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R4075E DUAL INDUSTRIAL FLAME SAFEGUARD CONTROL (FIG. 63) The R4075E consIsts 01 2 controls on 1 chassis 10 pro- vide Independer1t ~rvislon of 2 indusUial burners. 11 can al$O be used for redundanl safely conlrol systems or for l1JaI·fuel applications. With 2 controls on' chassis, the mOUFllinQ space r9QJlred Is only hatf (hal previously Each control is similar to the R4075C, and thus is ac:lapled for the 'Same family of plug-in name sIgnal amplifi· ers developed for the R4140. Any ccrrt>inalion 01 standard and/or sal1·checking flame detection system can be used by mi;ling or matching the amplifiers. For BKample, a flame red can be used 10 delecl Ihe pilot, and a self-checking C7012E or F Ultraviolet Flame Deleclor can be used for the main burner flame. Since all amplifiers are plug-in, Ihe detection rJ'\C:lClI3'can be changed anytime after Jnstallation. Because terminal designations for lhe R4075E are unlQJ9, II requires a special Q295A1054 Wiring Subbase. The R4075E is available in 120 and 220 voll models. SEQUENCE OF OPERATION FOR THE R4075E (FIG. 64) The q:>eration of the 120 volt model o1lhe R4075E will be described. The sequence 01 operalion for the 220 voll model is the same; it just has 2 addilionallransforrners to provide 120 volts for the shullers on C7012E or F Purple Peeper Ullraviolet Flame Detectors. The schematic ill Fig. 64 shows all relay conlacls in the de-enerQized posl- lion. Refer 10 file 8eq.Jence 01 {)peralion on the following 2 pages. TIlANSo 50ECTIDN A FORMER T[R"INA~ STII.IP ON;_-:- ~ SUIBASE- P~UG·IN ~~~~IEF~~~:"'~'' '''''~ CHASSIS II.ETAINING SCREW FIG. 63- R4075E INSTALLEO ON A Q295A1054 SUBBASE. 182 - 111.1 ffi i ~~ ~ ~~ ,. ., 9~ ,- !) ,. , :Ii ;' -j ~, 0' '. !< " " ~. . . ,. -"'<:3 , , • ~ ' . e ~ ~ . I "'i L , , <A , , , , l.loo_ ~ ~ , , , , I I , ,, I !I ' , ' , ~"l ' , "I,,' ~ ~:~ 1]. 1]. , " l'! , ll'~ t; "'lou HI _.: ~~~ '"2."'~""O :!'!! ~gt _.,,~I 111'"'' oJ;;::; 1 r <i;o U''''",l I __ ~i:!"l I I ~:a: _ I' I , .,. ~~ I I i~"\ 0";11 II I' u=>" 1 I <>=>O: I, I II ~ I I I I' I 1 I " 1 I " • , 1 1 I I I 1 II "'50: , "'e: 1 II ~;;e I I ~;;e I II :;=:: I I :;:::;: I • +in;. ~~! il.oW:! "~1"" 5~~ JR\';+ ,' I ""'" I II ':;1:1 I I :::1' , I ~ "\ I I ;;:: ~ I I uu~ I I uuo. I I l'i 'I l'l I I II I I ~ I I ",",' , I O:li I I ." 5 I I z~do II r~HD"-" I to. ~ ~~:g~ -t to ~ ~~:!gt-i '" :I i:!J,: " .1 ;:iiiL ~i -,"" >- U "I'.' I '"lIE"" I 1 r -"~i5 I I "' -nO • I - I I.~:.: I I r ,:-:.: __ I I .~ l , I r- ® ® C'J (0) (0) " . , , • , ''''i r , , , 1: , :llffF11Ir~ '",' - ~ . <0 n n -" ~ - IE;;: ~ """~ 0 ~_ ~A- _ ., .,. J ~ 0" e!::' _ ~ 3~ OJ ~::! _ _ y It . U···W· . UJ ~~~" j" - - - - ~:!: . , , ",'I5I' ~ ,.J: '. '. " » ! I , , 11 -;r I , . ~ , :J • o o • > • ~ • ~ ~ • :bJbp :It Ii; .~ 5 i ~i 0 ;: l! ~u ! 6:;=~ 'I' ~; ;o! :i l"l!" o;;l" 0" 1~ "" ~ ,>~::~ ~ i ilid,~;: II li I!'~" ::'" III ~ !:-:no B~ '\~ ~ !~ ;;; "z " ii "",,,;:j,, :;I "" 0:2 51 !tii;:i 2 " 0: t " ~~ ~ ~",~i: ~'t. 0::1 _ 0: ~.:li ;!: ~U,~:::': , u I< L j"-_,, ~ " i1, g:l ~I :{',,:ol oil: ~~ ~ -g":I;~: . '.j" ~~~" :!:II> I,'" :;; :::~;:~ "!l~ i' ,. ",0:,,0 '" il ~:~ i~ Ij:~ ~;~ e!" '" ~ o~ :l:!;'! uS: ~;i! ;t;;;; ~~3 ~ii ~~ ~rl:; ~g! , • "'i "'i '" "'i o.'i: :i z - Il:g;tl<! ~io: ~: i!l"'!::: '".,,0_ t~ i~:" l'l'l!t;i z"' u~~ ! II '~O It , iit :c",~ ~~:!::!l =~ ~~~i !~~~ ~ , i :Ii!! I" ::: • ,0: zo" u -, .,lI:i =" i • 0- " :~ :;:~= ~:'l!" ',-' 'l!!::;~ 2 :: ~ ~- : 1:" 5'1'~: ~ ' - .: ~'"iJ "~::3 li lj !l::l"S/o: ~ "o "-~ g"!,,~ ~a!:li ::: -,~ >5:"~ D::;8:;: :l _OM j!!i!i'" U§i!: ! ii ~~~i!:~ ~§~~ ~ !il !i::~::~ ;:;l~li! ~ jo: ,.,,, > " 0 ~rl" - " z"- -w 1-" f'" z i: ~:oi ::: ~~:-:: ~ =g i~~~! ~~~3 ~ ~~ ~lH~ B~a i '" '" '" "i w j!: ~ '" ~ ~ Z " i '" o ~ ii: w o 2 " '" ~ o u '" o ~ w ~ 2 ~ l:l ~ Ul o z " 2 ,,::l . "'~ ,,0 ,," -'" Ow !'!j!: !C 20 w~ xw Uo OlO 02 !!!1- ~ -0 ~> 2o _N Ol_ , W ci ii: .' SEQUENCE OF OPERATION FOR THE R4075E lRe R4075E consists of 2 identical sections. A and B. This sequence of operation is tor one section. The operalion 01 the olher section is identical. NOTE: Italics denote special applications. NORMAL OPERATION OPERATOR ACTION R407SE OPERATION SYSTEM OPERATION TO START; 1. Reset an limits. O:ls:e the master _h on' the .~ silencing swilch (If used). 1TI0>t Cb ret push in the sr ART buttm' _before the rna_ _ itch 18 COITIpletely cbsed. 1. a. b. Poo¥9r iI5 applied to terminalS thrtJUgh the Ifllits, alarm sll&ncing switch, and STOP station; the plug-in amplifier is energized. Power Ie applied to terminal 7 (through the alarm silencing switCh}. Ilnd to tar- minal 8 ('through 11<2). ,. 11 b. Standby to start. The alarm is energized. 2. Push in 1t'Ie START button on Itll~ S445A and I1:lld it in. 2. a. Power is appliell Ie the ignition trans- former and to termiN.I 3 through thE! limits, alarm silenCing ~h. STOP 6't!ltion, imernal jlmper in trnI S445,A,., and START S'tlltion. 2. a. Th. ignition transformer on' pibt vaJve (or 1st stage oil valYe) afe ener· glzad. The pilot valve opens and the pi- bt is ignited. The flame detector de- (ects the pilot flame b. Relay 1K pUll$ in lIlrough 2K2 (sale 6't!lrt contacl) Contact 1 Kl eto$MI. by· passing 2~: 1K2 opens on' 'KJ clo!l9S. b The alarm i$ dlHlnerglzed. ,. If M R7247C Dynanjc Sdf Check Am- pMer is used, power is applied from ler- c. It a C70f2E rx F Purpfe Peeper Ultra· viciel Flame Derectrx ('wI~h se/f<;heck· 3. Release 1I1e START button. 4. ~.n manual mol' vaJve{s} "''' ~ used}. TO STOP' S. Push in the STOP button on the S4'SA ,,' "''' • ;, until the .larm is energized. e. ~pen the alarm silencing _h used). 7. Open the master switCh. mihal3 through the sciid stare switch ih I the amplifier (be/ween amplifier term!· nals 16 Md ll). /0 terminal 12. ,. When the pibt flarne is d6t9Ct8d, relay 2K pulls in. Contact 2K1 closes, by- pusing lIlll START station fran ter. mil'\8.l 6, lIlroullh 2Kl and 110, 10 ter· minal 3. Contset 2K2 opens ContaCl 2K3 closes: power is applied Irem ter· minal 3111rough 1 K1 anO 21<3 to tsrm~ nal S. 3. Normal operation. including setl-chec:k- ing or the flarntl detectioo sysiem frf a sell· checking system is used) • Normal operation. ,~, S. a. _. - I&rminal o. This removes ~ fran terminals 3, S. and 12. The plug-in amplifier is de- energized and relay 2K drops out. b. Relay 1K drops out: 11<2 closes. ,. All relay ronlecle are rasat lor the nelCl startup. o. Power is removed fran lermjnals 7 end 8. 7. None. ing leattore) i$ used, the shutter is el"lEW"- gized. ,. Tho automatic main fuel vatve(s} ;, energizeo. The valve(s) opens lind lila main bumer;$ ignited. Tha system i$ in th, ,", condition, (If • mMLIally opened valve is used, the maoil burl"lEW" will nol be ignited unlil step 4 is com- pleled.) 3. The igntfun 1rlinstormer is de-energized. • The main burner is ignited. The system 1$ in the run concjtion. S. a. The pilot valVe (or 1st stage ell valVe) and 1t'Ie main fu&t VIltve(S) are de-ener· giZed. The valves clo6e and the pilot anI:! main burner flames go Out. b. The alarm is energiz80 ,. N~. 0 The alarm is d&-energized. 7. The SyStem is de-energizad. 18' SEQUENCE OF OPERATION FOR THE R4075E (Continued) SAFETY OPERATION - ABNORMAL. CONDITIONS R4075E OPERATION Relay 2K pulls in when the name (or flame- simutaTing condiOOn) is deteel&d. Conlacl: 21<2 opens, preventing relay 1K trom pulling in when the START button is p~sed. • Contact 1 K3 stays open: the STAAT sta· tial is no! bypassed. Power is removed fn:n1lBrmil"lRl J whOl'\ the START bl./tt:ln is relaased. • Contact 11<2 remains c'oseO. • Conuel 1K1 flmains open. Relay 2K does rot pUll in. • Contact 2Kl slBys open: ltle Sf AHT s\a. tbn is not bypassed. When 1M srAAT butIl:ln is released. power ~ retJ"lO';'ed fTtm t9nTlinll\ 3 and relay 1K drops out. • Ca1tact .21<3 stays open; power canl'lOl ~ applied tJ terminel 5. • Contact 11<2 closes. Relay 2K drops out. • CorTtact .2K1 opens: poweI" is rerroved fftm terminal 3 and ra!ay 1K drops out • Contact 21<3 opens; power is I'8r'l'lOWd fftm terminal 5. • Contact 1K2 cbses. All felEVJ'8 drop out Relay 2K cannot pull in When IN syst1Irn Is startBd-ume operation as if N pitrt Is tI:lt ignited. Sale Start Check - A "name, or a oondi- ticn simutanng.8 name. is present be- 101'9 "lt1e START button is pressed. . -,- ./, - The pilot /01" lsi stage oil burner) is no! ionited. The name goes out during lh& 11.Jn perod. Manen\aIy power lil~lX'll. If USING A SELF·CHECKING FLAME DETECTION SysrEM' The name de18Ction system laila While h syvt8m is IU.med of!, The name det8Ctloll $Vslern tails dur· ing tl1e run period Wllh !he burner ~ng. Relay 2K dropa out-same operation all II' the 1Ieme gee! 0Ul SYSTEM OPERATION The pilot lor 1st stage oil burner) Is ignited 1'Ihen the STAAT blJlton Is pressetl. 1M IN sy5tem 'oWl shut down when the STAAT but· bn is released. • When tl1e START button i, relea5lid. the ignition transformer and the piot alve (or lsi :Mile Oil \/aue) are lle-enerllized. The vaNe closes and !he pi'ct 1\ame goeo out • The alarm remaine. energized. • The 8ubnatic main fuel valve(sl canrot: be en6I'giZ8CI. ststem cannot be lllarted. • When 1M srART b~ is relessad. tt1e ignition lrans10rmer and ltle pilot valve (or 1M stage oil Valve) are de-energized. The pilOt vatve cbsa$. • TIle automatiC main fuel valve(s) cannot be energized. • The alarm is energized. sa/Qty' sh tdown OC:CUr3. The pilOt valve (or lsi llIage oil valve) ill • de-energized and I!"e valve closes. • The main fuel valve(s) ia de-enMlJized and the varve(a) closes. The alarm Is energized. • safety Elhutdovm oCCunl. but the alarm is not lJIr18l'"giZed umn power 18 rastonld. safety ElhUldown oCcurs. safety shutdown occurs. 185 11·97558-1 R4138C,D INDUSTRIAL FLAME SAFEGUARD CONTROLS (FIG. 65) These controls directly replece older R4138A and B models to meet the lates! rElQJirements. They are espe- cially Suitable where Icng petilXi3 01 burner operation with· out s/'lulc:bwn are normal, such as in heat-treating ovens and kilns. The R4138D is (he same as the R4138Cwl!hthe adc:lilion 01 a jXl'I'Ver failure override circuit 10 prevent shut- down during very short;power outages (,oower line switch- Ing of. 1 Second or less). The A4138C is available in 120, 220, and.24O volt rtlOdeIS; the A4138D Is available only in a 120 vol'model. SAFETY FEATURES The A4138C and D provide a Safe Start Check for a flame, or a condition simulating a flame, at startup. If the flame"relay 2K is pulled in before the STAAT button is pressed• .2K.2 is open, preventing the load relay 1K from pulling in. The system cannol be started until the condition Is corrected and 2K drops PUt. They also prOVide safety shutdown on- - failure to Ignite the pilor. (lockout will occur t1the START button is held in IClIlg9f than the 10ckPUt switch liming.) -loss 01 flame during the rUl"l period. -failure in the flame detectiCfl system, If e sell· cheCking system is' used-see Table II. (L.ockoul will occur it lhe START b rIlon is held in longer than the lockout switch timinQ.) On safety shutdown. the pilot and main fuel valve(s) are de-energized. 11 used, the exlernal alarm is energized. The STAAT bulton must be manu8JJy pressed to restart the system. "the lockout switch trips. the load relay 1K drq:>s Oul and the lockout switch must be manually reset to rEt- start the system. OTHER FEATURES " A plu~in $4.27D Purge Timer is available as an ac· cessory (0 provide e timed purge period prior to the manual startup. " An optionei remole reset assembly allows resetting the lockout switch from a remote location. " Irlcandescent indicator lamps (FLAME OFF, PURGE COMPLETE, FLAME ON) prOVide a visual check: 011he system condl1ion. • The R4138C or D plugs into a subbase or cabinet ElQJiA?OO with quick-connect C'-ontacts. • All field wirinQ (except for the optional remote reset assembly) is connected to a terminal strip on the subbase or In the cabinet. The R4138 can be re- moved easily withoul disconnecting any w·lring. " Clear plastic relay covers help prevent conlamina- tion, damage, end lamperinQ. " An ALARM terminal Is available to operate an exler- nalline voltage alarm on salety shutdown. " A zinc-dichromate finish resists the corrosive ef- fects 01 most induslrial atmospheres. KEYED IIECEPTA(L[ FOR PlUG·IN AMPliFIER SPRI",!> CL'P 01'1 CHASSI~ PlUG·I", INCANDESCENT FlAME SIGNAl INDICATOR ~,,"PlIFIEpR lAMPS(J)I\ ••• _~ \ ,_ '\C<'" ~ s'! FLAME 5IGI\IAL \ METER JACK RELAY ZK THREADED fl.ELAY11( ""OU",TI,,,G STUD RELAY JI( RECEP'TACLE: FOR PVRGE TIMER FIG. 55-COMPONENTS OF THE R4138C OR O. 186 - SEOUENCE OF OPERATION FOR THE R4138C OR D (FIG. 66) The cperalion orlhe 120voll models oflhe R4138Cand D win be described. Theseq.Jel1ceofoperalion for a 220 or 240 volt model ot the R4138C is the same; it just has an aci:jitionaltransformer 10 provide 120 volts tor the sMutler : If·~ ,~ ,o~ "I .""n. 1 .MO ~'SC€L""M€OUS 1 IM'U.OC'" , 'u 2 ; ~ r & ,~, , .l I, T 5 , , - - , I & "f ~'''N.e "'".'N '~'u 0 "H'. ,.CO , I D€1r(ftI. I __ '-;'c " , • l~ 1 If€ 'n , "'.>t.t? " ._ _. • "'\IT1"' • • (£, 00 , /:::~~ ~~.& , € D" 1.'Ol , ". '" " , , , " , II ~TO. or"II: , •• u, R- 10"f€1'I) fn'l ,", I , r • I I,U & , ,- , \r, y co ~,., .u., 10\ I , ~ T I _' e llI"Sl I ,., I I' ' "' T ITO, ." l , •• , I , ,., I '"' ". ,. , , , , , , , , , , , , ,., , , , , I , , , , ,. , , , , , ~ '""(') ~ ; I _ •• AI o •••• 'O€ " ,otU CU1. I I I , " '" • ", 00 I " " " - & "'''.'01 O'sc_.C"I.l.O ; , L.CI.O~.O CT'O .'QU'.'C1. & "'L.CIT UN. Ju M; , II:(U_O '0"'" ce OO I" 'IOCIl """T eAT><I LIN. IT I.SO ~U-"'" ".eu o "ou UV1n: & ' n o' ,"". c""11 D.' "" I"II:UO:. ULT IOUT o.n~TO". LlJ. "H'" uTTl" ,.1::1 1 ""LV", C"',,, D •• "''' 1"11: U. , v, <:Ct'ltTO" "IT~ ,(~.C., 'u"'- ""' •• TO 0"'.' "'I ' n " ~""LJ.O TO , "" . .,~ a ,,,,",,UGH. SOUOI1U' '''TC~ t~T~' .>,.>c Ov 'C "LF c Cl<_ IFI.", ~ u.o""".U'" "'.c"' . CO OT.O TO .' """ R TO "'''0 ,"" OI OOS' & tF "'OH .'''.'", IlLOC UUCl. v ,. """c()HT.~T ,., .'" TTl", "'ND _R , u.lO .~.N , 'N 11 • "0 . on a C7012E or F Purple Peeper Ultraviolel Flame Deteclor. The lad:ler diagram (Fig. 66) shows all relay contaclf; In the d&energized position. Refer to the S8QJence of 0p- eration on the following 4 pages. , , , , , ." 0'."" O''' T. e' •• 0<"'''0''10' v CO"T .cn, ( 00. •• , , , "'O'OTO. "'" VOL.CI D CO."(T.) "L.CI'U.Y€ 0. ~ Gil ~ ~ _'TIl ~ =,:.~~,':;'~': ':':'~~~'~;;~Uc'=:"~;;.'Jo~~J ~"u."'''- u f. l'H€ , Tell ,. cL.Dloll.o. &. IF • , ". ST •• ' '." •• """ ,. roar 0. TH, IT""" ""'TC" ,. ca.H'C'l"'D OI •• CTL v TO " & _ ,. ·."'.51.T"", TII ' "N 'U OR •• u,v _0 """ "lMOn: 0l"l T1001. & , ' ,Te" It 100. U"O, ,~ •• ,"" ST" nOOl "'u. O CUD D''''CT.V "' "., """ nR '~ L . CO KTtO TO e, ~ 'H'.OS" • fC~ O .~. C''''''"''O UX><5- A ""n"", • .". F~ ",,"o., v. " u ""'0 0 v '1< TOIUU, ,,, ,. , T V ~u _R ,A "TN ' v ••• ' C,otUIT _ '"~ TN' ,U.' v FIG. 66- SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF TME 120 VOLT MODELS OF THE R4138C AND D SHOWING TYPICAL FIELD WIRING FOR A GAS OR OIL CUTOFF SYSTEM. '87 71-97sss 1 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION FOR THE R4138C, D NOTE: Italics denote special 8HJlications. NORMAL OPERATION OPERATOR ACTION R41J8 OPERATION SYSTEM OPERATION TO START- 1. RElsel tI111 Ioc~ut switch on tile 1, a. ap~lied " terminal ,. a. The lan(5) s\lIrts R4138. Reset all limrts. and inter- " " • " Ihrough thE! il1lerlocks and limits, and 'bcks. Close the maste!" SWitch. to terminal 3 Ihrough the jumper Irom larminal L 1: the plug-in amplifier is 8f\o ergized. b. Po- i' applied " terminal b. The alarm 115 energized, bU1 may be ('tHough the alarm silaneing switl:hl, " - turned off by opening the alarm si!enc- and ID I8rmineJ 16 ('through 3K1). ing switch (If u~d) , "'""' • app"ed " terminal 18 , None. (through 3K3): ltle FlAME OFF (RED) lamp fights. 2. Open the damper D high fire posi- 2. a. None. 2. a. The high fil"ll interlock closes Whe!1 the lion (rt mahually operated). damper Is open. (The damper may open eu1on'lalicalty.) b. • appfled " terminal 17 tI. The purge perod belilins: the lan(s) ~gh the high fire irrtBr1ock) and to Pow" clean the combustion chamber of un- lhe mobr ofltle pur~e timer (through bU!l19d fuel and fuel vapor. PT1): 1he purge timer starts. c. At the end 01 lhe preset time. PT1 ,. Relay 1R pulls In: 1R1 closes to bypass opens and ll1e purga timer stops. PT2 the nigh fira jnter10ck end keep power ctJses, IlPPtyinll power Ie terminal 6 applied Ie the purlle timer. (If power is (Trom terminal L 1); the PURGE COM- removed In:m the pur'ile timer, it will PLETE (GREEN) lamp li'ilhts. reset, PT2 will open. anll tile system cannot be started.) 3. When the PURGE COMPLETE 3. Nono. 3. The hl'ilh fire inter10ck opens. and the 'uw ,,, , (GREEN) I8mp II'ilhts. close tile inler10ck "co "'" damper t:J low fire posi1ion damper Is Closed. (The damper may cbse manualo/ operated). (' """" "'" automatically.) 4. Close the alarm silencing switch (II" , None. ,. The alarm is ener'ilized. it WIlS opened in step 1). 5. Push In the START button and 5. e. ~er is applied Ie the i'ilniOOn trans· 5. a. Tha i~nrtion transformer Is 9n9r~lZall t1:Ild it In. former and to terminal 6 tthrou'ilh the NOTE: To avoid nuisance low lire start lnlertock and the sr ART statkJn). shutcbwns when not using b. ~er Is applied to tarmir.al 7ln:m te!'- b. None. a purge liry'let, wait at lea$!' minal 6 (II1rou~h the low lire start InlBr- 10 seconds after the tan in- lock, START statkJn, intemal jl.M"lper, terlock closes before push- STOP staOOn, ,"d alarm silencil\l;l ing in the START bullon. , switch). RBlIlY 1K pulls In throu'ilh LS1, 2K2, aNl HTR ,h LS (\oCkout 1'I9lIter1. thus provin'il lhlt continuity of lhlt heater. (1l 1K1 ebses. applyin'il power to tur· ,. (1) TI"MI pilot vllive (or 1st sta~e oil minai'S tro-n terminal 3. valve) • ener~lled. The valve opens and the pilol: (or 191 sta'ila Oil burner) Is I~n~ed. (2) Jt the pilfJl/lnlc lumper wi/1l I'!~s been clipped fr:T 8 continurxJs (sr~ng) piJfJl app/iC81ion, the tfame derec- rion circUit fO the amp/if/Sf is com pleted. (2l 1K2 closes. (3) lK3 cbses; the LS HTR (lockoul (3) None . be'ilins heatin'il (tty autJtransfonner action of 1K thf'OU'ilh 1K3 and 21<2). ,h hea"" d. If 8 C7012E cr F PurpJe Peeper U/tfit pJiffet"Js used, power is applied from ter- d. If an Rrn7C DpIarric Self ChecJc Am- vir:itJt FlsmtJ DBtacta (NitI'! seIf-eheck· rrifllll 7 t!roUgl'! Itle Jumper to trJm"inaJ Ing feature) is used, the shtmer is ener· 13, t!roU¢ the sr:iid "'are swircfl in the gized. 81tfJIiffet" (between ampli~B>' tfJi"trlnaJs 16 fIftd 17), 10 ttrrTinaJ 12. '" •• SEQUENCE OF OPERATION FOR THE R4138C. 0 (Continued) NORMAL. OPERATION (cOflrinued) OPERATOR ACTION R4138 OPERATION SYSTEM OPERATION None. • The "arne detector detects the ."" nlllT!8 lor llrt stage oiIl1ame). r. When the llama is detected. relay 2K pull, in. (1) 2K1 closes, bypassing the purtle l. (1) None. ~m8f contact PT2, low nre stan interbck. START slam, and inter- nal jumpel". Power will be applied t:I terminal 7 {tmm terminal 3. tt1rcugh 2Kl ID tenninal e, and tI1rough tI1e STOP stillion and alarm sileJ'ICing !Witchl tJ tvJld in relay 1K (unl", Ih8 limb open. the STOP button il pressed. oc safetj shulQaoNn occurs. . (2) 2K2 opens; the LS HTR stJps heat· (2) None. Ing. (3) 210 cloS85, applying power lD tar· (3) The aubnatic main fuel vaMl(a) jljI minal 20 (frt:rn terminal 3 throUgh energized. The valwl(s) Optms and 1 Kl). Relay 3K pulls in and the the main burner is ignited. The sys- FLAME ON (WHITE) IlImp Wghts. lern is in the run conditbn. (If II mat1lJ8Ify opened vahe i, usBa', fhe main l:IUmet will not be igrittKi unrif step 7 is compleuKf.' , When relay 3K pulls in- (1) 3K1 opens. rel'TlOVing power fn:m ,. (1) The alarm is de-energized. terminal 15. (2) R4138D only: 3K2 closes, bypass- (2) None. ing 110. Relay 11< can pull back in after e fT'OTIenlary power failure if 31< is still pulled in. PI 310 opens, rel'TlOVing power fn:m P} Retay 1R drops out and 181 opens. _, 18. Th. FLAME OFF {REO) lamp goes out The purge resets F'T2 ~, 'n" '''"'''. rerroving power fn:m terminal 5. The PUAGE COMPLETE (GREEN) lamp goes out 5. When the FLAME ON (WHITE) 5. Normal operation, including self~l1eck- 5, The ignib't ltanmlTl'lel" is de-energIUld, lamp lights. relaase ltle START ing of the name deteeiion system (rl a self- checking system is used). bullon. 7. Normal operetion. 7. Open manual main Iw/ valve(s) 7. The main burlJ8f is igrrlfKi. Too system is (it used). in 100 fUn condition. TO SIOP' a. Push in the STOP button ;tnd 8. a. Power Is rer'l'W:'Ved lmm terminal 7. 8. a. C7012E, F shtJrtBt' is ~D1d, hold it in until the FLAME OFF b. Relay 11< drops out lKl operul. re- b. The pilol valve (or lsi stage oil valve) (REO) 1=. IiQhls or U!TtII all moving power lmm terminal$ 19 and and the main fuel valwlfsJ ere de-ener- relays drop out 20. Relay 31< drops out and the FLAME gized. The valves Close end a11l1ames ON (WHITE) lamp g.oes oul. go out. c. When relay 31< drops oul- (1) 31<1 close:9. c. (11 The alarTn is en8l:gizlld. (2) 310 ck:ls&6: ltle FlAME OFF (REO) (2) None. , IlIrnp lightll. Vv'tlen the lIames go oul. reilly 2K , None. drops out. e. All relay contacts are resellor the next None, startup. 9. Power ~ retro'tIed from tel'min4l:9 1S end 9. The alarm is 4e-e08f"9iZIJd (ll used). 9. Open the alarm silern:ing svwiIch 15. 10. Power is rllr1'DWd from tel'miMIs L1 and '0 The lan(9) stipe end the systIlm is de- 10. Open Ihe masler swilr::h 3. The plug n amplifier is de-energized. 808I'"glzed. and the FLAME OFF (RED) lamp goes ,," 189 71·97558·1 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION FOR THE R4138C, D (Continued) SAFETY OPERATION ABNORMAL CONDITION R4138 OPERATION SYSTEM OPERATION Safe Stan Dleck-A flame, or a condi· Raley 2K puns In when the name (or flame- The system cannot be started unm the con· tion simulating a name, is present be- simulating condition) is detected. Contact ditiol'l is corrected and 2K drops out. lore !he STAAT button Is pressed. 2K2 opens, prewnlirlg relay 1K fran pul~ng NOTE: r,.s c.heck does not apply if us· in when the START button. is pressed. inrJ a.cootinuous (st8flding) pilat. , K1 stays open; no IlOM'I' can be ap- • The pilot valw (or 1st stage oil valve) and • plied D tlIrminals 19 and 20. the automatic main fuel vatve(s) cannot - be energized. • Relay 3K cannot pull in; 3K1 and 310 re- • The alarm remains energized. main closed. The FLAME OFF (RED) lamp remains on. The PURGE COM· PLETE (GREEN) lamp may also cane , DO. No name is detected. so relay 2K does not The system c~ be started. The ignrtion The pilot (or 1st stage oil buma" is not ignitBd. pull in. transtormer is de-enerllized wheo th. START bbltlDn is released. ,. Contact 2K2 stays Cbsed; the LS HTR " Salety shutdown with lockout occurs. (lockout II'I'o'itc:h heater) heats until !he The lockout switch must be manually re- lockout switch 1I1ps (If the START button set to try to restart !he syslem. is held in longer !han the 'Ockout switch timing). a. lS1 opens and relay 1K drops out. a. The pilot valve (or 1st stalle oil valve) 1 K1 opens, removinll power from Ier- is de-energized, eo' th. valve minaJ 19. ,"""" b. 210 stays open; power cannot be b. The automa1ic main fuel vslve(s) can- applied to 18nTIinaJ 20. ,. not be energized, Relay 3K cannot pull in; 3K1 and 310 ,. The slerm remains enerllized remain closed. Tho FLAME OFF (RED} lamp remains on. 2. If the START button is released before 2. Safely shutdown occurs. The START the Iockolll swill:h trips- button must be manually pressed to try to restart the system, a. When the START button is released, not bypassed. When the START but- 2K1 stays open: the START station is the ignition transtormer is de-ener· ton is released, power is removed gized. fn:m terminal T. b. Relay 1K drops out end 1 K1 opens, b. The pilot valve (or 1st stage oil valve) removing IlOM'I' fn:m terminal 19. • de-enerllized, ,,' th. ,,"'" , closed, 210 stays open; IlOM'I' cannot be ,. The eutomatic mein fuel valve(s) can- epplied to terminel 20. not be __ glzed. ,. Relay 3K cannot puK in; 3K1 and 310 ,. The elarm remains energized. remain closed. Th, FLAME OFF (RED) lamp remains 011, System shutdown occurs period. NOTE: Safely operation is the same if The flame \lOBS out during the run Relay 2K drops out. • The pilot vlllve (or 1st stall~ oii valve) and the mllin burner is rxrt ig nired in a • 2K1 opens, removinll power fn:m termi- the automlltic mllin luel vsive(s) are de- system w;th an interrupted pilot nsls 8 and 7. Relay 1K drops out and 1K1 energized, and the valves close. (obtained only by the addition 01 opens, removing JXlwer from terminals 19 and 20. The FLAME ON ('NHITE) eJdemal circuitry). lamp goes out. • Thll alarm is energized. The FLAME OFF (RED) lamp lights. • Relay 3K drops out; 3K1 and 310 close. The system shuts down. All valves lire de- A limit or interlock opens. Power is fllITW:M'Id fn:m all terminliis except 15. All indicator lemps go out and all relays energized, and the valves c!osB. The IIlarm drop out. 3K1 closes, applying power 10 ler- is energized. minal16. 190 ~.~ SEQUENCE OF OPERATION FOR THE R4138C, D (Continued) SAFETY OPERATION (continued) ABNORMAL CONDITION R4138 OPERATION SYSTEM OPERATION Momentaty power "fsHure. . . B4138C; Power ~ r9IT'QYed from all tanninals. aN lndl- calor lamps go out. and all r8l6y, drop out. llill& Power is rerooved Irem all terminals. all indio calor lamps go out, and aU relays except 3K drop out The charge on capacitor Cl will hold in 3K tJr about 1 second. • It poWllf' is restored before 3K drops out end before lila plot flame (or 1st stage oil !IamEI) ~ out- -3K2 will stay cbsed. bypassing lK3; 3Kl and 3K3 Will stay open. - rllfey 2K will pUll bacl( in: 2Kl and 2K3 will cbse. and 2K2 will open. -the STAAT staliol1 will be bypassed through 2Kl, the STOP statkm, anl:l the alarm silencing switch. - po er ill be reappliel:l to lerrninal 7. - relay 1K 111 pull back in thrtluOh LS1 ani:! 3K2. - operation Will re!lJm to normal. • If 3K l:lrops OU1 before power is r&- stored- - 3K2 will open, so 110 will nat be by- passed; 3K1 ani:! 310 will cbse. - relay 1K cannot puU back In since both 110 8Il1:l 3K2 are open. ~ 1 K1 stays open. so 3K cannal puJf beck In. -!he FLAME OFF (RED) lamp win liOh1 when poWllf' is rr.mred. • II the pilot flame (or 1 st staOe oU name) ooes CM before power Is reslDred- - relay 2K C8Il1WJ1 pu~ back in. 80 2Kl stays open. - the START sta1bn cannot be by- passel:l. - paMll'" will not be respplied b terml- r.a17. - relay 1K cannot pull be,ck In. - relay 3K willl:lrop out; 3K1 anl:l JIC will close. -lhe FLAME OFF (RED) IM'lp will light when paMll'" is restJrel:l. The system shut:l down. The alarm is aner- llized wherI power Is restored. • If pc:JYIIer is re:Jlored within 1 second llnd the pilot llama (or 1st stage cil name) is still burning (1l1e \/lWe must be sbw cbsino), rormal OPer4OOr1 will be resumed. The aJarm 'l¥ill not be en- ergi2ed. lIthe main burner name hal gone out, it will be reionifed by the pi- lot nama. (Power failure override eir· cuits may ha~e b be al:ll:lel:l b the pilot valve and me,in vaNe(s) b enS\J{e lt1al they 1:10 not close on a mctr\EIntary power interruption) • The systBrn ~huts llown. All valVes are I:IlHIn«gizel:l, anl:l the ~a'- cbse. The alarm is 8I18rO~ed lIltlen PQ't¥er is _. • The system ~huts llown. Ad valves are l:Ie-energizeG, 8111:1 the valves clow. The alann Ie 8l'18fO~ed when poWllf'ilI _. IF USING A SELF-CHECKING FLAME DETECTION SYSTEM' The naome l:Ietec:tion system falle \fIthi1e Relay 2K canrot pull in when the 9)'SI&'n is Safety sl'w.1l'lSoWn occurs. LJx:kout'l¥ill occur the system is turnel:l all or l:Iuri~ the startel:l-sarne OperllOOt'l as it lhe pibt (or it the STAAT bllltCn is hell:l in IongBf than puroe perlol:l. 1~ stage oil burner) is nat ignrtel:l. the b:toJl: switch timing. The name l:Ietection system lails l:Iur- Ino the run periol:l with the bumBf tiring. Aelay 2K l:lrop~ out-same operation as if the name goee out Safety shutdown «CUI'S, 191 71-97558-1 [...]... The flame safeguard reference on TroLbleshooting Flame Saf~Ja.td Sysl.ems, form 70- 862 6, gives a general approach 10 troubleshooting any flame safeguard system TrOl.bIeshcx>ting procedJres tor the RA890 and R4795 Pri mary Controls are given In the service HancbX:lk., torm 70-0010 SpecifiC trOl.bleshooUng procedures for any flame safe\1Jard control may be found in the Instruction sheet for the control. .. information, in Table I several controls cannot be tested on the FSP1975 or FSPSOO4; lhesa models are listed in the instruclion shea! or tookle! TABLE I SUMMARY OF HONEYWELL TESTERS FOR FLAME SAFEGUARD CONTROLS INSTRUCTION FIG TESTER FSP153S SHEET OR SUBBASE NO BOOKLET (FSP'97S ONLY) , - 95 -69 10 FLAME SAFEGUARD CONTROLS TESTED RA890, R4795 FSP 19 76 FSP5004 3 60 -0045 (booklet) R41 26, R4127 R4138, R4181 FSP1992... the flame simulator is awlled For details, refer to the instruction sheet lor Ine llame sa1eguard control, or to the Instrucllons for Honeywell Flame Simulators, 10rm 95 -64 38 209 11-91558-1 ~lJG5 I~ AI'ID l;;) 1217D8 IU5''''''',B FIG 6- HONEYWELL FLAME SIMULATORS '.' 210 7041 TABLE III-SUMMARY OF HONEY"N'ELL FLAME SIMULATORS TYPE OF fLAME DETECTION SYSTEM USING THE FLAME SIMULATOR {~laCk) FLAME SAFEGUARD. .. 4-1/4 Inches wide x 2·3/8 inches deep [ 160 x 110 x 6OmmJ, with lhe cover closed The W136A Test Meter can be used to measure lhe flame signal (Fig.S) for systems using R7247,R7248, or R7249 Plug-in Flame Sig'la! Amplifiers (R4075C,D,E; R4138C,D; or R4140 Flame safeguard Controls) by 101 FLAME SIMULATORS Flame simulators are devices which simulate a flame by reproducing the resistance and rectification... USING A 1235148 FLAME SIMULATOR WITH AN R4795 AND R7290A AMPLIFIER FIG 20-SIMULATING A FLAME FOR AN INFRARED FLAME DETECTiON SYSTEM ON AN R4075C,O,E OR R4138C,D 214 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CONTROLLERS A controller is a -device thai acts indirectly 10 regulate the valu9,9.f a controlled variable In flame safeguard aR'li variable gets too high, or as a low limit to cause shul6::lwn i1the controlled variable... only the flame slgnel empll fler duril"lQ burner operatiQrl and snuls down Ihe burner ilthe amplifier fails, dShulter operation of the C7012E or F causes flucluatiQrls in the current readil"lQ, Read the average stable current, disregarding the peaks 9'f11e lead sulfide cells are available in 4 ranges of senSitivity: 10 466 2A (red), lowest; 10 466 28 (yellow) medium; 10 466 2C (green), high; 10 466 20 (White),... (blower) 5 Pilot flame not delected-faulty flame detection system sa < Ga Too smoky Check ail·tuel ralio 6b Flame patlern changed 6c Change in c~ition of fuel ', , B Failure to light the main burner or 10 detect 1119 main flame Pilot flame not detected - corroustlon chamber conditions ! Dose, worn, or damaged leadwires to the flame detector - may be te"'lXlrarily open or grounded Sb Loose flame deteclor-shifted... operation as the flame safeguard control proceedS through its operating sequence Selector switches and push buttons on the panel allow the cperator 10 colain the prcper sequence of cperalion 10r the control being tested The switches also allow the q::l9ralor to simulate syslem failures to check or demonstrate (he response 01 the flame saf9QU8rd control InstructiO"lS for mounting the flame safeguard control. .. operaUcnal check at Honeywell 1Iame safeguard conlrols: FSP1535 - for RA890 and R4795 Primary Controls FSP1975 - tor R41 26, R4127, R4138, R4140, R4150, and R4181 Programming or lnc1Jstrial Controls FSP5004 -for R4140 and R4150 Programming Con trols, BC7000L1000 Microcorrputer Burner Control Systems, and (using adapter S1tbasa, Part No 1187&4) Rn95 Flame Safeguard Primary Controls A tester can be used (1)... violet Flame Detecrors There is no infrared type flame simulator, but a leadwire with insulation removed from the ends can be used for a system using a C7015A In1rared Flame Detector Flame simulators are not needed for salf· cheCking flame detection systems Flame simulators are desilTled to plug directly into the Ilame currenl meter jack (lest jack) on Honeywell 11ame safeguard conlrols or on plug-in flame . R4075E DUAL INDUSTRIAL FLAME SAFEGUARD CONTROL (FIG. 63 ) The R4075E consIsts 01 2 controls on 1 chassis 10 pro- vide Independer1t ~rvislon of. ElhUldown oCcurs. safety shutdown occurs. 185 11·97558-1 R4138C,D INDUSTRIAL FLAME SAFEGUARD CONTROLS (FIG. 65 ) These controls directly replece older R4138A and B models to meet the lates!. POSSIBLE CAUSE CHECK D. Flame relay pulis in during repurge. - . , 1. False flame detection. la. Flame rod: (1) Intermittent ground. (2) Unwanted flame on flame rod. lb. Visible