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Control Problems in Robotics and Automation - B. Siciliano and K.P. Valavanis (Eds) Part 4 ppt

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58 S.E. Salcudean where Yd is a proper, stable, reference admittance model derived from the system in Fig. 2.3, Y(K) is the teleoperation MCS system admittance ma- trix, S(K) is the teleoperation MCS scattering matrix and W is a weighting function. If such a problem had a solution, the resulting system would per- form within a known bound from the reference model and would be stable against any passive operator and environment dynamics. Even though this problem does not account for other plant uncertainties, it cannot be solved by current techniques. A controller synthesis approach that optimizes a measure of transparency subject to a "distance to passivity" as defined in [45] is presented in [4]. The design is accomplished by using semi-infinite optimization (see, for example, [37]) to solve an optimization problem that is not necessarily convex. Another approach has been developed using the Youla parameterization of stabilizing controllers and convex optimization [22]. Since the variation in human impedance is relatively small by comparison to the change in envi- ronment impedance, it was assumed that the hand impedance is known and fixed. High order controllers were designed by solving a convex optimization problem of the form min IIWH(YH(K) YHdDII~ such that inf{ReYte(K)(jw) >_ O, (2.5) stabilizing K where YH and YHd are admittance transfer functions (designed and desired, respectively) and Yte is the MCS block admittance seen from the environment, with a known operator impedance Zh. If the hand impedance is equal to that for which the system was de- signed, the constraint on Yt~ ensures that the environment faces a passive system and hence it is stable for any strictly passive environment. Design ex- amples showing performance tradeoffs or transparency/robustness tradeoffs and experimental results have been presented. 2.7 Nonlinear Transparent Control A nonlinear teleoperation scheme that is transparent at high gain was pre- sented in [44]. The approach uses the nonlinear rigid body dynamics of the master and slave manipulators but neglects the operator dynamics. Measured master and slave forces are used in the master controller. A stability proof and bounded position and force tracking errors have been obtained. 2.8 Passivation for Delays and Interconnectivity In outer-space or sub-sea applications, significant delays appear in the con- trol/communication block implemented by CI, C2, C3 and C4 in Fig. 2.4 and lead to instability by causing the scattering matrix of the MCS system to have infinite norm [3]. Instead of transmitting forces and velocities as in Fig. 2.4, the active control can be modified to mimic a lossless transmission line [3]. Control for Teleoperation and Haptic Interfaces 59 Stability of the system can be ensured if each of the manipulator/controller blocks is made passive. Reflections in the lossless transmission line between the master and the slave manipulator can lead to poor performance that can be alleviated somewhat by matched terminations [34]. The idea of building modular robot systems by making each of the build- ing blocks passive lead to a sophisticated system that allows teleoperated and shared control of multiple robots for programming and teleoperation [1]. In [2], it is shown that passivity of the modules can be preserved after discretization by using wave variables instead of forces and velocities and applying a discretization that preserves the norm of the scattering matrix (Tustin's method). The performance loss derived from preserving modularity via passivity is not yet clear. An experimental study of a teleoperator using a passive interconnection of passive systems showed rather poor performance [27]. Other methods have been presented in order to deal with the commu- nication delay problem. For delays of a couple of seconds or less, the dual hybrid teleoperation approach [38] described below provides some kinesthetic feedback while maintaining stability. For larger delays, the use of predictive displays has been proposed and demonstrated [6, 20]. The user is presented with a graphical display of a robot and world model, possibly superimposed over current camera images. Force feedback information is conveyed by the dynamic simulation of the environment, which is updated based on sensory information. The concept of teleprogrammin9 was also introduced to deal with the problem of delays [13]. In this approach, the master and slave have local high- level supervisory controllers and the bilateral controllers (blocks C1 through C4 in Fig. 2.4) are replaced with communication modules that transmit only high level programs. Based on the completion report of remotely executed programs, the operator can make manipulation decisions. All force feedback information is generated by the master controller based on the environment model. 2.9 Adaptive Teleoperation Control The controllers designed for fixed operator and environment impedance are too complex and require too many adjustments of design weights for them to be computed on-line easily. It is possible that complex gain-scheduling schemes could be developed to cover the broad range of operating conditions encountered for different operator and slave environments, but these would be quite complicated (up to six-dimensional frequency-dependent matrices Zh and Z~ must be accommodated). As an alternative, techniques using en- vironment identification have been proposed [17, 18]. A bilateral adaptive impedance control architecture has been proposed in [17]. The idea is to use operator and environment impedance estimators at the master and slave and local master and slave controllers (C,~ and Cs 60 S.E. Salcudean in Fig. 2.4) to duplicate the environment impedance at the master and the operator impedance at the slave. If the impedance estimators do converge, the scheme would provide transparency the way a four-channel architecture does. In addition, the estimated impedances could be processed in order to avoid stability problems caused by delays or modeling errors. This scheme is very attractive but relies on accurate impedance estimators that are difficult to obtain. In [18], a transparent bilateral control method is presented using the above "impedance reflection" idea. Environment position, velocity and acceleration are used to estimate environment impedance. The estimated impedance is used in the slave controller for good tracking performance and by the mas- ter controller to achieve transparency. With the conventional identification approach employed, it was found that environment identification converges slowly, has fairly high sensitivity to delays, and therefore is unsuitable when the environment changes fast, as is the case when manipulating objects in the presence of hard constraints [18]. An adaptive slave motion controller has been proposed in [34], where the adaptive control method of [43] is used for the slave unconstrained motion, with the constrained slave direction being controlled in stiffness mode. 2.10 Dual Hybrid Teleoperation For directions in which Ze is known, the environment impedance does not need to be identified. In particular, in directions in which Z~ is known to be small (e.g. free-motion), the master should act as a force source/position sensor and have low impedance, while the slave should behave as a position source/force sensor and have high impedance. Thus, in directions in which Z~ is small, positions are sent to the slave and forces are returned to the master, with C1 and C2 having unity transmission, and Ca, C4 having zero transmission. The dual situation applies in directions in which Ze is known to be large, (e.g. stiff contact or constraints). In those directions, the master should act as a force sensor/position source and have high impedance, with forces being sent to the slave and positions being returned to the master. Thus, in directions in which Z~ is large, C1 and C2 should have zero trans- mission, while Ca and C4 should be close to unity. From Eq. 2.3, it can be seen that the above insures that along very small or very large values of Z~, the transmitted impedance equals that of the master with local controller Z,~ + C7,~, which can be set to the minimum or maximum achievable along required directions. This concept of "dual hybrid teleoperation" has been introduced, studied and demonstrated experimentally in [38]. It has been shown that when the geometric constraints for a teleoperation task are known, the master and slave workspaces can be split into dual position-controlled and force-controlled sub- spaces, and information can be transmitted unilaterally in these orthogonal subspaces, while still providing useful kinesthetic feedback to the operator. Control for Teleoperation and Haptic Interfaces 61 2.11 Velocity Control with Force Feedback For some teleoperation systems, such as remotely-controlled excavators [36], position control is not a realistic option due to issues of safety and vastly different master and slave manipulator workspaces that would imply very poor motion resolution if scaling were to be used [50]. Instead, velocity control mode is used, in which the slave velocity follows the master position, so ideally Gp = npsI in Eq. 2.1. Transparency based on transmitted impedance can be defined in a similar manner, and requires that the derivative of the environment force be returned to the master, so ideally G s = nfsI in Eq. 2.1 [50]. To avoid returning the derivative of environment force that could be very noisy, velocity mode control can be modified to include a low-pass filter making Gp and G/ proper. Experiments with velocity-mode teleoperation systems have indeed shown that direct force feedback leads to poor transparency and poor stability mar- gins, especially when stiff environments are encountered. As an alternative, a new approach called "stiffness feedback" has been proposed. Instead of returning direct force information, the master stiffness is modulated by the environment force, from a minimum positive stiffness corresponding to the minimum expected force to a maximum positive stiffness corresponding to the maximum expected force. In order to avoid blocking the slave against a stiff environment, the stiffness law applies only when the environment force opposes slave motion. It can be shown that this control scheme is locally transparent when the environment force opposes slave motion and experi- mental results have been very positive [30, 36]. 3. Teleoperation Control Design Challenges In spite of the significant amount of research in the area of teleoperation, there are still very few applications in which the benefits of transparent bilateral teleoperation have been clearly demonstrated, in spite of areas of great po- tential, such as teleoperated endoscopic surgery, microsurgery, or the remote control of construction, mining or forestry equipment. Whether this is due to fundamental physical limitations of particular teleoperator systems or due to poorly performing controllers is still not clear. From this perspective, proba- bly the single most important challenge ahead is a better understanding of the limits of performance of teleoperation systems. Towards this goal, it would be useful to have a benchmark experimental system and task to be completed for which various controllers could be tested. Unfortunately, it would be very difficult to do this entirely through simulation, as the dynamic algorithms necessary to develop a reasonable array of tasks would be just as much un- der test as the teleoperation control schemes themselves. Furthermore, the minimum number of degrees of freedom for reasonably representative tasks would have to be at least three, e.g. planar master/slave systems. 62 S.E. Salcudean Specific improvements could be made to the fixed teleoperation controllers designed via conventional loop shaping or parametric optimization. In par- ticular, a class of operator impedances that is broader than a single fixed impedance but narrower than all passive impedances should be developed with associated robust stability conditions. Since the control design problem was formulated as a constrained "semi-infinite" optimization problem, dif- ferent algorithms could be tested or new ones developed. Like many other multi-objective optimal control problems, robust teleoperator controller de- sign problems are likely to be hard to solve. There seems to be much promise in the design of adaptive bilateral teleop- eration controllers with relatively simple and physically motivated structures. In particular, indirect adaptive schemes based on Hannaford's architecture [17] are likely to succeed. Whereas fast or nonlinear environment identifica- tion techniques are necessary to accommodate contact tasks and these seem quite difficult to develop, operator dynamics identification seems to be quite feasible [16]. Some of the difficulties encountered in developing identification algorithms may be circumvented by the use of dual hybrid teleoperation or newly developed variants that are not based on orthogonal decomposition of the task space into position and force controlled spaces. Another interesting research area is the automatic selection of the position and force controlled subspaces. 4. Teleoperation in Virtual Environments Manipulation in virtual environments has potential applications in training systems, computer-aided mechanical design and ergonomic design. For virtual environments, the master (more often called haptic interface in this context) control algorithms differ from bilateral teleoperation control algorithms in that the slave manipulator and its environment become a dynamic simulation. The simulation of systems dynamics for graphical or haptic rendering is a topic of substantial research. See, for example, [14] and other articles in the same proceedings. Two approaches have been proposed for interfacing haptic devices to dy- nanfic simulations. The impedance display, used by most researchers, taking sensed motions as inputs, passing them through a "virtual coupler" [9] to the dynamic simulator, and returning forces to the device, and the admit- tance display, taking sensed forces as input and returning positions to the haptic device. The relative advantages of these display modes have barely been touched upon, with the ability to build modular systems ("summing forces and distributing motion") [49] with non penetration constraints [47] presented in favor of the admittance approach. Looking back at the debate on teleoperation "architectures", it seems that a four-channel coupling of haptic interface and dynamic simulation via a virtual coupler should be used. This would allow the haptic interface to Control for Teleoperation and Haptic Interfaces 63 behave as a force sensor or position sensor depending on the impedance of the task. The implication on dynamic simulators remains to be determined, but there is no reason why forces from the virtual coupler could not be added to sensed forces. From a control point of view, the existence of a full dynamic model of the slave has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, the design be- comes easier because no environment identification is necessary. On the other, the design becomes more difficult because dynamic simulations require signif- icant computing power which is often distributed, so one can expect to deal with multiple rate asynchronous systems. The argument for building complex systems using passive building blocks [1] is quite compelling, especially since techniques for passive implementations of multi body simulations are being developed [9]. Better understanding of hybrid systems is needed for the control of haptic interfaces, as manipulation of objects in the presence of non penetration constraints often require switching of controller/simulation states [40, 49]. 5. Conclusion A survey of teleoperation control for scaled manipulation and manipulation in virtual environments has been presented in this chapter. It seems that contributions from the areas of systems identification, adaptive control, multi objective optimal control and hybrid systems could be integrated in novel ways to provide solutions to problems of transparent bilateral control. The scope of the survey was quite limited, Interesting work in the design of haptic interfaces, novel ways of achieving passivity using nonholonomic systems, and issues of dynamic systems simulation for virtual reality have not been addressed. References [1] Anderson R J 1995 SMART: A modular control architecture for telerobotics. 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Through extensive and intensive research on the field, remarkable progress has been made in the recent literature. This chapter is aimed at reviewing such research progress and introducing some up-to-date results. 1. Introduction In this chapter, we will review the most recent progress in the literature of fuzzy control. Up to now, fuzzy control has become a pervasively popular approach to the task of controller design. This is so not only because its the- ories are conceptually so straightforward that it is easily acceptable to the vast control literature, but also because it has demonstrated remarkable per- formance in a variety of practical applications. Theoretically speaking, the approach arises from an origin, where fuzzy control is usually referred to as an interpolated rule-based control. To be more persuasive, the inverted pen- dulum and the robot arm are usually taken as the testbed. However, for the testing purpose, one is more concerned with how much the so-designed con- troller and the human expert can be alike, rather than with the stability and the robustness of the controlled system. Of course, one can also incorporate some artificial intelligence techniques, such as a genetic algorithm or learning to achieve enhanced control [13, 22]. The genetic algorithm can provide a faster solution in searching for the best fuzzy rules via extensive simulations or experiments over the controlled system which can be regarded as a black- box system. On the other hand, a learning algorithm is constructed to extract some knowledge from the behavioral law of the controlled system learning, or from the neural nets. However, when the underlying system is too complex to be described, it is difficult to find a suitable learning algorithm to improve the fuzzy rules. Recently, a linguistic learning-based fuzzy control (LLBFC) with a sequential learning mechanism has been proposed to solve the above problems by imitating the procedure of controller design generally adopted by human beings [10]. The key spirit is that a sequential learning mechanism can first decompose the system into several subsystems, each of which can be easily described using some linguistic rules, and then establish the control by sequentially learning the control strategies of the individual subsystems. [...]... ~9 6O 50 4O 40 ~3o ~ 20 0 ~20 -2 0 10 -4 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 time (see) ,oof o (a) Tasknmningthe firsttimefor poleangle 1 1 5 2 time (sec) (b) Task running 16 times for pole angle 0 4 -' i -L-:. i -5 0 -I00 0 0.5 1 1.5 time (sec) (c) Task running 16 times for controlinput :1 05 o o.6 1 (d) Learning processin the phaseplane Fig 3 .4 Learning procedure of LLBFC for pole controller 74 F.-Y Hsu and L.-C Fu A... fuzzy logic controllers using a multiresolution search paradigm IEEE Trans Fuzzy Syst 4: 21 3-2 16 [13] Kwong W A, Passino K M 1996 Dynamic focused fuzzy learning control IEEE Trans Syst Man Cyber - Part B: Cyber 26:53 74 [ 14] Lee C C 1991 A self-learning rule-based controller employing approximate reasoning and neural net concepts Int J Intel Syst 7 1-9 3 [15] Lin C-J, Teng C 1996 Reinforcement learning for... Syst 4: 3 2 -4 3 [4] Clouse J A, Utgoff P E 1992 A teaching method for reinforcement learning In: Proc Mach Learn Conf [5] Han M-W, Kopacek P 1996 Neuro-fuzzy approach in service robotics In: Prepr 13th IFAC World Congr San Francisco, CA [6] Hsu F-Y, Fu L-C 19 94 Adaptive robust fuzzy control for robot manipulators In: Proc 199/, IEEE Int Conf Robot Automat San Diego, CA, pp 64 9-6 54 [7] Hsu F-Y, Fu L-C 1995... Task running the first time for cart position 0 -1 0 5 10 time (see) 15 20 (b) Tasknmning 18 timesfor cart position 5( 4( '- - - '- - - - ~3( ~2( -1 -o 5 ~o 15 20 time (see) (c) Task running 18 times for pole angle X/"~ rx (d) Learning process in the phase plane F i g 3.5 Learning procedure of LLBFC for cart controller Recent Progress in Fuzzy Control 75 Fig 3.6 Robot manipulator performing control. .. adaptively updating some rule parameter [3] In order to make the developed fuzzy controllers more convincing, it becomes a trend in demonstrating the controller performance in practice Particularly, adaptive variable structure control is applied to robot manipulators to solve the problem in position tracking control, hybrid force/position control, contour-following control, and the deburring robot control, ... adaptive variable structure control is initiated The position error and force error are given in Fig 3.8; we can find that the error is converging to zero 80 F.-Y Hsu and L.-C Fu 6 v 4 ° 2~ k 3 (1 Y 2 J 4 6 8 10 12 fime(s~) w 2 z 1.5 o 0.5 "~ -0 .5 8 -1 -1 .5 j 0 2 4 6 ,4 8 10 12 time (sec) Fig 3.8 Robot manipulator performing contour following for unknown object 4 C o n c l u s i o n In this chapter, we reviewed... References [1] Barto A, Sutton R, Anderson C W 1983 Neuronlike adaptive elements that can solve difficult learning control problems IEEE Trans Syst Man Cyber 13:83 4- 8 46 [2] Berenji H R, Khedkar P 1992 Learning and tuning fuzzy logic controllers through reinforcements IEEE Trans Neural Net 3:72 4- 7 39 [3] Chen B-S, Lee C-H, Chang Y-C 1996 H °° tracking design of uncertain nonlinear SISO systems: Adaptive fuzzy... cutting tool and Xo • Na being the orientation vector, and q = [ q l , ' " " , q,~]r Differentiating Eq (3 .4) , we then get 5c - OH(q~) (I : J(q)0, Oq (3.5) where J(q) • ~6xn is a Jacobian transform matrix and is assumed to be of full rank for q lying in a compact set in the joint space, so that there exists a one-to-one mapping between x and q in a properly defined compact set Thus, J has a pseudo-inverse... force/position controller for robot manipulators In: Proc i995 IEEE Int Conf Robot Automat Nagoya, Japan, pp 86 3-8 68 Recent Progress in Fuzzy Control 81 [8] Hsu F-Y, Fu L-C 1996 An adaptive fuzzy hybrid control for robot manipulators following contours of an uncertain object In Proc 1996 IEEE Int Conf Robot Automat Minneapolis, MN, pp 223 2-2 237 [9] Hsu F-Y, Fu L-C 1996 Intelligent robot deburring using adaptive... motion and force, while contacting the parts The control problems are the uncertainties in robot dynamics and unknown contact environment The proposed adaptive fllzzy variable structure control can efficiently solve the above problems, as positioning tracking control [6], hybrid force/position control [7], contour following with unknown objects [8], and deburring robot [9] 76 F.-Y Hsu and L.-C Fu 3.2.2 . Bilateral control of teleoperators with flexible joints by the H ~ approach. In: Proc 1993 SPIE Conf Telemanip Tech. pp 8 0- 91 [5] Batter J J, Brooks F P Jr 1972 GROPE-l: A computer display. hydraulic exca- vators. In: Khatib O, Salisbury J K (eds) Experimental Robotics IV. Springer- Verlag, London, UK, pp 18 1-1 94 [31] Leung G M H, Francis B A, Apkarian A 1995 Bilateral controller. workspaces can be split into dual position-controlled and force-controlled sub- spaces, and information can be transmitted unilaterally in these orthogonal subspaces, while still providing

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