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Humanoid Robots Human-like Machines Part 12 pot

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Visual Attention and Distributed Processing of Visual Information for the Control of Humanoid Robots 431 Figure 4. Target fixations as a function of top-down influence. A 30 second image sequence was run through the system with different influence settings. The attended object is fairly salient by itself with 37% of fixations when using the bottom-up saliency system only. The top-down system is able to rapidly boost this ratio, with almost 85% of all fixations when λ is at 0.5 Finally, a new conspicuity map is computed by adding the weighted top-down and bottom- up conspicuity maps J j ’ (t) = λM j (t) + (1-λ)J j (t). Thus the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down saliency processing is determined by the parameter λ . In Figure 3, λ = 0.5 was used and M j were initially set to zero, i. e. M j (0) = 0. We ran a series of tests to check the effects of top-down biasing. A short image sequence of about 30 seconds depicting an object (teddy bear) being moved around was used as input to the system. In these experiments the system used color opponency and intensity as low- level features and did not generate saccades. The shifts in current region of interest were recorded; note that the saccades that would be performed are selected from a subset of these covert attentional shifts. The top-down system was primed with a vector roughly matching the brightness and color space position of the target object. Given proper weighting factors, the locations selected by FeatureGate are close to the intended target with high probability. On the other hand, by keeping the bottom-up cue in the system we ensure that very salient areas will be attended even if they don’t match the feature vector. Tests were run with all settings equal except for the parameter λ specifying the influence of the top-down system relative to the bottom-up saliency. The data generated is presented in Table 1. We tested the system from 0% influence (only the bottom-up system active) to 100% (only the top-down system used). Fewer saccades are generated overall if there exists a dominant target in the image matching the feature vector and the influence of the top-down cue is high. Since in such cases the behavior of the system changes little as we increase the top-down influences, we tested the system only at two high top-down settings (75% and 100%). Figure 4 demonstrates that the system works much as expected. The target object is fairly salient but it is fixated on less than 40% of the time if only bottom-up saliency is used. With top-down biasing the proportion of fixations spent on the target increases rapidly and with equal influence the target is already fixated 84% of the time. At high levels of top-down influence the target becomes almost totally dominant and the object is fixated 100% of the time when λ = 1. The rapid dominance of the target as we increase the top-down influence is natural as it is a salient object already. Note that if the top-down selection mechanism has several areas to select from - as it will if there are several objects matching the top-down criteria or if the object has a significant spatial extent in the image - the effect of the top- Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 432 down system will spread out and weaken somewhat. Also, with two or more similar objects the system will generate saccades that occasionally alternate between them as the inhibition of return makes the current object temporarily less salient overall. The above experiment was performed with a top-down system closely following the original FeatureGate model in design. Specifically, we still use the distinctiveness estimate at each level. Alternatively, we could apply only the top-down inhibitory mechanism and simply use the map I tf d (x;c) of Eq. (8) - calculated at the same pyramid level c as the conspicuity maps J j (t) - to generate the inhibitory signal. In many practical cases, the behavior of such a system would be very similar to the approach described above, therefore we do not present separate experiments here. 65911 65910 65907 65911 65912 61250 61249 61250 61250 61250 70656 70656 70656 70656 70656 65912 65910 65910 65911 65913 61251 61251 61250 61251 61251 70675 70675 70675 70675 70675 65912 65912 65910 65912 65914 61252 61251 61250 61251 61252 70678 70678 70678 70678 70678 65913 65912 65910 65913 65915 61253 61253 61250 61253 61253 70695 70695 70695 70695 70695 65914 65912 65910 65913 65916 61253 61253 61254 61254 61254 70711 70711 70711 70711 70711 65915 65914 65913 65915 65917 61255 61253 61254 61254 61255 70715 70715 70715 70715 70715 65917 65914 65913 65916 65918 61256 61256 61254 61256 61256 70724 70724 70724 70724 70724 65918 65916 65913 65916 65919 61257 61256 61257 61257 61257 70757 70757 70757 70757 70757 65918 65916 65916 65918 65920 61258 61258 61257 61257 61258 70758 70758 70758 70758 70758 65919 65918 65916 65919 65921 61259 61258 61257 61259 61259 70777 70777 70777 70777 70777 65920 65918 65916 65921 65922 61260 61260 61260 61260 61260 70790 70790 70790 70790 70790 65921 65921 65919 65922 65923 61260 61260 61260 61261 61261 70799 70799 70799 70799 70799 65923 65921 65919 65922 65924 61262 61262 61260 61261 61262 70802 70802 70802 70802 70802 65924 65923 65919 65923 65925 61263 61262 61260 61263 61263 70815 70815 70815 70815 70815 65925 65923 65922 65923 65926 61264 61264 61264 61264 61264 70837 70837 70837 70837 70837 Table 2 Frame indices of simultaneously processed images under different synchronization schemes. In each box, ordered from left to right clumn, the frame indices belong to the disparity, color, orientation, intensity, and motion conspicuity map. See text in Section 4.1 for further explanations 4. Synchronization of processing streams The distributed processing architecture presented in Figure 2 is essential to achieve real-time operation of the complete visual attention system. In our current implementation, all of the computers are connected to a single switch via a gigabit Ethernet. We use UDP protocol for data transfer. Data that needs to be transferred from the image capture PC includes the rectified color images captured by the left camera, which are broadcast from the frame grabber to all other computers on the network, and the disparity maps, which are sent directly to the PC that takes care of the disparity map processing. Full resolution (320 x 240 to avoid interlacing effects) was used when transferring and processing these images. The five feature processors send the resulting conspicuity maps to the PC that deals with the calculation of the saliency maps, followed by the integration with the winner-take-all network. Finally, the position of the most salient area in the image stream is sent to the PC taking care of motor control. The current setup with all the computers connected to a single gigabit switch proved to be sufficient to transfer the data at full resolutions and frame rates. However, our implementation of the data transfer routines allows us to split the network Visual Attention and Distributed Processing of Visual Information for the Control of Humanoid Robots 433 into a number of separate networks should the data load become too large. This is essential if the system is to scale to a more advanced vision processing such as shape analysis and object recognition. A heterogeneous cluster in which every computer solves a different problem necessarily results in visual streams progressing through the system at different frame rates and with different latencies. In the following we describe how to ensure smooth operation under such conditions. 4.1 Synchronization The processor that needs to solve the most difficult synchronization task is the one that integrates the conspicuity maps into a single saliency map. It receives input from five different feature processors. The slowest among them is the orientation processor that could roughly take care of only every third frame. Conversely, the disparity processor works at full frame rate and with lower latency. While it is possible to further distribute the processing load of the orientation processor, we did not follow this approach because our computational resources are not unlimited. We were more interested in designing a general synchronization scheme that allows us to realize real-time processing under such conditions. The simplest approach to synchronization is to ignore the different frame rates and latencies and to process the data that was last received from each of the feature processors. Some of the resulting frame indices for conspicuity maps that are in this case combined into a single saliency map are shown in the leftmost box of Table 2. Looking at the boldfaced rows of this column, it becomes clear that under this synchronization scheme, the time difference (frame index) between simultaneously processed conspicuity maps is quite large, up to 6 frames (or 200 milliseconds for visual streams at 30 Hz). It does not happen at all that conspicuity maps with the same frame index would be processed simultaneously. Ideally, we would always process only data captured at the same moment in time. This, however, proves to be impractical when integrating five conspicuity maps. To achieve full synchronization, we associated a buffer with each of the incoming data streams. The integrating process received the requested conspicuity maps only if data from all five streams was simultaneously available. The results are shown in the rightmost box of Table 2. Note that lots of data is lost when using this synchronization scheme (for example 23 frames between the two boldfaced rows) because images from all five processing streams are only rarely simultaneously available. We have therefore implemented a scheme that represents a compromise between the two approaches. Instead of full synchronization, we monitor the buffer and simultaneously process the data that is as close together in time as possible. This is accomplished by waiting that for each processing stream, there is data available with the time stamp before (or at) the requested time as well as data with the time stamp after the requested time. In this way we can optimally match the available data. The algorithm is given in Figure 5. For this synchronization scheme, the frame indices of simultaneously processed data are shown in the middle box of Table 2. It is evident that all of the available data is processed and that frames would be skipped only if the integrating process is slower than the incoming data streams. The time difference between the simultaneously processed data is cut to half (maximum 3 frames or 100 milliseconds for the boldfaced rows). However, the delayed synchronization scheme does not come for free; since we need to wait that at least two Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 434 frames from each of the data streams are available, the latency of the system is increased by the latency of the slowest stream. Nevertheless, the delayed synchronization scheme is the method of choice on our humanoid robot. Request for data with frame index n : get access to buffers and lock writing r = 0 for i = 1,…,m find the smallest b i,j so that n < b i,j if such b i,j does not exist reply images with frame index n not yet available unlock buffers and exit if b i,(j-1)%M ≤ n j i = b i,(j-1)%M else r = max(r, b i,j ) if r >0 reply r is the smallest currently available frame index unlock buffers and exit return { P 1, j 1 ,…, P m, j m } unlock buffers and exit Figure 5. Pseudo-code for the delayed synchronization algorithm. m denotes the number of incoming data streams, or - in other words - the number of preceding nodes in the network of visual processes. To enable synchronization of data streams coming with variable latencies and frame rates, each data packet (image, disparity map, conspicuity map, joint angle configuration, etc.) is written in the buffer associated with the data stream, which has space for M latest packets. b i,j denotes the frame index of the j-th data packet in the buffer of the i-th processing stream. P i,j are the data packets in the buffers and m is the number of data streams coming from previous processes We note here that one should be careful when selecting the proper synchronization scheme. For example, nothing less than full synchronization is acceptable if the task is to generate disparity maps from a stereo image pair with the goal of processing scenes that change in time. On the other hand, buffering is not desirable when the processor receives only one stream as input; it would have no effect if the processor is fast enough to process the data at full frame rate, but it would introduce an unnecessary latency in the system if the processor is too slow to interpret the data at full frame rate. The proper synchronization scheme should thus be carefully selected by the designer of the system. Visual Attention and Distributed Processing of Visual Information for the Control of Humanoid Robots 435 5. Robot eye movements Directing the spotlight of attention towards interesting areas involves saccadic eye movements. The purpose of saccades is to move the eyes as quickly as possible so that the spotlight of attention will be centered on the fovea. As such they constitute a way to select task-relevant information. It is sufficient to use the eye degrees of freedom for this purpose. Our system is calibrated and we can easily calculate the pan and tilt angle for each eye that are necessary to direct the gaze towards the desired location. Human saccadic eye movements are very fast. The current version of our eye control system therefore simply moves the robot eyes towards the desired configuration as fast as possible. Note that saccades can be made not only towards visual targets, but also towards auditory or tactile stimuli. We currently work on the introduction of auditory signals into the proposed visual attention system. While it is clear that auditory signals can be used to localize some events in the scene, the degree of cross-modal interactions between auditory and visual stimuli remains an important research issue. 6. Conclusions The goals of our work were twofold. On the one hand, we studied how to introduce top- down effects into a bottom-up visual attention system. We have extended the classic system proposed by (Itti et al., 1998) with top-down inhibitory signals to drive attention towards the areas with the expected features while still considering other salient areas in the scene in a bottom-up manner. Our experimental results show that the system can select areas of interest using various features and that the selected areas are quite plausible and most of the time contain potential objects of interest. On the other hand, we studied distributed computer architectures, which are necessary to achieve real-time operation of complex processes such as visual attention. Although some of the previous works mention that parallel implementations would be useful and indeed parallel processing was used in at least one of them (Breazeal and Scasselatti, 1999), this is the first study that focuses on issues arising from such a distributed implementation. We developed a computer architecture that allows for proper distribution of visual processes involved in visual attention. We studied various synchronization schemes that enable the integration of different processes in order to compute the final result. The designed architecture can easily scale to accommodate more complex visual processes and we view it as a step towards a more brain-like processing of visual information on humanoid robots. Our future work will center on the use of visual attention to guide higher-level cognitive tasks. While the possibilities here are practically limitless, we intend to study especially how to guide the focus of attention when learning about various object affordances, such as for example the relationships between the objects and actions that can be applied to objects in different situations. 7. Acknowledgment Aleš Ude was supported by the EU Cognitive Systems project PACO-PLUS (FP6-2004-IST-4- 027657) funded by the European Commission. 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Introduction Vision based control for robots has been an active area of research for more than 30 years and significant progresses in the theory and application have been reported (Hutchinson et al., 1996; Kragic & Christensen, 2002; Chaumette & Hutchinson, 2006). Vision is a very important non-contact measurement method for robots. Especially in the field of humanoid robots, where the robot works in an unstructured and complex environment designed for human, visual control can make the robot more robust and flexible to unknown changes in the environment (Hauck et al., 1999). Humanoid robot equipped with vision system is a typical hand-eye coordination system. With cameras mounted on the head, the humanoid robot can manipulate objects with his hands. Generally, the most common task for the humanoid robot is the approach-to-grasp task (Horaud et al., 1998). There are many aspects concerned with the visual guidance of a humanoid robot, such as vision system configuration and calibration, visual measurement, and visual control. One of the important issues in applying vision system is the calibration of the system, including camera calibration and head-eye calibration. Calibration has received wide attentions in the communities of photogrammetry, computer vision, and robotics (Clarke & Fryer, 1998). Many researchers have contributed elegant solutions to this classical problem, such as Faugeras and Toscani, Tsai, Heikkila and Silven, Zhang, Ma, Xu. (Faugeras & Toscani, 1986; Tsai, 1987; Heikkila & Silven, 1997; Zhang, 2000; Ma, 1996; Xu et al., 2006a). Extensive efforts have been made to achieve the automatic or self calibration of the whole vision system with high accuracy (Tsai & Lenz, 1989). Usually, in order to gain a wide field of view, the humanoid robot employs cameras with lens of short focal length, which have a relatively large distortion. This requires a more complex nonlinear model to represent the distortion and makes the accurate calibration more difficult (Ma et al., 2003). Another difficulty in applying vision system is the estimation of the position and orientation of an object relative to the camera, known as visual measurement. Traditionally, the position of a point can be determined with its projections on two or more cameras based on epipolar geometry (Harley & Zisserman, 2004). Han et al. measured the pose of a door knob relative to the end-effector of the manipulator with a specially designed mark attached on the knob Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 438 (Han et al., 2002). Lack of constraints, errors in calibration and noises on feature extraction restrict the accuracy of the measurement. When the structure or the model of the object is prior known, it can be taken to estimate the pose of the object by means of matching. Kragic et al. taken this technique to determine the pose of the workpiece based on its CAD model (Kragic et al., 2001). High accuracy can be obtained with this method for the object of complex shape. But the computational consumption needed for matching prevents its application from real-time measurement. Therefore, accuracy, robustness and performance are still the challenges for visual measurement. Finally visual control method also plays an important role in the visual guided approach-to- grasp movement of the humanoid robot. Visual control system can be classified into eye-to- hand (ETH) system and eye-in-hand (EIH) system based on the employed camera-robot configuration (Hutchinson et al., 1996). An eye-to-hand system can have a wider field of view since the camera is fixed in the workspace. Hager et al. presented an ETH stereo vision system to position two floppy disks with the accuracy of 2.5mm (Hager et al., 1995). Hauck et al. proposed a system for grasping (Hauck et al., 2000). On the other hand, an eye-in-hand system can possess a higher precision as the camera is mounted on the end-effector of the manipulator and can observe the object more closely. Hashimoto et al. (Hashimoto et al., 1991) gave an EIH system for tracking. According to the ways of using visual information, visual control can also be divided into position-based visual servoing (PBVS), image-based visual servoing (IBVS) and hybrid visual servoing (Hutchinson et al., 1996; Malis et al., 1999; Corke & Hutchinson, 2001). Dodds et al. pointed out that a key to solving robotic hand-eye tasks efficiently and robustly is to identify how precise the control is needed at a particular time during task execution (Dodds et al., 1999). With the hierarchical architecture he proposed, a hand-eye task was decomposed into a sequence of primitive sub tasks. Each sub task had a specific requirement. Various visual control techniques were integrated to achieve the whole task. A similar idea was demonstrated by Kragic and Christensen (Kragic & Christensen, 2003). Flandin et al. combined ETH and EIH together to exploit the advantage of both configurations (Flandin et al., 2000). Hauck et al. integrated look-and- move with position-based visual servoing to achieve 3 degrees of freedom (DOFs) reaching task (Hauck et al., 1999). In this chapter, issues above are discussed in detail. Firstly, a motion based method is provided to calibrate the head-eye geometry. Secondly, a visual measurement method with shape constraint is presented to determine the pose of a rectangle object. Thirdly, a visual guidance strategy is developed for the approach-to-grasp movement of humanoid robots. The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. The camera-robot configuration and the assignment of the coordinate frames for the robot are introduced in section 2. The calibration of vision system is investigated in section 3. In this section, the model for cameras with distortion is presented, and the position and orientation of the stereo rig relative to the head can be determined with three motions of the robot head. In section 4, the shape of a rectangle is taken as the constraint to estimate the pose of the object with high accuracy. In section 5, the approach-to-grasp movement of the humanoid robot is divided into five stages, namely searching, approaching, coarse alignment, precise alignment and grasping. Different visual control methods, such as ETH/EIH, PBVS/IBVS, look-then-move/visual servoing, are integrated to accomplish the grasping task. An experiment of valve operation by a humanoid robot is also presented in this section. The chapter is concluded in section 6. Visual Guided Approach-to-grasp for Humanoid Robots 439 2. Camera-robot configuration and robot frame A humanoid robot 1 has the typical configuration of vision system as shown in Fig. 1 (Xu et al., 2006b). Two cameras are mounted on the head of the robot, which serve as eyes. The arms of the robot serve as manipulators with grippers attached at the wrist as the hands. An eye-to-hand system is formed with these two cameras and the arms of the robot. If another camera is mounted on the wrist, an eye-in-hand system will be formed. Figure 1. Typical configuration of humanoid robots Throughout this chapter, lowercase letters (a, b, c) are used to denote scalars, bold-faced ones (a, b, c) denote vectors. Bold-faced uppercase letters (A, B, C) stand for matrices and italicized uppercase letters (A, B, C) denote coordinate frames. The homogeneous transformation from coordinate frame X to frame Y is denoted by y T x . It is defined as follows: » ¼ º « ¬ ª = 10 0x y x y x y pR T (1) where y R x is a 3 x 3 rotation matrix, and y p x0 is a 3 x 1 translation vector. Figure 2 demonstrates the coordinate frames assigned for the humanoid robot. The subscript B, N, H, C, G and E represent the base frame of the robot, the neck frame, the head frame, the camera frame, the hand frame, and the target frame respectively. For example, n T h represents the pose (position and orientation) of the head relative to the neck. 1 The robot is developed by Shenyang Institute of Automation, cooperated with Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. China. Head Hand Arm Mobile base Stereo ri g Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 440 Figure 2. Coordinate frames for the robot The head has two DOFs such as yawing and pitching. The sketch of the neck and head of a humanoid robot is given in Fig. 3. The first joint is responsible for yawing, and the second one for pitching. The neck frame N for the head is assigned at the connection point of the neck and body. The head frame H is assigned at the midpoint of the two cameras. The coordinate frame of the stereo rig is set at the optical center of one of the two cameras, e.g. the left camera as shown in Fig. 3. Figure 3. Sketch of the neck and the head From Fig. 3, the transformation matrix from the head frame H to the neck frame N is given in (2) according to Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) parameters (Murray et al., 1993). » » » » ¼ º « « « « ¬ ª +− − −− = 1000 0 12222 21221211 21221211 dcasc scaccscs ssacsssc T c n θθθ θθθθθθθ θθθθθθθ (2) where d 1 and a 2 are the D-H parameters for the two links of the head, lj 1 and lj 2 are the corresponding joint angles, clj denotes coslj, and slj denotes sinlj. Y N X N Z N O N d 1 a 2 1 θ 2 θ Y H X H Z H O H Y C X C Z C O C [...]... Manipulator Stereo rig Figure 4 Head-eye calibration ku (x 10-7) kv (x 10-7) u0 v0 kx ky Left 4.2180 3.6959 324.6 248.3 1082.3 1067.8 Right 3.4849 3.6927 335.0 292.0 125 2.2 124 2.3 Table 1 Parameters of the stereo rig 446 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines Tci 0.0162 - 0.1186 0.9928 1100.3 0.9269 - 0.3706 - 0.0594 - 275.3 Thi 0.9989 0.0195 - 0.0418 2.0 - 0.0362 0.8924 - 0.4497 - 9.0 357.7 0.0286 0.4508 0.8922... (28), are denoted as C11 and C12 respectively Then it follows that 2(ox p x + o y p y + oz p z ) ax px + a y p y + az pz = C11 + C12 2Yw = C11 − C12 ax px + a y p y + az pz (38) (39) Simplifying (38) and (39) gives: (2o x − Dh1a x ) p x + (2o y − Dh1a y ) p y + (2o z − Dh1a z ) p z = 0 Dh 2 a x p x + Dh 2 a y p y + Dh 2 a z p z = 2Yw (40) where Dh1 = C11 + C12, Dh2 = C11 – C12 Similarly, the line x =... (a) Left, (b) Right 6 Conclusion Issues concerning with the approach-to-grasp movement of the humanoid robot are investigated in this chapter, including the calibration of the vision system, the visual measurement of rectangle objects and the visual control strategy for grasping 456 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines A motion based method for head-eye calibration is proposed The head-eye geometry is... the grasping A valve operating experiment with a humanoid robot was conducted to verify these methods The results show that the robot can approach and grasp the handle of the valve automatically with the guidance of the vision system Vision is very important for humanoid robots The approach-to-grasp movement is a basic but complex task for humanoid robots With the guidance of the visual information,... Institute, (AIST) 1, 3Japan, 2France 1 Introduction Recent progress in research on humanoid robots is making them to complicated tasks, such as manipulation, navigation in dynamic environments, or serving tasks One of promising application areas for humanoid robots include the manipulation task thanks to their high potential ability of executing of a variety of tasks by fully exploiting their high... are verified by hardware experiments using HRP-2 humanoid platform described before concluding the paper 2 Pivoting as dexterous manipulation method For manipulation of large objects that cannot be lifted we can make use of "non-prehensile manipulation" methods such as pushing (M Mason, 1986, K Lynch, 2002) or tumbling (A 460 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines Bicchi, 2004) Aiyama et al proposed a... law and the other is controlled in position to avoid unnecessary oscillation 464 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines Figure 5 Impedance control for grasping based on force To achieve the desired force fxd, the output force fx is computed by using impedance using virtual mass and damper parameters m and c Since the humanoid robot HRP-2 we are using is based on position control, the control law is... force at each hand is – fpi Figure 7 Body-balancing by moving waist position According to the contact forces at the hands, the humanoid robot adjusts its waist position to maintain the "static balancing point" at the center of the support polygon 466 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines The balancing control is performed by moving the position of the waist so that the position of the static balancing... c 1 (6) 1 where (xc, yc, zc) are the coordinates of a point in the camera frame, (kx, ky) are the focal length in pixel, M1 is known as the intrinsic parameter matrix of the camera 442 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines Assume the coordinates of a point in the world reference frame W is (xw, yw, zw) Let (xc, yc, zc) be the coordinates of the point in the camera reference frame Then (xw, yw, zw)... cj + a z (29) Simplifying (29) with the orthogonality of the rotation components of M2 gives: ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ nx ( yci − ycj ) + ny ( xcj − xci ) + nz ( xci ycj − xcj yci ) = 0 (30) 448 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines Noting that x’ci, y’ci, x’cj and y’cj can be obtained with (5) and (6) if the parameters of the camera have been calibrated, nx, ny and nz are the only unknowns in (30) Two equations . 65 912 6125 0 6124 9 6125 0 6125 0 6125 0 70656 70656 70656 70656 70656 65 912 65910 65910 65911 65913 6125 1 6125 1 6125 0 6125 1 6125 1 70675 70675 70675 70675 70675 65 912 65 912 65910 65 912 65914 6125 2. 6125 2 6125 1 6125 0 6125 1 6125 2 70678 70678 70678 70678 70678 65913 65 912 65910 65913 65915 6125 3 6125 3 6125 0 6125 3 6125 3 70695 70695 70695 70695 70695 65914 65 912 65910 65913 65916 6125 3 6125 3. 6125 4 6125 4 6125 4 70711 70711 70711 70711 70711 65915 65914 65913 65915 65917 6125 5 6125 3 6125 4 6125 4 6125 5 70715 70715 70715 70715 70715 65917 65914 65913 65916 65918 6125 6 6125 6 6125 4 6125 6

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