[...]... Canada Spain 78 11 3 11 1 11 4 595 58 10 91 183 267 474 523 290 207 256 96 324 420 2.4 (1. 0–5.8) 0.6 (0.2 1. 2) 2.5 (1. 1–5.8) 2.4 (1. 2–5.0) 1. 7 (1. 1–2.7) 6.5 (1. 0–42.0) 1. 7 (1. 2–2.3) 1. 9 (0.5–7.4) 1. 1 (0.7 1. 8) 1. 8 (1. 2–2.5) 1. 8 (1. 2–2.6) 1. 5 (1. 0–2.4) 8.4 (3.6 19 .7) 2.3 (1. 3–3.8) 3.4 (0.6 17 .4) 2.0 (1. 3–3.3) 6 .1 (1. 8–20.3) Nelemans et al [28] Westerdahl et al [29] Holly et al [30] Rodenas et al [ 31] Berwick... childhood Never 1. 00 1 16 00 h 2.4 (1. 1 1. 4) > 16 00 h 1. 8 (1. 2–2.6) P-value for linear trend 0.03 1. 00 1. 2 (0.8 1. 8) 1. 8 (1. 0–3 .1) 0.04 Holidays at beach during adulthood Never 1. 00 1 16 00 h 1. 1 (0.7 1. 7) > 16 00 h 2 .1 (1. 4–3 .1) P-value for linear trend 0.04 1. 00 1. 9 (1. 3–2.8) 1. 7 (1. 2–2.4) 0.05 Abbreviations: BCC, basal cell carcinoma; CI, confidence interval; CMM, cutaneous malignant melanoma; h, hours;... Adjusted OR (95% CI) 4.7 (2.5–8.8) 2 .1 (1. 1–7.4) 1. 9 (not given) 7.0 (not given) 3.4 (1. 7–6 .1) Not given 3.2 (1. 6–6.3) 1. 2 (0.7–3.2) 4.4 (1. 8 10 .9) 3.7 (2.3–6 .1) 2.4 (1. 3–4.4) 1. 8 (1. 2–3.8) 3.6 (1. 3 11 .2) 8.9 (3.5–26.8) 2.8 (1. 1–7.4) Not given 1. 3 (0.9 1. 8) 2.0 (not given) 2.4 (not given) 1. 6 (0.8–3.0) 1. 5 (0.7–3.5) 0.7 (0.4 1. 2) 3.8 (1. 4 10 .4) 2.7 (1. 6–4.8) 2.2 (1. 2–3.8) 0.9 (not given) 2.4 (0.8–7.3)... High Low 16 /37 1. 0 Moderate 25/ 41 1.4 0.6–3.0 28/33 2.0 0.9–4.5 92 /18 0 1. 1 0.6–2.0 10 3/66 3.4 1. 7–6.6 93/56 3.6 1. 8–7 .1 11/ 11 2.0 0.7–5.6 27 /13 4.2 1. 7 10 .3 17 /8 4.5 1. 6 12 .5 High Table 1. 6 Joint effect on melanoma risk of sun exposure during childhood and during adulthood in Connecticut Indice of sun exposure during childhood Indice of sun exposure during adulthood Low Moderate High Low 37/68 1. 0 Moderate... USA Austria Spain 78 11 3 595 218 males 10 96 83 10 3 474 73 200 523 283 207 3 21 420 1. 4 (0.6–3.5) 0.4 (0 .1 0.7) 0.9 (0.6 1. 5) 0.7 (0.3 1. 3) 2.5 (1. 4–4.4) 1. 7 (0.3–8.6) 0.9 (0.5 1. 7) 0.7 (0.5–0.9) 2 .1 (0.6–6.8) 5.5 (1. 2–2.8) 0.6 (0.4 1. 0) 1. 8 (0.9–4.0) 2.5 (1. 2–5 .1) 0.7 (0.5 1. 0) 0.3 (0 .1 0.9) Westerdahl et al [29] White et al [40] Holly et al [30] Rodenas et al [ 31] Chen et al [ 41] Wolf et al [42] Arranz... of sun exposure: a double-blind, randomized trial J Natl Cancer Inst 19 99; 91 (15 ): 13 04–9 10 Gallagher R et al Sunlight exposure, pigmentation factors, and risk of non melanocytic skin cancer Arch Dermatol 19 95; 13 1: 16 4–9 11 Bataille V et al Risk of cutaneous melanoma in relation to the numbers, types and sites of naevi: a case-control study Br J Cancer 19 96; 73: 16 05 11 12 Swerdlow AJ et al Benign... 1. 0 Moderate 14 /32 0.8 (0.4 1. 7) 15 / 21 1.3 (0.6–2.9) 58/50 2 .1 (1. 2–3.7) 10 4 /10 3 1. 9 (1. 2–3.0) 13 9/73 3.5 (2.2–5.7) 29/34 1. 6 (0.8–2.9) 80/67 2.2 (1. 3–3.7) 17 4 /10 1 3.2 (1. 9–5.0) High low exposure during adulthood These authors have suggested that their analysis may well underestimate childhood exposure as a result of the long period of recall required Our own data from Connecticut (Table 1. 6) are similar... MacKie & Aitchison [12 ] Lew et al [13 ] Elwood et al [49] Sorahan & Grimley [16 ] Green et al [50] Holman et al [19 ] Elwood et al [37] Cristofolini et al [38] Holly et al [ 51] Osterlind et al [20] Weinstock et al [52] Dubin et al [22] Elwood et al [53] Zanetti et al [24] 11 3 adults 11 1 teens 595 children 18 3 adults 507 adults 83 adults 10 3 teens 12 1 adults 474 all 12 3 women 13 2 adults 19 5 children 254 children... malignant melanoma from hereditable melanocytic lesions: the BK mole syndrome Arch Dermatol 19 78; 11 4: 732 17 Illig L et al Congenital nevi 10 cm as precursors to melanoma 52 cases, a review, and a new conception Arch Dermatol 19 85; 1 (12 1): 12 74– 81 18 Swerdlow AJ, English JSC, Qiao Z The risk of melanoma in patients with congenital nevi: a cohort study J Am Acad Dermatol 19 95; 32: 595–9 19 Veronesi... factor for malignant melanoma Br Med J 19 86; 292: 15 55– 60 13 Newton JA et al How common is the atypical mole syndrome phenotype in apparently sporadic melanoma? J Am Acad Dermatol 19 93; 29: 989–96 14 Norris W A case of fungoid disease Edinb Med Surg J 18 20; 16 : 562–5 15 Lynch HT et al Family studies of malignant melanoma and associated cancer Surg Gynaecol Obstet 19 75; 14 1: 517 –22 16 Clark W et al Origin . 1. 00 1. 00 1 16 00 h 2.4 (1. 1 1. 4) 1. 2 (0.8 1. 8) > 16 00h 1. 8 (1. 2–2.6) 1. 8 (1. 0–3 .1) P-value for linear trend 0.03 0.04 Holidays at beach during adulthood Never 1. 00 1. 00 1 16 00 h 1. 1 (0.7 1. 7). Magnus [11 ] Norway 78 2.4 (1. 0–5.8) Mackie & Aitchison [12 ] Scotland 11 3 0.6 (0.2 1. 2) Lew et al. [13 ] USA 11 1 2.5 (1. 1–5.8) Rigel et al. [14 ] USA 11 4 2.4 (1. 2–5.0) Elwood et al. [15 ] Canada. 595 1. 7 (1. 1–2.7) Sorahan & Grimley [16 ] UK 58 6.5 (1. 0–42.0) Dubin et al. [17 ] USA 10 91 1.7 (1. 2–2.3) Green et al. [18 ] Australia 18 3 1. 9 (0.5–7.4) Holman et al. [19 ] Australia 267 1. 1 (0.7 1. 8) Osterlind