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Textbook of Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care - part 8 pptx

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Pa g e 294 anaesthesia will allow the surgical stimulus to increase CMRO 2 , CBF and ICP. The choice of anaesthetic agent and technique will depend on the patient's preoperative neurological status, his preoperative medical conditions and the presence of associated injuries. There is simply no evidence that a particular approach is better for anaesthetizing the patient with head injury. However, most commonly recommended methods have these goals in common: • smooth induction without sudden or pronounced changes in blood pressure; • maintenance of adequate CPP; • preventing rises in CMRO 2 , CBF and ICP; • a rapid postoperative emergence, if desired. The choice of maintenance agent should reflect these goals. In general, nitrous oxide and the inhalational agents are best avoided because of their effect on autoregulation, CBF and ICP. 79,80 Although nitrous oxide maintains autoregulation and CO 2 reactivity, it has been shown to stimulate cerebral metabolism, resulting in vasodilatation and increased CBF. 81 For this reason, its use in the hea d -injured patient is discouraged. The inhaled volatile anaesthetic agents affect both CBF and autoregulation. The net effect of inhalational agents is to increase the CBF but their action on CBF is twofold. As all the inhalational agents tend to reduce cerebral metabolism, we would expect a corresponding reduction in CBF. The decrease in CBF, however, is overridden by a direct cerebral vasodilatory effect, partly mediated by nitric oxide. This vasodilatory effect increases with the dose of anaesthetic agent. Thus, although the increase in CBF produced by isoflurane, halothane and desflurane may be small at low doses, it is dose dependent and CBF may markedly increase at higher doses. This increase is further exaggerated when CMRO 2 is depressed, as may be the case in the head-injured patient. 80 Sevoflurane appears to be the ''least" cerebral vasodilatory inhalational agent available at present. 82 As blood pressure and CPP fluctuate in response to surgical stimulus, anaesthetic agents that maintain autoregulation and CO 2 reactivity will allow stable cerebral haemodynamics. Inhalational anaesthetics, with the exception of sevoflurane, impair both the ability to autoregulate (static autoregulation), and the rate of autoregulation (dynamic autoregulation) in a dose-dependent manner. 79 In addition, the inhalational agents impair CO 2 reactivity. In contrast, sevoflurane has been shown to maintain static autoregulation and preserves dynamic autoregulation and CO 2 reactivity better than the other commonly used volatile anaesthetic agents. 83 The reported epileptogenic side effects of enflurane prohibit its use in neuroanaesthesia. Opioids have very little effect on CBF and metabolism but the newer synthetic opioids, fentanyl, sufentanil and alfentanil, have been shown to cause an increase in ICP in patients with head injury. This increase is thought to be secondary to respiratory depression and hypotension. These agents should therefore be used with great care to avoid systemic hypotension. Remifentanil, the recently introduced opioid agent with an ultra-short hal f -life, will probably affect ICP via its hypotensive effect. We prefer to use a total intravenous anaesthetic technique of propofol and fentanyl infusions. Propofol reduces CMRO 2 , CBF and ICP. It does not impair autoregulation and CO 2 reactivity, even at high enough doses to produce electroencephalographic isoelectricity. 84 The reduction in CMRO 2 with propofol anaesthesia may be neuroprotective. The patient's lungs are ventilated with O 2 /air mixture to maintain mild hypocapnia. Although prolonged excessive hyperventilation is associated with poor neurological outcome, acute hyperventilation may be essential to reduce ICP in the head-injured patient. 85 Hypocapnia induces cerebral vasoconstriction and the resultant decrease in CBF and ICP may improve cerebral perfusion pressure. However, excessive cerebral vasoconstriction has been shown to cause cerebral ischaemia and hyperventilation must be used with great care. Should a PaCO 2 lower than 4 kPa be required, monitoring cerebral oxygenation with a jugular venous bulb catheter is advisable. Jugular bulb oximetry, though unable to detect local ischaemia, is a good indicator of the adequacy of CBF and global cerebral oxygenation. Hyperoxia can be used as a temporary measure to improve cerebral oxygen delivery during marked hyperventilation. 86,87 N euromuscular blockade should be maintained intraoperatively in all hea d -injured patients to prevent coughing or straining and the extent of neuromuscular block monitored with a neuromuscular stimulator. The use of neuroprotective treatment regimens in the patient with moderate or severe head injury is of secondary importance to the maintenance of cerebral oxygenation, the avoidance of hypotension and the control of intracranial pressure. Hyopthermia has theoretical advantages in that it reduces CMRO 2 , the production of cytokines, free radicals and glutamate and has been shown to be of benefit in animal studies. 88 Although conclusive outcome data are still lacking, a recent study in humans suggested that moderate hypothermia for 24 h was beneficial in improving outcome of hea d -injured patients with Pa g e 296 References 1. Jennet B, McMillan R. Epidemiology of head injury. BMJ 1981; 282: 101 – 104. 2. Andrews PJD. What is the optimal cerebral perfusion pressure after brain injury? A review of the evidence with an emphasis on arterial pressure. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1995; 39(suppl): 112 – 114. 3. Aaslid R, Lindegaard K -F, Sorteberg W et al. Cerebral autoregulation dynamics in humans. Stroke 1989; 20: 45 – 52. 4. Edvinsson L, Owman C, Seisjo B Physiological role of cerebrovascular nerves in the autoregulation of cerebral blood flow. Brain Res 1976; 117: 518. 5. 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Matta Introduction 301 Determinants of Outcome in Acute Head Injury: Primary vs Secondary Insults 301 Pathophysiology in Acute Head Injury 302 Monitoring in Acute Head Injury 303 Therapy 307 N ovel Neuroprotective Interventions 311 Sequential Escalation Versus Targeted Therapy for the Intensive Care of Head Injury 313 References 313 Pa g e 301 Introduction Approximately 1.4 million patients suffer a head injury in the United Kingdom each year 1 and about 2500 of these suffer a severe head injury 2 (defined as a postresuscitation Glasgow Coma Score 3 <8) (Table 21.1). Head injury is responsible for 15% of deaths between 15 and 45 years 2 and is one of the most important causes of death in this age range. There is enormous variability in the inpatient case fatality rate for all head injuries (2.6–6.5%) 4 and for severe head injury (which ought to represent a more homogeneous subgroup of patients) from US and UK centres, with mortality ranging from 15% to over 50%. 5 Conversely, good outcomes, defined as a Glasgow Outcome Scale 6 of 1 or 2 (Box 21.1), vary from under 50% to nearly 70%. 5 Identification of the cause of such variability is important if overall outcome is to improve. Determinants of Outcome in Acute Head Injury: Primar y vs Secondar y Insults Little can be done about the extent of primary injury to the brain when patients present to intensive care following head trauma but the presence and severity of secondary neuronal injury, much of which is triggered by physiological insults to the injured brain, can be a major determinant of outcome. 7,8 Eloquent proof of the importance of such secondary neuronal injury is available from the 30– 40% of patients who 'talk and die', 9 implying that the primary injury was, on its own, insufficient to account for mortality. The most important physiological insults that affect outcome are listed in Table 21.2, and can be graded for severity with respect to their expected effect on secondary neuronal injury. 10,11 It is, however, essential to emphasize that rapid resuscitation and transport to definitive neurosurgical care are critical determinants of outcome. 11,12,13 The severity of physiological insults, both immediately after injury and during the ICU phase of the illness, can be related to outcome (Table 21.2). 10,11 Physiological insults are additive in their effect on outcome, both when multiple insults (e.g. hypoxia and hypotension) occur at the same time point or when the same insult occurs repeatedly (e.g. 1 = Good recovery 2 = Moderate disability 3 = Severe disability 4 = Vegetative state 5 = Dead Many studies dichotomize the scale to good outcome (1 and 2) and poor outcome (3– 5). Box 21.1 Glas g ow Outcome Scale Table 21.1 Glas g ow Coma Scale and Score Parameter 15-point adult scale (from 3 ) Paediatric scale* Eye opening Spontaneous 4 As for adults To sound 3 To pain 2 None 1 Best verbal response Orientated 5 Orientated 5 Confused 4 Words 4 Inappropriate words 3 Vocal sounds 3 Incomprehensible sounds 2 Cries 2 None 1 None 1 Best motor response Obeys commands 6 Obeys commands 5 Localizes pain 5 Localizes pain 4 Flexion withdrawal 4 Flexion 3 Flexion abnormal 3 Extension 2 Extension 2 None 1 None 1 Maximum sum 15 14 *Simpson DA, Reilly PL. Paediatric coma scale (letter). Lancet 1982; ii: 450. [...]... Anaesth 1 988 ; 6: 583 – 588 102 Forster A, Juge O, Morel D Effects of midazolam on cerebral hemodynamics and cerebral vasomotor responsiveness to carbon dioxide J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1 983 ; 3: 246–249 103 Strebel S, Kaufmann M, Guardiola PM et al Cerebral vasomotor responsiveness to carbon dioxide is preserved during propofol and midazolam anesthesia in humans Anesth Analg 1994; 78: 88 4 88 8 104 Sperry... the efficacy of the procedure However, the large body of Page 304 Figure 21.3 Induction of inflammatory responses following acute brain injury: TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 are secreted by astrocytes and microglial cells, with later production of chemokines, including IL -8 , cytokine-induced neutrophil chemotactic factor (CINC), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and monocyte chemotactic and activating... Smielewski P, Kirkpatrick P et al Monitoring of cerebral autoregulation in head-injured patients Stroke 1996; 27: 182 9– 183 4 47 Czosnyka M, Matta BF, Smielewski P et al Cerebral perfusion pressure in head-injured patients: a noninvasive assessment using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography J Neurosurg 19 98; 88 : 80 2 80 8 48 Chan KH, Dearden NM, Miller JD The significance of posttraumatic increase in cerebral... W, Mattheussen M et al Effect of propofol on cerebral circulation and autoregulation in the baboon Anesth Analg 1 988 ; 71: 49–54 100 Vandesteene A, Trempont V, Engelman E et al Effect of propofol on cerebral blood flow and metabolism in man Anaesthesia 1 988 ; 43: 42–43 101 Beller JP, Pottecher T, Lugnier A et al Prolonged sedation with propofol in ICU patients: recovery and blood concentration changes... Ghajar J, Hariri RJ, Narayan RK et al Survey of critical care management of comatose, head-injured patients in the United States Crit Care Med 1995; 23: 560–567 20 Matta BF, Menon DK Severe head injury in the United Kingdom and Ireland: a survey of practice and implications for management Crit Care Med 1996; 24: 1743–17 48 21 Wilkins I, Matta BF, Menon DK Management of comatose head injured patients in the... the question Crit Care Med 19 98; 26: 210–212 74 Asgeirsson B, Grande PO, Nordstrom CH A new therapy of post-trauma edema based on haemodynamic principles for brain volume regulation Intens Care Med 1994; 20: 260–264 75 Schneck MJ Treating elevated intracranial pressure: do we raise or lower the blood pressure? Crit Care Med 19 98; 26: 1 787 – 1 788 76 Bullock R, Povilshock JT The use of hyperventilation... Use of hypertonic (3%) saline/acetate infusion in the treatment of cerebral oedema: effect on intracranial pressure and lateral displacement of the brain Crit Care Med 19 98; 26: 440–446 83 Simma B, Burger R, Falk M, Fanconi S A prospective, randomized, and controlled study of fluid management in clildren with severe head injury: lactated Ringer's solution versus hypertonic saline Crit Care Med 19 98; ... Neurotrauma 1996; 13: 743–750 88 Spapen HD, Duinslaeger L, Diltoer M et al Gastric emptying in critically ill patients is accelerated by adding cisapride to a standard enteral feeding protocol – results of a prospective, randomized, controlled trial Crit Care Med 1995; 23: 481 – 485 89 Paczynski RP Osmotherapy Crit Care Clin 1997; 13: 105–129 90 Bullock R, Povilshock JT The use of mannitol in severe head... following a variety of insults,16,25,26 with production of proinflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecule upregulation.27, 28 These changes result in early neutrophil influx and later recruitment of lympho- Figure 21.1 Effect of the duration and magnitude of acceleration/deceleration forces on the type of injury produced in the brain Page 303 Figure 21.2 Sequential activation of injury processes in... monocytes and macrophages) Leucocytes attracted by these chemokines subsequently interact with adhesion molecules such as P- and E-selectin and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) The initial cellular response is mainly polymorphonuclear (PMN) and later cellular responses predominantly consist of invading macrophages and CD4+ lymphocytes These cells, along with microglia-derived HLA-DQ+ tissue . Induction of inflammatory responses following acute brain injury: TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 are secreted by astrocytes and microglial cells, with later production of chemokines, including IL -8 , cytokine-induced. autoregulation during isoflurane, desflurane and propofol anesthesia. Anesthesiology 1995; 83 : 66 – 76. 80 . Matta BF, Mayberg TS, Lam AM. Direct cerebrovascular effects of halothane, isoflurane and desflurane. 1999; 88 : 341 – 345. 84 . Matta BF, Lam AM, Strebel S, Mayberg TS. Cerebral pressure autoregulation and CO 2 -reactivity during propofol-induced EEG suppression. Br J Anaesth 1995; 4: 159 – 163. 85 .

Ngày đăng: 10/08/2014, 00:21