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Hepatology 2000; 31: 777–782. 95 From: Clinical Gastroenterology: Diagnosis and Therapeutics Edited by: R. S. Koff and G. Y. Wu © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ Hepatitis C and HIV Co-Infection 5 Michael A. Poles, MD and Douglas T. Dieterich, MD CONTENTS INTRODUCTION HCV IS PREDOMINANTLY TRANSMITTED PARENTERALLY HIV CO-INFECTION ACCELERATES NATURAL HISTORY OF HCV DISEASE HEPATITIS C INFECTION LIMITS ABILITY TO TREAT HIV P RESENCE OF HIV DOES NOT ALTER EFFICACY OF ANTI-HCV THERAPY CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES INTRODUCTION The use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has extended the healthy life-span of human immune deficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients; deaths among people with acquired immune deficiency syn- drome (AIDS) declined for the first time in 1996, after the institution of this therapeutic approach. As the life expectancy of HIV-infected patients increases, greater attention will need to be focused on the recognition and management of potentially severe concurrent illnesses that may increase their mid- to long-range morbidity and mortality. Infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is many times more prevalent than that of HIV: According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies in the general population of the United States in early 1999 was 1.8%, corresponding to an estimated 3.9 million Ameri- cans infected with HCV. In comparison, the prevalence of HIV in the 96 Poles and Dieterich United States was estimated, by the CDC, to be 800,000–900,000. HCV may not only impact upon the health status of HIV-infected patients, but also may decrease their quality of life and increase health care costs. The CDC estimates that the economic burden of HCV infection in the United States is $600 million/yr (CDC home page: In terms of mortality, a recent European study showed that chronic liver disease, especially that caused by hepatotropic viruses, was the fifth leading cause of death among HIV patients admitted to the hospital (1). Further, data from a postprotease database of almost 4000 patients (CHORUS) suggests that 39-yr-old HIV-infected patients, with CD4 cell count over 200, have almost matched survival, compared to age-matched non-HIV patients, but that the leading cause of non-AIDS-related death in these patients was liver disease (2). Physicians caring for patients with HIV require up-to-date information to make rational decisions regarding HCV co-infection, to ensure that morbidity and mortality are minimized and quality of life and medical care costs are optimized. In addition to both being major health issues, there are many other important similarities between HIV and HCV infection. Both viruses possess a single-stranded RNA genome, and result in a subclinical, chronic infection. Each of these viruses is able to evade the host’s immune system, and each is naturally resistant to eradication through use of present therapeutic approaches. Additionally, the replication rate of each virus is extraordinarily high, with billions of HIV virions produced each day, and trillions of HCV virions being produced daily. HCV IS PREDOMINANTLY TRANSMITTED PARENTERALLY The risk of HCV transmission is far greater in patients who acquire HIV infection through the parenteral, compared to the sexual, route. It is estimated that 50–98% of patients who acquired HIV though intra- venous drug use are co-infected with HCV (3). The incidence of HCV infection is also high in HIV-infected hemophiliac patients, who, in the past, were treated with nonviral attenuated-clotting products (60–85%). Only half of all patients infected with hepatitis C admit to a history of percutaneous exposure; sexual transmission is thought to play a role in some of the remaining cases. Despite the fact that a number of studies have addressed this issue, the role of homosexual and heterosexual trans- mission of HCV is still controversial; it is believed to occur, but with low efficiency. Nevertheless, the prevalence of HCV antibodies in HIV-posi- tive homosexual males is ~4–8%, which is no different from HIV nega- tive homosexuals (4). However, this is still greatly increased over the Chapter 5 / HCV and HIV Co-Infection 97 prevalence in the general population. HCV may also be transmitted, though likely less frequently, through heterosexual sex. Some studies have suggested that the presence of HIV also increases heterosexual transmission of HCV, with one study showing male-to-female sexual transmission to be 5× more likely in the presence of HIV (5). Higher HCV viral loads, as has been reported in HIV co-infected patients, may be responsible for this increased transmissibility. Vertical transmission of HCV, which also appears to occur with low efficiency, may be facilitated by HIV co-infection (6) (Table 1). In one study of 155 mothers infected with HCV, the risk of vertical transmis- sion of HCV was 3.2× greater in mothers co-infected with HIV than those with HCV alone (7). The risk of vertical transmission of HCV may be pro- portional to the maternal HCV viral load that may be correlated with her degree of HIV-related immunosuppression. Some studies have not re- vealed an increased rate of vertical transmission in co-infected patients. HIV CO-INFECTION ACCELERATES NATURAL HISTORY OF HCV DISEASE Greater than half of immunocompetent, HCV-infected patients develop chronic hepatitis, and about 20% develop cirrhosis after 10–20 yr of infection. Approximately 15% of patients with HCV-related cirrhosis will develop hepatocellular carcinoma. Immunosuppression caused by HIV significantly alters the natural history of HCV infection. Hepatic dam- age resulting from HCV infection is believed to be predominantly caused by direct viral cytotoxicity, with contributions from the host immune response. Cell-mediated immunity, T-helper 1 (TH1) clones that recog- nize multiple core epitopes of HCV, are important in immune clearance of HCV, through elimination of virally infected hepatocytes (8–10). The decline in CD4 cells associated with progressive HIV infection appears to permit greater HCV replication, with more hepatic spread of HCV, and therefore vast hepatocyte injury. Co-infection with HIV also probably Table 1 Reported Effect of HIV Infection on HCV Infection Increased sexual and vertical transmission of HCV Increased HCV viral load Accelerated natural history of HCV disease Worsened hepatic damage caused by HCV Increased genomic of HCV (development of quasispecies) Increased risk of hepatotoxicity with HAART No change in the efficacy of IFN-based therapy 98 Poles and Dieterich alters the response of immune cells to HCV; when CD3 + /CD30 + cells are infected with both HIV and HCV, their cytokine production is skewed toward an anti-inflammatory TH2 response, rather than the protective TH1 response seen when cells are infected with HCV alone (11). HCV can also escape from immunologic control through mutation of its hyper- variable region, which is a major target of cell-mediated and humoral immune mechanisms (12); thus, heterogeneity of this region, as seen to a greater degree in HIV-infected patients, may permit increased viral repli- cation (13). Although there is not a direct correlation between the plasma titers of HCV RNA and disease course, co-infected patients harbor greater amounts of HCV than immunocompetent patients, both in their plasma (14,15) and in their liver (16). A number of studies have suggested that the presence of HIV infec- tion accelerates the course of HCV-related liver disease. When com- pared to HIV-negative patients, co-infected patients have a greater degree of piecemeal necrosis, portal inflammation, and fibrosis, which is the most important prognostic factor (17,18). These pathologic findings appear to be clinically significant. Studies comparing HCV singly infected patients with HCV–HIV co-infected patients have shown that progres- sion to cirrhosis occurs more commonly and more rapidly in those patients with HIV (19,20). Studies comparing HCV and HCV–HIV co-infected hemophiliacs showed a significantly greater risk of hepatic decompen- sation and liver failure in the co-infected patients (21,22). Another expla- nation for worsened hepatic damage in these patients is the greater use of hepatotoxic medications by HIV-infected patients, which may exacer- bate the HCV-related hepatic disease. Some studies have suggested that HIV infection does not effect progression of HCV infection (23), and all of these natural history studies are limited by the inability to precisely pinpoint the onset of HCV infection. Less clear is what effect HCV infection has on the natural history of HIV infection. Most cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have not shown an effect of HCV infection on the course HIV disease, but con- troversy remains. For instance, one study showed that HIV–HCV co- infected patients, with CD4 cell counts greater than 500, experienced a greater progression to AIDS, wasting, and death (24), and others have shown faster progression to AIDS and death in subjects infected with HCV genotype 1 (25). HEPATITIS C INFECTION LIMITS ABILITY TO TREAT HIV A number of studies have attempted to address the question of whether protease inhibitors and other anti-HIV drugs affect HCV replication, Chapter 5 / HCV and HIV Co-Infection 99 and, conversely, whether HCV effects the development of hepatic dam- age caused by antiviral agents. HIV protease inhibitors have not been found to inhibit HCV replica- tion (26). Additionally, the control of HIV to less than 400 copies by anti- HIV medications has no effect on the HCV viral load. Instead, initiation of HAART may transiently increase the level of aminotransferases, and even the HCV viral load for the first 3–4 mo of treatment, typically return- ing to baseline over the ensuing 3–8 mo (27). A number of studies have addressed whether the presence of HCV infection increases the liver toxicity associated with HAART. Many antiretroviral drugs are hepato- toxicity; according to data found in the physicians’ desk reference, the risk of hepatotoxicity of antiretroviral drugs is between 3 and 12%, depending on the therapeutic agent. Perhaps the earliest evidence of the true hepatotoxicity potential of these drugs was observed in 1995, when a hepatitis B treatment trial, using a fluorinated uridine nucleoside ana- log, fialuridine (FIAU), similar to those used in HIV treatment, resulted in hepatic failure and death in the majority of treated patients (28). The mechanism has been found to be mitochondrial toxicity. Nucleoside analogs do not bind to nuclear DNA, but will bind to mitochondrial DNA and cause mitochondrial damage. The FIAU story was the worst reported to date, because FIAU is an irreversible binder of the mitochondrial DNA. All nucleoside analogs have the capacity to do this, and it is cumu- lative over time. FIAU toxicity was seen with 9 wk of exposure to the drug; other nucleoside analogs could take years to result in lactic acido- sis. When over 70% of mitochondria are incapacitated, severe disease results. This is usually manifested by rising alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and bilirubin, liver failure (microvesicular steatosis on liver biopsy), lactic acidosis, and often pancreatitis, myopathy, and neurop- athy. It appears that dideoxyinosine, stavvdine (d4T), and dideoxycyti- dine have much more affinity for mitochondria than do azidothymidine, abacavir, and 3TC (lamivudine). A normal lac-tic acid is <2.0 mmol/L, and any level over 10 is significantly associated with mortality. Moni- toring the anion gap in these patients is not sufficient, because elevated anion gaps may be absent. It is important to think about mitochondrial toxicity in the care of HIV patients, when the patients complain of abdom- inal pain, nausea, vomiting, and rising ALT levels, especially for those infected with HCV or HBV. HC may also cause mitochondrial toxicity. A recent finding (29) on electron microscopy, in HC patients who do not have HIV, was mitochondrial damage in 92% of genotype 1 HC, 62% of genotype 2, and less commonly in genotype 3. This may explain why co-infected patients are more likely to have mitochondrial toxicity from nucleoside analogs. Hernandez et al. (30) found that co-existing HCV 100 Poles and Dieterich infection, older age, and a lower CD4 cell count contributed to nucleo- side analog-related hepatotoxicity. Protease inhibitors are also hepatotoxicity. In the largest study to date, Sulkowski et al. (31) studied approx 300 patients who were pre- scribed new antiretroviral therapy between 1996 and 1998. During ther- apy, aminotransferase levels increased in all patients, although severe hepatotoxicity (aminotransferase levels over 5× the upper limit of normal) was present in only 10% of patients, with the highest incidence occur- ring in patients given ritonavir (30%). The incidence of hepatotoxicity of any grade was greater in patients infected with HCV (54 vs 39%). Over- all, in patients receiving antiretrovirals, excluding ritonavir, severe hepa- totoxicity was seen in 9.4% of patients with chronic viral hepatitis, com- pared to 2.7% without viral hepatitis. However, most patients with chronic hepatitis did not experience hepatotoxicity (88%). Multivariate logistic analysis suggests that only ritonavir, and a CD4 cell count increase of more than 0.05 × 10 9 cells, was associated with severe hepatotoxicity. In this study, 60% of instances of severe hyperbilirubinemia resulted from indinavir usage. Again, the incidence of severe hyperbilirubinemia was elevated in patients with HCV co-infection (5.1 vs 1.4%). The increased incidence of hepatotoxicity in HCV patients receiving HAART may be caused by enhanced CD8 cell activity with CD4 reconstitution; studies have not shown that the increase in hepatotoxicity results from increased HCV replication (32). Clinicians may be reluctant to prescribe antiretroviral medications in the presence of chronic viral hepatitis, with or without elevations in liver- associated enzymes. Therefore, the presence of HCV infection limits the ability to care for HIV-infected patients. Normalizing ALT levels, and/ or reducing HCV titer through anti-HCV treatment, may increase the tolerance of co-infected patients to antiretroviral therapy, although this remains untested. PRESENCE OF HIV DOES NOT ALTER EFFICACY OF ANTI-HCV THERAPY Given the effect that HIV has on the natural history of HCV disease, infection with HCV should be treated as any other opportunistic dis- ease (33), as has been suggested in the U.S. Public Health Service/Infec- tions Disease Society of America 1999 guidelines. Until recently, the only FDA-approved treatment for chronic hepatitis C was α-interferon (IFN- α) monotherapy. A standard dosing regimen of 3 million units, thrice weekly for 6 mo, induces normalization of aminotransferase levels and histological improvement in up to 50% of treated patients. However, of Chapter 5 / HCV and HIV Co-Infection 101 these initial responders, more than one-half relapse within 6 mo after ter- mination of treatment. In all, IFN-α therapy induces a sustained response, with eradication of the virus and stable improvement of liver histology in less than 20% of treated patients. The rate is even lower in patients infected with HCV genotype 1b, who make up the majority of the infected patients in the United States. There are few studies that have reported long- term results of the so-called sustained responders, raising the question of how IFN-α affects the future development of the sequelae of hepatitis C, e.g., cirrhosis, end-stage liver disease. The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma is reduced, even if treatment fails (34,35). Patients who clear HCV RNA after 6 mo of IFN-α, and whose HCV is genotype 1a or 1b, should be treated for at least 12, and perhaps 18 mo. Several factors may help predict which patients may respond to IFN- α, including low pretreatment levels of HCV RNA, low genomic diver- sity, infection with non-1b genotype, and low-grade pretreatment hepatic fibrosis. The latest hypothesis advanced for the low treatment success rate in the genotype 1 patients is the observation that the E2 protein of genotype 1 HCV envelope has sequence homology with the protein kinase, PKR. This enzyme is responsible for the actions of IFN. The E2 protein of genotype 1 is a blocker of IFN’s action (36). Another theory postulates that patients who fail to respond to IFN are genetically pre- disposed to a TH2 cytokine response to HCV, which is ineffective in inhibiting HCV replication (37). A much simpler epidemiologic expla- nation for lack of response would be an increased incidence of occult HBV co-infection, as shown by Cacciola (38). It is unknown whether the newly described transfusion-transmitted virus, found with an increased prevalence in HIV patients and those with HCV, also increases hepatic toxicity in these patients (39). It appears likely that TTV, like hepatitis G virus, does not influence the severity of liver disease although this remains to be determined. It is widely believed that HIV co-infected patients respond poorly to IFN-α monotherapy, given the higher HCV viral titers in these patients. Several studies, however, have shown that the biologic and histologic benefit of IFN-α therapy in co-infected patients is not significantly dif- ferent from that noted in HIV-negative patients (i.e., normalization of aminotransferase levels in 50% of treatment patients). Most of the patients in these studies were parenteral drug users, with high CD4 lymphocyte counts, and without a diagnosis of AIDS. One study (40) showed an ini- tial complete response in almost 45% of co-infected patients treated with IFN-α therapy, which was sustained in 80%. The majority of studies have not been as encouraging. In one study of 12 patients who had high CD4 lymphocyte counts (41) and who were treated with IFN-α, only one 102 Poles and Dieterich patient (8.3%) had a sustained complete response after a 12-mo follow- up. Another prospective, controlled trial (42), which included 78 patients, showed a complete response after 8 mo of therapy in 38% of co-infected patients, compared to a 47% response rate in HIV-negative patients. That study, in addition to others, demonstrated a positive correlation between CD4 cell count and response to therapy. Alternatively, a comparative study (43) examined treatment of HCV-infected, HIV-seropositive (IFN dose 5 MU thrice weekly), and HIV-seronegative patients (IFN dose 5 MU thrice weekly), for 6 mo, showed comparable complete response (44.1 vs 47.4%) immediately after completion, and complete biologic response 12 mo after cessation (23.2 vs 24.3%). However, a sustained virologic response was observed in only 50% HIV responders and 89.5% non-HIV responders. In the majority of these studies, the side-effect profile and tolerance of treatment was found to be no different between the co-infected patients and the HIV-negative patients. Use of IFN-α may result in a fall in the CD4 cell count of HIV patients, although this decline is transient and reversible upon discontinuation of treatment, reflecting neutropenia, and does not appear to increase the risk of opportunistic infections. Given the low sustained response rate, use of IFN-α monotherapy has been mostly abandoned in favor of combination therapy with riba- virin. Ribavirin, a guanosine analog, is a broad-spectrum antiviral agent that targets both DNA and RNA viruses. When used alone, ribavirin will reduce ALT levels without significantly changing viral HCV-RNA levels, suggesting that it does not affect viral replication. However, when used in combination with IFN-α, ribavirin reduces the rate of hepatitis relapse, suggesting an enhancement of IFN-α’s antiviral activity. Ribavi- rin may act on IFN-α-resistant subpopulations of virus, or on intracel- lular reservoirs of HCV that are not accessible to IFN-α. Other postulated mechanisms include inhibition of viral-dependent RNA polymerase, inhibition of the 5'-Cap structure of viral messenger RNA, and inhibition of inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase. The most likely mechanism of action is that ribavirin increases production of TH1 cytokines and decreasing TH2 cytokines. Combination therapy appears to be safe and more efficacious than IFN-α monotherapy, when given to immunocom- petent patients. A recent, large, randomized study demonstrated a supe- rior sustained response of naïve, HIV-seronegative patients to combination therapy for either 24 or 48 wk, compared to those patients treated with extended-duration IFN-α monotherapy (44). Combination ribavirin with IFN may raise the sustained response rate to closer to 50%. 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However, most patients with chronic hepatitis did not experience. Cancer Res 1987; 47 : 49 67 49 72. 94 Everson 158. Taylor-Robinson SD, Foster GR, Arora S, et al. Increase in primary liver cancer in the UK, 1979–19 94. Lancet 1997; 350: 1 142 –1 143 . 159. Deuffic. available for transplan- tation. N Engl J Med 2000; 343 : 40 4 41 0. 156. El-Serag HB, Mason AC. Rising incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in the United States. N Engl J Med 1999; 340 : 745 –750. 157. Okuda