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Use of Autoshaping with Non-Delayed and Delayed Reinforcement 257 IV. Discussion The results of this experiment indicate that, as animals learn to form the association between lever extension/retraction and food pellet delivery during autoshaping they become increasingly resistant to the behaviorally toxic effects of physostigmine. As shown above, only the D1G and D4G groups were significantly suppressed, com- pared to the D8G on more than the first day that each of these groups received physostigmine. The D8G group was significantly suppressed on only the first day of its treatment with physostigmine and it took 4 sessions (and a reduction of the dose of physostigmine to 0.067 mg/kg) before the D4G group returned to levels of responding not different from the CG/D13Gs. The D1G group remained suppressed virtually throughout the study, even after their dose was also reduced to one third for Session 8 and beyond and even on Session 13, when they received a saline injection. This decrease in the number of days of behavioral suppression with FIGURE 14.3 Percentage of rats in each group achieving the autoshaping criterion of emitting 6 or more ELT during 2 of 3 contiguous sessions. By Session 3 (Figure 14.3A) the percentage of rats in the D1G achieving the criterion was significantly below the CG/D13G (0% vs. 44%, *p<0.05). These values increased to 11% vs. 78% during Session 6 and 22% vs. 89% for Session 9 ( **p<0.01 in both cases). By Session 12 the percentage achieving criterion for these two groups was the same as for Session 9 and is depicted in Figure 14.3B. None of the other groups were significantly different from the control group, using this criterion analysis. A 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CG D8G D4G D1G HCG PSG Treatment Group % A chieving Criterion ELT/3 Sessions * 0704/C14/frame Page 257 Monday, July 17, 2000 5:36 PM © 2001 by CRC Press LLC © 2001 by CRC Press LLC Use of Autoshaping with Non-Delayed and Delayed Reinforcement 259 The suppression of the D1G group, at least after several sessions, is an indication that conditioned aversion/suppression was probably established and maintained. Previous studies 57,58 have shown that conditioned taste aversion takes place when physostigmine is presented immediately after the presentation of a novel stimulus (saccharine solution). Because this evidence suggests that pairings between a novel stimulus and physostigmine are aversive, it is quite possible that the pairing of the novel environment during the first days of autoshaping with the novel drug, phys- ostigmine, produced conditioned aversion in the D1G group. In this case the aversive properties of physostigmine could be acting as a type of unconditioned stimulus which is affecting their behavior. This particular group showed the greatest amount of behavioral suppression, throughout the 13 sessions, and were the only group that experienced the effects of physostigmine and the novel environment of the operant chamber together from the very beginning. All of the other groups had previous experience with either the drug or the chamber before the two were paired. FIGURE 14.4 When an ANOVA was performed upon the session number in which the criterion was attained by each rat, assigning a value of 15 for those rats which had not achieved it by Session 13, the outcome is depicted in this figure. **p<0.025 or better vs. all other groups; PLSD following a significant omnibus outcome (F 5,48 = 5.26; p<0.001). CG D8G D4G D1G HCG PSG 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Treatment Group Criterion Session (>5 ELT 2/3 Sessions) ** 0704/C14/frame Page 259 Monday, July 17, 2000 5:36 PM © 2001 by CRC Press LLC © 2001 by CRC Press LLC 260 Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience Surprisingly, even after the dose of physostigmine was dropped on Session 8, the D1G group still showed no evidence of acquisition. As was suggested at the begin- ning of this section of the chapter, a high dose of physostigmine which is aversive, and thus acts as an unconditioned stimulus, may also signal a discriminable internal state change as the drug is absorbed, which can also act as a conditioned stimulus. 59,60 The animals that received a high dose of the drug for 7 days before the dose was dropped could thus discriminate an internal state change, even after the dose was dropped. Although they actually may not have been as adversely affected (i.e., by the high dose) as they had been previously, the expectation of the aversive effects to follow, and thus the discriminative drug stimulus, was sufficient to elicit the conditioned response (i.e., no performance). This pairing of CS and UCS may be responsible, at least in part, for the lack of autoshaping by the D1G group throughout the 13 sessions. The PSG’s autoshaping performance was almost identical to the CG/D13G’s through the first 5 sessions. Thereafter, their performance dropped to a level FIGURE 14.5 Autoshaped ELT were significantly depressed by physostigmine (0.2 mg/kg) during the session when first administered, relative to ELT performance during the previous session, for the D4G and D8G. The CG/D13G was unaffected by the injection of the cholinesterase inhibitor after 12 autoshaping sessions. *p<0.05; **<0.01. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ELT/12 Trials Treatment Group(Physostigmine0.2mg/kg) D4G D8G CG/D13G 1 Day Pre-Physostigmine ELT 1st Physostigmine Day ELT 0704/C14/frame Page 260 Monday, July 17, 2000 5:36 PM © 2001 by CRC Press LLC © 2001 by CRC Press LLC Use of Autoshaping with Non-Delayed and Delayed Reinforcement 261 significantly below the control group (i.e., during Sessions 6 and 7), coming back when the dose was decreased. It was during the deterioration of their autoshaped performance that their exploratory rearing behaviors were significantly elevated, so a different sort of interaction between their behavioral and drug histories was acting to prevent a similar habituation that was observed when the CG/D13G and D4G were injected with saline before and after the sessions. These two groups showed very similar exploratory rearing activity as did the PSG during the first autoshaping session but this behavior diminished thereafter, while the PSG, given physostigmine injection after the sessions, showed impaired habituation to the chamber. Invoking the idea of aversive conditioning, it could be that the number of pairings of the chamber and the drug are determinants of the suppression in the D1G group, and that the D4G group was not as suppressed because they had not had enough pairings of the drug and the chamber for conditioned aversion to take place. Yet the HCG had more injections, in addition to the same number of pairings of drug and chamber as did the D1G group but nevertheless showed significant learning. Additional studies will have to be undertaken to more fully interpret the bases for the PSG’s and the HCG’s drug-behavior interactions, which deviate substantially from the other groups’ performance. FIGURE 14.6 Regression analyses of average ELT for groups injected prior to sessions (D1G, D4G, D8G, CG/D13G) vs. the day the first injection of physostigmine was administered, for Session 9 (Figure 14.6A), Session 11 (Figure 14.6B), and Session 13 (Figure 14.6C). 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 y = .408x + 3.047, r 2 = .864; p=0.071 First Injection Day (Physostigmine,0.2mg/kg) Average Session 9 ELT/12 Trials A 0704/C14/frame Page 261 Monday, July 17, 2000 5:36 PM © 2001 by CRC Press LLC © 2001 by CRC Press LLC 264 Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience Acknowledgments Some of the research upon which this chapter is based, and its preparation, was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research N00014-86-K-0407 and USPHS grants RO1 ES 00760; RO1 DA 01880; T37 DA 07097; R37 DA 04979. Technical assistance by D. Rosenfeld is likewise acknowledged and appreciated. References 1. Brown, P. L. and Jenkins, H. M., Auto-shaping of the pigeon’s key-peck. 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Psycho- pharmacology, 55, 43, 1977. 0704/C14/frame Page 267 Monday, July 17, 2000 5:36 PM © 2001 by CRC Press LLC © 2001 by CRC Press LLC © 2001 by CRC Press LLC 15 Chapter Assessing Frontal Lobe Functions in Non-Human Primates Jay S. Schneider Contents I. Introduction II. Assessing Short-Term (Working) Memory A. Delayed Response Tasks B. Delayed Matching-to-Sample C. Delayed Alternation III. Assessing Inhibitory Control Functions A. Go/No-Go Tasks B. Discrimination Reversal Tasks C. Object Retrieval Task References I. Introduction The frontal lobes, which comprise the anterior (precentral) cortical regions of the mammalian brain are functionally diverse and heterogenous structures. The entirety of the frontal cortex, including the prefrontal region (defined as the part of the cortex that receives projections from the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus) is motor cortex in the broadest sense. 1 The frontal cortex is involved in the generation of skeletal and eye movements as well as in the mediation of a variety of cognitive functions, the temporal organization of behavior, and the expression of emotion. Cognitive functions represented in the prefrontal cortex include short-term (working) 0704/C15/frame Page 269 Monday, July 17, 2000 5:37 PM Assessing Frontal Lobe Functions in Non-Human Primates 271 chair restraint prior to attempting any behavioral training or testing. The animal should become accustomed to the restraint and be relaxed in the testing situation prior to the initiation of training. The experimenter sits on the opposite side of the apparatus at a specified distance from the monkey and outside the view of the monkey. The experimenter is hidden behind a two-way mirror so that he/she can observe the monkey's behavior. There is a small opening at the bottom of the wall in front of the examiner so that the experimenter can place the food rewards into the wells on the sliding board. The distance between the monkey and the experi- menter should be such that the experimenter can comfortably push the stimulus tray towards the monkey. To initiate a trial, the experimenter raises the opaque screen (attached by a pulley system) that, when raised, allows access to the sliding tray. The tray contains recessed food wells and is equipped with identical sliding covers over the wells. These can be made out of metal, Plexiglas, or any other sturdy material. The covers serve as stimulus plaques that can be displaced by the animal to obtain rewards (raisins, dried fruit, peanuts). The choice of reward should be arrived at empirically since different animals have different preferences. Early in the training process, the animals will first need to be trained to displace the well covers to remove the food rewards from the wells. This behavior is first shaped by leaving food in open wells and then by progressively covering the wells until the monkeys learn to displace the covers to retrieve the food. Once this behavior FIGURE 15.1 Standard version of a Wisconsin General Testing Apparatus (WGTA), showing the position of the monkey and the experimenter, the stimulus tray, and the one-way vision and opaque screens. The WGTA is typically used in testing delayed response, delayed alternation, delayed matching-to-sample, and discrim- ination tasks. In some versions of the WGTA, the monkey sits in a restraint chair located in a sound attenuated chamber rather than in a testing cage. (From Stuss and Benson: The Frontal Lobes . Raven Press, New York, 1986, used with permission. Originally published by Harlow: Psychol. Rev. , 56: 51–65, 1949.) 0704/C15/frame Page 271 Monday, July 17, 2000 5:37 PM © 2001 by CRC Press LLC [...]... New York, pp 2 19 241, 196 4 25 Diamond, A., Developmental time course in human infants and infant monkeys, and the neural bases of inhibitory control in reaching, Ann NY Acad Sci., 608, 637–6 69, 199 0 26 Schneider, J.S and Roeltgen, D.P., Delayed matching-to-sample, object retrieval, and discrimination reversal deficits in chronic low dose MPTP-treated monkeys, Brain Res., 615, 351–354, 199 3 27 Taylor J.R.,... 10, 291 – 298 , 197 2 20 Iversen, S.D and Mishkin, M., Perseverative interference in monkeys following selective lesions of the inferior prefrontal convexity, Exp Brain Res., 11, 376–386, 197 0 21 Drewe, E.A., Go-no go learning after frontal lobe lesions in humans, Cortex, 11, 8–16, 197 5 22 Oishi, T., Mikami, A., and Kubota, K., Local injection of bicuculline into area 8 and area 6 of the rhesus monkey induces... 1 Relevance to Human Intelligence B Discrimination Behavior: Color and Position Discrimination Task 1 Relevance to Human Intelligence C Timing Behavior: Temporal Response Differentiation Task 1 Relevance to Human Intelligence D Short-Term Memory: Delayed Matching-to-Sample Task 1 Relevance to Human Intelligence E Learning Behavior: Repeated Acquisition Task 1 Relevance to Human Intelligence III Correlations... training principles discussed here are directly applicable to most living creatures A positive reinforcer increases the likelihood that the event preceding it will occur again, and a negative reinforcer decreases the likelihood that it will occur again For example, in training a subject to press a lever, positive reinforcers are provided immediately after a lever press Merely placing a subject in proximity... (e.g., the lever press), with an appropriate reinforcer (food in a hungry subject, fluid for a thirsty one or a preferred treat), then the likelihood that the lever will be pressed again increases dramatically In practice, robust lever-pressing behavior can usually be established within a single training session Once lever-pressing behavior is established, behaviors associated with it can be dramatically... retrieval/detour task in MPTP-treated monkeys, Brain, 113, 617–637, 199 0b 29 Saint-Cyr, J.A., Wan, R.O., Doudet, D., and Aigner, T.G., Impaired detour reaching in rhesus monkeys after MPTP lesions, Soc Neurosci Abstr., 14, 3 89, 198 8 © 2001 by CRC Press LLC 0704/C16/frame Page 281 Monday, July 17, 2000 5: 39 PM Chapter 16 Validation of a Behavioral Test Battery for Monkeys Merle G Paule Contents I II Introduction The... of brain function is behavior: by defining specific parameters within which a particular behavior occurs, it can be readily observed and studied, often repeatedly over long periods of time in the same subject In this way it is possible to study processes that affect the particular behavior (and presumably brain functions) associated with it, under a variety of experimental conditions When studying a... monkey induces deficits in performance of a visual discrimination GO/NO-GO task, Neurosci Res., 22, 163–177, 199 5 23 Divac, I., Rosvold, H.E., and Szarcbart, M.K., Behavioral effects of selective ablation of the caudate nucleus, J Comp Physiol Psychol., 63, 184– 190 , 196 7 24 Mishkin, M., Perseveration of central sets after frontal lesions in monkeys In: The Frontal Granular Cortex and Behavior, edited by... 0704/C15/frame Page 2 79 Monday, July 17, 2000 5:37 PM Assessing Frontal Lobe Functions in Non-Human Primates 2 79 18 Meyer, D.R., Harlow, H.F., and Settlage, P.H., A survey of delayed response performance by normal and brain-damaged monkeys, J Comp Physiol Psychol., 44, 17–25, 195 1 19 Miller, M.H and Orbach, J., Retention of spatial alternation following frontal lobe resections in stump-tailed macaques,... experimenter Negative reinforcement can be used in conjunction with positive reinforcement to further shape specific behaviors For example, after an incorrect or unwanted response is made, a simple time-out from access to positive reinforcement is sufficient to serve as a negative reinforcer Likewise, mild aversive stimuli (electric shocks, air puffs, etc.) can be used In shaping or training subjects, the . pressed again increases dramatically. In practice, robust lever-pressing behav- ior can usually be established within a single training session. Once lever-pressing behavior is established, behaviors. learning. Behavioral Neuroscience, 99 , 1114, 198 5. 26. Messing, R. B., Kleven, M. S., and Sparber, S. B., Delaying reinforcement in an autoshaping task generates adjunctive and superstitious behaviors performance of heat-reinforced autoshaped key pecking in chicks. Behavior and Neural Biology, 51, 54, 198 9. 5. Carroll, M. E. and Lac, S. T., Autoshaping i.v. cocaine self-administration in rats: effects

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