Business Process Modeling Introduction to ARIS Methodolgy Page 2 Agenda z What’s in modeling ? z Situation today z Objectives of Process Management z ARIS Framework and methods z ARIS suite of products z Live demo Page 3 Example of models Page 4 Why do we need models? z Visualization Visualize final situation Show relationships between “objects” z Complexity management Focus on one aspect at a time Reuse patterns/objects z Communication Standard symbols Go in details Page 5 What’s in business process modeling? z Business models are excellent communication devices z Business professionals can model alternatives before committing z Business models are key element for designing physical IT architectures z Closing the communication gap between IT and business Page 6 Business Process model address important issues z Models Process Interrelationships z Simulates Alternative Realities z Provides Resource Requirements z Externalizes Rules and Flow from IT z Defines Roles z Defines Priorities z Intelligently Routes Work z Balances Queues z Provides Workflow Statistics z How Does It All Fit Together? z Will It Work? z What Do We Need? z How Do We Do It? z Who Can Do It? z How Important Is It? z Where Does It Go? z Who’s Overloaded? z How Did We Do? Page 7 Situation today z Economical situation: back to the basics Globalisation Cost reduction Merge/Acquisition Performance z IT situation Decentralized/centralized Web services/BPML Integration Multiple platform Page 8 Business Process complexity is increasing Page 9 How well do we know our processes? Questions : Questions : What ? What ? Ë Ë Content Content How ? How ? Ë Ë Technology Technology Ë Ë Organisation Organisation Information / Knowledge Services Products Money Transactions Information / Knowledge Services Products Money Transactions Information / Knowledge Money Transactions Partner Suppliers Enterprise Customers Services Products Page 10 Objectives of Business Process Management Quality z Aligning added-value with the client's interests z Lowering the incidence of mistakes Time z Reduction of waiting times z Reduce delivery time z Time to market Costs z Avoidance of nonproductive activities z Optimize resources usage . Business Process Modeling Introduction to ARIS Methodolgy Page 2 Agenda z What’s in modeling ? z Situation today z Objectives of Process Management z ARIS Framework and methods z ARIS suite. details Page 5 What’s in business process modeling? z Business models are excellent communication devices z Business professionals can model alternatives before committing z Business models are key. architectures z Closing the communication gap between IT and business Page 6 Business Process model address important issues z Models Process Interrelationships z Simulates Alternative Realities z