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How to writing well_9 doc

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CHAPTER 19 - A CONCISE GUIDE TO PUNCTUATION 515 Examples mother-in-law president-elect runner-up good-for-nothing twenty-one Compound words made from combining verb forms are frequently hyphen- ated: The psychiatrist insisted his birthday presents be shrink-wrapped. 4. Some words with prefixes use a hyphen; again, check your dictionary if necessary. Examples all-American ex-wife self-esteem non-English 5. Use a hyphen to mark the separation of syllables when you divide a word at the end of a line. Do not divide one-syllable words; do not leave one or two letters at the end of a line. (In most dictionaries, dots are used to indicate the division of syllables: va • ca • tion.) Examples In your essays you should avoid using frag- ment sentences. Did your father try to help you with your home- work? 19m UNDERLINING* ( )P 1. Underline or place quotation marks around a word, phrase, or letter used as the subject of discussion. Whether you underline or use quotation marks, always be consistent. (See also pages 509–510.) Examples No matter how I spell offered, it always looks wrong. Is your middle initial X or Y? Her use of such words as drab, bleak, and musty give the poem a somber tone. * In some printed matter, words that might otherwise be underlined are presented in italics: She had just finished reading The Great Gatsby. 516 PART FOUR - A CONCISE HANDBOOK 2. Underline the title of books, magazines, newspapers, movies, works of art, television programs (but use quotation marks for individual episodes), airplanes, trains, and ships. Examples Moby Dick The Reader’s Digest Texarkana Gazette Gone with the Wind Mona Lisa 60 Minutes Spirit of St. Louis Queen Mary Exceptions: Do not underline the Bible or the titles of legal documents, includ- ing the United States Constitution, or the name of your own essay when it ap- pears on your title page. Do not underline the city in a newspaper title unless the city’s name is actually part of the newspaper’s title. 3. Underline foreign words that are not commonly regarded as part of the English language. Examples He shrugged and said, “C’est la vie.” Under the “For Sale” sign on the old rusty truck, the farmer had written the words “caveat emptor,” meaning “let the buyer beware.” 4. Use underlining sparingly to show emphasis. Examples Everyone was surprised to discover that the butler didn’t do it. “Do you realize that your son just ate a piece of my priceless sculpture?” the artist screamed at the museum director. 19n ELLIPSIS POINTS (. . . OR . . . .) P 1. To show an omission in quoted material within a sentence, use three periods, with spaces before and after each one. Original Every time my father told the children about his having to trudge barefooted to school in the snow, the walk got longer and the snow got deeper. Quoted with omission In her autobiography, she wrote, “Every time my fa- ther told the children about his having to trudge barefooted to school . . . the snow got deeper.” CHAPTER 19 - A CONCISE GUIDE TO PUNCTUATION 517 Note: MLA style now recommends brackets around ellipsis points that indicate omitted material to distinguish this use from ellipses appearing in the original text: In her autobiography, she wrote, “Every time my father told the children about his having to trudge barefoot to school [. . .] the snow got deeper.” 2. Three points with spaces may be used to show an incomplete or inter- rupted thought. Example My wife is an intelligent, beautiful woman who wants me to live a long time. On the other hand, Harry’s wife . . . oh, never mind. 3. If you omit any words at the end of a quotation and you are also ending your sentence, use three points plus a fourth to indicate the period. Do not add space before the first point. Example Lincoln wrote, “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent, a new nation. . . .” 4. If the omission of one or more sentences occurs at the end of a quoted sentence, use four dots with no space before the first dot. Example “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. . . . he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” PRACTICING WHAT YOU’VE LEARNED Errors with Parentheses, Brackets, Dashes, Hyphens, Underlining, and Ellipses Correct the following errors by adding, changing, or deleting parentheses, brackets, dashes, hyphens, underlining, and ellipses. 1. Many moviegoers know that the ape in King Kong the original 1933 version, not the re-make was only an eighteen inch tall animated fig- ure, but not everyone realizes that the Red Sea Moses parted in the 1923 movie of The Ten Commandments was a quivering slab of Jell O sliced down-the-middle. 2. We recall the last words of General John B. Sedwick at the Battle of Spotsylvania in 1864: “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this dist .” 3. In a person to person telephone call the twenty five year old starlet promised the hard working gossip columnist that she would “tell the truth . . . and nothing but the truth” about her highly-publicized feud with her exhusband, editor in chief of Meat Eaters Digest. 4. While sailing across the Atlantic on board the celebrity filled yacht Titanic II, Dottie Mae Haskell she’s the author of the popular new self help book Finding Wolves to Raise Your Children confided that until recently she thought chutzpah was an Italian side dish. ✓ 518 PART FOUR - A CONCISE HANDBOOK 5. During their twenty four hour sit in at the melt down site, the anti nu- clear protestors began to sing, “Oh, say can you see . . . ” 6. Few people know that James Arness later Matt Dillon in the long run- ning television series Gunsmoke got his start by playing the vegetable creature in the postwar monster movie The Thing 1951. 7. Similarly, the well known TV star Michael Landon he died of cancer in 1991 played the leading role in the 1957 classic I Was a Teenage Werewolf. 8. A French chemist named Georges Claude invented the first neon sign in 1910. For additional information on his unsuccessful attempts to use seawater to generate electricity, see pages 200–205. 9. When Lucille Ball, star of I Love Lucy, became pregnant with her first child, the network executives decided that the word expecting could be used on the air to refer to her condition, but not the word pregnant. 10. In mystery stories the detective often advises the police to cherchez la femme. Editor’s note: Cherchez la femme means “look for the woman.” Commas C 62 00 00 00 00 00 17 65 Italics C 62 00 00 00 00 00 17 69 End Punctuation C 62 00 00 00 00 00 17 64 Apostrophes C 62 00 00 00 00 00 17 66 Semicolons C 62 00 00 00 00 00 09 45 Chapter 20 AC oncise Guide to Mechanics 20a CAPITALIZATION CAP 1. Capitalize the first word of every sentence. Example The lazy horse leans against a tree all day. 2. Capitalize proper nouns—the specific names of people, places, and products—and also the adjectives formed from proper nouns. Examples John Doe Austin, Texas First National Bank the Eiffel Tower Chevrolets Japanese cameras Spanish class an English major 3. Always capitalize the days of the week, the names of the months, and holidays. Examples Saturday, December 14 Tuesday’s meeting Halloween parties Special events are often capitalized: Super Bowl, World Series, Festival of Lights. 4. Capitalize titles when they are accompanied by proper names. Examples President Jones, Major Smith, Governor Brown, Judge Wheeler, Professor Plum, Queen Elizabeth 520 PART FOUR - A CONCISE HANDBOOK 5. Capitalize all the principal words in titles of books, articles, stories, plays, movies, and poems. Prepositions, articles, and conjunctions are not capitalized unless they begin the title or contain more than four letters. Examples “The Face on the Barroom Floor” A Short History of the War Between the States For Whom the Bell Tolls 6. Capitalize the first word of a direct quotation. Examples Shocked at actor John Barrymore’s use of profanity, the woman said, “Sir, I’ll have you know I’m a lady!” Barrymore replied, “Your secret is safe with me.” 7. Capitalize “east,” “west,” “north,” and “south” when they refer to par- ticular sections of the country but not when they merely indicate direction. Examples The South has produced many excellent writers, including William Faulkner and Flannery O’Connor. [“South” here refers to a section of the country.] If you travel south for ten miles, you’ll see the papier-mâché replica of the world’s largest hamburger. [In this case, “south” is a direction.] 8. Capitalize a title when referring to a particular person;* do not capital- ize a title if a pronoun precedes it. Examples The President announced a new national holiday honoring Frank H. Fleer, inventor of bubble gum. The new car Dad bought is guaranteed for 10,000 miles or until something goes wrong. My mother told us about a Hollywood party during which Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald collected and boiled all the women’s purses. 20b ABBREVIATIONS AB 1. Abbreviate the titles “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” “Ms.,” “St.,” and “Dr.” when they precede names. Examples Dr. Scott, Ms. Steinham, Mrs. White, St. Jude * Some authorities disagree; others consider such capitalization optional. CHAPTER 20 - A CONCISE GUIDE TO MECHANICS 521 2. Abbreviate titles and degrees when they follow names. Examples Charles Byrd, Jr.; David Hall, Ph.D.; Dudley Carpenter, D.D.S. 3. You may abbreviate the following in even the most formal writing: A . M . (ante meridiem, before noon), P . M .(post meridiem, after noon), A . D . (anno Do- mini, in the year of our Lord), B . C . (before Christ), C . E . (common era), etc. (et cetera, and others), i.e. (id est, that is), and e.g. (exempli gratia, for example). 4. In formal writing, do not abbreviate the names of days, months, cen- turies, states, countries, or units of measure. Do not use an ampersand (&) unless it is an official part of a title. Incorrect in formal writing Tues., Sept., 18th century, Ark., Mex., lbs. Correct Tuesday, September, eighteenth century, Arkansas, Mexico, pounds Incorrect Tony & Gus went to the store to buy ginseng root. Correct Tony and Gus went to the A & P to buy ginseng root. [The “&” in “A & P” is correct because it is part of the store’s official name.] 5. Do not abbreviate the words for page, chapter, volume, and so forth, except in footnotes and bibliographies, which have prescribed rules of abbreviation. (For additional information on proper abbreviation, consult your dictio- nary.) 20c NUMBERS NUM 1. Use figures for dates, street or room numbers, page numbers, tele- phone numbers, percentages, and hours with A . M .and P . M .* Examples April 22, 1946 710 West 14th Street page 242 room 17 476–1423 40 percent 10:00 A . M . * 8:00 A . M . or 8 A . M ., but eight o’clock in the morning 522 PART FOUR - A CONCISE HANDBOOK 2. Some authorities say spell out numbers that can be expressed in one or two words; others say spell out numbers under one hundred. Examples ten thousand dollars or $10,000 twenty-four hours thirty-nine years five partridges $12.99 per pair 1,294 essays 3. When several numbers are used in a short passage, use figures. Examples In the anchovy-eating contest, Jennifer ate 22, Juan ate 21, Pete ate 16, and I ate 6. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, on an average day 11,000 ba- bies are born, 6,000 people die, 7,000 couples marry, and 3,000 couples divorce. 4. Never begin a sentence with a figure. Incorrect 50 spectators turned out to watch the surfing exhibition at Niagara Falls. Correct Fifty spectators turned out to watch the surfing exhibition at Nia- gara Falls. PRACTICING WHAT YOU’VE LEARNED Errors with Capitalization, Abbreviations, and Numbers A. Correct the errors in capitalization in the following phrases. 1. delicious chinese food 2. memorial day memories 3. fiery southwestern salsa 4. his latest novel, the story of a prince among thieves 5. my son’s Wedding at the baptist church 6. count Dracula’s castle in transylvania 7. african-american heritage 8. a dodge van driven across the golden gate bridge 9. sunday morning newspapers 10. the british daughter-in-law of senator Snort ✓ CHAPTER 20 - A CONCISE GUIDE TO MECHANICS 523 B. Correct the following errors by adding, deleting, or changing capitals, abbreviations, and numbers. Skip any correct words, letters, or numbers you may find. 1. Speaking to students at Gallaudet university, Marian Wright Edelman, Founder and president of the Children’s Defense Fund, noted that an american child is born into poverty every thirty seconds, is born to a teen mother every 60 seconds, is abused or neglected every 26 sec- onds, is arrested for a violent crime every five minutes, and is killed by a gun every two hours. 2. My sister, who lives in the east, was amazed to read studies by Thomas Radecki, MD, showing that 12-year-olds commit 300 percent more murders than did the same age group 30 years ago. 3. In sixty-seven A . D . the roman emperor Nero entered the chariot race at the olympic games, and although he failed to finish the race, the judges unanimously declared him the Winner. 4. According to John Alcock, a Behavioral Ecologist at Arizona State Uni- versity, in the U.S.A. the chance of being poisoned by a snake is 20 times less than that of being hit by lightning and 300 times less than the risk of being murdered by a fellow American. 5. The official chinese news agency, located in the city of xinhua, esti- mates that there are ten million guitar players in their country today, an amazing number considering that the instrument had been banned during the cultural revolution that lasted 10 years, from nineteen sixty-six to nineteen seventy-six. 6. 231 electoral votes were cast for James Monroe but only 1 for John Quincy Adams in the 1820 Presidential race. 7. The british soldier T. E. Lawrence, better known as “lawrence of ara- bia,” stood less than 5 ft. 6 in. tall. 8. Drinking a glass of french wine makes me giddy before my 10 a.m. en- glish class, held in wrigley field every other friday except on New Year’s day. 9. When a political opponent once called him “two-faced,” president Lincoln retorted, “if I had another face, do you think I would wear this one?” 10. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, died in nova scotia on aug. 2, 1922; 2 days later, on the day of his burial, for 1 minute no telephone in north america was allowed to ring. 20d SPELLING SP For some folks, learning to spell correctly is harder than trying to herd cats. Entire books have been written to teach people to become better spellers, and 524 PART FOUR - A CONCISE HANDBOOK some of these are available at your local bookstore (and, no, not listed under witchcraft). Here, however, are a few suggestions that seem to work for many students: 1. Keep a list of the little beasties you misspell. After a few weeks, you may notice that you tend to misspell the same words again and again or that the words you misspell tend to fit a pattern—that is, you can’t remember when the i goes before the e or when to change the y to i before ed. Try to memorize the words you repeatedly misspell, or at least keep the list some- where handy so you can refer to it when you’re editing your last draft (listing the words on the inside cover of your dictionary also makes sense). 2. Become aware of a few rules that govern some of our spelling in English. For example, many people know the rule in the jingle “I before E except after C or when it sounds like A as in neighbor and weigh.” Not everyone, however, knows the follow-up line, which contains most of the exceptions to that jingle: “Neither the weird financier nor the foreigner seizes leisure at its height.” 3. Here are some other rules, without jingles, for adding suffixes (new endings to words), a common plague for poor spellers: • Change final y to i if the y follows a consonant. bury → buried marry → marries • But if the suffix is -ing, keep the y. marry + ing = marrying worry + ing = worrying • If the word ends in a single consonant after a single vowel and the accent is on the last syllable, double the consonant before adding the suffix. occur → occurred cut → cutting swim → swimmer • If a word ends in a silent e, drop the e before adding -able or -ing. love + able = lovable believe + able = believable 4. And here’s an easy rule governing the doubling of letters with the addi- tion of prefixes (new beginning syllables): most of the time, you simply add all the letters you’ve got when you mix the word and the prefix. mis + spell = misspell un + natural = unnatural re + entry = reentry [...]... guys love to show how hard their trucks can pull on things I prefer, however, to rely on the softer side of human nature Addlebrained people hold a special place in our hearts, and I like to play on these protective instincts If my car is buried beyond hope, I’ll display my tongue in the corner of my mouth and begin frantically digging at the snow drift with my hands until someone stops to talk me... footfalls that I first began to know the unwieldy inheritance I’d come into—the ability to alter public space in ugly ways It was clear that she thought herself the quarry of a mugger, a rapist, or worse Suffering a bout of insomnia, however, I was stalking sleep, not defenseless wayfarers As a softy who is scarcely able to take a knife to a raw chicken—let alone hold one to a person’s throat—I was surprised,... they had told him; instead, he found them pushing needles, thread, pots, pans, ribbons, yarn, scissors, and buttons to housewives For two years he was a lowly peddler, hauling some 180 pounds of sundries door -to- door to eke out a marginal living When a married sister in San Francisco offered to pay his way West in 1850, he jumped at the opportunity, taking with him bolts of canvas he hoped to sell for... used his jeans as a towrope to haul his car out of a ditch; the Californian who found several pairs in an abandoned mine, wore them, then discovered they were sixty-three years old and still as good as new and turned them over to the Smithsonian as a tribute to their toughness And then there is the particularly terrifying story of the careless construction worker who dangled fifty-two stories above the... Air Museum in Washington listening to speeches by Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin and watching the caloric waves ripple Extraordinary rumors had begun to circulate about the astronauts The most lurid said that trips to the moon, and even into earth orbit, had so traumatized the men, they had fallen victim to religious and spiritualist manias or plain madness (Of the total 73 astronauts... now experience about me I wanted so to be an American— which to me, and perhaps to many on the border, meant (and means) shunning anything from Mexico As I grew, though, I learned to like dancing to those rhythms I learned to value not only the rhythms but all that they symbolized As an adult, I associated such music with celebrations and friends, with warmth and the showing of emotions I revel in a certain... Don’t forget to proofread your papers carefully Anything that looks misspelled probably is, and deserves to be looked up in your dictionary Reading your paper one sentence at a time from the end helps, too, because you tend to start thinking about your ideas when you read from the beginning of your paper (And if you are writing on a word processor that has a spell program, don’t forget to run it.) Although... from my hometown, I was to become thoroughly familiar with the language of fear At dark, shadowy intersections, I could cross in front of a car stopped at a traffic light and elicit the thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk of the driver—black, white, male, or female— hammering down the door locks On less traveled streets after dark, I grew accustomed to but never comfortable with people crossing to the 531 532... worked as a journalist in Chicago One day, rushing into the office of a magazine I was writing for with a deadline story in hand, I was mistaken for a burglar The office manager called security and, with an ad hoc posse, pursued me through the labyrinthine halls, nearly to my editor’s door I had no way of proving who I was I could only move briskly toward the company of someone who knew me Another time... ocean to be blue It’s just one of the haphazard marvels the planet bestows every year We find the sizzling colors thrilling, and in a sense they dupe us Colored like living things, they signal death and disintegration In time, they will become fragile and, like the body, return to dust They are as we hope our own fate will be when we die: Not to vanish, just to sublime from one beautiful state into another . eleven books, including All His Jazz: The Life and Death of Bob Fosse ( 199 0), Sondheim ( 199 3), George Burns and the Hundred Year Dash ( 199 6), and Balancing Act (2000), and is currently the drama critic. material to distinguish this use from ellipses appearing in the original text: In her autobiography, she wrote, “Every time my father told the children about his having to trudge barefoot to school. in the postwar monster movie The Thing 195 1. 7. Similarly, the well known TV star Michael Landon he died of cancer in 199 1 played the leading role in the 195 7 classic I Was a Teenage Werewolf. 8.

Ngày đăng: 11/08/2014, 20:21

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