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Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) 760 Design of connections Mode 1: Complete flange yielding Pr Mode 2: Bolt failure with flange yielding Mode 3: Bolt failure Pr Pr This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ Q 'Q QQ 0 is the prying force Fig 26.28 Tee-stub modes of failure yielding of the flange (Mode 2) and bolt failure (Mode 3) These modes are shown diagrammatically in Fig 26.28 The equations for calculating the potential resistance for each of these modes of failure are given below Mode 1 Complete flange yielding The potential resistance of either the column flange or end-plate, Pr, can be determined from the following expression: Pr = 4 Mp m where Mp is the plastic moment capacity of the equivalent tee-stub representing the column flange or end-plate m is the distance from the bolt centre to a line located 20% into either the column root or end-plate weld Mode 2 Bolt failure and yielding of the flange The potential resistance of the column flange or end-plate in tension is given by the following expression: Pr = 2 M p + n(SPt ) M+n where SPt is the total tension capacity of all the bolts in the group n is the effective edge distance Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) Moment connections 761 Mode 3 Bolt failure The potential resistance of the bolts in the tension zone is give by the following expression: Pr = SPt This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ In each of the above modes no specific mention is made of prying action nor are any equations given to calculate its value This is because prying action is implicit in the expressions for the calculation of the effective length Leff.The principal author of this method, Zoetemijer, addresses the problem of prying action in a background publication.12 In this publication Zoetemijer develops the following three expressions for the equivalent effective length of an unstiffened column flange taking into account different levels of prying action: For prying force = 0.0 For maximum prying force For an intermediate value Leff = (p + 5.5m + 4n) Leff = (p + 4m) Leff = (p + 4m + 1.25n) where p is the bolt pitch Zoetemijer explains that the first expression has an inadequate margin of safety against bolt failure while the margin of safety in the second is too high He therefore suggests using the third equation, which allows for approximately 33% prying action This approach simplifies the calculations by omitting complicated expressions for determining prying action BS 5950: Part 1 allows two approaches for calculating the tension capacity of a bolt in the presence of prying forces The simple method given in clause places certain restrictions on the centre-to-centre bolt spacing and on the capacity of the connected part to reduce prying action A reduced bolt capacity is also used by including a 0.8 factor in the expression for calculating the nominal tension capacity (pnom) of the bolt One advantage of this approach is that it obviates the need to calculate prying forces directly In the more exact approach given in clause bolt tension capacities (pt) are allowed provided the connection is not subject to prying action or the prying forces are included in the design method As explained above the design method described here allows for prying action without the need to calculate prying forces directly and therefore the enhanced bolt capacities of the more exact method can be used Beam web/column web in tension The resistance of either an unstiffened beam or column web in tension, Pt, at each row or group of bolt rows is given by the following expression: Pt = Lt ¥ tw ¥ py where Lt is the effective length of web assuming a maximum spread at 60° from the bolts to the centre of the web Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) 762 Design of connections tw is the thickness of the column or beam web py is the design strength of the steel in the column or beam Compression zone This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ The checks in the compression zone are similar to those traditionally adopted for web bearing and buckling and include the following: • • • Column web in bearing Column web buckling Beam flange in compression Column web in compression In many designs it is common for the column web to be loaded to such an extent that it governs the design of the connection However, this can be avoided either by choosing a heavier column or by strengthening the web with one of the compression stiffeners shown in section The resistance of an unstiffened column web subject to compressive forces, Pc, is given by the smaller of the expressions for column web bearing and column web buckling Column web bearing The resistance of the column web to bearing is based on an area of web calculated by assuming the compression force from the beam’s flange is dispersed over a length shown in Fig 26.29 From this the resistance of the column web to crushing is given by the following expression: Pbw = (b1 + nk) ¥ t c ¥ pyw where b1 is the stiff bearing length based on a 45° dispersion through the end-plate from the edge of the welds n except at the end of a member n = 5 k is obtained as follows: – for a rolled I- or H-section k = Tc + r – for a welded I- or H-section k = Tc Tc is the column flange thickness r is the root radius tc is the thickness of the column web pyw is the design strength of the column web Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) a- 763 This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ j4 N) a+ Moment connections Fig 26.29 Distribution of compressive force Column web buckling The resistance of the column web to buckling is based on bearing capacity of the column web and is given by the following expression in clause of BS 5950: Part 1: Px = 25e t c 0.5 [(b1 + nk) ¥ d] Pbw where b1, n, k and t are defined above d is the depth of the web Pbw is the bearing capacity of the unstiffened web at the web-to-flange connection given in the section above Pc = min(Pbw , Px ) Beam flange in compression Two approaches are presented for checking the resistance of the beam flange in compression In the first method it is assumed that only the compression flange carries the compression in the beam and that the centre of compression acts at the centre of this flange In the second approach the compression zone is allowed to spread up the beam and into the beam web In this method the centre of compression will move towards the web This latter approach is usually used in cases with either high moments or combined high moment and axial load Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) 764 Design of connections Beam flange in compression – Method 1 The potential resistance of the beam flange is given by the following expression: Pc = 1.4 ¥ pyb ¥ Tb ¥ Bb This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ where pyb is the design strength of the beam Tb is the beam flange thickness Bb is the beam flange breadth The factor 1.4 in front of this expression accounts for two effects Firstly, it accounts for the spread of compression into the beam’s web and secondly it accounts for possible strain-hardening of the steel in the beam flange This simple check is usually sufficient to determine the crushing capacity of the beam’s flange However, where high moments are present or moment is combined with axial load, method 2 is more appropriate Beam flange in compression – Method 2 In this approach the potential resistance of the beam flange is given by the following expression: Pc = 1.2 ¥ pyb ¥ Ac where Ac is the area in compression shown in Fig 26.30 It should be noted that in this approach the factor 1.4 is reduced to 1.2 since the contribution of the web is now taken into account directly It should also be noted that the centre of compression is now at the centroid of the area Ac, and the leverarm of the bolts is reduced accordingly Changing the position of the centre of compression will also affect the moment, and an iterative calculation procedure becomes necessary Fig 26.30 Area of beam flange and web in compression Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) Moment connections 765 Shear zone This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ The column web panel must be designed to resist the resulting horizontal shear forces To calculate these resultant forces the designer must take account of any connection to the opposite column flange In a single sided connection with no axial force the resultant shear force will be equal to the compressive force at the beam flange level (i.e the sum of the bolt forces due to the moment) For a symmetrical two-sided column connection with balanced moments the resultant shear force will be zero However, in the case of a two sided connection subject to moments acting in the same sense the resultant shears will be additive For any connection the resulting shear force can be obtained from the following expression: Fvp = M b1 M b2 Z1 Z2 where Mb1 and Mb2 are the moments in connections 1 and 2 (hogging positive) Z1 and Z2 are the lever-arms for connections 1 and 2 It is usually assumed that the moment can be represented by equal and opposite forces in the beam’s tension and compression flanges In this case Z1 and Z2 are equal to the distances between the centroids of the beam flanges for connections 1 and 2 respectively The resistance of an unstiffened column web panel in shear is given by the following expression: Pv = 0.6 ¥ pyc ¥ tc ¥ Dc where pyc is the design strength of the column tc is the thickness of the column web Dc is the depth of the column section Webs of most UC sections will fail in panel shear before they fail in either bearing or buckling and therefore most single sided connections are likely to fail in shear The strength of a column web can be increased either by choosing a heavier column section or by using one of the shear stiffeners shown in Fig 26.13c Stiffeners Most stiffening can be avoided through careful selection of the members during the design process This will usually lead to a more cost-effective solution However, where stiffening is unavoidable, one or more of the stiffener types shown in Fig 26.31 may be used Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) 766 Design of connections Rib tension stiffener Full depth tension This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ Fig 26.31a Tension stiffeners Fig 26.31b Flange backing plate Compression stiffeners Morris N stiffener Fig 26.31c Supplementary Commonly used method of shear stiffening Horizontal stiffeners such as those shown in Fig 26.31(a) and (b) are used where the concentrated loads from the beam flanges overstress the column web There is often a high shear stress in the column web, particularly in single sided connections, and stiffening is required Diagonal or supplementary web plates can be used (see Fig 26.31c) Wherever possible the angle of diagonal stiffeners should be between 30° and 60° However, if the depth of the column is considerably less than the depth of the beam ‘K’ stiffening may be used In general the type of strengthening must be chosen so that it does not clash with other components at the connections Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) References 767 This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ 26.4 Summary The successful performance of every structural steel frame is dependent as much on its connections as on the size of its structural members Bolted connections and in particular moment connections are complex in their behaviour The distribution of the stresses and forces within the connection depends on both the capacity of the welds, bolts etc and on the relative ductility of the connected parts It is therefore necessary for the design of connections to be consistent with the designer’s assumptions regarding the structural behaviour of the steel frame When choosing and proportioning connections the engineer should always consider the basic requirements such as the stiffness/flexibility of the connection, strength and the required rotational capacity The design philosophy presented in this chapter together with the detailed design checks provide the engineer with a basic set of tools that can be used to design connections which are better able to meet the design assumptions To aid the designer further this chapter concludes with a set of worked examples for simple connections References to Chapter 26 1 The Steel Construction Institute/The British Constructional Steelwork Association LTD (2002) Joints in Steel Construction: Simple Connections, Publication No 212 SCI, BCSA 2 The Steel Construction Institute/The British Constructional Steelwork Association LTD (1995) Joints in Steel Construction: Moment Connections, Publication No 207 SCI, BCSA 3 British Standards Institution (1993) DD ENV1993-1-1: 1992 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1.1 General rules and rules for buildings, BSI, London 4 British Standards Institution (2000) BS 5950: Structural use of steelwork in building Part 1: Code of practice for design – Rolled and welded sections BSI, London 5 The British Constructional Steelwork Association & the Steel Construction Institute (1994) National Structural Steelwork Specification for building construction, Publication No 203/94, BCSA, SCI, London 6 Hogan T J & Thomas I R (1994) Design of structural connections, 4th edn, Australian Institute of Steel Construction 7 Cheng J J R & Yura J A (1988) Lateral buckling tests on coped steel beams, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 114, No 1, 1–15 January 8 Gupta A K (1984) Buckling of coped beams, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 110, No 9, 1977–87 9 Cheng J J R., Yura J A & Johnson C P (1988) Lateral buckling of coped steel beams, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 114, No 1, 16–30 10 Salter P R., Couchman G H & Anderson A (1999) Wind-moment design of Low Rise Frames, Publication No 263, The Steel Construction Institute, Ascot, Berks Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) 768 Design of connections 11 British Standards Institution (1992) ENV1993-1-1/A1: 1992 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1.1 General rules and rules for buildings, BSI, London 12 Zoetemijer P (1974) A design method for the tension side of statically loaded bolted beam-to-column connections, Heron 20, No 1, Delft University, Delft,The Netherlands This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ A series of worked examples follows which is relevant to Chapter 26 Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) Connection of the steelwork -L 823 L :I::::: .:::::::: ::::::: 1- This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ 1- Unstiffened Slab Base Stiffened Base _ gap between bolt box and base plate Pocket Base Fig 27.6 Stiffened base with bolt boxes (for heavy crane gantries) Typical column base connections dimensions a and b (see Fig 27.7) The empirical method was replaced in BS5950: 2000 by the effective area method, which offers more economy than the empirical method while still producing safe designs when compared to test results The effective area method for baseplate design may initially seem to be more complex than the empirical method given in BS 5950-1: 1990 However, the approach is much more reliable and can be used for all column sections The basic design procedure is set out below Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) 824 Foundations and holding-down systems / Effective area L_j,bJ This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ (a) (b) (c) Fig 27.7 Slab base design using the effective area method (1) Calculate required area = axial load/0.6 fcu where: fcu is the cube strength of either the concrete or the grout, whichever is weaker (2) Calculate outstand c (see Fig 27.7(a)) by equating required area to actual area expressed as a function of c The expression for the actual effective area of an I or H section may be approximated to 4c2 + (column perimeter) ¥ c + column area (3) Check that there is no overlap of effective area between flanges (see Fig 27.7(b)) This will occur if 2c > the distance between the inner faces of the flanges If an overlap exists, modify the expression for effective area and recalculate c (4) Check the effective area fits on the size of baseplate selected (see Fig 27.7(c)) If the effective area does not fit on the baseplate, modify the expression for effective area to allow for the limitations of the plate size and recalculate c, or Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) Connection of the steelwork 825 select a larger base plate For the case shown in Figure 27.7(c), the modified expression for the effective area will be 4c2 + (column perimeter) ¥ c + column area - 2 ¥ (B + 2c) ¥ (c - a) (5) If c has been recalculated step 3 will need to be repeated (6) Calculate required plate thickness tp using expression below (given in clause Ê 3w ˆ t p = cÁ ˜ Ë pyp ¯ 0.5 This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ where: w = 0.6fcu pyp is the plate design strength The expression for the plate thickness can be derived from equating the moment produced by the uniform load w to the elastic moment capacity of the baseplate (both per unit length) Moment from uniform load on cantilever = Elastic moment capacity of plate w c 2 2 = py Z (per unit length) 2 w c 2 2 = py t p 6 Rearranging gives t p = c(3 w py ) 0.5 When the outstand of the effective area is equal either side of the flange (as in Fig 27.7(a)) the cantilevers are balanced and there is no resultant moment induced in the flange However, if the cantilevers do not balance either side of the flange, as would be the case in Fig 27.7(c), then theoretically to satisfy equilibrium there is a resultant moment induced in the flange However, it is important to remember that the method given in BS 5950-1 is a design model, and the remainder of the plate (not only the ‘effective’ area) does exist and does carry load With this in mind, the moment induced in the column flange due to unbalanced cantilevers does not need to be explicitly considered in the design of either the column or the baseplate The method is also applied to tubular columns The dispersal dimension K taken radially on either side of the tube wall gives an annular contact area between the plate and the bedding material, as shown in Fig 27.8(a) Then Ae = (2 K + t )(D - t )p where D is the tube diameter and (W/Ae) the bearing strength of the bedding After solving for K, M and t are determined in the same way as for rolled sections (see the second worked example at the end of this chapter) Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) 826 Foundations and holding-down systems ID I Ae = shaded area This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ w = W/Ae (a) D+2c Ae = shaded area W=W/Ae (b) Fig 27.8 Square base plate for CHS or solid column If K is greater than D/2: Ae = (D + 2k) 2 p 4 as shown in Fig 27.8(b) Similarly after solving for K, M and t are obtained in the same way as for rolled sections (see the third worked example at the end of this chapter) Gusseted bases In a stiffened or gusseted base the moment in the gusset due to the bearing pressure under the effective area of the baseplate or due to the tensile forces in the Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) Analysis 827 holding-down bolts should not exceed pygZg, where Zg is the elastic modulus of the gusset and pyg is the design strength of the gusset (pgy 270 N/mm2) When the effective area of the baseplate is less than its gross area, the connections of the gusset should be checked for the effects of a nominal distribution of bearing pressure on the gross area as well as for the distribution used in the design This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ Beam bearing plates Bearing plates at beam seatings are required to distribute the beam reaction to the masonry support at stress levels within the capacity of the masonry and to ensure that the web-crushing capacity of the beam is not exceeded The distribution of bearing stresses under the plate is extremely complex although simplifying assumptions are usually made in appropriate cases The bending of the plate, shown in Fig 27.9 in the direction transverse to the beam, will depend on the stiffness of the beam flange and the fixing of the flange to the plate It is usual to assume that the position of maximum bending is the outside edge of the root of the web and that the plate carries the whole of the bending In the longitudinal direction, shown in Fig 27.10, the deflection and rotation of the beam due to its loading will cause a concentration of bearing at the front edge and, depending upon the load from above the bearing, a possible lifting of the back edge of the plate It is often assumed, therefore, that the distribution will be either trapezoidal or triangular; possibly the triangle may not reach the back of the bearing If it is expected that the front edge concentration will be high the plate is set back from the front of the pier as shown in Fig 27.11 This is to reduce the possibility of spalling at the front of the pier but also has the advantage of applying the beam reaction more centrally to the masonry A method of assessing the rotation of the bearing has been proposed by Lothers From this a more accurate estimate of the stress distribution can be made The method, however, can only be applied in cases of isolated masonry piers and is dependent on the homogeneity of the masonry It may be justified in cases of very heavy beam reactions provided the workmanship in constructing the pier can be reasonably guaranteed 27.3 Analysis 27.3.1 Bolt forces The area required to transmit the compressive forces under the baseplate is calculated at the appropriate bearing strength of the concrete The stress block may be assumed to be rectangular with a maximum stress of 0.6 fcu where fcu is the char- Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) 828 Foundations and holding-down systems beam This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ • padstone beam bearing plate padstone with rag bolts masonry Fig 27.9 Beam bearing exaggerated rotation Fig 27.10 Pressure under bearing plate (1) Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) Analysis 829 pressure This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ Fig 27.11 Pressure under bearing plate (2) M N = M= Fig 27.12 C-T (Txa)+(Cxb) Distribution of forces and equations of equilibrium acteristic cube strength of the concrete base or the bedding material, whichever is less The lever arm for the design of the bolts is then from the centroid of this stress block to the bolt position as shown in Fig 27.12 The centroid of the stress block is often less than the edge distance from the compression edge of the plate to the holding-down bolt: it is therefore often assumed that the lever arm for the bolts is equal to the centres of the bolts It is also very likely that the point of application of the compressive forces will be near to the holding-down bolts due to the extra stiffening that is often included in the vicinity of the bolts This is illustrated in the typical design given as the fourth worked example at the end of this chapter Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) 830 Foundations and holding-down systems 2h (a) This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ Fig 27.13 (b) Typical pull-out from concrete block x Fig 27.14 Conical pull-out 27.3.2 Bolt anchorage Anchorage of the holding-down bolts into the concrete foundation should be sufficient to cater for any uplift forces and to provide for any shears applied to the bolts Attention is particularly directed to the last paragraph of clause 6.7 of BS 5950, which states that rag bolts and indented foundation bolts should not be used to resist uplift forces The elastic elongation of indented screwed rods or bolts under tension causes the breakdown of the grout surrounding the bolt This is even more critical in the case of resinous grouts The failure mode of bolts pulled from a concrete block is shown in Fig 27.13(a); a reasonable approximation is shown in Fig 27.13(b) The surface area of the conical pull-out (Fig 27.14) is 4.44D2, where D is the depth of embedment The factored tensile capacity of an M20 (4.6) bolt is 245 ¥ 195 ¥ 10-3 = 47.7 kN For an M20 HD bolt 450 mm long with an embedment of say 350 mm the conical surface is 4.44 ¥ 3502 = 544 ¥ 103 mm2 the surface stress is 47.7 kN = 0.09 N/mm 2 544 ¥ 10 3 As holding-down bolts usually act in pairs the conical pull-outs often overlap depending on the depth of embedment The BCSA have tabulated the surface areas including those which overlap (Table 27.2) 402.1 651.3 955.3 1 315 2 199 2 724 4 633 9 950 17 266 26 581 46 550 75 445.1 714.9 1 038.1 1 416 2 337 2 880 4 843 10 267 17 689 27 111 47 256 100 Effective 479.9 773.2 1 117 1 514 2 473 3 034 5 052 10 583 18 112 27 640 47 962 125 200 225 300 conical surface area (allowing for overlap) (cm2) 499.8 499.8 499.8 499.8 824.5 888.6 888.6 888.6 1 191 1 316 1 362 1 388 1 608 1 780 1 855 1 999 2 605 2 859 2 979 3 298 3 186 3 479 3 619 4 006 5 258 5 664 5 862 6 434 10 897 11 521 11 831 12 743 18 533 19 373 19 790 21 032 28 168 29 221 29 746 31 312 48 667 50 076 50 779 52 882 150 Distance between centres, X (mm) Values to the right of the heavy zig-zag line are for two non-intersecting cones 75 100 125 150 200 225 300 450 600 750 1000 Depth, D (mm) Table 27.2 Embedded lengths of holding-down bolts based on conical pull-out 450 499.8 888.6 1 388 1 999 3 554 4 498 7 420 14 476 23 448 34 392 57 048 This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ 499.8 888.6 1 388 1 999 3 554 4 498 7 997 16 022 25 735 37 371 61 141 600 499.8 888.6 1 388 1 999 3 554 4 498 7 997 17 277 27 837 40 211 65 134 750 499.8 888.6 1 388 1 999 3 554 4 498 7 997 17 994 30 715 44 507 71 486 1000 Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) Analysis 831 Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) 832 Foundations and holding-down systems 27.4 Holding-down systems 27.4.1 Holding-down bolts This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ The most generally used holding-down bolts are of grade 4.6 although 8.8 grade are also available (see Table 27.3) They are usually supplied ٗٗ᭺¥: square head, square shoulder, round shank, hexagon nut Each bolt must be provided with an anchor washer (square hole to match the shoulder) or an appropriate anchor frame to embed in the concrete in circumstances of high uplift forces In such cases the anchor frame may be composed of angles or channels Typical frames are shown in Fig 27.15 When long anchors are required a rod threaded at both ends may be used, and in exceptional circumstances when prestressing is required a high tensile rod Table 27.3 Holding-down bolts; tension capacity per pair of bolts Nominal diameter (mm) M16 M20 M22a M24 M27a M30 a b Tensile stress area (mm2)b Bolts grade 4.6@ 192 N/mm2 (kN) Bolts grade 8.8@ 448 N/mm2 (kN) 314 490 606 706 918 1122 60.29 94.08 116.35 135.55 176.26 215.42 140.67 219.52 271.49 316.29 411.26 502.66 Non-preferred size Tensile stress areas are taken from BS 4190 and BS 3692 I9 angle — locators — L+_ — .— angle or channel independent channels Fig 27.15 Typical anchorages for holding-down bolts Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) Holding-down systems 833 This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ (usually Macalloy bar) is adopted In both these cases provision should be made to prevent rotation of the rod during tightening which may result in the embedded nut being slackened Corrosion of holding-down bolts to a significant extent has been reported in some instances This usually occurs between the level of the concrete block and the underside of the steel baseplate, in aggressive chemical environments or at sites where moisture ingress to this level is recurrent Fine concrete grout, well mixed, well placed and well compacted will provide the best protection against corrosion, but in cases where this is not adequate for the prevailing conditions, an allowance may be made in the sizing of the bolts or by specifying a higher grade bolt which provides a larger factor of safety against tensile failure in the event that some corrosion does occur 27.4.2 Grouting The casting-in of the holding-down bolts with adequate provision for adjustment requires that they are positioned in the concrete surrounded by a tube, conical or cylindrical, or a polystyrene former After removal of the tube or former, which should be delayed until the last possible time before the erection of the columns, the available lateral movement of the bolts should be between three and four times the bolt diameter In cases where open tubes are used they should be provided with a cap or cover to prevent the ingress of water, rubbish and mud After erection, lining, levelling and plumbing of the frame the grout voids around the bolts should be cleaned out by compressed air immediately prior to grouting The bolt grouting and baseplate filling should be done as two separate operations to allow shrinkage to take place During the levelling and plumbing operations wedges and packings are driven into the grout space Before final grouting these should be removed, otherwise, after shrinkage of the grout filling material, they will become hard spots, preventing the even distribution of the compressive forces to the concrete base 27.4.3 Bedding Bedding materials are required to perform a number of functions, one of which is the provision of the corrosion protection referred to earlier in section 27.4.1 In accordance with BS 5950, steel baseplates are designed for a compression under the plate of 0.6 fcu, where fcu is the characteristic cube strength of the concrete base or the bedding material, whichever is less The bedding material therefore transmits high vertical stresses including those resulting from the applied moment The third function is to transmit the horizontal forces or shears resulting from wind or crane surge It is clear therefore that the bedding material is a structural medium and should be specified, controlled and supervised accordingly Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ 834 Foundations and holding-down systems For heavily-loaded columns or those carrying large moments resulting in high compressive forces the bedding should be fine concrete using a maximum aggregate of 10 mm size The usual mix is 1 : 11/4 : 2 with a water–cement ratio of between 0.4 and 0.45 (this is not suitable for filling the bolt tubes as it is too stiff; a pure cement water mix has suitable flow properties and is usually used) It also has high shrinkage properties and should be allowed to set fully before continuing with the bedding A cement mortar mix is often used for moderately-loaded columns A suitable mix would be 1 : 21/2 Weaker filling than this should only be used for lightlyloaded columns where the erection packs are left in position and transfer all the load to the foundation In order to facilitate the compaction of the bedding material, holes are cut in the baseplate of the order of 50 mm diameter or more, near to the centre of the plate, in order to allow the escape of air pockets and to ensure that the bedding reaches to centre Further reading for Chapter 27 British Constructional Steelwork Association/The Concrete Society/Constructional Steel Research and Development Council (1980) Holding-Down Systems for Steel Stanchions British Standards Institution (1997) Structural use of concrete Part 1: Code of practice for design and construction BS 8110, BSI, London British Standards Institution (2000) Structural use of steelwork in building Part 1: Code of practice for design – Rolled and welded sections BS 5950, BSI, London Capper P.L & Cassie W.F (1976) The Mechanics of Engineering Soils, 6th edn E & F.N Spon Ltd Capper P.L., Cassie W.F & Geddes J.W (1980) Problems in Engineering Soils., 3rd edn E & F.N Spon, London Lothers J.E (1972) Design in Structural Steel, 3rd edn Prentice Hall, Engleword Cliffs, NJ Pounder C.C (1940) The Design of Flat Plates Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen Skempton A.W & McDonald D.H (1956) The allowable settlement of buildings Proc Instn Civ Engrs, 5, Part 3, 727–68, 5 Dec Skempton A.W & Bjerrum L (1957) A contribution to the settlement analysis of foundations on clay Géotechnique, 7, No 4, 168–78 Terzaghi K., Peck R.B & Nesri G (1996) Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, 3rd edn Wiley, New York The Steel Construction Institute/British Constructional Steelwork Association (2002) Joints in Steel Construction Simple Connections SCI/BCSA Tomlinson M.J (2001) Foundation Design and Construction, 7th edn Prentice Hall, Harlow A series of worked examples follows which are relevant to Chapter 27 Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) Worked examples Subject The Steel Construction Institute Chapter ref FOUNDATION EXAMPLE 1 Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN 27 Made by Design code BS5950: Part 1 BS 5950: Part 1 HB HB GWO GWO Checked by Problem This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ Design a simple base plate for a 254 ¥ 254 ¥ 73 UC to carry a factored axial load of 1000 kN D 2c+T D 2c+T Design by the effective area method (4.13.2) Bearing strength of concrete = 0.6 fcu - take fcu as 40 N/mm2 Area required (in mm 2 ) = 1000 ¥ 10 3 0.6 ¥ 40 = 41667 mm 2 Bearing area = hatched area 4c2 + (column perimeter) ¥ c + column area \ 4c2 + [254.6 ¥ 4 + 2 ¥ (254.1 - 28.4)] ¥ c + 9310 = 41667 \ 4c2 + 1470c + 9310 = 0 Sheet no 1 835 Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) 836 Worked examples The Steel Construction Institute Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Subject FOUNDATION EXAMPLE 1 Design code BS5950: Part 1 BS 5950: Part 1 This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ c= -1470 ± È 3w ˘ tp = c Í Î pyp ˙ ˚ Chapter ref 27 Made by HB Checked by Sheet no 2 1 GWO 1470 2 + 517712 = 20.8 mm 8 0.5 where w = pressure under baseplate (24 N/mm2) and pyp = design strength of the baseplate (270 N/mm2) \ tp = 20.8 (3 ¥ 24/270)0.5 = 10.7 mm Use a baseplate 300 ¥ 300 ¥ 15 Steel Designers' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) Worked examples Subject The Steel Construction Institute Chapter ref FOUNDATION EXAMPLE 1 2 Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN 837 27 Made by Design code BS5950: Part 1 BS 5950: Part 1 HB HB GWO GWO Sheet no 1 Checked by Problem 219 ¥ 6.3 CHS Factored axial load = 1010 kN Assumed bedding material fcu = 40 N/mm2 D 2c+t This material is copyright - all rights reserved Reproduced under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 12/2/2007 To buy a hardcopy version of this document call 01344 872775 or go to http://shop.steelbiz.org/ Design a simple base plate for a 219 ¥ 6.3 CHS to carry a factored axial load of 1010 kN Design by the effective area method 4.13.2 1010 ¥ 10 3 0.6 ¥ 40 = Area required = 42083 mm 2 Area of shaded annulus = (2c + t) (D - t) p = 42083 (2c + 6.3) (219 - 6.3) tp = 3 ¥ 24 ˘ 28.3 ¥ È Í ˙ Î 270 ˚ = 13395, hence c = 28.3 mm 0.5 = 14.62 mm \ Use 280 ¥ 280 ¥ 15 plate ... N/mm2 Pbs = 1.0 ¥ 24 ¥ 10 ¥ Table 32 460 kN 1000 = 110 .4 kN but Pbs £ 0.5 ¥ 1.0 ¥ 50 ¥ = 115 kN Pbs = 110 .4 kN 460 kN 1000 Steel Designers'' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) Worked examples Subject... Table 32 460 kN 1000 = 110 .4 kN Bearing capacity SPbs = ¥ 110 .4 + ¥ 110 .4 kN = 662.4 kN 662.4 kN > 33.33 kN Therefore the bearing capacity is adequate 775 Steel Designers'' Manual - 6th Edition... Low Rise Frames, Publication No 263, The Steel Construction Institute, Ascot, Berks Steel Designers'' Manual - 6th Edition (2003) 768 Design of connections 11 British Standards Institution (1992)

Ngày đăng: 10/08/2014, 12:21



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