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Neurological Emergencies - part 8 ppsx

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Primary amoebic encephalitis This condition is caused by free living amoebae of the species Naegleria fowleri. They live in moist soil and most cases have been reported in children who have been swimming or playing in stagnant water. Amoebae enter the nasal cavity, cross the nasal epithelium, and ascend to the brain along olfactory nerves and blood vessels to frontal and basal meninges and spread, causing a florid necrotising inflammation. Clinically the presentation is of a sudden onset of severe meningitis indistinguishable from bacterial meningitis. 140 The clue to diagnosis is the history of exposure to warm, stagnant water. CSF examination reveals pleocytosis in which polymorphs predominate, raised protein, and reduced glucose. No organisms are seen on the gram stain and special examination of fresh, warm specimens of CSF will show motile trophozoites. Most patients die rapidly despite treatment, but survival following treatment with amphotericin B has been described, 141 and this should be given in the highest tolerated dose parenterally, reinforced by intracisternal injection and by rifampicin and tetracycline, which have some activity against Naegleriae. 142 Acanthamoeba spp. tend to cause a subacute granulomatous meningoencephalitis. Brain abscess and subdural empyema Intracranial abscesses remain a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge despite the considerable advances that have taken place in recent decades in imaging techniques, neurosurgical practice, bacteriological isolation of causal organisms, and the introduction of more potent antibiotics. 143,144 They frequently present as emergencies and, as with all forms of cerebral infection, delay in diagnosis and implementation of treatment, and inappropriate investigation, adversely affect the outcome. 145 The incidence of brain abscess is 1·3 per 100 000 person- years and this has fallen in recent years. Brain abscesses account for approximately 1 in 10 000 admissions in the United States. 144 Both brain abscesses and subdural empyemas are more common in young men. 145,146 NEUROLOGICAL EMERGENCIES 332 Pathogenesis Bacteria reach the brain parenchyma via the bloodstream, by direct extension from an adjacent focus of infection or by implantation through wounds as a result of trauma or neurosurgery. In about 15% of cases the source of infection cannot be identified. Haematogenous spread has been implicated in approximately 25% of cases. The most common primary foci are endocarditis and pulmonary infections. Brain abscesses resulting from haematogenous spread are often multifocal and more frequently involve middle cerebral artery territory. Congenital cyanotic heart disease and pulmonary suppuration (for example, bronchiectasis or lung abscess) are associated with an increased frequency of brain abscess. Sinusitis, otitis, and dental abscess are the most commonly implicated foci of infection that result in direct spread of infection to the brain parenchyma and subdural space. With improved treatment of these conditions the incidence of suppurative complications has declined. Spread of infection beyond the dural barrier is unusual in bacterial meningitis, but when it occurs is often secondary to gram negative organisms. Penetrating head injuries, particularly those secondary to gunshot wounds or associated with bone fragments, are occasionally associated with brain abscess. There is also a small risk following neurosurgical procedures. The risk of brain abscess increases with immunosuppression, particularly that associated with the use of high dose corticosteroids, repeated episodes of rejection, and prolonged neutropenia in bone marrow/stem cell and solid organ transplant patients. Experimental data indicate that bacteria cannot set up a nidus of infection in normal, undamaged brain and an area of devitalised or ischaemic tissue is a prerequisite. Generally it is believed that either a thrombophlebitis spreads from contiguous infection or that microinfarction from emboli or hypoxaemia produces a microscopic area of necrosis in which infection can become established. This is followed by cerebritis, with surrounding oedema of white matter; next the centre of cerebritis becomes necrotic and enlarges, capsule formation begins with the appearance of fibroblasts and neovascular change at the periphery, reactive astrocytosis, and surrounding oedema. Thereafter capsular development CEREBRAL INFECTION 333 and thickening occurs. 147 The time course is variable and may be as short as three weeks. Causative organisms In the non-immunocompromised host, most brain abscesses are bacterial in origin and are frequently polymicrobial. A wide spectrum of organisms, both aerobic and anaerobic, has been isolated from brain abscesses. Streptococcal species, particularly Streptococcus milleri, are the most commonly identified and are found in up to 70% of abscesses. Suppurative infections complicating ear and sinus infections commonly have a mixed flora, which includes Enterobacteriaceae, streptococci (aerobic and anaerobic), Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacteroides spp. Dental sepsis causes infections with a mixed bag of streptococci, Bacteroides spp., and Fusobacterium spp.; pulmonary disease is associated with fusobacteria, other anaerobes, streptococci, and actinomycetes. Patients with congenital heart disease are likely to have anaerobic and microaerophilic streptococci. Staphylococci are found with penetrating head trauma, as are streptococci and Clostridium spp. The organism implicated in abscesses associated with immunocompromised individuals depends on the type of defect. In those suffering from neutropenia and defects in neutrophil function, gram negative rods and fungi (Aspergillus spp., Candida spp., and Mucoraceae) are most commonly involved. T cell dysfunction predisposes to infection with Listeria monocytogenes, Nocardia asteroides, mycobacteria, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Toxoplasma gondii. In recipients of bone marrow transplants and solid organ transplants 92% of brain abscesses are associated with a single fungal pathogen. 148 Aspergillus is most commonly identified followed by Candida. Other fungi are occasionally found. Diagnosis The clinical features of brain abscesses and other focal CNS suppuration are largely caused by the presence of a space occupying lesion. They are usually described as headache, fever, and focal neurological signs, but this triad is only found in half of all patients. 144 Other common clinical features are focal signs pointing to the site of the lesion, convulsions, NEUROLOGICAL EMERGENCIES 334 which are usually generalised but may be focal, nausea and vomiting, raised intracranial pressure even to the point of coning, and neck stiffness to suggest meningitis. There may be pyrexia and symptoms relating to the source of infection, such as otitis or sinusitis. Cerebral abscesses, therefore, must be included in the differential diagnosis of patients who present acutely with a wide range of neurological features. Faced with a patient in whom intracranial abscess is a possible diagnosis, the priority is to confirm the diagnosis and identify the source of infection and the responsible organism or organisms. Once vital functions have been stabilised, a full examination should be made for a focus of infection, such as otitis media or pelvic sepsis, and if found, cultures should be made and steps taken to eradicate the source. Blood cultures should be set up. Contrast-enhanced CT or MRI should be done as soon as possible. In addition to visualising the intracranial contents, note should be made of the state of the paranasal sinuses and the mastoid air cells. Skull fractures and cranial defects should be looked for. CT classically shows ring-enhancing lesions, although in the early stages ring enhancement may be absent. There may be surrounding oedema. Unfortunately, such appearances are not specific and may be seen with brain tumours, granulomas, necrotising encephalitis, and infarction. MRI is more sensitive than CT in demonstrating early cerebritis, cerebral oedema, and the contents of abscess cavities. 144 Lumbar puncture should never be carried out on patients suspected of having a brain abscess. Treatment When the diagnosis of brain abscess is confirmed, the therapeutic strategy will be influenced by several factors. Most patients require surgical drainage: reasons for surgery are relief of space occupation, confirmation of the diagnosis, and obtaining specimens of pus for culture. It is seldom necessary to resort to complete surgical excision of an abscess. Simple aspiration of the contents of an abscess is the most frequently advocated technique; when carried out under stereotactic CT- guided control 149 diagnostic material is obtained in more than 90% of cases. If the abscess is a consequence of head trauma, then surgery is mandatory to perform appropriate toilet, CEREBRAL INFECTION 335 debridement, removal of fragments, and closure of dural defects. If the abscesses are small or in the cerebritis stage, then surgery may not be needed and it is appropriate to treat with antibiotics on the basis of organism identification from other sources or, if that is not possible, on a “best guess” principle governed by the likely source of infection. Close monitoring of the lesions with serial CT or MRI is necessary; if they do not diminish in size, aspiration should be undertaken. In people with immunosuppression, including those with AIDS, the threshold for aspiration of pus to identify the offending organism is substantially lowered. Choice of antibiotics In the immunocompetent patient, empirical treatment should be with a combination of a third generation cephalosporin (for example, cefotaxime) and metronidazole. 150 Vancomycin is added to this regimen if staphylococci are suspected. Treatment should be given for no less than six weeks but must be determined for each case by clinical response and improvement of CT scan appearances. In the immunosuppressed the choice of treatment will depend on the immune defect, as outlined above. For neutropenic patients and those post transplantation, empirical therapy should include amphotericin B because of the high frequency of fungal infections that occur. In HIV positive patients with multiple lesions, pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine are used to treat toxoplasmosis. If there is not a rapid clinical and radiological response then other pathologies need to be considered. Dexamethasone is commonly used to treat cerebral oedema and, in practice, the benefit obtained in reducing intracranial pressure outweighs the potential hazard of diminishing the host inflammatory response. The risk of developing epileptic seizures is not insubstantial and prophylactic anticonvulsants are recommended. Mortality is about 25–30% and another third of individuals will have long-term sequelae. Spinal subdural empyema and epidural abscess The presenting features of spinal epidural and subdural suppuration are back pain that may progress rapidly to limb NEUROLOGICAL EMERGENCIES 336 paralysis and bowel or bladder dysfunction. The management of these uncommon conditions is very similar to their intracranial counterparts. The key to a successful outcome is clinical awareness, prompt diagnosis with MRI, and urgent surgical decompression and drainage. A six to eight week course of intravenous antibiotics is generally advised. 151 Management of cerebral infection • Cerebral infection may be due to meningitis, encephalitis, or focal space occupation. • Viral meningitis must be distinguished from partly treated bacterial and other causes of aseptic meningitis. • Viral encephalitis in the UK and Europe is usually due to herpes simplex which must be treated quickly with intravenous acyclovir. However other causes must be considered including, especially in other parts of the world, rabies and arborviruses. • At seroconversion HIV infection may cause aseptic meningoencephalitis and later it may cause HIV encephalopathy. AIDS is associated with cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, and tuberculosis. • Bacterial meningitis is a serious neurological emergency. The commonest causative organisms, except in neonates and the elderly, are Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Immediate treatment should be given to adult patients with ceftriaxone. Advice about other antibiotic treatment is contained in this chapter. • Cerebral malaria is fatal in 25–50% of cases. Patients with febrile illnesses returning from malarial areas should be suspected of having malaria. Quinine is the drug of choice for severe malaria. • Cerebral abscess may be caused by a wide variety of organisms but Streptococci are the commonest in non-immunocompromised hosts. Most patients require surgical drainage and empirical treatment with antibiotics. These usually include a third generation cephalosporin, metranidazole, and, if Staphylococci are suspected, vancomycin. References 1 Wallgren A. Une nouvelle maladie infectieuse du systeme nerveux central? (Meningite septique aigue). Acta Paediatr Scand 1925;4:158–82. 2 Johnson RT, Mims CA. Pathogenesis of viral infections of the nervous system. N Engl J Med 1968;278:23–30. 3 Dropulic B, Masters GL. Entry of neurotropic arboviruses into the central nervous system. J Infect Dis 1990;161:691. CEREBRAL INFECTION 337 4 Rotbart H. Enteroviral infections of the central nervous system. Clin Infect Dis 1995;20:971–81. 5 Feigin RD, Shackelford PG. Value of repeat lumbar puncture in the differential diagnosis of meningitis. 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NEUROLOGICAL EMERGENCIES 3 38 27 Peterslund NA. Herpes zoster associated encephalitis: clinical findings and acyclovir treatment. Scand J Infect Dis 1 988 ;20: 583 –92. 28 Whitley. 1993;40: 185 –215. 79 Schaad UB. Management of bacterial meningitis in childhood. Rev Med Microbiol 1997 ;8: 171 8. 80 Tunkel AR, Scheld WM. Acute bacterial meningitis. Lancet 1995;346: 1675 80 . 81 Thomas. convulsion. Arch Dis Child 1977;52: 188 –91. 84 Lorber J, Sunderland R. Lumbar puncture in children with convulsions associated with fever. Lancet 1 980 ;i: 786 . 85 Osman H. Human herpesvirus 6 and

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