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Crawford, Joan, 88, 210 Creating Beauty to Cure the Soul (Gilman), 55 crime: cosmetic surgery used to change identity, 310n14; photography as evidence, 202– 4, 309–10n10, 310n12 Cronenberg, David, 86 Crum, J Howard, 210, 311n21 cultural dominant, 48– 49 culture of cosmetic surgery, 49–50; and celebrity culture, 260 –61; and de mocratization of beauty, 52; social influences on, 66 Culture of Narcissism (Lasch),... 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Evaluation of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Candidates.”Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 22 (1998): 412–19 Pacteau, Francette The Symptom of Beauty Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1994 Papel, Ira D., and Robert J Park “Computer Imaging for Instruction in Facial Plastic Surgery in a Residency Program.” Archives of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 114 (1988): 1454 –60 Paul, Malcolm D The Evolution of the. .. picture, 309n8; before-and-after, 189–93, 191; benefits of, 18–19; and body image, 39– 40; celebrity culture and, 55–56; democratization of, 51–52, 295n18, 304n7; Index / and diversity of aesthetic judgment, 31; dominant culture codes of, 10, 252–54, 314n17; identification with image of, 19–20; internal vs external, 162–64, 308n3; as locus of desire, 296n20; love and, 115–16, 122; media images of, 297n34; photogenic... formation of, Index / and two-dimensionality, 64; location of, 130 –36; masculine, fragility of, 303n34; and object loss, 111–13; performance of, 302–3n26; photography and, 309–10n10; racial, 307n31; as role, 155; and social privilege, 131– 33; transformation of, 147; transience of, 54, 56 –57 See also self If I Were You (Green), 161–62 Image and Appearance of the Human Body, The (Schilder), 116 image-changing... 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