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Counting words by number of occurrences of some patterns Zhicheng Gao ∗ Andrew MacFie † Daniel Panario ‡ School of Mathematics and Statistics Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Submitted: Dec 1, 2010; Accepted: Jun 28, 2011; Published: Jul 15, 2011 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05A05 Abstract We give asymptotic expressions for the number of words containing a given num- ber of occurrences of a pattern for two families of patterns with two parameters each. One is the family of classical patterns in the form 22 · · · 212 · ·· 22 and the other is a family of partially ordered patterns. The asymptotic expressions are in terms of the number of solutions to an equation, and for one subfamily this quantity is the number of integer partitions into qth order binomial coefficients. Keywords: classical pattern, occurrence, asymptotics, word, partially ordered pat- tern This paper is dedicated to the memory of Philippe Flajolet (1948–2011). 1 Introduction Let [k] = {1, 2, , k} be a totally or dered alphabet on k letters. A k-ary word of length n is an element of [k] n . Given a word w = w 1 · · · w n ∈ [k] n , the reduction of w, denoted η(w), is the word obtained by replacing the ith smallest letters of w with i’s, for all i. For example, η(46632) = 34421. Given words σ of lengt h n and τ = η(τ ) of length l (τ is called the pattern), an occurrence of τ in σ is a sequence of indices 1 ≤ i 1 < · · · < i l ≤ n a nd the corresponding letter subsequence σ i 1 · · · σ i l that satisfy certain conditions related to τ; classical patterns ∗ zgao@math.carleton.ca † amacfie@connect.carleton.ca ‡ daniel@math.carleton.ca the electronic journal of combinatorics 18 (2011), #p143 1 require η(σ i 1 · · · σ i l ) = τ, and subword patterns are classical patterns that require i 1 + l − 1 = i l . If there are no occurrences of τ in σ, then σ is said to avoid the pattern τ. As in [12], a partially ordered pattern (POP) is one in which not all letters are compa- rable. The letters in a POP are from a partially ordered alphabet; letters shown with the same number of primes are comparable to each other (e.g. 1 ′′ and 2 ′′ ), while letters shown without primes are comparable to all letters of the a lphabet. An occurrence of a classical POP in a word σ is a distinguished subsequence of entries of σ such t hat the relative order of two entries in the subsequence need be the same as that of the corresponding letters in the pattern only if the corresponding letters in the pattern are comparable; e.g. the classical POP 1 ′ 1 ′′ 2 is found in the word 42213 three times as 42213, 42213 and 42213 (the subsequences of length three in which the third letter is larger than the first two). In this paper, the patterns are all classical POPs, although not all have noncomparable letters. Let W [k] n (τ; r) = {σ ∈ [k] n | σ contains exactly r occurrences of τ}. For a classica l POP τ of length l and greatest entry m, it is easy to see that there are maps ϕ such that |W [k] n (ϕ(τ); r)| = |W [k] n (τ; r)| for all n, k, r. One is left-rig ht reversal, r : τ i → τ l+1−i (primes move with the entries), and another is complement, or “vertical reflection”, c : τ i → m + 1 − τ i (primes do not move). For example, if τ = 1 ′ 1 ′′ 2, then r(τ) = 21 ′′ 1 ′ and c(τ) = 2 ′ 2 ′′ 1. We get one more equivalent pattern by composing complement and reversal (c ◦ r = r ◦ c). The patterns studied in this paper are therefore representatives of equivalence classes of patterns for which the same results hold. The number of k-ary words of lengt h n avoiding a given classical pattern has been studied for a number of different patterns [2, 3, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16]. Specifically, exact results for the avoidance of a number of classical patterns with at most 2 distinct letters were found in [5]. As far as we know nothing ha s been studied for the general case of counting words with r occurrences of a classical pattern. For subword patterns some results ar e known for r occurrences [6, 7]. For POP-based enumeration for words and other objects, see [4, 10, 12, 13]. Notation 1. If j is a letter, we use j p to represent jj · · · j p copies of j . For example, 2 3 13 2 = 222133. In [9], Flajolet et al. studied in detail some properties of the random variable X(τ ′ ), the number of occurrences of a hidden word τ ′ in a random k-ary word of length n, including the mean and varia nce of its distribution. A hidden word is simply a word that must be found as an exact subsequence of another word, e.g. 132 is fo und in 143 2 once as 1432. For a classical pattern τ, and fixed k, let T (τ) = {w ∈ [k] |τ | | η(w) = τ}. In a random word σ ∈ [k] n , if Y (τ) is the number of occurrences of τ as a classical pattern and X(τ ′ ) is the number of occurrences of τ ′ as a hidden wo rd, then Y (τ) = τ ′ ∈T (τ) X(τ ′ ). (1) the electronic journal of combinatorics 18 (2011), #p143 2 We note that the distribution of X(τ ′ ) is the same for all τ ′ ∈ T (τ). Thus (1) implies EY (τ) = | T (τ)| EX(τ). However, the random variables {X(j p ) | 1 ≤ j ≤ k} are not asymptotically independent since, for example P Y (1 p ) = i p , Y (2 p ) = j p = n i n − i j (1/k) i (1/k) j (1 − 2/k) n−i−j ≁ n i (1/k) i (1 − 1/k) n−i n j (1/k) j (1 − 1/k) n−j = P Y (1 p ) = i p · P Y (2 p ) = j p , which means that known results for hidden words are not directly transformed into results for classical POPs. The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we find a recursion for |W [k] n (τ; r)| where τ = 1 ′ 1 ′′ · · · 1 (p) 2 q and obtain an asymptotic expression. In Section 2.1 we simplify the asymptotic expression for the case of τ = 12 q and establish a connection to integer partitions. In Section 3 we derive a recursion for |W [k] n (τ; r)| where τ = 2 p 12 q and also ob- tain an asymptotic expression. We conclude in Section 4, mentioning possible extensions to this work. 2 The pattern 1 ′ 1 ′′ · · · 1 (p) 2 q For p, q ≥ 1, we let 1 ′ 2 p,q represent the part ia lly ordered pattern 1 ′ 1 ′′ · · · 1 (p) 2 q , where 1 (p) means 1 with p primes. An occurrence of 1 ′ 2 p,q is formed by a subsequence φ = (φ 1 , . . . , φ p , φ p+1 , . . . , φ p+q ) where φ i < φ p+1 = φ p+2 = · · · = φ p+q , 1 ≤ i ≤ p. Let f r (n, k) = |W [k] n (1 ′ 2 p,q ; r)|, and let F r,k (x) = n≥0 f r (n, k) x n . Notation 2. We use [x] n = x(x − 1) · · · (x − (n − 1)) to denote the nth falling factorial of x, and [x] n = x(x + 1) · · · (x + (n − 1)) to denote the nth rising factorial of x. Notation 3. For a proposition S, the notation [S] stands for 1 if S is true, 0 otherwise. Notation 4. We say that f(x) = O (1 − x) −a , where a > 0, if f(x) = p(x) (1 − x) a for some polynomial p(x). the electronic journal of combinatorics 18 (2011), #p143 3 Theorem 1. For k ≥ 1, F r,k (x) is a rational function of the f orm p r,k (x) (1 − x) α r,k , where p r,k (x) is either 0 or a polynomial such that p r,k (1) = 0, and α r,k > 0. Proof. We begin by deriving a recursion for f r (n, k) . We comment that this extends the work in [5], that deals with avoidance of classical patterns with a t most two distinct letters. For the initial values we have, for 0 ≤ n < p + q, f r (n, k) = [r=0] k n . For the general case n ≥ p + q, we recursively count σ ∈ W [k] n (1 ′ 2 p,q ; r) by first counting σ such that at least one of the first p letters is k. By the principle of inclusion-exclusion, the number of such σ is p m=1 N m (−1) m+1 , where N m is the sum, over all m-subsets of the first p positions, of the number of words σ with k’s in the positions given by the subset. The quantity N m is given by N m = p m f r (n − m, k), since inserting m copies of k into any of the first p positions of words from the set W [k] n−m (1 ′ 2 p,q ; r) is reversible and does not affect the number of occurrences of 1 ′ 2 p,q . Now we count the σ’s that have no k’s in their first p positions. Let b be the number of k’s in σ. If b ≤ q − 1, then there are not enough k’s to be part of a pattern, so there are q−1 b=0 n − p b f r (n − b, k − 1), words of this kind. But if b ≥ q then there will be at least one occurrence of the pattern, and we count in the following manner: We use the position vector a a a b = (a 1 , . . . , a b−(q− 1) ) to denote the positions in σ of the 1st through (b − (q − 1))th copies of k (the positions of the last q − 1 copies of k do not affect the number of occurrences of the pattern), a nd we let A = a b−(q− 1) . The number of occurrences of 1 ′ 2 p,q that the k’s of σ are part of is seen to be ¯a = b−(q− 1) i=1 b − i q − 1 a i − i p . (2) Once a a a b is known, the number of ways of placing the remaining q − 1 copies of k is n−A q−1 . Thus we have, for n ≥ p + q, k ≥ 1, the electronic journal of combinatorics 18 (2011), #p143 4 f r (n, k) = p m=1 p m f r (n − m, k)(−1) m+1 + q−1 b=0 n − p b f r (n − b, k − 1) + q≤b≤n−p a a a b A≤n−q+1 1≤¯a≤r n − A q − 1 f r−¯a (n − b, k − 1), (3) where ¯a depends on a a a b and is given in (2). After multiplying (3) by x n and summing, we have F r,k (x) = 1 (1 − x) p q−1 b=0 b i=0 λ b,i x i+b d i dx i F r,k−1 (x) + b≥q a a a b 1≤¯a≤r q−1 i=0 λ b,i,A x i+b d i dx i F r−¯a,k−1 (x) + P (x) , (4) for rational λ’s, where P (x) is the polynomial P (x) = p m=0 p m (−1) m p+q−m−1 n=0 f r (n, k) x n+m − q−1 b=0 p+q−b−1 n=0 n + b − p b f r (n, k − 1)x n+b − b≥q a a a b 1≤¯a≤r A+q−1−b n=0 n + b − A q − 1 f r−¯a (n, k − 1)x n+b . We observe that F r,k (x) can never be a nonzero polynomial. Indeed, from its combi- natorial definition we have that σ ∈ W [k] n (1 ′ 2 p,q ; r) implies kσ ∈ W [k] n+1 (1 ′ 2 p,q ; r). Hence, the theorem can now be proved by induction on k, starting with k = 1 from the initial values: F r,0 (x) = [r=0] , F r,1 (x) = [r=0] 1 1 − x . For j ≥ 1 , we let c j be the numb er of solutions a a a b = (a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a b−(q− 1) ), 1 ≤ a 1 < · · · < a b−(q− 1) , to j = b−(q− 1) i=1 b − i q − 1 a i − i p , for any b. We take c 0 = 1, and we let C(x) = j≥0 c j x j . the electronic journal of combinatorics 18 (2011), #p143 5 Corollary 1. The function F r,k (x) has the fo llowing asymptotic form: F r,k (x) = D r,k (1 − x) −α k + O (1 − x) −α k +1 , k ≥ 1 where α k = (k − 1)(q + p − 1) + 1, D k (x) = r≥0 D r,k x r = C k−1 (x) k−1 i=1 α i + q − 2 q − 1 . Proof. We proceed by induction on k. For the base case F r,1 (x) = [r=0] 1 1 − x , we have α k = 1 = (1 − 1)(q + p − 1) + 1, and D 1 (x) = 1 = C 1−1 (x) 1−1 i=1 α i +q−2 q−1 . For the inductive step, we assume Corollary 1 holds for all k , 1 ≤ k < K. Theorem 1 allows us to turn (4) (where λ q−1,q−1 = λ b,q−1,A = 1 (q−1)! ) into the following asymptotic relation: F r,K (x) = 1 (1 − x) p 0≤j≤r c j 1 (q − 1)! d q−1 dx q−1 F r−j,K−1 (x) + P (x) + O (1 − x) −α K +1 . (5) By the inductive hypothesis, the terms in the sum on j dominate P (x) unless they are 0 . However, we show that if t he sum in (5 ) is 0, then P(x) is 0 as follows: Since F 0,K−1 (x) is nonzero and c 0 = 1, if the sum is 0, then r > 0. In this case, P (x) = − q≥b a a a b 1≤¯a≤r A+q−1−b n=0 n + b − A q − 1 f r−¯a (n, K − 1)x n+b . Let us assume the sum is 0, and pick a j, 1 ≤ j ≤ r. If c j = 0, then there are no f r−j (n, K− 1) terms in P (x). If c j = 0, then F r−j,K−1 (x) = 0, in which case all f r−j (n, K − 1) terms in P (x) are 0. This shows that P (x) = 0. This means that we have F r,K (x) = 1 (1 − x) p 0≤j≤r c j 1 (q − 1)! d q−1 dx q−1 F r−j,K−1 (x) + O (1 − x) −α K +1 . the electronic journal of combinatorics 18 (2011), #p143 6 By the inductive hypothesis: F r,K (x) = 1 (1 − x) p r j=0 c j (q − 1)! D r−j,K−1 [α K−1 ] q−1 (1 − x) −α K−1 −(q−1) + O (1 − x) −α K +1 = α K−1 + q − 2 q − 1 r j=0 c j D r−j,K−1 (1 − x) −((K−2+1)(q+p−1)+1) + O (1 − x) −α K +1 = α K−1 + q − 2 q − 1 r j=0 c j D r−j,K−1 (1 − x) −α K + O (1 − x) −α K +1 . This means that D K (x) = α K−1 + q − 2 q − 1 C(x)D K−1 (x), which, along with the inductive hypothesis gives D K (x) = C K−1 (x) K−1 i=1 α i + q − 2 q − 1 . So the theorem is proved. Corollary 2. We have that as n → ∞ f r (n, k) = D r,k ((k − 1)(q + p − 1))! n (k−1)(q+p−1) + O n (k−1)(q+p−1)−1 . Proof. We note that [x n ](1 − x) −a = n + a − 1 a − 1 = n a−1 + O n a−2 and the result is seen directly. 2.1 The pattern 12 q In this subsection p is set to 1 and we look at the pattern 1 ′ 2 1,q , which is the (classical) pattern 12 q = 122 · · · 2. This is a particular case of interest for which we can produce more precise estimates. For q fixed, let ˜ f r (n, k) = |W [k] n (12 q ; r)|, and ˜ F r,k (x) = n≥0 ˜ f r (n, k) x n . If instead of using a a a b for the positions of the k’s we use it for the spacing in between them, we can get an expression for C(x), and a simpler asymptotic expression for ˜ f r (n, k) . Thus we now let a a a b = (a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a b−(q− 1) ) where a 1 is the number of entries before the first k, minus 1 (there is at least one non- k entry at the beginning of σ), and, for i > 1, the electronic journal of combinatorics 18 (2011), #p143 7 a i is the number of non-k entries between the (i − 1)th and ith k. Thus for all i, a i ≥ 0. We let ¯a be the number of occurrences of 12 q that the k’s are part of. It can be seen that ¯a = b q + b−(q− 1) i=1 a i b − i + 1 q = b q + b i=q a b−i+1 i q where the b q is correcting for the 1 subtracted from a 1 . The definition of c j is now the (finite) number of solutions a a a b (for any b, b ≥ q) to j − b q = b i=q a i i q , and c 0 = 1. Thus for p = 1 we can define C(x) as j≥0 c j x j = C(x) = 1 + b≥q x ( b q ) b i=q 1 1 − x ( i q ) , (6) since [x 0 ]C(x) = 1 and for j ≥ 1, [x j ]C(x) = b≥q [x j− ( b q ) ] b i=q 1 1 − x ( i q ) = c j . Remark 1. We have that C(x) = i≥q 1 1−x ( i q ) is the ordinary generating function for the number of partitions of n into qth order binomial coefficients. This can be easily seen since the terms of C(x) in (6) correspond to such a partition either being empty, or having largest part b q . The new expression fo r C(x) allows us to supply the fo llowing computational recursion for c n : c 0 = 1, c n = 1 n n j=1 ( i q ) |j i≥q i q c n−j , n ≥ 1. The sequences c n for q = 1, 2 and 3 are found as EIS A000041, EIS A007294 and EIS A068980, respectively, in [17]. We note that C(x) is also the ordinary generating function for the number of partitions of n with non-negative q-th differences [1]. Now if we let ˜ D r,k = D r,k (qk − q)! , then we have ˜ D k (x) = r≥0 ˜ D r,k x r = 1 (qk − q)! C k−1 (x) k−1 i=1 iq − 1 q − 1 = C k−1 (x) (q!) k−1 (k − 1)! . the electronic journal of combinatorics 18 (2011), #p143 8 ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ r k 1 2 3 4 0 1.0 0.50 0.13 0.021 1 0 0.50 0.25 0.063 2 0 0.50 0.38 0 .1 3 3 0 1.0 0.75 0.27 4 0 1.0 1.1 0.50 5 0 1.0 1.5 0.81 6 0 2.0 2.5 1.4 7 0 2.0 3.5 2.3 8 0 2.0 4.5 3.4 9 0 3.0 6.5 5.2 10 0 3.5 8.8 7.7 11 0 3.5 11 11 12 0 5.0 15 16 Table 1: Rounded values of ˜ D r,k for the pattern 122. By Corollary 1 we have, for k ≥ 1, ˜ F r,k (x) = (qk − q)! ˜ D r,k (1 − x) −qk+q−1 + O (1 − x) −qk+q . In addition, from Corollary 2 we have that as n → ∞ ˜ f r (n, k) = ˜ D r,k n qk−q + O n qk−q−1 . The magnitudes and growth of some initial values of ˜ D r,k are provided in Table 1 for the pattern 122. 3 The pattern 2 p 12 q We now turn to the pat tern 2 · · · 212 · · · 2 = 2 p 12 q . An occurrence of 2 p 12 q is formed by a subsequence φ = (φ 1 , φ 2 , . . . , φ p+q+1 ) where φ p+1 < φ 1 = · · · = φ p = φ p+2 = · · · = φ p+q+1 . If we set p = 0, we have the pattern 1 2 q from Section 2.1 and the following recursion is valid for this case. However, the asymptotic results derived in this section only apply for p, q ≥ 1. We let h r (n, k) = |W [k] n (2 p 12 q ; r)| and H r,k (x) = n≥0 h r (n, k) x n . Theorem 2. For k ≥ 1, H r,k (x) is a rational function of the f orm q r,k (x) (1 − x) α r,k , where q r,k (x) is either 0 or a polynomial such that q r,k (1) = 0, and α r,k > 0. the electronic journal of combinatorics 18 (2011), #p143 9 Proof. We derive a recursion for h r (n, k) , in a different manner from Section 2, but again with reference to [5]. Given a word σ ∈ W [k] n (2 p 12 q ; r), we again let b represent the numb er of letters k in σ. This time we immediately split into two cases: whether or not the b letters k are part of an occurrence of 2 p 12 q . In the case that they are not, our counting depends on b. If b ≤ p + q − 1, their positions do not matter, so there are n b h r (n − b, k − 1) such words σ. If b ≥ p + q, then the pth k from the left through to the qth k from the right must be consecutive in σ, and there are n−b+p+q−1 p+q−1 h r (n − b, k − 1) such words. This comes from the following procedure: Let the number of k’s between the pth k from the left and the q t h k from the right (inclusive) be m = b − (p − 1) − (q − 1). Let us say we are given n − m + 1 slot s in which we place t he (p − 1) and (q − 1) letters k and one extra k. Then the extra k is replaced with all m copies of k. The remaining slots are filled with a (k − 1)-ary word of length n − b with r occurrences of the pattern, giving n − m + 1 (p − 1 ) + (q − 1) + 1 h r (n − b, k − 1) = n − b + p + q − 1 p + q − 1 h r (n − b, k − 1) words. Finally, fo r the case in which the k ’s in σ are involved in at least one occurrence of the 2 p 12 q pattern, we need only know the positions of the k’s within the subword α between the pth k from the left in σ and the qth k from the right, exclusive. If α contains at least one non-k letter, t he k’s are part of an occurrence of 2 p 12 q in σ. Let a a a b = (a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a b−p−q+1 ) be the spacing in between the k’s in α, where a 1 is the number of non-k entries in α before its first k, a b−p−q+1 is the number of non-k entries in α after its last k , and for 2 ≤ i ≤ b − p − q, a i is the number of non-k entries between the ith and (i + 1)th k in α (in the particular case a a a b = (a 1 ), a 1 is the length of α). It can be seen that in σ, the k’s ar e part of ¯a = b−p−q+1 i=1 a i p + i − 1 p b − p + 1 − i q occurrences of 2 p 12 q . To see that the number of σ with a given a a a b is n−|α|−1 p+q−1 h r−¯a (n − b, k − 1), we note the following. Let |α| = a a a b 1 + b − p − q be the length o f α, where a a a b 1 is the sum of entries in a a a b . Given n − |α| slots there are n−|α|−1 p+q−1 ways to place p + q letters k such that the pth and (p + 1)th k are adjacent. For each of these ways, we insert |α| slots between the pth and (p + 1)th k for α, place k’s in the inserted slots according to a a a b and fill the rest with some σ ′ ∈ W [k] n−b (2 p 12 q ; r − ¯a). the electronic journal of combinatorics 18 (2011), #p143 10 [...]... of a word is its length; if w(j) = j for all j, then the weight of a word is its order as an integer composition Instead of counting k-ary words of length n as this paper does, consider counting k-ary words with weight m For example, the ordinary generating function for k-ary words with occurrences of 1p marked by u and weight marked by x is k Gk (x, u) = i=1 n≥0 u( p ) n xn w(i) n! Using a general... For a hidden word, the number of occurrences is asymptotically normal [9] One area of possible further work is an extension of the recursions and generating functions in this paper to the following scenario Consider a weight function w defined on letters, and additively on words, i.e for a word σ of length n, w(σ) = w(σ1 ) + · · · + w(σn ) If w(j) = 1 for all j, then the weight of a word is its length;... − 1)! the electronic journal of combinatorics 18 (2011), #p143 13 4 Conclusion [k] In the previous sections we have shown how the asymptotic form of |Wn (τ ; r)| as n → ∞ may be computed, for two families of patterns with two parameters each Whether these expressions can be simplified further remains open, as well as the asymptotic form of the distribution of occurrences of a given classical pattern... 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[αr,i−1 ]t , t! 1 yi = cr D0,i−1 [α0,i−1 ]t t! Proof We first prove the value of αr,k We begin with the case r = 0, using induction on k The base case is k = 1, for which we have H0,1 (x) = 1 , 1−x giving α0,1 = 1(t + 1) − t = 1 We assume the theorem holds for k, 1 ≤ k < K From (9) we have H0,K (x) = 1 1 dt Hr,K−1(x) + O (1 − x)−α0,K +1 t! 1 − x dxt By the inductive hypothesis: 1 1 D0,K−1 [α0,K−1]t . positions of the last q − 1 copies of k do not affect the number of occurrences of the pattern), a nd we let A = a b−(q− 1) . The number of occurrences of 1 ′ 2 p,q that the k’s of σ are part of is seen. is the number of occurrences of τ as a classical pattern and X(τ ′ ) is the number of occurrences of τ ′ as a hidden wo rd, then Y (τ) = τ ′ ∈T (τ) X(τ ′ ). (1) the electronic journal of combinatorics. Counting words by number of occurrences of some patterns Zhicheng Gao ∗ Andrew MacFie † Daniel Panario ‡ School of Mathematics and Statistics Carleton University,