for comparison with the then current theory of oxidation kinetics Most of Young’s extensive researches on copper crystals (1 951 -1968) concerned the etching of dislocations, but the oxidation study showed how important such crystals could be for other forms of fundamental... (1993) in Supplementarj, Volume 3 of the Encyclopedia of Moterials Science and Engineering, ed Cahn, R.W (Pergamon Press, Oxford) p 1893 Laudan R (1987) From Mineralogy to Geology: The Foundations o a Science, 165G1830 f (University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London) Laves, F (1 959 ) Fortschr Miner 37, 21 Laves, F (1962) in ed Ewald, p 174 152 The Coming of Materials Science Laves, F (1967) in Intermetallic... was the centre of all the debates in the 1920s and 1930s: the issue was whether atoms simply switched lattice sites without the aid of crystal defects, or whether diffusion depends on the presence, and migration, of vacant lattice sites (vacancies) or, alternatively, on the ability of solute atoms to jump off the lattice and into interstitial sites The history of the point-defect concept has already... 4.1 The Role of Parepistemes in Materials Science 4.2 Some Parepistemes 4.2.1 Metallic Single Crystals 4.2.2 Diffusion 4.2.3 High-pressure Research 4.2.4 Crystallography 4.2 .5 Superplasticity 4.3 Genesis and Integration of Parepistemes References 159 160 160 166 171 176 179 181 183 Chapter 4 The Virtues of Subsidiarity 4.1 THE ROLE OF PAREPISTEMES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE Physical metallurgy, like other sciences . 140 The Coming of Materials Science profound investigation in 1877 of the probabilistic basis of entropy, culminating in the relation S = k log W, where S is entropy and W is the. magnet materials. also known as ‘hard’ magnets. The terms ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ in this context 144 The Coming of Materials Science point up the close parallel between the movement of dislocations. Properties of Real Materials (The Institute of Metals, London) p. 12. Cahn, R.W. (1994) The place of atomic order in the physics of solids and in metallurgy, in Physics of New Materials,

Ngày đăng: 11/08/2014, 20:21