to Chapter 4 and by brushing up your reading comprehension and general math skills before the exam. ■ If you scored above 90%, that’s great! This kind of score should make you a good candidate for a teaching job. Don’t lose your edge, though; keep studying right up to the day before the exam. Keep in mind that what’s much more important than your scores, for now, is how you did on each of the basic skills tested by the exam. Using the advice above, diagnose your strengths and weaknesses so that you can concentrate your efforts as you prepare for the exam. Your percentage scores in conjunction with the LearningExpress test preparation guide in Chapter 2 of this book will help you revise your study plan if need be. After your study plan is revised, turn again to the CBEST Mini-Course in Chapter 4, which covers each of the basic skills tested on the CBEST. If you didn’t score as well as you would like, ask yourself the following: Did I run out of time before I could answer all the questions? Did I go back and change my answers from right to wrong? Did I get flus- tered and sit staring at a difficult question for what seemed like hours? If you had any of these problems, once again, be sure to go over the LearningExpress Test Preparation System in Chapter 2 again to learn how to avoid them. After working on your reading, writing, and math skills, take the second practice exam in Chapter 6 to see how much you’ve improved. –CBEST PRACTICE EXAM 1– 193 . abcde 11. abcde 12. abcde 13. abcde 14. abcde 15. abcde 16. abcde 17. abcde 18. abcde 19. abcde 20 . abcde 21 . abcde 22 . abcde 23 . abcde 24 . abcde 25 . abcde 26 . abcde 27 . abcde 28 . abcde 29 . abcde 30 abcde 18. abcde 19. abcde 20 . abcde 21 . abcde 22 . abcde 23 . abcde 24 . abcde 25 . abcde 26 . abcde 27 . abcde 28 . abcde 29 . abcde 30. abcde 31. abcde 32. abcde 33. abcde 34. abcde 35. abcde 36. abcde 37 abcde 2. abcde 3. abcde 4. abcde 5. abcde 6. abcde 7. abcde 8. abcde 9. abcde 10. abcde 11. abcde 12. abcde 13. abcde 14. abcde 15. abcde 16. abcde 17. abcde 18. abcde 19. abcde 20 . abcde 21 . abcde 22 .