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Diabetes Chronic Complications - part 9 ppsx

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Scand J Gastroenterol 1989; 24(10): 1248–1252. 202 DIABETES AND THE GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM 9 Diabetes and Musculoskeletal Disease D. L. Browne and F. C. McCrae 9.1 Introduction Vascular complication is the principal cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetes, yet it is often forgotten that diabetes is a multisystemic disease affecting all organs, including musculoskeletal tissue. Despite the increased prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders amongst the diabetic population, this area is frequently neglected in the clinic setting. Musculoskeletal disease reduces functional ability, quality of life and exercise capacity in diabetic patients already suffering from reduced health status. Consequent reduced exercise capacity predisposes the diabetic patient to weight gain and increased vascular risk. This chapter reviews current understanding regarding the musculoskeletal complications of diabetes and their relevance to the diabetic individual per se. Certain connective tissue diseases such as cheiroarthropathy are associated almost exclusively with diabetes, whilst others such as Dupuytren’s and carpal tunnel disease merely occur more frequently in the diabetic population. The pathophysiological of the musculoskeletal complications of diabetes are examined prior to review of the individual conditions associated with diabetes 9.2 Pathophysiology The pathophysiological explanations for musculoskeletal complications of diabetes are diffuse and understanding remains incomplete (Table 9.1). The mechanisms Diabetes: Chronic Complications Edited by Kenneth M. Shaw and Michael H. Cummings # 2005 John Wil ey & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-86579-2 leading to increased musculoskeletal disease can be divided into direct conse- quences of persistent hyperglycaemia, consequences of diabetic complications and consequences of conditions associated with diabetes, including obesity. Firstly there are the effects of persistent hyperglycaemia on the quality and quantity of connective tissue. Hyperglycaemia stimulates non-enzymatic glycosy- lation of protein resulting in advanced glycation end product (AGE) formation and connective tissue stiffening. 1 Furthermore, glycosylated collagen is antigenic and can induce an antibody reaction causing further alteration of connective tissue. 2 In addition, the deposition of connective tissue is increased in diabetes, potentially mediated through increased proliferation of myofibroblasts. 1 Secondly, the vascular insufficiency and neuropathy associated with diabetes increases the risk of osteomyelitis, avascular necrosis and joint destruction (Charcot joints). The aforementioned pathophysiological processes are discussed elsewhere in this textbook. Thirdly, the consequences of conditions associated with diabetes on the musculoskeletal structure should be considered. There are shared genetic links between type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. 3 Genetic links between the organ-specific autoimmune conditions (HLA DR3/DR4 tissue antigens) explain the familial clustering of rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes. 4 Unsubstantiated reports suggest that rheumatoid arthritis is more progressive and affects large joints when accompanied by type 1 diabetes. 5 Moreover, joint surgery in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and co-existing diabetes carries additional risk. The deficiency of insulin and insulin-like growth factor seen with type 1 diabetes and the hyperinsulinaemia associated with type 2 diabetes may contribute to skeletal anomalies. 6 Insulin stimulates collagen synthesis and influences the proteoglycan composition of bone and cartilage 7 whilst insulin-like growth factors (such as IGF-1) stimulate osteoblast activity. 8 Table 9.1 Potential mechanisms for increased incidence of musculoskeletal disease in diabetes Consequences of chronic hyperglycaemia Glycosylation of connective tissue Increased connective tissue deposition due to proliferation of myofibroblasts Increased basal inflammatory tone Consequences of diabetic complications Neuropathy Vascular insufficiency Consequences of conditions associated with diabetes Autoimmune links with type 1 diabetes Abnormal levels of insulin and insulin-like growth hormone Obesity 204 DIABETES AND MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASE Finally, the role of obesity and physical inactivity must be considered when discussing musculoskeletal conditions and diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is integrally linked to obesity, physical inactivity and oversupply of calories. The metabolic syndrome is accompanied by an altered secretion pattern of adipokines, produced by adipocytes, which not only alter insulin sensitivity but also inhibit function of skeletal muscle by three mechanisms. 9 Firstly, intramyocellular accumulation of lipids diminishes kinase signalling within the myocytes of obese subjects. 9 Secondly, obesity is associated with augmented basal inflammatory tone, in part originating from elevated adipokine activity, which may be deleterious to muscle. Finally, in obese patients adipocytes accumulate within skeletal muscle itself and exert direct paracrine effects on adjacent myocytes. 9 In addition to the defects in insulin and adipokines, abnormalities in leptin have also been reported in obese diabetic subjects. 10 Both leptin and insulin modulate the sodium/potassium (Na þ ,K þ ) pumps which control membrane potential, osmotic balance and consequent cell volume of cardiac and skeletal myocytes. It has been postulated that abnormalities of Na þ ,K þ pump activity contribute to abnormal vascular function in diabetic patients with parallel defects occurring within skeletal muscle. 10 9.3 Musculoskeletal Conditions Associated with Diabetes The musculoskeletal conditions most commonly associated with diabetes are discussed below. One or more of the aforementioned pathogenic mechanisms may be implicated in an association of a musculoskeletal condition with diabetes. Some rheumatological conditions are exclusive to diabetes whilst others occur more frequently in the diabetic population compared with non-diabetics. Whilst some musculoskeletal conditions may be managed conventionally when associated with diabetes, others may require special considerations as discussed below. There is a preponderance of rheumatological manifestations of diabetes in the upper limb, although some conditions occur throughout the skeletal system. 9.4 Upper Limb Diabetic Complications Shoulder adhesive capsulitis Shoulder adhesive capsulitis presents as shoulder pain associated with generalized reduction of movement, occurring in up to 30 per cent of patients with diabetes 11 compared with 2.5 per cent of the non-diabetic population. The condition is also more commonly bilateral in diabetes. Owing to increased connective tissue production, the joint capsule thickens and adheres to the humoral head with associated inflammation. The condition may persist for several years prior to UPPER LIMB DIABETIC COMPLICATIONS 205 recovery, but then relapse at a future time. Increasing age and duration of diabetes are associated with shoulder adhesive capsulitis but no clear association has been seen with other complications of diabetes. 11 Treatment of adhesive capsulitis is largely conservative, with physiotherapy and manipulation, although intra-articular steroids have been used. 11 Shoulder hand syndrome Shoulder–hand syndrome (SHS) consists of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder and painful, swollen, tender hands associated with vasomotor and skin changes. There is a large overlap between SHS and Sudecks atrophy (reflex sympathetic dystrophy) and, if left untreated, permanent loss of function may result. Whilst it is most commonly associated with trauma, one study found that 7.4 per cent of patients with SHS also had diabetes. However, with current diagnostic criteria for diabetes, the prevalence might be higher. 12 Treatment of SHS consists of analgesia and physiotherapy, although sympathetic ganglion block (surgical or guanethidine) may be required, resulting in 80 per cent improvement. 13 Limited joint mobility Limited joint mobility (LJM; Figure 9.1), or cheiroarthropathy, is almost exclu- sively associated with diabetes and involves the small joints of the hand. Patients may complain of stiffness, loss of dexterity and weakness, but cheiroarthropathy is painless. On examination the skin is thickened and tight and the patient may exhibit the ‘prayer sign’ due to contracture of the flexor tendons. Biopsy of the skin reveals increased collagen deposition. LJM is more important for its associations than its symptoms. The prevalence amongst diabetic populations of LJM varies depending on the method of assessment, but figures above 50 per cent have been reported in type 1 14 and type 2 diabetes. 15 Arkkila 14,15 found LJM to be associated with a 9.3- and 3.3-fold risk of proliferative retinopathy and neuropathy, respec- tively, in type 2 diabetes, with a similar increased risk amongst type 1 patients. In type 2 patients LJM was also associated with macrovascular disease and sub- optimal glycaemic control. Whilst the incidence of LJM tends to increase with duration of diabetes, it may occur soon after diagnosis, particularly amongst adolescents with type 1 diabetes. 16 Treatment of LJM itself is seldom needed, although improvement of glycaemic control should be aimed for, whilst surgery and corticosteroid injection may alleviate severe symptoms. 17 Dupuytren’s disease Dupuytren’s disease consists of focal flexor contracture and a thickened band of palmar fascia of the hand. Whilst it is common in the general population, 206 DIABETES AND MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASE Dupuytren’s occurs more frequently in diabetic patients, with a prevalence approaching 30 per cent. 18 Jennings reported the presence of Dupuytren’stobe associated with twice the risk of vision threatening retinopathy and a fivefold increase in the risk of foot ulceration in type 2 diabetes. 18 In type 1 diabetes, the association between Dupuytren’s and diabetic complications is less clear following a prospective study which concluded that any association was explained by patient age and duration of diabetes. 19 There is, however, an association between Dupuytren’s and other connective tissue disorders such as LJM and shoulder capsulitis in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. 18 Dupuytren’s may be treated either conservatively or surgically depending on the severity, and may recur. Carpal tunnel syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is associated with several conditions including hypothyroidism, but diabetes remains the commonest associated disease, studies Figure 9.1 The clinical ‘prayer sign’ due to contracture of the flexor tendons (Reproduced from Pract Diab Int (2001) 18: 63 by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.) UPPER LIMB DIABETIC COMPLICATIONS 207 suggesting a prevalence of between 15 and 25 per cent amongst diabetic out- patients. 20 CTS presents with paraesthesia of the hand and forearm, typically worse at night, caused by compression of the median nerve by fibrosis, although in diabetes ischaemia of the vasa nervorum may contribute to the development of CTS. Diagnosis is confirmed by nerve conduction studies which differentiate CTS from other diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Correlation between CTS and micro- angiopathy has been noted in diabetes. 20 Treatment of CTS involves wrist splints and surgical decompression. Corticosteroid injections are less helpful in patients with diabetes as the aetiology is usually non-inflammatory. 9.5 Generalized Conditions Involving the Skeletal System in Diabetes Whilst the connective tissue changes witnessed with diabetes predominantly affect the upper limbs, other abnormalities occur throughout the diabetic skeleton. Hyperostosis Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (Forestier’s disease) mimics ankylosing spondylitis, but occurs in middle-aged men, particularly those who are obese with type 2 diabetes, 21 although some authors dispute an association with diabetes. 22 Ossification of spinal ligaments and osteophyte formation eventually leads to ankylosing of the vertebrae, with the thoracic spine most often affected. Hyper- insulinaemia has been implicated in the development of Forestier’s as insulin may promote new bone growth. 23 The condition is usually asymptomatic but may cause pain and stiffness, although radiological appearances may be more severe. Diabetic osteopenia Reduced bone mass (osteopenia) has been widely reported with type 1 diabetes. 24 It has been postulated that the mechanism for ‘diabetic osteopathy’ is a combina- tion of inflammation-mediated osteopenia and reduced levels of insulin-like growth factor. 7 Insulin and insulin-like growth factor stimulate bone calcification, amino acid incorporation and collagen synthesis. In addition, unexplained abnorm- alities of plasma biochemistry (elevated alkaline phosphatase and decreased vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and calcitonon levels) suggesting abnormal bone metabolism have been reported in patients with type 1 diabetes. 1,25,26 Progression of diabetic osteopenia has been linked to the presence of retino- pathy, 27 but there is no convincing evidence of an increased incidence of osteoporotic fractures in the diabetic population. 28 In contrast, patients with type 2 diabetes have normal or even increased bone density, possibly due to increased 208 DIABETES AND MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASE [...]... Complic 199 7; 11(4): 208–217 16 Clarke CF, Piesowicz AT, Spathis GS Limited joint mobility in children and adolescents with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Ann Rheum Dis 199 0; 49( 4): 236–237 17 Aljahlan M, Lee KC, Toth E Limited joint mobility in diabetes Postgrad Med 199 9; 105(2): 99 –101, 105–106 18 Jennings AM, Milner PC, Ward JD Hand abnormalities are associated with the complications of diabetes. .. type 2 diabetes Diabet Med 198 9; 6(1): 43–47 19 Arkkila PE, Kantola IM, Viikari JS, Ronnemaa T, Vahatalo MA Dupuytren’s disease in type 1 diabetic patients: a five-year prospective study Clin Exp Rheumatol 199 6; 14(1): 59 65 20 Chammas M, Bousquet P, Renard E, Poirier JL, Jaffiol C, Allieu Y Dupuytren’s disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, and diabetes mellitus J Hand Surg 199 5; 20(1): 1 09 114... population Scand J Rheum 197 5; 4: 23–27 22 Traillet N, Gerster J-C Forestier’s disease and metabolic disorders A prospective controlled study of 25 cases Rev Rheum 199 3; 60: 274–2 79 23 Littlejohn G Insulin and new bone formation in diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis Clin Rheum 198 5; 4: 294 –300 24 Zeigler R Diabetes mellitus and bone metabolism Horm Metab Res Suppl 199 2; 26: 90 94 25 Frazer TE, White... bone metabolism in diabetes mellitus Horm Metab Res 199 7; 29( 11): 584– 591 29 Mitchell P, Smith W, Wang JJ, Cumming RG, Leeder SR, Burnett L Diabetes in older Australian population Diabetes Res Clin Pract 199 8; 41(3): 177–184 30 Kekalainen P, Sarlund H, Laakso M Long-term association of cardiovascular risk factors with increased insulin secretion and insulin resistance Metabolism 2000; 49( 10): 1247– 1254... 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