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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 15 (A) so that it was the lowest in two years (B) so that it was the lowest two-year rate (C) to what would be the lowest in two years (D) to a two-year low level (E) to the lowest level in two years 51. According to surveys by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about 20 percent of young adults used cocaine in 1979, doubling those reported in the 1977 survey . (A) doubling those reported in the 1977 survey (B) to double the number the 1977 survey reported (C) twice those the 1977 survey reported (D) twice as much as those reported in the 1977 survey (E) twice the number reported in the 1977 survey 52. According to the Better Business Bureau, if you fail to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as that of the lowest, it violates the New York Consumer Protection Law. (A) if you fail to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as that of the lowest, it (B) if one fails to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as the lowest price, it (C) failure to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as the lowest (D) failure to advertise as prominently the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as the lowest (E) failing to advertise as prominently the highest price in a range of prices for a service or products as that of the lowest 53. According to the National Pasta Association, per-capita consumption of pasta in the United States, which has already been approaching 19 pounds a year, will achieve 30 pounds a year by the twenty-first century. (A) According to the National Pasta Association, per-capita consumption of pasta in the United States, which has already been approaching 19 pounds a year, will achieve 30 pounds a year by the twenty-first century. (B) Already approaching 19 pounds a year in the United States, the National Pasta Association predicts that per-capita consumption of pasta will reach 30 pounds a year by the twenty-first century. (C) The National Pasta association predicts by the twenty-first century that per-capita consumption of pasta in the United States, which is already approaching 19 pounds a year, will reach 30 pounds a year. (D) By the twenty-first century, the National Pasta Association predicts that per-capita consumption of pasta in the United States, having already 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 16 approached 19 pounds a year, will reach 30 pounds a year. (E) According to the National Pasta Association, per-capita consumption of pasta in the United States is already approaching 19 pounds a year and will reach 30 pounds a year by the twenty-first century. 54. According to the professor’s philosophy, the antidote to envy is one’s own work, always one’s own work: not thinking about it, not assessing it, but simply doing it. (A) one’s own work, always one’s own work: not thinking about it, not assessing it, but simply doing it (B) always work; because you don’t think about it or assess it, you just do it (C) always one’s own work: not thinking about or assessing it, but simply to do it (D) not to think or assess, but doing one’s own work (E) neither to think about one’s own work nor to assess it, it is always simply doing it 55. According to United States Air Force officials, a cannon shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful to demonstrate what kind of damage can result when jets fly into a flock of large birds. (A) shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful to demonstrate (B) shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved itself helpful as a demonstration of (C) shooting dead chickens at airplanes proves itself helpful as demonstrating (D) that shoots dead chickens at airplanes proves itself helpful to demonstrate (E) that shoots dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful in demonstrating 56. Acid rain and snow result from the chemical reactions between industrial emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides with atmospheric water vapor to produce highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids. (A) with atmospheric water vapor to produce highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids (B) with atmospheric water vapor producing highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids (C) and atmospheric water vapor which has produced highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids (D) and atmospheric water vapor which have produced sulfuric and nitric acids which are highly corrosive (E) and atmospheric water vapor to produce highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids 57. Added to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the railroad employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits. (A) Added to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the railroad 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 17 employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits. (B) Added to the increase in hourly wages which had been requested last July, the employees of the railroad are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits. (C) The railroad employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits added to the increase in hourly wages that were requested last July. (D) In addition to the increase in hourly wages that were requested last July, the railroad employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits. (E) In addition to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the employees of the railroad are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits. 58. Adult survivors of child abuse traditionally have had little or no chance that they could get their symptoms recognized and treated. (A) that they could get their symptoms recognized and treated (B) to recognize and treat their symptoms (C) of getting their symptoms recognized and treated (D) of recognizing and treating symptoms (E) of getting his or her symptoms recognized and treated 59. Affording strategic proximity to the Strait of Gibraltar, Morocco was also of interest to the French throughout the first half of the twentieth century because they assumed that if they did not hold it, their grip on Algeria was always insecure. (A) if they did not hold it, their grip on Algeria was always insecure (B) without it their grip on Algeria would never be secure (C) their grip on Algeria was not ever secure if they did not hold it (D) without that, they could never be secure about their grip on Algeria (E) never would their grip on Algeria be secure if they did not hold it 60. After a few weeks’ experience, apprentice jewelers can usually begin to discriminate, though not with absolute certainty, genuine diamonds from imitation diamonds. (A) genuine diamonds from imitation diamonds (B) genuine diamonds apart from imitations (C) between genuine diamonds and imitation diamonds (D) among genuine diamonds and imitation diamonds (E) whether diamonds are imitation or genuine 61. After crude oil, natural gas is the United States second biggest fuel source and supplied almost exclusively from reserves in North America. (A) After crude oil, natural gas is the United States second biggest fuel source and 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 18 supplied almost exclusively from reserves in North America. (B) Natural gas, after crude oil the United States second biggest fuel source, supplied almost exclusively from reserves in North America. (C) Being supplied almost exclusively from reserves in North America, natural gas, the United States second biggest fuel source after crude oil. (D) Natural gas, the United States’ second biggest fuel source after crude oil, is supplied almost exclusively from reserves in North America. (E) Natural gas is supplied almost exclusively from reserves in North America, being the United States’ second biggest fuel source after crude oil. 62. After gradual declension down to about 39 hours in 1970, the workweek in the United States has steadily increased to the point that the average worker now puts in an estimated 164 extra hours of paid labor a year. (A) After gradual declension down (B) Following a gradual declension down (C) After gradual declining down (D) After gradually declining (E) Following gradually declining 63. After July, anyone disposing of or servicing refrigerators must capture the chlorofluorocarbons in the refrigerant chemicals. (A) anyone disposing of or servicing (B) those who dispose or service (C) anyone disposing of or who services (D) the disposal or repair of (E) someone who disposes or repairs 64. After Queen Isabella asked Admiral Columbus to describe the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti), which was newly discovered, he had reached for a sheet of paper, crumpled it, and said, “It looks like that—beyond the mountains, more mountains.” (A) After Queen Isabella asked Admiral Columbus to describe the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti), which was newly discovered, he had reached (B) On being asked to describe the new discovery of the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti) by Queen Isabella, Admiral Columbus, reaching (C) Queen Isabella asked Admiral Columbus to describe the newly discovered island of Hispaniola (now Haiti), then he reached (D) When asked by Queen Isabella to describe the newly discovered island of Hispaniola (now Haiti), Admiral Columbus reached (E) After Queen Isabella had asked Admiral Columbus to describe the discovery of the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti), he had reached 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 19 65. After suffering $2 billion in losses and 25,000 layoffs, the nation’s semiconductor industry, which makes chips that run everything from computers and spy satellites to dishwashers, appears to have made a long-awaited recovery. (A) computers and spy satellites to dishwashers, appears to have (B) computers, spy satellites, and dishwashers, appears having (C) computers, spy satellites, and dishwashers, appears that it has (D) computers and spy satellites to dishwashers, appears that it has (E) computers and spy satellites as well as dishwashers, appears to have 66. After the Arab conquest of Egypt in A.D. 640, Arabic became the dominant language of the Egyptians, replacing older languages and writing systems. (A) became the dominant language of the Egyptians, replacing older languages (B) became the dominant language of the Egyptians, replacing languages that were older (C) becomes the dominant language of the Egyptians and it replaced older languages (D) becomes the dominant language of the Egyptians and it replaced languages that were older (E) becomes the dominant language of the Egyptians, having replaced languages that were older 67. After the Civil War, contemporaries of Harriet Tubman’s maintained that she has all of the qualities of a great leader, coolness in the face of danger, an excellent sense of strategy, and an ability to plan in minute detail. (A) Tubman’s maintained that she has (B) Tubman’s maintain that she had (C) Tubman’s have maintained that she had (D) Tubman maintained that she had (E) Tubman had maintained that she has 68. After the Colonial period’s 50 percent mortality rate, life expectancy improved for children, but as late as the nineteenth century about one child in three died before reaching the age of six. (A) After the Colonial period’s 50 percent mortality rate, life expectancy improved for children, but (B) Even though children’s life expectancy, which improved over the Colonial period’s 50 percent mortality rate, (C) Although life expectancy for children improved after the Colonial period, during which the mortality rate was 50 percent, (D) While there was an improvement in life expectancy for children after the 50 percent mortality rate of the Colonial period, still 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 20 (E) Despite children’s life expectancy improvement from the Colonial period’s 50 percent mortality rate, 69. After the Vietnam war Bettye Granther, a U.S. Army nurse, continued her efforts on behalf of injured Vietnamese children, providing medical care, helping to reunite estranged families, and the establishment of a fund for the children’s future education. (A) the establishment of a fund for the children’s future education (B) the establishing of a fund for the future education of children (C) establishing a fund for the children’s future education (D) establishing a fund for the childrens’ future education (E) the establishment of a fund for the childrens’ future education 70. After this year’s record-shattering January performance in Madison Square Garden, the ensemble were touted as the country’s best new group in decades; no critic or reviewer had anything but praise for the young musicians. (A) the ensemble were touted as the country’s (B) the ensemble was touted as the country’s (C) the country touted the ensemble like the (D) touting the ensemble as the country’s (E) they were touting the ensemble as the country’s 71. Aging is a property of all animals that reach a fixed size at maturity, and the variations in life spans among different species are far greater as that among individuals from the same species: a fruit fly is ancient at 40 days, a mouse at 3 years, a horse at 30, a man at 100, and some tortoises at 150. (A) among different species are far greater as that among individuals from (B) among different species are far greater than that among individuals from (C) among different species are far greater than those among individuals of (D) between different species are far more than that between individuals of (E) between different species are greater by far than is that between individuals from 72. Aho, a Kiowa matriarch, held festivals in her home, they featured the preparation of great quantities of ceremonial food, the wearing of many layers of colorful clothing adorned with silver, and the recounting of traditional tribal jokes and stories. (A) Aho, a Kiowa matriarch, held festivals in her home, they featured (B) Festivals were held in Aho, a Kiowa matriarch’s home, which featured (C) Aho, who was a Kiowa matriarch in her home, held festivals featuring (D) In her home, Aho, a Kiowa matriarch, held festivals that featured (E) Aho, a Kiowa matriarch, held festivals in her home that featured . 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 15 (A) so that. predicts that per-capita consumption of pasta in the United States, having already 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 16 approached. already approaching 19 pounds a year and will reach 30 pounds a year by the twenty-first century. 54. According to the professor’s philosophy, the antidote to envy is one’s own work, always one’s

Ngày đăng: 09/08/2014, 00:23



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