Conclusion “… the Hercynian forest was unimaginably ancient, literally pre-historic … intacta aevis et congenita mundo prope immortali sorte miracula excedit (coeval with the world, which surpasses all marvels by its almost immortal destiny)” — Pliny, 23–79 A.D (Quoted in Schama, 1995) THE TECHNOLOGICAL APPROACH — REVISITED A wave of biological awareness, and a growing recognition among the people of the world that environmental limits exist, and may be rapidly approaching, has transformed forest management in recent years A sustainable forest management approach is urgently sought as one of the critical mechanisms to ensure a balance in human resource use and natural world coexistence The development of remote sensing in forestry can be considered as one essential component of the required management system — one of several technologies in the expanding continuum of technological resources deployed during forest management planning and operations The developers of remote sensing and, increasingly, many users, consider remote sensing to be a decisive tool, a flexible method, one critical part of a technological approach designed to satisfy the large and growing need for forest information and knowledge Forest ecosystems must be understood and human impacts quantified and managed well enough, despite an inherent lack of precision and knowledge in virtually all forest management decisions, to address growing concerns over forest biodiversity, long-term productivity and health, and public involvement and responsibility Adaptive strategies and adherence to scientific principles of design, observation, and change, are needed continuously to invent, reinvent, and improve forest practices Foresters and resource management professionals increasingly are faced with the need to answer questions about forests that were not considered part of earlier forest management strategies, and for which few data or information sources are available Now, and increasingly in the future, forest management will be tied to monitoring criteria and indicators to determine forest ecosystem sustainability and the sustainability of management practices, such as harvesting, planting, silviculture, and suppression or enhancement of natural processes Perhaps a minimum set of indicators would include measures of (Whyte, 1996): â2001 CRC Press LLC ã • • • • Yield of all forest products harvested, Growth rates, regeneration, and condition of the forest, Composition and observed changes in flora and fauna, Environmental and social impacts of harvesting and other activities, Cost, productivity, and efficiency of forest management All forest management is dependent on reliable sources of information of forest conditions, forest values, and forest practices summarized in these indicators Forest certification based on indicators is increasingly considered by producers and users of forest products as a viable component of a sustainable forest management strategy for the world forests There may never be a universal set of agreed-upon indicators, based on the various motivations for their derivation (National Research Council, 1998) But whether an indicator approach or some other approach to monitoring is selected or evolves, there is little doubt that remote sensing is one of the sources of information and insight that forest management must possess and use wisely A description of the forest resource — a forest inventory — is the reservoir of critical information in forest management Forestry today is increasingly defined by values, cultures, communities, and politics (Shepard, 1993), but the inventory continues to represent a critical component (Carter et al., 1997) The construction and maintenance of the forest inventory is dependent on remote sensing — principally in the form of aerial photography The modern forest inventory has evolved into an enormous, complex, and multifaceted digital database and associated analytical tasks contained within a geographical information system (GIS) A forest inventory GIS contains information on forest structure, composition, and development, and is based on the concepts of first delineating then treating homogeneous, or acceptably heterogeneous, forest stands For most of the past century, these forest stands and the larger forest ecosystems and landcover patterns of which they are a part have been recognized, mapped, and described by skillful human interpretation of aerial photographs; producing a forest inventory from scratch without access to aerial photography is almost inconceivable today In some ways, the modern digital forest GIS inventory exists in the form that it does because it contains exactly the type of information that can be acquired through careful application of the first, most commonly available form of remote sensing, namely, aerial photography Practically speaking, remote sensing has not yet reached the high levels of availability, understanding, and ease of use of aerial photographs In only a few years, this situation will be completely changed! Foresters are now engaged in creative thinking about what the forest inventory should contain; one part of this thinking is focused on efforts to satisfy the information needs as required in a forest certification and sustainable forest management criteria and indicators approach The inventory will be constructed around GIS technology, which itself is undergoing rapid development and change (Aronoff, 1989; Longley et al., 1999) Remote sensing is emerging as a critical component of the forestry information system of the future — remote sensing of forest conditions and forest changes The forest inventory will contain information related at different scales to ecosystem processes (productivity, water balance, biogeochemical cycling), forest structure, species richness and biodi©2001 CRC Press LLC versity, and landscape variability and structure Supplementing traditional stand descriptions (such as crown closure) with dynamic variables such as LAI, will help create linkages to ecosystem models that can simulate fundamental processes underlying forest growth and can integrate climatic variability and disturbance (Waring and Running, 1999) It will be just as inconceivable to build and maintain this future inventory without access to digital remote sensing as it would be to build today’s inventories without access to aerial photography Remote sensing was a term originally coined in the 1960s to represent the new possibilities suggested by the analysis of digital images acquired in many different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum The past provides an interesting perspective, but the fact is that remote sensing data and methods have experienced an almost unbelievable rate of improvement Today, remote sensing is a sometimes bewildering array of technology, data, and methods — a full technological package that includes the collection and analysis of data from instruments in ground-based, atmospheric, and Earth-orbiting positions, evolving linkages with GPS data and GIS data layers and functions, and an emerging modeling component Spatial resolution, spectral resolution, radiometric resolution, temporal resolution — the fundamental characteristics of remote sensing imagery — all are improving rapidly The cost of remote sensing data acquisition, computer support, and image processing software has plummeted The availability and quality of ancillary data, GIS data, has improved dramatically The importance of remote sensing as a component in education of practicing resource management professionals has long been recognized and is increasingly relevant There has never been a time in which remote sensing data and image processing functionality were more available, more inexpensive, more widely understood All indications are that these trends will stabilize or continue — faster, less expensive, better, more widely available And yet remote sensing as a field is still perhaps too “research” oriented and adheres too strongly to pure scientific approaches Remote sensing has not yet developed an intensive focus on practical forestry applications, despite early efforts to identify the useful remote sensing data characteristics in forest classification, inventory, and monitoring (Sohlberg and Sokolov, 1986; Eden and Parry, 1986; Howard, 1991) Today, very few of these applications are operational in forest management anywhere in the world Remote sensing has displayed many if not all the classic signs of a new discipline or field of science — a rapid rush to develop the field has meant that perhaps too little attention has been paid to the end users, and the end uses, of the technology In turn, the end users have perhaps ignored or neglected to consider fully the emerging remote sensing perspective There are clear signs that these problems are fading as the real challenge of remote sensing in forest management is recognized: the conversion of remote sensing data to information that can fulfill a need expressed in forest management terms At least two weak points exist and must be addressed: The ability to acquire and process remote sensing data into information products, and The ability to understand and act on the implications and the knowledge derived from the available and created information ©2001 CRC Press LLC Many forest management problems today are a result of management decisions applied over small areas, which have undesirable, aggregated consequences as larger areas are considered There is a need to consider multiple scales, temporally and spatially — only remote sensing methods can provide these data An example application of increasing relevance is the need to monitor increasing fragmentation and stand simplification caused by forest harvesting activities, across entire watersheds and ecoregions over several rotations It has been noted often that the problem of estimating the net productive area is common to many tropical timber producers (Vanday, 1996); apparently, this problem cannot be overcome with sporadic, singlescale aerial photographic coverage, and only field-based (e.g., plot or cruise) inventory methods But this problem can be reconciled through multiscale and multitemporal remote sensing, and the resulting efficient, spatially explicit, and accurate GIS database Remote sensing is a way of increasing and extending confidence in the forest inventory database and field sampling Such issues can now be addressed by virtue of the capability to observe phenomena at multiple scales with accurate and reliable digital remote sensing technology Remote sensing has begun to synthesize into a logical framework or method of study that is far superior, in aggregate, to analogue interpretations and isolated observations in single-field or modeling studies A well-designed remote sensing activity can yield data which are synoptic and repetitive, and with appropriate methods can often generate consistent information and results over large areas and long periods of time that are simply unavailable in any other way Models of forest ecosystem dynamics, for instance, require input of quantitative information on the biophysical and biochemical properties of vegetation at seasonal or annual time steps, with details within individual forest stands, and extending spatially across the landscape or region (Coops et al., 1998) This information can only feasibly be obtained by remote sensing (Lucas et al., 2000) Remote sensing methods and data must be considered within the continuum of information needs that exist or will be generated to support sustainable forest management plans in local, regional, and global settings The unique, synoptic, and repetitive perspective offered by remote sensing — from above — in digital formats compatible with geographical information systems (GIS) and at multiple scales, will be increasingly valuable if the goal of achieving sustainability in decision making concerning Earth’s remaining forest resources is to be realized Remote sensing is a young, dynamic, new science — assertive, confident, and visionary The full potential has yet to be realized or even properly understood Earlier breakthroughs in the use of remote sensing were created by new understanding of the data (e.g., as contained in the interpretation of NDVI) (Dale, 1998) and wider availability of the infrastructure to support remote sensing applications (e.g., the proliferation of GIS image processing tools on the desktop) (Longley et al., 1999) What new themes appear likely to help propel remote sensing to new breakthroughs in understanding and use in forest management? The window of discussion is best restricted to the relatively short term — perhaps to consider what can be accomplished in the next five, maybe ten, years Writing in the year 2000, can anyone confidently predict remote sensing and forest management breakthrough applications and infrastructure conditions in 2050, or even 2020? About twenty years ago, the ©2001 CRC Press LLC Landsat TM, SPOT, and Radarsat sensors were on the drawing boards of three different countries, or in various stages of construction and testing Their launches were between and 15 years away Airborne hyperspectral and lidar sensors had yet to be deployed; 50 years ago the first artificial satellite had not yet been built, let alone launched; 100 years ago the Wright brothers were building the world’s first successful airplane, but still dreaming of the first flight UNDERSTANDING PIXELS — MULTISCALE AND MULTIRESOLUTION The multi concept has a long history in remote sensing — the natural environment, the Earth system, and individual forest ecosystems are multifaceted, and from the earliest days it was understood that in order to acquire information on that environment, remote sensing must be multispectral, multiresolution, multitemporal (Colwell, 1983) The idea was usually to try and match remote sensing observations to the feature of interest; if possible, acquire data from several different altitudes and with different sensor packages But often, few remote sensing opportunities were available and people had to make with data that captured only a portion of the multifaceted environmental phenomena of interest — theoretically, it was understood that this approach was seriously deficient, but practically, little could be done about it With satellite sensors now collecting data in several different portions of the spectrum at spatial resolutions ranging from m to km, and the dramatically increasing availability worldwide of many different kinds of airborne sensors, multiremote-sensing has now truly arrived It is now almost always possible to collect imagery known to be much more closely related to the optimal spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions at which the environmental feature of interest exists The sensors themselves have improved; for example, data are now downloaded routinely in 16 bits The situation is not ideal, but much improved: it is now much more possible to generate or acquire data from which the maximum amount of information on the forest attributes of interest can be derived At the heart of the remote sensing enterprise is the pixel; the fundamental unit of analysis that must be understood if remote sensing observations are to be of increasing use in forestry With increasing availability of multiresolution data, the pixel can exist as an organizing principle, a nested or hierarchical structure within which different levels of information can reside This information will scale between levels, and may also be directional Apart from capturing forest information at different scales, there are now several ways in which pixels can be interpreted The pixel can be considered as a spectral response pattern — even a hyperspectral response pattern — that integrates all the environmental features (and adjacency effects) contributing spectral response within the instrument’s instantaneous field of view Thus, interpreting pixels by their integrated nature results in applications consistent with the way in which the integrated terrain unit concept evolved (Robinove, 1981) The pixel can be considered to be comprised of a weighted function of features contributing spectral response — the spectral mixture of sunlit and shaded tree crowns, background, and understory (Li and Strahler, 1985) The pixel can be considered within the spatial context in which it occurs, and can be decomposed within forest stand polygons, segmented, or placed within some areal or geographic ©2001 CRC Press LLC context to understand better the actual information contained therein The pixel is an instantaneous observation, to be considered in concert with the increasing number of data layers in a georeferenced GIS With multiple remote sensing images, acquired over time, nested and spatially coherent, the pixel becomes a sampling tool Many are aware that for every complex question there is a simple, and usually wrong, answer The complex question in remote sensing relates to the very nature of the pixel and the methods available to understand it (Cracknell, 1998); What environmental factors are responsible for the signal detected and recorded in a pixel in a remotely sensed image? Finding a simple and right answer to this question motivates much activity in remote sensing — a driving force in remote sensing forestry applications Extracting information from the pixel, and groups of pixels, remains the highest priority in remote sensing In answering the question, remote sensing must be of value, must provide information unavailable in other ways, must go beyond provision of mere information, so cost-effectively, and with the potential to create new insights and knowledge in forest management and forest science Driven by the increasing need for forest information, forestry remote sensing applications continue to emerge; converting pixels to maps, pixels to models, pixels to monitoring observations The methods of moving from data to information products continue to increase in complexity They are sometimes astonishingly complex, yet often fall short of accomplishing simple goals Much promise is extended for automated classifications relying on simple image pixel spectral response patterns or context in simple thresholding or identification problems, but for most tasks, a complex integration of human interpretation skills, GUI-software, and raw computer power is the only foreseeable way in which quality information products of real value in satisfying information needs will be generated The philosopher’s stone — the promised land — the El Dorado of remote sensing — completely automated methods of remote sensing, a seamless flow from data to information products — continues to inspire, but is a long, long, way from realization A more modest trend to standardized protocols in certain key areas such as supervised classification, for example, may make possible the smooth integration of larger and larger areas in greater spatial detail than was previously possible AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Aerial photography has long been the remote sensing method of choice in forestry In light of the trends of the past few years in digital image analysis, sensor development, and sensor deployment, forestry use of aerial photographs — itself a reasonably young science — will continue to decline in relation to digital remote sensing (Caylor, 2000) It seems possible, even likely, in the not so distant future, that film will no longer be used as a remote sensing medium, replaced by digital sensors of higher sensitivity, greater range, and more reliable storage Modern (digital) remote sensing originated in, but will shortly completely overshadow, the acquisition and manual interpretation of aerial photographs It is abundantly clear that aerial photographs alone cannot provide the necessary amounts and quality of information required for sustainable forest management Even the information required now cannot be provided by aerial photography; but can remote sensing provide the ©2001 CRC Press LLC information required without aerial photography? Is the type of information that is required helping to make digital remote sensing the observational platform of choice in forestry? Visual analysis, including aerial photointerpretation and, increasingly, combined visual/digital analysis of imagery, will likely continue in a crucial role in forestry A key condition is that the imagery, photographic or digital, remain simple to acquire and use Visual analysis requires relatively little training or equipment (compared to digital remote sensing), and human capability in pattern recognition and reasoning will not soon be duplicated in any (usable) computer environment No simple substitute for the delineation and compilation of forest stand maps is yet available; candidate procedures based on spatial overlays (Congalton et al., 1993) and image segmentation (Woodcock and Harwood, 1992; Ryherd and Woodcock, 1997) remain poorly developed, and have been tested in only a few forests (Hagner, 1990) It is expected that the current prominent role of aerial photography in providing forestry information will be gradually reduced in the initial stages of forest inventory and map database development The information required to understand stand development and fundamental ecosystem processes, such as photosynthesis and hydrological cycling, are only available through remote sensing The visually based imagery such as aerial photography seem best suited as a stratification tool that can then be improved with access to more precise descriptions of the dynamic, changing forest conditions In time, forest stratification will shift from photomorphic methods to spectral methods (Wynne and Oderwald, 1998), a remote sensing, satellite-assisted forest inventory This perspective is necessary in order to understand carbon dynamics, an issue that will be of increasing urgency as the requirement to place forest management within a regional and global context approaches Only through digital remote sensing and access to comprehensive spatial databases can required reporting under the Kyoto Protocol be accomplished, for example This scenario presupposes the continuation of the forest stand as the basis for management and forest operations Indications are that this may not be a logical way in which to organize the forest under the still-evolving ecosystem management paradigm Here, the requirement is for forest stands to be aggregated, or otherwise connected, to comprise forest ecosystems that are the fundamental management unit more readily employed in considerations of biodiversity, physiological processing, carbon dynamics, and so on Are forest stands, recognized and delineated on the basis of their appearance on aerial photographs, to continue to shape and direct forest management activities such as prescriptions and treatments? It seems more likely that the more comprehensive data layers in the GIS and the more scientifically based digital remote sensing observations will be used to create new stand-like units that represent quantifiable, repeatable, consistently identifiable units of management The role of soils, for example, in forest growth and productivity will be more readily integrated in management by explict recognition, rather than simply assumed through relations with forest structure in units interpreted from aerial photography As individual tree detection and monitoring improves, it appears likely that a dynamic forest inventory of the true phenomenological unit of the forest — the trees — will become desirable ©2001 CRC Press LLC ACTUAL MEASUREMENT VS PREDICTION — THE ROLE OF MODELS Now this is a safe (fearless!) prediction — five or ten years out there will be increased modeling in all aspects of geospatial data analysis and forest management Models are essential in modern remote sensing, and the increased availability of remote sensing imagery will guarantee a virtual avalanche of empirical and semiempirical models to be built, tested, and applied — usually in the normative scientific design Most remote sensing image analysis can be considered a modeling exercise; predicting the occurrence of spectral response patterns relative to a forest condition of interest, but without rigid control of confounding variables Even now, keeping track of the many remote sensing models — classificatory, predictive, explanatory, and exploratory — that have been developed and deployed in forestry applications is a Sisyphean task Physically based radiative transfer models will continue to improve as radiation physics are better understood in forest canopies These improvements are essential to greater understanding of the potential forestry uses of remote sensing data; the topographic effect under geotropic forest conditions (Gu and Gillespie, 1998), for example, must be better understood and adequately modeled before robust corrections can be developed for wider application But physically based models are unlikely to make an immediate impression in remote sensing forestry applications because so few remote sensing analysts can access and apply them The role of such models will continue to be restricted to improvements in understanding the physical process of radiative transfer in the various different wavelength intervals of interest It is hoped that this understanding will continue to trickle down to commercial software developers and applications specialists, in much the same way that more complex, physically based atmospheric corrections have slowly made their way into mainstream applications in recent years (Richter, 1997) On the other hand, statistical and semiempirical models such as the geometricaloptical or GO canopy reflectance models used to understand remote sensing imagery, are becoming understandable themselves The GO model and its microwave twin, the backscattering model, have created a potential breakthrough in the way remote sensing data are used, since they provide the opportunity for image analysts to invert the complex physical interactions through mechanistic simulation (Strahler et al., 1986) There are many fewer terms to consider The models can be used to explain image data in greater detail than previously thought possible; even to unmix relatively coarse resolution satellite image pixels such that the delicate interplay between radiation in the sunlit and shadowed portions of the forest canopy can be understood and used to interpret the image spectral response Ultimately, there may be less reason to acquire remote sensing data indiscriminately Instead, remote sensing may be used as a way to check on routine model predictions — the model predicts that the spectral response of this forest should be X, Y, and Z; now, deploy a sensor and determine if the model predictions are correct Modeling in forest management represents a potentially revolutionary innovation; and the number and quality of models have grown considerably in recent years Spatial models for landscape structure, landscape models for ecosystem productivity and disturbance, stand models for dynamics and productivity, tree and ©2001 CRC Press LLC crown models for competition and growth, leaf, root, carbon, nutrient, and hydrological models; there are models and more models for questions of interest in management, ecosystem analysis, and forest science Linking these models together and providing for hierarchical predictions tied to forest management concerns such as spatially distributed logging plans have sometimes been considered a secondary issue Now, the models are emerging from the development stage with a new or renewed focus on practical applications (Shugart, 1998) Typically, forest models require a constant stream of initialization and validation data For many, only remote sensing seems capable of generating the data streams necessary to both parameterize and confirm model predictions at the many different scales involved Over time, models of productivity, successional dynamics, and forest fragmentation seem particularly likely to both: (1) make an impact in forest management planning, and (2) to require remote sensing data for continued use Ecosystem process models now rely on remotely sensed LAI and forest covertype (Franklin et al., 1997b), and have been shown to provide improved performance with remotely sensed estimates of biochemical conditions (e.g., nitrogen) (Lucas et al., 2000) Research into biochemical conditions of forest canopies has increased as the key driving variables of forest dynamics have been clarified (Wessman, 1990; Curran, 1992; Zagolski et al., 1996) Can fully functional forest growth and yield models based on ecophysiology, climate, and remote sensing biophysical and biochemical status be far behind? It seems likely that routine remote sensing assessment of landscape structure and dynamics will soon be possible REMOTE SENSING RESEARCH Both theoretical and applied research drive remote sensing applications and, no doubt by their very nature, will provide for surprising new insights and developments The research issues that would enable remote sensing to provide more effective information for forest management can be easily listed: • Develop a more confident understanding of the forest information content of remotely sensed spectral response, for example, and provide more powerful ways of interpreting and quantifying that information; • Increase the synergy between remotely sensed data and GIS data layers developed from remote sensing and other sources; • Make better use of field data and the results of aerial photointerpretation when analyzing spectral information; • Find ways to maximize the efficiency of algorithms that combine human and computer image understanding, and traditional image processing functionality; and, • Simply build information systems that respond to the information needs of the user Assertion of issues is one way to indicate the likely directions of research and the specific developments that can be expected in the near term ©2001 CRC Press LLC Remote sensing research is eclectic and fragmented, designed and executed according to disciplinary goals and new opportunities This is part of the attraction and fascination of remote sensing! The literature of remote sensing research and applications is largely concentrated in a few key journals devoted to the field, but important remote sensing papers can be found across the library map — in engineering, natural sciences, physical science, computer science, and practical (trade) journal venues There is a vast literature developed annually from the numerous remote sensing symposia and conferences It is necessary to read those journals, attend those meetings, be connected, in order to gain an appreciation of the breadth and depth of remote sensing research As the field has expanded, perhaps there is more time for contemplation (Curran, 1985), but the field is still moving fast, and is quick to cross-fertilize and create new challenges The key drivers in remote sensing research can be used to indicate potential trends and can be divided into three main themes: (1) research related to remote sensing data, (2) research related to remote sensing methods, and (3) research applications This latter theme might appear obvious, but as has been noted in this book and elsewhere (e.g., Anger, 1999; Olson and Weber, 2000), remote sensing has not always been attentive to applications, sometimes behaving as if remote sensing research on data and methods were a sufficient end The issue is not how to conduct remote sensing research, but how to ensure that remote sensing research leads to greater effectiveness in forestry applications Obviously, increased understanding of remote sensing data and finding ways to improve data — in quality, quantity, and newness — has provided a sustained series of stimuli in remote sensing research and applications This can be forecast to continue steadily, perhaps even increase in importance For example, quality in sensor design and data flow will continue to improve; unlike some consumer products (e.g., toasters, freezers, automobiles), the engineering design criteria in remote sensing have by no means stabilized or been exhausted A new sensor design or configuration can overturn the field overnight Relatively simple extensions of existing sensor designs, for example, will provide bountiful new data sets in currently underutilized portions of the spectrum, such as the shortwave infrared (Babey et al., 1999) for use in forestry applications Data quality is related closely to image processing and the correct or appropriate specification of information products The ready availability of historical remote sensing data, the multiple platform options now in place, and shifting political and pricing policies have dramatically increased the quantity of remote sensing data — a variation on the multiremote-sensing concept In remote sensing, at least, there really is something new under the sun The new data options are truly exciting Increased spatial, spectral, radiometric, temporal, and angular resolutions, all within a few years; this is an incredibly challenging time in which to consider remote sensing applications Some of the highlights: • The Earth Observing System (EOS) has started operation with the Terra satellite carrying the MODIS sensor, among others (Running et al., 2000) MODIS represents a multiresolution (250, 500, 1000 m) design, and will acquire global coverage daily ©2001 CRC Press LLC Rohde, W G and C E Olson 1972 Multispectral sensing of forest tree species Photogramm Eng., 38: 1209 Roller, N 2000 Intermediate multispectral satellite sensors J For., 98: 32–35 Rosenzweig, M L., and Z Abramsky 1993 How are diversity and productivity related? 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