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  • Abstract

  • Bone Mineral Density

  • Normal Skeletal Mineralization

  • Osteopenia and Fracture Risk in the General Pediatric Population

  • The Role of Genetics

  • The Role of Calcium

  • Osteopenia and Osteoporosis in Disorders of Childhood

  • Summary

  • References

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Vol 10, No 1, January/February 2002 57 Childhood and adolescence are rec- ognized as critical periods for the attainment of peak bone mass (PBM). Attaining PBM by early adulthood is necessary to reduce the risk of adult-onset osteoporosis (Table 1), which is a worldwide public health problem and the most common metabolic bone dis- order in North America. 1 Vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus intake must be adequate for optimal bone mass accrual; however, the diets of most children do not provide rec- ommended allowances of these nutrients during the most critical years of skeletal growth. 2 Also, recent investigation emphasizes that peak bone mineralization is in part genetically predetermined; therefore, some children may be predisposed to osteopenia. 3 Prior to the widespread use of dual-ener- gy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), low bone mineral density (BMD) could only be inferred based on nonspecific and insensitive bio- chemical measurements, a history of fractures, or the appearance of bone on plain radiographs. The recent use of DEXA and other modalities has enabled clinicians and researchers to understand more clearly the physiologic pro- cess of skeletal mineralization, define the extent of osteopenia in both the general population and in children with chronic disorders, and track the efficacy of specific interventions in enhancing BMD. Despite the emergence of poor bone mineralization in children as a condition more prevalent than previously recognized, studies on this subject in the orthopaedic lit- erature are lacking. Understand- ing bone mass accrual and tech- niques of measurement is critical for the effective evaluation and treatment of patients with subtle and severe presentations of re- duced BMD. Bone Mineral Density Understanding the units of mea- surement and differences in types of bone measured is important for drawing conclusions about study results and patient data. Bone min- eral content (BMC) is a measure- ment of bone size and therefore tends to increase as bone grows. BMD is calculated by dividing the BMC by the surface area of the re- gion of interest. Often referred to as areal BMD, this two-dimensional result is only an estimation of the true volumetric BMD, which is cal- culated by correlating BMD data obtained for both anteroposterior (AP) and lateral measurements. Volumetric BMD is seldom report- ed in the literature. Radiographs, which are typically the first tests ordered by orthopae- dic surgeons, cannot provide an ac- curate quantitative assessment of BMD. Reductions in BMD do not become apparent until at least ap- Dr. Tortolani is Chief Resident, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Dr. McCarthy is Chief, Division of Bone Pathology, Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Sponseller is Chief, Division of Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital. Reprint requests: Dr. Tortolani, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 601 North Caroline Street, Baltimore, MD 21287-0881. Copyright 2002 by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Abstract With the development of improved diagnostic and treatment options, reduced bone mineral density in children is receiving increased attention. The etiology of osteopenia in healthy children is multifactorial and incompletely understood, but poor calcium intake during the adolescent growth spurt may be an impor- tant (and potentially reversible) factor. Other clinically relevant causes of reduced bone mineral density in children include osteogenesis imperfecta, rick- ets, juvenile rheumatoid and other chronic arthritides, osteopenia associated with neuromuscular disorders, and idiopathic osteoporosis. To provide effec- tive treatment, it is important to understand the process of normal skeletal mineralization, the techniques of bone mineral density measurement, the pathophysiology of osteopenia, and the evaluation and treatment options for the general pediatric population as well as for patients with specific pediatric disorders. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2002;10:57-66 Bone Mineral Density Deficiency in Children P. Justin Tortolani, MD, Edward F. McCarthy, MD, and Paul D. Sponseller, MD proximately 30% to 40% of the min- eral has been lost. 4 Certain childhood diseases (e.g., rickets) do demon- strate characteristic radiographic findings, so radiographs may be sufficient to diagnose these condi- tions. However, radiographs are not a sensitive measure of BMD, so clinicians should not rule out osteo- penia based on an apparently nor- mal mineralization pattern on radio- graphs. During the past 10 years, DEXA has emerged as a cost-effective, safe, and accurate means to quantitate skeletal mass. The World Health Organization has adopted DEXA- derived BMD measurements to define normal bone, osteopenia, and osteoporosis (Table 1). 5 Chronic dis- eases often cause primary osteope- nia in children, and as a result of poor nutrition, steroid use, or a combination of factors, these chil- dren may develop osteoporosis. BMD standards for pediatric popu- lations have been generated and are incorporated into DEXA software programs for comparisons with an individual patient’s measurements. 6 In general, individual or raw mea- surements for a patient are of little value except as compared with these control values. The typical DEXA analysis therefore reports a Z score, which is the number of stan- dard deviations (SDs) that a pa- tient’s BMD is above or below the mean value for persons of the pa- tient’s age and sex. 7 The T score is the number of SDs the patient’s BMD is either above or below the mean value for young adults of the same gender (Fig. 1). 7 Normative data for neonates and younger chil- dren are somewhat limited, and some authors question the validity of DEXA analysis for younger chil- dren. However, Koo et al 8 and Ellis et al 9 have validated its accuracy and precision in infants and chil- dren. In contrast to single photon ab- sorptiometry, which permits analy- sis of the appendicular skeleton only, DEXA is able to measure both appendicular and axial bone min- eralization. The radiation exposure is approximately 5 mrem per scan (the exposure from a typical chest radiograph is 25 mrem), and the test takes approximately 20 min- utes to complete. Because bone strength and resis- tance to fracture depend not only on the amount of mineral present but also on the three-dimensional con- formation, some investigators have questioned the accuracy of BMD measurements in predicting fracture risk. 10 Despite this theoretic limita- tion, DEXA remains a powerful modality for documenting develop- mental changes in BMD, and re- sponses to therapeutic interventions and its measurements have been shown to correlate well with frac- ture risk in adult patients. 11 Quantitative computed tomogra- phy (QCT) provides true three- dimensional BMD measurements and is unique in that it can isolate the area of interest from surround- ing tissues. A purely trabecular area of a vertebral body can be iso- lated from the posterior elements, which may be involved with other processes, such as degenerative arthritis. QCT is available with most CT scanners, but the radiation dose is approximately 10 times that of DEXA and the tests are more costly and time consuming. Recent reports 12-14 have suggested that quantitative ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may accurately discriminate normal from osteopenic bone without ex- posing the patient to ionizing radia- tion. In addition, these modalities may provide additional data, such as trabecular thickness and other microarchitectural factors, that can- not be provided by DEXA. 13 De- spite these potential benefits of quantitative ultrasound and MRI, population-derived norms have not been generated for these modalities, and documentation of their accura- cy, especially in young children (younger than 6 years old), is lack- ing. Neither quantitative ultra- sound nor MRI currently is used as a screening tool for low BMD. Normal Skeletal Mineralization The critical processes of skeletal growth and bone mineralization take place during childhood. Or- thopaedic surgeons must have a thorough understanding of these processes for two reasons. First, attainment of PBM by early adult- hood is a central element in the pre- vention of adult-onset osteoporosis. Second, reduced BMD may increase the risk for fractures in children and adolescents. Both bone mass accu- mulation and longitudinal growth of bone are complex processes con- trolled by genetic and environmen- tal factors as well as hormonal sig- nals, many of which have become Bone Mineral Density Deficiency in Children Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 58 Table 1 Definition of Terms Relating to Bone Mineral Density 5 Condition of Bone Bone Mineral Density Normal bone Within 1 SD of mean for age Osteopenia 1.0-2.5 SD below mean for age Osteoporosis >2.5 SD below mean for age Severe osteoporosis >2.5 SD below mean for age and one or more fragility fractures better understood in the past 25 years. Throughout most of child- hood, bone mass accrual and longi- tudinal growth are closely related: as the skeleton increases in length (height), it also increases in mass. During puberty, however, a dispar- ity between these factors develops whereby increases in bone mass lag behind increases in height. A pro- spective study of 140 boys and girls evaluated by DEXA demonstrated that the rate of bone mineral uptake in the femoral neck, lumbar spine, and total body does not reach a max- imum until at least 1 year after peak height velocity (PHV) is achieved. 2 Skeletal growth also has been demonstrated to vary by anatomic location. During early childhood, the rate of appendicular growth outpaces the rate of axial bone growth. This relationship then re- verses during puberty, when axial skeletal growth accelerates while appendicular growth remains con- stant. Hormonal factors such as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), growth hormone, and sex hormones likely mediate these mechanisms via site-specific end organ receptors. Bone densitometry has demonstrated that bone mass accumulation also varies by region. In a longitudinal study of girls aged 11 to 14 years and boys aged 13 to 17 years, in- creases in bone mass in the lumbar spine and femoral neck were three times that found in the midfemoral shaft. 15 A clear distinction between bone mass (or content) and BMD is critical in analyzing developmental studies because simple bone mass increases may reflect the increased bone size (cortical shell thickness) that occurs during growth rather than increased density (mass per unit volume). The increase in BMC of the lumbar spine during puberty, for example, is almost 10 times greater than the corresponding mean increase in volumetric trabecular den- sity of the vertebrae. To control for differences be- tween the sexes that occur during puberty, Bailey 2 examined the BMC of healthy children at the age of PHV and demonstrated that, at the age of PHV, both boys and girls have achieved approximately 70% of their adult BMC in the femoral neck and 60% of their adult BMC in the lumbar spine as well as total body. Bailey also showed that whereas boys have higher BMC at all skeletal sites because of their larger skeletons, the percentage of adult BMC attained did not differ between the sexes. According to these data, it appears that boys enter young adulthood with greater over- all skeletal mass because of their larger bone size, but BMD in boys is not drastically different from that in girls. Osteopenia and Fracture Risk in the General Pediatric Population Fractures account for 25% of all pediatric injuries; the peak inci- dence of fractures in girls and boys occurs at 11 and 13 years of age, re- spectively. 16,17 These age peaks typ- ically are attributed to risk-taking behavior, but recent work suggests that osteopenia that occurs during development may predispose chil- dren to fractures at specific skeletal locations. In addition to the work by Bailey, 2 results from a popula- tion-based study of 236 Japanese children demonstrated differing rates of increase of BMD at the metaphysis and the diaphysis of the forearm. 16 In particular, the ratio of metaphyseal to diaphyseal BMD is lowest in 11-year-old girls and in boys aged 12 to 13 years. These age ranges parallel the ages at which the highest rate of distal radius frac- tures occurs. Therefore, the authors concluded that low BMD at the dis- tal metaphysis may contribute to distal radius fractures during ado- lescence. Similarly, girls aged 13 to 15 years with a history of a distal radius fracture are significantly more likely to have osteopenia than are fracture-free children. 18 In their study of 100 affected children and 100 fracture-free children, Goulding et al 18 used DEXA to analyze BMD at the lumbar spine, ultradistal radius, radius, hip trochanter, and total body. These findings identify the adolescent growth period as a critical period for bone mineraliza- tion and suggest that transient long bone weakness and increased frac- ture risk may follow PHV in boys and girls. P. Justin Tortolani, MD, et al Vol 10, No 1, January/February 2002 59 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Age (yr) BMD (g/cm 2 ) BMD T score (30.0)* Region (g/cm 2 ) (SD) (%) Z score (%) L1 0.895 −0.28 (97) — — L2 0.999 −0.27 (97) — — L3 1.011 −0.66 (93) — — L4 0.994 −1.11 (89) — — L1-L4 0.980 −0.61 (94) +0.74 (108) * Normalized for a patient population of 30 years average age. A B Figure 1 BMD of the lumbar spine in a healthy 14-year-old girl. A, Reference database of lumbar spine BMD as a function of age. The dark middle line is the mean BMD. The shaded dark and light sections represent 1 SD above and below the mean, respectively. The circle indicates the patient’s BMD of 0.980 g/cm 2 (the mean for spinal levels L1-L4). B, Specific BMD values for individual lumbar vertebrae. We currently recommend DEXA for healthy children who sustain three or more fractures in 1 year from low-energy mechanisms such as falls and sports. Children with a Z score of >2 SDs below the mean and a history of poor calcium intake or generally poor nutrition should be given calcium supplementation. Repeat DEXA scans are not neces- sary unless the child continues to sustain fractures or the clinician sus- pects a different diagnosis, such as osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) or idio- pathic juvenile osteoporosis (IJO), where further reductions in bone mineralization could alter medical management. The Role of Genetics Although many of the molecular mechanisms mediating bone mineral accrual are unknown, genetic factors likely account for approximately 70% to 80% of the variability ob- served among individuals. 3 Recent landmark investigations have iden- tified specific DNA polymorphisms of the vitamin D receptor that pre- dict differences in BMD in prepu- bertal children as well as adults. 3,19 Using DEXA to determine the BMD of 250 healthy monozygotic and dizygotic twins, Morrison et al 3 clearly demonstrated a codominant effect of two specific allelic variants, which they designated B and b. BMD was significantly and propor- tionately lower in homozygotic BB and heterozygotic Bb individuals than in homozygotic bb individuals. Morrison et al also examined 311 unrelated healthy postmenopausal women and found that allelic varia- tion at the vitamin D receptor is an independent predictor of BMD at both the femoral neck and the lum- bar spine. 3 Using multiple regres- sion analysis, they calculated that women would reach a fracture threshold, defined as 2 SD below the mean BMD of young normal women, at varying rates after menopause depending on their particular geno- type. Women with the BB genotype would reach this fracture threshold at 18.4 years after menopause, Bb individuals at 22 years, and bb indi- viduals at 29 years. 3 The importance of genotype in predicting BMD phenotype also has been corroborated in children. 19 Specific allelic variations at the vita- min D receptor in prepubertal girls appeared to correlate with differ- ences in BMD when measured by QCT but not with cross-sectional area or cortical thickness. Children with the bb genotype demonstrated significantly higher BMD in the femur and vertebrae than did chil- dren with the BB genotype. 19 Impor- tantly, this genotypic variation does not correlate with any observable differences in developmental status. To date, no studies have investigated whether these gene-specific alter- ations in mineralization manifest clinically as increased fracture rates; however, the implications of these findings are important both for eval- uation and treatment of children pre- senting with fractures. Further research will enable physicians to identify a subgroup of children at risk and provide novel therapies both to optimize bone mineral accru- al during childhood and possibly to reduce fracture risk. The Role of Calcium As previously mentioned, low bone mineral density at age 11 in girls and age 13 in boys represents a de- velopmental phenomenon for which treatment is not currently available. Although the increased rate of frac- ture in children at these ages often has been attributed to risk-taking behavior, clearly some children at this age also have deficient calcium intake. In a study of healthy Ameri- can children, Chan 20 showed that only 15% of children >11 years of age obtain the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for calcium and that intake of >1,000 mg daily corre- lated with higher BMC than did lower intake (P = 0.001). Similarly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that females >12 years of age of almost all racial and ethnic groups consume less than the RDA for calcium. 21 These figures are remarkable, given the amount of evidence unequivocally supporting adequate dietary calcium before, during, and after puberty as possi- bly the only modifiable factor for reaching peak BMD. 22,23 By studying identical twin pairs, investigators have demonstrated that adequate dietary calcium intake in prepubertal children leads to sig- nificantly increased BMD at the radius and at the lumbar spine. 24 In a 3-year, double-blind, prospective study of 45 twin pairs in which one child of each twin pair received cal- cium supplementation and the other received placebo, children receiving calcium had 2% to 5% greater in- creases in BMD at all skeletal sites measured. 24 These findings have been corroborated by other random- ized, placebo-controlled studies in prepubertal children. Bonjour et al 22 showed that the beneficial effects of calcium supplementation are more profound at appendicular skeleton locations. Lee et al 23 found that children accustomed to a low- calcium diet had greater increases in BMD with calcium supplementation than did children with adequate cal- cium intake at baseline. Calcium intake follows a thresh- old pattern: increased intake corre- lates with increased calcium balance until a limit is reached at which in- creases do not result in further net increases in calcium storage. 25 Be- cause this threshold was found to exceed previous RDAs, recommen- dations were modified in 1994 to 400 to 600 mg of calcium per day for infants from birth to 1 year of age, 800 to 1,200 mg per day in children Bone Mineral Density Deficiency in Children Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 60 aged 1 to 10 years, and 1,200 to 1,500 mg per day for adolescents and young adults aged 11 to 24 years. 26 Adequate amounts of dietary calci- um are relatively easy to obtain, with one 8-oz cup of milk containing 300 mg of calcium, and the risks related to increased calcium intake are minimal. In addition to dairy products, other good food sources of calcium include certain green veg- etables, such as broccoli and kale, calcium-set tofu, seeds, nuts, and fortified food products such as orange juice. Calcium supplementation, either through dietary sources or vitamins, is recommended for children with three or more fractures in 1 year or a DEXA measurement of <2.0 SDs. Given the importance of adequate calcium intake in achieving PBM, the likelihood of poor intake during adolescence, and the safety of sup- plementation, increasing calcium intake should be emphasized to all teenage patients and their families. The National Institutes of Health has identified low calcium intake as a critical public health concern re- quiring public education programs as well as private and public sector initiatives to address socioeconomic, ethnic, age, sex, and regional barri- ers to optimization. 26 Osteopenia and Osteoporosis in Disorders of Childhood Idiopathic Juvenile Osteoporosis Some children with reduced BMD have genetic, hematologic, or meta- bolic defects that can be identified by thorough clinical examination. However, in a subset of otherwise healthy children, severe bone min- eral loss for which there is no known cause develops between the ages of 4 and 16 years. Remarkably, this rare syndrome, IJO, reverses itself completely in virtually every case. Clinically, IJO is characterized by five cardinal features: onset before puberty, multiple fractures, pain in the back and the extremities, radio- graphic evidence of osteoporosis in new bone, and metaphyseal com- pression fractures. Children typi- cally present with an insidious onset of pain in the back and legs. The physical examination is normal, with the exception of bone tender- ness. Severely affected children may have a mild kyphosis or pectus carinatum. All serum biochemical measurements are normal, and radio- graphs are notable for severe osteo- penia with lower extremity meta- physeal impaction fractures. The distal tibia is particularly suscepti- ble, and the vertebrae may be col- lapsed or wedged. The clinician also must consider the diagnosis of leukemia in otherwise healthy chil- dren presenting with diffuse, sym- metric osteopenia and bone tender- ness, because these are common presenting signs. 20 The presence of anemia, fever, or bleeding tenden- cies is suggestive of leukemia, and a peripheral blood smear helps to confirm the diagnosis. The cause of IJO is unknown; however, several mechanisms have been theorized. The reversibility of this disease at puberty suggests pre- pubertal hormone deficiency as a possible pathophysiologic mecha- nism. In addition, qualitative abnor- malities in type I collagen have been observed in a subset of patients with IJO, suggesting a possible relation- ship to OI. 27 Additional research likely will reveal multiple underly- ing mechanisms for IJO; currently, cases cannot be differentiated based on their clinical characteristics alone. Supportive care is the most im- portant treatment for IJO. Children and their families should be reas- sured that the symptoms will remit during puberty. Physical activity should be curtailed to reduce frac- ture risk. Children must be exam- ined by their physicians every 6 months to monitor pain and osseous deformity of both the spine and lower extremities. Bracing may be considered for children with kypho- sis and back pain. Osteogenesis Imperfecta OI is the most common genetic disease of the skeleton, affecting between 15,000 and 20,000 patients in the United States. Mutations in the synthesis of type I collagen lead to reduced BMD, skeletal fragility, and chronic pain. These symptoms are characteristic of this disease, which is marked by tremendous clinical heterogeneity. Orthopaedic surgeons play a central role in the management of these patients be- cause osseous manifestations such as fractures, long bone deformity, and growth retardation are com- mon. Severe cases of OI are usually readily diagnosed; detailed charac- terization of the spectrum of this disorder has been the subject of pre- vious review articles. The four-type classification scheme of Sillence is often used to classify OI by clinical, radiographic, and genetic factors. Type I OI is the focus of this article because it is the most common phe- notype, and subtle manifestations may be overlooked. Type I OI accounts for approxi- mately 60% of all cases and is the least severe form of the disease. It is transmitted as an autosomal domi- nant disorder. Children with type I OI have reduced bone volume, but because the bone is qualitatively normal, the phenotypic expression of the disease is mild. Compared to children with severe OI, children with type I OI have fewer fractures, less severe osteopenia, and little or no skeletal deformity, although het- erogeneity exists within this pheno- type. Some children with type I OI experience frequent fractures in infancy, with the rate decreasing during adolescence. Others have milder disease that is not manifest until adulthood, when unexplained P. Justin Tortolani, MD, et al Vol 10, No 1, January/February 2002 61 osteopenia occurs. A child who pre- sents to the emergency department with a new fracture should be examined for the presence of blue sclerae because this feature is pres- ent in almost all cases of type I OI. A family member with a history of multiple fractures also is an indica- tor for this diagnosis. However, almost 20% to 30% of patients have apparently normal parents and so may represent new mutations. Approximately 25% of patients with type I OI have hearing impairments, and dentinogenesis imperfecta occurs in a subset of these patients as well. 28 Importantly, because os- teopenia may not be profound and skeletal deformity may be absent, normal radiographic examination does not rule out type I OI (Fig. 2). DEXA may aid in the diagnosis of OI when clinical and radiographic evidence is lacking. Healthy chil- dren who sustain three or more low- energy fractures over a 1-year period should have DEXA as part of the workup for OI. Children with type I OI have been shown to have signifi- cantly reduced BMD in the femoral neck compared with age- and weight-matched healthy children. 29 It has been postulated that pa- tients with OI have deficiencies in mineralization secondary to the ab- normalities in type I collagen syn- thesis. Biochemical studies suggest that increased bone resorption and a reduced rate of osteogenesis also play a role. 30 In support of this, bis- phosphonates, which are potent in- hibitors of bone resorption, have been found to lead to increased BMD and reduced fracture rates in children with OI. 31 Although bis- phosphonates currently are not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for use in children, their use in some children with OI and neuromuscular disorders ap- pears to be efficacious. 31,32 Rickets and Osteomalacia Rickets is a pediatric disorder characterized by deformity and growth retardation caused by defec- tive mineralization of the growth plate. Osteomalacia is defective mineralization of osteoid; because osteoid is remodeled throughout life, this condition occurs in both children and adults. Numerous causes of rickets and osteomalacia have been identified (Table 2); how- ever, the central theme is inadequate calcium or phosphate for normal skeletal mineralization. In addition to the pathognomonic widening of the physeal plate and cupping of the metaphysis, generalized osteopenia may be profound and demonstrable by radiographs alone (Fig. 3). Vitamin D–dependent rickets is a continuing problem in North Am- erica. 33-35 Children with dark skin pigmentation, those who have been breast-fed exclusively without addi- tional vitamin D supplementation, those who live in northern cities, those consuming a strict vegetarian diet, and those whose mothers lacked calcium and vitamin D sup- plementation during pregnancy are particularly susceptible. Other so- ciocultural factors, such as the Mus- lim custom of covering the skin, may drastically reduce the sunlight exposure required to synthesize ade- quate vitamin D. 35 Highly pigmented children of Asian and African immi- grants should be evaluated carefully because the prevalence of vitamin D–dependent rickets approaches 40% in parts of these continents. 36 Bowing of the lower extremities with shortening of the long bones and spinal kyphosis are the most common presenting signs in patients with vitamin D–dependent rickets; however, fractures often complicate the disease (Fig. 4). Repeat clavicle fractures in infants below height and weight norms should alert the phy- sician to the possibility of rickets. 37 In addition, stress fractures may be present in 20% of affected children. Genetically caused rickets also is seen. One example, type I vitamin D–dependent rickets, has been well characterized as a defect in the 1- alpha hydroxylase enzyme, which converts 25(OH) vitamin D to 1,25(OH) 2 vitamin D, the biological- ly active form. Type II vitamin Bone Mineral Density Deficiency in Children Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 62 Figure 2 AP radiographs of the femur of an 8-year-old patient with OI. Osteopenia is not obvious (A); however, this patient had a fracture treated by intramedullary fixation (B). A B Table 2 Causes of Rickets and Osteomalacia in Children Vitamin D deficiency Inadequate sun exposure Low dietary intake Congenital diseases Vitamin D–dependent rickets, type I Vitamin D–dependent rickets, type II X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets Oncogenic osteomalacia Vitamin D metabolism abnormalities Renal failure Phenytoin therapy D–dependent rickets is caused by mutations in the vitamin D receptor. More than 10 mutations in the vita- min D receptor have been character- ized, all of which are manifested as severe rickets. The profound physio- logic effects of rickets-inducing vita- min D receptor mutations are in sharp contrast to findings in the studies by Morrison et al 3 and Sainz et al, 19 in which allelic variation at the vitamin D receptor locus results in only subtle phenotypic manifes- tations of reduced BMD. Further investigation is warranted to eluci- date more clearly the molecular structure of the vitamin D receptor gene and its associated regulatory domains to explain this apparent dichotomy. The key task for most orthopae- dic surgeons is to identify patients at risk for rickets and to establish the diagnosis. Orthopaedic sur- geons should feel comfortable initi- ating the work-up for this disease by ordering and interpreting the results of serum calcium, phos- phate, vitamin D, and alkaline phos- phatase tests prior to referral to a pediatric endocrinologist. Nutri- tional rickets responds in dramatic fashion to vitamin D supplementa- tion, and all exclusively breast-fed infants should receive oral supple- mentation with 400 IU of vitamin D daily and/or increased sunlight or ultraviolet light exposure. For infants, exposure to 30 min of sun- light per week in the summer while wearing only a diaper, or 120 min per week while fully clothed with the head exposed, is sufficient. 38 Metabolic control of this disorder is necessary before considering correc- tive osteotomy for angular deformi- ty in these children. Furthermore, prompt recognition and appropriate treatment of vitamin D deficiency enables these patients to reach their peak bone mineral status before entering adulthood. Juvenile Arthritis Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) is associated with poor linear growth, increased fracture rates, and reduced bone mineralization. A decrease in BMD has been dem- onstrated in almost 60% of children with juvenile chronic JRA, and limi- tation of function has been correlated with reduced BMD in these pa- tients. 39 Although all skeletal sites may be involved, the appendicular skeleton appears to be more dramat- ically affected. The severity of the condition is the most critical factor influencing BMD in children with JRA. Although global reduction in bone turnover is apparent, reduced bone formation by osteoblasts is most likely the primary physiologic defect. Prepubertal patients present- ing with chronic arthritis should be followed closely because JRA inter- rupts the normal hormonal signals that enhance skeletal mineralization during this period of development. Corticosteroid use accelerates BMD loss in children with chronic arthritis. The exact mechanisms of corticosteroid action are unknown, and therefore pharmacologic block- ade of this effect is not currently pos- sible. The degree to which cortico- steroids impact bone mineralization depends both on cumulative dose and skeletal location. Vertebral col- lapse is more common in children receiving a cumulative dose of at least 5 g. 40 Trabecular bone in the lumbar spine is most sensitive to corticosteroids. 39 Osteopenia should be suspected in all children presenting with chronic arthritis. The severity of the P. Justin Tortolani, MD, et al Vol 10, No 1, January/February 2002 63 Figure 3 Lateral radiograph of the knee of a 6-year-old patient with rickets. Diffuse osteopenia is present in the metaphysis, with widening of the physeal plate and metaphyseal cupping. Figure 4 AP radiograph of the left knee and lower leg of a 7-year-old patient with rickets. Metaphyseal cupping and widened physes can be recognized. Note the patho- logic fracture in the distal tibia and fibula. disease and the cumulative dose of steroids should alert the physician to the possibility of profound reduc- tions in BMD (Fig. 5). Other factors, such as poor calcium and vitamin D intake and inadequate exercise, also may exacerbate the degree of osteo- penia. Orthopaedic surgeons need to be aware of these factors so that, in addition to managing osseous manifestations of the disease, they can educate their patients and iden- tify children in high-risk groups. Neuromuscular Disorders Cerebral palsy and myelomenin- gocele are the most common neuro- muscular disorders overall and affect approximately 0.4% of new- borns. Profound osteoporosis devel- ops in many of these children. This loss of BMD leads to pain, additional disability, and, ultimately, pathologic fractures. Inability to ambulate in general and prolonged immobiliza- tion after surgical procedures in particular are thought to explain much of the dramatically reduced BMD and increased risk of patholog- ic fractures in these patients. In one retrospective cohort study, fractures developed in the lower extremity in 29% of children within the 3 months following spica cast removal. 41 The treatment of these fractures and as- sociated complications are costly aspects of the medical care of these patients. DEXA has enabled the identifica- tion of multiple factors that lead to defects in bone mineralization in children with cerebral palsy. 42 Al- though the inability to ambulate cor- relates most strongly with low BMD, low calcium intake, nutritional sta- tus, immobilization, and pattern of involvement are additional con- tributing factors. 42 Prematurity and anticonvulsant use also may con- tribute to mineralization defects in these children. An unpublished review of histomorphometric data from pediatric patients with neuro- muscular disorders at our institution revealed severe bone loss in virtually every patient (B Buch, MD, P Sponseller, MD, E McCarthy, MD, unpublished data, 1998) (Fig. 6). Severe metabolic bone disease may be obvious in severely affected pa- tients; however, orthopaedic sur- geons must be aware of this risk even in highly functioning patients or patients in the early stages of the disease. Management of cerebral palsy and other neuromuscular disorders requires a multidisciplinary team approach with the orthopaedic sur- geon occupying a central role. Lim- iting immobilization by combining surgical procedures, optimizing nu- tritional status, and maintaining cal- cium supplementation all have the potential to increase BMD during the childhood years. Preliminary use of bisphosphonates shows promise for reducing mineral loss in patients with neuromuscular disorders. 32 Summary As improved diagnostic modalities and treatment options have been developed, BMD deficiency in chil- dren has emerged as an important clinical problem. Mutations in the vitamin D receptor gene have been identified that have a profound impact on bone mineral acquisition. In otherwise healthy children, these mutations result in subtle pheno- typic variations that may be mani- fested only later in life as an increased risk of osteoporosis-relat- ed fractures. Children with idio- pathic osteoporosis likely also carry mutations in the vitamin D receptor gene or some other signaling gene Bone Mineral Density Deficiency in Children Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 64 Figure 5 AP radiograph of the pelvis of a 13-year-old patient with JRA. Note the profound deficiency of bone mineralization of the proximal femora as well as hip arthritis. critical for bone mineral deposition. The potent hormonal effects associ- ated with puberty, however, lead to reversal of this condition in almost all cases. On the other hand, most children with type II vitamin D–dependent rickets have clear-cut mutations in the vitamin D receptor that lead to obvious clinical and radiographic findings. DEXA has enabled investigators to understand more clearly the determinants of peak bone mass accrual. Adequate dietary intake of calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus is critical. Most children in the United States consume inadequate amounts of calcium, especially dur- ing the most critical phases of growth. Some investigators believe that this inadequate mineral intake, coincident with rapid linear bone growth, predisposes children to osteopenia and increased fracture risk during early adolescence. Public awareness of this problem is increasing, and active participation of parents, educators, and physi- cians is critical in improving the skeletal health of our younger popu- lation. Orthopaedic surgeons should understand the problems of osteo- penia in both otherwise healthy children and children with chronic disorders. Children with neuro- muscular disorders, OI, and JRA may be severely affected, as evi- denced by repeat fractures, pain, and limitation of function. In virtu- ally all of these conditions, the de- fects in bone metabolism are multi- factorial, involving inactivity, poor nutrition, and disease severity. Awareness of symptoms and con- tributing factors will lead to timely diagnosis and appropriate treat- ment, ensuring the most rapid re- turn to skeletal health. P. Justin Tortolani, MD, et al Vol 10, No 1, January/February 2002 65 Figure 6 Low-power photomicrograph of undecalcified bone from the calcaneus of a patient with myelomeningocele showing severe osteopenia. Trabeculae are reduced to small, unconnected buttons (arrows) (trichrome, original magnification ×60). References 1. Nevitt MC: Epidemiology of osteo- porosis. Rheum Dis Clin North Am 1994;20:535-559. 2. Bailey DA: The Saskatchewan Pedi- atric Bone Mineral Accrual Study: Bone mineral acquisition during the growing years. Int J Sports Med 1997;18(suppl 3): S191-S194. 3. Morrison NA, Qi JC, Tokita A, et al: Prediction of bone density from vita- min D receptor alleles. 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