127 9 A Toolbox for Examining the Effect of Infrastructural Features on the Distribution of Spatial Events Atsuyuki Okabe and Tohru Yoshikawa CONTENTS 9.1 Introduction 127 9.2 General Setting 128 9.3 Procedure for Examining the Effect 129 9.3.1 The Procedure for Using the Goodness-of-Fit Test Method 130 9.3.2 The Procedure for Using the Conditional Nearest- Neighbor Distance Method 133 9.3.3 The Cross K Function Method 135 9.4 Conclusion 136 Acknowledgments 137 References 137 9. 1 Introduction In the real world, there are many events that occur at specific locations. These are called spatial events, and they include the location of facilities in particular places. Spatial events are in part affected by their constraining geography, in particular by influencing elements that persist over a long time period. These durable controls are called infrastructural features . Examples of these that have attracted research in the humanities and social sciences are as follows: • Transport stations attract crime in Los Angeles (Loukaitou-Sideris et al., 2002). 2713_C009.fm Page 127 Friday, September 2, 2005 7:28 AM Copyright © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 128 GIS-based Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences • Mosques are usually located on hilltops in Istanbul (Kitagawa et al., 2004). • Steel mills are distant from their supportive mines when consider- ing the period from 1974 to 1991 in the United States (Beeson and Giarratani, 1998). • Asthma sufferers reside 200–500 meters from major highways in Erie County, New York (Lin et al., 2002). • Serial thieves in Baltimore have a tendency to migrate south along the major roads (Harries, 1999). • Early ceramic sites, especially those yielding fiber-temper pottery, had been found along the coast or close to mangrove stands in Ecuador (Marcos, 2003). • Luxury apartment buildings are preferentially located around big parks in Setagaya, Tokyo (Okabe et al., 1988). This chapter introduces a user-friendly toolbox, called SAINF (Okabe and Yoshikawa, 2003), which may be used in the statistical analysis of these spatial relationships. SAINF is the abbreviated name for S patial Analysis of the Effect of Infrastructural Features. 9. 2 General Setting We consider a region where spatial events occur, and within which infra- structural features are placed. Such infrastructural features have various geometrical forms that can be classified into three types: point-like, such as railway stations; line-like, seen as roads; and polygon-like, exemplified by city parks. It should be noted that this classification is relative, in the sense that a station may be a polygon on a large-scale map but a point at small scale. In the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) environment to which SAINF is applied, geographical features and spatial events are represented by geometrical objects that are points, line segments, and polygons. Spatial events are points on a plane. The number m, of infrastructural features, for example, railway stations, is denoted by and the number of spatial events n, such as crime locations is given by . We assume that the spatial events do not occur on the infrastructural sites; that is, points are placed on the complement of the area O , occupied by with respect to a study region S , that is, . SAINF statistically tests the following hypothesis, H o , to examine the effect of the configuration of infrastructural features on the distribution of spatial events , Ho : Spatial events occur uniformly and randomly over the region. oo m1 ,,… pp n1 ,,… pp n1 ,,… oo m1 ,,… SO\ oo m1 ,,… pp n1 ,,… pp n1 ,,… 2713_C009.fm Page 128 Friday, September 2, 2005 7:28 AM Copyright © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC A Toolbox for Examining the Effect of Infrastructural Features 129 In geometrical terms, points are uniformly and randomly distrib- uted over the region . When related to H o, “uniformly and randomly” implies that spatial events are distributed independently of the configuration of infrastructural features. If this hypothesis is rejected, the infrastructure may have an effect. 9. 3 Procedure for Examining the Effect We consider an example of how to use SAINF by examining the influence of three infrastructural elements on the location of luxury apartment build- ings in Kohtoh, Tokyo. These are seen as black circles in Figure 9.1. The three factors are railway stations, arterial streets, and big parks, given by white circles, line segments, and polygons, respectively, in Figure 9.1. Data concerning stations, streets, parks, and apartment buildings may be available in the form of digital or paper maps. If the latter, we digitize the geographical features. GIS software varies, but SAINF adopts ArcView as one of the most popular GIS viewers. This system employs the “shapefile” format specific to ArcView. To use SAINF, we install the software package ArcView together with that of SAINF. The latter may be downloaded without charge for nonprofit- making uses from the Web site: ua.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/okabelab/atsu/sainf/. ArcView software is available at cost from Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). Once SAINF, ArcView and the datasets are installed, we are ready to start the analysis. Clicking on “SAINF-Tools” on the ArcView menu bar reveals FIGURE 9.1 Railway stations (white circles), streets, big parks, and luxury apartment buildings (black circles) in Kohtoh, Tokyo. pp n1 ,,… S O \ 2713_C009.fm Page 129 Friday, September 2, 2005 7:28 AM Copyright © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 130 GIS-based Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences a menu showing the available tools. SAINF provides three tools, which are the goodness-of-fit test, conditional nearest-neighbor distance, and the cross K function methods. The goodness-of-fit test method is first considered. 9.3.1 The Procedure for Using the Goodness-of-Fit Test Method The goodness-of-fit test method of SAINF generally tests the hypothesis H o by comparing the observed number of point spatial events for each subregion with the expected point numbers that would be realized under a condition in which spatial events are uniformly and randomly distributed, as envis- aged by hypothesis H o . Subregions are considered to be “buffer rings” for the infrastructural fea- tures. A buffer ring , is the region in which the distance to its nearest infrastructural feature is between and ( ). The boundaries of buffer rings are equidistant contour lines around infrastructure elements, examples of which are shown in Figures 9.2a, 9.2b, and 9.2c. We use one of the functions of ArcView to generate buffer rings. In the dialog box of “Buffer Wizard,” a set of infrastructural features is chosen in the pull-down menu “The features of a layer,” for example, railway stations, and the number k of buffer rings and the width of a ring are entered. We also enter the name of an output file for the result. After a few seconds of computation, the buffer-contour rings appear, as shown in Figure 9.3. The buffer rings cover the study region, which is the polygon in Figure 9.3. To trim them outside of the study region, we use the “Geoprocessing Wizard.” Appropriate names or items are chosen in “Clip one layer based on another,” “Select the input layer to clip,” “Specify a polygon clip layer,” and “Specify the output shapefile or feature class.” Trimmed buffer rings are achieved, as seen in Figure 9.2a. Since the goodness-of-fit test method tests the hypothesis H o, and, while recalling that spatial events are uniformly and randomly distributed over a region, we notice that the number of events occurring in a subregion is proportional to the area of the subregion. The hypothesis H o can therefore be restated as follows: H’ o : The number of spatial events occurring in a buffer ring is proportional to the area of R ( d i , d i + 1 ). In geometrical terms, the number of points that are placed in is proportional to the area of . To test this hypothesis, we have to measure the area of . Clicking on “Areas of buffer rings” in the “SAINF-Tools” menu, the dialog box appears, where we enter the names of the buffer layer, an input file showing ring intervals, and an output file for the results. After a few seconds of computation, SAINF produces a display, such as the one shown in Table 9.1. From this result, we obtain the ratio for the area of each buffer ring to the total area. Since the total number of points is n , the expected number of points that would be placed in a buffer ring under the null hypothesis H o is n Rd d ii (, ) +1 d i d i+1 dd ii < +1 dd ii+ − 1 Rd d ii (, ) +1 Rd d ii (, ) +1 Rd d ii (, ) +1 Rd d ii (, ) +1 P i Rd d ii (, ) +1 Rd d ii (, ) +1 P i . 2713_C009.fm Page 130 Friday, September 2, 2005 7:28 AM Copyright © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC A Toolbox for Examining the Effect of Infrastructural Features 131 FIGURE 9.2 The buffer rings of (a) railway stations, (b) arterial streets, and (c) big parks. (a) (b) (c) 2713_C009.fm Page 131 Friday, September 2, 2005 7:28 AM Copyright © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 132 GIS-based Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences Our next task is to count the observed number of points placed in We click on “Number of non-infra features” in the “SAINF-Tools” menu, and a dialog box appears, showing the layer of noninfrastructural features. “Luxury apartment buildings” is selected. A second dialog box appears, showing the layer of study regions. “Kohtoh” is entered. A third dialog box appears, asking the name of an input file showing ring intervals and of an output file for the result. We put in the names of these file, and in a few seconds, a display, such as the one in Table 9.2, is shown. As stated in the hypothesis H’ o , if the hypothesis H o was valid, the observed number would be proportional to the area of . In other words would be close to the expected number for where is the number of rings (i.e., ). Therefore, the value of as defined by: FIGURE 9.3 The untrimmed buffer rings of railway stations. TABLE 9.1 The Area of Each Buffer Ring id i-1 d i R ( d i-1 , d i ) 1 0 450 1,120,512 2 450 900 2,155,189 3 900 1350 1,500,716 4 1350 1800 676,378 5 1800 2250 124,281 Rd d ii (, ). +1 N i Rd d ii (, ) +1 N i nP i ik= 1, ,… k NnP ii −≈0 χ 2 2713_C009.fm Page 132 Friday, September 2, 2005 7:28 AM Copyright © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC A Toolbox for Examining the Effect of Infrastructural Features 133 (9.1) would be “significantly” small if the null hypothesis H o held. Conversely, if the hypothesis H o does not stand, this value would be “significantly” large. The statistical theory of the goodness-of-fit test (Peason, 1900) gives critical values for “significantly” large, and these are tabulated in a chi-square distri- bution table. We can test the validity of hypothesis H o by consulting this table. In our example, the observed numbers and the expected numbers n with respect to buffer rings are shown in the third and fourth columns of Table 9.2. The “chi-square probability” in this case is 0.360, implying that the probability of the observed numbers being realized under the hypothesis H o is 0.360. This is larger than the 0.05 significance level. We can, therefore, conclude that the configuration of railway stations has no effect on the distribution of luxury apartment buildings in Kohtoh. 9.3.2 The Procedure for Using the Conditional Nearest-Neighbor Distance Method A second tool in SAINF is the conditional nearest-neighbor distance method proposed by Okabe and Miki (1984) and Okabe et al. (1988) and Okable an Yoshikawe (1989), which is a modification of the nearest neighbor distance , or NN distance method (Dacey, 1968). This procedure is based on the theory that the observed average distance from each point to its nearest infrastruc- ture would be “significantly” shorter or “significantly” longer than the expected average NN distance, that would be obtained under the null hypothesis H o . If the hypothesis H o is false, the absolute value of z defined by (9.2) TABLE 9.2 The Number of Luxury Apartment Buildings in Each Buffer Ring id i-1 d i N i 1 0 450 24 2 450 900 68 3 900 1350 45 4 1350 1800 19 5 1800 2250 6 χ 2 2 1 = − () = ∑ NnP nP ii i i k N i P i i = 15,,… d p i in= () 1, ,K μ z d n = −μ σ / 2713_C009.fm Page 133 Friday, September 2, 2005 7:28 AM Copyright © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 134 GIS-based Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences is “significantly” large or “significantly” small, where is the standard deviation of the NN distance under the hypothesis H o . The central-limit theorem (Gnedenko and Kolomogorov, 1954) shows that the value z follows the standard normal distribution when n is a large number, and the critical values for the “significantly” large or small values are obtained from a statistical table for standard normal distribution. We can test the hypothesis by consulting this table. To perform the method above using SAINF, the menu “SAINF-Tools” is opened, and “NN distance” is clicked on. A first dialog box, “Infra feature layer” appears, showing the types of infrastructural features. We click on “arterial streets.” A second dialog box, “Non-infra feature layer,” appears giving the names of noninfrastructural features. “Apartment buildings” is selected. A third box, “Study region layer” appears, and “Kohtoh” is chosen. A fourth dialog box is then revealed, “Do you want to visualize the lines from non-infra features to their nearest infra features?” If we click on “yes,” Figure 9.4 is shown. Each line segment traces the distance from each luxury apartment building to its nearest point on the street network. SAINF measures the distance from each point to its nearest approach to the arterial streets. To obtain the observed average NN distance, we click on “Average NN distance” in the “SAINF-Tools” menu. In the dialog box, “Non- infra structural layer,” “apartment buildings” is selected. After a few sec- onds, SAINF shows the observed average NN distance and the number n of apartment buildings. These are: = 91.36 m and n = 162. To obtain the expected NN distance that would be realized under the hypothesis H o , we click on “Mean & standard deviation” on the “SAINF- Tools” menu. After a brief delay, SAINF gives = 94.973 and = 70.85. Insertion of these values into Equation (9.2) obtains z = –0.649. The standard, normal distribution table shows that the critical values are less than –1.96 FIGURE 9.4 Line segments indicating the distance from each luxury apartment building to its nearest point on the arterial streets in Kohtoh, Tokyo. σ d d μ σ 2713_C009.fm Page 134 Friday, September 2, 2005 7:28 AM Copyright © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC A Toolbox for Examining the Effect of Infrastructural Features 135 or greater than 1.96, which is smaller than the z value. We may therefore conclude that the configuration of arterial streets has no effect on the distri- bution of luxury apartment buildings in Kohtoh. 9.3.3 The Cross K Function Method A third tool within SAINF is the cross K function method (Ripley, 1981). This is similar to the conditional NN distance method where infrastructural fea- tures are considered as point-like features. A difference exists in that the latter considers the distance from each event to its nearest infrastructural feature, but the former considers the distance from each infrastructural fea- ture to all spatial events, thereby considering the more global aspects. To state the cross K function precisely, we consider a point-like infrastruc- tural feature and the number of spatial event points that are located within distance t from the infrastructure , where t is a variable. An illus- tration of , i = 1 is shown in Figure 9.5. We notice from panel (a) that the number of points in the circle centered at with radius t = 1 is two, and so . The number of points in the circle with radius t = 2 is five, and so , and so forth. As a result, the function as in panel (b) is obtained. Similarly, we derive func- tions for , i = 2, …, m. Averaging the resulting func- tions, emerges as: (9.3) The function is called the cross K function. We consider two cross K functions. The first is an observed cross K function, which is obtained for the actual distribution of spatial-event points, such as luxury apartment build- ings, shown in Figure 9.1. The second is an expected cross K function, which is obtained considering the null hypothesis H o , which assumes that spatial FIGURE 9.5 Function . o i Kt i () o i Kt i () p 1 K 1 12()= K 1 25()= Kt 1 () Kt i () p i Kt() Kt m Kt i i m () ().= = ∑ 1 1 Kt() (a) (b) Kt 1 () 2713_C009.fm Page 135 Friday, September 2, 2005 7:28 AM Copyright © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 136 GIS-based Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences events are uniformly and randomly distributed over a region. If the observed cross K function is similar to the expected cross K function over possible values of t, we conclude that spatial events tend to be independent of the configuration of the point-like infrastructural features. We can achieve the cross K function method by selecting “Cross K func- tion” and “Expected Cross K function” from the “SAINF-Tools” menu. Since the procedure is similar to the conditional NN distance method seen in Section 9.3.1, the procedure is not shown here, but the result may be seen in Figure 9.6. This figure shows that the observed cross K -function is almost the same as the expected cross K function, although the former is slightly greater than the latter, around 1800–2500 meters. We may conclude from this that railway stations do not have a major influence on the distribution of luxury-class apartment buildings. 9.4 Conclusion This chapter introduced SAINF, a GIS-based toolbox that is designed to examine the effect of the configuration of infrastructural features on the distribution of spatial events. A distinctive characteristic of SAINF is that it can be applied to point-like infrastructural elements, as well as line-like and polygon-like features. This chapter outlines the procedure for operating SAINF. If the reader wishes to know more details he/she should consult with the SAINF manual, which can be downloaded from the Web site noted in Section 9.1. We anticipate that SAINF will help those scholars undertaking research in the humanities and social sciences who wish to understand the underlying factors of spatial phenomena. FIGURE 9.6 The observed cross K function and the expected cross K function for railway stations and luxury apartment buildings in Kohtoh, Tokyo. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 1000 2000 3000 4000 m expected observed 2713_C009.fm Page 136 Friday, September 2, 2005 7:28 AM Copyright © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC [...]... of point-like, line-like and polygon-like infrastructural features on the distribution of pointlike non-infrastructural features, J Geogr Sys., (5), 407–413, 2003 Copyright © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 2713_C0 09. fm Page 138 Friday, September 2, 2005 7:28 AM 138 GIS- based Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences Peason, K., On a criterion that a system of deviations from the probable in the. .. of Independent Random Variables (translated from the 194 9 Russian ed., Chung, K.L., Ed.), Addison-Wesley, Reading, 195 4 Harries, K., Mapping Crime: Principle and Practice, Research Report, National Institute of Justice, 199 9 Kitagawa, K., Asami, Y and Neslihan, D Three dimenstional view analysis using GIS: the locational tendency of mosques in Bursa, Turky in Islamic Area Studies with Geographical Information... 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General Setting 128 9. 3 Procedure for Examining the Effect 1 29 9.3.1 The Procedure for Using the Goodness-of-Fit Test Method 130 9. 3.2 The Procedure for Using the Conditional Nearest- Neighbor. box appears, asking the name of an input file showing ring intervals and of an output file for the result. We put in the names of these file, and in a few seconds, a display, such as the one in Table 9. 2,