21.Mobley.29 Page 294 Friday, February 5, 1999 12:40 PM 294 Index Generators, 92 Periodic motion, 6, 17, 20 Permanent mounting, 55 Handheld transducers, 56 Phase angle, 21, 46, 281 Hanning weighting, 249 Piezoeclectric crystals, 52 Harmonic function, 6, 9, 21, 102 Piston orientation, 88 Harmonic motion, 17, 20, 34 Pitch circumference, 82 Hertz, 21 Positive displacement compressors, 84, 115 Hydraulic instability, 95, 149, 222 Positive displacement pumps, 95, 123 Predictive maintenance, 3, 4 Imbalance, 13, 73, 140, 175, 177 Primary frequency, 21 Induced loads, 15 Process envelope, 62, 130, 198, Industrial reference data, 62, 130, 185 Process information sheets, 99 Inertia force, 30 Process instability, 149, 222, 232 Process rolls, 93, 119, 166 Jackshafts, 77, 163 Process weighting, 248 Pumps, 94, 120 Leak detection, 5 Line frequency, 73, 92 Quality control, 3, 4 Linear averaging, 251 Quick disconnect, 56 Linear motion, 15 Lines of resolution, 103 Radial, 54 Load, 11, 14, 98, 108, 197 Rathbone chart, 130 Load distribution, 93, 119 Real-time analysis, 225 Loose parts detection, 3, 5 Reciprocating compressors, 84, 115 Loose rotor bars, 73 Reciprocating machines, 15, 84, 124 Low frequency response, 70 Rectangular weighting, 249 Reference channels, 247 Magnets, 56 Resonance, 150, 177, 201 Mass, 26, 33, 36 Revolutions per minute, 9 Maximum frequency, 102 RMS, 25 Mechanical imbalance, 14, 140 Root cause analysis, 189 Mechanical looseness, 143 Root-mean-square, 25 Mechanical motion, 15 Rotating machinery, 13, 18 Minimum frequency, 103 Rotor. Misalignment, 93, 145, 173, 175 imbalance, 14 Mode shape, 75, 91, 133, 222 passing frequency, 90 Modulations, 146 Running speed, 9, 10, 74, 76, 79, 81, 90, 91, Monitoring parameters, 71 92, 102 Multi-channel, 48, 233 Multiplane imbalance, 142 Screw compressor, 89, 116 Settling time, 57 Narrowband, 22, 23, 61, 64, 71, 91, 104, Shaft deflection, 75, 91, 102, 133, 195 127, 134 Signature analysis, 63, 181 Narrowband zoom, 233 Single-channel, 48, 68 Natural frequency, 29, 34, 213 Single plane imbalance, 141 Noise control, 3, 5 Sleeve bearings, 157 Nonharmonic motion, 20 Slip frequency, 74 Normalization, 10, 136, 196 Speed, 75, 108, 197 Spring force, 31 Operating envelope, 14, 110 Static. Orders analysis, 101 deflection, 29 Overlap averaging, 106, 247 resonance, 151, 203, 213 twist, 284 Passing frequencies, 99 Steady state, 47, 68 Peak hold averaging, 251 Steam turbines, 74 Peak-to-peak, 24 Stiffness, 26, 27, 33, 36 21.Mobley.29 Page 295 Friday, February 5, 1999 12:40 PM Synchronous time averaging, 233, 259 Time domain, 8, 10, 42, 49, 138 Torsional analysis, 234, 267 resonance, 278 stiffness, 37 Transducer, 11, 49, 112 Transient analysis, 230, 255 Trending, 60, 125 Trigger group, 243 Turbulent flow, 14 Undamped, 28, 33, 38 Universal joints, 78 Vane pass frequency, 15 Index 295 Variable speed, 98, 208, 219, 231 V-belts, 80, 173 Velocity, 19, 22, 29, 51, 54 analysis, 8 monitoring, 3 profile, 13, 16, 21 severity, 22, 63, 109, 110, 130 signature, 11, 15, 21, 63, 138 sources, 16 damping, 30 Waterfall analysis, 182, 220, 255 Waveform. See Time domain Zero-to-peak, 22, 24 Zoom analysis, 265 . 208, 219 , 2 31 V-belts, 80, 17 3 Velocity, 19 , 22, 29, 51, 54 analysis, 8 monitoring, 3 profile, 13 , 16 , 21 severity, 22, 63, 10 9, 11 0, 13 0 signature, 11 , 15 , 21, 63, 13 8 sources, 16 damping,. imbalance, 14 2 Screw compressor, 89, 11 6 Settling time, 57 Narrowband, 22, 23, 61, 64, 71, 91, 10 4, Shaft deflection, 75, 91, 10 2, 13 3, 19 5 12 7, 13 4 Signature analysis, 63, 18 1 Narrowband. 2 51 Quick disconnect, 56 Linear motion, 15 Lines of resolution, 10 3 Radial, 54 Load, 11 , 14 , 98, 10 8, 19 7 Rathbone chart, 13 0 Load distribution, 93, 11 9 Real-time analysis, 225 Loose parts