Child Neurology - part 4 potx

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Child Neurology - part 4 potx

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In hydranencephaly, the greater portions of both the cerebral hemispheres and the corpus striatum are reduced to membranous sacs composed of glial tissue covered by intact meninges and encompassing a cavity filled with clear CSF. Occasionally, the CSF is opaque and protein rich. Basal portions of frontal, temporal, and occipital lobe are preserved, together with scattered islands of cortex elsewhere. The diencephalon, midbrain, and brainstem are usually normal except for rudimentary descending corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts. The cerebellum can be normal, hypoplastic, or damaged ( 727,728). In some cases, the ependyma lining the covering membrane is intact, the choroid plexus is preserved, and the aqueduct is stenotic. Other patients have large bilateral schizencephalic clefts in which pia and ependyma are joined, and they demonstrate other migration anomalies of fetal morphogenesis. In still other brains, bilateral porencephalic cysts replace the parenchyma normally perfused by the middle and anterior cerebral arteries. The latter instances show pathologic evidence of a destructive lesion. Pathogenesis The pathology suggests at least four different pathogenetic mechanisms. Some authorities, citing the presence of preserved ependyma and aqueductal stenosis in some cases, have argued that hydranencephaly is a type of hydrocephalus that has run its course in utero. In other instances, hydranencephaly can be the consequence of intrauterine infections or other gestational insults ( 728,729). In other cases, the condition can represent a genetically determined defect in vascular ontogenesis or can be the outcome of vascular occlusion of both internal carotid arteries or their main branches ( 727,730). A proliferative vasculopathy with an autosomal recessive inheritance also has been described ( 731). A few cases appear to be caused by defects in embryogenesis and subsequent cellular migration, resulting in schizencephaly and cortical agenesis ( 314). Clinical Manifestations Infants appear healthy at birth or have a somewhat large head that enlarges progressively. Spontaneous and reflex activity is often normal. However, failure in the development of cerebrocortical inhibition results in the persistence and exaggeration of reflexes, which becomes apparent by the second or third postnatal week. Over the subsequent weeks, hyperreflexia, hypertonia, quadriparesis, and decerebration develop, together with irritability, infantile spasms, and dysconjugate extraocular movements. Generalized or minor motor seizures also become apparent. EEG can be normal at first, but later becomes abnormal, varying from a diffusely slow to an isoelectric pattern. The visual-evoked responses are absent, but brainstem auditory-evoked responses are preserved ( 732). Environmentally related behavioral automatisms can occur in those surviving early infancy (733). Diagnosis In an infant with an enlarged head or abnormally accelerating head growth, ultrasonography is mandatory to exclude severe hydrocephalus and expanding bilateral porencephalic cysts under increased pressure. Neuroimaging studies exclude massive bilateral subdural effusions that can mimic hydranencephaly on ultrasonography. Most infants with hydranencephaly do not survive beyond 23 months of life; they succumb to intercurrent infections or to an unexplained deficit of vital function. Survival for several years has been reported, however ( 733). Treatment No treatment is available for hydranencephaly. Arachnoidal Cysts Arachnoidal cysts are fluid-filled cavities situated within the arachnoid membrane and lined with collagen and cells arising from the arachnoid. They are believed to result from an anomalous splitting of the arachnoid membrane and to date from the sixth to the eighth fetal week. Some communicate freely with the subarachnoid space; in other patients contrast material introduced into the subarachnoid space does not enter the cyst or only does so slowly. Approximately one-half of the cysts are located in the middle cranial fossa ( 734), one-third are in the posterior fossa, and 10% are found in the suprasellar region ( Fig. 4.24). Approximately one-fourth of the middle cranial fossa cysts are bilateral and some are accompanied by hypo-genesis or compression of the temporal lobe ( 735). Additionally, they can cause a diffuse expansion and thinning of the bones of the vault, and an elevation of the lesser wing of the sphenoid ( 573). FIG. 4.24. Arachnoid cyst. The T1-weighted (466/16/1) axial magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates the presence of a discrete low-intensity structure ( arrow) in the right middle fossa that displaces the anterior temporal lobe laterally. The lesion had high intensity on T2-weighted images, consistent with CSF signal characteristics. The patient was a 3.5-year-old boy who presented with headaches and whose neurologic examination was benign. No evidence exists of a pressure effect on the imaging study. Although in many instances a small cyst is clinically silent, larger cysts or cysts located in the posterior fossa can produce signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. The cyst has the potential of producing hydrocephalus by increasing the resistance to CSF flow in the subarachnoid space. As the cyst enlarges, it eventually produces extrinsic compression of the ventricular system or of the subarachnoid channels. Symptoms can begin at any time during life. Aside from hydrocephalus, they include headaches and seizures. The relationship between headaches or seizures and the presence of an arachnoid cyst is often difficult to establish. Hemorrhage into an arachnoid cyst can cause the sudden onset of focal neurologic signs. A subdural hematoma has been reported to originate from a preexisting arachnoid cyst (736). Spinal cord arachnoid cysts can be intradural or less frequently extradural. They may present as space-occupying lesions with radicular pain, progressive weakness and spasticity, scoliosis, recurrent urinary tract infections, and constipation ( 737). An accompanying neural tube defect is common (738). With the increased use of imaging studies, many cysts are discovered accidentally, particularly in the course of evaluating a seizure patient. Gandy and Heier believe that removal of the cyst does not improve seizure control (659). In other instances, removal of the cyst has been associated with complete or improved seizure control (739). Because the large majority of cysts remain constant in size, and only large cysts tend to expand, we suggest only those cysts that present as space-occupying lesions should require surgical removal. Achondroplasia Achondroplasia is an abnormality of endochondral bone development transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. It occurs in approximately 1 in 25,000 births, and 80% occur sporadically as new mutations. The gene for achondroplasia has been mapped to the tip of the short arm of chromosome 4 (4p16.3) in close proximity to the gene for Huntington disease (740). The gene (FGFR3) codes for a tyrosine kinase transmembrane receptor for fibroblast growth factor ( 740). FGRFs are members of a superfamily that bind fibroblast growth factors and initiate an intracellular signaling cascade. Remarkable genetic homogeneity exists, and almost all achondroplastic subjects have the same point mutation. Clinically, a decrease in the rate of endochondral bone formation is seen with normal membranous bone formation. The condition is characterized by dwarfism and a variety of skeletal abnormalities. Neurologic symptoms are the result of macrocephaly, which might or might not be accompanied by hydrocephalus, and cervicomedullary compression. Because the cranial base is the only portion of the skull that is preformed in cartilage, its growth is selectively impaired, and a compensatory growth of the calvaria and an increase in the vertical diameter of the skull occur. The skull base is narrowed and the petrous pyramids tower. This results in an abnormal orientation of inner and middle ear structures (741). These growth changes produce a characteristic brachycephalic configuration and narrowing of all foramina that pass through the base of the skull. As Dandy (742) demonstrated in 1921 using pneumoencephalography, the ventricular system is enlarged in approximately 50% of achondroplastic individuals ( 743). The cause for ventricular dilatation is still under debate. Some authorities have suggested that it results from a mechanical block to the flow of CSF in the area of the foramen magnum, which is abnormally small in almost all patients with achondroplasia. This is confirmed by invasive monitoring, which has demonstrated an elevation of intracranial pressure (743). In addition, venography of the jugular veins demonstrates stenosis at the level of the jugular foramen and a pressure gradient across the foramen. Flodmark suggests that this phenomenon is responsible for venous hypertension and impaired CSF absorption ( 736). Yamada and colleagues have confirmed the presence of both causes for hydrocephalus ( 744). Venous decompression at the jugular foramen, and construction of a venous bypass from the transverse sinus to the jugular vein, have reduced ventriculomegaly, as has venous decompression at the jugular foramen ( 744,745). Cervicomedullary compression resulting from stenosis of the foramen magnum is a serious complication, presenting at any time from infancy to adult life. In the series of Ryken and Menezes, 3.2% of subjects with achondroplasia demonstrated symptoms or signs of progressive compression of neural structures at the level of the foramen magnum (746). These included a variety of respiratory complications that are frequent in achondroplasia, notably apnea and respi-ratory irregularities. In the series of Nelson and coworkers, the incidence of apnea was 28% (747). Other signs include ataxia and spastic quadriparesis. In some instances brainstem compression can be insidious and can lead to syringobulbia, tetraplegia, and sudden infant death syndrome ( 748). Rarely, other neurologic signs are seen, including weak cry, failure to thrive, hypersomnia, and persistent papilledema ( 748,749). Paraplegia can develop as a result of compression of the spinal cord in the thoracic area (750). Mental retardation and seizures are not common features of achondroplasia ( 751). Although sensorineural hearing loss is common and subtle cognitive deficits have been uniformly demonstrated, general intelligence is within normal limits in most patients. Considerable controversy exists as to who and when to perform suboccipital decompressive surgery ( 748,752,753). On the one hand, surgery is not without risk, and almost all achondroplastic infants who present with spasticity ultimately attain normal motor development if left alone ( 752). In addition, because the foramen magnum grows faster than the spinal cord, the impingement of the posterior rim of the foramen magnum on the cord decreases with maturation. On the other hand, MRI and pathologic evidence suggest deformational and traumatic changes to the spinal cord as a result of foramen magnum stenosis ( 753). We believe MRI evidence of notching or indentation of the spinal cord at the level of the foramen magnum has little clinical significance, and that unless evidence exists of spasticity or increased signal within the spinal cord on T2-weighted images, decompressive surgery can be deferred. Osteopetrosis The osteopetroses are a rare and heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by generalized bone sclerosis with thickening and increased fragility of cortical and spongy bone. Both autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive forms have been encountered, with the former being more common. As a result of a defect in osteoclast function bone resorption is reduced, and the skull base is thickened and the foramina are narrowed. The autosomal dominant form has a benign prognosis, and subjects may remain asymptomatic. The recessive form is characterized by delayed psychomotor development, optic atrophy, conductive hearing loss, and facial nerve palsy (754,755). Other neurologic complications include hydrocephalus and intracranial hemorrhage ( 755). The earlier the onset of symptoms, the more malignant the course. Cerebral atrophy with secondary ventricular dilatation is frequently evident. A combination of calvarial thickening and hydrocephalus explains the degree of macrocephaly only in part. The process involves all skeletal bone and results in hematologic and bleeding disorders and in frequent fractures. Computed tomographic scans are diagnostic. MRI often reveals delayed myelination and cerebral atrophy. Calcifications can be seen in the periventricular area and the falx (756). The only curative treatment is early allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Surgical decompression can stabilize cranial nerve deficits, especially optic nerve entrapments. Visual-evoked potentials and electroretinography can be used to show the first indications of visual impairment ( 757). A syndrome of osteopetrosis, renal tubular acidosis, and cerebral calcification is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Mental retardation is common, and patients have unusual facies. The primary defect in this entity appears to be one of carbonic anhydrase II, one of two enzymes catalyzing the association of water and carbon dioxide to form bicarbonate (758,759). Osteopetrosis also has been associated with infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy ( 760). CONGENITAL DEFECTS OF CRANIAL NERVES AND RELATED STRUCTURES Möbius Syndrome Möbius syndrome, first described by Harlan in 1880 ( 761), by Chisholm in 1882 (762), and more extensively by Möbius in 1888 and 1892 (763,764), is characterized by congenital paralysis of the facial muscles and impairment of lateral gaze. Möbius syndrome results from diverse causes. Pathologic lesions include complete or partial absence of the facial nuclei, dysplasia of the facial musculature, and hypoplasia of the facial nerve. The entity also has been seen in a variety of conditions involving progressive disease of muscle, anterior horn cells, or peripheral neurons. In some instances, absence, faulty attachment, or fibrosis of the extraocular muscles is present, whereas in other cases, the brainstem nuclei showed multiple areas of calcification and necrosis, suggesting a prenatal vascular etiology ( 765,766 and 767). The symmetric calcified lesions with chronic gliosis, including gemistocytes, are in the tegmentum of the pons and medulla oblongata, a watershed zone of the brainstem between the territories of the paramedian penetrating arteries and the long circumferential arteries, both branches of the basilar artery. The vascular anatomy and the histopathologic findings at birth indicate a period of systemic hypotension in fetal life at least 4 to 6 weeks before birth ( 768). In a few cases, the electromyography points to the presence of a supranuclear lesion (769,770). Most patients with Möbius syndrome have a variable degree of unilateral, asymmetric, or symmetric bilateral facial paralysis, with an inability to abduct the eyes beyond the midline (771). Occasionally, the weakness is restricted to portions or quadrants of the face ( Fig. 4.25). Atrophy of the tongue, paralysis of the soft palate or masseters, congenital clubfoot, deafness, or a mild spastic diplegia also can be pres-ent. Because of bulbar deficits, the language and communication disorder is far greater than general intelligence would predict ( 772). Möbius syndrome is nonprogressive. In some instances, however, myotonic dystrophy or muscular dystrophy can accompany Möbius syndrome (773). FIG. 4.25. Möbius syndrome. As the infant cries, she demonstrates the bilateral weakness of the lower facial musculature and the marked weakness of the right upper facial muscles. Additionally, a palsy of both external recti, tongue, and palatal musculature occurred, requiring gastrostomy feeding. Congenital Sensorineural Deafness Congenital deafness resulting from a lesion of the acoustic nerve can occur in isolation or in combination with a variety of anomalies. The conditions can appear sporadically or be transmitted in a dominant, recessive, or sex-linked manner ( 774,775). In the experience of Das, a family history of deafness was elicited in 23% of children assessed for bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Perinatal asphyxia was believed responsible for 13%, congenital infections for 8.2%, bacterial meningitis for 6.5%, chromosomal anomalies for 5.3%, and a variety of syndromes, notably Waardenburg syndrome, for 5.3%. In 34%, the cause was unknown ( 776). Mutations in the connexin 26 gene are the single most common cause of genetic hearing loss (777). Other causes for profound hearing loss occurring in childhood are outlined in Table 4.15. In a significant proportion of patients, dermatologic manifestations accompany the hearing loss. Waardenburg syndrome, probably the most common entity of this group, is characterized by widely spaced medial canthi, a flat nasal root, a white forelock, and heterochromia iridis. It is transmitted as a dominant trait ( 778). The gene defective in Waardenburg syndrome ( PAX3) is located on the long arm of chromosome 2 (2q35-2q37), and normally codes for a protein termed HuP2. HuP2 protein binds DNA and the gene that codes for it is suspected to be one of a family of genes, the homeobox genes, which regulate mammalian development; in animals, mutations in these genes result in major developmental abnormalities ( 779,780). In another group of syndromes, congenital sensorineural deafness is associated with visual symptoms. In Usher syndrome, a condition transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner, congenital neural hearing loss is seen in conjunction with progressive visual impairment and retinitis pigmentosa ( 774,781). Usher syndrome is the most common of a number of conditions in which retinitis pigmentosa is combined with deafness. These are reviewed by Mills and Calver ( 781). When a sensorineural hearing loss accompanies a neurologic disorder, it is usually in the framework of a peripheral neuropathy, and the hearing loss is progressive rather than congenital (774). A distinct syndrome of congenital weakness of the musculature of the face, tongue, and palate unassociated with atrophy has been termed congenital suprabulbar paresis by Worster-Drought (782). This condition is related to the perisylvian syndrome, in which facio-lingual-masticatory diplegia results from bilaterally anterior opercular infarctions. In the congenital form of this condition, marked feeding difficulties are accompanied by dysarthria, restricted tongue movements, and an absent gag reflex. Intellect is relatively preserved. In the series of Kuzniecky and coworkers, seizures were documented in 87% ( 783). These tend to have their onset after the age of 5 years, and most commonly are atonic and tonic drop attacks. Neuroimaging studies frequently disclose polymicrogyria, which has a predilection for the opercular areas. Associated malformations, notably arthrogryposis, clubfeet, and spastic quadriparesis are not uncommon ( 782,783). Other congenital disorders of the cranial nerves and the musculature innervated by them are presented in Table 4.14. CHAPTER REFERENCES 1. García-Bellido A. 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Neurosurg 1998;88 :47 8 48 4 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 7 24 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 7 34 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 7 54 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 7 64 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 7 74 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 7 84 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 7 94 Epstein FJ Increased intracranial pressure in hydrocephalic children with... cervicomedullary-junction compression in infants with achondroplasia Am J Hum Genet 1995;56:732– 744 Landau K, Gloor BP Therapy-resistant papilledema in achondroplasia J Neuro Opthalmol 19 94; 14: 24 28 Hahn YS, et al Paraplegia resulting from thoracolumbar stenosis in a 7-month-old achondroplastic dwarf Pediatr Neurosci 1989;15:39 43 Rogers JG, Perry MA, Rosenberg LA I.Q measurements in children with skeletal... (IL-6), IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)–a, than did control children (85,86) In the study of Grether and colleagues, serum interferon levels were elevated in 78% of children with spastic diplegia, but only in 20% of children with hemiparesis, and in 42 % of children who developed quadriparesis ( 86) It appears likely that cytokines such as interferon-a, interferon-g, tumor necrosis factor-a, IL-6,... delivering the aftercoming head in a breech presentation (44 3 ,44 4) The condition has been reported in a few instances after delivery by cesarean section ( 44 5) However, to date whatever scant evidence exists for a classical brachial plexus injury resulting from intrauterine maladaptation is principally based on faulty interpretation of EMG ( 44 6 ,44 7) When intrauterine palsies do occur, they are characterized... unoperated cases Arch Dis Child 1962;37: 345 –362 Laurence KM Neurologic and intellectual sequelae of hydrocephalus Arch Neurol 1969;20:73–81 Riva D, et al Intelligence outcome in children with shunted hydrocephalus Child' s Nerv Syst 19 94; 10: 70–73 Hirsch JF Consensus: long-term outcome in hydrocephalus Child' s Nerv Syst 19 94; 10: 64 69 Hemmer R, Böhm B Once a shunt, always a shunt Dev Med Child Neurol 1976;18[Suppl]:69–73... Chapter 5 Perinatal Asphyxia and Trauma Child Neurology Chapter 5 Perinatal Asphyxia and Trauma John H Menkes and RHarvey B Sarnat Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics, University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA School of Medicine, and Department of Pediatric Neurology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California 90 048 ; and RDepartments of Pediatric Neurology and Neuropathology, University... associates, the insult was believed to have occurred primarily antepartum in 51%, intrapartum in 40 %, and postpartum in 9% ( 24) Low and coworkers who studied autopsies on perinatal deaths, found the insult to be antepartum in 10%, antepartum and intrapartum in 40 %, intrapartum in 16%, and in the neonatal period in 34% (25) Comparable figures are presented by Volpe ( 5) Pathogenesis There are two facets to... 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