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Balanced online Ramsey games in random graphs Anupam Prakash ∗ Department of Computer Science and Engineering IIT Kharagpur, India anupam@berkeley.edu Reto Sp¨ohel † Institute of Theoretical Computer Science ETH Z¨urich, Switzerland rspoehel@inf.ethz.ch Henning Thomas Institute of Theoretical Computer Science ETH Z¨urich, Switzerland hthomas@inf.ethz.ch Submitted: Aug 25, 2008; Accepted: Jan 14, 2009; Published: Jan 23, 2009 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C80, 05C15 Abstract Consider the following one-player game. Starting with the empty graph on n vertices, in every step r new edges are drawn uniformly at random and inserted into the current graph. These edges have to be colored immediately with r available colors, subject to the restriction that each color is used for exactly one of these edges. The player’s goal is to avoid creating a monochromatic copy of some fixed graph F for as long as possible. We prove explicit threshold functions for the duration of this game for an arbi- trary number of colors r and a large class of graphs F . This extends earlier work for the case r = 2 by Marciniszyn, Mitsche, and Stojakovi´c. We also prove a similar threshold result for the vertex-coloring analogue of this game. 1 Introduction Consider the following one-player game. Starting with the empty graph on n vertices, in every step r new edges are drawn uniformly at random and inserted into the current graph. These edges have to be colored immediately with r available colors, subject to the restriction that each color is used for exactly one of these edges. The player’s goal is to avoid creating a monochromatic copy of some fixed graph F for as long as possible. We call this game the balanced online F -avoidance edge-coloring game (with r colors). ∗ Now at UC Berkeley, USA. Part of this research was done while the author was visiting ETH Z¨urich as an intern. † The author was supported by Swiss National Science Foundation, grant 200021-108158. the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R11 1 For which functions N = N(n) can the player ‘survive’ for N steps a.a.s. (asymptotically almost surely, with probability tending to 1 as n tends to infinity), i.e., avoid creating a monochromatic copy in the first N steps? We say that N 0 = N 0 (n) is a threshold function for this game if on the one hand a.a.s. the player survives for any N = o(N 0 ) steps if she uses an appropriate strategy, but on the other hand a.a.s. she will not survive for any N = ω(N 0 ) steps, regardless of her strategy. Note that in the special case r = 1 this simply asks about the appearance of the first copy of F in the graph process where edges are drawn uniformly at random and revealed one by one. This problem dates back to the pioneering work of Erd˝os and R´enyi [4] and was eventually solved in full generality by Bollob´as [2], who proved the following result. For any graph G, let e G or e(G) denote its number of edges, and similarly v G or v(G) its number of vertices. Then the threshold for the appearance of a copy of F is N 0 (F, n) = n 2−1/m(F ) , where m(F ) := max H⊆F e H /v H . Our interest is in the case r ≥ 2. The game was introduced for the case r = 2 by Marciniszyn, Mitsche, and Stojakovi´c [10], who derived explicit threshold functions N 0 (F, n) for graphs F satisfying certain properties. For example, their result covers cycles of arbitrary size, but is not applicable to cliques of any size larger than 3. We prove a similar result for the general case when r is an arbitrary fixed integer. Since our methods are different (in fact, more elementary) from those used in [10], we also obtain a more general statement for the case r = 2. In order to state our result, we need to introduce some notation. For any graph F , let m 2 (F ) := max H⊆F e H − 1 v H − 2 (1) (in this and similar definitions, we assume that the maximum is taken over appropriate subgraphs H [here those satisfying v H ≥ 3], and do not worry about graphs with maximum degree 0 or 1, which are not always covered by our definitions). For any graph F and for r ≥ 1, let m r 2b (F ) := max H⊆F r(e H − 1) + 1 r(v H − 2) + 2 . (2) While the parameter m 2 is a standard notation and appears in several known results (cf. the paragraph on related work below), the parameter m r 2b has not been used before. The overline indicates the online nature of the game (this is in line with [11, 12, 13]), the 2 indicates that the parameter is related to an edge-coloring problem, and the b stands for ‘balanced’. Note that the fraction on the right hand side of (2) is the ratio of edges to vertices in a graph formed by r copies of H that intersect in one edge and are pairwise vertex- disjoint otherwise. It is not hard to see that for F fixed, the parameter m r 2b (F ) is strictly increasing in r and satisfies lim r→∞ m r 2b (F ) = m 2 (F ). With these notations, our main result reads as follows. the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R11 2 Theorem 1 (Main result). Let r ≥ 1 be fixed, and let F be a graph that has a subgraph F − ⊂ F with e F − 1 edges satisfying m 2 (F − ) ≤ m r 2b (F ). (3) Then the threshold for the balanced online F -avoidance edge-coloring game with r colors is N 0 (F, r, n) = n 2−1/m r 2b (F ) . The condition (3) is only used in the upper bound proof. In other words, we show that n 2−1/m r 2b (F ) is a general lower bound that is indeed the threshold of the game provided (3) is satisfied. Let us state explicitly what Theorem 1 implies for the two most prominent special cases. We denote cycles and cliques of size by C and K respectively. If F is a cycle, we obtain the following generalization of the main result from [10]. Corollary 2. For all ≥ 3 and r ≥ 1, the threshold for the balanced online C -avoidance edge-coloring game with r colors is N 0 (, r, n) = n 2− r(−2)+2 r(−1)+1 . For the case where F is a clique, Theorem 1 yields only partial results. Perhaps surprisingly, the desired threshold follows readily if e.g. = r = 100, but not in the seemingly simpler case = 4, r = 2. This is due to the fact that for fixed, inequality (3) is only satisfied if we choose r large enough. Corollary 3. For all ≥ 2 and r ≥ , the threshold for the balanced online K -avoidance edge-coloring game with r colors is N 0 (, r, n) = n 2− r(−2)+2 r (( 2 ) −1 ) +1 . Theorem 1 is not applicable to trees. In fact, it has been shown in [10] that for F = P 4 (a path on four edges), the threshold is strictly higher than n 2−1/m 2 2b (P 4 ) = n 6/7 . Related work The main motivation for the game studied here comes from an ‘unbal- anced’ game in which the edges are presented one by one and can be colored by one of r available colors without any restriction. Again the goal is to avoid creating a monochro- matic copy of some fixed graph F for as long as possible. This game was introduced by Friedgut et al. in [5] for the case where r = 2 and F = K 3 , and was further investigated in [12, 13]. There a general result similar to Theorem 1 was proved for the game with two colors. In particular, the thresholds for the cases where F is a cycle or a clique of arbitrary size were found. The thresholds given in Corollaries 2 and 3 are strictly lower than these ‘unbalanced’ thresholds. For example, if F = K 3 and r = 2, the threshold is n 4/3 in the unbalanced game and n 6/5 in the balanced game. the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R11 3 A priori, this could be due to the fact that the corresponding offline problems are not equally hard. However, it turns out that this is not the case: The graph obtained after N steps of the above unbalanced game is uniformly distributed over all graphs on n vertices with exactly N edges. Thus the offline problem corresponding to the unbalanced game is the following: Given a graph drawn uniformly at random from all graphs on n vertices with N edges, is there an r-edge-coloring avoiding monochromatic copies of F ? A classical result by R¨odl and Ruci´nski [15, 16] states that for any number of colors r ≥ 2, the threshold for this property is N 0 (F, n) = n 2−1/m 2 (F ) , unless F is a star forest. (This is a simplified version of the full result.) Similarly, the offline problem corresponding to the balanced game considered in this paper is the following: Given a random graph with rN edges and a random partition of these edges into sets of size r, is there an r-edge-coloring avoiding monochromatic copies of F such that every color is used for exactly one edge from each partition class? It can be shown [8] that for ‘most’ graphs F the threshold for this problem is also N 0 (F, n) = n 2−1/m 2 (F ) . Thus the difference in the thresholds of the two games is indeed a result of our online setting and not just inherited from the underlying offline problems. Another closely related problem was studied first by Krivelevich, Loh, and Sudakov in [7], and solved completely in [14]. As in our game, in every step the player is presented r random edges of the complete graph on n vertices. The difference to our scenario is that she has to keep only one of them and is allowed to discard the remaining r −1 edges. This is known in the literature as a (generalized) Achlioptas process. Again the question is for how long she can avoid creating a copy of some fixed graph F . Note that this setup can be viewed as a relaxation of the balanced Ramsey game studied here, the relaxation being that the player has only to worry about copies of F in one specific color. The general threshold found in [14] coincides with the formula in Corollary 3 whenever the corollary is applicable. It is an interesting open question whether the two problems have in fact the same threshold for all nonforests F (it is not hard to see that the two thresholds differ if F is e.g. a star). We hope to address this in future work. The vertex case We now present our results for the vertex case, which has not been studied before. As usual, we denote by G n,p a random graph on n vertices obtained by including each of the n 2 possible edges with probability p independently. The setup is as follows: The vertices of a random graph G n,p are revealed to the player r vertices at a time, along with all edges induced by the vertices revealed so far. The r vertices revealed in each step have to be colored immediately with r available colors subject to the restriction that each color is used for exactly one vertex. Again the goal is to avoid a monochromatic copy of some fixed graph F . We call this game the balanced online F - avoidance vertex-coloring game. For which densities p = p(n) of the underlying random graph can the player color all n vertices a.a.s.? We say that p 0 = p 0 (n) is a threshold function for this game if for p = o(p 0 ) the player succeeds in coloring all vertices a.a.s. if she uses an appropriate strategy, but for p = ω(p 0 ) she fails to do so a.a.s., regardless of her strategy. the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R11 4 We prove the following vertex-coloring analogue to Theorem 1. For any graph F , let m 1 (F ) := max H⊆F e H v H − 1 . (4) For any graph F and for r ≥ 1, let m r 1b (F ) := max H⊆F re H r(v H − 1) + 1 . (5) Theorem 4. Let r ≥ 1 be fixed, and let F be a graph that has an induced subgraph F ◦ ⊂ F on v F − 1 vertices satisfying m 1 (F ◦ ) ≤ m r 1b (F ). (6) Then the threshold for the balanced online F -avoidance vertex-coloring game with r colors is p 0 (F, r, n) = n −1/m r 1b (F ) . Again the condition (6) is only needed in the upper bound proof. Theorem 4 is applicable to cycles and cliques of arbitrary size, regardless of the number of colors r. Corollary 5. For all ≥ 3 and r ≥ 1, the threshold for the balanced online C -avoidance vertex-coloring game with r colors is p 0 (, r, n) = n − r(−1)+1 r . Corollary 6. For all ≥ 2 and r ≥ 1, the threshold for the balanced online K -avoidance vertex-coloring game with r colors is p 0 (, r, n) = n − r(−1)+1 r ( 2 ) . For the vertex case, the unbalanced game is better understood than for the edge case. In [11], threshold functions for the game with an arbitrary number of colors and a class of graphs including cycles and cliques of arbitrary size were proved. Let us compare the thresholds of the two games for a very special case: Setting F = K 2 , we are dealing with proper r-vertex-colorings in the usual sense. While for the balanced game Corollary 6 yields a threshold of n −1−1/r , the threshold in the unbalanced game is n −1−1/(2 r −1) [11]. Both exponents converge to −1, which is indeed the exponent of the threshold for proper r-vertex-colorability in an offline setup (see e.g. [1]). Note that the speed of convergence differs dramatically between the two cases. The proofs Our lower bound proofs rely on the first moment method. In the edge case, we apply it to the number of copies of (constant-size) r-matched graphs in the random r-matched graph G r n,m . These notions are elementary generalizations of their well-known non-matched counterparts and have applications beyond the present paper (e.g. [8]). Following [10], our upper bound proofs proceed by two-round exposure and apply counting versions of known offline results to the first round. In the second round we use the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R11 5 standard second moment calculations which do not require F to satisfy any balancedness condition (as is needed by the approach pursued in [10]). For both the edge and vertex case, the extension of the ideas presented in [10] to more than two colors is an application of Hall’s well-known theorem about matchings in bipartite graphs (see e.g. [3]). Organization of this paper For ease of exposition, we settle the somewhat simpler vertex case first. After giving some general preliminaries in Section 2, we prove Theorem 4 in Section 3 and Theorem 1 in Section 4. Both proofs are preceded by their own case- specific preliminary section. 2 General preliminaries All graphs are simple and undirected. We write ∼ = to denote graph isomorphism. We use standard asymptotic notations. We sometimes write f g for f = o(g), and similarly f g for f = ω(g), f < g for f = O(g), f > g for f = Ω(g), and f g for f = Θ(g). This is particularly useful in long chains of asymptotic (in-)equalities. As already mentioned, by G n,p we denote a random graph on n vertices obtained by including each of the n 2 possible edges with probability p independently. We denote the underlying vertex set by {v 1 , . . . , v n }. By G n,m we denote a graph drawn uniformly at random from all graphs on n vertices with m edges. It is well-known that these two models are asymptotically equivalent if m = n 2 p n 2 p. We will need the following lemma. Lemma 7. Let F be a fixed graph. The expected number of copies of F in G n,p (or G n,m with m 1) is of order n v F p e F (where p := mn −2 ). Proof. Let Aut(F ) denote the number of automorphisms of F . There are n v F v F ! Aut(F ) n v F possible copies of F in K n , and each of them is present in G n,p with probability p e F , resp. in G n,m with probability ( n 2 ) −e F m−e F ( n 2 ) m = m(m − 1) . . . (m − e F + 1) n 2 ( n 2 − 1) . . . ( n 2 − e F + 1) (mn −2 ) e F . We state the following proposition for further reference. Proposition 8. For a, c, C ∈ R and b > d > 0, we have a b ≥ C ∧ c d ≤ C =⇒ a − c b − d ≥ C. the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R11 6 3 Proof of Theorem 4 In this section we prove our results for the vertex case. We start by fixing our notation and stating two results we will need in the upper bound proof. 3.1 Preliminaries We denote the set of vertices that are revealed in step k, 1 ≤ k ≤ n/r, by S k := {v (k−1)r+1 , . . . , v kr }. Furthermore, we let G k denote the graph that is visible to the player after step k, i.e., the subgraph of G n,p induced by ∪ 1≤i≤k S i := {v 1 , . . . , v kr }. Thus the player’s task in step k is to extend the coloring of G k−1 to a coloring of G k without creating a monochromatic copy of F and using each color exactly once. Janson’s inequality is a very useful tool in probabilistic combinatorics. In many cases, it yields an exponential bound on lower tails where the second moment method only gives a bound of o(1). Here we formulate a version tailored to random graphs. Theorem 9 ([6]). Consider a family (potentially a multi-set) F = {H i | i ∈ I} of graphs on the vertex set {v 1 , . . . , v n }. For each H i ∈ F, let X i denote the indicator random variable for the event H i ⊆ G n,p , and for each pair H i , H j ∈ F, i = j, write H i ∼ H j if H i and H j are not edge-disjoint. Let X = H i ∈F X i , µ = E[X] = H i ∈F p e(H i ) , ∆ = H i ,H j ∈F H i ∼H j E[X i X j ] = H i ,H j ∈F H i ∼H j p e(H i )+e(H j )−e(H i ∩H j ) . Then for all 0 ≤ δ ≤ 1 we have Pr[X ≤ (1 − δ)µ] ≤ e − δ 2 µ 2 2(µ+∆) . In particular, Janson’s inequality yields the following strengthening of a result from [9]. The proof is essentially the one given there. Theorem 10 ([9]). Let r ≥ 2 and F be a nonempty graph. Then there exist positive constants C = C(F, r) and a = a(F, r) such that for p(n) ≥ Cn −1/m 1 (F ) , where m 1 (F ) is defined as in (4), the random graph G n,p a.a.s. has the property that in every r-vertex- coloring there are at least an v F p e F monochromatic copies of F . 3.2 Lower Bound In this section we show that a simple greedy strategy allows the player to color all vertices without creating a monochromatic copy of F a.a.s. if p n −1/m r 1b (F ) . Throughout this the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R11 7 section, we fix F and r, and let H = H(F, r) := arg max H ⊆F re(H ) r(v(H ) − 1) + 1 (7) (cf. (5)). The greedy H-avoidance strategy tries, in every step k > 0, to extend the coloring of G k−1 to a coloring of G k without creating a monochromatic copy of H. Any balanced coloring of S k that avoids monochromatic copies of H is acceptable. If no such coloring exists, the greedy H-avoidance strategy simply gives up (possibly prematurely, as it might still be able to avoid monochromatic copies of F for some time). Clearly, if the greedy H-avoidance strategy is successful, it yields a coloring which contains no monochromatic copy of H and therefore also no monochromatic copy of F . We now derive a necessary condition for the greedy H-avoidance strategy to fail. This condition is ‘static’ in the sense that we can decide whether it holds simply by looking at the random graph G n,p on which the game is played before the actual game starts. Recall that S k := {v (k−1)r+1 , . . . , v kr }. For 1 ≤ k ≤ n/r, we define the event E k as follows: E k :={∃H 1 , H 2 , . . . , H r ⊂ G n,p : H 1 , H 2 , . . . , H r ∼ = H ∧ |V (H i ) ∩ S k | = 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ r ∧ V (H i ) ∩ S k = V (H j ) ∩ S k =⇒ |V (H i ) ∩ V (H j )| = 1, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ r}. (8) In words, the event E k occurs if there are at least r copies of H intersecting with S k in exactly one vertex, such that if two of these copies intersect S k in the same vertex, they are otherwise disjoint. Let X k be the indicator variable for the event E k , and set X := 1≤k≤n/r X k . Claim 11. If the greedy H-avoidance strategy fails then X > 0. Proof. The greedy H-avoidance strategy fails if and only if there is an integer 1 ≤ k ≤ n/r such that in step k the set S k cannot be colored without creating a monochromatic copy of H. We shall prove that this implies that the event E k occurs. For a fixed k, assume that G k−1 has already been colored successfully, and consider the bipartite graph B k with S k as one partition class and the set {1, . . . , r} of available colors as the other partition class, where a vertex v ∈ S k is connected to a color s ∈ {1, . . . , r} by an edge if and only if assigning color s to v does not create a monochromatic copy of H. By definition, each valid coloring of S k corresponds to a perfect matching in the bipartite graph B k . Hall’s Theorem (see e.g. [3]) states that in any bipartite graph G = (V 1 . ∪ V 2 , E), |V 1 | = |V 2 |, a perfect matching exists if and only if the neighborhood of every set C ⊆ V 1 has size at least |C|. It follows that the graph B k does not contain a perfect matching if and only if there is a set C ⊆ S k such that more than r − |C| colors are excluded for all of the vertices in C. That is, each vertex v ∈ C is contained in r − |C| + 1 different copies of H, which pairwise intersect only in v since each of these copies is in a different color. Thus, there are at least |C| · (r − |C| + 1) many copies of H with the properties specified in (8). Since |C| · (r − |C| + 1) ≥ r for 1 ≤ |C| ≤ r, it follows that E k occurs if the greedy H-avoidance strategy fails in step k. the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R11 8 Next, we show that Pr[E 1 ] = o(n −1 ) if p n −1/m r 1b (F ) . Once this is established, Markov’s inequality immediately yields with E[X] = n/r k=1 E[X k ] = n r · Pr[E 1 ] = o(1) (9) that X = 0 a.a.s., which together with Claim 11 implies that the greedy H-avoidance strategy succeeds a.a.s. This proves the first part of Theorem 4. Claim 12. For p n −1/m r 1b (F ) we have Pr[E 1 ] = o(n −1 ). Proof. We define the following family of graphs reflecting the definition of E 1 (cf. (8)): T :={T = H 1 ∪ H 2 ∪ · · · ∪ H r : H 1 , H 2 , . . . , H r ∼ = H ∧ |V (H i ) ∩ S 1 | = 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ r ∧ V (H i ) ∩ S 1 = V (H j ) ∩ S 1 =⇒ |V (H i ) ∩ V (H j )| = 1, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ r}. Note that this is a family of subgraphs of K n which in some sense are ‘rooted’ in the set S 1 = {v 1 , . . . , v r }. Clearly, the event E 1 occurs if and only if one of these graphs is present in G n,p . For any subgraph G of K n , we define the set of external vertices of G as V ext (G) := V (G) \ S 1 and let v ext (G) := |V ext (G)|. Consider a fixed graph T = H 1 ∪ · · · ∪ H r ∈ T . Here the labeling of the r copies of H is arbitrary but fixed. For 2 ≤ i ≤ r, let J i := H i ∩ i−1 j=1 H j denote the intersection of the ith copy of H in T with the preceding i − 1 copies. A standard inductive argument yields that v ext (T ) = r i=1 v ext (H i ) − r i=2 v ext (J i ) = r(v H − 1) − r i=2 v ext (J i ) (10) and analogously e(T ) = re H − r i=2 e(J i ). (11) As H i contains exactly one vertex from S 1 , it follows that J i contains at most one vertex from S 1 . Moreover, if J i indeed contains a vertex v ∈ S 1 , then v must be isolated in J i : If {v, v } is an edge of J i , then it is also an edge of H j for some j < i. However, by definition of T , H i and H j cannot have both the vertex v ∈ S 1 and an external vertex v in common. This proves that v is an isolated vertex in the graph J i . the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R11 9 Consequently, we may define for 2 ≤ i ≤ r the graph J i := (V ext (J i ), E(J i )) obtained by simply removing the vertex {v} = V (J i ) ∩ S 1 from J i if it is present. Using that v(J i ) = v ext (J i ) and e(J i ) = e(J i ), we obtain from (10) and (11) that v ext (T ) = r(v H − 1) − r i=2 v(J i ) and e(T ) = re H − r i=2 e(J i ). (12) By our choice of H in (7), and since each J i is a subgraph of H, we have for 2 ≤ i ≤ r with v(J i ) > 0 that e(J i ) v(J i ) ≤ re(J i ) r(v(J i ) − 1) + 1 ≤ re H r(v H − 1) + 1 . (13) Using (13) and applying Proposition 8 repeatedly, we obtain from (12) that e(T ) v ext (T ) + 1 = re H − r i=2 e(J i ) r(v H − 1) + 1 − r i=2 v(J i ) ≥ re H r(v H − 1) + 1 = m r 1b (F ). (14) Note that (14) holds with equality if all J i are empty. We define the following equivalence relation on T : For T 1 , T 2 ∈ T we have T 1 ∼ T 2 if and only if there exists a graph isomorphism φ : T 1 → T 2 such that the restriction of φ to S 1 is the identity. Let T ⊆ T denote a family of representatives for this equivalence relation. Note that the isomorphism class of a given graph T ∈ T has size Θ(n v ext (T ) ). Moreover, since any member of T has at most r(v H − 1) external vertices, the number of isomorphism classes is bounded by a constant only depending on H and r. Let X T denote the random variable which counts the number of graphs from T oc- curring in G n,p . We have E[X T ] = T ∈T p e(T ) T ∈ e T n v ext (T ) p e(T ) T ∈ e T n v ext (T )−e(T )/m r 1b (F ) (14) ≤ T ∈ e T n v ext (T )−(v ext (T )+1) n −1 , i.e., E[X T ] = o(n −1 ). Claim 12 now follows from Markov’s inequality. As already mentioned, the lower bound in Theorem 4 follows with (9) from Claims 11 and 12. 3.3 Upper Bound In this section we prove that regardless of her strategy the player will a.a.s. be forced to create a monochromatic copy of F if p n −1/m r 1b (F ) , provided that there exists an the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R11 10 [...]... Combinatorica [12] M Marciniszyn, R Sp¨hel, and A Steger Online Ramsey games in random graphs o Accepted for publication in Combinatorics, Probability and Computing the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R11 21 [13] M Marciniszyn, R Sp¨hel, and A Steger Upper bounds for online Ramsey games o in random graphs Accepted for publication in Combinatorics, Probability and Computing [14] T M¨ tze,... [10] M Marciniszyn, D Mitsche, and M Stojakovi´ Online balanced graph avoidance c games European J Combin., 28(8):2248–2263, 2007 [11] M Marciniszyn and R Sp¨hel Online vertex colorings of random graphs without o monochromatic subgraphs In Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2007), pages 486–493, 2007 Journal version accepted for publication in Combinatorica... partition into r-sets (and the order in which the edges appear) By Gr we denote a random r-matched graph obtained by first generating a normal n,m random graph Gn,m and then choosing a random partition of its edge set into sets of size r uniformly at random (w.l.o.g we assume that m is divisible by r) Again by symmetry, Gk is distributed like Gr with m = rk if we take into account the partition into rn,m... bound for the following relaxed two-round offline problem: In the first round, the first N/2 random edges are presented all at once and may be colored arbitrarily In the second round, the remaining random edges appear partitioned in sets Ek of size r uniformly at random, and have to be colored respecting the condition that each of the r colors appears exactly once in each set Ek Again we allow the player... two-round offline problem as follows In the first round, we generate the random edges induced by V1 and reveal them all at once We allow the player to color these edges offline (In fact, we do not even require this coloring to be balanced or free of monochromatic copies of F ) In the second round, the remaining random edges are generated and revealed, and the vertices of V2 have to be colored respecting the... of Theorem 1 In this section we prove our results for the edge case We start by introducing the notion of r-matched graphs already mentioned in the introduction, and stating a result we will need in the upper bound proof 4.1 Preliminaries While in the vertex case, the partition into sets of size r is given by the vertex labels and thus fixed before the game starts, in the edge case it is a random object... when coloring Ek As in the proof of Claim 11 it follows from Hall’s Theorem that there exists C ⊆ Ek such that each edge e ∈ C is contained in r − |C| + 1 different copies of H which satisfy |E(H) ∩ Ek | = 1 and pairwise intersect only in e Let b := r − |C| + 1 It immediately follows that picking all b copies of H containing an arbitary fixed edge e ∈ C, and one copy of H for each of the remaining |C|... Random Structures & Algorithms, 1(2):221–229, 1990 [7] M Krivelevich, P.-S Loh, and B Sudakov Avoiding small subgraphs in Achlioptas processes Random Structures & Algorithms, 34:165–195, 2009 [8] M Krivelevich, R Sp¨hel, and A Steger Offline thresholds for Ramsey- type games o on random graphs Submitted for publication [9] T Luczak, A Ruci´ ski, and B Voigt Ramsey properties of random graphs J n Combin... the electronic journal of combinatorics 16 (2009), #R11 13 described by r-matched graphs (Gk )0≤k≤(n)/r , where G0 = (V (Kn ), ∅) and Gk is obtained 2 from Gk−1 by adding an r-set Ek drawn uniformly at random from all remaining edges Thus, Gk = (V (Kn ), {E1 , E2 , , Ek }), and the player’s task in step k is to extend the coloring of Gk−1 to a coloring of Gk without creating a monochromatic copy of... 1 ≤ i < j ≤ b Tb is inclusion minimal with these properties} 1≤i . Balanced online Ramsey games in random graphs Anupam Prakash ∗ Department of Computer Science and Engineering IIT Kharagpur, India anupam@berkeley.edu Reto Sp¨ohel † Institute of Theoretical. = n 2−1/m 2 (F ) . Thus the difference in the thresholds of the two games is indeed a result of our online setting and not just inherited from the underlying offline problems. Another closely related. G r n,m we denote a random r-matched graph obtained by first generating a normal random graph G n,m and then choosing a random partition of its edge set into sets of size r uniformly at random (w.l.o.g.