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1 ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2010-2011 MÔN ANH VĂN – TEST1 Section A- Phonetics I. Identify the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the three ones in each group. 1. A. together B. tolerate C. gossip D. foray 2. A. delicate B. concentrate C. private D. accurate 3. A. submarine B. subnormal C. supper D. subjective 4. A. hatred B. wretched C. naked D. asked 5. A. example B. exactly C. exaction D. jazz II. Identify the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group. 6. A. writer B. carefully C. origin D. compete 7. A. approximate B. accomplished C. invaluable D. expectation 8. A. methods B. invention C. intense D. effective 9. A. performances B. dictionary C. contemporary D. encouragement 10. A. ahead B. identity C. pretend D. leisure section B: Vocabulary and grammar I. choose the best answers from A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 11. My job is so _________ that I don't think I'll be able to take a summer break. A. demanding B. persisting C. hard D. tough 12. During the month of August, Athens is almost _________ . A. vacant B. abandoned C. left D. deserted 13. When I have a sore throat, I find it hard to _________ . A. chew B. swallow C. sip D. gulp 14. When ironing, I like to put the clothes in the neat _________ . A. packs B. piles C. bunches D. heaps 15. He criticized everything and everybody and even ran _________ his new friends. A. up B. into C. down D. away from 16. We have little ________ information about developments in this field. A. present-day B. up-to-date C. modern D. contemporary 17. Arthur assured me that he was going to come, but he hasn't _________ yet. A. turned in B. turned up C. turned on D. turned round 18. Who do you think I _________ in the library this morning? A. ran down B. ran over C. ran in D. ran across 19. _________ I had turned the corner, I began to run. A. Scarcely B. Just C. Hardly D. Once 20. Angus Grahm is the person who can advise you best ________, he is coming here tomorrow. A. It is true B. Even so C. In effect D. As a matter of fact 21. She found him much too ready to _________ with everything she said . A. agree B. coincide C. adopt D. accept 22. A cool drink _______ him after his long hot journey. A. relaxed B. relieved C. refreshed D. recovered 23. The music aroused an __________ feeling of homesickness in him. A. intense B. intentional C. intensive D. intending 24. He came to inspect the house _________ buying it. A. in the event of B. with a view to C. with reference to D. in case of 25. The students listened to the professor's lecture in _________ . A. stillness B. silent C. quiet D. silence 26. The landlord of this apartment _________ me about $ 50 per month in rent. 2 A. draws B. charges C. takes D. costs 27. He _________ up the buttons on his jacket. Then he put his coat on. A. did B. buttons C. tied D. pulled 28. _________ have never heard of Shakespeare. A. Just few B. Only few C. Quite few D. Very few 29. I haven't had a very ________ week. I seem to have done nothing at all. A. extensive B. productive C. enthusiatic D. economic 30. Jim's _________ flu again. That's the third time this year. A. led up to B. gone down with C. come up with D. put up with II. Identify the mistakes marked by A, B, C or D. 31. The officials object to them wearing long dresses for the inaugural dance at the country club A B C D 32. He knows to repair the carburetor without taking the whole car apart. A B C D 33. Stuart stopped to write his letter because he had to leave for the hospital. A B C D 34. Each of the students in the accounting class has to type their own. A B C D. 35. The unit of measuring called the foot was originally based on the length of the human foot A B C D 36. Playwright Frank Shin has often describes the lives of Chinese Americans in his dramas. A B C D 37. Around 75 percents of the earth ' s surface is covered by water. A B C D 38. In the 1920s, gasoline companies began giving away free road maps to the customers. A B C D 39. A fully grown male mountain lion may be eight long feet. A B C D 40. Neither humans or dogs can hear as well as cats. A B C D Section C - reading I. Read the following passage, then choose the best answer. Although they are an inexpensive supplier of vitamins, minerals, and high-quality protein, eggs also contain a high level of blood cholesterol, one of the major causes of heart disease. One egg yolk, in fact, contain a little more than two- thirds of suggested daily cholesterol limit. This knowledge has caused egg sales to plummet in recent years, which in turn has brought about the development of several alternatives to eating regular eggs. One alternative is to eat substitute eggs. These eggs substitutes are not really eggs, but they look somewhat like eggs when they are cooked. They have advantage of having lower cholesterol rates, and they can be scrambled or used in baking. One advantage, however, is that they are not good for frying, poaching, or boiling. A second alternative to regular eggs is a new type of eggs, sometimes called "designer" eggs. These eggs are produced by hens that are fed low-fat diets consisting of ingredients such as canola oil, flaw, and rice bran. In spite of their diets, however, these hens produce eggs that contain the same amount of cholesterol as regular eggs. Yet, the producers of these eggs claim that eating their eggs will not raise the blood cholesterol in humans. Egg producers claim that their product has been portrayed unfairly. They cite scientific studies to back up their claim. And, in fact, studies on the relationships between eggs and human cholesterol levels have brought mixed results. It may be that it is not the type of eggs that is the main determinant of cholesterol but the person who is eating the eggs . Some people may be more sensitive to cholesterol derived from food than other people. In fact, there is evidence that certain dietary fats stimulate the body ' s production of blood cholesterol. Consequently, while it is still makes sense to limit one ' s intake of eggs, even designer eggs, it seems that doing this without regulating dietary fat will probably not help reduce the blood cholesterol level. 41. What is the main purpose of this passage? 3 A. to inform people about the relation between eggs and cholesterol B. to convince people to eat "designer" eggs and egg substitutes C. to persuade people that eggs are unhealthy and should not be eaten D. to introduce the idea that dietary fat increase the blood cholesterol level 42. According to the passage, which of the following is a cause of heart disease? A. minerals B. cholesterol C. vitamins D. canola oil 43. According to the passage, what has been the cause for changes in the sale of eggs? A. dietary changes in hens B. decreased production C. increasing price D. concerns about cholesterol 44 According to the passage, one egg yolk contains approximately what fraction of suggested daily limit for human consumption of cholesterol? A. 1/3 B. 1/2 C. 2/3 D. 3/4 45. According to the author, which of the following may reduce blood cholesterol? A. reducing egg intake but not fat intake. B. increasing egg intake and fat intake. C. increasing egg intake but no fat intake. D. decreasing egg intake and fat intake. II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage. Fun and games do you think computer games are just for kids? Then you should think again. You might be (46) ________ to learn that the game industry now (47) _________more money than Hollywood. (48) ________ a family buys a new PC, all they want to do is to play games. It is hardly surprising that video gaming has (49) _________ one of the most popular (50) _________ of entertainment today. A good game is like a good film; it will hold your (51) _________ capture your imagination and play with your emotions. The big (52) _________, however, is that watching a movie is a passive (53) _________ . You have no say in how the plot (54) _________ or which characters dominate the story. With computer games, you direct the (55) _________ and that is what makes them so exciting. Finding the (56) _________ game is likely to signal the beginning of a lasting love (57) _________ with the interactive (58) _________ of make-believe. It is (59) ________ to think of gaming as something simply for children and teenagers. In fact, the (60) _________ growth area of the market is the 25 - 35 age group. 46. A. concerned B. admired C. startled D. surprised 47. A. has B. makes C. does D. gains 48. A. As soon as B. As well as C. As far as D. As long as 49. begun B. grown C. become D. sounded 50. A. makes B. branches C. shapes D. forms 51. A. gaze B. attention C. breath D. control 52. A. gap B. variety C. difference D. direction 53. A. pastime B. task C. routine D. employment 54. A. becomes B. produces C. turns D. develops 55. A. movement B. change C. action D. performance 56. A. accurate B. right C. complete D. proper 57. A. affair B. story C. secret D. match 58. A. region B. area C. society D. world 59. A. immoral B. wrong C. false D. dishonest 60. A. longest B. widest C. biggest D. deepest III. Fill each blank with one suitable word. The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This causes many problems, (61) _________ serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the greater risk of accidents. Clearly, something must be done, but it is often difficult to persuade people to change their (62) _________ and leave their cars at home. One possible approach is to make it (63) _________ expensive for people to use their cars by increasing charges for parking and bringing in tougher fines for anyone who breaks the law. In addition, drivers could be required to 4 pay for using particular routes at different times of the day. This system, known as "road pricing", is already being introduced in a (64) ________ of cities, using a special electric card fixed to the windscreen of the car. Another way of dealing (65) _________ the problem is to provide cheap parking on the outskirts of the city, and strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the center. Drivers and their passengers then use a special bus service for the final stage of their journey. Of course the most important thing is to provide good public (66) _________ However, to get people to give up the comfort of their cars, (67) _________transport must be felt to (68)_________ reliable, convenient and comfortable, (69) _________ fares kept at an acceptable (70) __________. Section D - Writing I. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence. 71. The reason I came here was solely to try and improve conditions. My sole purpose_____________________________________ 72. He ' ll set down. Then his performance will improve. Once ______________________________________________ 73. Besides her roommate, Janice has lots of friends. In addition to _______________________________________ 74. The fisherman ' s life was one of great poverty. Throughout ________________________________________ 75. If you want to see professor Smith, Wednesday afternoon is a good time to find him in his office. Professor Smith is____________________________________ 76. She didn't recover her confidence until that morning. It was _____________________________________________ 77. Alice's strange ideas astonished everybody. Everybody _________________________________________ 78. Having nowhere to go, I tried to sleep in the station waiting room. As ________________________________________________ 79. I'll find that man, no matter how long it takes. However ___________________________________________ 80. My income doesn't enable me to meet all my financial commitments. I _________________________________________________ II. Composition. Many people believe that parents are too permissive with their children nowadays. Do you agree that this is a problem? Defend your answer. The end KEY 5 Section A- Phonetics I. Identify the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the three ones in each group. (5pts) 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A. II. Identify the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group.(5pts) 6. D 7.D 8. A. 9. B 10.D section B: Vocabulary and grammar I. choose the best answers from A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. (20 pts) 11.A 12.D 13.B 14. B 15.C 16. B 17. B 18. D 19.D 20. D 21. A 22. C 23.A 24.B 25.C 26. B 27.A 28. D 29.B 30.B II. Identify the mistakes marked by A, B, C or D. (10 pts) 31.B 32.A 33 A 34. C 35. B 36.B 37. B 38. D 39. D 40. A Section C - reading I. Read the following passage, then choose the best answer. (10 pts) 41.A 42.B 43. D 44. C 45.D II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage. (15 pts) 46. D 47. B 48. A. 49. C 50. D 51.B 52. C 53. A. 54. D 55. C 56. B 57. A. 58. D 59. B 60. C III. Fill each blank with one suitable word. (10 pts) 61. including 62. habits 63. more 64. number 65. with 66. transport 67. public 68. be 69. with 70. level Section D - Writing I. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence. (10 pts) 71. My sole purpose of coming here was to try and improve conditions. 72. Once he had settled down, his performance will improve. 73. In addition to her roommate, Janice has lots of friends. 74. Throughout his life fisherman was very poor. 75. Professor Smith is usually in his office Wednesday afternoons. 76. It was not until that morning that she recovered her confidence. 77. Everybody was astonished by/ at Alice's strange ideas. 78. As I had nowhere else to go, I tried to sleep in the station waiting room. 79. However long it may take, I'll find that man. 80. I can't meet all my financial commitments with my income II. Composition.(15 points) Vocabulary& Grammar 30% Style 40% Content 30% TOTAL: 100 points / 5 = 20 points The end BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ THI THỬ TUYỂN SINH ĐẠI HỌC 2011 6 Môn Thi: ANH VĂN – Khối D ĐỀ THI THAM KHẢO Thời gian: 90 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề I: Identify the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the three ones in each group 1. a. finished b. cooked c. stopped d. hated 2. a. machine b. chemistry c. architect d. Christmas 3. a. underline b. unite c. understand d. unknown 4. a. low b. allow c. however d. cow 5. a. who b. where c. when d. why II: Choose the best answers from A, B, C or D to complete each sentence 6. The woman who…. next door is often willing to help us whenever we are in difficulty. a. to live b. living c. lived d. lives 7. They say that they …… their course next month a. finish b. will finish c. will be finishing d. will be finished 8. Mary …… her treatment almost two years ago. a. have b. has had c. had d. was having 9. Don’t bother me while I …… a. am working b. was working c. will work d. is going to work 10. Did you hear …… upstairs? a. she sing b. her singing c. she singing d. her to sing 11. Women in the past .…. work outside the home as nowadays. a. do not b. won’t c. didn’t d. hasn’t 12. Today is their golden wedding anniversary. They … married for 50 years. a. have been b. has been c. was d. will be 13. He ……. in the office at the moment. a. has work b. is working c. has been working d. works 14. He ………. very frightened when he saw spiders. a. feeling b. felt c. was felt d. feels 15. Where ……. next summer? a. will you go b. are you going c. do you go d. are you going to go 16. How long ……. you studied here? a. are b. did c. do d. have 17. After our guests ………, we sat down to dinner. a. arrived b. arrive c. were arriving d. have arrived 18. She and I……… each other since we were at secondary school. a. know b. knew c. have known d. has known 19. … you at home last night? a. Did b. Were d. Have d. Are 20. What …. to do when you graduate? a. are you going b. are going c. you are going d. are you go 21. The books and the dictionary… … on the table. a. were b. are c. is d. have been 22. ………. both of you ready for the test? a. Is b. Are c. Have d. Do 23. She ……… here since I came here. a. lives b. lived c. is living d. has lived 24. We …… a lot important inventions in the future. a. have b. will have c. had d. has had 25. The police …… for the thief at the moment. a. was looking b. are looking c. have been looking d. is going to look. 26. It was really kind … . you to help poor people. 7 a. to b. for c. of d. on 27. Romeo and Juliet is a play …………. William Shakespeare. a. in b. by c. on d. from 28. ‘Can I ask you something?’ ’Not now, I………. my report.’ a. am writing b. write c. will write d. wrote 29. Please go out … .dinner a. in b. for c. to d. with 30. You must be responsible …………. your study. a. in b. from c. for d. at 31. We arrived ……… the station five minutes late. a. on b. to c. at d. in 32. Her success ………. passing the exam made her parents very happy a. in b. with c. up d. to 33. No one likes being laughed ……… . a. at b. with c. for d. on 34. The meeting was held …………Tuesday. a. on b. of c. for d. in 35. All of the clothes sold in this store were made …… hand a. in b. with c. on d. by 36. She is interested …… making money. a. of b. at c. in d. by 37. Thank you for letting me …… your dog for a walk. a. take b. to take c. taken d. taking 38. They found it is impossible ……… their problems. a. solve b. to solve c. solved d. solving 39. We can’t find a place ……… a. live b. to live c. living d. lived 40. The film seemed …… forever, but at last it was over a. to go on b. going on c. go on d. went on 41. We’ve decided …………. married in the spring. a. getting b. to get c. get d. got 42. It was one of the most exciting matches … a. to watch b. watch c. watching d. watched 43. She would like …… the answer. a. that she knows b. to know c. knowing d. that knows 44. It’s time for you ………… a new TV. Yours is out of date. a. to buy b. buy c. buying d. bought 45. If you want to learn English well you have to ………. hard working a. being b. been c. be d. for being 46. To my ………., John is very good at Vietnamese. a. amazing b. amazed c. amaze d. amazement 47. This movie is the most ……… a. entertaining b. entertained c entertain d. entertainment 48. He is proud of his ………. a. succeed b. success c. successful d. successfully 49. Nobody likes him because he is ……… a. pleased b. pleasure c. pleasant d. unpleasant 50. AIDS has caused a great number of ……. a. die b. death c. dying d. dead 8 51. His ……. was surprising. a. arrive b. arrived c. arriver d. arrival 52. The disco was so …. that you couldn’t hear yourself speak. a. noise b. noisy c. noisily d. nosiest 53. I don’t think we have enough food because there are some …………guests. a. expect b. expected c. unexpected d. unexpectedly 54. ……., he won a lot of money in a lottery. a. luck b. unlucky c. lucky d. luckily 55. I ………. the course because it is interesting. a. enjoyment b. enjoy c. enjoyable d. enjoying 56. We have ……. in his ability. a. confident b. confidently c. confidence d. confidential 57. ………. more about her, you would change your opinion a. If you know b. If you did know c. If you knew d. If did you know 58. ……… I was a child, I used to play football. a. As soon as b. While c. When d. If 59. Tay Bac university ……. in Son la town for two years. a. was built b. is built c. have been built d. has been built 60. Chewing gum ………… in Sweden in 1993. a. was invented b. is invented c. has been invented d. invented 61. I’ll phone you ……………… I come. a. while b. until c. as soon as d. because 62. If we …… have computer, our lives ………. boring. a. don’t/ will be b. won’t have/ are c. didn’t/ would d. wouldn’t/ were 63. “The Wall” … when all the members were students. a. founded b. was founded c. has been founded d. founded 64. If he worked harder, he …………. a. will be promoted b. will have been promoted c. had been promoted d. would be promoted 65. All students at Tay Bac university ……… uniforms on Monday. a. are asked to wear b. ask to wear c. asked to wear d. to asked wearing 66. I hate …. ….the washing up. a. taking b. doing c. getting d. making 67. She does not know what to do when her parents …… a complaint to her. a. make b. give c. keep d. tell 68. I was late because I ……… the bus. a. left b. lost c. missed d. forgot 69. We never believe in him, he always … lies. a. says b. makes c. tells d. give 70. Rice is ………… in China a. made b. kept c. done d. grown 71. “New headway ” is ……textbook I’ve ever learned. a. more interesting b. as more interesting c. the most interesting d. as interesting as 72 Her life becomes ……. than it was before a. more happy b. as happy c. happier d. the happiest 73. China is getting richer and ……… a. more powerful b. powerful c. powerfuler d. the most powerful 74. Charles Chaplin made many of the funniest and …… popular films of his time. a. more b. most c. the most d. the more 75. She ……… staying at home to going out. 9 a. likes b. ‘d like c. prefers d. loves III : . Identify the mistakes marked by A, B, C or D 76. My friends and I would like thanking for your hospitability We all enjoyed ourselves . a b c d very much 77. It always takes me an hour doing homework a b c d everyday 78. She is so a nice student that all teachers love a b c d her. 79. Why don’t you get someone sending this letter for me? a b c d 80. If he arrived late, we would began without a b c d him. IV : Jack London was the famous American novelist and short story writer. He was born in San Francisco in 1876. He quit school at fourteen to become a sailor. He was a self- taught student, he finished his high school and college education during six months. He led an adventurous but poor life. His view point was in favor of the poor and socialism. He read a lot of books of Karl Marx. He was influenced by Marxist Party theory and the October Revolution. In 1985, he joined the Socialist Labour Party but in the last years of his life, he moved away from the working class and in 1916 he left the party. In 1916 he committed suicide because of despair dream. He used an overdose of morphine and drowned himself in the sea. He was an adventure novelist, a Social reformer and a prominent socialist who often signed under the line “Yours for revolution, Jack London.” 81. Jack London quit school in ……… a. 1876 b. 1890 c. 1895 d. 1916 82. He led a/ an ……… life. a. rich and adventurous b. poor and quite c. adventurous and poor d. rich and quite 83. He was in favour of ………………. a. self teaching b. capitalism c. the rich and the poor d. the poor and socialism 84. Why did he commit suicide? a. Because he left the party b. Because of socialism c. He used to have a dream d. Because of despair of life and disillusion with American dream. 85. Which job didn’t he do? a. a fish man b. a novelist c. a socialist d. a social reformer Students at the age of 18 always have to face difficult decision to make: some want to go on with their study at college or university; others prefer to start work immediately. Many school leavers are eager to go to work in order to make money to live independently and help their parents. They always do their best to overcome any obstacles they may encounter. Unfortunately, owing to the guidance poor and bold from their parents and teachers, most boys and girls are ill- prepared for unemployment. Therefore, they 10 often feel worried and build up all sort of fearsome prospects in their mind as the time to start work gets nearer. It is the duty of the school and family to prepare these young people for their future jobs. 86. The main idea of the passage is ……… a. Learning at university b. Making an important decision at 18 c. Starting to work after leaving school d. Getting to know about new job. 87. Why do some young people want to find a job after they leave school? a. They are badly in need of money b. They want to get rid of schooling c. Their parents do not help them d. They want to lead an independent life 88. What attitude do young people have when they are faced with difficulty? a. They just let things go .b. They make good efforts. c. They complain about their parents and teachers. 89. The word “Unfortunately” in line 5 is nearest in meaning to . a. suddenly b. unluckily c. luckily d. surprisingly 90. Which of the following is not true for young people who start work? a. difficulty b. anxiety c. fear d. encouragement KEY 1.D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. B 22. B 23.D 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. C 32. A 33. A 34. A 35. D 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. B 40. A 41.B 42. A 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. D 47. A 48. B 49. D 50. B 51. D 52. B 53. C 54. D 55. B 56. C 57. C 58. C 59. D 60. A 61. C 62. A 63. B 64. D 65. A 66. B 67. A 68. C 69. C 70. D 71. C 72. C 73. A 74. C 75. C 76. B 77. D 78. A 79. C 80. C 81. B 82. C 83. D 84. D 85.A 86. C 87. D 88. B 89. B 90. D . 1 ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2 010 -2 011 MÔN ANH VĂN – TEST1 Section A- Phonetics I. Identify the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the three ones in each group. 1. . 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10 . B 11 . C 12 . A 13 . B 14 . B 15 . B 16 . D 17 . A 18 . C 19 . B 20. A 21. B 22. B 23.D 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. . (20 pts) 11 .A 12 .D 13 .B 14 . B 15 .C 16 . B 17 . B 18 . D 19 .D 20. D 21. A 22. C 23.A 24.B 25.C 26. B 27.A 28. D 29.B 30.B II. Identify the mistakes marked by A, B, C or D. (10 pts) 31. B 32.A 33

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2014, 21:23



