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ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐH - CĐ LẦN 2 (2011 - 2010) Môn: Tiếng Anh - Mã đề 189 pps

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TRƯỜNG THPT MINH KHAI ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐH - CĐ LẦN 2 (2011 - 2010) Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian: 90 phút (Đề này gồm có 04 trang) Chọn A hoặc B, C, D ứng với từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại: 1. A. laid B. said C. paid D. main 2. A. suggestion B. communication C. pronunciation D. nation Chọn A hoặc B, C, D ứng với từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại trong mỗi câu sau: 3: A. opportunity B. contribution C. appropriate D. anniversary 4: A. lesson B. delay C. wonder D. pencil 5: A. apologize B. comprehension C. application D. resolution Chọn câu trả lời tương ứng với A, B, C hay D để hoàn thành các câu từ 6 đến 25. 6. The phone __________since Jack announced his candidacy for president this morning. A. has been ringing B. had been ringing C. had rung D. rang 7. When the pilot fainted, the plane___________for nearly four hours. A. was flying B. had flown C. would be flying D. had been flying 8. It is essential that he __________ an extra job to increase his income. A. does B. will do C. do D. must do 9. Anyone is entitled to such benefit, __________ of age or sex A. whether B. in spite C. in case D. regardless 10. He refused to give up work___________he’d won a million pounds. A. despite B. however C. even though D. as though 11. They thought the man was drunk because he behaved __________. A. affluently B. abnormally C. phenomenally D. All are correct 12. __________ these rhinos are carefully protected, they will soon go the way of other extinct species. A. if B. Therefore C. As long as D. unless 13. The plural form of “a toothbrush” is__________ A. teeth-brushes B. toothbrushes C. teethbrush D. toothbrushs 14. They were____________for smuggling jewellery into the country. A. judged B. arrested C. accused D. warned 15. At the end of the winter, the price of winter clothes in the shops usually___________. A. drops B. lowers C. sinks D. reduces 16. The plane crashed into a bridge because it was flying too ___________. A. deeply B. low C. slowly D. dangerous 17. If you keep trying you might __________to do it. A. succeed B. discover C. understand D. manage 18. She has to work hard to keep the house __________ and tidy with three small children. A. smooth B. neat C. order D. plain 19. The train takes just as __________ as the bus. A. long B. longly C. slow D. lately 20. They searched for the number in the telephone __________ . A. catalogue B. index C. register D. directory 21. She had never been in good health, but she __________ her husband by twenty years. A. overlived B. outlived C. lived longer D. underlived 22. He is not very __________ of his son’s passion for loud music. A. tolerated B. tolerable C. tolerant D. tolerantly 23. My boss seems to be __________with my work. A. unsatisfied B. dissatisfied C. imsatisfied D. insatisfied 24. __________ have been established to protect the remaining tigers. A. Reservation B. Preserves C. Preservatives D. Preservations 25. Some people seem to be __________ of the harmful effects of burning plastics. A. unaware B. unconcerned C. uninterested D. unconscious Đọc đoạn văn sau, chọn câu trả lời tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D để điền vào các khoảng trống câu từ 26 đến câu 35. The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This causes many problems, including serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the greater risk of accidents. Clearly, something must be done, but it is often difficult to (26)__________ people to change their habits and leave their cars at home. Mã đề 189 One possible (27)__________is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by (28)___________charges for parking and bringing in tougher fines for anyone who (29)__________the law. In addition, drivers could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of the day. This system, (30)___________as “road pricing”, is already being introduced in a number of cities, using a special electronic card (31)___________ to the windscreen of the car. Another way of dealing with the problem is to provide cheap parking on the (32)__________ of the city, and strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the centre. Drivers and their passengers then use a special bus service for the (33)___________stage of their journey. Of course, the most important thing is to provide good public transport. However, to get people to (34)___________ the comfort of their cars, public transport must be felt to be reliable, convenient and comfortable, with fares (35)___________at an acceptable level. 26 A. make B. arrange C. suggest D. persuade 27 A. approach B. manner C. custom D. style 28 A. enlarging B. increasing C. growing D. developing 29 A. crosses B. refuses C. breaks D. cracks 30 A. named B. seen C. called D. known 31 A. fixed B. joined C. built D. placed 32 A. outskirts B. border C. outside D. limit 33 A. late B. end C. complete D. final 34 A. pass on B. throw away C. give up D. leave out 35 A. taken B. kept C. given D. stood Đọc đoạn văn sau, chọn câu trả lời tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D để điền vào các khoảng trống câu từ 36 đến câu 45. Packet sugar from the supermarket is extracted from (36) __________ sugar cane or sugar beet. These (37) __________ are mixed with hot water, which dissolves their natural sugar. Sugar is also found in fruit some of which, such as dates and grapes, (38) __________ very high amounts of sugar. To be a little more (39) __________, sugar should be called sucrose. Sucrose is made up of two substances, gluco, which (40) __________ for instant energy, and fructose, which lasts longer as a source of energy. The sugar in fruit is mainly fructose. So when we eat fruit, we (41) __________ quite large amounts of natural sugar. Some scientists believe that too much sugar (42) __________ in sweets, cakes, and biscuits. It is said to be generally bad for the health, although nothing (43) __________ so far. However, it (44) __________ that sugar causes tooth decay. As one expert said that “If other foods damaged our body as much as sugar (45) __________ our teeth, they would be banned immediately.” 36. A. both B. some C. either D. mainly 37. A. productions B. products C. producers D. producing 38. A. contain B. are containing C. are contained D. contains 39. A. scientists B. scientific C. science D. non-science 40. A. used B. are using C. use D. is used 41. A. are also eaten B. have been eaten C. also eat D. will be eaten 42. A. is eaten B. eats C. has eaten D. will eat 43. A. is proving B. has proved C. has been proved D. were proved 44. A. knows B. has known C. is knowing D. is known 45. A. damages B. did C. decayed D. effect Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn câu trả lời tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D cho các câu từ 46 đến câu 55. The Stone Age was a period of history which began in approximately 2 million B.C and lasted until 3000 B.C. Its name was derived from the stone tools and weapons that modern scientists found. This period was divided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Ages. During first period (2 million to 8000 B.C), the first hatchet and use of fire for heating and cooking were developed. As a result of the Ice Age, which evolved about 1 million years into the Paleolithic Age, people were forced to seek in caves, wear clothing, and develop new tools. During the Mesolithic Age (8000 to 6000 B.C.), people made crude pottery and the first fish hooks, took dogs hunting, and developed the bow and arrow, which were used until the fourteenth century A.D. The Neolithic Age (6000 to 3000 B.C) saw humankind domesticating sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle, being less nomadic than in previous eras, establishing permanent settlements, and creating governments. 46. Into how many periods was the Stone Age divided ? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 47. The word “derived” is closest in meaning to A. originated B. destroyed C. halluotrated D. discussed 48. Which of the following was developed earliest? A. Fish hook B. Hatchet C. Bow and arrow D. Pottery 49. Which of the following developments is NOT related to the conditions of the Ice Age? A. Farming B. Clothing C. Living indoors D. Using fire 50. The word “crude” is closest in meaning to__________. A. extravagant B. complex C. vulgar D. primitive 51. The author states that the Stone Age was so named because__________. A. it was very durable like stone B. the tools and weapons were made of stone C. there was little vegetation D. the people lived in stone caves 52. The word “nomadic” is closest in meaning to__________. A. sedentary B. wandering C. primitive D. inquisitive 53. With what subject is the passage mainly concerned? A. The Neolithic Age B. The Paleotithic Age C. The Stone Age D. The Ice Age 54. Which of the following best describes the Mesolithic Age? A. People were inventive B. People stayed indoors all the time. C. People were warriors. D. People were crude. 55. The word “eras” is closest in meaning to__________. A. families B. periods C. herds D. tools Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn câu trả lời tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D cho các câu từ 56 đến câu 65 The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. People of different cultures are more prone to contact certain illnesses because of the characteristic foods they consume. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realised that nitrates and nitrites (commonly used to preserve color in meats) as well as other food additives caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which ingredients on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives that we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to cattle and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are administered to animals not for medicinal purpose, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue. A healthy diet is directly related to good health. Often we are unaware of detrimental substances we ingest. Sometimes well- meaning farmers or others who do not realise the consequences add these substances to food without our knowledge. 56. How has science done a disservice to people? A. Because of science, disease caused by contaminated food has been virtually eradicated B. It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food C. As a result of scientific intervention, some potentially harmful substances have been added to food D. The scientists have preserved the color of meats, but not of vegetables 57. The word “fit” is closest in meaning to__________. A. Athletic B. Suitable C. Tasty D. Adaptable 58. The word “prone” is nearest in meaning to__________. A. Supine B. Unlikely C. Healthy D. Predisposed 59. What are nitrates used for? A. They preserve flavor in packaged foods B. They preserve the color of meats C. They are the objects of research D. They cause the animals to become fatter 60. FDA means__________. A. Food Direct Additives B. Final Difficult Analysis C. Food and Drug Administration D. Federal Dairy Additives 61. The word “these” refers to__________. A. Meats B. Colors C. Researchers D. Nitrates and nitrites 62. The word “carcinogenic” is closest in meaning to__________. A. Trouble-making B. Color-retaining C. Money-making D. Cancer-causing 63. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT__________. A. Drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons B. Some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are given to the living animals C. Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for more than forty-five years D. Food may cause forty percent of the cancer in the world 64. The word “additives” is closest in meaning to___________. A. Added substances B. dangers substances C. Natural substances D. Beginning substances 65. What is the best title for the passage? A. Harmful and Harmless Substances in Food B. The Food You Eat Can Effect Your Health C. Improving Health Through a Natural Diet D. Avoiding Injurious Substances in Food Chọn mệnh đề tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu từ 66 đến 70 66. Be careful __________. A. and you might fall B. or you will fall C. if you might fall D. unless you might fall 67. The station clock __________. A. showed half-past ten B. is half-past ten C. said half-past ten D. was half-past ten 68. Henry found a wallet __________. A. with no name in B. with no name in it C. without no name in it D. without no name in 69. Ronald denied __________. A. not stealing Mrs. Clark’s handbag B. to steal Mrs. Clark’s handbag C. stealing Mrs. Clark’s handbag D. not to steal Mrs. Clark’s handbag 70. The judge had never seen __________. A. a more pretty flower display B. a prettier flower display C. a prettiest flower display D. the prettiest flower display Chọn phần gạch chân cần phải chữa từ câu 71 đến câu 75. 71. For a long time, this officials have been known throughout the country as political bosses A B C D 72. I thought the second hotel we stayed in was a lot more friendly A B C D 73. My brother is in California on vacation, but I wish he was here so that he could help me repair my car. A B C D 74. It is a common observation that liquids will soak through some materials but not through other. A B C D 75. Unlikely gas sport balloons, hot air balloons do not have nets. A B C D Chọn câu A, B, C hoặc D có nghĩa gần nhất với câu gốc từ câu 76 đến câu 80. 76. I didn’t expect it to be such a boring lecture. A. The lecture was much boring than I had expected. B. I think I shouldn’t attend the lecture. C. It was a more boring lecture than I expected. D. I found it boring to attend the lecture. 77. I don’t think he has escaped through such a small hole. A. He can’t have escaped through such a small hole. B. He shouldn’t have escaped through such a small hole. C. He might not have escaped through such a small hole. D. He must not have escaped through such a small hole. 78. I think you ought to have your coat dry-cleaned. A. I think your coat need dry-cleaning. B. It was necessary for your coat to dry-clean. C. I think you should have your coat dry-cleaning. D. I think your coat needs dry-cleaning. 79. It was because he was driving so fast that he skidded off the road A. If he hadn’t been driving so fast, he wouldn’t have skidded off the road. B. If he hadn’t driven so fast, he wouldn’t have skidded off the road. C. If he were fast, he wouldn’t skid off the road. D. If he weren’t driving so fast, he wouldn’t have skidded off the road. 80. I hardly had time to step inside the office before the phone started ringing. A. I had hardly stepped inside the office than the phone started ringing. B. Hardly had the phone started ringing when I stepped inside the office. C. No sooner had I stepped inside the office than the phone started ringing. D. As soon as the phone started ringing, I stepped inside the office. ________ The end ________ TRƯỜNG THPT MINH KHAI ĐÁP ÁN THI THỬ ĐH - CĐ LẦN 2 (2008 - 2009) Môn: Tiếng Anh Hướng dẫn chấm: Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,125 đ (80 câu x 0,125 = 10 điểm) C©u 01 B C©u 21 B C©u 41 C C©u 61 D C©u 02 A C©u 22 C C©u 42 A C©u 62 D C©u 03 C C©u 23 B C©u 43 C C©u 63 A C©u 04 B C©u 24 B C©u 44 D C©u 64 A C©u 05 A C©u 25 A C©u 45 A C©u 65 B C©u 06 A C©u 26 D C©u 46 B C©u 66 B C©u 07 D C©u 27 A C©u 47 A C©u 67 A C©u 08 C C©u 28 B C©u 48 B C©u 68 B C©u 09 D C©u 29 C C©u 49 A C©u 69 C C©u 10 C C©u 30 B C©u 50 D C©u 70 B C©u 11 B C©u 31 D C©u 51 B C©u 71 B C©u 12 D C©u 32 C C©u 52 B C©u 72 D C©u 13 B C©u 33 B C©u 53 C C©u 73 B C©u 14 B C©u 34 A C©u 54 A C©u 74 D C©u 15 A C©u 35 B C©u 55 B C©u 75 A C©u 16 B C©u 36 C C©u 56 C C©u 76 C C©u 17 D C©u 37 B C©u 57 B C©u 77 A C©u 18 B C©u 38 A C©u 58 D C©u 78 D C©u 19 A C©u 39 B C©u 59 B C©u 79 A C©u 20 D C©u 40 D C©u 60 C C©u 80 C Mã đề 189 TRƯỜNG THPT MINH KHAI ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐH - CĐ LẦN 2 (2008 - 2009) Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian: 90 phút (Đề này gồm có 04 trang) Chọn phần gạch chân cần phải chữa từ câu 01 đến câu 05. 01. For a long time, this officials have been known throughout the country as political bosses A B C D 02. I thought the second hotel we stayed in was a lot more friendly A B C D 03. My brother is in California on vacation, but I wish he was here so that he could help me repair my car. A B C D 04. It is a common observation that liquids will soak through some materials but not through other. A B C D 05. Unlikely gas sport balloons, hot air balloons do not have nets. A B C D Đọc đoạn văn sau, chọn câu trả lời tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D để điền vào các khoảng trống câu từ 6 đến câu 15. The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This causes many problems, including serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the greater risk of accidents. Clearly, something must be done, but it is often difficult to (6)__________ people to change their habits and leave their cars at home. One possible (7)__________is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by (8)___________charges for parking and bringing in tougher fines for anyone who (9)__________the law. In addition, drivers could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of the day. This system, (10)___________as “road pricing”, is already being introduced in a number of cities, using a special electronic card (11)___________ to the windscreen of the car. Another way of dealing with the problem is to provide cheap parking on the (12)__________ of the city, and strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the centre. Drivers and their passengers then use a special bus service for the (13)___________stage of their journey. Of course, the most important thing is to provide good public transport. However, to get people to (14)___________ the comfort of their cars, public transport must be felt to be reliable, convenient and comfortable, with fares (15)___________at an acceptable level. 6 A. make B. arrange C. suggest D. persuade 7 A. approach B. manner C. custom D. style 8 A. enlarging B. increasing C. growing D. developing 9 A. crosses B. refuses C. breaks D. cracks 10 A. named B. seen C. called D. known 11 A. fixed B. joined C. built D. placed 12 A. outskirts B. border C. outside D. limit 13 A. late B. end C. complete D. final 14 A. pass on B. throw away C. give up D. leave out 15 A. taken B. kept C. given D. stood Đọc đoạn văn sau, chọn câu trả lời tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D để điền vào các khoảng trống câu từ 16 đến câu 25. Packet sugar from the supermarket is extracted from (16) __________ sugar cane or sugar beet. These (17) __________ are mixed with hot water, which dissolves their natural sugar. Sugar is also found in fruit some of which, such as dates and grapes, (18) __________ very high amounts of sugar. To be a little more (19) __________, sugar should be called sucrose. Sucrose is made up of two substances, gluco, which (20) __________ for instant energy, and fructose, which lasts longer as a source of energy. The sugar in fruit is mainly fructose. So when we eat fruit, we (21) __________ quite large amounts of natural sugar. Some scientists believe that too much sugar (22) __________ in sweets, cakes, and biscuits. It is said to be generally bad for the health, although nothing (23) __________ so far. However, it (24) __________ that sugar causes tooth decay. As one expert said that “If other foods damaged our body as much as sugar (25) __________ our teeth, they would be banned immediately.” 16. A. both B. some C. either D. mainly 17. A. productions B. products C. producers D. producing 18. A. contain B. are containing C. are contained D. contains 19. A. scientists B. scientific C. science D. non-science 20. A. used B. are using C. use D. is used 21. A. are also eaten B. have been eaten C. also eat D. will be eaten 22. A. is eaten B. eats C. has eaten D. will eat 23. A. is proving B. has proved C. has been proved D. were proved Mã đề 289 24. A. knows B. has known C. is knowing D. is known 25. A. damages B. did C. decayed D. effect Chọn câu trả lời tương ứng với A, B, C hay D để hoàn thành các câu từ 26 đến 45. 26. The phone __________since Jack announced his candidacy for president this morning. A. has been ringing B. had been ringing C. had rung D. rang 27. When the pilot fainted, the plane___________for nearly four hours. A. was flying B. had flown C. would be flying D. had been flying 28. It is essential that he __________ an extra job to increase his income. A. does B. will do C. do D. must do 29. Anyone is entitled to such benefit, __________ of age or sex A. whether B. in spite C. in case D. regardless 30.He refused to give up work___________he’d won a million pounds. A. despite B. however C. even though D. as though 31. They thought the man was drunk because he behaved __________. A. affluently B. abnormally C. phenomenally D. All are correct 32. __________ these rhinos are carefully protected, they will soon go the way of other extinct species. A. if B.Therefore C. As long as D. unless 33. The plural form of “ a toothbrush” is__________ A. teeth-brushes B. toothbrushes C. teethbrush D. toothbrushs 34.They were____________for smuggling jewellery into the country. A. judged B. arrested C. accused D. warned 35. At the end of the winter, the price of winter clothes in the shops usually___________. A. drops B. lowers C. sinks D. reduces 36. The plane crashed into a bridge because it was flying too ___________. A. deeply B. low C. slowly D. dangerous 37. If you keep trying you might __________to do it. A. succeed B. discover C. understand D. manage 38. She has to work hard to keep the house __________ and tidy with three small children. A. smooth B. neat C. order D. plain 39. The train takes just as __________ as the bus. A. long B. longly C. slow D. lately 40. They searched for the number in the telephone __________ . A. catalogue B. index C. register D. directory 41. She had never been in good health, but she __________ her husband by twenty years. A. overlived B. outlived C. lived longer D. underlived 42. He is not very __________ of his son’s passion for loud music. A. tolerated B. tolerable C. tolerant D. tolerantly 43. My boss seems to be __________with my work. A. unsatisfied B. dissatisfied C. imsatisfied D. insatisfied 44. __________ have been established to protect the remaining tigers. A. Reservation B. Preserves C. Preservatives D. Preservations 45. Some people seem to be __________ of the harmful effects of burning plastics. A. unaware B. unconcerned C. uninterested D. unconscious Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn câu trả lời tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D cho các câu từ 46 đến câu 55. The Stone Age was a period of history which began in approximately 2 million B.C and lasted until 3000 B.C. Its name was derived from the stone tools and weapons that modern scientists found. This period was divided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Ages. During first period (2 million to 8000 B.C), the first hatchet and use of fire for heating and cooking were developed. As a result of the Ice Age, which evolved about 1 million years into the Paleolithic Age, people were forced to seek in caves, wear clothing, and develop new tools. During the Mesolithic Age (8000 to 6000 B.C.), people made crude pottery and the first fish hooks, took dogs hunting, and developed the bow and arrow, which were used until the fourteenth century A.D. The Neolithic Age (6000 to 3000 B.C) saw humankind domesticating sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle, being less nomadic than in previous eras, establishing permanent settlements, and creating governments. 46. Into how many periods was the Stone Age divided? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 47. The word “derived” is closest in meaning to A. originated B. destroyed C. halluotrated D. discussed 48. Which of the following was developed earliest? A. Fish hook B. Hatchet C. Bow and arrow D. Pottery 49. Which of the following developments is NOT related to the conditions of the Ice Age ? A. Farming B. Clothing C. Living indoors D. Using fire 50. The word “crude” is closest in meaning to__________. A. extravagant B. complex C. vulgar D. primitive 51. The author states that the Stone Age was so named because__________. A. it was very durable like stone B. the tools and weapons were made of stone C. there was little vegetation D. the people lived in stone caves 52. The word “nomadic” is closest in meaning to__________. A. sedentary B. wandering C. primitive D. inquisitive 53. With what subject is the passage mainly concerned? A. The Neolithic Age B. The Paleotithic Age C. The Stone Age D. The Ice Age 54. Which of the following best describes the Mesolithic Age? A. People were inventive B. People stayed indoors all the time. C. People were warriors. D. People were crude. 55. The word “eras” is closest in meaning to__________. A. families B. periods C. herds D. tools Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn câu trả lời tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D cho các câu từ 56 đến câu 65 The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. People of different cultures are more prone to contact certain illnesses because of the characteristic foods they consume. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realised that nitrates and nitrites (commonly used to preserve color in meats) as well as other food additives caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which ingredients on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives that we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to cattle and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are administered to animals not for medicinal purpose, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue. A healthy diet is directly related to good health. Often we are unaware of detrimental substances we ingest. Sometimes well- meaning farmers or others who do not realise the consequences add these substances to food without our knowledge. 56. How has science done a disservice to people? A. Because of science, disease caused by contaminated food has been virtually eradicated B. It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food C. As a result of scientific intervention, some potentially harmful substances have been added to food D. The scientists have preserved the color of meats, but not of vegetables 57. The word “fit” is closest in meaning to__________. A. Athletic B. Suitable C. Tasty D. Adaptable 58. The word “prone” is nearest in meaning to__________. A. Supine B. Unlikely C. Healthy D. Predisposed 59. What are nitrates used for? A. They preserve flavor in packaged foods B. They preserve the color of meats C. They are the objects of research D. They cause the animals to become fatter 60. FDA means__________. A. Food Direct Additives B. Final Difficult Analysis C. Food and Drug Administration D. Federal Dairy Additives 61. The word “these” refers to__________. A. Meats B. Colors C. Researchers D. Nitrates and nitrites 62. The word “carcinogenic” is closest in meaning to__________. A. Trouble-making B. Color-retaining C. Money-making D. Cancer-causing 63. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT__________. A. Drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons B. Some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are given to the living animals C. Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for more than forty-five years D. Food may cause forty percent of the cancer in the world 64. The word “additives” is closest in meaning to___________. A. Added substances B. dangers substances C. Natural substances D. Beginning substances 65. What is the best title for the passage? A. Harmful and Harmless Substances in Food B. The Food You Eat Can Effect Your Health C. Improving Health Through a Natural Diet D. Avoiding Injurious Substances in Food Chọn mệnh đề tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu từ 66 đến 70 66. Be careful __________. A. and you might fall B. or you will fall C. if you might fall D. unless you might fall 67. The station clock __________. A. showed half-past ten B. is half-past ten C. said half-past ten D. was half-past ten 68. Henry found a wallet __________. A. with no name in B. with no name in it C. without no name in it D. without no name in 69. Ronald denied __________. A. not stealing Mrs. Clark’s handbag B. to steal Mrs. Clark’s handbag C. stealing Mrs. Clark’s handbag D. not to steal Mrs. Clark’s handbag 70. The judge had never seen __________. A. a more pretty flower display B. a prettier flower display C. a prettiest flower display D. the prettiest flower display Chọn A hoặc B, C, D ứng với từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại: 71: A. laid B. said C. paid D. main 72. A. suggestion B. communication C. pronunciation D. nation Chọn A hoặc B, C, D ứng với từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại trong mỗi câu sau: 73: A. opportunity B. contribution C. appropriate D. anniversary 74: A. lesson B. delay C. wonder D. pencil 75: A. apologize B. comprehension C. application D. resolution Chọn câu A, B, C hoặc D có nghĩa gần nhất với câu gốc từ câu 76 đến câu 80. 76. I didn’t expect it to be such a boring lecture. A. The lecture was much boring than I had expected. B. I think I shouldn’t attend the lecture. C. It was a more boring lecture than I expected. D. I found it boring to attend the lecture. 77. I don’t think he has escaped through such a small hole. A. He can’t have escaped through such a small hole. B. He shouldn’t have escaped through such a small hole. C. He might not have escaped through such a small hole. D. He must not have escaped through such a small hole. 78. I think you ought to have your coat dry-cleaned. A. I think your coat need dry-cleaning. B. It was necessary for your coat to dry-clean. C. I think you should have your coat dry-cleaning. D. I think your coat needs dry-cleaning. 79. It was because he was driving so fast that he skidded off the road A. If he hadn’t been driving so fast, he wouldn’t have skidded off the road. B. If he hadn’t driven so fast, he wouldn’t have skidded off the road. C. If he were fast, he wouldn’t skid off the road. D. If he weren’t driving so fast, he wouldn’t have skidded off the road. 80. I hardly had time to step inside the office before the phone started ringing. A. I had hardly stepped inside the office than the phone started ringing. B. Hardly had the phone started ringing when I stepped inside the office. C. No sooner had I stepped inside the office than the phone started ringing. D. As soon as the phone started ringing, I stepped inside the office. ________ The end ________ TRƯỜNG THPT MINH KHAI ĐÁP ÁN THI THỬ ĐH - CĐ LẦN 2 (2008 - 2009) Hướng dẫn chấm: Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,125 đ (80 câu x 0,125 = 10 điểm) C©u 01 B C©u 21 C C©u 41 B C©u 61 D C©u 02 D C©u 22 A C©u 42 C C©u 62 D C©u 03 B C©u 23 C C©u 43 B C©u 63 A C©u 04 D C©u 24 D C©u 44 B C©u 64 A C©u 05 A C©u 25 A C©u 45 A C©u 65 B C©u 06 D C©u 26 A C©u 46 B C©u 66 B C©u 07 A C©u 27 D C©u 47 A C©u 67 A C©u 08 B C©u 28 C C©u 48 B C©u 68 B C©u 09 C C©u 29 D C©u 49 A C©u 69 C C©u 10 B C©u 30 C C©u 50 D C©u 70 B C©u 11 D C©u 31 B C©u 51 B C©u 71 B C©u 12 C C©u 32 D C©u 52 B C©u 72 A C©u 13 B C©u 33 B C©u 53 C C©u 73 C C©u 14 A C©u 34 B C©u 54 A C©u 74 B C©u 15 B C©u 35 A C©u 55 B C©u 75 A C©u 16 C C©u 36 B C©u 56 C C©u 76 C C©u 17 B C©u 37 D C©u 57 B C©u 77 A C©u 18 A C©u 38 B C©u 58 D C©u 78 D C©u 19 B C©u 39 A C©u 59 B C©u 79 A C©u 20 D C©u 40 D C©u 60 C C©u 80 C Mã đề 289 . C©u 20 D C©u 40 D C©u 60 C C©u 80 C Mã đề 189 TRƯỜNG THPT MINH KHAI ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐH - CĐ LẦN 2 (20 08 - 20 09) Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời. ÁN THI THỬ ĐH - CĐ LẦN 2 (20 08 - 20 09) Môn: Tiếng Anh Hướng dẫn chấm: Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0, 125 đ (80 câu x 0, 125 = 10 điểm) C©u 01 B C©u 21 B C©u 41 C C©u 61 D C©u 02 A. TRƯỜNG THPT MINH KHAI ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐH - CĐ LẦN 2 (20 11 - 20 10) Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian: 90 phút (Đề này gồm có 04 trang) Chọn A hoặc B, C, D ứng với từ

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 10:23

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