10 Wetland Plants as Biological Indicators I. Introduction There is a strong ecological basis for using vegetation to identify and characterize wetlands and delineate their boundaries. The relationship between soil saturation, either continuous or recurrent, and the development of wetland plant communities is well documented and there is a long history of using hydrophytic vegetation to identify wetlands (Hall and Penfound 1939; Sculthorpe 1967; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987; Tiner 1991; U.S. National Research Council 1995). As has been well established, flooding and soil satura- tion foster conditions that the majority of plants cannot tolerate. Reed (1997) estimates that nearly 70% of all plant species found in the U.S. or its territories do not occur in wetlands. This fact has led to the use of wetland plants as indicators of the presence of wetlands, and where these communities give way to upland species, the wetland’s boundary. The composition of a wetland’s plant community has also been shown to serve as a practical indicator of ecological stress. Changes in vegetation represent a community level response that integrates the effects of a wide range of ecological stressors. Predictable changes in community composition, species abundance, productivity, and other ecosys- tem properties have been observed as environmental conditions shift (Lopez and Fennessy in press; Carlisle et al. 1999). This idea has a long history in plant ecological studies. Clements (1935) is notable as one of the first to observe that taking specific measurements of environmental conditions, such as water or soil chemistry, or hydrology, may yield far less information than using the performance of the organisms themselves (in Keddy et al. 1993). Vegetation can integrate the temporal, spatial, chemical, physical, and biological dynamics of the system. The focus of this chapter is on the use of wetland plants as indicators of ecological con- ditions including the existence of wetlands, and as a tool for the assessment of their bio- logical integrity. Both of these approaches integrate community dynamics and the land- scape context of wetlands, and they represent an application of wetland plant ecology. II. Wetland Plants as Indicators of Wetland Boundaries Using wetland plants to delineate the boundary of a wetland is based on consistently observed changes in vegetation composition that occur as a function of environmental gra- dients, such as elevation and moisture (Carter 1996). For instance, as elevations increase and soils dry, wetlands give way to uplands, and plant community composition changes in response. The shift in species composition forms the basis for using plants to identify wetland boundaries. L1372 - Chapter 10 04/19/2001 9:27 AM Page 363 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC Wetland delineation, the set of techniques and procedures used to identify wetland boundaries, was designed to support wetland protection and management efforts in the U.S, and is used to establish the areal extent of government jurisdiction (Carter 1996; Tiner 1996). Wetland delineation is based on the three-parameter approach, namely, that hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology must be present for a wet- land to be present (except in specified exceptions). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which developed the three-parameter approach, has published the technical field proce- dures in what is known as the delineation manual (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987). In the delineation procedure, determining whether or not a plant community is hydrophytic is a pivotal decision (Wakely and Lichvar 1997). The identification of indi- vidual species as hydrophytic is made by using a compilation of plant species that ranks the probability of occurrence of each species in wetland habitats. The ratings for wetland plants are found in the “National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands” (Reed 1988, 1997), which is a list of the indicator status of all plants know to occur in U.S. wetlands. There are currently about 7500 species on the list, each of which has been assigned an indi- cator status for the regions in which it occurs. All species on the list are assigned one of four wetland indicator status categories based on the probability that the species will be found in a wetland. These are obligate wetland (OBL), facultative wetland (FACW), facultative (FAC), and facultative upland (FACU; Table 10.1). Obligate species occur in wetlands more that 99% of the time, while facultative species are just as likely to be found in uplands as in wetlands. Species not found on the list are considered to be obligate upland (UPL) species. The indicator status assigned to species in the FACW, FAC, and FACU categories can be refined by assigning a “+” or “-” to the designation. Addition of a “+” indicates that, within its indicator status category, the species is more likely to be found in wetlands, while a “-” indicates it will more likely be found in uplands. Thus, a FAC+ species is more likely to be found in wetlands than a FAC- species. The nearly 7500 species on the list represent approximately one third of the U.S. flora (estimated to be 22,500 vascular plant species). Of the listed species, Tiner (1991) estimated that 27% are obligate species. He considers obligate hydrophytes to be the best vegetative indicators of wetlands because they are almost never found in any other habitat (Tiner 1996). Table 10.2 presents some examples of OBL, FACW, and FAC hydrophytes. Because FACW and FAC species make up nearly two thirds of the species on the list, and they are able to grow in both wetland and upland environments, the delineation procedure cannot TABLE 10.1 Wetland Indicator Status Categories for Plant Species Probability of Occurrence Probability of Occurrence Wetland Indicator Status in Wetlands (%) in Non-Wetlands (%) Weight a Obligate wetland (OBL) >99 <1 1 Facultative wetland (FACW) 67–99 1–33 2 Facultative (FAC) 24–66 34–66 3 Facultative upland (FACU) 1–33 67–99 4 Upland (UPL) <1 >99 5 a Weights used for calculating weighted averages (prevalence index) from Wentworth et al. 1988. According to Reed 1997. L1372 - Chapter 10 04/19/2001 9:27 AM Page 364 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC TABLE 10.2 Examples of Common Wetland Plant Species in the U.S. with Indicator Status of OBL, FACW, and FAC Obligate Species (OBL) Alisma subcordatum (water plantain) Caltha palustris (marsh marigold) Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) Chamaecyparis thyoides (Atlantic white cedar) Elodea spp. (waterweeds) Gleditsia aquatica (water locust) Juncus militaris (bayonet rush) Leersia oryzoides (rice cutgrass) Lemna spp. (duckweeds) Lonicera oblongifolia (swamp honeysuckle) Nuphar spp. (pond lilies) Nymphaea spp. (water lilies) Nyssa aquatica (water tupelo) Osmunda regalis (royal fern) Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove) Scirpus americanus (three square bulrush) Typha latifolia (broad-leaved cattail) Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) Vallisneria americana (wild celery) Zizania aquatica (wild rice) Facultative Wetland Species (FACW) Bidens frondosa (Spanish needles) Cyperus odoratus (sedge) Eleocharis tenuis (spike rush) Helianthus giganteus (swamp sunflower) Ilex decidua (holly) Impatiens capensis (impatiens) Juncus torreyi (torrey’s rush) Leersia virginica (cut grass) Mentha arvensis (field mint) Onoclea sensibilis (sensitive fern) Phalaris caroliniana (canary grass) Quercus palustris (pin oak) Salix lucida (shining willlow) Spartina patens (salt marsh hay) Facultative Species (FAC) Acer rubrum (red maple) Eupatorium purpureum (joe-pye weed) Lonicera hirsuta (hairy honeysuckle) Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) Oenothera perennis (primrose) Quercus macrocarpa (burr-oak) Ranunculus hispidus (hispid buttercup) Rosa virginiana (Virginia rose) Scutellaria nervosa (skullcap) Smilax rotundifolia (catbriar) Solanum dulcamara (bittersweet nightshade) Ulmus rubra (slippery elm) Based on Tiner 1999; indicator status from Reed 1997. L1372 - Chapter 10 04/19/2001 9:27 AM Page 365 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC be based on vegetation indicators alone. This fact led to development of the three- parameter approach (Tiner 1996, 1999). The first draft of the hydrophyte list was completed by P. B. Reed in 1976 and he remains its “custodian” (in U.S. National Research Council 1995). The impetus for devel- opment of the list came in the mid-1970s from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service who needed it to define wetlands in the field. The list was compiled through a search of nearly 300 regional and state floras, regional wetland manuals, and information from the Fairchild Tropical Gardens in Miami. The final list contained 5244 species. Extensive inter- agency peer review was conducted in 1983 to 1984 by representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service. Thirteen regional sub-lists were established using the geographic regions previ- ously established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (1982) for the “National List of Plant Names” (Figure 10.1). The indicator status of a given species sometimes varies between regions due to the ecotypic variation in the different populations. The interagency peer groups designated a regional panel for each region and gave them responsibility for assigning the wetland indicator status to as many species as possible (U.S. National Research Council 1995). The final list was published in 1988, and a revised edition was issued in 1997. The first delineation manual to assist those charged with delineating wetlands was adopted in 1987 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers who make final jurisdictional deter- minations on wetland delineations and authorize certain activities in wetlands under FIGURE 10.1 Map indicating regions used to identify the wetland indicator status of U.S. plant species. Many species’ indicator statuses change across their range. (From Reed, P.B. 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: 1988 National Summary. Biological Report 88 (24). Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Reprinted with permission.) L1372 - Chapter 10 04/19/2001 9:27 AM Page 366 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987). The manual is a technical document designed to provide methods to apply the definition of wetlands on the ground (U.S. National Research Council 1995). In this way wetlands, which are pro- tected by the Clean Water Act, can be identified and protected through the proper regula- tory process. Other federal agencies, including the U.S. EPA, U.S. NRCS, and U.S. FWS, also developed delineation manuals. Subsequently, the four agencies joined forces and developed a uniform manual that all would use (Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation 1989). Critics charged that the 1989 manual was too inclusive, caus- ing many non-wetland areas to be regulated as wetlands. The result was a revised delin- eation manual (Proposed Revisions 1991). The controversy surrounding the 1991 manual prevented it from being adopted and it has not been used in the field. All agencies, save the U.S. NRCS, were directed to use the 1987 manual. Currently, the NRCS uses a modi- fied delineation method detailed in the Food Security Act of 1985 (FSA; amended in 1990). Since then, the 1987 manual has been updated by a series of memoranda issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A comparison of how the three manuals use wetland vegetation in delineation is shown in Table 10.3. TABLE 10.3 A Comparison of Vegetation Criteria Used in Different U.S. Delineation Methods Year of 4-Agency Manual Vegetation Characteristic 1987 1989 1991 Use of the National Hydrophyte list yes yes yes to evaluate indicator status (OBL, FACW, FAC, FACU, UPL) Use of + and – to modify the indicator yes no no status Use of 50% rule to determine hydrophytic yes yes no vegetation, where >50% of dominant species are OBL, FACW, or FAC Use of prevalence index to determine no a yes yes hydrophytic vegetation, where the prevalence index <3.0 (a) Some secondary indicators of hydrophytic yes b no no vegetation used (morphologic or physiologic adaptations, literature documentation) Use of the FAC-neutral test yes c no no a Allowed under the updated 1987 manual. b Not used under the updated 1987 manual. c Now used as a secondary indicator of hydrology. From U.S. National Research Council. 1995. Wetlands: Characteristics and Boundaries, p. 69. Committee on Characterization of Wetlands, Water Science, and Technology Board, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources. Washington, D.C. National Academy Press. Reprinted with permission. L1372 - Chapter 10 04/19/2001 9:27 AM Page 367 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC A. Hydrophytic Vegetation as a Basis for Delineation In part, the identification and delineation of a wetland center on whether the plant com- munity is hydrophytic. Several field indicators of hydrophytic vegetation have been used, some of which are detailed in Table 10.3. Currently, the most basic criterion is in use, which states that when more than 50% of the dominant species from all strata are hydrophytic (i.e., OBL, FACW, or FAC), then the plant community is considered to be hydrophytic. The U.S. NRCS uses the prevalence index under the Food Security Act, which is allowable under the 1987 manual. Two widely used methods that have been used to determine the presence of hydrophytic vegetation include the dominance ratio and the prevalence index. The domi- nance ratio is calculated using the “50/20 rule” in which the dominant species in each stra- tum are defined as the species whose cumulative cover makes up >50% of the total cover of the stratum, plus any individual species that was at least 20% of the total cover in the stratum (Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation 1989). Vegetation is des- ignated hydrophytic by this method if >50% of dominant species across all strata have an indicator status of OBL, FACW, or FAC (excluding FAC-). The prevalence index is a weighted average of the wetland indicator status of all plants present (Wentworth et al. 1988; Table 10.1). In this method, each plant along a transect must be identified. Each plant is given a score (OBL = 1.0, FACW = 2.0, FAC = 3.0, FACU = 4.0, and UPL = 5.0). The scores are summed and the average is the score for that plot. Plots that score <3.0 are considered to be wetland and those >3.0 are designated upland. The Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation (1989) presented these two approaches as alternative, but equiva- lent, methods, although there had been little study to confirm this. In a study designed to test the parity between the two methods, Wakeley and Lichvar (1997) sampled 338 vegetation plots at sites throughout the U.S. and calculated the domi- nance ratio and the prevalence index for each. They found a 16% rate of disagreement on the decision to classify a given plot as hydrophytic, and disagreement tended to increase as vegetation complexity increased (Figure 10.2). The prevalence index averaged 2.65 (± 0.80) for all plots, while the mean score for the plots where results disagreed was 3.01 FIGURE 10.2 Data from 338 plots located in sites across the U.S. showing the frequency of disagreement between the assessment of whether or not hydrophytic vegetation is present (yes or no) based on two different methods, the dominance ratio and prevalence index. (From Wakeley, J.S. and Lichvar, R.W. 1997. Wetlands 17: 301–309. Reprinted with permission.) L1372 - Chapter 10 04/19/2001 9:27 AM Page 368 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC (± 0.39). The authors concluded that the methods cannot be considered equivalent and should not be interpreted as such. Current research does not indicate which method might be more reliable, although the data support the recommendation of Wentworth and others (1988) that for scores between 2.5 and 3.5, vegetation data should be confirmed with soil and hydrology indicators. Where a significant discontinuity exists in a landscape, such as where riparian wet- lands give way to river terraces, boundary identification is relatively straightforward. However, where environmental conditions change gradually, locating a boundary is diffi- cult and somewhat arbitrary (Johnson et al. 1992). This is particularly true where environ- mental gradients are gradual and species composition changes gradually as a result, or where vegetation is tolerant of both wet and dry conditions (Carter 1996). An extensive study conducted in the Great Dismal Swamp, an 84,000-ha forested wetland on the Virginia–North Carolina border, provides an example of the difficulty delineation some- times poses. Carter and others (1994) collected data on vegetation, soils, and hydrology along transects (400 to 625 m) on the western side of the swamp to study the boundary identification. The elevation gradient along this west–east axis is only 19 cm km -1 and the transition zone between the Great Dismal Swamp and adjacent uplands is dominated by FAC species including Acer rubrum (red maple), Nyssa sylvatica (black tupelo), and Liquidambar styraciflua (sweet gum). These factors conspired to make the wetland edge obscure, and different teams of researchers delineated the boundary at different locations. Carter and others (1994) also tested the use of the prevalence index. Depending on how the weighted average was calculated (based on all species, by individual stratum, eliminating ubiquitous species, or using weights based on the best professional judgment of the inves- tigators), different results were obtained on the boundary location. The researchers con- cluded that three zones actually exist at the western edge of the Great Dismal Swamp: the wetland itself, an ecotone (transition zone), and the upland. The vegetation of the transi- tion zone contains species common to both the wetland and adjacent upland. B. Wetland Boundaries and Wetland Functions Concern has been raised about the degree to which delineated boundaries coincide with the functional properties of wetlands. Ideally the wetland boundary will be located where the functional properties of wetlands diminish rapidly. Because site-specific information on the functional capacity of wetlands is difficult to collect and often subjective, structural attributes, such as species composition, are commonly used instead (Holland 1996). This issue has received relatively little study, but several authors report discontinuities between measured functions and boundary identification, and the preoccupation with the wetland “edge” that has developed in the U.S. has led to unrealistic assumptions that habitat val- ues and ecosystem processes coincide with that boundary. For instance, the inclusion of fauna in delineation often results in a much larger wetland area since many species (e.g., amphibians) require adjacent buffer areas or uplands to complete their life cycle (Hapley and Milne 1996). In another example, Groffman and Hanson (1997) report finding a poor relationship between the spatial and temporal patterns of denitrification (a key biogeo- chemical process important to the maintenance of water quality) and the location of hydrophytic vegetation or hydric soils. In an earlier study designed to quantify the ability of riparian wetlands to remove nitrate from shallow groundwater, Haycock and Pinay (1993) found that the most intense zone of nitrate removal due to denitrification was just upslope of the floodplain (wetland) boundary. L1372 - Chapter 10 04/19/2001 9:27 AM Page 369 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC If the goal of delineation is to identify wetlands so that both their diversity and func- tions can be preserved, then protecting the wetland only as far as its border (leaving all land beyond that point to be converted) may not achieve this goal. The values that are placed on wetland functions often accrue at different scales, such as stream reach, water- shed, or landscape. Modest proposals include designing wetland protection measures to offer protection for a buffer zone around the wetland (i.e., an area surrounding the bound- ary that is a transition zone between the wetland and surrounding uplands) that will lead to the preservation of more functionally intact systems. These studies offer support for including a buffer around the wetland as part of the measures designed to protect wetlands. C. The Use of Remotely Sensed Data in Wetland Identification and Classification Considerable emphasis has been placed on the use of vegetation to identify wetlands in the field; however, wetlands may also be identified remotely using aerial photographs or satellite imagery (Lehmann and Lachavanne 1997; Narumalani et al. 1997; Malthus and George 1997; Williams and Lyon 1997). The interpretation of aerial photographs has been used extensively to map and inventory wetlands, including state coastal wetland maps (e.g., New Jersey, New York, Ohio, South Carolina) and the mapping of inland wetlands (Maine, New York, Wisconsin). These photographs have also been the basis for the creation of the U.S. National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), a national mapping effort in the U.S. which uses the Cowardin Classification System (Cowardin et al. 1979). Satellite imagery has also been used to monitor wetlands and evaluate the suitability of their plant commu- nities as habitat for wildlife, particularly for waterfowl (Tatu et al. 1999). The success of wetland photointerpretation is a function of several factors including the quality of the photography, the season in which the photo was taken, and the photographic scale, which sets a limit on what can be interpreted (e.g., the minimum mapping unit; Tiner 1999). Large-scale photographs (such as 1:24,000) are better when the goal is to locate changes in vegetation communities precisely, when small wetlands must be identified, or when discrete plant communities must be located. On the other hand, small-scale photog- raphy (such as 1:58,000) works best for inventories over large regions (Tiner 1999). The seasonal changes in vegetation are a primary consideration in photointerpretation. For example, deciduous forested wetlands are easiest to interpret when they have dropped their leaves since standing water (if present) is visible. Early spring photographs are ideal for this purpose since standing water is more likely to be present than it is following leaf- fall in the autumn. Evergreen forested wetlands are among the most difficult to discern from aerial photos, in part because their foliage is always present and because evergreen stands occur in both wetlands and adjacent uplands. In this case, Tiner (1999) recommends using the height of the canopy to assess the difference in wetness. For example, evergreens growing in Alaskan forested wetlands tend to be shorter than upland evergreens (18 vs. 30 m tall), a difference that can be detected in aerial photos. In another example in which aerial photographs were used to identify submerged aquatic vegetation in coastal wet- lands, the timing was found to be critical. The most useful photos were taken at peak bio- mass (when the plants are most conspicuous in the water column) and within 2 h of low tide early in the morning when the sun angle was low (Dobson et al. 1995). L1372 - Chapter 10 04/19/2001 9:27 AM Page 370 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC III. Wetland Plants as Indicators of Ecological Integrity In the U.S., the national goal of achieving no overall net loss of wetlands created a pre- occupation with the amount of wetland area that remains on the landscape. Several reports issued on the status and trends in wetland area document the extent of wetland loss (e.g., Dahl 1990; Dahl and Johnson 1991). Wetland impacts, and requirements to mitigate those impacts, are typically based on the acreage lost. However, recognition that many existing wetlands have become degraded has led to an increasing focus on the quality or condition of those wetlands, as well as on the quality of those that are being created or restored. The U.S. Clean Water Act provides a broad definition of water quality that includes all aspects of the ecological health or integrity of the nation’s waters. This includes their “chemical, physical and biological integrity.” Karr (1991) refers to this as “the quality of the water resource,” and expresses this concept as “ecological integrity.” Ecological integrity (some- times referred to as “health”) is defined as (Karr and Dudley 1981): … the capability of supporting and maintaining a balanced, integrated, adaptive com- munity of organisms having a species composition, diversity and functional organization comparable to that of natural habitats of the region. The Clean Water Act mandates that biological integrity be restored in all degraded aquatic ecosystems, including wetlands. While substantial progress has been made to develop and implement methods to assess the condition of rivers and lakes, research in this area for wetlands has lagged (Danielson 1998). The goal of maintaining ecological integrity cannot be accomplished without monitoring the condition of wetlands. Conventional water quality monitoring has relied on the chemical analysis of water, an approach that misses many physical or biological stressors to the system. The most robust monitoring and assessment programs not only rely on measures of chemical water qual- ity, but also include biological monitoring (Karr 1991; Yoder and Rankin 1995). The bio- logical assessment of wetlands requires assessment methods that can quickly and reliably detect ecosystem changes in response to human activities (Karr and Chu 1997; Galatowitsch et al. 1999b). Wetland plants have the capacity to indicate the cumulative response of the ecosystem to a wide array of chemical, physical, and biological alterations. Because one of the ultimate goals of preserving the environment is to preserve biolog- ical diversity, the most direct approach to measuring the quality of a wetland is to assess its biota. The goal of biological assessment is to identify biological attributes that provide reliable information on wetland condition. Standard terms have been defined to describe the certainty with which a given measure reflects ecosystem integrity. These include (Karr and Chu 1997): • Attribute, a quantifiable component of a biological system • Metric, an attribute that has been shown to change in value along a gradient of human influence • Multimetric index, an index that integrates several biological metrics into a single number to indicate the condition of a site (e.g., an Index of Biotic Integrity, IBI; see Section III.D, Vegetation-Based Indicators) • Biological assessment, using information (metrics, etc.) collected from species assemblages to evaluate site condition Several factors have provided impetus in the development of biological indicators. One is the need for tools to monitor the quality of our wetland resources. Without such tools, it L1372 - Chapter 10 04/19/2001 9:27 AM Page 371 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC is difficult to determine whether current or potential ecosystem problems are increasing, or whether current environmental policies are effective in maintaining quality. Metrics can be used to describe the overall condition of an ecosystem, diagnose probable causes where conditions are poor, and identify human activities that are contributing to these causes (Messer et al. 1991). Another factor in the development of biological indicators stems from the need to monitor wetland restoration, both to understand the factors that might limit recovery and to set quantifiable goals to determine if a restoration project is successful. Previously developed techniques used to assess wetlands (e.g., WET; Adamus et al. 1987) are not as suitable for monitoring restoration projects because they provide estimates of a wetland’s ability to perform certain functions including those, such as sediment trapping, that can lead to wetland degradation (Galatowitsch et al. 1999b). The choice of biological indicators must reflect both policy goals and scientific issues. Factors that dictate the choice of indicator include the sensitivity of the metric, the replic- ability of its response, and cost (Adamus 1992). While indicators of ecosystem quality have historically been based on chemical or physical characteristics, indicators that include bio- logical measures tend to be more informative because of their ability to reflect the totality of environmental conditions. The ability to be diagnostic (i.e., to begin to explain how plant communities respond to stress) initially requires both biological and physical/chem- ical data. Ultimately the goals of wetland biological assessment include (Adamus 1992; Galatowitsch et al. 1999b): • To determine if wetland condition is changing and, if so, in what direction • To assess the degree of disturbance a wetland has sustained and use that infor- mation to set priorities for restoration or mitigation • To evaluate the success of wetland restoration and mitigation projects • To define management approaches to protection and/or manage wetlands • To diagnose the cause of wetland degradation • To increase our understanding of wetland ecosystem science In all cases, monitoring wetland recovery or restoration requires assessment techniques that can reliably discern changes in ecosystems. A. An Operational Definition of Ecological Integrity Ecosystem integrity or “health” was originally defined in the same terms that describe human health (Schaeffer 1991). The term ecosystem integrity has come to be used more gen- erally to indicate the ecological condition of an ecosystem and its response to human- induced stressors. As human disturbance increases over time, the ecological integrity of the wetland is diminished due to changes in processes such as nutrient cycling, photosyn- thesis, hydrology, competition, or predation (Karr 1993). At the community level, anthro- pogenic disturbance tends to decrease species richness and alter community composition. Because ecosystems are complex, made up of interacting elements that are controlled by, and may control, elements from other trophic or organizational levels, metrics developed for biological assessment must be selected in light of these ecosystem relationships (Schaeffer et al. 1988). 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Bryophyte Ecology A.J.E Smith, Ed pp 229–289 London Chapman & Hall Cockburn, W 1985 Variation in photosynthetic acid metabolism in vascular plants: CAM and related phenomena New Phytologist 101 : 3–24 Colinvaux, P 1993 Ecology 2, 688 pp New York John Wiley & Sons Confer, S.R and Niering, W.A 1992 Comparison of created and natural freshwater emergent wetlands in Connecticut Wetlands Ecology and Management . bio- logical integrity. Both of these approaches integrate community dynamics and the land- scape context of wetlands, and they represent an application of wetland plant ecology. II. Wetland. (transition zone), and the upland. The vegetation of the transi- tion zone contains species common to both the wetland and adjacent upland. B. Wetland Boundaries and Wetland Functions Concern. (mg/g) Wetland A 18 56.6 72.9 19.8 11.8 Wetland B 18.5 55.7 72.5 21.1 16 Wetland C 22.6 18.3 66.6 4.6 2.5 Wetland D 27 14.8 65 26.8 16.9 Bush and Fennessy, unpublished data. L1372 - Chapter 10 04/19/2001