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Opportunity essay 10 pps

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TWE Essays 245/292 245 no longer a separated one in which each part can afford to be totally independent. The communication and interchange in fields of culture, business, finance and other human activities are so unprecedentedly frequent and vigorous that the general or specific knowledge of other members of the global village turns to be most important to the prosperity of the country, or the success of a people. This kind of knowledge is usually bettered achieved if pursued abroad. Furthermore, foreign experiences improve one's willpower and ability of adjusting to a new environment, and one's capability to overcome various hardships and setbacks. Young people are considered aggressive and ambitious. their success is not based on comfort or easiness, but on their incessant painstaking effort and their never-ending willingness to surpass themselves. In a foreign country they are confronted with greater challenges, more unsteadiness and less help from their families and friends. All these undoubtedly lead to an independent, self-supporting, resourceful person who will also be sympathetic and generous to other people around. With these advantages, we may conclude that the foreign study experience enlarges a student's view of the world, as well as improves one's personality and character, which will guarantee a more splendid future in his life and career. (Essay ID: 426 ) Topic: 168 Now, many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries. I think that there are a lot of reasons to explain this phenomenon and I would in here illustrate a few of the most important ones. Firstly, I believe that these students would prefe to study in a foreign country in order to learn more advanced skills and technology. In general, these students intend to learn in a developed country such as the Unites States. Needless to say, the US is the most developed countcry. It has many famous universities such as the HAVARD.It is these famous universities that foster a number of eminent talents. It is these talents who let the US become the foremost country in the world. All of these are an appeal to attract many foreign students. After they graduate, they can apply the knowledge they learn to the construction of their own country. Maybe their homeland can become very developed someday. secondly, studing in a foreign country is helpful to learn a foreign language. In a foreign, you have to communicate with the others in the local language.In order to exist, you must force youself to accept the challenge of language. I think that this is the best way to learn a foreign language. Thirdly, understanding the foreigh culture and appreciating the foreign landscape should be a reason. Although we can understand some circunstances of a foreign country through TV or internet, this way is absolutely not better than viewing in person. After understanding the reasoning above, I believe that studing outside our countries should a very good thing. (Essay ID: 310 ) Topic: 168 Nowadays,there are more and more students choose to attand schools or universities outside their home countries.As far as I am concerned,there are several reasons for the students to do so.First,students study abroad due to the reason that they can learn more new knowledge and the TWE Essays 246/292 246 new way of thinking.Secondly,they can make more new frinds,and thiedly,they can grow more independently. Students study abroad can learn more new knowledge and the new way of thinking.Having been dtudied for many years in the homeland,it is necessary for students to go abroad and accept the knowledge there.It is not because the new and plentiful knowledgebut the different ways of thinking.These new things together with what were learned in the homeland would make a student develop in full scale and know more about the world. In addition,when students are studying abroad,they will contact with students come from all over the world and surely they will become friends.students will not only have more friends but also gain kownledge from them dring the communication and the association.They will talk about the history of their own country and the customs of their people and they will also help each other in study and daily life,all of which could benifit the students. The last but not least,students in abroad may do things all by themselves.Therefore,they could get rid of the protection from their parents and learn how to face the difficulties, which help them grow independently and better. Studying abroad,students could harvest a lot which due to the stating reasons above.In conclusion,there are many students choose to attand schools or universities outside their contries.If I have chance,I will definitely choose to study abroad. (Essay ID: 456 ) Topic: 168 Attending a university in one's home country or in another country is a question. Some people hold the opinion that attending a university in home country is superior to attending a university in another country. Others, however, contradict finishing their university education abroad. Personally, I would prefer attending a university in another country because I think it has more advantages. There are numerous reasons why finishing university education abroad is preferable, and I would in here explain a few of the most important ones. The main reason is that communication is more and more important today. It takes place in almost every field of our lives, including the field of education certainly. So attending a university in another country can get direct and quick communication with the world. It can be given a concrete example. I am a law school student and my country's law education is influenced by that of Germany. So most of what I learned was translated from the books in Germany. Translation, you know, can't help twisting the writers' true meanings sometimes and always needs much time. So the result was that I got inaccurate information sometimes and always can not catch up with the latest views. What if I finish my university education in Germany? I thought later. Another reason why I advocate the attitude of attending a university in another country is that it is contributed to complete my personality. Take the case of a thing that studying abroad means I can't rely on my family while only depend on myself when I meet troubles. This makes me independent. Finally, attending a university in another country can bring me a lot of pleasure. The study and life overseas must be different from that in my home country. So finishing university education abroad not only gives me an entirely new study, but also gives me an entirely new life, which must be interesting. In addition, attending a university in another country also gives me a chance to make TWE Essays 247/292 247 interesting foreign friends. Of course, choosing attending a university in the home country also have advantages to some extent, for example, if you don't have much money, finishing university education in your hometown means a lighter burden for you. But if all these factors are contemplated, the advantages of attending a university in another country in the home country. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that if you finish your university education abroad, you get a complete study and a rich and colorful life. (Essay ID: 48 ) Topic: 168 Although students can get a good education in most subjects at their home universities, it is important to study abroad for some or part of one's college education. Study abroad can give a student competency in a new language, familiarity with a different culture, and a chance to grow in different ways. One cannot deny that it is important to be bilingual or even multilingual in today's fast-paced world. We have a global economy and communication by Internet and satellite TV means we must be familiar with other languages in order to keep up with new developments. Knowing another culture is also important today. Respect for other peoples and their traditions will foster cooperation and peace. We should all do our part to make sure the world is safe for our children. It will only be safe if we understand and respect other people and their culture. When we are out of our environment, we feel more free to experiment with different ways of doing things. We are all individuals and we need time to be on our own, away from our comfortable nests. We may try different things and reject them. We might also adopt them. People can change and it is easier to change when you are away from your family surroundings. Study abroad can be enriching. Not only can we learn a new language, understand more about a different culture, but we can learn more about ourselves too. At the same time, of course, we are getting an education in the formal sense. (Essay ID: 49 ) Topic: 169 Music seems to be a natural need for people. I've read that from ancient times human beings have produced sounds from "instruments" like rocks or skins stretched over a wooden frame. Music is something most people want and need. I think it's important because it can be a major part of both community and individual experience. Music is a way of sharing a common bond or feeling. When we're children, we learn very simple songs called nursery rhymes. These songs help make us part of our culture by telling us what's acceptable and what's not. We play and sing music in our religious ceremonies because it enhances the worship experience. We play music when we're going to war or celebrating the fact that we've won a war. We have national anthems to share our love and pride for our particular country. We have music TWE Essays 248/292 248 we play for our school, and music we play for our athletic team. In fact, music has become a big part of athletic games. We use it to taunt the other team as well as celebrate when points are scored for our team. Music is also a major part of individual experiences. When we fall in love, music is usually apart of that experience. People talk about having "our song." That means the song that was playing when they met or a song they both liked when they fell in love. When we get married, we play music before and after and sometimes during the ceremony. It expresses how we feel. We play music to calm our nerves or to stimulate ourselves to get on with a task. We also play music for the simple enjoyment of listening to the sounds. Music is special to us because it expresses our connection with our culture, and because it enhances our individual experiences. Nothing else seems to capture our feelings quite so well. (Essay ID: 50 ) Topic: 169 Music plays a very important role in our life. We can almost hear music anywhere. Different music serves different functions in our life. Why is music important to many people? The reasons are presented below. Music is a very important form of art. Like other arts, music is ubiquitous and has become a part of our life. The whole lifetime of most people is accompanied by music. A baby falls in sleep in the music of a lullaby; a young student may learn to play a musical instrument and listen to music from the radio, TV and a Walkman. There is music for birthdays, for weddings, for Christmas, for New Year's day. There is music for every single occasion in our life. We are surrounded by various kinds of music since we were born and music has become an integral part of our life. Interesting enough, music often serves as an important part to other art forms, such as music in dancing, drama and movies. As a matter of fact, many famous music pieces come from dancing and movies, such as the theme from "Love Story." Music is part of the history. The history of music is almost as long as the history of human civilizations. Music from old times has become the great culture heritage to us. One of the examples is classic music of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. People enjoy their music from generation to generation. Listening to music is one of the most popular forms of entertainment. There are so many kinds of music that can suit tastes of different people. Young people like pop music and Rock-and-Roll and older people may enjoy classical music and opera. Whether we are happy or sad, there will always be music that we can listen to. People can express their feelings and emotions through music. Lovers often play soft love songs to show their love and devotion to each other. For the reasons presented above, we can see how important music is to our life. It is hard to imagine a history without music, and a life without music. (Essay ID: 370 ) Topic: 170 TWE Essays 249/292 249 Groups or organizations are an important part of our life because we are social people. We like to get together with people whose attitudes and beliefs are like ours. The most important groups for us are our families, our religious organizations, and our political organizations. Our families are obviously our most important group. You will never find the physical and emotional support from any other group that you will find in your family. Your family is part of you; you are tied to them by blood. They will always be there for you. Similarly, our religious organizations can provide comfort for us in times of stress. When we are with people who have the same beliefs, we feel better. Our beliefs are based on tradition. These beliefs have been tested over time. These beliefs tell us bow to respond and how to act. Our political organizations change as we change. Some years we may feel conservative; other years we may feel more liberal. Whatever our political philosophy, we can find apolitical organization that matches our thinking at the moment. These political organizations help us be apart of the larger community. Whether the group is tightly knit like a family, spiritual like religion, or secular like politics, they all serve a function in our life. They all help us feel as if we belong. (Essay ID: 51 ) Topic: 171 If I were to leave my home for a year, there is one thing I definitely would take with me: my cellphone. With my cellphone, I could call my friends or family if lever was lonely, needed advice, or just wanted to talk. If I were away from home for a year, I would be very lonely, especially in the beginning before I made friends. If I could call my mother and father, I would hear their familiar voices and I would not feel so lonely. Hearing my friends' voices would also help me overcome my sadness. I've never been on my own so there are many things I am not familiar with. I've never opened a bank account, got a driver's license, or made my own food. If I had to cook chicken or something, I could call up my mother and she could tell me how to make dinner. Sometimes, I may just want to talk in my own language. With my cellphone, I could call my friends and tell them about my new life. This would make them jealous of me. I would call them a lot so they could hear all the wonderful things I am doing. For me a cellphone is a necessity. I would need it anytime I was lonely, anytime I needed to do something I didn't know how to do, and anytime I just wanted to talk. Of course, the phone bill will be sent to my parents. (Essay ID: 52 ) Topic: 171 If I were going to travel for a long time, what should I take besides the clothing and personal care items? The first thing came into my mind is a camera. Not only because I am a photographing amateur, It really worth a lot. It will record my trip exactly and vivaciously. I could share the photos with those who cannot travel for so long a time like me. And it may help me in emergencies. TWE Essays 250/292 250 By taking the photos, I could record my trip easily. I don't need to spend a lot of time on writting down what I see, so that I could rest more. The interesting costume of the people, the exotic architectures, the great scene, and so on, everything will be "written down" by the camera. Obviously, the photos are my whole life's treasure, because maybe I will never be there again. Not everyone could have the oppotunity like me to travel such a long time. They may be busy all the time, or may not have healthy body to travel. Fortunately, my friends could enjoy the photos I take during my trip. They could see what interest me without stepping out their house. Furthermore, the camera may help me if I were in short of money. I would exchange my camera to get money in case of emergency. The most valuable to me is the films I take not the camera itself. So, in addition to the personal necessities, I strongly recommend you to take a camera. You could record what you see at anytime. The photos you take will certainly be a fortune to share with friends. And you can exchange money in your emergencies. (Essay ID: 283 ) Topic: 171 When you see a beautiful view of rising sun, when you see a spectacular waterfall, when you enjoy the moment you travel with your friends, at this time, what do you especially want? I believe the answer is a camera. It is also what I would take in addition to clothing and personal care items when I plan to have a long trip. Among countless factors, there are two conspicuous aspects as follows: The main reason for taking a camera is a camera will record everything that happens in a trip. If you encounter beautiful scenery, you can take a picture of it. If you meet a humorous and nice person in a trip, you can have someone taken a picture for you and the new friend. If you meet a girl you love in the trip, why not ask your friend to take a picture when you send a rose to her? Let’s imagine how disappointed it is if you do not have a camera with you at that time. Another reason can be seen by every person that each picture is a memory. Maybe a person will take many trips in his life, if you take many pictures in each trip, you will find it is just like a novel about your own life. When you are old, you will always recall many things that happened long before. At that time, I swear that you will take out the albums and "read" them with happy tears. You also can find how you loved the life and what a pleasant life that god gave you. Above the two reasons, you can find it is very important to take a camera with your trip. And that is my choice when I am preparing for a trip. (Essay ID: 412 ) Topic: 172 Students moving into a new community and attending a new school can face a lot of problems. Their biggest worry is usually fitting in. The school counselor, the school's administration and the students' teachers can all help the students come through this experience successfully. They can engage other students to become involved with the new students, too. New students in a school need to feel like pan of the school community as quickly as possible. A . reasoning above, I believe that studing outside our countries should a very good thing. (Essay ID: 310 ) Topic: 168 Nowadays,there are more and more students choose to attand schools or universities. life. It is hard to imagine a history without music, and a life without music. (Essay ID: 370 ) Topic: 170 TWE Essays 249/292 249 Groups or organizations are an important part of our life because. TWE Essays 245/292 245 no longer a separated one in which each part can afford to be totally independent.

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