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Opportunity essay 8 pptx

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TWE Essays 235/292 235 time of midschool. And there so many letters and cars which recall you the time of college. All of these memory are happy time, and all of these presents are indelible. Another reason can be seen by every persons is that gifts and presents contain the love and friendship of friends and relations.In different cultures and different coutries people express their emotions to others by presenting gifts. And every special gift has a special meaning. For example, this skirt as a gift of ten years ago is you sister send to you in the party. A peal necklace represents the love of your husband. We reserve these gifts and Love and friendship will always go with us. In addition,receiving a gift always bring you happiness and pleasure, and give you and your friends a good time.People like to send gifts each other for congratulations or in feast days. For example, perhaps everyone has some pieces of gifts for Christmas day. Some wife will reserve the important presents for wedding. General speaking, gift with the love and congratulations will bring you pleasure and happiness. Taking into account of all these factors, gifts and presents recall people the past good time and people will never forget them. (Essay ID: 386. This is a 5 point essay) Topic: 162 Nowadays, there is a strange phenomena that some famous athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars every year. For me, i totally oppose to give them so much money as salary per year, which it will be unequal to other occupations. Firstly, there are so many occupations around the world, such as artist, teacher, accountant, worker. viewed as one of occupations , entertainer or athletes are not much different from the rest of occupations. Both of them are just two kinds of ocupations, why do we give them so much priorities or let them earn big amount so easily? For instance, an entainer will receive about hundreds thousand per show, or a scoccer player will be paid much more money than entainers. Although we admit that we can have a nice show to enjoy or a wonderful match to match, there is no need to give them such big amount. This is what they should do as a entainer or an athlete. This is their jobs. All occupations should have equal standard. Secondly, unequalization is also not good to the young generation. If most young people know that they can earn more money as a athlete or an entainer, definitely they will go after. As a result, they do not want to do anything other than to be a athlete or an entainer. What's more, this phenomena has an important impact on yong people about their views towards money. They will think as an entainer he is so easy to get money as much as possible, which is not good for his development in future. They will become money-goers. Last but not least, athletes and entertainers sometimes show bad examples to their fans. It is known that fans follow whatever their idols do, even some bad habbits. Recently there is a piece of news reported that one famous singer found to be carrying prohibitted drugs in a KTV. Can you imagin what kind of side effect we will face after this issue? Previously, idols are always perfect in most fans' minds, but now they did such things, sometimes even more worse. As a public person, they need to be careful about what they do. In conclusion, i think some athletes and entertainers do not deserve high salaries because athletes and entertainers are the same as the other jobs and they do whatever they should do, in additon, they sometimes show bad examples in front of the public. (Essay ID: 235 ) Topic: 162 TWE Essays 236/292 236 Some athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars annually. In contrast, an elementary school teacher, on average, probably makes less than $35,000 a year. I think the fact that this difference is commonplace is a sign of our society's misplaced values. It shows that we put more importance on entertaining our children than on educating them. It seems that the careers that are the least valued in our society often are those that are the most important. Why is this so? The market determines who gets paid what. Teachers are paid by tax dollars. Sports teams make hundreds of millions of dollars every year. These teams earn fabulous profits from radio and television rights, as well as everything sold at the concessions stands. The same is true of movies. They are produced by studios that make huge profits annually. These enterprises can afford to pay their entertainers and sports figures huge salaries, because those athletes and film stars draw people to the entertainment. Why are we willing to pay so much to see a ball game or a movie, but not for a good teacher? Maybe it's because we want distraction; we want to be entertained. Maybe it's because we think of education as a right, while entertainment seems like a luxury. We expect to pay for our luxuries. It's not that I begrudge the players and entertainers their huge salaries. Most of them have very short careers. Athletes may be too old in their early 30s: Many of them gamble early in their lives on making it big in the sports or entertainment world, and deny themselves a good education. They have little chance of a stable career, so they need to earn enough, money to support them for a long time. On the other hand, most of us aren't going to earn $10 million in a lifetime of work. So it's hard to sympathize with people who do. We have to ask ourselves: who really gives the most value to society? (Essay ID: 39 ) Topic: 163 While some countries have strong programs against illiteracy, others still do not care that much. But, illiteracy has become a big obstacle during the last century and is still problematic question now with quick development of technology and automation. From my everyday experience and observation I can state several factors which defend the statement that reading and writing now is more important than ever before. First of all, it is essential for a person to have at least basic knowledge of reading and writing to survive in our society. While in the past, some people could live in wilderness or even in cities without any knowledge of written language, now it is almost impossible. The way of living has change so much that it is impossible to be a part of nation, especially in developed countries, without ability to read and write your bills, to understand your mortgage documents or job applications. Moreover, you can go nowhere by yourself but in your own small town without reading the maps and signs on the roads and in cities. Second, nowadays, most of jobs require reading and writing as necessary skills and tendency that these skills will be more and more important for future jobs increases. In fact, because of sharp development of technology, more of jobs on the labor market are for literate people and less of them are for people without any or slight reading or writing knowledge. For example, there are not needed so much people who can work on lands or select parts in auto-factories because the machines do that kinds of jobs now. On the other hand, factories and corporations need people who can read the instructions and control the machines. It is bare true that without jobs that need only physical abilities, illiterate people are forced to be constantly on unemployment lists. TWE Essays 237/292 237 In conclusion, the most scare part of living illiterate in our society is maybe living dependable of someone. A illiterate person will have difficulties not only to do simple tasks such as writing bills, withdrawing money from cash machines, or reading menu in a restaurant, but also to be a productive and useful individual of our society with job and normal life. (Essay ID: 43 ) Topic: 163 It is a very dangerous thing to say that basic literacy skills are more important now than they have ever been in the past. While a strong argument can be made in favor of this idea, making such an argument would imply that reading and writing were somehow less important in the past. While there is a grain of truth to the argument that literacy was not fundamental to the daily existence of most people in the pre-Industrial Revolution period, rationalizing such a lack of need for education in such a way is the first step to withholding education from certain groups, a great social crime that has led to the disempowerment of disadvantage groups all over the world throughout history. However, if we can keep in mind that education is a basic human right, then we can discuss the strengths of the proposition that literacy is more important now than it has ever been before. It is true that in the past the majority of people all over the world made their livelihood from agricultural activities and that the vast majority of these activities required little or no literacy skills. In some senses, we could argue that literacy skills were less important in the agricultural age than they are now, but to do so would be to forget that literacy also reflects an active mind and that people have always needed to engage in activities of the mind. For example, even though a farmer might have labored all day in her corn field, she may enjoy reading the latest Jane Austen novel when arrived at home. We can see in this example that while literacy was not directly related to this laborer's livelihood, literacy was important to her quality of life. However, we could make a good argument that literacy is more important now that it was in the past. As we all know, the world is experiencing a revolution that may turn out to be more important than the Industrial Revolution. We are now entering the Information Age, an age in which information and knowledge have more value than the ability to build machines, create "stuff," grow crops, or even mine precious metals and produce gemstones. Nowadays, accurate information may be worth more than the most expensive Rolls-Royce or the biggest diamond. The perfect example of this increasing dominance is the explosive rise in the popularity of the Internet the Internet offers the world countless bytes of information twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Companies all over the world, but principally in the United States, are rushing to stake their claim in cyberspace and stiff competition among companies has resulted. In order to gain dominance, these companies must have the best-skilled workers, an advanced understanding of computer systems, and good intuition about what will happen in the future. All of these abilities to compete in the global marketplace stem directly from literacy skills and those without these skills will be stuck in the service, agricultural, and heavy industry fields. In short, we can see that people in the past who were lacking in literacy skills essentially had more company than those lacking these skills have today and could still earn their livelihood. Further, we could argue that because of the nature of the global marketplace and because of the emergence of the Information Age, we could make the argument that literacy is fundamental to professional success nowadays. However, literacy should be considered a basic human right in a literate society all people throughout history should have learned to read and write. (Essay ID: 341 . Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of www.TestMagic.com) TWE Essays 238/292 238 Topic: 163 For ages, reading and writing has been vital aids to the intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth of mankind. But with rapid changes in the society and scientific advancement of human race over the decades, the necessity and importance of reading and writing has increased remarkably. Several reasons account for the lesser importance of reading and writing in the past. Firstly, education was restricted to certain sections of the society and not everyone benefited from its advantages. Only the learned few enjoyed intellectual satisfaction. Knowledge was not shared freely due to lack of proper means of communication, thus preventing many from realizing the benefits of education and learning. Secondly, technology was not so advanced in the past. Hence the general pace of life was slower than it is now and people did not feel the need to keep themselves abreast of affairs around them. In other words, the need did not arise for mass awareness and participation in efforts for intellectual enlightenment through reading and writing. Nevertheless, writing was a more popular than reading since it was the most common means of communication - in the form of letters. However, at present the scenario has changed considerably. Innovation and change are integral parts of life. Now advancement in technology marks the day. To cope up with the rapidly evolving new ideas and concepts, reading has become more important now than ever before. Invention of high-tech gadgets and state-of-the-art information systems in areas of communication, transport and general business demands more awareness about contemporary events and changes With advancement in technology, man's eagerness to succeed has increased. Consequently the realization has dawned on him that such dreams can be materialized through intellectual advancement - a feat possible only through self reading and personal research. With the invention of computer has commenced an age of electronic communication and online commerce. Although writing letters has decreased considerably with the advent of electronic mail, it will take some time to make our varied businesses paperless. Thus though reduced, people still do some writing, wither in forms of documents, memorandums, business contracts or research papers. Education has made people more aware of his potential and reading and writing has become instrumental to man's success in today's competitive world. (Essay ID: 337 . Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of www.TestMagic.com) Topic: 163 I think that reading and writing is more important now than in the past. Many factors influenced to make the written expression more useful and necessary at present than in the past. The world is changing. Information became essential, and the world is getting into a sort of communication age. A great part of this communication is written. The summary of the information, about the human knowledge, is written either in books or computer s files. Since ancient times, men and women devoted their lives to survive and fight against nature's limitations and dangers. They had to discover a solution for each new problem, and this is the way the civilizations began. They developed the languages to transmit knowledge, and as a need. Consequently, they needed a way to communicate and file this pool of knowledge. At first, to read and write was only a possibility to some whose activity required it, and it was restricted to privileged people who could afford it, or get it (because of the long distances, and the availability of teachers) TWE Essays 239/292 239 Now all has changed. Women were seen only as wives whose only work was at home, and as mothers whose life should be centered on the children's care. Today, not only read and write is essential, but also some computer skills (at least basic), among others, are seen as basic education. There are thousands of examples, just to name some If you can't read, you could not get informed, and you can t even search for work. You could walk at the front of the windows of potential employers (who are usually asking for "help"), without notice; newspaper s adds offering jobs wouldn't be any more than paper for you. You could get irradiated inadvertently (even the information about the caution signaling, is written!). You wouldn't even be able to visit a city without getting lost, otherwise you d have to ask people how to get everywhere. A funny proverb goes as follows "word contracts doesn't even worth the paper in which they're written", but you would never know what you are about to sign, except for what they say it says. And so on. All these situations were not so common in the past, villages were small, people trusted in other people's word, nobody traveled so much, and all knew their own town good enough. Dangerous situations were easy to recognize, unlike radioactivity, for example. To conclude, for all the above reasons, I am convinced that read and write, is very very much important now than in the past. Otherwise I would not be here, it became so important that I have to learn how to read and write not only in my language but in a second language too. That's life (today)! (Essay ID: 327 . Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of www.TestMagic.com) Topic: 163 It is a very dangerous thing to say that basic literacy skills are more important now than they have ever been in the past. While a strong argument can be made in favor of this idea, making such an argument would imply that reading and writing were somehow less important in the past. While there is a grain of truth to the argument that literacy was not fundamental to the daily existence of most people in the pre-Industrial Revolution period, rationalizing such a lack of need for education in such a way is the first step to withholding education from certain groups, a great social crime that has led to the disempowerment of disadvantage groups all over the world throughout history. However, if we can keep in mind that education is a basic human right, then we can discuss the strengths of the proposition that literacy is more important now than it has ever been before. It is true that in the past the majority of people all over the world made their livelihood from agricultural activities and that the vast majority of these activities required little or no literacy skills. In some senses, we could argue that literacy skills were less important in the agricultural age than they are now, but to do so would be to forget that literacy also reflects an active mind and that people have always needed to engage in activities of the mind. For example, even though a farmer might have labored all day in her corn field, she may enjoy reading the latest Jane Austen novel when arrived at home. We can see in this example that while literacy was not directly related to this laborer's livelihood, literacy was important to her quality of life. However, we could make a good argument that literacy is more important now that it was in the past. As we all know, the world is experiencing a revolution that may turn out to be more important than the Industrial Revolution. We are now entering the Information Age, an age in TWE Essays 240/292 240 which information and knowledge have more value than the ability to build machines, create "stuff, " grow crops, or even mine precious metals and produce gemstones. Nowadays, accurate information may be worth more than the most expensive Rolls-Royce or the biggest diamond. The perfect example of this increasing dominance is the explosive rise in the popularity of the Internet the Internet offers the world countless bytes of information twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Companies all over the world, but principally in the United States, are rushing to stake their claim in cyberspace and stiff competition among companies has resulted. In order to gain dominance, these companies must have the best-skilled workers, an advanced understanding of computer systems, and good intuition about what will happen in the future. All of these abilities to compete in the global marketplace stem directly from literacy skills and those without these skills will be stuck in the service, agricultural, and heavy industry fields. In short, we can see that people in the past who were lacking in literacy skills essentially had more company than those lacking these skills have today and could still earn their livelihood. Further, we could argue that because of the nature of the global marketplace and because of the emergence of the Information Age, we could make the argument that literacy is fundamental to professional success nowadays. However, literacy should be considered a basic human right in a literate society all people throughout history should have learned to read and write. (Essay ID: 40 . Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of www.TestMagic.com) Topic: 163 For ages, reading and writing has been vital aids to the intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth of mankind. But with rapid changes in the society and scientific advancement of human race over the decades, the necessity and importance of reading and writing has increased remarkably. Several reasons account for the lesser importance of reading and writing in the past. Firstly, education was restricted to certain sections of the society and not everyone benefited from its advantages. Only the learned few enjoyed intellectual satisfaction. Knowledge was not shared freely due to lack of proper means of communication, thus preventing many from realizing the benefits of education and learning. Secondly, technology was not so advanced in the past. Hence the general pace of life was slower than it is now and people did not feel the need to keep themselves abreast of affairs around them. In other words, the need did not arise for mass awareness and participation in efforts for intellectual enlightenment through reading and writing. Nevertheless, writing was a more popular than reading since it was the most common means of communication - in the form of letters. However, at present the scenario has changed considerably. Innovation and change are integral parts of life. Now advancement in technology marks the day. To cope up with the rapidly evolving new ideas and concepts, reading has become more important now than ever before. Invention of high-tech gadgets and state-of-the-art information systems in areas of communication, transport and general business demands more awareness about contemporary events and changes With advancement in technology, man's eagerness to succeed has increased. Consequently the realization has dawned on him that such dreams can be materialized through intellectual advancement - a feat possible only through self reading and personal research. With the invention of computer has commenced an age of electronic communication and online commerce. Although writing letters has decreased considerably with the advent of electronic mail, it will take some time to make our varied businesses paperless. Thus though reduced, people still do some writing, wither in forms of documents, memorandums, business contracts or research papers. Education has made people more aware of his potential and reading and writing has become instrumental to man's success in today's competitive world. (Essay ID: 42 . Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of www.TestMagic.com) . history should have learned to read and write. (Essay ID: 341 . Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of www.TestMagic.com) TWE Essays 2 38/ 292 2 38 Topic: 163 For ages, reading and writing has. presents recall people the past good time and people will never forget them. (Essay ID: 386 . This is a 5 point essay) Topic: 162 Nowadays, there is a strange phenomena that some famous athletes. should do, in additon, they sometimes show bad examples in front of the public. (Essay ID: 235 ) Topic: 162 TWE Essays 236/292 236 Some athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars annually.

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