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Expert CAD Management The Complete Guide phần 9 ppt

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218 CHAPTER 11 : PROTECTING YOUR DATA ■ EDM Wrap Up I’m frequently asked by my readers, “Why haven’t we looked at EDM systems before?” The simple answer to this question is that making the changes in an organization to move toward EDM requires a lot of homework, planning, implementation, training, and patience. Complicating matters further, document-management systems have many components, often with hidden costs, and are thus devilishly hard to implement. Now you know how to quantify the benefits and paybacks of your EDM sys- tem, and you can present your conclusions to upper management. Having said this, please know that an EDM system doesn’t install itself. If you get the green flag to pur- chase an EDM system, be prepared for a challenging installation and implementation. I hope the overview information presented in this chapter makes you more confi- dent about examining your options, and that you’ll take the initiative to start searching for more proactive ways to manage your company’s data. Summing Up The protection of intellectual property, whether via contracts, software utilities, or doc- ument-management systems, is one of the most important tasks you’ll undertake. To briefly summarize, keep the following ideas in mind: • Know where your data is. • Secure the data. • Control who you share the data with. • Use contracts to provide legal protections. • Consider full-blown EDM systems to enhance your data-management control. If you use the principles outlined in this chapter, you should find managing and protecting your company’s data much easier. 16531c11.qxd 3/19/07 1:44 PM Page 218 219 ■ OPTIMIZING SOFTWARE PERFORMANCE Appendix: Optimizing Software Performance Your company depends on you to keep its CAD software running, but how do you know whether you’re getting optimal performance from the soft- ware you already own? In this appendix, I’ll out- line a process you can use to evaluate the sort of software environment you operate in and give you some hints for achieving the optimal per- formance your company desires. Achieving optimal software performance requires a total system view of all the components that affect your software’s operation. Therefore, I’ll take time to outline some basic network and hard- ware terminology that you’ll need to understand. A Note: To take maximum advantage of this appendix, use it in combination with the system-evaluation concepts outlined in Chapter 2 and the networking concepts outlined in Chapter 9. 16531bapp01.qxd 3/19/07 1:44 PM Page 219 220 APPENDIX A: OPTIMIZING SOFTWARE PERFORMANCE ■ Identifying Software Types Even though there are dozens of CAD software platforms, the good news is that they can all be loosely identified in terms of their operating parameters. By understanding these parameters, you should be able to tackle the optimization of any software. As you read about the following software types, think of the software you have, and see if you can identify what type it is: Single-file-mode systems These systems typically enable a single user to work on a single file at a time. For example, AutoCAD is often used as a single-file system because one user generates a single drawing as a result of their efforts. Referenced-file-mode systems These systems typically enable users to work on their own files with the files of other users attached as a background. For example, Auto- CAD and MicroStation frequently use external reference files (XREFs) so users may leverage other users’ work as background data. Collaborative-mode systems These systems take the referenced-mode system to the next level by allowing a team of users to collaboratively work with each other’s data and see the changes other users make to the data as they go. For example, mechanical modeling systems like SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor and building-modeling sys- tems like Autodesk Revit are collaborative because small to large work teams utilize data from various team members. It’s interesting to note that a common software package like AutoCAD or MicroStation can be used in different modes of operation. In a sense, to truly optimize the software you use, you need to know the context in which it’s used. Then, the chal- lenge becomes harmonizing the type of software you use to the network environment you must work in. Achieving that harmonized balance has everything to do with how well the software will serve, or not serve, your users. Networking Factors Is the network your friend or your enemy? Will your network allow you to do great things and facilitate awesome new work processes, or will it be an albatross to bear? The answers to these questions can be yes or no, depending on what you expect. Any network is a complex combination of hardware, software, and telecommu- nications components that form an almost living environment that stores and routes all data through the company. Based on how well you understand this environment, you’ll know what to expect, how to configure software, and where to place shared data to take advantage of networking strengths and avoid weaknesses. In this section, we’ll map out a typical large-company network and define all of its components and characteristics. Once you understand the terms, it becomes much easier to see how you can operate your CAD tools for optimal efficiency. 16531bapp01.qxd 3/19/07 1:44 PM Page 220 221 ■ NETWORKING FACTORS Understanding the Environment A network is a combination of computers (some workstations and some servers) con- nected by data-transmission lines (with varying bandwidths) that form a cohesive sys- tem. To understand this system, you have to understand what each computer does and how quickly it can move data from point to point in the network. As you can see in Figure A.1, a CAD workstation is a small component of the overall computing system in your company. Figure A.1 Your company’s CAD software doesn’t run on one machine, but on an interconnected system of servers and networks. The specific components that affect software operation and some pertinent statistics are covered more fully in Chapter 9, “Understanding the Environment,” They’re briefly listed here for convenience: Local machine The user machine that the CAD software runs on. These machines are typically fast and have a high-bandwidth disk connection that delivers anywhere from 1.0 to 2.4 gigabits/second (gbps; or 1,000,000,000 to 2,400,000,000 bits/second [bps]) throughput using IDE (older) or ATA (newer) disk controllers. Although the processor speed and amount of RAM contribute to machine performance, CAD files are so big that disk performance is a more accurate barometer of how fast a given machine will run your CAD applications. Internet Disk Disk Server CAD Station CAD Station CAD Station LAN WAN Connection LAN Disk Disk Disk Note: For more detailed information about assessing your network environment, see Chapter 2, “Net- work,IT,and Security Assessments.” 16531bapp01.qxd 3/19/07 1:44 PM Page 221 222 APPENDIX A: OPTIMIZING SOFTWARE PERFORMANCE ■ LAN connection The network that ties local machines in close proximity to one another to the company’s overall network. In more complex networking environments (like multiple branch offices with Internet support), the LAN is the first networking connection your machine sees. In smaller companies, the LAN may be your only net- work connection. LAN connections typically deliver 100 megabits/second (mbps; or 100,000,000 bps) of bandwidth from the CAD machine to the network. That 100 mbps bandwidth is shared with other users, so chances are you’ll never get the full bandwidth. It becomes obvious immediately that the LAN connection moves data 1,000 to 2,000 times more slowly than a local machine writes data to its own hard drive. Ever wonder why your LAN seems slow? Now you know why. WAN connection The WAN is the network that ties your LANs together over large geographic distances. The problem with WANs is that you can’t run high-speed net- working wire to a branch office in another country, so you’re at the mercy of the telecommunications company’s services. WAN connections typically deliver 1.5 to 4.5 mbps (or 1,500,000 to 4,500,000 bps) of bandwidth from LAN to LAN. Again, that 1.5 to 4.5 mbps bandwidth is shared with other users on the respective LANs, so chances are you’ll never get the full band- width. Some quick math shows that a WAN connection is 40 to 100 times slower than LAN connections, and you know how slow LANs are compared to local machines. Ever wonder why moving files between branch-office LANs seems glacial in pace? Now you know why. Internet connection The age of the mobile worker has enabled anyone to work from home via a DSL or cable-modem connection. These types of commercial Internet services are broadly available and relatively cheap but deliver low bandwidth to the end user. DSL connections are typically called ADSL, where the A stands for asynchronous. ADSL means that download speeds and upload speeds are different, with the download speed usually being much faster than that for uploading. Typical download speeds are 1.5 mbps (or 1,500,000 bps) of bandwidth, and upload speeds are typically one-third that, so those who need to upload large file sets will perceive ADSL connections as being slow. The only good thing about ADSL is that the connection usually isn’t shared, so at least the user gets all the bandwidth they pay for. Note: Cable modems are usually a bit faster than DSL modems but not enough faster to alter our discussion. 16531bapp01.qxd 3/19/07 1:44 PM Page 222 223 ■ STORING DATA Storing Data The entire purpose of having a network with CAD machines on it is to produce CAD data and share it between users. The question is, how can you do that best? Referring again to Figure A.1, we can draw some conclusions about data storage and the practi- cal factors affecting the data in the various locations. We’ll summarize the benefits and drawbacks by using each system component defined in the previous section: Local machine Storing data on the local machine gives the fastest possible data access because the local machine’s hard-drive bandwidth is always higher than that of any network connection. One downside of storing data on a local machine is that other users can’t access it. In addition, it won’t be backed up as it would be on a network server, thus offering lower security. Possible compromise procedures include check in/check out methodologies that allow users to copy working files to the local machine and then copy them back to the server each night for backup. Understand that any time data is stored on a local machine, there is more risk of data loss due to a lack of backup. LAN connection Storing data on the LAN increases data security but slows data access because CAD files are opened and saved over the LAN instead of on the user’s hard drive. From the CAD user’s perspective, using the LAN is slower than storing data on their local machine due to the much lower bandwidth of the LAN; thus this situation will generate complaints. However, IT departments will correctly point out that storage of CAD data on the LAN facilitates centralized backups that protect the data, and that no amount of speed is worth the security risk. Again, check in/check out methodologies may provide common ground between users who want speed and IT departments that want security. Note: Network speed determines how fast users can access data.Faster is always better from the user’s perspective. Note: In environments where collaborative teams need to work with the same files,storing data on local machines is impossible because sharing can’t be facilitated without a network connection. 16531bapp01.qxd 3/19/07 1:44 PM Page 223 224 APPENDIX A: OPTIMIZING SOFTWARE PERFORMANCE ■ WAN connection The situation here is essentially the same as for a LAN environment but a lot slower. CAD users who complain about performance problems in LANs will throw fits about WAN speeds. As a practical note, CAD files tend to be large, and sharing those files over sluggish WANs can sometimes be impossible due to time lags. Internet connection This scenario is essentially the same as a WAN, with one psycho- logical difference: When home-based or traveling workers access data through the Internet, they expect it to be slow! Oddly enough, users who go ballistic over WAN speeds may be tolerant of Internet access speeds. Harmonizing Software with Networks Now that all the terms are defined, how do you know what software will work best in which network environment and why? To address these questions, I’ll present the software types, break them down using the network variables, and draw conclusions for each. As you read through the various scenarios, try to get a mental picture of your own software and network systems and decide which type of scenario you must deal with: Single-file mode-systems Local machine environment: The best place to run the CAD software because it offers the highest speed for the user. CAD files may be stored here as well because no other user needs to collaboratively use the files. Be aware that plac- ing CAD files on local machines means those files normally aren’t backed up and are therefore much more prone to erasure or data loss. LAN environment: In LAN environments, you run the CAD software on the local machine to take advantage of the speed it offers the user. However, CAD files can be stored on the LAN to facilitate backups and file security. Common components like symbol libraries, drawing title sheets, stock parts, and so on should be stored on the LAN to enable sharing of those resources. Note: For a much more detailed explanation of data storage, refer to Chapter 9,“Storing Data.” Note: WAN environments are the worst-case scenario for CAD managers because there’s not much you can do to make the WAN faster or the files smaller.All the while, users will complain,and rightly so, about slow speeds degrading their productivity. 16531bapp01.qxd 3/19/07 1:44 PM Page 224 225 ■ STORING DATA WAN environment: In WAN environments, you run the CAD software on the local machine to take advantage of the speed it offers the user. However, CAD files can be stored on the WAN to facilitate backups and file security; in the best case, CAD files are stored for each user at the server closest to them on the WAN. For instance, if you have users in London and others in Chicago, the London workers should have their work on the London server and the Chicago workers should have their files on the Chicago server. Doing so keeps file-transfer delays minimal for most users but allows collaboration between offices as needed. As with a LAN, common components like symbol libraries, drawing title sheets, stock parts, and so on should be stored on the LAN nearest the user to enable sharing of those resources. Internet environment: In Internet environments, you run the CAD software on the local machine to take advantage of the speed it offers the user. However, CAD files can be stored on an Internet server to facilitate access to the files without having to log in to a LAN or WAN. The performance of the Internet is, of course, impossible to predict, but it’s normally on par with a WAN in terms of speed. As in the LAN and WAN cases, common components like symbol libraries, drawing title sheets, stock parts, and so on, may be stored on an Internet server to enable sharing of those resources. Referenced-file-mode systems These types of systems differ from single-file-mode sys- tems in that you have to use a LAN, WAN, or Internet connection to facilitate the file sharing necessitated by XREF files. These types of software systems won’t work using a local machine approach. All the networking variables presented previously exhibit the same characteristics for referenced-file-mode systems. True collaborative-mode systems Again, these types of systems differ from single-file-mode systems in that you have to use a LAN, WAN, or Internet connection to facilitate file sharing. These types of software systems won’t work using a local machine approach. All the networking variables presented previously exhibit the same characteristics for collaborative-mode systems with the added caution that network traffic increases as more people collaborate over the network. And as network traffic goes up, speed drops, and CAD users become less likely to enjoy using the collaborative benefits of the system. Note: In some cases,you may allow the user to gain access to your corporate LAN/WAN via Internet access by using Virtual Private Networking (VPN) connections.VPNs offer the remote location the support of the Internet with the security of a LAN/WAN,but they require IT oversight to administer. 16531bapp01.qxd 3/19/07 1:44 PM Page 225 226 APPENDIX A: OPTIMIZING SOFTWARE PERFORMANCE ■ The best way to avoid the slowdown of collaborative systems is to keep the data each user needs as close to them as possible by using the local office server to host the data. This approach takes more network planning but rewards the CAD user with a faster operating environment. Summary If you take the time to understand the type of software you work with and the network it must run on, you’ll understand 90 percent of what you should do to place the soft- ware components and data in the right place for optimal performance. In the remainder of the appendices, I’ll give you the other 10 percent of the equation by passing along specific tips for popular software environments. 16531bapp01.qxd 3/19/07 1:44 PM Page 226 227 ■ TIPS FOR AUTOCAD ENVIRONMENTS Note: To use this appendix,you must first read Appendix A,“Optimizing Software Performance,”because various terms and concepts introduced there are used in this appendix. Appendix: Tips for AutoCAD Environments AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT are the most popu- lar CAD systems in the world, and most CAD managers support at least some AutoCAD seats. B 16531bapp02.qxd 3/19/07 1:44 PM Page 227 [...]... recommendations reflect the best management of AutoCAD-based systems I’ve seen in industry: Software installation Run AutoCAD from the local machine to gain maximum performance Even though network versions are available, they will slow users’ speeds and impact their productivity Installing software on the local machine has no detrimental effect on anyone and gives CAD users the speed they crave File storage... JIS) that can make the installation size grow very large Software installation Run the software from the local machine to gain maximum performance Even though network versions are available, they will slow users’ speeds and impact their productivity Installing software on the local machine has no detrimental effect on anyone and gives CAD users the speed they crave And by running the software locally,... you’ll have the file sharing you need without your CAD users bearing the burden of slow WAN/Internet bandwidths 237 16531bapp04.qxd 3/ 19/ 07 1:45 PM Page 238 16531bapp05.qxd 3/ 19/ 07 1:45 PM Page 2 39 Appendix: Tips for Civil Engineering Environments Civil engineering environments, like AEC environments, are typically a hybrid blend of 2D AutoCAD being the 2D system of choice The 3D components in these environments... that the more you plan and the more you work with your IT department, the better things will go 16531bapp04.qxd 3/ 19/ 07 1:45 PM Page 237 LAN LAN Disk Disk Disk CAD Station Server Disk CAD Station WAN Connection Internet Disk CAD Station Figure D.1 Your company’s system of local machines, servers, and networks determines where data can best be stored with the least amount of delay experienced by your CAD. .. best be stored with the least amount of delay experienced by your CAD software users 16531bapp02.qxd 3/ 19/ 07 1:44 PM Page 2 29 Miscellaneous Hints Because AutoCAD is so prevalent, and because you probably have more seats of AutoCAD than other software applications in your company, getting AutoCAD optimally configured and consistent for multiple users is crucial By setting up AutoCAD on a few power-user... run quickly, but the collaborative design mode of the software rules out local file locations The following recommendations reflect the best management of civil engineering environments I’ve seen in industry: Software installation Run the software from the local machine to gain maximum performance Even though network versions are available, they will slow users’ speeds and impact their productivity... decision 16531bapp03.qxd 3/ 19/ 07 1:44 PM Page 234 16531bapp04.qxd 3/ 19/ 07 1:45 PM Page 235 Appendix: Tips for AEC Environments Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC) environments are typically a hybrid blend of 2D and 3D modeling-type CAD applications with AutoCAD being the 2D system of choice The 3D components in these environments are big, Note: and function sets These environments also generally... Given their collaborative file-sharing mode and large software footprint, AEC environments face a fundamental conundrum: Large files need local resources to run quickly, but the collaborative design mode of the software rules out local file locations The following recommendations reflect the best management of AEC environments I’ve seen in industry: Software installation Run the software from the local... maximum performance Even though network versions are available, they will slow users’ speeds and impact their productivity Installing software on the local machine has no detrimental effect on anyone and gives CAD users the speed they crave And by running the software locally, you preserve precious network bandwidth for moving data rather than running applications File storage Store files on LANs if... power-user machines and getting the software working to everyone’s satisfaction, you can form the basis for a standard installation You can then use AutoCAD’s profiles, which are just registry files, to copy the correct configuration to multiple machines to achieve maximum standardization 2 29 ■ MISCELLANEOUS HINTS 16531bapp02.qxd 3/ 19/ 07 1:44 PM Page 230 16531bapp03.qxd 3/ 19/ 07 1:44 PM Page 231 Appendix: . environment: The best place to run the CAD software because it offers the highest speed for the user. CAD files may be stored here as well because no other user needs to collaboratively use the files concepts introduced there are used in this appendix. Appendix: Tips for AutoCAD Environments AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT are the most popu- lar CAD systems in the world, and most CAD managers support. systems These systems take the referenced-mode system to the next level by allowing a team of users to collaboratively work with each other’s data and see the changes other users make to the data

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