4 Franks and Hardy ovaries (or from polycystic ovaries from ovulatory women) only secrete estradiol in response to LH when the follicle has reached 9–10 mm in diameter. By contrast, in cells derived from anovulatory women with polycystic ovaries, LH stimulated secretion of estradiol and progesterone in granulosa cells from follicles as small as 4 mm (9). Furthermore, antral follicles around 6–8 mm in diameter produced levels of estradiol and progesterone that were similar to those found in the normal, preovulatory follicle. The mechanism of this “premature” response to LH remains to be determined; it could represent an effect of endogenous hyperinsulinemia (with or without the influence of hyperandrogenism) but may also reflect an intrinsic abnormality of the control of follicle development (see below). Inappropriate steroidogenesis by prematurely advanced antral follicles may also help explain the slightly but significantly lower levels of serum FSH in anovulatory women with PCOS. Using mathematical modeling, it can be predicted that enhanced estradiol production by a proportion of small antral follicles in a “cohort” would—by a negative feedback effect—suppress FSH and prevent further development of “healthy” follicles within that cohort (24). This would also explain why low-dose FSH—presumably by promoting growth of the healthy follicles—leads to normal development of a dominant follicle in women with PCOS. 4. EARLY FOLLICULAR DEVELOPMENT IN PCOS The abnormalities of antral follicle number and function are now well documented, but the question remains whether there is also an underlying and perhaps more funda- mental abnormality of folliculogenesis originating in the preantral (and therefore largely endocrine independent) stages of development. There is indeed evidence that disordered folliculogenesis also involves the smaller, preantral follicles (25). The observations by Hughesdon (made in archived ovarian tissue sections) that the numbers of primary and secondary follicles in the polycystic ovary are about twice those observed in the normal ovary (25) prompted us to further investigate early follicle development in women with PCOS. Using small cortical ovarian biopsies obtained from women undergoing routine laparoscopy, we performed follicle counts in tissue from normal and polycystic ovaries. We included a group of subjects with PCO but with a history of regular cycles. The density of small preantral follicles was significantly higher in cortex from women with polycystic ovaries and anovulatory cycles (or amenorrhea) than in cortical biopsies from normal ovaries (26). Preantral follicle density in polycystic ovarian tissue obtained from regularly cycling women was intermediate between values in normal and anovulatory PCOS ovaries (Fig. 2a). In this study and in a subsequent report from the laboratory of Dr Gregory Erickson, the principal reason for the increased density of follicles in PCOS was an accumulation at the primary follicle stage (Fig. 2a) (26,27). There were also significant differences between polycystic and normal ovaries in the proportion of primordial (resting) and growing follicles (i.e., primary and beyond) (Fig. 2b) (26). In this case, polycystic ovaries from both ovulatory and anovulatory women showed a similar pattern. The mechanism of abnormal folliculogenesis in polycystic ovaries is not yet known. Development of preantral follicles is not primarily under endocrine control, but it is not yet clear which of the many candidates among the paracrine and autocrine factors that have been identified in small follicles are the most important for early follicular growth (28,29). There is evidence that AMH, a growth factor in the transforming Folliculogenesis in Polycystic Ovaries 5 primar y primordialtotal vo m ron O C P vona O C P v o m r on OC P vona O CP vomron OCP vona OCP 0 0 2 0 4 06 0 8 00 1 ** ** number of follices/mm 3 v omron OCP vo n a OCP vomron OCP vona OCP 0 02 0 4 06 08 0 0 1 ** ** ** ** follicles % primordial growing Fig. 2. (a) Density of preantral follicles (median and 95% CI) in cortical biopsies from normal or polycystic ovary (PCO). There were significant differences (**) between anovulatory PCO and normal in total preantral follicle density (p = 0.009) and primary follicle density (p = 0.006). (b) Proportion of primordial and growing follicles (mean and 95% CI) in normal and PCO ovaries. There was an increased proportion of growing follicles compared with normal in both ovulatory PCO (p = 0.03) and anovulatory PCO (p = 0.001). Adapted from (26). growth factor beta (TGF-) superfamily, plays an important role in inhibiting the initiation of follicle growth. AMH null mice show enhanced recruitment of growing follicles, and addition of AMH to mouse ovary cultures inhibits entry of follicles into the growing phase (30,31). In collaboration with Axel Themmen and co-workers in Rotterdam, we have recently demonstrated that AMH protein expression is significantly lower in primordial and transitional follicles in polycystic ovaries from anovulatory women than in normal ovaries (32). This suggests that AMH deficiency contributes to abnormal preantral follicle development in PCOS. Although this finding certainly does not preclude the involvement of other factors involved in initiation and maintenance of early follicle growth, it does illustrate that abnormalities of folliculogenesis in 6 Franks and Hardy polycystic ovaries have their origin in the very earliest, gonadotropin-independent stages development and suggests a primary ovarian cause of PCOS. REFERENCES 1. Hull, M.G. (1987) Epidemiology of infertility and polycystic ovarian disease: endocrinological and demographic studies. Gynecol Endocrinol, 1, 235–45. 2. Kousta, E., White, D.M., Cela, E., McCarthy, M.I. and Franks, S. (1999) The prevalence of polycystic ovaries in women with infertility. Hum Reprod, 14, 2720–3. 3. Franks, S., Mason, H.D., Polson, D.W., Winston, R.M., Margara, R. and Reed, M.J. (1988) Mechanism and management of ovulatory failure in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Hum Reprod, 3, 531–4. 4. Kousta, E., White, D.M. and Franks, S. 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Stubbs, S.A., Hardy, K., Da Silva-Buttkus, P., Stark, J., Webber, L.J., Flanagan, A.M., Themmen, A.P., Visser, J.A., Groome, N.P. and Franks, S. (2005) Anti-mullerian hormone protein expression is reduced during the initial stages of follicle development in human polycystic ovaries. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 90, 5536–43. 2 Accounting for the Follicle Population in the Polycystic Ovary Daniel A. Dumesic, MD, and David H. Abbott, PHD CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 Normal Follicular Growth 3 Increased Follicle Recruitment 4 Follicular Arrest 5 Impaired Follicular Growth Summary Recruitment of primordial follicles through selection of the dominant follicle and its eventual ovulation requires complex interactions between reproductive and metabolic functions, as well as intrao- varian paracrine signals to coordinate granulosa cell proliferation, theca cell differentiation, and oocyte maturation. Early follicle development to an initial antral stage is relatively independent of gonadotropins and relies mostly on mesenchymal–epithelial cell interactions, intraovarian paracrine signals, and oocyte- secreted factors. Beyond this stage, cyclic follicle development depends upon circulating gonadotropins in combination with these locally derived regulators. Recruitment, growth, and subsequent selection of the dominant follicle are perturbed in women with polycystic ovaries (PCO). Ovarian hyperandrogenism, hyperinsulinemia from insulin resistance, and altered intrafollicular paracrine signaling contribute to the accumulation of small antral follicles within the periphery of the ovary, giving it a polycystic morphology. Prenatal androgen excess also entrains multiple organ systems in utero and demonstrates that the hormonal environment of intrauterine life may program the morphology of the ovary in adulthood. Key Words: Polycystic ovaries; androgens; insulin; kit ligand; inhibin; anti-Mullerian hormone; growth differentiation factor-9. 1. INTRODUCTION Initiation of primordial follicle recruitment, selection of the dominant follicle, and ovulation of a single mature oocyte require a constellation of reproductive, metabolic, and intraovarian events that coordinate granulosa cell proliferation and From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Edited by: A. Dunaif, R. J. Chang, S. Franks, and R. S. Legro © Humana Press, Totowa, NJ 9 10 Dumesic and Abbott differentiation, theca cell function, and oocyte maturation. Relatively independent of gonadotropins, preantral and early antral follicle development depends mostly on mesenchymal–epithelial cell interactions, intraovarian paracrine signals, and oocyte- secreted factors. Beyond these stages, cyclic follicle development depends upon circu- lating gonadotropins as well as intraovarian paracrine signals so that a dominant follicle is selected for eventual ovulation, while subordinate follicles undergo atresia. Any of these mechanisms can be perturbed in women with polycystic ovaries (PCO), leading to the accumulation of small antral follicles within the periphery of the ovary, giving it a polycystic morphology. Ovarian hyperandrogenism, hyperinsulinemia from insulin resistance, and altered intraovarian paracrine signaling can disrupt normal folliculogenesis by enhancing follicle recruitment, impairing follicle growth, or both. In animal models, prenatal androgen excess also entrains multiple organ systems in utero, demonstrating that the hormonal environment of intrauterine life can theoreti- cally program the morphology of the ovary in adulthood. This chapter addresses crucial metabolic, endocrine, and intraovarian mechanisms governing normal follicular devel- opment and discusses how abnormalities in the regulation of these processes initiate a cascade of events predisposing to PCO by increased follicle recruitment and/or by impairing follicle growth. 2. NORMAL FOLLICULAR GROWTH As an essential element of female reproduction, human follicle development is an ordered process, in which primordial follicles are recruited into a cohort of growing follicles, from which one antral follicle is selected to ovulate, while the others undergo atresia. At the beginning of this process, the primordial follicle consists of an oocyte arrested at the diplotene stage of prophase one and surrounded by squamous granulosa cells. When the primordial follicle initiates growth, its oocyte begins to synthesize ribonucleic acid (RNA), and its squamous granulosa cells enlarge into a single layer of mixed squamous and cuboidal granulosa cells (i.e., intermediate follicle) or of cuboidal granulosa cells entirely (i.e., primary follicle) (1,2). With continued granulosa cell proliferation into two or more layers, the secondary follicle is formed. Theca cells are recruited from surrounding stromal stem cells and are organized into distinct theca cell layers around the follicle, establishing mesenchymal–epithelial cell interactions that promote development of the follicle and its oocyte. Initiation of primordial follicle growth is only minimally follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) dependent (2). Instead, growth of primordial follicles is influenced primarily by paracrine/endocrine factors as FSH receptor messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression does not occur in human primordial follicles and is poorly coupled with the adenylate cyclase second messenger system in intermediate and primary follicles (3,4). Granulosa cell-derived paracrine factors can activate resting primordial follicles [e.g., kit ligand (KL), transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-), and epidermal growth factor (EGF)] or can inhibit them and may originate locally or from neighboring growing follicles responsive to FSH (2,5). In mammals, expression of granulosa cell-derived KL and its receptor c-kit on oocytes and theca cells of growing follicles is particularly important for initiating early folliculogenesis, inducing mesenchymal–epithelial cell signaling, and developing the oocyte (1,2). In rodents, for example, KL initiates primordial follicle development and oocyte growth (6,7).It Accounting for the Follicle Population in the Polycystic Ovary 11 also acts as a putative “granulosa cell-derived theca cell organizer” (with TGF- and EGF) to attract stromal cells around the developing preantral follicle and to stimulate their differentiation into theca cells expressing luteinizing hormone (LH) receptors and steroidogenic enzymes necessary for androgen synthesis (2,8). These KL actions, along with those of other local factors, cause secondary follicles to develop over several months; to acquire FSH, estrogen, and androgen receptors; and to become physiologically coupled by gap junctions (2,9). Recruitment ends with the formation of the antral or tertiary follicle, characterized by slower oocyte growth (reaching a maximum diameter of 140 μm), formation of extracellular fluid, and differentiation of granulosa cell layers into mural and cumulus cell subpopulations (1,2). The human antral follicle that is 2–5 mm in size becomes primarily responsive to FSH. Each month one such follicle normally becomes dominant and eventually ovulates (2,9). In reproductive-aged women, hundreds of primordial follicles initiate growth, 10–20 selectable antral follicles remain at the beginning of the normal cycle, but just one normally proceeds to ovulation (1). The entire process of follicular growth from primordial to preovulatory stage takes approximately 6 months, with the final 2 weeks of follicular development dependent on cyclical changes in circulating gonadotropin levels (10). 3. INCREASED FOLLICLE RECRUITMENT Several morphological findings implicate increased recruitment of growing follicles from the primordial follicle pool as a contributing factor in the development of the PCO. In one of three studies, histological examination of ovarian tissue with PCO morphology shows an increased proportion of primary follicles and a reciprocally decreased proportion of primordial follicles, independent of ovulatory status or atresia (11–13) (Fig. 1). New sonographic studies add further evidence of abnormal early follicular devel- opment causing PCO formation. Originally defined by the presence of ≥10 cysts measuring 2–8 mm in diameter, arranged peripherally around a dense core of stroma, or scattered throughout an increased amount of stroma (14), recent Rotterdam criteria for PCOS (using transvaginal ultrasonography) redefine PCO as the presence of 12 or 0 0 1 0 2 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 00 1 lamroN lamroN yr ot alu vO O CP yrotaluv O OC P yrotaluvonA OCP yr o taluvonA OCP lai dro m ir Pg niwor G Follicles Follicles Follicles (%) * * * * * * Fig. 1. Mean proportion of follicles at the primordial and growing primary stages in normal and polycystic ovaries. Data presented are means and 95% confidence intervals. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005 compared with control values. Reproduced with permission (12). 12 Dumesic and Abbott more follicles in each ovary [i.e., follicle number per ovary (FNPO)] measuring 2–9 mm in diameter and/or increased ovarian volume (>10 mL) (15). Using these PCO criteria, important pathophysiological correlations exist between follicle number and hyperandrogenism as well as insulin resistance. In PCOS patients, an increased cohort size of 2–5 mm follicles positively correlates with serum androgen levels, whereas a normal cohort size of 6–9 mm follicles negatively correlates with fasting serum insulin and testosterone levels, as well as BMI (16). These findings suggest that ovarian hyper- androgenism promotes excessive early follicular growth, which does not progress to the dominant stage because of hyperinsulinemia and/or androgen excess. 3.1. Hyperandrogenism Androgens promote early follicle growth in primates. Testosterone administration to adult female rhesus monkeys increases the number of primary, growing preantral and small antral follicles and the proliferation of granulosa cells within them by acting through its own receptor (17,18) (Fig. 2). Androgen treatment in such monkeys also increases mRNA expression of FSH receptor, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptor, and IGF-I in granulosa cells (19,20) while enhancing IGF-I and IGF-I receptor mRNA expression in primordial follicle oocytes (21). The ability of androgens to initiate follicle growth corresponds with observations that follicular fluid androstenedione levels are elevated in ovulatory women with PCO and that androstenedione production by cultured theca cells from women with PCO is increased (22,23). Moreover, in vitro studies of PCOS theca cells show intrinsically increased androgen biosynthesis and augmented expression of several steroidogenic enzymes, including cytochrome P450 cholesterol side chain cleavage, 17-hydroxylase/17–20 lyase (P450 c17 ), and 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (24,25). The clinical relevance of these in vitro data is that serum androstenedione levels in normal and PCOS women correlate with antral follicle number (16,26) and in normal women predict the number of oocytes retrieved following gonadotropin stimulation for in vitro fertilization (IVF) (26). Conversely, anti-androgen therapy to PCOS patients improves PCO morphology (27). 0 02 04 06 08 0 04 08 021 061 002 Cross Section (mm 2 ) yr a dnoc eS yram i rP selcillo F selcillo F Ovary size Number ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Fig. 2. Number of ovarian follicles in adult female rhesus monkeys treated with subcutaneous testos- terone pellets for 3 or 10 days. Data presented are means ± SEM for n = 4–6 monkeys in each group. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005, ***p < 0.0005 compared with control values. White, control; gray, testosterone pellets for 3 days; black, testosterone pellets for 10 days. Reproduced with permission (17). Accounting for the Follicle Population in the Polycystic Ovary 13 Androgen effects on early follicle growth also can be induced by reprogramming adult ovarian morphology during prenatal development (28). Female rhesus monkeys (29), sheep (30), mice (31), and rats (32) exposed prenatally to excessive levels of testosterone or its non-aromatizable metabolite, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), exhibit ovulatory dysfunction in adulthood. Ovaries are enlarged and polyfollicular in prena- tally androgenized monkeys and sheep and also are hyperandrogenic in prenatally androgenized monkeys and mice (31,33,34). A PCOS-like phenotype can be produced by injecting pregnant rhesus monkeys carrying female fetuses with 10–15 mg testosterone propionate (TP) for 15–35 days starting on either days 40–60 (early treated) or days 100–115 (late treated) postcon- ception (total gestation, 165 days), which elevates circulating testosterone levels in fetal females to those normally found in fetal males (35,36). These prenatal androgen treatments coincide with gonadal differentiation, pancreatic organogenesis, and the beginning of neuroendocrine development in early-treated females and with ovarian follicle development and functional acquisition of hypothalamic sensitivity to hormone negative feedback in late-treated females. Prenatally androgenized females exhibit ovarian dysfunction beginning at puberty (37–39) and have a 10-fold increase in the risk of anovulation as adults, with 40% of these females (vs. 14% of controls) having enlarged multifollicular ovaries resembling PCO (33). Prenatal exposure of sheep to TP from days 30–90 of gestation also induces multifol- licular ovarian development (34). The ability of prenatal androgen excess to decrease the relative proportion of primordial follicles, while increasing that of growing follicles (primary, preantral, and antral follicles combined), emphasizes increased follicular recruitment as a cause for the multifollicular phenotype (40). Furthermore, total follicle number is diminished, and growing follicles contain larger oocytes at an early preantral stage (40), suggesting that prenatal androgen exposure enhances intraovarian paracrine signaling during early follicular development. In this regard, testosterone plus FSH upregulate KL mRNA expression in cultured murine granulosa cells (41), whereas androgens augment the mitogenic effects of oocyte-secreted factors, including growth differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9) on IGF-I-stimulated porcine granulosa cells (42). 3.2. Hyperinsulinemia Insulin acts primarily on its own receptors to induce tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin–receptor substrates that initiate glucose uptake, protein synthesis, and steroido- genesis (43,44). As insulin receptors are located on theca cells, surrounding stroma, granulosa cells, and oocytes (45,46), insulin acting alone or as a co-gonadotropin stimu- lates theca cell androgen production (47,48) and amplifies LH-stimulated granulosa cell E 2 and P4 production (49). Insulin sensitivity in PCOS patients, however, is intrinsically impaired from abnormal postreceptor signal transduction. Increased serine, rather than tyrosine, phosphorylation of insulin–receptor substrates in some PCOS patients reduces insulin- mediated glucose uptake (50) without affecting steroidogenesis (44,51). Consequently, PCOS patients have insulin resistance that is independent of and additive to that of obesity, with combined PCOS and obesity synergistically impairing glucose–insulin homeostasis and contributing to frequent hyperandrogenic symptoms in obese PCOS patients (49). The resulting hyperinsulinemia promotes ovarian hyperandrogenism 14 Dumesic and Abbott by stimulating theca cell 17-hydroxylase activity (52), amplifying LH- and IGF-I- stimulated androgen production (47), elevating serum-free T levels through decreased hepatic sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) production, and enhancing serum IGF-I bioactivity through suppressed IGF-binding protein production (44). Acting directly or indirectly through androgens, insulin promotes follicle recruitment in rat organ culture (53). Hyperinsulinemia from insulin resistance in PCOS patients is positively associated with the degree of multifollicular ovarian development, with hyperinsulinemic PCOS patients undergoing gonadotropin therapy developing a larger number of follicles between 12 and 16 mm in diameter and having a greater risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome than normoinsulinemic women (54,55). Moreover, the insulin response to oral glucose tolerance testing in women under- going gonadotropin therapy is positively correlated with ovarian volume (56). While still investigational, the insulin sensitizer metformin has been administered to PCOS patients receiving gonadotropin therapy for IVF to determine whether it improves hyperinsulinemia and ovarian hyperandrogenism and if so whether it lowers the risks of exaggerated multifollicular recruitment and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. In one of two prospective, randomized, double-blind studies, pretreatment of PCOS patients with metformin preceding GnRH analog/rhFSH therapy for IVF did not affect ovarian responsiveness to FSH therapy nor pregnancy outcome (57). In the other, metformin therapy to PCOS women lowered serum fasting insulin, total and free T as well as E 2 levels at oocyte retrieval, enhanced clinical pregnancy and livebirth rates, and diminished the risk of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (58). 3.3. Anti-Mullerian Hormone Deficiency The TGF- superfamily consists of several functionally diverse proteins, including TGF-, anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), inhibins, activins, bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs), and GDFs. As one of its members, AMH is normally produced by granulosa cells of growing follicles (59,60) so that low AMH levels occur in primordial and primary follicles, increase to maximal levels in large preantral and small antral stages, and then decline during final follicular maturation (60–63). As a serum marker of growing follicles, serum AMH levels in normal women positively correlate with number of antral follicles, serum androgen concentrations, and oocytes retrieved and negatively correlate with amount of rhFSH administered (62,64). Serum AMH levels are elevated in normoandrogenic women with PCO and are further increased in hyper- androgenic women with PCO, independent of antral follicle number (63). Serum AMH levels in PCOS patients are elevated two to threefold, are positively correlated with antral follicle number and serum androgen levels, and are reduced in parallel with antral follicle number by metformin therapy (64). In vitro rodent studies show that AMH inhibits primordial follicle growth (65). Its deficiencyincreasestheproportionofgrowingfolliclesarisingfromtheprimordialfollicle pool (66), suggesting that AMH produced by growing follicles normally inhibits growth of adjacent primordial follicles (60,67). Although such a phenomenon in humans remains uncertain, histological examination of human ovaries shows reduced AMH levels in primordial and transitional follicles of anovulatory women with PCO versus regularly [...]... development J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999;84 :29 51 29 56 20 Dumesic and Abbott 20 Vendola K, Zhou J, Wang J, Bondy CA Androgens promote insulin-like growth factor-I and insulinlike growth factor-I receptor gene expression in the primate ovary Hum Reprod 1999;14 :23 28 23 32 21 Vendola K, Zhou J, Wang J, Famuyiwa OA, Bievre M, Bondy CA Androgens promote oocyte insulin-like growth factor I expression and initiation... young women with polycystic ovary syndrome J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998;83:99–1 02 28 Abbott DH, Barnett DK, Bruns CM, Dumesic DA Androgen excess fetal programming of female reproduction: a developmental aetiology for polycystic ovary syndrome? 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J Clin Endocrinol Metab 20 06;91 :22 24 52 Moghetti P, Castello R, Negri C, Tosi F, Perrone... 5α -Androstanedione (nM) 700 600 500 400 b 300 20 0 b a 100 0 DOM EC AC P CO Fig 4 5 -Androstane-3,17-dione concentrations in normal and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) follicles DOM, dominant follicles from regularly cycling women (n = 15); EC, estrogenic cohort follicles, 6- to 8-mm cohort follicles from regularly cycling women with an A4/E2 ratio ≤ 4 (n = 4); AC, androgenic cohort follicles, 5- to... Population in the Polycystic Ovary A % f o lli c l e s s t a i n e d 100 75 50 25 a a 0 Primordial B Trans Primary Secondary Primary Secondary 2. 4 2. 2 M e a n stainin g le v el 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1 .2 1 0.8 0.6 b 0.4 0 .2 0 a Primordial Trans Antral Fig 3 (A) Percent of follicles staining positive for anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) and (B) mean intensity of AMH staining based on follicle stage and ovary type a,... J 1986 ;29 3:355–359 15 The Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-sponsored PCOS consensus workshop group Revised 20 03 consensus on diagnostic criteria and long-term health risks related to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Hum Reprod 20 04;19:41–47 16 Jonard S, Robert Y, Cortet-Rudelli C, Pigny P, Decanter C, Dewailly D Ultrasound examination of polycystic ovaries: is it worth counting the follicles? Hum Reprod 20 03;18:598–603... cells propagated from patients with polycystic ovary syndrome J Clin Endocrinol Metab 20 01;86:5 925 –5933 26 Dumesic DA, Damario MA, Session DR, Famuyide A, Lesnick TG, Thornhill AR, McNeilly AS Ovarian Morphology and Serum Hormone Markers as Predictors of Ovarian Follicle Recruitment by Gonadotropins for In Vitro Fertilization J Clin Endocrinol Metab 20 01;86 :25 38 25 43 27 De Leo V, Lanzetta D, D’Antona... work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health Grants U01 HD04465 0-0 1 and R01 RR 013635, Mayo Clinical Research Grant 21 2 3-0 1, Mayo Grant M01-RR-00585, Grant P51 RR 000167 to the National Primate Research Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison (a facility constructed with support from Research Facilities Improvement Program grant numbers RR1545 9-0 1 and RR 020 14 1-0 1), and Serono Pharmaceuticals . Society. Accounting for the Follicle Population in the Polycystic Ovary 17 2 .1 4 . 1 6 . 1 8. 1 2 2 .2 4 .2 6 .2 9. 1 8. 17 .16.15. 14 .13 .1 2 .1 m /gk(IMBLog 2 ) Log Intrafollicular Insulin (µU/mg protein) Fig Baillargeon JP, Nestler JE. Commentary: polycystic ovary syndrome: a syndrome of ovarian hyper- sensitivity to insulin? J Clin Endocrinol Metab 20 06;91 :22 24 . 52. Moghetti P, Castello R, Negri C,. versus regularly Accounting for the Follicle Population in the Polycystic Ovary 15 0 25 50 75 100 0 0 .2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1 .2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2 .2 2.4 Primordial Trans Secondary Antral levelgniniatsnaeM deniatsselcillof % Primordial