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Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "doubling atmospheric CO concentration on 2 matter distribution and CO exchange of 2 yr growth, dry 2 old sweet chestnut trees (Castanea sativa Mill.)" pptx

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Effect of doubling atmospheric CO 2 concentration on growth, dry matter distribution and CO 2 exchange of 2 yr old sweet chestnut trees (Castanea sativa Mill.) M. Mousseau 1 1 Ecoloqie Végétale. H.Z. Enoch 2 1 Ecologie Végétale, Bat. 362, Université Paris-Sud 91405 Orsay Gsdex, France, and 2 Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Agricultural Research Organisafion, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel Introduction The amount of C0 2 in the global atmo- sphere has increased about 25% during the last century. A doubling of the preindus- trial C0 2 level and an increase of the global surface temperature of at least 2°C is expected in the next century (Clark, 1982). The gas exchange and carbon storage capacity of forest trees may play an impor- tant role in regulating the global atmo- spheric C0 2 concentration. It is therefore important to describe and understand the behavior of tree species with regard to elevated atmospheric C0 2. Materials and Methods Two yr old sweet chestnut seedlings, obtained from a forest nursery, were potted in galvanized steel containers (25 cm in diameter, 50 cm deep) with 24 1 of surface soil from a nearby chestnut forest. The plants were sorted ac- cording to size: 24 matched pairs were made from plants of similar heights and growth pat- terns. One set of plants was grown in the control growth chamber at ambiant C0 2 atmospheric concentration (a50 ppm), the other set at twice that C0 2 concentration. C0 2 enrichment was maintained from 15 April to November. The plants were grown in 2 permanently ven- tilated daylit growth chambers in a field at the University Campus in Orsay, France (48°N, 2°E). Atmospheric bulk air was blown into the en- closures from air-intakes placed 4 m above the ground. Pure C02 was supplied to the C0 2- enriched chamber by a steel tank containing 300 kg of compressed C0 2 (Carboxique Française). The growth chambers had a ground area of 2 m2, were 1 m high, made out of transparent polypropylene glued to aluminum frames. The aboveground part could be lifted off a base which was buried in the ground. The chambers’ air throughflow was 4 M3.min-1. Plants were watered daily and nutrient granules were added on the ist of June (0.75 g of N, 0.60 g of P203 and 1.1 g of K20 per pot). At the end of October, 8 matched pairs were harvested and their biomass distributions re- corded. Results Leaf characteristics (Table I) Prolonged Co 2 enrichment slightly re- duced final mean leaf size, but enhanced leaf thickness. In the C0 2 -enriched chest- nut plants, stomatal density and stomatal index were not significantly different from the control. Growth pattern (Table 11) The C0 2 enrichment seemed to shorten the time period over which the main branches grew. After the end of July, 62% of the enriched plants ceased growth as compared with 37% of the controls. The early onset of yellowing and the stopped terminal bud growth indicates earlier senescence of the C0 2 -enriched plants. The final leaf area per plant, at the end of the growth period, was reduced by C0 2 enrichment. The pattern of growth through the vegetative development per- iod showed a tendancy towards fewer leaves and lower leaf area per plant after June in the C0 2 -enriched plants. Further- more, the branch elongation (main branch + side shoots) was, during that period, 30% lower in the C0 2 -enriched plants. Dry matter partitioning (Table III) Table III shows that the root biomass of C0 2 -enriched plants was 69% heavier than roots of the control plants. The increase was statistically significant (P>95%). The shoot was 22% lighter (P>80%). Consequently, the shoot/root ratio was changed from 0.49 in the control to 0.23 in the C0 2 -treated plants and total dry matter increased by 43% in the C0 2- enriched plot. C0 2 exchange measurements Towards the end of the first growth season (4 Sept.), 2 plants grown at 350 ppm were transferred into an airtight assimilation chamber where environmental conditions were controlled (22/15°C day-night, 15 h photoperiod, 50% RH). Whole plant photo- synthesis at 250 jlmol-m- 2’ s- 1 PPFD and dark respiration were measured after a 2 wk adaptation period as the slope of C0 2 concentration over time in the whole chamber (Gaudillere and Mousseau, 1989). During the two 1 st 2 wk, the C0 2 concentration in the chamber was main- tained at 330 ppm. It was then increased to 660 ppm for another 2 wk period. C0 2 enrichment increased net C0 2 uptake by about 20% during the day and decreased dark respiration so that the diurnal C0 2 balance was 28% greater for the C0 2- enriched plants (results not shown). The 28% increase in daily carbon exchange was in approximate agreement with the 43% increase in total dry matter of C0 2 -enriched chestnut plants observed in the growth measurements. Discussion and Conclusion Tree species may react differently to ele- vated levels of atmospheric C0 2. In chest- nut trees, CO:2 fertilization was accompa- nied by a decrease in leaf area and a reduction in shoot growth, which is very unusual and may have resulted from the timing of the nutrient application. The accumulation of the carbon surplus was restricted to the root system. These changes could have far reaching ecological consequences for tree growth of Castanea species under future elevated C0 2 levels. References Clark W.C. (198!2) In: Carbon Dioxide Review. Clarendon Press Press-Oxford University Press, New York. Gaudill6re J.P. & Mousseau M. (1989) Short term effect of C0 2 enrichment on leaf develop- ment and gas exchange of young poplars (Populus euramericana cv. 1 214). Oecol. Plant. 10, 95-10.’i . Effect of doubling atmospheric CO 2 concentration on growth, dry matter distribution and CO 2 exchange of 2 yr old sweet chestnut trees (Castanea sativa Mill. ) M. Mousseau 1 1. measurements. Discussion and Conclusion Tree species may react differently to ele- vated levels of atmospheric C0 2. In chest- nut trees, CO: 2 fertilization was accompa- nied by. ist of June (0.75 g of N, 0.60 g of P203 and 1.1 g of K20 per pot). At the end of October, 8 matched pairs were harvested and their biomass distributions re- corded. Results Leaf

Ngày đăng: 09/08/2014, 04:20


