Chapter 5 How to Judge Disease Severity, Clinical Status, and Prognosis FAIEZ ZANNAD, MD, PHD, FESC Introduction 54 Symptoms, Functional Status, and the Severity of Heart Failure 54 New York Heart Association Classification 54 Exercise Testing 54 Quality of Life 55 History of Heart Failure Hospitalization 55 Electrocardiogram 55 Left Ventricular Function 56 Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction 56 Diastolic Function 56 Other Measurements of Cardiac Function 56 Myocardial Viability 56 Risk of Sudden Death 57 Hematology and Biochemistry 57 Anemia 57 Kidney Function 57 Serum Sodium 58 Neuroendocrine Evaluations 58 Natriuretic Peptides 58 Neuroendocrine Evaluations Other than Natriuretic Peptides 58 Scoring and Prognostic Algorithms 59 Acute Heart Failure Syndromes 59 Conclusion 60 53 Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use. ᭤ INTRODUCTION A noncomprehensive list of factors that can assess the severity of heart failure (HF) and are related to outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) include age; gender; ethnicity; eti- ology; comorbidity; New York Heart Association (NYHA class); exercise capacity; peak VO 2 ; poor qua- lity of life; low body weight; left bundle branch block (LBBB); atrial fibrillation; nonsus- tained, sustained, and inducible ventricular tachycardia (VT); prolonged PR and QRS dura- tion; T-wave alternans; QT dispersion; low heart rate variability; depressed baroreflex sensitivity; history of HF hospitalization; resuscitated death; hyponatremia; hypokalemia; raised serum creati- nine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN); transami- nases; bilirubin and urates; anemia; neuro- endocrine activation; high serum brain natriuretic peptide (BNP); low left ventricular ejection frac- tion (LVEF); diastolic function parameters; raised serum levels of markers of extracellular matrix metabolism; viable myocardium; and central hemodynamic parameters. 1 The above list of many predictive variables reflects the difficulties in choosing which prognos- tic variables to use for clinical purposes. This situ- ation has been described by Jay Cohn as “Poverty amidst a wealth of variables.” Indeed, it appears that no single prognostic indicator is perfect. 2,3 Prognostic stratification should differ in relation to the goal and must be useful for making thera- peutic decisions. It may also be used for clinical trial design and more specifically for optimization of the risk level of the enrolled patient population, which is the main determinant of the trial popula- tion sample size. Prognostic analyses have been predominantly carried out on populations with left ventricular sys- tolic dysfunction (LVSD). Therefore, the following overview is mainly focused on prognostication in such patients. Much less data are available for HF with preserved systolic function. 4 It must also be recognized that causal disease as well as comorbid conditions can strongly impact outcomes such as coronary etiology and diabetes. 5–7 In addition, among demographic characteristics, advanced age, as one may expect, and Black ethnicity are consistently reported to negatively influence outcome. 8 Nearly all predictors of prognosis are influ- enced by treatment, which can modify their prog- nostic weight over time. The influence of etiology, comorbidity, age, and ethnicity will not be dis- cussed in this overview. ᭤ SYMPTOMS, FUNCTIONAL STATUS, AND THE SEVERITY OF HEART FAILURE New York Heart Association Classification Using the NYHA classification and clinical judg- ment, patients may be classified into Class I–IV or alternatively into asymptomatic, mild, moderate, or severe. However, mild symptoms do not mean minor cardiac dysfunction. Indeed it should be emphasized that there is a poor relationship between symptoms and the severity of cardiac dys- function or prognosis. 9,10 Exercise Testing Dyspnea and fatigue are the two main causes of limitation of functional capacity in patients with CHF; therefore, it makes sense to assess the seve- rity of the disease by measuring its influence on exercise capacity. Recommendations for exercise testing in HF patients have been released by the Working Group on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology and the Working Group on Heart Failure of the ESC. 11 Exercise capacity has proven to be a strong determinant of the risk profile in CHF. Oxygen uptake is a more stable and reliable measure of exercise tolerance than exercise time. A peak VO 2 <10 mL/kg/min identifies high risk and a peak VO 2 >18 mL/kg/min identifies low-risk patients. 54–––––HEART FAILURE: A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO TREATMENT Values between these cutoff limits define a zone of medium-risk patients without further possible stratification by VO 2 . 11 Change of VO 2 over time and following optimized therapy is more relevant than absolute values at one single assessment. A markedly reduced and continuously declining exercise capacity in patients with optimized therapy should warrant intensifying therapeutic manage- ment and is an indication for heart transplant. 11,12 In patients with serious limitation of functional capacity, submaximal testing with the 6-minute walk test has been shown to provide useful prognostic information when walking distance is <300 m. 13,14 However, the value of the 6-minute walk test has been established using mainly clin- ical trial databases and is unclear in the clinical setting. Cutoff values of VO 2 = 14 mL/kg/min and distance walked in 6 minutes of 300 m are used for indicating heart transplantation, although this has never been properly validated. Quality of Life Although quality of life as measured by appro- priate questionnaires (the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure, the SF-36, and the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire) may be associ- ated with prognosis, it is not used in the context of classification of severity. 15–17 History of HF Hospitalization The significant morbidity associated with HF is reflected in hospital readmission rates, which are higher than those observed for acute myocardial infarction. Estimates of risk of death or readmission vary, but the largest randomized trial in patients hospitalized with decompen- sated HF found the 60-day mortality rate to be 9.6% and the combined 60-day mortality or readmis- sion rate to be 35.2%. 18 The Euro Heart Failure Survey program found that 24% of patients with HF were readmitted within 12 weeks of discharge. 19 Additionally, in a population-based survey in London, United Kingdom, 50% of patients with a new diagnosis of HF were subsequently hos- pitalized at least once over a period of 19 months. 20 History of HF hospitalization is associated with a very high risk of mortality. Mortality rate reported by the Euro Heart Failure Survey (13% mortality at 12 weeks) is probably an underesti- mation. 19 Prospective cohorts report 1-year mor- tality as high as 40%. 21,22 ᭤ ELECTROCARDIOGRAM A normal electrocardiogram (ECG) may rule out LVSD (negative predictive 90%). 23–26 LBBB and/or wide QRS are associated with LVSD and poor outcome. 27 QRS duration may guide the use of resyn- chronization therapy. 28 Atrial fibrillation or flut- ter and ventricular arrhythmia may be recorded using simple ECG. These arrhythmias are more frequent in severe left ventricular (LV) dysfunction, and are associated with poor outcome. Asymptomatic ventricular arrhythmias on ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring do not identify specific candidates for antiarrhyth- mic or device therapy. Contrary to findings from the GESICA trial, nonsustained VT was not found to be a specific predictor of mortality in a multi- variate analysis of the CHF-STAT and PROMISE studies. 29,30 In patients with symptomatic arrhythmias, Holter monitoring may detect and characterize atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, which could be causing or exacerbating symptoms of HF, and guide antiarrhythmic therapy. Other parameters derived from Holter mon- itoring are those assessing heart rate variability. Heart rate variability is reduced in HF as a con- sequence of depressed autonomic balance. 31–33 Time and frequency domain measures of heart rate variability correlate with clinical and hemo- dynamic measures of severity, and are indepen- dently associated with survival. 30,31,34–37 However, so far, there has been no validation of specific management strategies based on heart rate vari- ability assessment. CHAPTER 5 HOW TO JUDGE DISEASE SEVERITY, CLINICAL STATUS, AND PROGNOSIS–––––55 ᭤ LEFT VENTRICULAR FUNCTION Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction The most important measurement of ventricular function is LVEF for distinguishing patients with cardiac systolic dysfunction from patients with preserved systolic function. In asymptomatic patients with LVSD, EF is an important prognos- tic marker for the development of manifest HF and death. 38,39 Low EF with or without symp- toms is the single risk factor considered as the basis for initiating treatment with angiotensin- converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. 40 Low EF in symptomatic patients is an formal indication for b-blocker and angiotensin receptor blocker therapy. 41,42 Patients with low EF that remain symptomatic on ACE inhibitor and b-blocker therapy should receive an aldosterone receptor blocker. 43 Low EF in patients with ischemic CHF is an indication for an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), and a low EF and wide QRS in patients receiving optimal medical ther- apy is an indication for ICD with resynchroniza- tion therapy. 28 Therefore, LVEF is the single most useful prognostic factor, because it is the basis of important therapeutic decisions. Although reproducibility of LVEF assessment with single photon emission computed tomog- raphy (SPECT) is better than with echocardiog- raphy, it is echo LVEF that is most extensively used for therapeutic decisions. Diastolic Function Staging of diastolic dysfunction may be performed during a routine echocardiographic examination assessing transmitral blood flow velocities and mitral annular velocities. Three abnormal left ventricular filling patterns have been described corresponding to mild, moderate, and severe diastolic dysfunc- tion, respectively. 44,45 Mild diastolic dysfunction is characterized by a reduction of peak transmitral E-velocity and an increase in the atrial-induced (A) velocity. Therefore, the E/A ratio is reduced and usually <1. In moderate diastolic dysfunction, E/A ratio and E-deceleration time may be normal. Only tissue Doppler imaging may depict reduced peak E velocity. 45 Patients with severe diastolic dysfunction have a pattern of “restrictive filling,” with a short isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT), an elevated peak E-velocity, a short E-deceleration time, and a markedly increased E/A ratio. 46–49 Beyond these distinctive patterns, a restrictive filling pattern, characterized by short transmitral E-deceleration time (115–150 milliseconds) and increased E/A flow velocity ratio (>1.5–2), is associated with increased mortality. 50,51 Although assessment of diastolic function may be clinically useful in determining progno- sis in HF patients, so far there is no prospective validation of therapeutic management strategies based on the assessment of diastolic function. Other Measurements of Cardiac Function Ventricular volume changes over time, and the onset or worsening of mitral regurgitation have important decisional implications because it should lead to further diagnostic investigations and/or intensification of therapy. 52,53 Other measurements include fractional short- ening, myocardial performance index, and left ventricular wall motion index. 54–57 Cardiac mag- netic resonance imaging is a highly accurate and reproducible technique for the assessment of left and right ventricular volumes and function. 58,59 ᭤ MYOCARDIAL VIABILITY Although this is controversial, results of nonran- domized trials in ischemic CHF indicate that revascularization can improve clinical status and survival in patients with hibernating myocardium. 60–62 Therefore, in patients with CHF and coronary artery disease, exercise or pharmacological stress echocardiography may be useful for detecting ischemia as a cause of reversible or persistent dys- function and in determining the viability of akinetic 56–––––HEART FAILURE: A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO TREATMENT myocardium. 63,64 Viable myocardium (stunned or nontransmural infarction) has preserved flow reserve and sustained contractile improvement. Hibernating myocardium has blunted flow reserve and a biphasic contractile response. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging after an injection of gadolinium can identify areas of delayed hyperenhancement in areas of stunning or hibernation. 65,66 ᭤ RISK OF SUDDEN DEATH A review of the measures of risk of sudden arrhythmic death has been reported by Huikuri and others. 67 Several observational studies have shown that low EF predicts both sudden and nonsudden cardiac death. 68,69 MADIT II SCD- HeFT showed that ICDs reduce mortality among patients with an EF 30% with ischemic HF. 70 SCD-HeFT has shown that in Class II or III CHF patients with EF <35%, simple shock ICD may decrease mortality. 71 The COMPANION trial has shown that ICD combined with resynchroniza- tion with biventricular pacing decreases mortal- ity in patients with EF <35% and ECG measured QRS duration >120 milliseconds. 28 Resuscitated sudden death, when it occurs out of context of an acute ischemic event, is a strong predictor of recurrence of sudden death and warrants implantation of an ICD. 72 Electrical programmed stimulation is useful only in patients with low EF and nonsustained VT. Patients with nonsustained VT, low EF, and inducible VT benefit from ICD therapy, accord- ing to two randomized trials. 72–74 Sustained VT warrants antitachycardia ICD implantation. The majority of other variables occasionally reported to be associated with the risk of sud- den death in observational and case-control studies have not received a prospective valida- tion and are not included in therapeutic stra- tegy algorithms. Therefore, this is an area where prognostication is most needed. A large number of patients may be implanted with an ICD, which would never fire for a life-threatening arrhythmia. Robust and reliable risk factors may limit the implantation of ICDs to patients who would need it most. ᭤ HEMATOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Anemia A growing body of literature from observational databases and clinical trials suggests that anemia is an independent risk factor for adverse out- comes in patients with HF. Anemia has recently been recognized as an important comorbid condition and potentially novel therapeutic target in patients with HF. It is common in CHF patients, with a prevalence ranging from 4% to 55% depending on the popu- lation studied. Lower hemoglobin (Hb) is asso- ciated with greater disease severity, and higher hospitalization and mortality rates. Multiple potential mechanisms of interaction exist between anemia and the clinical syndrome of CHF, including hemodilution, inflammatory activation, renal insufficiency, and malnutrition. Although correction of anemia appears to be an attractive therapeutic approach, it is still unclear whether it is useful. Multiple ongoing studies will provide data on the balance of risks and benefits of anemia treatment in chronic HF. 5,75 Kidney Function Kidney function has a significant impact on clini- cal outcomes of patients with congestive heart failure. Impaired renal function, whether mild or severe, is an independent predictor of a worse prognosis. 76,77 CHF patients with elevated serum creatinine levels of 1.5–2 mg/dL have a 41% higher death rate, and those with a glomerular fil- tration rate (GFR) of <44 mL/min have a threefold increase in mortality. 78,79 Renal function may be a primary determi- nant of disease progression in patients with HF, rather than simply being a marker of the severity of underlying disease. CHAPTER 5 HOW TO JUDGE DISEASE SEVERITY, CLINICAL STATUS, AND PROGNOSIS–––––57 Renal function is an independent prognostic indicator of mortality, possibly due to the direct effects of renal dysfunction on survival. The fluid retention resulting from failing kidneys may lead to neurohormonal activation, ventricular dilatation, and arrhythmias. In addition, elec- trolyte and metabolic abnormalities—hemato- logic effects and consequences on the immune system that commonly occur in renal failure— could conceivably lead to a worse outcome. Renal dysfunction may also prevent the use of medications known to improve clinical outcome and survival such as ACE inhibitors. 80 Preserving or improving kidney function in patients with CHF is one of the major unmet needs in CHF management and an area where research should be intensified. The majority of clinical trials that have led to our current evidence-based man- agement excluded patients with renal failure. Therefore, apart from the usual recommendation of caution of use of a number of drugs, there is no specific guideline of management based on the presence of renal failure in patients with CHF. Serum Sodium Serum sodium concentration is a powerful predic- tor of cardiovascular mortality. Although hypona- tremia is thought to be an indicator of the level of stimulation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), it is among the most consistent prognostic factor in advanced HF, 81 even in the contemporary patients receiving RAS inhibitor therapy. ᭤ NEUROENDOCRINE EVALUATIONS Natriuretic Peptides An excellent recent overview has summarized the role of BNP in HF. 82 BNP and N-terminal probrain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) have considerable prognostic potential, although evalu- ation of their role in treatment decision and mon- itoring remains to be determined. Several clinical and epidemiological studies have demonstrated a direct relationship between increasing plasma concentrations of BNP (and its precursor NT-proBNP) and decreasing cardiac function. 83–85 There is also evidence that their elevation in CHF patients with preserved systolic function can indicate that diastolic dysfunction is present. 86,87 In patients at high risk for developing new HF, an elevated atrial natriuretic peptides (ANP) was 85% sensitive and 66% specific for the deve- lopment of a subsequent HF episode during 1 year of follow-up. 88 A Framingham community study has shown that a strategy of combining EF and BNP (or NT-proBNP) improved risk stratification beyond using either alone. 89 Elevated ANP and BNP have been shown to be predictive of poor long-term survival and of sudden cardiac death. 90–94 In those with elevated BNP, rate-corrected QT interval was a strong and independent predictor of total mortality, as well as sudden death mortality. 95 Change in BNP is also useful to predict clin- ical outcomes. A decrease in BNP during treat- ment was associated with fewer adverse events after discharge for acutely decompensated HF. 96 Outpatients with the greatest increase in BNP despite therapy had the poorest outcome. 97 At present, the relative merits of the available assays for BNP and NT-proBNP, the value of BNP for therapeutic decision making and in monitoring therapy are important areas for continuing investi- gation. The natriuretic peptide assays commercially available are fluorescence or radioimmunoassay for BNP, and electrochemiluminescent assay for NT-proBNP. In general, the plasma BNP concen- tration rises with age and may be slightly higher in women than in men. A suggested “normal” range for BNP is 0.5–30 pg/mL (0.15–8.7 pmol/L) and 68–112 pg/mL (8.2–13.3 pmol/L) for NT-proBNP. 98 Neuroendocrine Evaluations Other than Natriuretic Peptides In large cohorts of patients, there is good evi- dence that circulating levels of noradrenaline, 58–––––HEART FAILURE: A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO TREATMENT renin, angiotensin II, aldosterone, vasopressin, endothelin-1, and adrenomedullin are related to the severity and prognosis of HF, but in indivi- dual patients these predictors are inaccurate and difficult to interpret. Degree of neurohormonal activation cannot guide treatment with renin- angiotensin and aldosterone inhibitors. ᭤ SCORING AND PROGNOSTIC ALGORITHMS An interesting prognostic approach can lie in integrated strategies based on an initial screen- ing of patients of different disease severity and then the application of specific algorithms to selected subjects. 95 A review of prognostic algorithms has been reported by Bouvy and others. 99 None is widely accepted for routine use in HF. Available prognostic algorithms are usually limited because they are mainly derived prospectively from nonrepresentative cohorts or clinical trial databases. Very few have received a formal external validation in independent prospective cohorts. ᭤ ACUTE HEART FAILURE SYNDROMES In acute heart failure syndromes (AHFS), pre- dictive models for mortality and rehospitaliza- tion can aid clinical decision making. Patients at low risk could potentially be treated and dis- charged from the hospital early, whereas those at high risk may benefit from intensive specialized care. In this setting, stratification based on the degree of neurohormonal activation and the severity of LVSD become less discriminant. 6 Central hemodynamic patterns (pulmonary cap- illary pressure and right ventricular function) are relatively more important. 100–102 Invasive hemo- dynamic monitoring variables by means of a pulmonary arterial catheter may be useful to monitor therapy and for decision making in patients with AHFS not responding promptly to appropriate treatment and when it must be decided whether to use ventricular assistance or replacement therapies. 6,103 Three main prognostic indicators are emerg- ing as most important in AHFS. These include myocardial injury (quantified by troponin), renal dysfunction (as measured by increases in serum creatinine or BUN, and decreases in serum sodium), and hemodynamic congestion (as measured by increased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure [PCWP] or BNP/NT-proBNP). While previous research has largely focused on correction of altered hemodynamics (e.g., increasing cardiac output), new data suggest that the above three factors may be more impor- tant for long-term prognosis as well as for ther- apeutic targets. While current standard therapies may improve symptoms (e.g., diuretics), they may worsen renal function. Similarly, while some positive inotropes may improve hemody- namics (increase cardiac index), they may pro- mote myocardial injury. Several observational studies have shown that 30–50% of patients hospitalized with AHFS have detectable plasma levels of cardiac tro- ponin at the time of admission in the absence of an acute coronary event. These patients have a two-fold increase in 60-day postdischarge mor- tality and a three-fold increase in the rehospital- ization rate during the same time period. 104 The severity of renal dysfunction in hospital- ized patients with AHFS provides important prognostic information for in-hospital and post- discharge mortality. Aggravated renal dysfunction (defined as ≥25% increase in serum creatinine concentration to ≥2 mg/dL) occurs in at least 20–30% of patients undergoing intensive treat- ment for HF. 105 The development of worsening renal function is associated with an increased risk of death, a significantly longer length of stay, and higher in-hospital cost. 106 Impaired renal function also increases the likelihood of readmission after discharge from hospitalization for HF. 107,108 A1 adenosine antagonism might preserve renal func- tion while simultaneously promoting natriuresis during treatment for HF and is currently under clinical investigation. 109 CHAPTER 5 HOW TO JUDGE DISEASE SEVERITY, CLINICAL STATUS, AND PROGNOSIS–––––59 Approximately 20% of patients hospitalized with AHFS and systolic dysfunction have hypona- tremia (serum sodium <136 mEq/L), and these patients have a twofold increase in in-hospital and postdischarge mortality, and a 30% increase in the combined readmission or mortality rate. 110,111 Vasopressin antagonist therapy (such as Tolvaptan) is being tested with the aim of improving post- discharge outcomes in patients with AHFS. 112 Though Tolvaptan initiated for acute treatment in AHFS patients did not have an effect on long-term moratality or heart failure morbidity, 113 it did relieve acute symptoms. 114 ᭤ CONCLUSION It is likely that different sets of variables will prove useful in different settings. In primary care, it is important to be able to stratify risk on the basis of simple, readily available clinical or laboratory variables to identify patients who should be referred for specialist advice. Serum BNP moni- toring may emerge as a useful tool in this setting. Meanwhile, primary care physicians rely mainly on functional capacity, signs, and symptoms. For the specialists, prognostic variables are required to direct the intensity of therapy. The main selection criteria in clinical trials were symp- toms, NYHA class, LVEF and, in some trials, history of recent hospitalization for HF. Therefore, only these variables are prognostic factors strongly validated and widely accepted and applied in evidence-based patient management. In more advanced HF, prognostic stratification may guide the need for or urgency of device ther- apy and/or surgery, including transplantation. Peak VO 2 and the 6-minute walk test are among the most used assessments for the management of transplant waiting list. They should also be recommended as decision tools for indicating cardiac resynchroniza- tion therapy in patients with optimized drug ther- apy. VT inducibility during ventricular programmed stimulation is useful (only) in patients with asymp- tomatic VT, in order to direct ICD indication. New validated information and more inte- grated approaches may offer, in the future, prognostic algorithms that are more robust prognostication in HF. Genomics and pro- teomics may offer novel disease markers and risk (or protecting) factors. However, to date, no tests can overcome the clinical judgment in grading risk and guiding therapy in HF patients. ᭤ REFERENCES 1. Cowburn P, Cleland J, Coats A, et al. Risk strat- ification in chronic heart failure. Eur Heart J. 1998;19:696–710. 2. Cohn J. Prognostic factors in heart failure: poverty amidst a wealth of variables. 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Patients -Hypertension -Atherosclerotic disease -Diabetes -Obesity -Metabolic syndrome or Patients -Using cardiotoxins -With FHx CM -Previous MI -LV remodeling including LVH and low EF -Asymptomatic . Group. Long-term ACE-inhibitor therapy in patients with heart failure or left-ventricular dysfunc- tion: a systematic overview of data from indi- vidual patients. Lancet. 2000 ;35 5. 41. Beta-Blocker