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Introduction to the Cardiovascular System - part 7 pps

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Cerebral blood flow is strongly influenced by the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and, to a lesser extent, oxygen in the arterial blood (Fig. 7-12). Cerebral blood flow is highly sen- sitive to small changes in arterial partial pres- sure of CO 2 (pCO 2 ) from its normal value of about 40 mm Hg, with increased pCO 2 (hy- percapnea) causing pronounced vasodilation and decreased pCO 2 (hypocapnea) causing vasoconstriction. Hydrogen ion appears to be responsible for the changes in vascular resis- tance when changes occur in arterial pCO 2 . The importance of CO 2 in regulating cerebral blood flow can be demonstrated when a per- son hyperventilates, which decreases arterial pCO 2 . When this occurs, a person becomes “light headed” as the reduced pCO 2 causes cerebral blood flow to decrease. Severe arte- rial hypoxia (hypoxemia) increases cerebral blood flow. Arterial pO 2 is normally about 95–100 mm Hg. If the pO 2 falls below 50 mm Hg (severe arterial hypoxia), it elicits a strong vasodilator response in the brain, which helps to maintain oxygen delivery despite the reduc- tion in arterial oxygen content. As described in Chapter 6, decreased arterial pO 2 and in- creased pCO 2 stimulate chemoreceptors, which activate sympathetic efferents to the systemic vasculature to cause vasoconstric- tion; however, the direct effects of hypoxia and hypercapnea override the weak effects of sympathetic activation in the brain so that cerebral vasodilation occurs and oxygen deliv- ery is enhanced. Although sympathetic nerves innervate larger cerebral vessels, activation of these nerves has relatively little influence on cere- bral blood flow. Maximal sympathetic activa- tion increases cerebral vascular resistance by no more than 20% to 30%, in contrast to an approximately 500% increase occurring in skeletal muscle. The reason, in part, for the weak sympathetic response by the cerebral vasculature is that metabolic mechanisms are dominant in regulating flow; therefore, func- tional sympatholysis occurs during sympa- thetic activation. This is crucial to preserve normal brain function; otherwise, every time a person stands up or exercises, both of which cause sympathetic activation, cerebral perfu- sion would decrease. Therefore, baroreceptor reflexes have little influence on cerebral blood flow. Sympathetic activation shifts the au- toregulatory curve to the right, similar to what occurs with chronic hypertension. In recent years, we have learned that neu- ropeptides originating in the brain signifi- cantly influence cerebral vascular tone, and they may be involved in producing headaches (e.g., migraine and cluster headaches) and ORGAN BLOOD FLOW 157 pCO 2 0 50 100 0 50 100 Cerebral Blood Flow (ml/min/100g) pO Normal Arterial Values pO 95 mm Hg pCO 40 mm Hg ≅ ≅ Arterial Blood Partial Pressure (mm Hg) 2 2 2 FIGURE 7-12 Effects of arterial partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide on cerebral blood flow. An arterial par- tial pressure of oxygen (pO 2 ) of less than 50 mm Hg (normal value is about 95 mm Hg) causes cerebral vasodilation and increased flow. A reduction in arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO 2 ) below its normal value of 40 mm Hg decreases flow, whereas pCO 2 values greater than 40 mm Hg increase flow. Therefore, cerebral blood flow is more sensitive to changes from normal arterial pCO 2 values than from normal arterial pO 2 values. Ch07_141-170_Klabunde 4/21/04 11:43 AM Page 157 cerebral vascular vasospasm during strokes. Parasympathetic cholinergic fibers innervat- ing the cerebral vasculature release nitric ox- ide and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). These substances, along with acetyl- choline, produce localized vasodilation. Other nerves appear to release the local vasodilators calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance-P. Sympathetic adrenergic nerves can release neuropeptide-Y (NPY) in addition to norepinephrine, which causes lo- calized vasoconstriction. Skeletal Muscle Circulation The primary function of skeletal muscle is to contract and generate mechanical forces to provide support to the skeleton and produce movement of joints. This mechanical activity consumes large amounts of energy and there- fore requires delivery of considerable amounts of oxygen and substrates, as well as the efficient removal of metabolic waste prod- ucts. Both oxygen delivery and metabolic waste removal functions are performed by the circulation. The circulation within skeletal muscle is highly organized. Arterioles give rise to capil- laries that generally run parallel to the muscle fibers, with each fiber surrounded by three to four capillaries. When the muscle is not con- tracting, relatively little oxygen is required and only about one-fourth of the capillaries are perfused. In contrast, during muscle contrac- tion and active hyperemia, all the anatomical capillaries may be perfused, which increases the number of flowing capillaries around each muscle fiber (termed capillary recruit- ment). This anatomical arrangement of capil- laries and the ability to recruit capillaries de- creases diffusion distances, leading to an efficient exchange of gasses and molecules be- tween the blood and the myocytes, particu- larly under conditions of high oxygen demand. In resting humans, almost 20% of cardiac output is delivered to skeletal muscle. This large cardiac output to muscle occurs not be- cause blood flow is exceptionally high in rest- ing muscle, but because skeletal muscle makes up about 40% of the body mass. In the resting, noncontracting state, muscle blood flow is about 3 mL/min per 100 g. This resting flow is much less than that found in organs such as the brain and kidneys, in which “rest- ing” flows are about 55 and 400 mL/min per 100 g, respectively. When muscles contract during exercise, blood flow can increase more than twenty- fold. If muscle contraction is occurring during whole-body exercise (e.g., running), more than 80% of cardiac output can be directed to the contracting muscles. Therefore, skeletal muscle has a very large flow reserve (or ca- pacity) relative to its blood flow at rest, indi- cating that the vasculature in resting muscle has a high degree of tone (see Table 7-1). This resting tone is brought about by the interplay between vasoconstrictor (e.g., sympathetic adrenergic and myogenic influences) and va- sodilator influences (e.g., nitric oxide produc- tion, and tissue metabolites). In the resting state, the vasoconstrictor influences dominate, whereas during muscle contraction, vasodila- tor influences dominate to increase oxygen delivery to the contracting muscle fibers and remove metabolic waste products that accu- mulate. The blood flow response to skeletal muscle contraction depends on the type of contrac- tion. With rhythmic or phasic contraction of muscle (Fig. 7-13, top panel), as occurs during normal locomotory activity, mean blood flow increases during the period of muscle activity. However, if blood flow is measured without filtering or averaging, the flow is found to be phasic—flow decreases during contraction and increases during relaxation phases of the muscle activity because of mechanical com- pression of the vessels. In contrast, a sustained muscle contraction (e.g., lifting and holding a heavy weight) decreases mean blood flow dur- ing the period of contraction, followed by a postcontraction hyperemic response when the contraction ceases (see Fig. 7-13, bottom panel). The precise mechanisms responsible for dilating skeletal muscle vasculature during contraction are not clearly understood. However, considerable evidence indicates that increases in interstitial adenosine and K ϩ 158 CHAPTER 7 Ch07_141-170_Klabunde 4/21/04 11:43 AM Page 158 during muscle contraction contribute to the vasodilation. Tissue hypoxia, particularly when blood flow is mechanically compromised dur- ing forceful sustained muscle contractions, may provide a signal for vasodilation. Evidence also exists that increased endothelial release of nitric oxide contributes to the dila- tion of the vasculature. Other suggested mechanisms include increased levels of lactic acid, CO 2 , and H ϩ and hyperosmolarity. Another mechanism that facilitates blood flow during coordinated contractions of groups of muscles (as occurs during normal physical ac- tivity such as running) is the skeletal muscle pump (see Chapter 5). Regardless of the mechanisms involved in producing active hy- peremia, the outcome is that there is a close correlation between the increase in oxygen consumption and the increase in blood flow during muscle contraction. Skeletal muscle vasculature is innervated primarily by sympathetic adrenergic fibers. The norepinephrine released by these fibers binds to ␣-adrenoceptors and causes vaso- constriction. Under resting conditions, a sig- nificant portion of the vascular tone is gener- ated by sympathetic activity, so that if a resting muscle is suddenly denervated or the ␣- adrenoceptors are blocked pharmacologically by a drug such as phentolamine, blood flow will transiently increase two to three-fold un- til local regulatory mechanisms reestablish a ORGAN BLOOD FLOW 159 Muscle Blood Flow Muscle Blood Flow Phasic Contractions Sustained Contraction 0 0 20 10 40 20 60 30 80 40 Time (sec) Time (sec) FIGURE 7-13 Skeletal muscle active hyperemia following phasic and sustained (tetanic) contractions. The top panel shows that phasic contractions cause flow to decrease during contraction and increase during relaxation, although the net effect is an increase in flow during contraction. When contractions cease, a further increase in flow occurs because mechanical compression of the vasculature is removed. The bottom panel shows that sustained, tetanic con- tractions generate high intramuscular forces that compress the vasculature and reduce flow. When contraction ceases, a large hyperemia follows. Ch07_141-170_Klabunde 4/21/04 11:43 AM Page 159 new steady-state flow. Activation of the sym- pathetic adrenergic nervous system (e.g., baroreceptor reflex in response to hypo- volemia) can dramatically reduce blood flow in resting muscle. When this reduction in blood flow occurs, the muscle extracts more oxygen (the arterial-venous oxygen difference increases) and activates anaerobic pathways for ATP production. However, prolonged hy- poperfusion of muscle caused by intense sym- pathetic activation eventually leads to va- sodilator mechanisms dominating over the sympathetic vasoconstriction, leading to sym- pathetic escape and partial restoration of blood flow. Recent evidence suggests that increased muscle blood flow seen under some conditions of generalized sympathetic activation (e.g., during exercise or mental stress) may involve circulating catecholamines stimulating ␤ 2 - adrenoceptors and locally released nitric oxide. Evidence exists, at least in nonprimate species such as cats and dogs, for sympathetic cholinergic innervation of skeletal muscle re- sistance vessels. The neurotransmitter for these fibers is acetylcholine, which binds to muscarinic receptors to produce vasodilation. This branch of the autonomic nervous system has little or no influence on blood flow under resting conditions; however, activation of these fibers in anticipation of exercise and during exercise can contribute to the increase in blood flow associated with exercise. There is no convincing evidence, however, for simi- lar active, neurogenic vasodilator mechanisms existing in humans. Cutaneous Circulation The nutrient and oxygen requirements of the skin are quite low relative to other organs; therefore, cutaneous blood flow does not pri- marily serve a metabolic support role. Instead, the primary role of blood flow to the skin is to allow heat to be exchanged between the blood and the environment to help regulate body temperature. Therefore, the cutaneous circu- lation is under the control of hypothalamic thermoregulatory centers that adjust the sym- pathetic outflow to the cutaneous vasculature. At normal body and ambient temperatures, the skin circulation is subjected to a high de- gree of sympathetic adrenergic tone. If core temperature begins to rise (e.g., during physi- cal exertion), the hypothalamus decreases sympathetic outflow to the skin, which causes cutaneous vasodilation and increased blood flow. This enables more warm blood to circu- late in the sub-epidermal layer of the skin so that more heat energy can be conducted through the skin to the environment. Conversely, if core temperature decreases, the hypothalamus attempts to retain heat by increasing sympathetic outflow to the skin, which decreases cutaneous blood flow and prevents heat loss to the environment. The sympathetic control of the cutaneous circula- tion is so powerful that cutaneous blood flow can range from more than 30% of cardiac out- put to less than 1%. The microvascular network that supplies skin is unique among organs. Small arteries arising from the subcutaneous tissues give rise to arterioles that penetrate into the dermis and give rise to capillaries that loop under- neath the epidermis (Fig. 7-14). Blood flows from these capillary loops into venules and then into an extensive, interconnecting ve- nous plexus. Most of the cutaneous blood volume is found in the venous plexus, which is a prominent feature in the nose, lips, ears, toes, and fingers—especially the fingertips. The blood in the venous plexus is also respon- sible for skin coloration in lightly pigmented individuals. The venous plexus receives blood directly from the small subcutaneous arteries through special interconnecting vessels called arteriovenous (AV) anastomoses. The resistance vessels supplying the sub- epidermal capillary loops and the AV anasto- moses are richly innervated by sympathetic adrenergic fibers. Constriction of these vessels during hypothalamic-mediated sympathetic activation decreases blood flow through the capillary loops and the venous plexus. In addi- tion to sympathetic neural control, the resis- tance vessels and AV anastomoses are very sensitive to ␣-adrenoceptor-mediated vaso- constriction induced by circulating cate- cholamines. 160 CHAPTER 7 Ch07_141-170_Klabunde 4/21/04 11:43 AM Page 160 Although the AV anastomoses are almost exclusively controlled by sympathetic influ- ences, the resistance vessels respond to both metabolic influences and sympathetic influ- ences and therefore demonstrate local regula- tory phenomena such as reactive hyperemia and autoregulation. These local regulatory re- sponses, however, are relatively weak com- pared to those observed in most other organs. The cutaneous resistance vessels also re- spond to local paracrine influences, particu- larly during sweating and tissue injury. Activation of cutaneous sweat glands by sym- pathetic cholinergic nerves produces vasodila- tion in addition to the formation of sweat. It is thought that local formation of bradykinin is partly responsible for this vasodilation. Bradykinin may stimulate the formation of ni- tric oxide to cause vasodilation during sweat- ing. Moreover, evidence suggests that an unidentified vasodilator substance (a co-trans- mitter) is released by sympathetic cholinergic nerves. Tissue injury from mechanical trauma, heat, or chemicals releases paracrine sub- stances such as histamine and bradykinin, which increase blood flow and cause localized edema by increasing microvascular perme- ability. If the skin is firmly stroked with a blunt object, the skin initially blanches owing to lo- calized vasoconstriction. This is followed within a minute by the formation of a red line that spreads away from the site of injury (red flare); both the red line and red flare are caused by an increase in blood flow. Localized swelling (wheal formation) may then follow, caused by increased microvascular permeabil- ity and leakage of fluid into the interstitium. The red line, flare, and wheal are called the triple response. Both paracrine hormones and local axon reflexes are believed to be in- volved in the triple response. The vasodilator neurotransmitter involved in local axon re- flexes has not been identified. This neuro- genic-mediated vasodilation is called “active vasodilation” in contrast to vasodilation that occurs during withdrawal of sympathetic adrenergic influences, called “passive vasodi- lation.” Local changes in skin temperature selec- tively alter blood flow to the affected region. For example, if a heat source is placed on a small region of the skin on the back of the hand, blood flow will increase only to the re- gion that is heated. This response appears to be mediated by local axon reflexes and local formation of nitric oxide instead of by changes in sympathetic discharge mediated by the hy- pothalamus. Localized cooling produces vaso- constriction through local axon reflexes. If tis- sue is exposed to extreme cold, a phenomenon called cold-induced vasodilation may occur following an initial vasoconstrictor response, especially if the exposed body region is a hand, foot, or face. This phenomenon causes light- colored skin to appear red, and it explains the rosy cheeks, ears, and nose a person may ex- hibit when exposed to very cold air tempera- tures. With continued exposure, alternating ORGAN BLOOD FLOW 161 Dermis Epidermis Subcutaneous Tissue Capillary Artery Venous Plexus Vein AV anastomosis FIGURE 7-14 Anatomy of the cutaneous circulation. Arteries within the subcutaneous tissue give rise to either arte- rioles that travel into the dermis and give rise to capillary loops, or to arteriovenous (AV) anastomoses that connect to a plexus of small veins in the subdermis. The venous plexus also receives blood from the capillary loops. Sympathetic stimulation constricts the resistance vessels and AV anastomoses, thereby decreasing dermal blood flow. Ch07_141-170_Klabunde 4/21/04 11:43 AM Page 161 periods of dilation and constriction may occur. The mechanism for cold-induced vasodilation is not clear, but it probably involves changes in local axon reflexes and impaired ability of the vessels to constrict because of hypothermia. Splanchnic Circulation The splanchnic circulation includes blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract, spleen, pan- creas, and liver. Blood flow to these combined organs represents 20% to 25% of cardiac out- put (see Table 7-1). Three major arteries aris- ing from the abdominal aorta supply blood to the stomach, intestine, spleen, and liver—the celiac, superior mesenteric, and inferior mesenteric arteries. The following describes blood flow to the intestines and liver. Several branches arising from the superior mesenteric artery supply blood to the intes- tine. These and subsequent branches travel through the mesentery that supports the in- testine. Small arterial branches enter the outer muscular wall of the intestine and divide into several smaller orders of arteries and ar- terioles, most of which enter into the submu- cosa from which arterioles and capillaries arise to supply blood to the intestinal villi. Water and nutrients transported into the villi enter the blood and are carried away by the portal venous circulation. Intestinal blood flow is closely coupled to the primary function of the intestine, i.e., the absorption of water, electrolytes, and nutri- ents from the intestinal lumen. Therefore, in- testinal blood flow increases when food is present within the intestine. Blood flow to the intestine in the fasted state is about 30 mL/min per 100 g; following a meal, flow can exceed 250 mL/min per 100 g. This functional hyperemia is stimulated by gastrointestinal hormones such as gastrin and cholecystokinin, as well as by glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids that are absorbed by the intestine. Evidence exists that submucosal arteriolar va- sodilation during functional hyperemia is me- diated by hyperosmolarity and nitric oxide. The intestinal circulation is strongly influ- enced by the activity of sympathetic adrener- gic nerves. Increased sympathetic activity dur- ing exercise or in response to decreased baroreceptor firing (e.g., during hemorrhage or standing) constricts both arterial resistance vessels and venous capacitance vessels. Because the intestinal circulation receives such a large fraction of cardiac output, sympa- thetic stimulation of the intestine causes a substantial increase in total systemic vascular resistance. Additionally, the large blood vol- ume contained within the venous vasculature is mobilized during sympathetic stimulation to increase central venous pressure. Parasympathetic activation of the intestine increases motility and glandular secretions. Increased motility per se does not cause large increases in blood flow, but flow nevertheless increases. This may involve metabolic mecha- nisms or local paracrine influences such as the formation of bradykinin and nitric oxide. Venous blood leaving the gastrointestinal tract, spleen, and pancreas drains into the he- patic portal vein, which supplies approxi- mately 75% of the hepatic blood flow. The re- mainder of the hepatic blood flow is supplied by the hepatic artery, which is a branch of the celiac artery. Note that in this arrangement, most of the liver circulation is in series with the gastrointestinal, splenic, and pancreatic circulations. Therefore, changes in blood flow in these vascular beds have a significant influ- ence on hepatic flow. Terminal vessels from the hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery form sinusoids within the liver, which function as capillaries. The pressure within these sinusoids is very low, just a few mm Hg above central venous pres- sure. This is important because the sinusoids are very permeable (see Chapter 8). Changes in central venous and hepatic venous pressure are almost completely transmitted to the sinu- soids. Therefore, elevations in central venous pressure during right ventricular failure can cause substantial increases in sinusoid pres- sure and fluid filtration, leading to hepatic edema and accumulation of fluid within the abdominal cavity (ascites). The liver circulation does not show au- toregulation; however, decreases in hepatic portal flow result in reciprocal increases in he- patic artery flow, and vice versa. Sympathetic 162 CHAPTER 7 Ch07_141-170_Klabunde 4/21/04 11:43 AM Page 162 nerve activation constricts vessels derived from both the hepatic portal system and he- patic artery. The most important effect of sympathetic activation is on venous capaci- tance vessels, which contain a significant frac- tion (approximately 15%) of the venous blood volume in the body. The liver, like the gas- trointestinal circulation, functions as an im- portant venous reservoir. The spleen is an important venous reser- voir containing hemoconcentrated blood in some animals (e.g., dogs). Stressful conditions in the dog (e.g., blood loss) can cause splenic contraction, which can substantially increase circulating blood volume and hematocrit. Renal Circulation Approximately 20% of the cardiac output per- fuses the kidneys although the kidneys repre- sent only about 0.4% of total body weight. Renal blood flow, therefore, is about 400 mL/min per 100 g of tissue weight, which is the highest of any major organ within the body (see Table 7-1). Only the pituitary and carotid bodies have higher blood flows per unit tissue weight. Whereas blood flow in many organs is closely coupled to tissue oxida- tive metabolism, this is not the case for the kidneys, in which the blood flow greatly ex- ceeds the need for oxygen delivery. The very high blood flow results in a relatively low ex- traction of oxygen from the blood (about 1 to 2 mL O 2 /mL blood) despite the fact that renal oxygen consumption is high (approximately 5 mL O 2 /min per 100 g). The reason for renal blood flow being so high is that the primary function of the kidneys is to filter blood and form urine. The kidney comprises three major regions: the cortex (the outer layer that con- tains glomeruli for filtration), the medulla (the middle region that contains renal tubules and capillaries involved in concentrating the urine), and the hilum (the inner region where the renal artery and vein, nerves, lymphatics, and ureter enter or leave the kidney). Because most of the filtering takes place within the cortex, about 90% of the total renal blood flow supplies the cortex, with the remainder sup- plying the medullary regions. The vascular organization within the kid- neys is very different from most organs. The abdominal aorta gives rise to renal arteries that distribute blood flow to each kidney. The renal artery enters the kidney at the hilum and gives off several branches (interlobar arter- ies) that travel in the kidney toward the cor- tex. Subsequent branches (arcuate and in- terlobular arteries) then form afferent arterioles, which supply blood to each glomerulus (Fig. 7-15). As the afferent arteri- ole enters the glomerulus, it gives rise to a cluster of glomerular capillaries, from which fluid is filtered into Bowman’s capsule and into the renal proximal tubule. The glomerular capillaries then form an efferent arteriole from which arise peritubular cap- illaries that surround the renal tubules. Efferent arterioles associated with jux- tamedullary nephrons located in the inner cortex near the outer medulla give rise to very long capillaries (vasa recta) that loop down deep within the medulla. The capillaries are involved with countercurrent exchange and the maintenance of medullary osmotic gradi- ents. Capillaries eventually form venules and then veins, which join together to exit the kid- ney as the renal vein. Therefore, within the kidney, a capillary bed (glomerular capillaries) is located between the two principal sites of resistance (afferent and efferent arterioles). Furthermore, a second capillary bed (per- itubular capillaries) is in series with the glomerular capillaries and is separated by the efferent arteriole. The vascular arrangement within the kid- ney is very important for filtration and reab- sorption functions of the kidney. Changes in afferent and efferent arteriole resistance af- fect not only blood flow, but also the hydro- static pressures within the glomerular and peritubular capillaries. Glomerular capillary pressure, which is about 50 mm Hg, is much higher than that in capillaries found in other organs. This high pressure drives fluid filtra- tion (see Chapter 8). The peritubular capillary pressure, however, is low (about 10–20 mm Hg). This is important because it permits fluid reabsorption to limit water loss and urine ex- cretion. About 20% of the plasma entering the ORGAN BLOOD FLOW 163 Ch07_141-170_Klabunde 4/21/04 11:43 AM Page 163 kidney is filtered. If significant reabsorption did not occur, a high rate of urine formation would rapidly lead to hypovolemia and hy- potension and an excessive loss of electrolytes. Figure 7-16 shows the effects of afferent and efferent arteriole constriction on blood flow and glomerular capillary pressure. If the affer- ent arteriole constricts, distal pressures, glomerular filtration, and blood flow are re- duced (see Fig. 7-16, Panel B). In contrast, al- though efferent arteriole constriction reduces flow and peritubular capillary pressure, it in- creases glomerular capillary pressure and glomerular filtration (see Fig. 7-16, Panel D). The renal circulation exhibits strong au- toregulation between arterial pressures of about 80–180 mm Hg. Autoregulation of blood flow is accompanied by autoregulation of glomerular filtration so that filtration re- mains essentially unchanged over a wide range of arterial pressures. For this to occur, glomerular capillary pressure must remain un- changed when arterial pressure changes. This takes place because the principal site for au- toregulation is the afferent arteriole. If arterial pressure falls, the afferent arteriole dilates, which helps to maintain the glomerular capil- lary pressure and flow despite the fall in arte- rial pressure. Two mechanisms have been proposed to explain renal autoregulation: myogenic mech- anisms and tubuloglomerular feedback. Myogenic mechanisms were described earlier in this chapter. Briefly, a reduction in afferent arteriole pressure is sensed by the vascular smooth muscle, which responds by relaxing; an increase in pressure induces smooth mus- cle contraction. The tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism is poorly understood, and the actual mediators have not been iden- tified. It is believed, however, that changes in perfusion pressure alter glomerular filtration and therefore tubular flow and sodium deliv- ery to the macula densa of the juxtaglomeru- lar apparatus, which then signals the afferent arteriole to constrict or dilate. The macula densa of the juxtaglomerular apparatus is a group of specialized cells of the distal tubule 164 CHAPTER 7 Arcuate Artery Interlobular Artery Afferent Arteriole Efferent Arteriole Glomerular Capillaries Peritubular Capillaries Proximal Tubule Bowman’s Capsule FIGURE 7-15 Renal vascular anatomy. Small vessels derived from branches of the renal artery form arcuate arteries and interlobular arteries, which then become afferent arterioles that supply blood to the glomerulus. As the afferent arteriole enters the glomerulus, it gives rise to a cluster of glomerular capillaries, from which fluid is filtered into Bowman’s capsule and into the renal proximal tubule. The glomerular capillaries then form an efferent arteriole from which arise peritubular capillaries that surround the renal tubules. Ch07_141-170_Klabunde 4/21/04 11:43 AM Page 164 that lie adjacent to the afferent arteriole as the distal tubule loops up back toward the glomerulus. These cells sense solute osmolar- ity, particularly sodium chloride. Some inves- tigators have proposed that adenosine (which is a vasoconstrictor in the kidney), locally pro- duced angiotensin II (a vasoconstrictor), or vasodilators such as nitric oxide, prostaglandin E 2 , and prostacyclin are involved in tubu- loglomerular feedback and autoregulation. Locally produced angiotensin II strongly in- fluences efferent arteriole tone. Thus, inhi- bition of angiotensin II formation by an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in- hibitor dilates the efferent arteriole, which de- creases glomerular capillary pressure and re- duces glomerular filtration under some conditions (e.g., renal artery stenosis). Drugs that inhibit prostaglandin and prostacyclin biosynthesis (cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors) alter renal hemodynamics and function, particu- larly with long-term use. The renal circulation responds strongly to sympathetic adrenergic stimulation. Under normal conditions, relatively little sympathetic tone on the renal vasculature occurs; however, with strenuous exercise or in response to se- vere hemorrhage, increased renal sympathetic nerve activity can virtually shut down renal blood flow. Because renal blood flow receives a relatively large fraction of cardiac output and therefore contributes significantly to sys- temic vascular resistance, renal vasoconstric- tion can serve an important role in maintain- ing arterial pressure under these conditions; however, intense renal vasoconstriction seri- ously impairs renal perfusion and function, and it can lead to renal failure. Pulmonary Circulation Two separate circulations perfusing respira- tory structures exist: the pulmonary circula- tion, which is derived from the pulmonary ORGAN BLOOD FLOW 165 ↓R* ↑P ↑P ↑R* ↓P ↓P ↓R* ↓P ↓P ↑R* ↑P ↑P AA GC EA PC ↑F ↓F ↑F ↓F A B C D FIGURE 7-16 Effects of renal afferent and efferent arteriole resistances on blood flow and renal capillary pressures. Panel A: Decreased afferent arteriole (AA) resistance increases glomerular capillary (GC) and peritubular capillary (PC) pressures and increases flow (F). Panel B: Increased AA resistance decreases GC and PC pressures and decreases F. Panel C: Decreased efferent arteriole (EA) resistance decreases GC pressure, increases PC pressure, and increases F. Panel D: Increased EA resistance increases GC pressure, decreases PC pressure, and decreases F. *,arteriole undergo- ing resistance change; R, resistance; P, pressure. Ch07_141-170_Klabunde 4/21/04 11:43 AM Page 165 artery and supplies blood flow to the alveoli for gas exchange, and the bronchial circula- tion, which is derived from the thoracic aorta and supplies nutrient flow to the trachea and bronchial structures. The pulmonary circula- tion receives all of the cardiac output of the right ventricle, whereas the bronchial circula- tion receives about 1% of the left ventricular output. The pulmonary circulation is a low-resis- tance, low-pressure, high-compliance vascular bed. Although the pulmonary circulation re- ceives virtually the same cardiac output as the systemic circulation, the pulmonary pressures are much lower. The pulmonary artery systolic and diastolic pressures are about 25 mm Hg and 10 mm Hg, respectively. The mean pul- monary artery pressure is therefore about 15 mm Hg. If we assume that the left atrial pres- sure averages 8 mm Hg, the perfusion pres- sure for the pulmonary circulation (mean pul- monary artery pressure minus left atrial pressure) is only about 7 mm Hg. This is con- siderably lower than the perfusion pressure for the systemic circulation (about 90 mm Hg). Because the flow is essentially the same, but the perfusion pressure is much lower in the pulmonary circulation, the pulmonary vas- cular resistance must be very low. In fact, pul- monary vascular resistance is generally ten- to fifteen-fold lower than systemic vascular resis- tance. The reason for the much lower pul- monary vascular resistance is that the vessels are larger in diameter, shorter in length, and have many more parallel elements than the systemic circulation. Pulmonary vessels are also much more compliant than systemic vessels. Because of this, an increase in right ventricular output does not cause a proportionate increase in pulmonary artery pressure. The reason for this is that the pulmonary vessels passively dis- tend as the pulmonary artery pressure in- creases, which lowers their resistance. Increased pressure also recruits additional pulmonary capillaries, which further reduces resistance. This high vascular compliance and ability to recruit capillaries are important mechanisms for preventing pulmonary vascu- lar pressures from rising too high when car- diac output increases (e.g., during exercise). Increased pulmonary vascular pressure can have two adverse consequences. First, in- creased pulmonary artery pressure increases the afterload on the right ventricle, which can impair ejection, and with chronic pressure el- evation, cause right ventricular failure. Second, an increase in pulmonary capillary pressure increases fluid filtration (see Chapter 8), which can lead to pulmonary edema. Pulmonary capillary pressures are ordinarily about 10 mm Hg, which is less than half the value found in most other organs. Because of their low pressures and high compliance, pulmonary vascular diameters are strongly influenced by gravity and by changes in intrapleural pressure during respi- ration. When a person stands up, gravity in- creases hydrostatic pressures within vessels lo- cated in the lower regions of the lungs, which distends these vessels, decreases resistance, and increases blood flow to the lower regions. In contrast, vessels located in the upper re- gions of the lungs have reduced intravascular pressures; this increases resistance and re- duces blood flow when a person is standing. Changes in intrapleural pressure during respi- ration (see Chapter 5) alter the transmural pressure that distends the vessels. For exam- ple, during normal inspiration, the fall in in- trapleural pressure increases vascular trans- mural pressure, which distends nonalveolar vessels, decreases resistance, and increases re- gional flow. The opposite occurs during a forced expiration, particularly against a high resistance (e.g., Valsalva maneuver). The cap- illaries associated with the alveoli are com- pressed as the alveoli fill with air during inspi- ration. With very deep inspirations, this capillary compression can cause an increase in overall pulmonary resistance. The primary purpose of the pulmonary cir- culation is to perfuse alveoli for the exchange of blood gasses. Gas exchange depends, in part, on diffusion distances and the surface area available for exchange. The capillary- alveolar arrangement is such that diffusion dis- tances are minimized and surface area is max- 166 CHAPTER 7 Ch07_141-170_Klabunde 4/21/04 11:43 AM Page 166 [...]... and the venous pressure increases to 20 mm Hg Furthermore, the post -to- precapillary resistance ratio decreases to 0.15 Calculate the increase in mean capillary pressure caused by the heart failure Use Equation 8-3 to calculate the mean capillary pressure for both the control condition and the condition during heart failure The difference represents the increase in capillary pressure caused by the heart... sympathetic nerves and hormones) and intrinsic factors (e.g., tissue metabolites and endothelialderived substances) Basal vascular tone is determined by the net effect of the extrinsic and intrinsic factors acting on the vasculature Resistance can either increase or decrease from the basal state by alterations in the relative contribution of extrinsic and intrinsic factors Table 7- 2 summarizes the relative... include the following: (1) tissue factors such as adenosine, Kϩ, O2, CO2, and Hϩ; (2) paracrine hormones such as bradykinin, histamine, and prostaglandins; (3) endothelial factors such as Ch 07_ 14 1-1 70 _Klabunde 4/21/04 11:43 AM Page 168 168 • • • • • • CHAPTER 7 nitric oxide, endothelin-1, and prostacyclin; and (4) myogenic mechanisms intrinsic to the vascular smooth muscle The following local factors... capillaries, however, the endothelial barrier has a finite permeability to proteins The actual permeability to proteins depends on the type of cap- 179 illary and on the nature of the proteins (size, shape, and charge) Because of this finite permeability, the effective oncotic pressure generated across the capillary membrane is less than that calculated from the protein concentration The reflection coefficient... perfusion leads to an increase in tissue and venous pCO2 Ch08_ 17 1-1 84_Klabunde 4/21/04 11:45 AM Page 177 EXCHANGE FUNCTION OF THE MICROCIRCULATION The filtration constant is determined by the physical properties of the barrier (i.e., size and number of “pores” and the thickness of the capillary barrier), and therefore it represents the permeability of the capillaries For example, fenestrated capillaries have... (Pi) is the pressure within the tissue interstitium that is exerted against the outside wall of the capillary, and therefore opposes PROBLEM 8-1 In an experimental study, the control mean arterial and venous pressures perfusing an organ are 90 mm Hg and 10 mm Hg, respectively, and the post -to- precapillary resistance ratio is 0.20 After inducing heart failure, the mean arterial pressure falls to 80 mm... moderately to strongly influenced by sympathetic vasoconstrictor mechanisms: resting skeletal muscle, kidneys, gastrointestinal circulation, and skin (related to thermoregulation) Vascular control mechanisms linked to oxidative metabolism (metabolic mechanisms) are particularly strong in the heart, brain, and skeletal muscle Review Questions Please refer to the appendix for the answers to the review... Ch08_ 17 1-1 84_Klabunde 4/21/04 11:45 AM Page 174 174 CHAPTER 8 that oxygen is able to diffuse within a tissue is limited by cellular utilization of oxygen For example, as oxygen diffuses out of a capillary in skeletal muscle, the muscle cells adjacent to the capillary take up the oxygen for use by the mitochondria Consequently, little oxygen diffuses all the way through one cell to reach another Therefore, in tissues having... (reabsorption) is the capillary plasma oncotic pressure minus the interstitial oncotic pressure (␲c - ␲i) Capillary hydrostatic pressure (PC) drives fluid out of the capillary, and it is highest at the arteriolar end of the capillary and lowest at the venular end Depending on the organ, the pressure may drop along the length of the capillary (axial or longitudinal pressure gradient) by 15–30 mm Hg owing to capillary... from the tissue and transported to the lungs by the blood Like oxygen, carbon dioxide is very lipid-soluble and readily diffuses from cells into the blood In fact, its diffusion constant is about 20 times greater than oxygen in aqueous solutions The removal of carbon dioxide from tissues is not diffusion-limited; its removal depends primarily on the blood flow Therefore, reduced tissue perfusion leads to . through the capillary loops and the venous plexus. In addi- tion to sympathetic neural control, the resis- tance vessels and AV anastomoses are very sensitive to ␣-adrenoceptor-mediated vaso- constriction. by intense sym- pathetic activation eventually leads to va- sodilator mechanisms dominating over the sympathetic vasoconstriction, leading to sym- pathetic escape and partial restoration of blood. Plexus Vein AV anastomosis FIGURE 7- 1 4 Anatomy of the cutaneous circulation. Arteries within the subcutaneous tissue give rise to either arte- rioles that travel into the dermis and give rise to capillary

Ngày đăng: 11/08/2014, 11:22