Monitoring Program Design Eugeniusz Andrulewicz and Boris Chubarenko CONTENTS 7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 Definition of Environmental Monitoring 7.1.2 Objectives of Environmental Monitoring 7.1.3 Some Examples of Current Monitoring Programs 7.1.4 Issues Specific to Monitoring of Lagoons 7.2 Monitoring System Design 7.2.1 Monitoring for Meteorological and Hydrodynamic Parameters 7.2.2 Monitoring for Physical Parameters 7.2.3 Monitoring for Chemical Parameters 7.2.4 Monitoring for Biological Parameters 7.2.5 Monitoring of Impact of Different Uses of Lagoons 7.3 Monitoring-Related Programs 7.3.1 Monitoring Guidelines and Quality Assurance Program 7.3.2 Data Formats and Data Banking 7.4 Relationship between Monitoring and Modeling 7.4.1 Perspective: Monitoring to Modeling 7.4.2 Perspective: Modeling to Monitoring 7.4.3 Short-Term Data Collection for Model Implementation 7.4.4 Model-Accompanied Current Data Supply 7.4.5 Practical Recommendations for the Design of Short-Term Data Collection 7.5 Assessment of Monitoring Results and Forms of Presentation 7.6 Final Remarks and Conclusions References 7.1 INTRODUCTION Monitoring is the application of fundamental scientific methods of observation of the environment. As a modern tool of water management, monitoring is deeply rooted in science. It is the assessment method of comprehensive determination of the current state of environmental conditions. Monitoring measures are for descrip- tion rather than prediction; however, monitoring data are used for various purposes, including prediction scenarios/modeling. 7 Page 307 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM © 2005 by CRC Press In contrast, modeling is a relatively new method rooted in engineering, especially its modification as computer modeling, which aims to simulate the behavior and response of water conditions to external and internal impacts. Monitoring is very useful for making an environmental assessment, while modeling is applied for an impact assessment. Modeling predicts trends and effects of future actions (see Chapter 6 for details). This chapter first discusses what monitoring is and describes its various aspects. The relationships between monitoring and modeling as complementary tools for current water quality management are presented. 7.1.1 D EFINITION OF E NVIRONMENTAL M ONITORING Monitoring has been defined by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) as “the process of repetitive observing for defined purposes, of one or more elements of the environment, according to prearranged schedules in space and in time and using comparable methodologies for environmental sensing and data collection.” 1 Implicit in this definition are a number of points: • The purposes for undertaking monitoring vary, but it is understood that information is collected for a defined purpose, and not simply because it is available. • Information gathering is undertaken following a prearranged schedule, which identifies frequency of sample collection, locations, and what infor- mation is collected. • Monitoring involves repetitive, continuous sampling, resulting in a series of three-dimensional, cross-sectional, longitudinal, lateral, and temporal data. • Sampling, storage, preservation, and analysis must be done systematically, utilizing compatible methodologies following rigorous procedures, to ensure that information is comparable. Monitoring is distinguished from data collection by its long-term, continuous nature. Data collection efforts are sometimes referred to as short-term monitoring, but it is important to maintain a distinction from monitoring, because monitoring generally has different objectives than data collection. Every environmental monitoring program should contain the following components: • Monitoring guidelines (for sample collection, storage, preservation, and analysis) • Quality assurance program (procedure of calibration and comparability of results) • Data formats (for preparing data and relevant information for a data bank) • Data bank (for storage and processing of data) Monitoring is usually followed by environmental assessment, which is an indispensable step in decision making. Monitoring and research are very often Page 308 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM © 2005 by CRC Press treated as separate activities, but monitoring also should be regarded as a research activity. The basic difference between monitoring and research is already included in the definition of monitoring. Monitoring is a research activity that has three important features: “prearranged schedule,” “repetitive observing,” and “compa- rable methodologies.” 7.1.2 O BJECTIVES OF E NVIRONMENTAL M ONITORING Monitoring is not simply a scientific exercise—it is also a management tool. It is a crucial element in environmental decision support systems. Basically, the purpose of monitoring is to provide information that is needed by decision makers. The information desired by decision makers should be identified in the earlier stages of the decision support system, corresponding to the top box in Figure 7.1. Monitoring usually serves the purpose of generating information needed to solve an environment-related problem. Furthermore, monitoring must be designed to fulfill the needs expressed in the lower portion of Figure 7.1; these needs relate to assess- ment of results and ultimate decision making. Further assessment of the effects of implementation of decisions forms a feedback loop, where improvements in moni- toring programs are then identified. Information should be presented in such a way that it can be incorporated into decision making/implementation. Assessment must therefore reflect the ultimate needs of decision makers. Decision-making requirements are the driving forces behind monitoring program design as explained in Chapter 8. These requirements may include one or more of the following: information on the state of the environment, natural and anthropogenic pressures, and trend analysis including possibly comparison with background values or other locations. It is therefore important that decision makers are involved in the monitoring program development process. The decision makers have the responsi- bility of defining clear, measurable goals and objectives. Also, because long-term series of regular measurements are crucial for modeling (see Chapter 6 for details) and assessment, repetitive measurements of main param- eters should be continued for a long period of time. Good decisions can only be made on the basis of long-term information. 7.1.3 S OME E XAMPLES OF C URRENT M ONITORING P ROGRAMS Perhaps the oldest marine monitoring program is related to biological resource assessment, including monitoring of commercial fish species in the North Atlantic and adjacent marine waters. Regular observations began under the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) in the early 1900s and are still ongoing. In the 1960s, when the effects of pollution started to become apparent, ICES expanded its efforts to advise on the development of marine environmental moni- toring programs. 2 Advice has been utilized by commissions representing different water bodies (Baltic Sea, North Sea, Arctic seas, etc.). Page 309 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM © 2005 by CRC Press Examples of current international monitoring programs related to the marine environment are the Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program (JAMP), established to monitor environmental quality throughout the North-East Atlantic; the Cooper- ative Baltic Monitoring Program (COMBINE); the Arctic Monitoring and Assess- ment Program (AMAP); and the Monitoring and Research Program of the Medi- terranean Action Plan (MEDPOL). In addition to international monitoring programs, various national monitoring programs serve different purposes according to national needs and specific environmental problems. FIGURE 7.1 Relationship of monitoring to the decision-making process. Identification of environmental problems/ Setting up goals Identification of ecosystem attributes Inventory of available research data Monitoring data Assessment of data/Environmental assessment/ Ecosystem modeling Decision making Monitoring system design Page 310 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM © 2005 by CRC Press During the past 25 years, monitoring has evolved from physico-chemical col- lection of information to monitoring of ecosystems and biological effects. Most of the present monitoring programs have become more integrated among disciplines (hydrology, chemistry, biology) and have expanded to cover effluents originating from within catchment areas. 3 7.1.4 I SSUES S PECIFIC TO M ONITORING OF L AGOONS Lagoons are morphologically and ecologically complex, subject to constantly changing environmental conditions generally of much greater magnitude than is the case in the open sea (see Chapter 2 for details). For example, temperature may range from ice conditions to very warm waters; salinity may range from freshwater to hypersalinity; wave action usually reaches the bottom, causing dynamic conditions and high energy habitats; and current speed and direction may change frequently, particularly in inlets/out- lets of lagoons and in their vicinity. Due to the transitional nature of lagoons, they usually display a number of specific features, which require development of monitoring methods and techniques specifically tailored to the ecosystem. In some cases, techniques utilized in freshwater and/or saltwater bodies may not be applicable or relevant. 4 These difficulties are compounded by the variable, dynamic nature of many lagoons. Lagoons often contain a great variety of pelagic and benthic habitats (see Chapter 5 for details). For example, lagoons may include some or all of the following habitats: wetlands, marshes, sea grass meadows, intertidal flats, and upland areas, as well as others. Lagoons may have a variety of bottom sediment and sedimentation conditions. Due to great variability of conditions, organisms usually live under a significant amount of natural stress; therefore, anthropogenic stress is particularly troublesome in such an environment. There is no general scheme for monitoring of lagoons. Lagoon monitoring there- fore needs to be designed with the specific water body in mind. A knowledge of the basic parameters of the given lagoon is essential, including trophic status, water exchange, morphology, salinity, annual variability, etc. Some aspects, which may be important for lagoon monitoring system design, are discussed in the following sections. 7.2 MONITORING SYSTEM DESIGN There is no tradition of monitoring coastal areas as there is for monitoring open sea or freshwater areas. Monitoring system design for coastal zones is less advanced and in many cases needs to be developed from the beginning. Design efforts can borrow elements from the monitoring of marine waters and fresh waters, where monitoring has been under way for some time. 5,6 As previously mentioned, the most important consideration regarding monitoring system design is the need to establish clear goals. These goals will then lead to determining what information is needed to fulfill the goals. However, this may be problematic due to differences in problem definition, understanding of cause/effect relationships, the interjurisdictional nature of problems, etc. Monitoring should be designed to account for the unique characteristics of a lagoon ecosystem (see Chapters 2 and 5) and the specific environmental problems and the socio-economic systems (see Chapter 8) encountered in the lagoon watershed. There is Page 311 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM © 2005 by CRC Press also a large variety of different uses of lagoon ecosystems which should be considered for monitoring, such as tourism, fishery and mariculture, coastal technical developments, land reclamation, coastal defense, sand and gravel extraction, dredging and dumping, waste discharges, transportation, and other uses specific to the location. Uses within the drainage area also must be considered, e.g., agriculture (use of fertilizers and pesticides), industry (emissions to air and water), and settlement (domestic sewage). Anthropogenic pressure is more evident on coastal lagoons than on open sea areas. It is generally agreed that the major environmental problems, including eutrophication, bacterial contamination, toxic compounds contamination, pressure on living resources and mineral resources, dumping of dredged materials, treated and untreated sewage discharges, and coastal erosion, are typical for many lagoons. Other problems, such as invasion of alien species, toxic species, and transport-related problems, may be specific to certain lagoons. Developing a monitoring system involves trade-offs. The most obvious one is between “cost” and “power” of the information gathered. A greater frequency of observations will decrease the likelihood of erroneous results, all other things being equal. However, it must be kept in mind that costs of a monitoring program will increase as well. Consideration of costs is therefore critical during the monitoring program design phase. Another trade-off is between “power” and “time.” A longer temporal string of measurements will likely flatten out abnormalities, but time is always limited for decision making. Once the goals of the monitoring program are established, a number of “tech- nical” issues remain to be addressed. These include: • Spatial frequency of sampling—In a large-scale monitoring program, a sufficient number of stations must be selected to generate sufficient data for analysis. Depending on the goals of the program, stations may be randomly chosen or chosen based on hypotheses or results of preliminary modeling studies. • Temporal frequency of sampling—In cases where biotopes are relatively unchanging, infrequent sampling (once every 5 years, e.g., for deep basin sediment) is usually adequate. If the ecosystem is very dynamic, more frequent sampling (at least 4 times per year, e.g., to characterize seasonal variations) is necessary. • What is to be sampled—Information relevant to determining environmen- tal quality of marine resources is manifested in the water column, in biota, and in sediment. A large-scale monitoring program should include all three to ensure that biological effects of anthropogenic activities are covered. Monitoring programs should be regularly reviewed to ascertain that they have good quality control and are meeting established goals, basically providing the information needed for decision making. In addition, it may be wise to update a monitoring program based on availability of new technology or new information. Any changes in a monitoring program must take into account the importance of comparability of temporal data; thus, revisions that would result in breaks in temporal data should be limited to those that are absolutely necessary. Page 312 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM © 2005 by CRC Press 7.2.1 M ONITORING FOR M ETEOROLOGICAL AND H YDRODYNAMIC P ARAMETERS Hydrodynamic models are the basis for ecosystem modeling. They include the background chemical and biological processes in the lagoon ecosystem: transport processes, internal water mixing and water exchange with adjacent open areas, vertical mixing, and interaction with the bottom. Hydrodynamic modeling is the furthest developed type of modeling, but in the case of lagoons the implementation of models is rather difficult due to the technical difficulties in obtaining enough field data to calibrate the model for any type of application. The high variability of current patterns, its local peculiarities because of bathymetry variations, the complicated nature of water exchange between lagoons, and the adjacent open water body—all of these factors cause a dramatic increase in monitoring data needed for implementation of 2D and especially 3D hydrodynamic models as described in Chapter 6. An optimal monitoring strategy aimed at both future model applications and type of modeled processes is the key issue for reaching reasonable model precision at a reasonable price. In lagoons, the major driving forces are usually wind stress, water level changes related to tides and wind action, density gradient of different origins, and direct atmospheric pressure (see Chapter 3 for details). Therefore, for hydrodynamic mod- els, the following meteorological measurements are crucial: • Wind speed • Wind direction • Barotropic pressure • Precipitation and evaporation • Solar radiation • Cloudiness • Air temperature • Humidity The list of monitored hydrodynamic parameters usually depends on the moni- toring goals, but generally includes: • Flows, salinity, and temperature through the lagoon entrance • Discharges and water temperature from all rivers and artificial outlets • Level variation at the open lagoon entrance • Level variation at some points remote from lagoon entrances • Current, salinity, and temperature vertical profiles at monitoring points inside the lagoon • Spatial variation of salinity and temperature in the lagoon • Wind wave height and spreading direction • Parameters related to turbulent mixing • Tidal characteristics of the adjacent marine area The most critical hydrodynamic parameter is water exchange at entrances from the open sea. There are different types of water flows, including steady flows, pulsing Page 313 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM © 2005 by CRC Press flows, and backflows. More than one flow in different directions may occur in the water column at one time. These flows may be subject to considerable temporal variation and have a tremendous influence on lagoon hydrodynamics (e.g., for tidal lagoons). The equipment needed includes standard meteorological and hydrological equip- ment; furthermore, a number of new technical developments should be applied to measuring hydrodynamic parameters, including the use of unattended equipment on buoys which relay continuous data records and remote sensing techniques. In fact, hydrodynamic modeling has been made possible due to technical development of measuring equipment. Hydrodynamic modeling is a crucial component for the development of most types of emergency decision support systems. Currently, considerable effort is being devoted to developing hydrodynamic models for operational aspects in oceanography such as the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the High Resolution Operational Model of the Baltic Sea (HIROMB). 7.2.2 M ONITORING FOR P HYSICAL P ARAMETERS Physical parameters are usually related to identification of three-dimensional properties of water masses. These properties usually include parameters defining water density structure (water salinity and temperature), which should be measured as vertical pro- files at the lagoon entrances and at monitoring points given in the above section. In addition, monitoring of the following optical parameters may be necessary for some modeling aspects at the entrances and inside the lagoon: • Depth attenuation of solar radiation • Secchi depth • Water turbidity • Inorganic suspended matter Methodology for measuring these physical parameters is discussed in various guidelines for monitoring programs. 7–9 Remote sensing is a useful tool applied for such parameters as water temperature, turbidity, surface water color, and ice cover. 7.2.3 M ONITORING FOR C HEMICAL P ARAMETERS Chemical parameters given below relate to eutrophication and contamination of water masses and are usually recorded as: • Oxygen • Hydrogen sulphide (under anoxic conditions) •pH • Alkalinity • Total inorganic carbon • Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus compounds and sometimes silicates) • Particulate and dissolved organic carbon Page 314 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM © 2005 by CRC Press This is because most of the problems experienced in lagoons are related to eutrophication, nutrient enrichment/high primary productivity: unusually high organic carbon and nutrient concentrations, particularly after accumulation periods, high pH during productive season, large amount of suspended matter, and oversat- uration with oxygen in productive layers. But due to the highly dynamic nature of some lagoons, it is very difficult to monitor nutrient fluxes. The effect of most important kinetic processes explained in Chapter 4 varies significantly between the intermediate mixing zone and the rest of the lagoon, and these variations create problems for effective monitoring. Many examples show that morphology of the area and local hydrological con- ditions are important factors affecting behavior of nutrients. Inputs of nutrients can be severely influenced by tidal phenomena. Given the above considerations, it seems there is no universal, simple approach to monitoring of nutrients. It is unrealistic to develop a general monitoring strategy for nutrient exchange. In the case of riverine lagoons, gross nutrient flux from rivers should be determined. Satisfactory nutrient budget will require many cruises and sampling stations, which is often unrealistic in the long term. A short-term, intensive project is recommended; modeling will help plan the special scheme of measurements. Special methodology is often necessary in the case of lagoons, due to their specific nature. For example, the analytical techniques utilized in measuring eutroph- ication parameters in marine areas or fresh waters are sometimes not applicable to lagoons, due to factors such as intermediate salinity, possibility of the presence of humid substances, differing water color, and presence of a large amount of suspended material. A further point to be considered is that lagoons are often remote, at a great distance from laboratories. Prior to analysis samples, which are usually gathered from a small research boat, must be preserved taking into consideration long distances and time. Analyses of nutrients are based on spectrophotometric methods, so water color is an important consideration. Water color may vary in lagoons due to, for example, local events or the absence or presence of humic substances. Interpretation of results must therefore consider both temporal and spatial variability in water color. Results from spectrophotometric analysis will likewise be affected by the presence of sus- pended matter, which may be present in lagoons, but is seldom encountered in the water column in the open sea. Filtering or centrifugation (in the case of ammonia determination) is therefore necessary. There is usually a need for immediate analysis, which could be problematic in the case of isolated lagoons. Strictly followed preservation methods are necessary for some chemical measures, although immediate analysis is definitely preferred. If this is not a possibility, samples should be kept cool or frozen. In the case of biogenic salts, samples can be stored safely up to 6 h at 0°C, and for a longer time if stored below –20°C. Preservation methods with addition of chemicals (chlorophorm, mercury, sulfuric acid), which have been used historically, are not recommended. Automatic analytical methods may not be possible in a dynamic lagoon subject to varying water properties and concentrations, a typical feature of lagoons. Analysts must carefully consider calibration in such cases. Concentrations beyond the calibration Page 315 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM © 2005 by CRC Press range should be diluted. High levels of organic or particulate matter may introduce bias into results. For contamination by harmful substances in water, biota, and sediment, the following parameters are usually determined: • Trace metals (mercury, cadmium, copper, chromium, zinc) • Pesticides, particularly chlorinated compounds such as dichlorodiphenylo- trichloroethane (DDT), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), and hexachloro- cydobenzene (HCB) • Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) • Petroleum hydrocarbons (total hydrocarbons: PAHs) Methodology is provided in various guidelines and specialized papers, although preference is given to ICES development and existing guidelines, e.g., the Helsinki Commission (Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission), HELCOM 8 and/or OSPAR. 9 These guidelines have been developed for marine areas and include very useful precise measurement schemes, including sampling, sample preservation, sample pretreatment, and instrumental measurements. These guidelines can be used for measuring chemical parameters in lagoons, however, with some modifications because of specific conditions of the lagoon. 7.2.4 M ONITORING FOR B IOLOGICAL P ARAMETERS Biological parameters will depend on the specifics of the monitoring program. In the case of eutrophication, the following parameters are usually included: • Primary production • Chlorophyll a • Phytoplankton (species composition and biomass) • Zooplankton (species composition and biomass) • Macrophytes (depth range, species composition, and biomass) • Macrozoobenthos (species composition and biomass) • Ichthyiofauna Similar to other monitoring parameters, biological determinants should be espe- cially well calibrated and agreed upon by participants. This is usually done through workshops where methodology and equipment are agreed upon. Workshops on taxonomic determinations are under way in various international commissions. They are currently involved in unifying monitoring approaches. Guide- lines are available for many monitoring programs, although none is comprehensive (e.g., HELCOM, 8 OSPAR, 9 JAMP, and COMBINE). Various sampling equipment is adopted for monitoring phytoplankton, zooplankton, and zoobenthos. This is usually calibrated within one monitoring program, i.e., using the same mesh size, counting methods, etc. The intermingling of freshwater and marine organisms in samples originating from brackish lagoons may cause difficulties in lab- oratories, which may have capabilities in one or the other type of organism, but not both. Likewise, samples from hypersaline waters may contain organisms that are not Page 316 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM © 2005 by CRC Press [...]... the open sea and also requires a greater degree of knowledge about the ecosystem 7. 2.5 MONITORING OF IMPACT OF DIFFERENT USES OF LAGOONS Coastal lagoons are characterized by intensive exploitation; therefore, they are subjected to various physical, biological, and social interactions (as explained in Chapter 8) In some lagoons, the presence of such activities may require the monitoring of additional... there is no way to avoid or to minimize the information about forcing factors and initial and boundary conditions (see Chapter 3 and Chapter 6 for details) The data must be collected in any case The amount of data needed directly depends on the model used (zero-, one-, two-, or three-dimensional model) Special field experiments that aim to define the internal modeling parameters (for example, for hydrodynamic... studies FIGURE 7. 2 Perspective: monitoring to modeling © 2005 by CRC Press Pre-simulation to verify the different schemes of data collection Selection of correct model L1686_C 07. fm Page 322 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM Thus, the preliminary verification of a monitoring program by modeling (Figure 7. 2) could essentially increase the effectiveness of the design of the monitoring spatio-temporal scheme,... organic chemicals but also for organisms Violation of the environment in coastal areas and lagoons (e.g., illegal discharges) seems to be less frequent in lagoons than in the open sea and off-shore areas Such cases are most often detected and punished In some areas the use of antifouling paints, particularly those containing organo-tin compounds, has caused serious biological effects, including mortality... program Recently, an indicator-based document has been required by economists and decision makers It is also desirable to produce demonstration programs/scenarios based on modeling results This is particularly useful for decision makers, other potential users, and the public (see Chapter 8 for details) © 2005 by CRC Press L1686_C 07. fm Page 329 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM 7. 6 FINAL REMARKS AND CONCLUSIONS... monitoring program (HELCOM BMP) and coastal monitoring program (HELCOM CMP) for the Polish marine areas of the Baltic Sea, Oceanological Studies, 1–2, 159, 1996 6 Hameedi, M.J., Strategy for monitoring the environment in the coastal zone, in Coastal Zone Management for Maritime Developing Nations, Haq, B.U et al., Eds., Kluwer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 19 97, 111 7 HELCOM, Guidelines for the Baltic... feedback monitoring is actually a loop in which both a short-term forecast and adaptive monitoring are incorporated Such a complementary situation makes management efforts much more efficient 7. 4.1 PERSPECTIVE: MONITORING TO MODELING Monitoring is undertaken according to a strictly prearranged spatio-temporal scheme (see definition at the beginning of this chapter) The preliminary determination of such a scheme... activities include tourism, sewage discharges, fisheries, mariculture, transport/shipping, coastal defense, dredging and dumping of dredged material, sand and gravel extraction, and other coastal engineering activities • Settlements and tourism—Human population tends to concentrate in coastal areas, particularly around lagoons In addition, seasonal tourism may bring a growth in population amounting to a... such as wind, water-level variations, river discharge, etc (see Chapter 6) Some information on selected simulated variable or variables at least at one location in the lagoon is also desirable to have a reference point for current model simulations © 2005 by CRC Press L1686_C 07. fm Page 323 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM Monitoring Modeling dedicated studies External forces Short-term data collection... L1686_C 07. fm Page 325 Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:50 PM 7. 4.4 MODEL-ACCOMPANIED CURRENT DATA SUPPLY This special kind of regular data collecting is necessary to enable the running of the model at any time For this purpose, in the case where the model is already calibrated, a limited measurement program is needed to supply the model with current data about initial and boundary conditions only (see Chapter . Parameters 7. 2.5 Monitoring of Impact of Different Uses of Lagoons 7. 3 Monitoring-Related Programs 7. 3.1 Monitoring Guidelines and Quality Assurance Program 7. 3.2 Data Formats and Data Banking 7. 4 Relationship. Modeling 7. 4.1 Perspective: Monitoring to Modeling 7. 4.2 Perspective: Modeling to Monitoring 7. 4.3 Short-Term Data Collection for Model Implementation 7. 4.4 Model-Accompanied Current Data Supply 7. 4.5. of Lagoons 7. 2 Monitoring System Design 7. 2.1 Monitoring for Meteorological and Hydrodynamic Parameters 7. 2.2 Monitoring for Physical Parameters 7. 2.3 Monitoring for Chemical Parameters 7. 2.4